Convert events_unittests to run exclusively on Swarming
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / content / child /
1 # Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 # found in the LICENSE file.
5 import("//build/config/crypto.gni")
6 import("//build/config/features.gni")
7 import("//build/config/ui.gni")
8 import("//content/child/child.gni")
10 source_set("child") {
11   # Only the public target should depend on this. All other targets (even
12   # internal content ones) should depend on the public one.
13   visibility = [ "//content/public/child:child_sources" ]
15   sources = rebase_path(content_child_gypi_values.private_child_sources,
16                         ".",
17                         "//content")
19   public_deps = [
20     "//third_party/mojo/src/mojo/edk/system",
21   ]
23   deps = [
24     "//base",
25     "//components/mime_util",
26     "//components/tracing",
27     "//components/tracing:startup_tracing",
28     "//components/webcrypto",
29     "//content/common:mojo_bindings",
30     "//mojo/application/public/interfaces",
31     "//mojo/common",
32     "//mojo/environment:chromium",
33     "//skia",
34     "//third_party/icu",
35     "//ui/base",
36     "//ui/events/gestures/blink",
37     "//ui/gfx",
38     "//ui/gfx/geometry",
39     "//ui/native_theme",
40     "//url",
41   ]
43   if (!use_default_render_theme) {
44     sources -= [
45       "",
46       "webthemeengine_impl_default.h",
47     ]
48   }
50   if (is_android) {
51     deps += [ "//third_party/android_tools:cpu_features" ]
52   }
54   if (enable_plugins) {
55     deps += [ "//ppapi/proxy" ]
56   } else {
57     sources -= [
58       "",
59       "npapi/",
60       "npapi/plugin_host.h",
61       "npapi/",
62       "npapi/plugin_instance.h",
63       "npapi/",
64       "npapi/plugin_lib.h",
65       "npapi/",
66       "npapi/plugin_stream.h",
67       "npapi/",
68       "npapi/",
69       "npapi/plugin_stream_url.h",
70       "npapi/",
71       "npapi/plugin_string_stream.h",
72       "npapi/",
73       "npapi/plugin_url_fetcher.h",
74       "npapi/webplugin.h",
75       "npapi/webplugin_delegate.h",
76       "npapi/",
77       "npapi/webplugin_delegate_impl.h",
78       "npapi/webplugin_resource_client.h",
79     ]
81     if (is_mac) {
82       sources -= [
83         "npapi/",
84         "npapi/plugin_web_event_converter_mac.h",
85         "npapi/",
86         "npapi/webplugin_accelerated_surface_mac.h",
87         "npapi/",
88       ]
89     } else if (is_win) {
90       sources -= [
91         "npapi/",
92         "npapi/",
93         "npapi/",
94         "npapi/webplugin_ime_win.h",
95       ]
96     } else if (is_android) {
97       sources -= [ "npapi/" ]
98     }
99     if (use_aura) {
100       sources -= [ "npapi/" ]
101     }
102   }
104   configs += [
105     "//content:content_implementation",
106     "//build/config/compiler:no_size_t_to_int_warning",
107   ]
109   if (is_ios) {
110     # iOS only needs a small portion of content; exclude all the
111     # implementation, and re-include what is used.
112     sources = []
113   } else {
114     deps += [
115       "//components/scheduler:scheduler",
116       "//content/app/resources",
117       "//content/app/strings",
118       "//crypto:platform",
119       "//storage/common",
120       "//third_party/WebKit/public:blink",
121       "//third_party/WebKit/public:image_resources",
122       "//third_party/WebKit/public:resources",
123       "//third_party/npapi",
124     ]
125   }
127   if (use_aura && is_mac) {
128     # This file is already excluded on non-Mac.
129     sources -= [ "npapi/" ]
130   }
132   if (is_win || !use_aura) {
133     sources -= [ "npapi/" ]
134   }