2 URL: http://sctp-refimpl.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/KERN/usrsctp
6 License: New BSD License
11 The usrsctplib provides implementation of SCTP protocol which fully supports
13 as well as updates and enhancements from the following Internet Drafts:
14 draft-ietf-tsvwg-sctpcsum-05.txt
15 draft-ietf-tsvwg-sctpimpguide-05.txt
16 draft-ietf-tsvwg-sctpsocket-04.txt
17 draft-ietf-tsvwg-addip-sctp-05.txt
18 draft-stewart-prsctp-00.txt
19 draft-stewart-tsvwg-sctpipv6-00.txt
20 draft-iyengar-sctp-cacc-00.txt
23 usrsctplib provides its own SHA1 implementations as part of the library. Since
24 chrome already has the support of both NSS and OPENSSL which already
25 implementats SHA1, Chromium will not include the SHA1 from usrsctplib.
27 Overrides folder has the necessary changes to strip the existing SHA1
28 implementation in usrsctplib and use OPENSSL or NSS implementation based on the
31 To re-create the patch file run:
32 diff -PcrB usrsctplib overrides/usrsctplib > localchanges.patch