1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "chrome/browser/chrome_content_browser_client.h"
11 #include "base/bind.h"
12 #include "base/command_line.h"
13 #include "base/files/scoped_file.h"
14 #include "base/lazy_instance.h"
15 #include "base/path_service.h"
16 #include "base/prefs/pref_service.h"
17 #include "base/prefs/scoped_user_pref_update.h"
18 #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
19 #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
20 #include "base/threading/sequenced_worker_pool.h"
21 #include "chrome/browser/browser_about_handler.h"
22 #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h"
23 #include "chrome/browser/browser_shutdown.h"
24 #include "chrome/browser/browsing_data/browsing_data_helper.h"
25 #include "chrome/browser/browsing_data/browsing_data_remover.h"
26 #include "chrome/browser/character_encoding.h"
27 #include "chrome/browser/chrome_content_browser_client_parts.h"
28 #include "chrome/browser/chrome_net_benchmarking_message_filter.h"
29 #include "chrome/browser/chrome_quota_permission_context.h"
30 #include "chrome/browser/content_settings/content_settings_utils.h"
31 #include "chrome/browser/content_settings/cookie_settings.h"
32 #include "chrome/browser/content_settings/host_content_settings_map.h"
33 #include "chrome/browser/content_settings/tab_specific_content_settings.h"
34 #include "chrome/browser/defaults.h"
35 #include "chrome/browser/download/download_prefs.h"
36 #include "chrome/browser/font_family_cache.h"
37 #include "chrome/browser/geolocation/chrome_access_token_store.h"
38 #include "chrome/browser/geolocation/geolocation_permission_context.h"
39 #include "chrome/browser/geolocation/geolocation_permission_context_factory.h"
40 #include "chrome/browser/media/cast_transport_host_filter.h"
41 #include "chrome/browser/media/media_capture_devices_dispatcher.h"
42 #include "chrome/browser/media/midi_permission_context.h"
43 #include "chrome/browser/media/midi_permission_context_factory.h"
44 #include "chrome/browser/metrics/chrome_browser_main_extra_parts_metrics.h"
45 #include "chrome/browser/nacl_host/nacl_browser_delegate_impl.h"
46 #include "chrome/browser/net/chrome_net_log.h"
47 #include "chrome/browser/notifications/desktop_notification_service.h"
48 #include "chrome/browser/notifications/desktop_notification_service_factory.h"
49 #include "chrome/browser/platform_util.h"
50 #include "chrome/browser/plugins/plugin_info_message_filter.h"
51 #include "chrome/browser/prerender/prerender_final_status.h"
52 #include "chrome/browser/prerender/prerender_manager.h"
53 #include "chrome/browser/prerender/prerender_manager_factory.h"
54 #include "chrome/browser/prerender/prerender_message_filter.h"
55 #include "chrome/browser/prerender/prerender_tracker.h"
56 #include "chrome/browser/printing/printing_message_filter.h"
57 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/chrome_browser_main_extra_parts_profiles.h"
58 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
59 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_io_data.h"
60 #include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/chrome_render_message_filter.h"
61 #include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/pepper/chrome_browser_pepper_host_factory.h"
62 #include "chrome/browser/search/instant_service.h"
63 #include "chrome/browser/search/instant_service_factory.h"
64 #include "chrome/browser/search/search.h"
65 #include "chrome/browser/search_engines/search_provider_install_state_message_filter.h"
66 #include "chrome/browser/signin/principals_message_filter.h"
67 #include "chrome/browser/speech/chrome_speech_recognition_manager_delegate.h"
68 #include "chrome/browser/speech/tts_controller.h"
69 #include "chrome/browser/speech/tts_message_filter.h"
70 #include "chrome/browser/ssl/ssl_add_certificate.h"
71 #include "chrome/browser/ssl/ssl_blocking_page.h"
72 #include "chrome/browser/ssl/ssl_client_certificate_selector.h"
73 #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_util.h"
74 #include "chrome/browser/ui/blocked_content/blocked_window_params.h"
75 #include "chrome/browser/ui/blocked_content/popup_blocker_tab_helper.h"
76 #include "chrome/browser/ui/chrome_select_file_policy.h"
77 #include "chrome/browser/ui/sync/sync_promo_ui.h"
78 #include "chrome/browser/ui/tab_contents/chrome_web_contents_view_delegate.h"
79 #include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/chrome_web_ui_controller_factory.h"
80 #include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h"
81 #include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h"
82 #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
83 #include "chrome/common/env_vars.h"
84 #include "chrome/common/logging_chrome.h"
85 #include "chrome/common/pepper_permission_util.h"
86 #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
87 #include "chrome/common/render_messages.h"
88 #include "chrome/common/url_constants.h"
89 #include "chrome/grit/generated_resources.h"
90 #include "chrome/installer/util/google_update_settings.h"
91 #include "chromeos/chromeos_constants.h"
92 #include "components/cdm/browser/cdm_message_filter_android.h"
93 #include "components/cloud_devices/common/cloud_devices_switches.h"
94 #include "components/content_settings/core/browser/content_settings_provider.h"
95 #include "components/content_settings/core/common/content_settings.h"
96 #include "components/content_settings/core/common/permission_request_id.h"
97 #include "components/dom_distiller/core/url_constants.h"
98 #include "components/google/core/browser/google_util.h"
99 #include "components/metrics/client_info.h"
100 #include "components/pref_registry/pref_registry_syncable.h"
101 #include "components/signin/core/common/profile_management_switches.h"
102 #include "components/translate/core/common/translate_switches.h"
103 #include "content/public/browser/browser_child_process_host.h"
104 #include "content/public/browser/browser_main_parts.h"
105 #include "content/public/browser/browser_ppapi_host.h"
106 #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
107 #include "content/public/browser/browser_url_handler.h"
108 #include "content/public/browser/child_process_data.h"
109 #include "content/public/browser/child_process_security_policy.h"
110 #include "content/public/browser/desktop_notification_delegate.h"
111 #include "content/public/browser/render_frame_host.h"
112 #include "content/public/browser/render_process_host.h"
113 #include "content/public/browser/render_view_host.h"
114 #include "content/public/browser/resource_context.h"
115 #include "content/public/browser/site_instance.h"
116 #include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
117 #include "content/public/common/child_process_host.h"
118 #include "content/public/common/content_descriptors.h"
119 #include "content/public/common/show_desktop_notification_params.h"
120 #include "content/public/common/url_utils.h"
121 #include "content/public/common/web_preferences.h"
122 #include "net/base/mime_util.h"
123 #include "net/cookies/canonical_cookie.h"
124 #include "net/cookies/cookie_options.h"
125 #include "net/ssl/ssl_cert_request_info.h"
126 #include "ppapi/host/ppapi_host.h"
127 #include "ppapi/shared_impl/ppapi_switches.h"
128 #include "storage/browser/fileapi/external_mount_points.h"
129 #include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
130 #include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h"
131 #include "ui/resources/grit/ui_resources.h"
134 #include "base/win/windows_version.h"
135 #include "chrome/browser/chrome_browser_main_win.h"
136 #include "sandbox/win/src/sandbox_policy.h"
137 #elif defined(OS_MACOSX)
138 #include "chrome/browser/chrome_browser_main_mac.h"
139 #include "chrome/browser/spellchecker/spellcheck_message_filter_mac.h"
140 #include "components/crash/app/breakpad_mac.h"
141 #elif defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
142 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/chrome_browser_main_chromeos.h"
143 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/drive/fileapi/file_system_backend_delegate.h"
144 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/file_manager/app_id.h"
145 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/file_system_provider/fileapi/backend_delegate.h"
146 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/fileapi/file_system_backend.h"
147 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/fileapi/mtp_file_system_backend_delegate.h"
148 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/startup_utils.h"
149 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/system/input_device_settings.h"
150 #include "chromeos/chromeos_switches.h"
151 #include "components/user_manager/user_manager.h"
152 #elif defined(OS_LINUX)
153 #include "chrome/browser/chrome_browser_main_linux.h"
154 #elif defined(OS_ANDROID)
155 #include "chrome/browser/android/new_tab_page_url_handler.h"
156 #include "chrome/browser/android/webapps/single_tab_mode_tab_helper.h"
157 #include "chrome/browser/chrome_browser_main_android.h"
158 #include "chrome/browser/media/protected_media_identifier_permission_context.h"
159 #include "chrome/browser/media/protected_media_identifier_permission_context_factory.h"
160 #include "chrome/common/descriptors_android.h"
161 #include "components/crash/browser/crash_dump_manager_android.h"
162 #elif defined(OS_POSIX)
163 #include "chrome/browser/chrome_browser_main_posix.h"
166 #if defined(OS_POSIX) && !defined(OS_MACOSX)
167 #include "base/debug/leak_annotations.h"
168 #include "components/crash/app/breakpad_linux.h"
169 #include "components/crash/browser/crash_handler_host_linux.h"
172 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
173 #include "ui/base/ui_base_paths.h"
174 #include "ui/gfx/android/device_display_info.h"
177 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
178 #include "chrome/browser/android/dev_tools_manager_delegate_android.h"
180 #include "chrome/browser/devtools/chrome_devtools_manager_delegate.h"
183 #if !defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
184 #include "chrome/browser/signin/chrome_signin_client.h"
185 #include "chrome/browser/signin/chrome_signin_client_factory.h"
186 #include "chrome/browser/signin/signin_manager_factory.h"
187 #include "components/signin/core/browser/signin_manager.h"
190 #if defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS)
191 #include "chrome/browser/ui/views/chrome_browser_main_extra_parts_views.h"
194 #if defined(USE_ATHENA)
195 #include "athena/content/public/web_contents_view_delegate_creator.h"
196 #include "chrome/browser/ui/views/athena/chrome_browser_main_extra_parts_athena.h"
197 #elif defined(USE_ASH)
198 #include "chrome/browser/ui/views/ash/chrome_browser_main_extra_parts_ash.h"
201 #if defined(USE_AURA)
202 #include "chrome/browser/ui/aura/chrome_browser_main_extra_parts_aura.h"
206 #include "chrome/browser/chrome_browser_main_extra_parts_x11.h"
210 #include "chrome/browser/captive_portal/captive_portal_tab_helper.h"
213 #if !defined(DISABLE_NACL)
214 #include "components/nacl/browser/nacl_browser.h"
215 #include "components/nacl/browser/nacl_host_message_filter.h"
216 #include "components/nacl/browser/nacl_process_host.h"
217 #include "components/nacl/common/nacl_process_type.h"
218 #include "components/nacl/common/nacl_switches.h"
221 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
222 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/chrome_content_browser_client_extensions_part.h"
223 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_service.h"
224 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_util.h"
225 #include "chrome/browser/speech/extension_api/tts_engine_extension_api.h"
226 #include "extensions/browser/extension_system.h"
227 #include "extensions/browser/guest_view/guest_view_base.h"
228 #include "extensions/browser/guest_view/guest_view_manager.h"
229 #include "extensions/browser/guest_view/web_view/web_view_guest.h"
230 #include "extensions/browser/guest_view/web_view/web_view_permission_helper.h"
231 #include "extensions/browser/guest_view/web_view/web_view_renderer_state.h"
232 #include "extensions/common/constants.h"
233 #include "extensions/common/extension.h"
234 #include "extensions/common/extension_set.h"
235 #include "extensions/common/manifest_handlers/background_info.h"
236 #include "extensions/common/manifest_handlers/shared_module_info.h"
237 #include "extensions/common/permissions/permissions_data.h"
238 #include "extensions/common/permissions/socket_permission.h"
239 #include "extensions/common/switches.h"
242 #if defined(ENABLE_SPELLCHECK)
243 #include "chrome/browser/spellchecker/spellcheck_message_filter.h"
246 #if defined(ENABLE_WEBRTC)
247 #include "chrome/browser/media/webrtc_logging_handler_host.h"
250 using base::FileDescriptor
251 using blink::WebWindowFeatures
252 using content::AccessTokenStore
253 using content::BrowserThread
254 using content::BrowserURLHandler
255 using content::ChildProcessSecurityPolicy
256 using content::QuotaPermissionContext
257 using content::RenderFrameHost
258 using content::RenderViewHost
259 using content::ResourceType
260 using content::SiteInstance
261 using content::WebContents
262 using content::WebPreferences
263 using message_center::NotifierId
265 #if defined(OS_POSIX)
266 using content::FileDescriptorInfo
269 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
270 using extensions::APIPermission
271 using extensions::ChromeContentBrowserClientExtensionsPart
272 using extensions::Extension
273 using extensions::InfoMap
274 using extensions::Manifest
279 // Cached version of the locale so we can return the locale on the I/O
281 base::LazyInstance
> g_io_thread_application_locale
283 #if defined(ENABLE_PLUGINS)
284 // TODO(teravest): Add renderer-side API-specific checking for these APIs so
285 // that blanket permission isn't granted to all dev channel APIs for these.
286 // http://crbug.com/386743
287 const char* const kPredefinedAllowedDevChannelOrigins
[] = {
288 "6EAED1924DB611B6EEF2A664BD077BE7EAD33B8F", // see crbug.com/383937
289 "4EB74897CB187C7633357C2FE832E0AD6A44883A" // see crbug.com/383937
292 const char* const kPredefinedAllowedFileHandleOrigins
[] = {
293 "6EAED1924DB611B6EEF2A664BD077BE7EAD33B8F", // see crbug.com/234789
294 "4EB74897CB187C7633357C2FE832E0AD6A44883A" // see crbug.com/234789
297 const char* const kPredefinedAllowedSocketOrigins
[] = {
298 "okddffdblfhhnmhodogpojmfkjmhinfp", // Test SSH Client
299 "pnhechapfaindjhompbnflcldabbghjo", // HTerm App (SSH Client)
300 "bglhmjfplikpjnfoegeomebmfnkjomhe", // see crbug.com/122126
301 "gbchcmhmhahfdphkhkmpfmihenigjmpp", // Chrome Remote Desktop
302 "kgngmbheleoaphbjbaiobfdepmghbfah", // Pre-release Chrome Remote Desktop
303 "odkaodonbgfohohmklejpjiejmcipmib", // Dogfood Chrome Remote Desktop
304 "ojoimpklfciegopdfgeenehpalipignm", // Chromoting canary
305 "cbkkbcmdlboombapidmoeolnmdacpkch", // see crbug.com/129089
306 "hhnbmknkdabfoieppbbljkhkfjcmcbjh", // see crbug.com/134099
307 "mablfbjkhmhkmefkjjacnbaikjkipphg", // see crbug.com/134099
308 "pdeelgamlgannhelgoegilelnnojegoh", // see crbug.com/134099
309 "cabapfdbkniadpollkckdnedaanlciaj", // see crbug.com/134099
310 "mapljbgnjledlpdmlchihnmeclmefbba", // see crbug.com/134099
311 "ghbfeebgmiidnnmeobbbaiamklmpbpii", // see crbug.com/134099
312 "jdfhpkjeckflbbleddjlpimecpbjdeep", // see crbug.com/142514
313 "iabmpiboiopbgfabjmgeedhcmjenhbla", // see crbug.com/165080
314 "B7CF8A292249681AF81771650BA4CEEAF19A4560", // see crbug.com/165080
315 "7525AF4F66763A70A883C4700529F647B470E4D2", // see crbug.com/238084
316 "0B549507088E1564D672F7942EB87CA4DAD73972", // see crbug.com/238084
317 "864288364E239573E777D3E0E36864E590E95C74" // see crbug.com/238084
321 // Returns a copy of the given url with its host set to given host and path set
322 // to given path. Other parts of the url will be the same.
323 GURL
ReplaceURLHostAndPath(const GURL
& url
324 const std::string
& host
325 const std::string
& path
) {
326 url::Replacements
<char> replacements
327 replacements
.c_str(), url::Component(0, host
328 replacements
.c_str(), url::Component(0, path
329 return url
332 // Maps "foo://bar/baz/" to "foo://chrome/bar/baz/".
333 GURL
AddUberHost(const GURL
& url
) {
334 const std::string uber_host
= chrome::kChromeUIUberHost
335 const std::string new_path
= url
.host() + url
337 return ReplaceURLHostAndPath(url
, uber_host
, new_path
340 // If url->host() is "chrome" and url->path() has characters other than the
341 // first slash, changes the url from "foo://chrome/bar/" to "foo://bar/" and
342 // returns true. Otherwise returns false.
343 bool RemoveUberHost(GURL
* url
) {
344 if (url
->host() != chrome::kChromeUIUberHost
347 if (url
->path().empty() || url
->path() == "/")
350 const std::string old_path
= url
352 const std::string::size_type separator
= old_path
.find('/', 1);
353 std::string new_host
354 std::string new_path
355 if (separator
== std::string::npos
) {
356 new_host
= old_path
358 new_host
= old_path
.substr(1, separator
- 1);
359 new_path
= old_path
362 // Do not allow URLs with paths empty before the first slash since we can't
363 // have an empty host. (e.g "foo://chrome//")
364 if (new_host
367 *url
= ReplaceURLHostAndPath(*url
, new_host
, new_path
369 DCHECK(url
374 // Handles rewriting Web UI URLs.
375 bool HandleWebUI(GURL
* url
, content::BrowserContext
* browser_context
) {
376 // Do not handle special URLs such as "about:foo"
377 if (!url
->host().empty()) {
378 const GURL chrome_url
= AddUberHost(*url
380 // Handle valid "chrome://chrome/foo" URLs so the reverse handler will
382 if (ChromeWebUIControllerFactory::GetInstance()->UseWebUIForURL(
383 browser_context
, chrome_url
387 if (!ChromeWebUIControllerFactory::GetInstance()->UseWebUIForURL(
388 browser_context
, *url
391 #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
392 // Special case : in ChromeOS in Guest mode bookmarks and history are
393 // disabled for security reasons. New tab page explains the reasons, so
394 // we redirect user to new tab page.
395 if (user_manager::UserManager::Get()->IsLoggedInAsGuest()) {
396 if (url
) &&
397 (url
) ||
398 url
))) {
399 // Rewrite with new tab URL
400 *url
= GURL(chrome::kChromeUINewTabURL
408 // Reverse URL handler for Web UI. Maps "chrome://chrome/foo/" to
410 bool HandleWebUIReverse(GURL
* url
, content::BrowserContext
* browser_context
) {
411 if (!url
->is_valid() || !url
414 return RemoveUberHost(url
417 bool CertMatchesFilter(const net::X509Certificate
& cert
418 const base::DictionaryValue
& filter
) {
419 // TODO(markusheintz): This is the minimal required filter implementation.
420 // Implement a better matcher.
422 // An empty filter matches any client certificate since no requirements are
427 std::string common_name
428 if (filter
.GetString("ISSUER.CN", &common_name
) &&
429 (cert
== common_name
)) {
435 #if defined(OS_POSIX) && !defined(OS_ANDROID) && !defined(OS_MACOSX)
436 breakpad::CrashHandlerHostLinux
* CreateCrashHandlerHost(
437 const std::string
& process_type
) {
438 base::FilePath dumps_path
439 PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_CRASH_DUMPS
, &dumps_path
442 bool upload
= (getenv(env_vars::kHeadless
) == NULL
443 breakpad::CrashHandlerHostLinux
* crash_handler
444 new breakpad::CrashHandlerHostLinux(process_type
, dumps_path
, upload
445 crash_handler
446 return crash_handler
450 int GetCrashSignalFD(const CommandLine
& command_line
) {
451 // Extensions have the same process type as renderers.
452 if (command_line
)) {
453 static breakpad::CrashHandlerHostLinux
* crash_handler
455 crash_handler
= CreateCrashHandlerHost("extension");
456 return crash_handler
459 std::string process_type
460 command_line
462 if (process_type
== switches::kRendererProcess
) {
463 static breakpad::CrashHandlerHostLinux
* crash_handler
465 crash_handler
= CreateCrashHandlerHost(process_type
466 return crash_handler
469 if (process_type
== switches::kPluginProcess
) {
470 static breakpad::CrashHandlerHostLinux
* crash_handler
472 crash_handler
= CreateCrashHandlerHost(process_type
473 return crash_handler
476 if (process_type
== switches::kPpapiPluginProcess
) {
477 static breakpad::CrashHandlerHostLinux
* crash_handler
479 crash_handler
= CreateCrashHandlerHost(process_type
480 return crash_handler
483 if (process_type
== switches::kGpuProcess
) {
484 static breakpad::CrashHandlerHostLinux
* crash_handler
486 crash_handler
= CreateCrashHandlerHost(process_type
487 return crash_handler
492 #endif // defined(OS_POSIX) && !defined(OS_ANDROID) && !defined(OS_MACOSX)
494 #if !defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
495 GURL
GetEffectiveURLForSignin(const GURL
& url
) {
496 CHECK(SigninManager::IsWebBasedSigninFlowURL(url
498 GURL
499 // Copy the path because the argument to SetPathStr must outlive
500 // the Replacements object.
501 const std::string
502 GURL::Replacements replacements
503 replacements
504 effective_url
= effective_url
505 return effective_url
509 void SetApplicationLocaleOnIOThread(const std::string
& locale
) {
510 DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO
511 g_io_thread_application_locale
.Get() = locale
514 void HandleBlockedPopupOnUIThread(const BlockedWindowParams
& params
) {
515 WebContents
* tab
= tab_util::GetWebContentsByID(params
520 prerender::PrerenderContents
* prerender_contents
521 prerender::PrerenderContents::FromWebContents(tab
522 if (prerender_contents
) {
523 prerender_contents
527 PopupBlockerTabHelper
* popup_helper
528 PopupBlockerTabHelper::FromWebContents(tab
531 popup_helper
534 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
536 void HandleSingleTabModeBlockOnUIThread(const BlockedWindowParams
& params
) {
537 WebContents
* web_contents
538 tab_util::GetWebContentsByID(params
543 SingleTabModeTabHelper::FromWebContents(web_contents
546 float GetDeviceScaleAdjustment() {
547 static const float kMinFSM
= 1.05f
548 static const int kWidthForMinFSM
= 320;
549 static const float kMaxFSM
= 1.3f
550 static const int kWidthForMaxFSM
= 800;
552 gfx::DeviceDisplayInfo info
553 int minWidth
= info
555 if (minWidth
<= kWidthForMinFSM
557 if (minWidth
>= kWidthForMaxFSM
560 // The font scale multiplier varies linearly between kMinFSM and kMaxFSM.
561 float ratio
= static_cast<float>(minWidth
- kWidthForMinFSM
) /
562 (kWidthForMaxFSM
- kWidthForMinFSM
563 return ratio
* (kMaxFSM
- kMinFSM
) + kMinFSM
566 #endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
568 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
569 // By default, JavaScript and images are enabled in guest content.
570 void GetGuestViewDefaultContentSettingRules(
572 RendererContentSettingRules
* rules
) {
573 rules
574 ContentSettingPatternSource(ContentSettingsPattern::Wildcard(),
575 ContentSettingsPattern::Wildcard(),
580 rules
581 ContentSettingPatternSource(ContentSettingsPattern::Wildcard(),
582 ContentSettingsPattern::Wildcard(),
587 #endif // defined(ENALBE_EXTENSIONS)
593 ChromeContentBrowserClient::ChromeContentBrowserClient()
594 : prerender_tracker_(NULL
595 weak_factory_(this) {
596 #if defined(ENABLE_PLUGINS)
597 for (size_t i
= 0; i
< arraysize(kPredefinedAllowedDevChannelOrigins
); ++i
598 allowed_dev_channel_origins_
599 for (size_t i
= 0; i
< arraysize(kPredefinedAllowedFileHandleOrigins
); ++i
600 allowed_file_handle_origins_
601 for (size_t i
= 0; i
< arraysize(kPredefinedAllowedSocketOrigins
); ++i
602 allowed_socket_origins_
605 #if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
606 TtsExtensionEngine
* tts_extension_engine
= TtsExtensionEngine::GetInstance();
607 TtsController::GetInstance()->SetTtsEngineDelegate(tts_extension_engine
610 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
611 extra_parts_
.push_back(new ChromeContentBrowserClientExtensionsPart
615 ChromeContentBrowserClient::~ChromeContentBrowserClient() {
616 for (int i
= static_cast<int>(extra_parts_
.size()) - 1; i
>= 0; --i
617 delete extra_parts_
618 extra_parts_
622 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::RegisterProfilePrefs(
623 user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable
* registry
) {
624 registry
625 prefs::kDisable3DAPIs
627 user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable::UNSYNCABLE_PREF
628 registry
629 prefs::kEnableHyperlinkAuditing
631 user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable::UNSYNCABLE_PREF
632 registry
633 prefs::kEnableDeprecatedWebPlatformFeatures
634 user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable::UNSYNCABLE_PREF
638 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::SetApplicationLocale(
639 const std::string
& locale
) {
640 DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI
642 // This object is guaranteed to outlive all threads so we don't have to
643 // worry about the lack of refcounting and can just post as Unretained.
645 // The common case is that this function is called early in Chrome startup
646 // before any threads are created (it will also be called later if the user
647 // changes the pref). In this case, there will be no threads created and
648 // posting will fail. When there are no threads, we can just set the string
649 // without worrying about threadsafety.
650 if (!BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::IO
651 base::Bind(&SetApplicationLocaleOnIOThread
, locale
))) {
652 g_io_thread_application_locale
.Get() = locale
656 content::BrowserMainParts
* ChromeContentBrowserClient::CreateBrowserMainParts(
657 const content::MainFunctionParams
& parameters
) {
658 ChromeBrowserMainParts
* main_parts
659 // Construct the Main browser parts based on the OS type.
661 main_parts
= new ChromeBrowserMainPartsWin(parameters
662 #elif defined(OS_MACOSX)
663 main_parts
= new ChromeBrowserMainPartsMac(parameters
664 #elif defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
665 main_parts
= new chromeos::ChromeBrowserMainPartsChromeos(parameters
666 #elif defined(OS_LINUX)
667 main_parts
= new ChromeBrowserMainPartsLinux(parameters
668 #elif defined(OS_ANDROID)
669 main_parts
= new ChromeBrowserMainPartsAndroid(parameters
670 #elif defined(OS_POSIX)
671 main_parts
= new ChromeBrowserMainPartsPosix(parameters
674 main_parts
= new ChromeBrowserMainParts(parameters
677 chrome::AddProfilesExtraParts(main_parts
679 // Construct additional browser parts. Stages are called in the order in
680 // which they are added.
681 #if defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS)
682 main_parts
->AddParts(new ChromeBrowserMainExtraPartsViews());
685 // TODO(oshima): Athena on chrome currently requires USE_ASH to build.
686 // We should reduce the dependency as much as possible.
687 #if defined(USE_ATHENA)
688 main_parts
689 #elif defined(USE_ASH)
690 main_parts
->AddParts(new ChromeBrowserMainExtraPartsAsh());
693 #if defined(USE_AURA)
694 main_parts
->AddParts(new ChromeBrowserMainExtraPartsAura());
698 main_parts
->AddParts(new ChromeBrowserMainExtraPartsX11());
701 chrome::AddMetricsExtraParts(main_parts
706 std::string
707 content::BrowserContext
* browser_context
709 std::string partition_id
711 // The partition ID for webview guest processes is the string value of its
712 // SiteInstance URL - "chrome-guest://app_id/persist?partition".
713 if (site
)) {
714 partition_id
= site
715 } else if (site
.GetOrigin().spec() == kChromeUIChromeSigninURL
) {
716 // Chrome signin page has an embedded iframe of extension and web content,
717 // thus it must be isolated from other webUI pages.
718 partition_id
= site
721 DCHECK(IsValidStoragePartitionId(browser_context
, partition_id
725 bool ChromeContentBrowserClient::IsValidStoragePartitionId(
726 content::BrowserContext
* browser_context
727 const std::string
& partition_id
) {
728 // The default ID is empty and is always valid.
729 if (partition_id
732 return GURL(partition_id
735 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::GetStoragePartitionConfigForSite(
736 content::BrowserContext
* browser_context
739 std::string
* partition_domain
740 std::string
* partition_name
742 // Default to the browser-wide storage partition and override based on |site|
744 partition_domain
745 partition_name
748 bool success
= false;
749 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
750 success
= extensions::WebViewGuest::GetGuestPartitionConfigForSite(
751 site
, partition_domain
, partition_name
, in_memory
753 if (!success
&& site
)) {
754 // If |can_be_default| is false, the caller is stating that the |site|
755 // should be parsed as if it had isolated storage. In particular it is
756 // important to NOT check ExtensionService for the is_storage_isolated()
757 // attribute because this code path is run during Extension uninstall
758 // to do cleanup after the Extension has already been unloaded from the
760 bool is_isolated
= !can_be_default
761 if (can_be_default
) {
762 if (extensions::util::SiteHasIsolatedStorage(site
, browser_context
767 CHECK(site
768 // For extensions with isolated storage, the the host of the |site| is
769 // the |partition_domain|. The |in_memory| and |partition_name| are only
770 // used in guest schemes so they are cleared here.
771 *partition_domain
= site
773 partition_name
779 if (!success
&& (site
.GetOrigin().spec() == kChromeUIChromeSigninURL
)) {
780 // Chrome signin page has an embedded iframe of extension and web content,
781 // thus it must be isolated from other webUI pages.
782 *partition_domain
= chrome::kChromeUIChromeSigninHost
785 // Assert that if |can_be_default| is false, the code above must have found a
786 // non-default partition. If this fails, the caller has a serious logic
787 // error about which StoragePartition they expect to be in and it is not
789 CHECK(can_be_default
|| !partition_domain
792 content::WebContentsViewDelegate
793 ChromeContentBrowserClient::GetWebContentsViewDelegate(
794 content::WebContents
* web_contents
) {
795 #if defined(USE_ATHENA)
796 return athena::CreateWebContentsViewDelegate(web_contents
798 return chrome::CreateWebContentsViewDelegate(web_contents
802 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::RenderProcessWillLaunch(
803 content::RenderProcessHost
* host
) {
804 int id
= host
805 Profile
* profile
= Profile::FromBrowserContext(host
806 net::URLRequestContextGetter
* context
807 profile
809 host
->AddFilter(new ChromeRenderMessageFilter(id
, profile
810 #if defined(ENABLE_PLUGINS)
811 host
->AddFilter(new PluginInfoMessageFilter(id
, profile
813 host
->AddFilter(new cast::CastTransportHostFilter
814 #if defined(ENABLE_PRINTING)
815 host
->AddFilter(new printing::PrintingMessageFilter(id
, profile
817 host
->AddFilter(new SearchProviderInstallStateMessageFilter(id
, profile
818 #if defined(ENABLE_SPELLCHECK)
819 host
->AddFilter(new SpellCheckMessageFilter(id
821 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
822 host
->AddFilter(new SpellCheckMessageFilterMac(id
824 host
->AddFilter(new ChromeNetBenchmarkingMessageFilter(profile
, context
825 host
->AddFilter(new prerender::PrerenderMessageFilter(id
, profile
826 host
->AddFilter(new TtsMessageFilter(id
, host
827 #if defined(ENABLE_WEBRTC)
828 WebRtcLoggingHandlerHost
* webrtc_logging_handler_host
829 new WebRtcLoggingHandlerHost(profile
830 host
831 &WebRtcLoggingHandlerHost::LogMessage
, webrtc_logging_handler_host
832 host
833 host
, new base::UserDataAdapter
834 webrtc_logging_handler_host
836 #if !defined(DISABLE_NACL)
837 host
->AddFilter(new nacl::NaClHostMessageFilter(
838 id
, profile
842 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
843 host
->AddFilter(new cdm::CdmMessageFilterAndroid());
845 if (switches::IsEnableAccountConsistency())
846 host
->AddFilter(new PrincipalsMessageFilter(id
848 host
->Send(new ChromeViewMsg_SetIsIncognitoProcess(
849 profile
851 for (size_t i
= 0; i
< extra_parts_
.size(); ++i
852 extra_parts_
854 RendererContentSettingRules rules
855 if (host
->IsIsolatedGuest()) {
856 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
857 GetGuestViewDefaultContentSettingRules(profile
->IsOffTheRecord(), &rules
862 GetRendererContentSettingRules(
863 profile
->GetHostContentSettingsMap(), &rules
865 host
->Send(new ChromeViewMsg_SetContentSettingRules(rules
868 GURL
869 content::BrowserContext
* browser_context
, const GURL
& url
) {
870 Profile
* profile
= Profile::FromBrowserContext(browser_context
874 // If the input |url| should be assigned to the Instant renderer, make its
875 // effective URL distinct from other URLs on the search provider's domain.
876 if (chrome::ShouldAssignURLToInstantRenderer(url
, profile
877 return chrome::GetEffectiveURLForInstant(url
, profile
879 #if !defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
880 // If the input |url| should be assigned to the Signin renderer, make its
881 // effective URL distinct from other URLs on the signin service's domain.
882 // Note that the signin renderer will be allowed to sign the user in to
884 if (SigninManager::IsWebBasedSigninFlowURL(url
885 return GetEffectiveURLForSignin(url
888 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
889 return ChromeContentBrowserClientExtensionsPart::GetEffectiveURL(
896 bool ChromeContentBrowserClient::ShouldUseProcessPerSite(
897 content::BrowserContext
* browser_context
, const GURL
& effective_url
) {
898 // Non-extension, non-Instant URLs should generally use
899 // process-per-site-instance. Because we expect to use the effective URL,
900 // URLs for hosted apps (apart from bookmark apps) should have an extension
903 Profile
* profile
= Profile::FromBrowserContext(browser_context
907 if (chrome::ShouldUseProcessPerSiteForInstantURL(effective_url
, profile
910 #if !defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
911 if (SigninManager::IsWebBasedSigninFlowURL(effective_url
915 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
916 return ChromeContentBrowserClientExtensionsPart::ShouldUseProcessPerSite(
917 profile
, effective_url
923 // These are treated as WebUI schemes but do not get WebUI bindings. Also,
924 // view-source is allowed for these schemes.
925 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::GetAdditionalWebUISchemes(
926 std::vector
>* additional_schemes
) {
927 additional_schemes
928 additional_schemes
931 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::GetAdditionalWebUIHostsToIgnoreParititionCheck(
932 std::vector
>* hosts
) {
933 hosts
934 hosts
935 hosts
936 hosts
937 hosts
938 hosts
941 net::URLRequestContextGetter
942 ChromeContentBrowserClient::CreateRequestContext(
943 content::BrowserContext
* browser_context
944 content::ProtocolHandlerMap
* protocol_handlers
945 content::URLRequestInterceptorScopedVector request_interceptors
) {
946 Profile
* profile
= Profile::FromBrowserContext(browser_context
947 return profile
948 request_interceptors
951 net::URLRequestContextGetter
952 ChromeContentBrowserClient::CreateRequestContextForStoragePartition(
953 content::BrowserContext
* browser_context
954 const base::FilePath
& partition_path
956 content::ProtocolHandlerMap
* protocol_handlers
957 content::URLRequestInterceptorScopedVector request_interceptors
) {
958 Profile
* profile
= Profile::FromBrowserContext(browser_context
959 return profile
963 request_interceptors
966 bool ChromeContentBrowserClient::IsHandledURL(const GURL
& url
) {
967 return ProfileIOData::IsHandledURL(url
970 bool ChromeContentBrowserClient::CanCommitURL(
971 content::RenderProcessHost
* process_host
973 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
974 return ChromeContentBrowserClientExtensionsPart::CanCommitURL(
981 bool ChromeContentBrowserClient::ShouldAllowOpenURL(
982 content::SiteInstance
* site_instance
, const GURL
& url
) {
983 GURL from_url
= site_instance
985 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
987 if (ChromeContentBrowserClientExtensionsPart::ShouldAllowOpenURL(
988 site_instance
, from_url
, url
, &result
992 // Do not allow chrome://chrome-signin navigate to other chrome:// URLs, since
993 // the signin page may host untrusted web content.
994 if (from_url
.GetOrigin().spec() == chrome::kChromeUIChromeSigninURL
995 url
) &&
996 url
.host() != chrome::kChromeUIChromeSigninHost
) {
997 VLOG(1) << "Blocked navigation to " << url
.spec() << " from "
998 << chrome::kChromeUIChromeSigninURL
1005 bool ChromeContentBrowserClient::IsSuitableHost(
1006 content::RenderProcessHost
* process_host
1007 const GURL
& site_url
) {
1009 Profile::FromBrowserContext(process_host
1010 // This may be NULL during tests. In that case, just assume any site can
1015 // Instant URLs should only be in the instant process and instant process
1016 // should only have Instant URLs.
1017 InstantService
* instant_service
1018 InstantServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile
1019 if (instant_service
) {
1020 bool is_instant_process
= instant_service
1021 process_host
1022 bool should_be_in_instant_process
1023 chrome::ShouldAssignURLToInstantRenderer(site_url
, profile
1024 if (is_instant_process
|| should_be_in_instant_process
1025 return is_instant_process
&& should_be_in_instant_process
1028 #if !defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
1029 SigninClient
* signin_client
1030 ChromeSigninClientFactory::GetForProfile(profile
1031 if (signin_client
&& signin_client
1032 return SigninManager::IsWebBasedSigninFlowURL(site_url
1035 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
1036 return ChromeContentBrowserClientExtensionsPart::IsSuitableHost(
1037 profile
, process_host
, site_url
1043 bool ChromeContentBrowserClient::MayReuseHost(
1044 content::RenderProcessHost
* process_host
) {
1045 // If there is currently a prerender in progress for the host provided,
1046 // it may not be shared. We require prerenders to be by themselves in a
1047 // separate process, so that we can monitor their resource usage, and so that
1048 // we can track the cookies that they change.
1049 Profile
* profile
= Profile::FromBrowserContext(
1050 process_host
1051 prerender::PrerenderManager
* prerender_manager
1052 prerender::PrerenderManagerFactory::GetForProfile(profile
1053 if (prerender_manager
1054 !prerender_manager
)) {
1061 bool ChromeContentBrowserClient::ShouldTryToUseExistingProcessHost(
1062 content::BrowserContext
* browser_context
, const GURL
& url
) {
1063 // It has to be a valid URL for us to check for an extension.
1064 if (!url
1067 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
1068 Profile
* profile
= Profile::FromBrowserContext(browser_context
1069 return ChromeContentBrowserClientExtensionsPart::
1070 ShouldTryToUseExistingProcessHost(
1077 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::SiteInstanceGotProcess(
1078 SiteInstance
* site_instance
) {
1079 CHECK(site_instance
1081 Profile
* profile
= Profile::FromBrowserContext(
1082 site_instance
1086 // Remember the ID of the Instant process to signal the renderer process
1087 // on startup in |AppendExtraCommandLineSwitches| below.
1088 if (chrome::ShouldAssignURLToInstantRenderer(
1089 site_instance
->GetSiteURL(), profile
)) {
1090 InstantService
* instant_service
1091 InstantServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile
1092 if (instant_service
1093 instant_service
1096 #if !defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
1097 // We only expect there to be one signin process as we use process-per-site
1098 // for signin URLs. The signin process will be cleared from SigninManager
1099 // when the renderer is destroyed.
1100 if (SigninManager::IsWebBasedSigninFlowURL(site_instance
->GetSiteURL())) {
1101 SigninClient
* signin_client
1102 ChromeSigninClientFactory::GetForProfile(profile
1104 signin_client
1105 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
1106 ChromeContentBrowserClientExtensionsPart::SetSigninProcess(site_instance
1111 for (size_t i
= 0; i
< extra_parts_
.size(); ++i
1112 extra_parts_
1115 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::SiteInstanceDeleting(
1116 SiteInstance
* site_instance
) {
1117 if (!site_instance
1120 for (size_t i
= 0; i
< extra_parts_
.size(); ++i
1121 extra_parts_
1124 bool ChromeContentBrowserClient::ShouldSwapBrowsingInstancesForNavigation(
1125 SiteInstance
* site_instance
1126 const GURL
& current_url
1127 const GURL
& new_url
) {
1128 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
1129 return ChromeContentBrowserClientExtensionsPart::
1130 ShouldSwapBrowsingInstancesForNavigation(
1131 site_instance
, current_url
, new_url
1137 bool ChromeContentBrowserClient::ShouldSwapProcessesForRedirect(
1138 content::ResourceContext
* resource_context
, const GURL
& current_url
1139 const GURL
& new_url
) {
1140 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
1141 return ChromeContentBrowserClientExtensionsPart::
1142 ShouldSwapProcessesForRedirect(resource_context
, current_url
, new_url
1148 bool ChromeContentBrowserClient::ShouldAssignSiteForURL(const GURL
& url
) {
1149 return !url
1152 std::string
1153 const std::string
& alias_name
) {
1154 return CharacterEncoding::GetCanonicalEncodingNameByAliasName(alias_name
1159 bool IsAutoReloadEnabled() {
1160 // Fetch the field trial, even though we don't use it. Calling FindFullName()
1161 // causes the field-trial mechanism to report which group we're in, which
1162 // might reflect a hard disable or hard enable via flag, both of which have
1163 // their own field trial groups. This lets us know what percentage of users
1164 // manually enable or disable auto-reload.
1165 std::string group
= base::FieldTrialList::FindFullName(
1166 "AutoReloadExperiment");
1167 const CommandLine
& browser_command_line
= *CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
1168 if (browser_command_line
1170 if (browser_command_line
1175 bool IsAutoReloadVisibleOnlyEnabled() {
1176 // See the block comment in IsAutoReloadEnabled().
1177 std::string group
= base::FieldTrialList::FindFullName(
1178 "AutoReloadVisibleOnlyExperiment");
1179 const CommandLine
& browser_command_line
= *CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
1180 if (browser_command_line
1181 switches::kEnableOfflineAutoReloadVisibleOnly
)) {
1184 if (browser_command_line
1185 switches::kDisableOfflineAutoReloadVisibleOnly
)) {
1193 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::AppendExtraCommandLineSwitches(
1194 CommandLine
* command_line
, int child_process_id
) {
1195 #if defined(OS_POSIX)
1196 if (breakpad::IsCrashReporterEnabled()) {
1197 scoped_ptr
> client_info
1198 GoogleUpdateSettings::LoadMetricsClientInfo();
1199 command_line
1200 client_info
? client_info
1203 #endif // defined(OS_POSIX)
1205 if (logging::DialogsAreSuppressed())
1206 command_line
1208 std::string process_type
1209 command_line
1210 const CommandLine
& browser_command_line
= *CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
1212 static const char* const kCommonSwitchNames
[] = {
1213 switches::kUserAgent
1214 switches::kUserDataDir
, // Make logs go to the right file.
1216 command_line
, kCommonSwitchNames
1217 arraysize(kCommonSwitchNames
1219 #if defined(ENABLE_IPC_FUZZER)
1220 static const char* const kIpcFuzzerSwitches
[] = {
1221 switches::kIpcFuzzerTestcase
1223 command_line
, kIpcFuzzerSwitches
1224 arraysize(kIpcFuzzerSwitches
1227 #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
1228 // On Chrome OS need to pass primary user homedir (in multi-profiles session).
1229 base::FilePath homedir
1230 PathService::Get(base::DIR_HOME
, &homedir
1231 command_line
1232 homedir
1235 if (process_type
== switches::kRendererProcess
) {
1236 content::RenderProcessHost
* process
1237 content::RenderProcessHost::FromID(child_process_id
1239 process
? Profile::FromBrowserContext(process
1241 for (size_t i
= 0; i
< extra_parts_
.size(); ++i
) {
1242 extra_parts_
1243 command_line
, process
, profile
1246 #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
1247 const std::string
& login_profile
1248 browser_command_line
1249 chromeos::switches::kLoginProfile
1250 if (!login_profile
1251 command_line
1252 chromeos::switches::kLoginProfile
, login_profile
1255 #if defined(ENABLE_WEBRTC)
1256 MaybeCopyDisableWebRtcEncryptionSwitch(command_line
1257 browser_command_line
1258 VersionInfo::GetChannel());
1262 PrefService
* prefs
= profile
1263 // Currently this pref is only registered if applied via a policy.
1264 if (prefs
) &&
1265 prefs
)) {
1266 // Turn this policy into a command line switch.
1267 command_line
1270 const base::ListValue
* switches
1271 prefs
1273 // Enable any deprecated features that have been re-enabled by policy.
1274 for (base::ListValue::const_iterator it
= switches
1275 it
!= switches
->end(); ++it
) {
1276 std::string switch_to_enable
1277 if ((*it
1278 command_line
1282 // Disable client-side phishing detection in the renderer if it is
1283 // disabled in the Profile preferences or the browser process.
1284 if (!prefs
) ||
1285 !g_browser_process
->safe_browsing_detection_service()) {
1286 command_line
1287 switches::kDisableClientSidePhishingDetection
1290 if (prefs
1291 command_line
1293 InstantService
* instant_service
1294 InstantServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile
1295 if (instant_service
1296 instant_service
1297 command_line
1299 #if !defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
1300 SigninClient
* signin_client
1301 ChromeSigninClientFactory::GetForProfile(profile
1302 if (signin_client
&& signin_client
1303 command_line
1307 if (IsAutoReloadEnabled())
1308 command_line
1309 if (IsAutoReloadVisibleOnlyEnabled()) {
1310 command_line
1311 switches::kEnableOfflineAutoReloadVisibleOnly
1315 // Enable load stale cache if this session is in the field trial or
1316 // the user explicitly enabled it. Note that as far as the renderer
1317 // is concerned, the feature is enabled if-and-only-if the
1318 // kEnableOfflineLoadStaleCache flag is on the command line;
1319 // the yes/no/default behavior is only at the browser command line
1322 // Command line switches override
1323 if (browser_command_line
1324 switches::kEnableOfflineLoadStaleCache
)) {
1325 command_line
1326 } else if (!browser_command_line
1327 switches::kDisableOfflineLoadStaleCache
)) {
1329 base::FieldTrialList::FindFullName("LoadStaleCacheExperiment");
1331 if (group
== "Enabled")
1332 command_line
1336 // Please keep this in alphabetical order.
1337 static const char* const kSwitchNames
[] = {
1338 autofill::switches::kDisableIgnoreAutocompleteOff
1339 autofill::switches::kDisablePasswordGeneration
1340 autofill::switches::kEnablePasswordGeneration
1341 autofill::switches::kLocalHeuristicsOnlyForPasswordGeneration
1342 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
1343 extensions::switches::kAllowHTTPBackgroundPage
1344 extensions::switches::kAllowLegacyExtensionManifests
1345 extensions::switches::kEnableAppWindowControls
1346 extensions::switches::kEnableEmbeddedExtensionOptions
1347 extensions::switches::kEnableExperimentalExtensionApis
1348 extensions::switches::kEnableScriptsRequireAction
1349 extensions::switches::kExtensionsOnChromeURLs
1350 extensions::switches::kWhitelistedExtensionID
1352 switches::kAppsCheckoutURL
1353 switches::kAppsGalleryURL
1354 switches::kCloudPrintURL
1355 switches::kCloudPrintXmppEndpoint
1356 switches::kDisableBundledPpapiFlash
1357 switches::kEnableBenchmarking
1358 switches::kEnableNaCl
1359 #if !defined(DISABLE_NACL)
1360 switches::kEnableNaClDebug
1361 switches::kEnableNaClNonSfiMode
1363 switches::kEnableNetBenchmarking
1364 switches::kEnableShowModalDialog
1365 switches::kEnableStreamlinedHostedApps
1366 switches::kEnableWebBasedSignin
1367 switches::kJavaScriptHarmony
1368 switches::kMessageLoopHistogrammer
1369 switches::kOutOfProcessPdf
1370 switches::kPlaybackMode
1371 switches::kPpapiFlashArgs
1372 switches::kPpapiFlashPath
1373 switches::kPpapiFlashVersion
1374 switches::kProfilingAtStart
1375 switches::kProfilingFile
1376 switches::kProfilingFlush
1377 switches::kRecordMode
1378 translate::switches::kTranslateSecurityOrigin
1381 command_line
, kSwitchNames
1382 arraysize(kSwitchNames
1383 } else if (process_type
== switches::kUtilityProcess
) {
1384 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
1385 static const char* const kSwitchNames
[] = {
1386 extensions::switches::kAllowHTTPBackgroundPage
1387 extensions::switches::kEnableExperimentalExtensionApis
1388 extensions::switches::kExtensionsOnChromeURLs
1389 extensions::switches::kWhitelistedExtensionID
1392 command_line
, kSwitchNames
1393 arraysize(kSwitchNames
1395 } else if (process_type
== switches::kPluginProcess
) {
1396 #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
1397 static const char* const kSwitchNames
[] = {
1398 chromeos::switches::kLoginProfile
1401 command_line
, kSwitchNames
1402 arraysize(kSwitchNames
1404 } else if (process_type
== switches::kZygoteProcess
) {
1405 static const char* const kSwitchNames
[] = {
1406 // Load (in-process) Pepper plugins in-process in the zygote pre-sandbox.
1407 switches::kDisableBundledPpapiFlash
1408 #if !defined(DISABLE_NACL)
1409 switches::kEnableNaClNonSfiMode
1410 switches::kNaClDangerousNoSandboxNonSfi
1412 switches::kPpapiFlashPath
1413 switches::kPpapiFlashVersion
1416 command_line
, kSwitchNames
1417 arraysize(kSwitchNames
1418 } else if (process_type
== switches::kGpuProcess
) {
1419 // If --ignore-gpu-blacklist is passed in, don't send in crash reports
1420 // because GPU is expected to be unreliable.
1421 if (browser_command_line
) &&
1422 !command_line
1423 command_line
1426 // The command line switch kEnableBenchmarking needs to be specified along
1427 // with the kEnableStatsTable switch to ensure that the stats table global
1428 // is initialized correctly.
1429 if (command_line
1430 DCHECK(command_line
1433 std::string
ChromeContentBrowserClient::GetApplicationLocale() {
1434 if (BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO
1435 return g_io_thread_application_locale
1436 return g_browser_process
1439 std::string
1440 content::BrowserContext
* context
) {
1441 Profile
* profile
= Profile::FromBrowserContext(context
1442 return profile
1445 const gfx::ImageSkia
* ChromeContentBrowserClient::GetDefaultFavicon() {
1446 ResourceBundle
& rb
= ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance();
1447 return rb
1450 bool ChromeContentBrowserClient::AllowAppCache(
1451 const GURL
& manifest_url
1452 const GURL
& first_party
1453 content::ResourceContext
* context
) {
1454 DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO
1455 ProfileIOData
* io_data
= ProfileIOData::FromResourceContext(context
1456 return io_data
1457 IsSettingCookieAllowed(manifest_url
, first_party
1460 bool ChromeContentBrowserClient::AllowServiceWorker(
1462 const GURL
& first_party_url
1463 content::ResourceContext
* context
) {
1464 DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO
1465 ProfileIOData
* io_data
= ProfileIOData::FromResourceContext(context
1466 return io_data
1467 IsSettingCookieAllowed(scope
, first_party_url
1470 bool ChromeContentBrowserClient::AllowGetCookie(
1472 const GURL
& first_party
1473 const net::CookieList
& cookie_list
1474 content::ResourceContext
* context
1475 int render_process_id
1476 int render_frame_id
) {
1477 DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO
1478 ProfileIOData
* io_data
= ProfileIOData::FromResourceContext(context
1479 bool allow
= io_data
1480 IsReadingCookieAllowed(url
, first_party
1482 BrowserThread::PostTask(
1483 BrowserThread::UI
1484 base::Bind(&TabSpecificContentSettings::CookiesRead
, render_process_id
1485 render_frame_id
, url
, first_party
, cookie_list
, !allow
, true));
1489 bool ChromeContentBrowserClient::AllowSetCookie(
1491 const GURL
& first_party
1492 const std::string
& cookie_line
1493 content::ResourceContext
* context
1494 int render_process_id
1495 int render_frame_id
1496 net::CookieOptions
* options
) {
1497 DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO
1498 ProfileIOData
* io_data
= ProfileIOData::FromResourceContext(context
1499 CookieSettings
* cookie_settings
= io_data
1500 bool allow
= cookie_settings
, first_party
1502 if (prerender_tracker_
) {
1503 prerender_tracker_
1505 context
1509 BrowserThread::PostTask(
1510 BrowserThread::UI
1511 base::Bind(&TabSpecificContentSettings::CookieChanged
, render_process_id
1512 render_frame_id
, url
, first_party
, cookie_line
, *options
1517 bool ChromeContentBrowserClient::AllowSaveLocalState(
1518 content::ResourceContext
* context
) {
1519 DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO
1520 ProfileIOData
* io_data
= ProfileIOData::FromResourceContext(context
1521 CookieSettings
* cookie_settings
= io_data
1522 ContentSetting setting
= cookie_settings
1524 // TODO(bauerb): Should we also disallow local state if the default is BLOCK?
1525 // Could we even support per-origin settings?
1526 return setting
1529 bool ChromeContentBrowserClient::AllowWorkerDatabase(
1531 const base::string16
& name
1532 const base::string16
& display_name
1533 unsigned long estimated_size
1534 content::ResourceContext
* context
1535 const std::vector
<int, int> >& render_frames
) {
1536 DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO
1537 ProfileIOData
* io_data
= ProfileIOData::FromResourceContext(context
1538 CookieSettings
* cookie_settings
= io_data
1539 bool allow
= cookie_settings
, url
1541 // Record access to database for potential display in UI.
1542 std::vector
<int, int> >::const_iterator i
1543 for (i
= render_frames
.begin(); i
!= render_frames
.end(); ++i
) {
1544 BrowserThread::PostTask(
1545 BrowserThread::UI
1546 base::Bind(&TabSpecificContentSettings::WebDatabaseAccessed
1547 i
, i
, url
, name
, display_name
, !allow
1553 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::AllowWorkerFileSystem(
1555 content::ResourceContext
* context
1556 const std::vector
<int, int> >& render_frames
1557 base::Callback
<void(bool)> callback
) {
1558 DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO
1559 ProfileIOData
* io_data
= ProfileIOData::FromResourceContext(context
1560 CookieSettings
* cookie_settings
= io_data
1561 bool allow
= cookie_settings
, url
1563 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
1564 GuestPermissionRequestHelper(url
, render_frames
, callback
, allow
1566 FileSystemAccessed(url
, render_frames
, callback
, allow
1570 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
1571 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::GuestPermissionRequestHelper(
1573 const std::vector
<int, int> >& render_frames
1574 base::Callback
<void(bool)> callback
1576 DCHECK(BrowserThread:: CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO
1577 std::vector
<int, int> >::const_iterator i
1578 std::map
<int, int> process_map
1579 std::map
<int, int>::const_iterator it
1580 bool has_web_view_guest
= false;
1581 // Record access to file system for potential display in UI.
1582 for (i
= render_frames
.begin(); i
!= render_frames
.end(); ++i
) {
1583 if (process_map
) != process_map
1586 process_map
<int, int>(i
, i
1588 if (extensions::WebViewRendererState::GetInstance()->IsGuest(i
1589 has_web_view_guest
= true;
1591 if (!has_web_view_guest
) {
1592 FileSystemAccessed(url
, render_frames
, callback
, allow
1595 DCHECK_EQ(1U, process_map
1596 it
= process_map
1597 BrowserThread::PostTask(
1600 base::Bind(&ChromeContentBrowserClient::
1601 RequestFileSystemPermissionOnUIThread
1606 base::Bind(&ChromeContentBrowserClient::FileSystemAccessed
1607 weak_factory_
1613 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::RequestFileSystemPermissionOnUIThread(
1614 int render_process_id
1615 int render_frame_id
1617 bool allowed_by_default
1618 const base::Callback
<void(bool)>& callback
) {
1619 DCHECK(BrowserThread:: CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI
1620 extensions::WebViewPermissionHelper
* web_view_permission_helper
1621 extensions::WebViewPermissionHelper::FromFrameID(
1622 render_process_id
, render_frame_id
1623 web_view_permission_helper
1629 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::FileSystemAccessed(
1631 const std::vector
<int, int> >& render_frames
1632 base::Callback
<void(bool)> callback
1634 // Record access to file system for potential display in UI.
1635 std::vector
<int, int> >::const_iterator i
1636 for (i
= render_frames
.begin(); i
!= render_frames
.end(); ++i
) {
1637 BrowserThread::PostTask(
1640 base::Bind(&TabSpecificContentSettings::FileSystemAccessed
1641 i
, i
, url
, !allow
1643 callback
1646 bool ChromeContentBrowserClient::AllowWorkerIndexedDB(
1648 const base::string16
& name
1649 content::ResourceContext
* context
1650 const std::vector
<int, int> >& render_frames
) {
1651 DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO
1652 ProfileIOData
* io_data
= ProfileIOData::FromResourceContext(context
1653 CookieSettings
* cookie_settings
= io_data
1654 bool allow
= cookie_settings
, url
1656 // Record access to IndexedDB for potential display in UI.
1657 std::vector
<int, int> >::const_iterator i
1658 for (i
= render_frames
.begin(); i
!= render_frames
.end(); ++i
) {
1659 BrowserThread::PostTask(
1660 BrowserThread::UI
1661 base::Bind(&TabSpecificContentSettings::IndexedDBAccessed
1662 i
, i
, url
, name
, !allow
1668 net::URLRequestContext
1669 ChromeContentBrowserClient::OverrideRequestContextForURL(
1670 const GURL
& url
, content::ResourceContext
* context
) {
1671 DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO
1672 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
1673 if (url
)) {
1674 ProfileIOData
* io_data
= ProfileIOData::FromResourceContext(context
1675 return io_data
1682 QuotaPermissionContext
1683 ChromeContentBrowserClient::CreateQuotaPermissionContext() {
1684 return new ChromeQuotaPermissionContext();
1687 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::AllowCertificateError(
1688 int render_process_id
1689 int render_frame_id
1691 const net::SSLInfo
& ssl_info
1692 const GURL
& request_url
1693 ResourceType resource_type
1695 bool strict_enforcement
1696 bool expired_previous_decision
1697 const base::Callback
<void(bool)>& callback
1698 content::CertificateRequestResultType
* result
) {
1699 if (resource_type
) {
1700 // A sub-resource has a certificate error. The user doesn't really
1701 // have a context for making the right decision, so block the
1702 // request hard, without an info bar to allow showing the insecure
1704 *result
1708 // If the tab is being prerendered, cancel the prerender and the request.
1709 content::RenderFrameHost
* render_frame_host
1710 content::RenderFrameHost::FromID(render_process_id
, render_frame_id
1711 WebContents
* tab
= WebContents::FromRenderFrameHost(render_frame_host
1717 prerender::PrerenderContents
* prerender_contents
1718 prerender::PrerenderContents::FromWebContents(tab
1719 if (prerender_contents
) {
1720 prerender_contents
1721 *result
1726 CaptivePortalTabHelper
* captive_portal_tab_helper
1727 CaptivePortalTabHelper::FromWebContents(tab
1728 if (captive_portal_tab_helper
1729 captive_portal_tab_helper
1732 // Otherwise, display an SSL blocking page. The interstitial page takes
1733 // ownership of ssl_blocking_page.
1734 int options_mask
= 0;
1736 options_mask
1737 if (strict_enforcement
1738 options_mask
1739 if (expired_previous_decision
1740 options_mask
1741 SSLBlockingPage
* ssl_blocking_page
= new SSLBlockingPage(
1742 tab
, cert_error
, ssl_info
, request_url
, options_mask
, callback
1743 ssl_blocking_page
1746 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::SelectClientCertificate(
1747 int render_process_id
1748 int render_frame_id
1749 net::SSLCertRequestInfo
* cert_request_info
1750 const base::Callback
*)>& callback
) {
1751 content::RenderFrameHost
* rfh
= content::RenderFrameHost::FromID(
1752 render_process_id
, render_frame_id
1753 WebContents
* tab
= WebContents::FromRenderFrameHost(rfh
1755 // TODO(davidben): This makes the request hang, but returning no certificate
1756 // also breaks. It should abort the request. See https://crbug.com/417092
1760 prerender::PrerenderContents
* prerender_contents
1761 prerender::PrerenderContents::FromWebContents(tab
1762 if (prerender_contents
) {
1763 prerender_contents
1768 GURL
requesting_url("https://" + cert_request_info
1769 DCHECK(requesting_url
1770 << "Invalid URL string: https://"
1771 << cert_request_info
1773 Profile
* profile
= Profile::FromBrowserContext(tab
1774 scoped_ptr
> filter
1775 profile
1783 // Try to automatically select a client certificate.
1784 if (filter
)) {
1785 base::DictionaryValue
* filter_dict
1786 static_cast<base::DictionaryValue
1788 const std::vector
> >&
1789 all_client_certs
= cert_request_info
1790 for (size_t i
= 0; i
< all_client_certs
.size(); ++i
) {
1791 if (CertMatchesFilter(*all_client_certs
].get(), *filter_dict
)) {
1792 // Use the first certificate that is matched by the filter.
1793 callback
1802 chrome::ShowSSLClientCertificateSelector(tab
, cert_request_info
, callback
1805 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::AddCertificate(
1806 net::CertificateMimeType cert_type
1807 const void* cert_data
1809 int render_process_id
1810 int render_frame_id
) {
1811 chrome::SSLAddCertificate(cert_type
, cert_data
, cert_size
1812 render_process_id
, render_frame_id
1815 content::MediaObserver
* ChromeContentBrowserClient::GetMediaObserver() {
1816 return MediaCaptureDevicesDispatcher::GetInstance();
1819 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::RequestDesktopNotificationPermission(
1820 const GURL
& source_origin
1821 content::RenderFrameHost
* render_frame_host
1822 const base::Callback
)>& callback
) {
1823 #if defined(ENABLE_NOTIFICATIONS)
1824 // Skip showing the infobar if the request comes from an extension, and that
1825 // extension has the 'notify' permission. (If the extension does not have the
1826 // permission, the user will still be prompted.)
1827 Profile
* profile
= Profile::FromBrowserContext(
1828 render_frame_host
1829 DesktopNotificationService
* notification_service
1830 DesktopNotificationServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile
1831 WebContents
* web_contents
= WebContents::FromRenderFrameHost(
1833 int render_process_id
= render_frame_host
1834 const PermissionRequestID
1835 web_contents
1839 notification_service
1843 // TODO(peter): plumb user_gesture over IPC
1852 blink::WebNotificationPermission
1853 ChromeContentBrowserClient::CheckDesktopNotificationPermission(
1854 const GURL
& source_origin
1855 content::ResourceContext
* context
1856 int render_process_id
) {
1857 #if defined(ENABLE_NOTIFICATIONS)
1858 DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO
1860 ProfileIOData
* io_data
= ProfileIOData::FromResourceContext(context
1861 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
1862 InfoMap
* extension_info_map
= io_data
1864 // We want to see if there is an extension that hasn't been manually disabled
1865 // that has the notifications permission and applies to this security origin.
1866 // First, get the list of extensions with permission for the origin.
1867 extensions::ExtensionSet extensions
1868 extension_info_map
1871 extensions::APIPermission::kNotifications
1873 for (extensions::ExtensionSet::const_iterator iter
= extensions
1874 iter
!= extensions
.end(); ++iter
) {
1875 // Then, check to see if it's been disabled by the user.
1876 if (!extension_info_map
1877 return blink::WebNotificationPermissionAllowed
1881 // No enabled extensions exist, so check the normal host content settings.
1882 HostContentSettingsMap
* host_content_settings_map
1883 io_data
1884 ContentSetting setting
= host_content_settings_map
1890 if (setting
1891 return blink::WebNotificationPermissionAllowed
1892 if (setting
1893 return blink::WebNotificationPermissionDenied
1894 return blink::WebNotificationPermissionDefault
1896 return blink::WebNotificationPermissionAllowed
1900 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::ShowDesktopNotification(
1901 const content::ShowDesktopNotificationHostMsgParams
& params
1902 RenderFrameHost
* render_frame_host
1903 scoped_ptr
> delegate
1904 base::Closure
* cancel_callback
) {
1905 #if defined(ENABLE_NOTIFICATIONS)
1906 content::RenderProcessHost
* process
= render_frame_host
1907 Profile
* profile
= Profile::FromBrowserContext(process
1908 DesktopNotificationService
* service
1909 DesktopNotificationServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile
1910 service
1911 params
, render_frame_host
, delegate
.Pass(), cancel_callback
1913 profile
1914 params
, params
1920 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::RequestGeolocationPermission(
1921 content::WebContents
* web_contents
1923 const GURL
& requesting_frame
1925 const base::Callback
<void(bool)>& result_callback
) {
1926 int render_process_id
= web_contents
1927 int render_view_id
= web_contents
1929 const PermissionRequestID
1933 GeolocationPermissionContextFactory::GetForProfile(
1934 Profile::FromBrowserContext(web_contents
1935 RequestPermission(web_contents
, request_id
1936 requesting_frame
.GetOrigin(), user_gesture
1940 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::CancelGeolocationPermissionRequest(
1941 content::WebContents
* web_contents
1943 const GURL
& requesting_frame
) {
1944 int render_process_id
= web_contents
1945 int render_view_id
= web_contents
1947 const PermissionRequestID
1951 GeolocationPermissionContextFactory::GetForProfile(
1952 Profile::FromBrowserContext(web_contents
1953 CancelPermissionRequest(web_contents
, request_id
1956 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::RequestMidiSysExPermission(
1957 content::WebContents
* web_contents
1959 const GURL
& requesting_frame
1961 base::Callback
<void(bool)> result_callback
1962 base::Closure
* cancel_callback
) {
1963 MidiPermissionContext
* context
1964 MidiPermissionContextFactory::GetForProfile(
1965 Profile::FromBrowserContext(web_contents
1966 int renderer_id
= web_contents
1967 int render_view_id
= web_contents
1968 const PermissionRequestID
, render_view_id
, bridge_id
, GURL());
1970 context
, id
, requesting_frame
1971 user_gesture
, result_callback
1974 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::DidUseGeolocationPermission(
1975 content::WebContents
* web_contents
1976 const GURL
& frame_url
1977 const GURL
& main_frame_url
) {
1978 Profile::FromBrowserContext(web_contents
1979 ->GetHostContentSettingsMap()
1981 frame_url
, main_frame_url
1984 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::RequestProtectedMediaIdentifierPermission(
1985 content::WebContents
* web_contents
1987 base::Callback
<void(bool)> result_callback
1988 base::Closure
* cancel_callback
) {
1989 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
1990 ProtectedMediaIdentifierPermissionContext
* context
1991 ProtectedMediaIdentifierPermissionContextFactory::GetForProfile(
1992 Profile::FromBrowserContext(web_contents
1993 context
1999 result_callback
2000 #endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
2003 bool ChromeContentBrowserClient::CanCreateWindow(
2004 const GURL
& opener_url
2005 const GURL
& opener_top_level_frame_url
2006 const GURL
& source_origin
2007 WindowContainerType container_type
2008 const GURL
& target_url
2009 const content::Referrer
& referrer
2010 WindowOpenDisposition disposition
2011 const WebWindowFeatures
& features
2013 bool opener_suppressed
2014 content::ResourceContext
* context
2015 int render_process_id
2017 bool* no_javascript_access
) {
2018 DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO
2020 *no_javascript_access
= false;
2022 // If the opener is trying to create a background window but doesn't have
2023 // the appropriate permission, fail the attempt.
2024 if (container_type
) {
2025 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
2026 ProfileIOData
* io_data
= ProfileIOData::FromResourceContext(context
2027 InfoMap
* map
= io_data
2028 if (!map
2031 APIPermission::kBackground
)) {
2035 // Note: this use of GetExtensionOrAppByURL is safe but imperfect. It may
2036 // return a recently installed Extension even if this CanCreateWindow call
2037 // was made by an old copy of the page in a normal web process. That's ok,
2038 // because the permission check above would have caused an early return
2039 // already. We must use the full URL to find hosted apps, though, and not
2041 const Extension
* extension
2042 map
2043 if (extension
&& !extensions::BackgroundInfo::AllowJSAccess(extension
2044 *no_javascript_access
= true;
2050 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
2051 if (extensions::WebViewRendererState::GetInstance()->IsGuest(
2056 HostContentSettingsMap
* content_settings
2057 ProfileIOData::FromResourceContext(context
2058 BlockedWindowParams
2067 if (!user_gesture
&& !CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
2068 switches::kDisablePopupBlocking
)) {
2069 if (content_settings
2070 opener_top_level_frame_url
) {
2074 BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::UI
2076 base::Bind(&HandleBlockedPopupOnUIThread
2082 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
2083 if (SingleTabModeTabHelper::IsRegistered(render_process_id
, opener_id
)) {
2084 BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::UI
2086 base::Bind(&HandleSingleTabModeBlockOnUIThread
2095 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::ResourceDispatcherHostCreated() {
2096 DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI
2097 prerender_tracker_
= g_browser_process
2098 return g_browser_process
2101 // TODO(tommi): Rename from Get to Create.
2102 content::SpeechRecognitionManagerDelegate
2103 ChromeContentBrowserClient::GetSpeechRecognitionManagerDelegate() {
2104 return new speech::ChromeSpeechRecognitionManagerDelegate();
2107 net::NetLog
* ChromeContentBrowserClient::GetNetLog() {
2108 return g_browser_process
2111 AccessTokenStore
* ChromeContentBrowserClient::CreateAccessTokenStore() {
2112 return new ChromeAccessTokenStore();
2115 bool ChromeContentBrowserClient::IsFastShutdownPossible() {
2119 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::OverrideWebkitPrefs(
2120 RenderViewHost
* rvh
, const GURL
& url
, WebPreferences
* web_prefs
) {
2121 Profile
* profile
= Profile::FromBrowserContext(
2122 rvh
2123 PrefService
* prefs
= profile
2125 // Fill per-script font preferences. These are not registered on Android
2126 // - http://crbug.com/308033.
2127 #if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
2128 FontFamilyCache::FillFontFamilyMap(profile
2129 prefs::kWebKitStandardFontFamilyMap
2130 &web_prefs
2131 FontFamilyCache::FillFontFamilyMap(profile
2132 prefs::kWebKitFixedFontFamilyMap
2133 &web_prefs
2134 FontFamilyCache::FillFontFamilyMap(profile
2135 prefs::kWebKitSerifFontFamilyMap
2136 &web_prefs
2137 FontFamilyCache::FillFontFamilyMap(profile
2138 prefs::kWebKitSansSerifFontFamilyMap
2139 &web_prefs
2140 FontFamilyCache::FillFontFamilyMap(profile
2141 prefs::kWebKitCursiveFontFamilyMap
2142 &web_prefs
2143 FontFamilyCache::FillFontFamilyMap(profile
2144 prefs::kWebKitFantasyFontFamilyMap
2145 &web_prefs
2146 FontFamilyCache::FillFontFamilyMap(profile
2147 prefs::kWebKitPictographFontFamilyMap
2148 &web_prefs
2151 web_prefs
2152 prefs
2153 web_prefs
2154 prefs
2155 web_prefs
2156 prefs
2157 web_prefs
2158 prefs
2160 web_prefs
= prefs
2162 web_prefs
2163 prefs
2164 web_prefs
2165 prefs
2166 web_prefs
2167 prefs
2168 web_prefs
= prefs
2170 if (!prefs
2171 web_prefs
= false;
2172 if (!prefs
2173 web_prefs
= false;
2174 if (!prefs
2175 web_prefs
= false;
2176 if (!prefs
2177 web_prefs
= false;
2178 web_prefs
2179 prefs
2181 if (prefs
2182 web_prefs
= false;
2184 web_prefs
2185 prefs
2186 web_prefs
2187 prefs
2188 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
2189 web_prefs
2190 static_cast<float>(prefs
2191 web_prefs
= GetDeviceScaleAdjustment();
2192 web_prefs
2193 prefs
2196 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
2197 web_prefs
2198 prefs
2200 web_prefs
= browser_defaults::kPasswordEchoEnabled
2203 web_prefs
= true;
2204 web_prefs
= true;
2206 web_prefs
2207 prefs
2208 web_prefs
2209 prefs
2210 web_prefs
2211 prefs
2213 // Make sure we will set the default_encoding with canonical encoding name.
2214 web_prefs
2215 CharacterEncoding::GetCanonicalEncodingNameByAliasName(
2216 web_prefs
2217 if (web_prefs
.empty()) {
2218 prefs
2219 web_prefs
= prefs
2221 DCHECK(!web_prefs
2223 for (size_t i
= 0; i
< extra_parts_
.size(); ++i
2224 extra_parts_
, url
, web_prefs
2227 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::BrowserURLHandlerCreated(
2228 BrowserURLHandler
* handler
) {
2229 for (size_t i
= 0; i
< extra_parts_
.size(); ++i
2230 extra_parts_
2232 // about: handler. Must come before chrome: handler, since it will
2233 // rewrite about: urls to chrome: URLs and then expect chrome: to
2234 // actually handle them.
2235 handler
2236 BrowserURLHandler::null_handler());
2238 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
2239 // Handler to rewrite chrome://newtab on Android.
2240 handler
2241 BrowserURLHandler::null_handler());
2243 // Handler to rewrite chrome://newtab for InstantExtended.
2244 handler
2245 &chrome::HandleNewTabURLReverseRewrite
2248 // chrome: & friends.
2249 handler
, &HandleWebUIReverse
2252 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::ClearCache(RenderViewHost
* rvh
) {
2253 Profile
* profile
= Profile::FromBrowserContext(
2254 rvh
2255 BrowsingDataRemover
* remover
2256 BrowsingDataRemover::CreateForUnboundedRange(profile
2257 remover
2258 BrowsingDataHelper::UNPROTECTED_WEB
2259 // BrowsingDataRemover takes care of deleting itself when done.
2262 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::ClearCookies(RenderViewHost
* rvh
) {
2263 Profile
* profile
= Profile::FromBrowserContext(
2264 rvh
2265 BrowsingDataRemover
* remover
2266 BrowsingDataRemover::CreateForUnboundedRange(profile
2267 int remove_mask
= BrowsingDataRemover::REMOVE_SITE_DATA
2268 remover
, BrowsingDataHelper::UNPROTECTED_WEB
2269 // BrowsingDataRemover takes care of deleting itself when done.
2272 base::FilePath
ChromeContentBrowserClient::GetDefaultDownloadDirectory() {
2273 return DownloadPrefs::GetDefaultDownloadDirectory();
2276 std::string
ChromeContentBrowserClient::GetDefaultDownloadName() {
2277 return l10n_util::GetStringUTF8(IDS_DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_FILENAME
2280 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::DidCreatePpapiPlugin(
2281 content::BrowserPpapiHost
* browser_host
) {
2282 #if defined(ENABLE_PLUGINS)
2283 browser_host
2284 scoped_ptr
2285 new ChromeBrowserPepperHostFactory(browser_host
2289 content::BrowserPpapiHost
2290 ChromeContentBrowserClient::GetExternalBrowserPpapiHost(
2291 int plugin_process_id
) {
2292 #if !defined(DISABLE_NACL)
2293 content::BrowserChildProcessHostIterator
2294 while (!iter
.Done()) {
2295 nacl::NaClProcessHost
* host
= static_cast<nacl::NaClProcessHost
2296 iter
2297 if (host
->process() &&
2298 host
== plugin_process_id
) {
2299 // Found the plugin.
2300 return host
2308 bool ChromeContentBrowserClient::AllowPepperSocketAPI(
2309 content::BrowserContext
* browser_context
2312 const content::SocketPermissionRequest
* params
) {
2313 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
2314 Profile
* profile
= Profile::FromBrowserContext(browser_context
2315 const extensions::ExtensionSet
* extension_set
2317 const ExtensionService
* ext_service
2318 extensions::ExtensionSystem::Get(profile
2320 extension_set
= ext_service
2325 // Access to private socket APIs is controlled by the whitelist.
2326 if (IsExtensionOrSharedModuleWhitelisted(url
, extension_set
2327 allowed_socket_origins_
)) {
2331 // Access to public socket APIs is controlled by extension permissions.
2332 if (url
.is_valid() && url
) &&
2334 const Extension
* extension
= extension_set
2336 const extensions::PermissionsData
* permissions_data
2337 extension
2339 extensions::SocketPermission::CheckParam
2340 params
, params
, params
2341 if (permissions_data
2342 extensions::APIPermission::kSocket
, &check_params
)) {
2345 } else if (permissions_data
2346 extensions::APIPermission::kSocket
)) {
2353 // Allow both public and private APIs if the command line says so.
2354 return IsHostAllowedByCommandLine(url
, extension_set
2355 switches::kAllowNaClSocketAPI
2361 ui::SelectFilePolicy
* ChromeContentBrowserClient::CreateSelectFilePolicy(
2362 WebContents
* web_contents
) {
2363 return new ChromeSelectFilePolicy(web_contents
2366 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::GetAdditionalAllowedSchemesForFileSystem(
2367 std::vector
>* additional_allowed_schemes
) {
2368 ContentBrowserClient::GetAdditionalAllowedSchemesForFileSystem(
2369 additional_allowed_schemes
2370 additional_allowed_schemes
2371 additional_allowed_schemes
2372 for (size_t i
= 0; i
< extra_parts_
.size(); ++i
) {
2373 extra_parts_
2374 additional_allowed_schemes
2378 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::GetURLRequestAutoMountHandlers(
2379 std::vector
>* handlers
) {
2380 for (size_t i
= 0; i
< extra_parts_
.size(); ++i
2381 extra_parts_
2384 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::GetAdditionalFileSystemBackends(
2385 content::BrowserContext
* browser_context
2386 const base::FilePath
& storage_partition_path
2387 ScopedVector
>* additional_backends
) {
2388 #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
2389 storage::ExternalMountPoints
* external_mount_points
2390 content::BrowserContext::GetMountPoints(browser_context
2391 DCHECK(external_mount_points
2392 chromeos::FileSystemBackend
* backend
= new chromeos::FileSystemBackend(
2393 new drive::FileSystemBackendDelegate
2394 new chromeos::file_system_provider::BackendDelegate
2395 new chromeos::MTPFileSystemBackendDelegate(storage_partition_path
2396 browser_context
2397 external_mount_points
2398 storage::ExternalMountPoints::GetSystemInstance());
2399 backend
2400 DCHECK(backend
2401 additional_backends
2404 for (size_t i
= 0; i
< extra_parts_
.size(); ++i
) {
2405 extra_parts_
2406 browser_context
, storage_partition_path
, additional_backends
2410 #if defined(OS_POSIX) && !defined(OS_MACOSX)
2411 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::GetAdditionalMappedFilesForChildProcess(
2412 const CommandLine
& command_line
2413 int child_process_id
2414 FileDescriptorInfo
* mappings
) {
2415 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
2416 base::FilePath data_path
2417 PathService::Get(ui::DIR_RESOURCE_PAKS_ANDROID
, &data_path
2418 DCHECK(!data_path
2420 int flags
= base::File::FLAG_OPEN
| base::File::FLAG_READ
2421 base::FilePath chrome_resources_pak
2422 data_path
2423 base::File
, flags
2424 DCHECK(file
2425 mappings
2426 base::ScopedFD(file
2428 const std::string locale
= GetApplicationLocale();
2429 base::FilePath locale_pak
= ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().
2430 GetLocaleFilePath(locale
, false);
2431 file
, flags
2432 DCHECK(file
2433 mappings
2434 base::ScopedFD(file
2436 base::FilePath resources_pack_path
2437 PathService::Get(chrome::FILE_RESOURCES_PACK
, &resources_pack_path
2438 file
, flags
2439 DCHECK(file
2440 mappings
2441 base::ScopedFD(file
2443 if (breakpad::IsCrashReporterEnabled()) {
2444 file
= breakpad::CrashDumpManager::GetInstance()->CreateMinidumpFile(
2446 if (file
.IsValid()) {
2447 mappings
2448 base::ScopedFD(file
) << "Failed to create file for minidump, crash reporting will "
2451 "be disabled for this process.";
2455 base::FilePath app_data_path
2456 PathService::Get(base::DIR_ANDROID_APP_DATA
, &app_data_path
2457 DCHECK(!app_data_path
2459 flags
= base::File::FLAG_OPEN
| base::File::FLAG_READ
2460 base::FilePath icudata_path
2461 app_data_path
2462 base::File
, flags
2463 DCHECK(icudata_file
2464 mappings
2465 base::ScopedFD(icudata_file
2468 int crash_signal_fd
= GetCrashSignalFD(command_line
2469 if (crash_signal_fd
>= 0) {
2470 mappings
, crash_signal_fd
2472 #endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
2474 #endif // defined(OS_POSIX) && !defined(OS_MACOSX)
2477 const wchar_t* ChromeContentBrowserClient::GetResourceDllName() {
2478 return chrome::kBrowserResourcesDll
2481 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::PreSpawnRenderer(
2482 sandbox::TargetPolicy
* policy
2484 // This code is duplicated in nacl_exe_win_64.cc.
2485 // Allow the server side of a pipe restricted to the "chrome.nacl."
2486 // namespace so that it cannot impersonate other system or other chrome
2488 sandbox::ResultCode result
= policy
2489 sandbox::TargetPolicy::SUBSYS_NAMED_PIPES
2490 sandbox::TargetPolicy::NAMEDPIPES_ALLOW_ANY
2491 L
2492 if (result
!= sandbox::SBOX_ALL_OK
) {
2497 // Renderers need to send named pipe handles and shared memory
2498 // segment handles to NaCl loader processes.
2499 result
= policy
2500 sandbox::TargetPolicy::HANDLES_DUP_ANY
2502 if (result
!= sandbox::SBOX_ALL_OK
) {
2509 bool ChromeContentBrowserClient::CheckMediaAccessPermission(
2510 content::BrowserContext
* browser_context
2511 const GURL
& security_origin
2512 content::MediaStreamType type
) {
2513 return MediaCaptureDevicesDispatcher::GetInstance()
2514 ->CheckMediaAccessPermission(
2515 browser_context
, security_origin
, type
2518 content::DevToolsManagerDelegate
2519 ChromeContentBrowserClient::GetDevToolsManagerDelegate() {
2520 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
2521 return new DevToolsManagerDelegateAndroid();
2523 return new ChromeDevToolsManagerDelegate();
2527 bool ChromeContentBrowserClient::IsPluginAllowedToCallRequestOSFileHandle(
2528 content::BrowserContext
* browser_context
2530 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
2531 Profile
* profile
= Profile::FromBrowserContext(browser_context
2532 const extensions::ExtensionSet
* extension_set
2534 const ExtensionService
* ext_service
2535 extensions::ExtensionSystem::Get(profile
2537 extension_set
= ext_service
2540 return IsExtensionOrSharedModuleWhitelisted(url
, extension_set
2541 allowed_file_handle_origins_
) ||
2542 IsHostAllowedByCommandLine(url
, extension_set
2543 switches::kAllowNaClFileHandleAPI
2549 bool ChromeContentBrowserClient::IsPluginAllowedToUseDevChannelAPIs(
2550 content::BrowserContext
* browser_context
2552 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
2553 // Allow access for tests.
2554 if (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
2555 switches::kEnablePepperTesting
)) {
2559 Profile
* profile
= Profile::FromBrowserContext(browser_context
2560 const extensions::ExtensionSet
* extension_set
2562 const ExtensionService
* ext_service
2563 extensions::ExtensionSystem::Get(profile
2565 extension_set
= ext_service
2569 // Allow access for whitelisted applications.
2570 if (IsExtensionOrSharedModuleWhitelisted(url
2572 allowed_dev_channel_origins_
)) {
2576 chrome::VersionInfo::Channel channel
= chrome::VersionInfo::GetChannel();
2577 // Allow dev channel APIs to be used on "Canary", "Dev", and "Unknown"
2578 // releases of Chrome. Permitting "Unknown" allows these APIs to be used on
2579 // Chromium builds as well.
2580 return channel
<= chrome::VersionInfo::CHANNEL_DEV
2587 ChromeContentBrowserClient::OverrideCookieStoreForRenderProcess(
2588 int render_process_id
) {
2589 DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO
2590 if (!prerender_tracker_
2592 return prerender_tracker_
2593 render_process_id
2596 #if defined(ENABLE_WEBRTC)
2597 void ChromeContentBrowserClient::MaybeCopyDisableWebRtcEncryptionSwitch(
2598 CommandLine
* to_command_line
2599 const CommandLine
& from_command_line
2600 VersionInfo::Channel channel
) {
2601 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
2602 const VersionInfo::Channel kMaxDisableEncryptionChannel
2603 VersionInfo::CHANNEL_BETA
2605 const VersionInfo::Channel kMaxDisableEncryptionChannel
2606 VersionInfo::CHANNEL_DEV
2608 if (channel
<= kMaxDisableEncryptionChannel
) {
2609 static const char* const kWebRtcDevSwitchNames
[] = {
2610 switches::kDisableWebRtcEncryption
2612 to_command_line
2613 kWebRtcDevSwitchNames
2614 arraysize(kWebRtcDevSwitchNames
2617 #endif // defined(ENABLE_WEBRTC)
2619 } // namespace chrome