1 Tests KeyboardEvent.key attribute
3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
7 FAIL lastKeyboardUpEvent.key should be Control. Was .
8 FAIL lastKeyboardDownEvent.key should be Control. Was .
9 FAIL lastKeyboardDownEvent.key should be Shift. Was .
10 FAIL lastKeyboardDownEvent.key should be Shift. Was .
11 FAIL lastKeyboardDownEvent.key should be Alt. Was .
12 FAIL lastKeyboardDownEvent.key should be AltGraph. Was .
13 FAIL lastKeyboardDownEvent.key should be NumLock. Was .
14 FAIL lastKeyboardUpEvent.key should be NumLock. Was .
16 FAIL lastKeyboardDownEvent.key should be Enter. Was .
17 FAIL lastKeyboardDownEvent.key should be Tab. Was .
18 FAIL lastKeyboardUpEvent.key should be Tab. Was .
20 FAIL lastKeyboardDownEvent.key should be ArrowRight. Was .
21 FAIL lastKeyboardUpEvent.key should be ArrowRight. Was .
22 FAIL lastKeyboardDownEvent.key should be ArrowDown. Was .
23 FAIL lastKeyboardDownEvent.key should be ArrowLeft. Was .
24 FAIL lastKeyboardDownEvent.key should be ArrowUp. Was .
25 FAIL lastKeyboardUpEvent.key should be ArrowUp. Was .
26 FAIL lastKeyboardDownEvent.key should be Home. Was .
27 FAIL lastKeyboardDownEvent.key should be End. Was .
28 FAIL lastKeyboardDownEvent.key should be PageUp. Was .
29 FAIL lastKeyboardDownEvent.key should be PageDown. Was .
30 FAIL lastKeyboardUpEvent.key should be PageDown. Was .
32 PASS lastKeyboardDownEvent.code is 'Backspace'
33 FAIL lastKeyboardDownEvent.key should be Insert. Was .
34 FAIL lastKeyboardUpEvent.key should be Insert. Was .
35 FAIL lastKeyboardDownEvent.key should be Delete. Was .
37 FAIL lastKeyboardDownEvent.key should be PrintScreen. Was .
38 FAIL lastKeyboardUpEvent.key should be PrintScreen. Was .
39 General Purpose Function Section
40 FAIL lastKeyboardDownEvent.key should be F1. Was .
41 FAIL lastKeyboardDownEvent.key should be F6. Was .
42 FAIL lastKeyboardDownEvent.key should be F12. Was .
44 FAIL lastKeyboardDownEvent.key should be Escape. Was .
45 FAIL lastKeyboardUpEvent.key should be Escape. Was .
46 FAIL lastKeyboardDownEvent.key should be MediaApps. Was .
47 PASS successfullyParsed is true