1 layer at (0,0) size 480x360
2 LayoutView at (0,0) size 480x360
3 layer at (0,0) size 480x360
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8 LayoutSVGGradientStop {stop} [offset=1.00] [color=#0000FF]
9 LayoutSVGResourceLinearGradient {linearGradient} [id="linearBoundingBoxFraction"] [gradientUnits=objectBoundingBox] [start=(0,0)] [end=(1,0)]
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11 LayoutSVGGradientStop {stop} [offset=1.00] [color=#0000FF]
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14 LayoutSVGGradientStop {stop} [offset=1.00] [color=#0000FF]
15 LayoutSVGText {text} at (30,16) size 386x18 contains 1 chunk(s)
16 LayoutSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 386x18
17 chunk 1 text run 1 at (30.00,30.00) startOffset 0 endOffset 59 width 385.63: "Bounding box relative coordinates (percentage and fraction)"
18 LayoutSVGContainer {g} at (30,40) size 133x60 [transform={m=((1.00,0.00)(0.00,1.00)) t=(30.00,40.00)}]
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20 LayoutSVGRect {rect} at (30,60) size 50x20 [transform={m=((1.00,0.00)(0.00,1.00)) t=(0.00,20.00)}] [fill={[type=LINEAR-GRADIENT] [id="linearBoundingBoxFraction"]}] [x=0.00] [y=0.00] [width=50.00] [height=20.00]
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25 LayoutSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 71x18
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27 LayoutSVGText {text} at (60,21) size 54x18 contains 1 chunk(s)
28 LayoutSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 54x18
29 chunk 1 text run 1 at (60.00,35.00) startOffset 0 endOffset 8 width 53.32: "Fraction"
30 LayoutSVGText {text} at (60,41) size 73x18 contains 1 chunk(s)
31 LayoutSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 73x18
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34 LayoutSVGGradientStop {stop} [offset=0.00] [color=#FF0000]
35 LayoutSVGGradientStop {stop} [offset=1.00] [color=#0000FF]
36 LayoutSVGResourceRadialGradient {radialGradient} [id="radialBoundingBoxFraction"] [gradientUnits=objectBoundingBox] [center=(0.25,0.25)] [focal=(0.25,0.25)] [radius=0.25] [focalRadius=0.00]
37 LayoutSVGGradientStop {stop} [offset=0.00] [color=#FF0000]
38 LayoutSVGGradientStop {stop} [offset=1.00] [color=#0000FF]
39 LayoutSVGResourceRadialGradient {radialGradient} [id="radialUserSpace"] [gradientUnits=userSpaceOnUse] [center=(15,15)] [focal=(15,15)] [radius=15.00] [focalRadius=0.00]
40 LayoutSVGGradientStop {stop} [offset=0.00] [color=#FF0000]
41 LayoutSVGGradientStop {stop} [offset=1.00] [color=#0000FF]
42 LayoutSVGText {text} at (30,116) size 352x18 contains 1 chunk(s)
43 LayoutSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 352x18
44 chunk 1 text run 1 at (30.00,130.00) startOffset 0 endOffset 54 width 351.87: "Bounding box relative length (percentage and fraction)"
45 LayoutSVGContainer {g} at (30,140) size 195x74 [transform={m=((1.00,0.00)(0.00,1.00)) t=(30.00,140.00)}]
46 LayoutSVGRect {rect} at (30,140) size 60x60 [fill={[type=RADIAL-GRADIENT] [id="radialBoundingBoxPercentage"]}] [x=0.00] [y=0.00] [width=60.00] [height=60.00]
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48 LayoutSVGRect {rect} at (152,140) size 60x60 [transform={m=((1.00,0.00)(0.00,1.00)) t=(122.00,0.00)}] [fill={[type=RADIAL-GRADIENT] [id="radialUserSpace"]}] [x=0.00] [y=0.00] [width=60.00] [height=60.00]
49 LayoutSVGText {text} at (0,56) size 52x18 contains 1 chunk(s)
50 LayoutSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 52x18
51 chunk 1 text run 1 at (0.00,70.00) startOffset 0 endOffset 8 width 51.98: "Percent."
52 LayoutSVGText {text} at (61,56) size 54x18 contains 1 chunk(s)
53 LayoutSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 54x18
54 chunk 1 text run 1 at (61.00,70.00) startOffset 0 endOffset 8 width 53.32: "Fraction"
55 LayoutSVGText {text} at (122,56) size 73x18 contains 1 chunk(s)
56 LayoutSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 73x18
57 chunk 1 text run 1 at (122.00,70.00) startOffset 0 endOffset 10 width 72.41: "User Space"
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59 LayoutSVGEllipse {circle} at (0,0) size 1x1 [fill={[type=SOLID] [color=#FF0000]}] [cx=0.50] [cy=0.50] [r=0.25]
60 LayoutSVGRect {rect} at (0,0) size 1x1 [fill={[type=SOLID] [color=#0000FF]}] [x=0.40] [y=0.40] [width=0.20] [height=0.20]
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62 LayoutSVGEllipse {circle} at (0,0) size 1x1 [fill={[type=SOLID] [color=#FF0000]}] [cx=0.50] [cy=0.50] [r=0.25]
63 LayoutSVGRect {rect} at (0,0) size 1x1 [fill={[type=SOLID] [color=#0000FF]}] [x=0.40] [y=0.40] [width=0.20] [height=0.20]
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65 LayoutSVGEllipse {circle} at (15,5) size 20x20 [fill={[type=SOLID] [color=#FF0000]}] [cx=25.00] [cy=15.00] [r=10.00]
66 LayoutSVGRect {rect} at (20,12) size 10x6 [fill={[type=SOLID] [color=#0000FF]}] [x=20.00] [y=12.00] [width=10.00] [height=6.00]
67 LayoutSVGText {text} at (30,226) size 393x18 contains 1 chunk(s)
68 LayoutSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 393x18
69 chunk 1 text run 1 at (30.00,240.00) startOffset 0 endOffset 60 width 392.76: "Bounding box relative width/height (percentage and fraction)"
70 LayoutSVGContainer {g} at (29,249) size 434x32 [transform={m=((1.00,0.00)(0.00,1.00)) t=(30.00,250.00)}]
71 LayoutSVGRect {rect} at (29,249) size 52x32 [stroke={[type=SOLID] [color=#000000]}] [fill={[type=PATTERN] [id="patternBoundingBoxPercentage"]}] [x=0.00] [y=0.00] [width=50.00] [height=30.00]
72 LayoutSVGRect {rect} at (179,249) size 52x32 [transform={m=((1.00,0.00)(0.00,1.00)) t=(150.00,0.00)}] [stroke={[type=SOLID] [color=#000000]}] [fill={[type=PATTERN] [id="patternBoundingBoxFraction"]}] [x=0.00] [y=0.00] [width=50.00] [height=30.00]
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74 LayoutSVGText {text} at (60,6) size 71x18 contains 1 chunk(s)
75 LayoutSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 71x18
76 chunk 1 text run 1 at (60.00,20.00) startOffset 0 endOffset 10 width 70.18: "Percentage"
77 LayoutSVGText {text} at (210,6) size 54x18 contains 1 chunk(s)
78 LayoutSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 54x18
79 chunk 1 text run 1 at (210.00,20.00) startOffset 0 endOffset 8 width 53.32: "Fraction"
80 LayoutSVGText {text} at (360,6) size 73x18 contains 1 chunk(s)
81 LayoutSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 73x18
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84 LayoutSVGText {text} at (10,304) size 264x46 contains 1 chunk(s)
85 LayoutSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 264x46
86 chunk 1 text run 1 at (10.00,340.00) startOffset 0 endOffset 16 width 263.34: "$Revision: 1.5 $"
87 LayoutSVGRect {rect} at (0,0) size 480x360 [stroke={[type=SOLID] [color=#000000]}] [x=1.00] [y=1.00] [width=478.00] [height=358.00]