4 The package can be used as a script using "python -mmodulegraph".
6 This script calculates the module graph for the scripts passed
7 on the commandline and by default prints a list of modules
8 in the objectgraph, and their type and location.
10 The script has a number of options to change the output:
12 * ``-d``: Increase the debug level
14 * ``-q``: Clear the debug level (emit minimal output)
16 * ``-m``: The arguments are module names instead of script files
18 * ``-x name``: Add ``name`` to the list of excludes
20 * ``-p path``: Add ``path`` to the module search path
22 * ``-g``: Emit a ``.dot`` file instead of a list of modules
24 * ``-h``: Emit a ``.html`` file instead of a list of modules
29 The package also installs a command-line tool named "modulegraph",
30 this command-line tool is deprecated and will be removed in a