Merge Chromium + Blink git repositories
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / third_party / WebKit / Source / devtools / front_end / main / module.json
2     "extensions": [
3         {
4             "type": "@WebInspector.AppProvider",
5             "condition": "can_dock",
6             "className": "WebInspector.AdvancedAppProvider",
7             "order": 0
8         },
9         {
10             "type": "@WebInspector.AppProvider",
11             "className": "WebInspector.SimpleAppProvider",
12             "order": 10
13         },
14         {
15             "type": "@WebInspector.ContextMenu.Provider",
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17             "className": "WebInspector.HandlerRegistry.ContextMenuProvider"
18         },
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24                 {
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27                 },
28                 {
29                     "platform": "mac",
30                     "shortcut": "Meta+R"
31                 }
32             ]
33         },
34         {
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39                 {
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42                 },
43                 {
44                     "platform": "mac",
45                     "shortcut": "Shift+Meta+R"
46                 }
47             ]
48         },
49         {
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54                 {
55                     "shortcut": "Esc"
56                 }
57             ]
58         },
59         {
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64                 {
65                     "shortcut": "Alt+R"
66                 }
67             ]
68         },
69         {
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74                 {
75                     "platform": "windows,linux",
76                     "shortcut": "Ctrl+Shift+C"
77                 },
78                 {
79                     "platform": "mac",
80                     "shortcut": "Meta+Shift+C"
81                 }
82             ]
83         },
84         {
85             "type": "@WebInspector.ActionDelegate",
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89                 {
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92                 },
93                 {
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95                     "shortcut": "Meta+Shift+D"
96                 }
97             ]
98         },
99         {
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104                 {
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107                 },
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111                 }
112             ]
113         },
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122                 },
123                 {
124                     "platform": "mac",
125                     "shortcut": "Meta+Minus Meta+Shift+Minus Meta+NumpadMinus Meta+Shift+NumpadMinus"
126                 }
127             ]
128         },
129         {
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134                 {
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137                 },
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141                 }
142             ]
143         },
144         {
145             "type": "@WebInspector.ActionDelegate",
146             "actionId": "main.inspect-devices",
147             "title": "Inspect devices\u2026",
148             "className": "WebInspector.Main.InspectDevicesActionDelegate",
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150         },
151         {
152             "type": "drawer-view",
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158         },
159         {
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165         },
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171         },
172         {
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177         },
178         {
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183         },
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189         },
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195         },
196         {
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203         },
204         {
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209         },
210         {
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217         },
218         {
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226                 ["horizontal", "bottom"],
227                 ["vertical", "right"],
228                 ["auto", "auto"]
229             ]
230         },
231         {
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235             "title-mac": "Enable Cmd + 1-9 shortcut to switch panels",
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239         },
240         {
241             "type": "setting",
242             "category": "Appearance",
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247         },
248         {
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255         },
256         {
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263         },
264         {
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268         },
269         {
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275         },
276         {
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282         },
283         {
284             "type": "context-menu-item",
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287             "actionId": "main.inspect-devices",
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289         },
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295         },
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301         },
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316         "extensions",
317         "host",
318         "platform",
319         "sdk",
320         "emulation"
321     ],
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323         "HelpScreenUntilReload.js",
324         "AdvancedApp.js",
325         "FrontendWebSocketAPI.js",
326         "RenderingOptions.js",
327         "SimpleApp.js",
328         "TestController.js",
329         "Tests.js",
330         "OverlayController.js",
331         "Main.js"
332     ],
333     "skip_compilation": [
334         "Tests.js"
335     ],
336     "resources": [
337     ]