1 Checks that hit testing is correct when two layers with negative z-offset overlap
3 Element at 10, 100 has id "container-nopreserve": PASS
4 Element at 20, 100 has id "target2": PASS
5 Element at 80, 100 has id "target1": PASS
6 Element at 100, 100 has id "target1": PASS
7 Element at 120, 100 has id "target1": PASS
8 Element at 180, 100 has id "target1": PASS
9 Element at 190, 100 has id "container-nopreserve": PASS
10 Element at 10, 250 has id "container-preserve": PASS
11 Element at 20, 250 has id "target4": PASS
12 Element at 80, 250 has id "target4": PASS
13 Element at 100, 250 has id "target4": PASS
14 Element at 120, 250 has id "target3": PASS
15 Element at 180, 250 has id "target3": PASS
16 Element at 190, 250 has id "container-preserve": PASS