gpu: Tweak Android WebGL test expectations
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / ui / app_list / cocoa /
1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #import "ui/app_list/cocoa/apps_search_box_controller.h"
7 #include "base/mac/scoped_nsobject.h"
8 #include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
9 #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
10 #import "testing/gtest_mac.h"
11 #include "ui/app_list/app_list_menu.h"
12 #import "ui/app_list/cocoa/current_user_menu_item_view.h"
13 #include "ui/app_list/search_box_model.h"
14 #include "ui/app_list/test/app_list_test_model.h"
15 #include "ui/app_list/test/app_list_test_view_delegate.h"
16 #import "ui/base/test/ui_cocoa_test_helper.h"
18 @interface TestAppsSearchBoxDelegate : NSObject<AppsSearchBoxDelegate> {
19  @private
20   app_list::SearchBoxModel searchBoxModel_;
21   app_list::test::AppListTestViewDelegate appListDelegate_;
22   int textChangeCount_;
25 @property(assign, nonatomic) int textChangeCount;
27 @end
29 @implementation TestAppsSearchBoxDelegate
31 @synthesize textChangeCount = textChangeCount_;
33 - (app_list::SearchBoxModel*)searchBoxModel {
34   return &searchBoxModel_;
37 - (app_list::AppListViewDelegate*)appListDelegate {
38   return &appListDelegate_;
41 - (BOOL)control:(NSControl*)control
42                textView:(NSTextView*)textView
43     doCommandBySelector:(SEL)command {
44   return NO;
47 - (void)modelTextDidChange {
48   ++textChangeCount_;
51 - (CGFloat)bubbleCornerRadius {
52   return 3;
55 @end
57 namespace app_list {
58 namespace test {
60 class AppsSearchBoxControllerTest : public ui::CocoaTest {
61  public:
62   AppsSearchBoxControllerTest() {
63     Init();
64   }
66   virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE {
67     apps_search_box_controller_.reset(
68         [[AppsSearchBoxController alloc] initWithFrame:
69             NSMakeRect(0, 0, 400, 100)]);
70     delegate_.reset([[TestAppsSearchBoxDelegate alloc] init]);
71     [apps_search_box_controller_ setDelegate:delegate_];
73     ui::CocoaTest::SetUp();
74     [[test_window() contentView] addSubview:[apps_search_box_controller_ view]];
75   }
77   virtual void TearDown() OVERRIDE {
78     [apps_search_box_controller_ setDelegate:nil];
79     ui::CocoaTest::TearDown();
80   }
82   void SimulateKeyAction(SEL c) {
83     NSControl* control = [apps_search_box_controller_ searchTextField];
84     [apps_search_box_controller_ control:control
85                                 textView:nil
86                      doCommandBySelector:c];
87   }
89  protected:
90   base::scoped_nsobject<TestAppsSearchBoxDelegate> delegate_;
91   base::scoped_nsobject<AppsSearchBoxController> apps_search_box_controller_;
93  private:
94   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AppsSearchBoxControllerTest);
97 TEST_VIEW(AppsSearchBoxControllerTest, [apps_search_box_controller_ view]);
99 // Test the search box initialization, and search input and clearing.
100 TEST_F(AppsSearchBoxControllerTest, SearchBoxModel) {
101   app_list::SearchBoxModel* model = [delegate_ searchBoxModel];
102   // Usually localized "Search".
103   const base::string16 hit_text(ASCIIToUTF16("hint"));
104   model->SetHintText(hit_text);
105   EXPECT_NSEQ(base::SysUTF16ToNSString(hit_text),
106       [[[apps_search_box_controller_ searchTextField] cell] placeholderString]);
108   const base::string16 search_text(ASCIIToUTF16("test"));
109   model->SetText(search_text);
110   EXPECT_NSEQ(base::SysUTF16ToNSString(search_text),
111               [[apps_search_box_controller_ searchTextField] stringValue]);
112   // Updates coming via the model should not notify the delegate.
113   EXPECT_EQ(0, [delegate_ textChangeCount]);
115   // Updates from the view should update the model and notify the delegate.
116   [apps_search_box_controller_ clearSearch];
117   EXPECT_EQ(base::string16(), model->text());
118   EXPECT_NSEQ([NSString string],
119               [[apps_search_box_controller_ searchTextField] stringValue]);
120   EXPECT_EQ(1, [delegate_ textChangeCount]);
122   // Test pressing escape clears the search.
123   model->SetText(search_text);
124   EXPECT_NSEQ(base::SysUTF16ToNSString(search_text),
125               [[apps_search_box_controller_ searchTextField] stringValue]);
126   SimulateKeyAction(@selector(complete:));
127   EXPECT_NSEQ([NSString string],
128               [[apps_search_box_controller_ searchTextField] stringValue]);
129   EXPECT_EQ(2, [delegate_ textChangeCount]);
132 // Test the popup menu items.
133 TEST_F(AppsSearchBoxControllerTest, SearchBoxMenu) {
134   NSPopUpButton* menu_control = [apps_search_box_controller_ menuControl];
135   EXPECT_TRUE([apps_search_box_controller_ appListMenu]);
136   ui::MenuModel* menu_model
137       = [apps_search_box_controller_ appListMenu]->menu_model();
138   // Add one to the item count to account for the blank, first item that Cocoa
139   // has in its popup menus.
140   EXPECT_EQ(menu_model->GetItemCount() + 1,
141             [[menu_control menu] numberOfItems]);
143   // The CURRENT_USER item should contain our custom view.
144   ui::MenuModel* found_menu_model = menu_model;
145   int index;
146   EXPECT_TRUE(ui::MenuModel::GetModelAndIndexForCommandId(
147       AppListMenu::CURRENT_USER, &menu_model, &index));
148   EXPECT_EQ(found_menu_model, menu_model);
149   NSMenuItem* current_user_item = [[menu_control menu] itemAtIndex:index + 1];
150   EXPECT_TRUE([current_user_item view]);
152   // A regular item should have just the label.
153   EXPECT_TRUE(ui::MenuModel::GetModelAndIndexForCommandId(
154       AppListMenu::SHOW_SETTINGS, &menu_model, &index));
155   EXPECT_EQ(found_menu_model, menu_model);
156   NSMenuItem* settings_item = [[menu_control menu] itemAtIndex:index + 1];
157   EXPECT_FALSE([settings_item view]);
158   EXPECT_NSEQ(base::SysUTF16ToNSString(menu_model->GetLabelAt(index)),
159               [settings_item title]);
162 // Test initialization and display of the custom menu item that shows the
163 // currently signed-in user. This is a non-interactive view.
164 class AppsSearchBoxCustomMenuItemTest : public ui::CocoaTest {
165  public:
166   AppsSearchBoxCustomMenuItemTest() {
167     Init();
168   }
170   virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE {
171     scoped_ptr<AppListViewDelegate> delegate(new AppListTestViewDelegate);
172     current_user_menu_item_.reset([[[CurrentUserMenuItemView alloc]
173         initWithDelegate:delegate.get()] retain]);
174     ui::CocoaTest::SetUp();
175     [[test_window() contentView] addSubview:current_user_menu_item_];
176   }
178  protected:
179   base::scoped_nsobject<NSView> current_user_menu_item_;
181  private:
182   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AppsSearchBoxCustomMenuItemTest);
185 TEST_VIEW(AppsSearchBoxCustomMenuItemTest, current_user_menu_item_);
187 }  // namespace test
188 }  // namespace app_list