1 # Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 # found in the LICENSE file.
5 # Generates an output manifest based on a Jinja2 templated manifest.
6 # Include this file inside of your target to generate a manifest.
7 # The following variables must be set before including this file:
9 # template_manifest_path: a valid Jinja2 file path.
10 # output_manifest_path: file path for the resulting manifest.
12 # The following variables are optional:
14 # is_guest_manifest: 1 or 0; generates a manifest usable while in guest
16 # is_chromevox_classic: 1 or 0; generates a manifest for ChromeVox Classic.
17 # chromevox_compress_js: 1 or 0; whether the javascript is compressed.
21 'generate_manifest_script_path': 'tools/generate_manifest.py',
22 'is_guest_manifest%': 0,
23 'is_chromevox_classic%': 0,
24 'key': 'MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDltVl1k15pjRzuZfMc3B69inxwm2bZeZ2O8/zFO+NluHnBm3GJ3fzdOoFGJd+M16I8p7zxxQyHeDMfWYASyCeB8XnUEDKjqNLQfCnncsANzHsYoEbYj2nEUML2P13b9q+AAvpCBpAJ4cZp81e9n1y/vbSXHE4385cgkKueItzikQIDAQAB',
27 '../../../../../build/util/version.gypi',
31 'action_name': 'generate_manifest',
32 'message': 'Generate manifest for <(_target_name)',
34 '<(generate_manifest_script_path)',
35 '<(template_manifest_path)',
38 '<(output_manifest_path)'
42 '<(generate_manifest_script_path)',
43 '--is_guest_manifest=<(is_guest_manifest)',
45 '--is_chromevox_classic=<(is_chromevox_classic)',
46 '--is_js_compressed=<(chromevox_compress_js)',
47 '--set_version=<(version_full)',
48 '--output_manifest=<(output_manifest_path)',
49 '<(template_manifest_path)',