2 Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
3 This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt
4 The complete set of authors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt
5 The complete set of contributors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt
6 Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also
7 subject to an additional IP rights grant found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt
10 * @group Polymer Core Elements
12 * The `core-iconset-svg` element allows users to define their own icon sets
13 * that contain svg icons. The svg icon elements should be children of the
14 * `core-iconset-svg` element. Multiple icons should be given distinct id's.
16 * Using svg elements to create icons has a few advantages over traditional
17 * bitmap graphics like jpg or png. Icons that use svg are vector based so they
18 * are resolution independent and should look good on any device. They are
19 * stylable via css. Icons can be themed, colorized, and even animated.
23 * <core-iconset-svg id="my-svg-icons" iconSize="24">
27 * <rect x="50" y="50" width="50" height="50" />
28 * <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="50" />
34 * This will automatically register the icon set "my-svg-icons" to the iconset
35 * database. To use these icons from within another element, make a
36 * `core-iconset` element and call the `byId` method
37 * to retrieve a given iconset. To apply a particular icon inside an
38 * element use the `applyIcon` method. For example:
40 * iconset.applyIcon(iconNode, 'car');
42 * @element core-iconset-svg
46 --><html><head><link rel=
"import" href=
48 </head><body><polymer-element name=
"core-iconset-svg" extends=
"core-meta" attributes=
"iconSize" assetpath=
53 <script charset=
"utf-8" src=