1 This directory contains files imported from the W3C.
5 Tests are now imported into LayoutTests/imported (see README there).
7 The tests in LayoutTests/http/tests/w3c/webperf were imported from
8 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/webperf/ but have been migrated into the
9 https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests repo:
11 * HighResolutionTime -> hr-time/
12 * navigation-timing -> navigation-timing/
13 * resource-timing -> resource-timing/
14 * UserTiming -> user-timing/
16 This directory now contains:
18 * Submissions that were not "approved" - these should be reviewed
19 for redundancy with approved tests in web-platform-tests
21 * Tests that require a http/s server. Tracked as:
22 http://crbug.com/360762
24 Please do not add additional tests to this directory, and strive
25 to remove them. Removing this directory is tracked as:
26 http://crbug.com/498037
28 == Previous Documentation ==
30 With only one exception (below), these files should not be modified directly. Instead, please
31 source the files from the following locations:
33 resources/testharness.js - and...
34 resources/testharness.css - Fetch from http://w3c-test.org/resources/
36 resources/testharnessreport.js - Modify directly. It's the vendor specific portion.
38 webperf/ - Use Tools/Scripts/import-w3c-performance-wg-tests