9 <!-- Image, map, and area are all not content editable. -->
10 <img id=
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"100" height=
"100" src=
"" usemap=
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"imageMapANotEditable" name=
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"areaANotEditable" shape=
"rect" coords=
"0,0,50,50" href=
"#" role=
16 <!--Image is content editable, map and area are not. -->
17 <img id=
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"100" height=
"100" src=
"" usemap=
"#imageMapBNotEditable" contentEditable=
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"imageMapBNotEditable" contentEditable=
19 <area id=
"areaBNotEditable" shape=
"rect" coords=
"0,0,50,50" href=
"#" role=
23 <!-- Map is content editable, image and area are not. -->
24 <img id=
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"100" height=
"100" src=
"" usemap=
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"areaCNotEditable" shape=
"rect" coords=
"0,0,50,50" href=
"#" role=
"img" contentEditable=
30 <!-- Area is content editable, image and map are not. -->
31 <img id=
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"100" height=
"100" src=
"" usemap=
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"#" role=
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