3 Maintainer: Google Inc. and others <google-perftools@googlegroups.com>
4 Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0.0), binutils
5 Standards-Version: 3.6.1
7 Package: libgperftools-dev
10 Depends: libgperftools0 (= ${Source-Version})
11 Description: libraries for CPU and heap analysis, plus an efficient thread-caching malloc
12 The gperftools package contains some utilities to improve and
13 analyze the performance of C++ programs. This includes an optimized
14 thread-caching malloc() and cpu and heap profiling utilities. The
15 devel package contains static and debug libraries and header files
16 for developing applications that use the gperftools package.
18 Package: libgperftools0
21 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
22 Description: libraries for CPU and heap analysis, plus an efficient thread-caching malloc
23 The gperftools package contains some utilities to improve and
24 analyze the performance of C++ programs. This includes an optimized
25 thread-caching malloc() and cpu and heap profiling utilities.