Pin Chrome's shortcut to the Win10 Start menu on install and OS upgrade.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / android /
1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "chrome/browser/android/shortcut_helper.h"
7 #include <jni.h>
9 #include "base/android/jni_android.h"
10 #include "base/android/jni_string.h"
11 #include "base/basictypes.h"
12 #include "base/location.h"
13 #include "base/strings/string16.h"
14 #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
15 #include "chrome/browser/banners/app_banner_settings_helper.h"
16 #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
17 #include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
18 #include "content/public/common/manifest.h"
19 #include "jni/ShortcutHelper_jni.h"
20 #include "ui/gfx/android/java_bitmap.h"
21 #include "ui/gfx/color_analysis.h"
22 #include "url/gurl.h"
24 using content::Manifest;
26 jlong Initialize(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jobject java_web_contents) {
27 content::WebContents* web_contents =
28 content::WebContents::FromJavaWebContents(java_web_contents);
29 ShortcutHelper* shortcut_helper = new ShortcutHelper(env, obj, web_contents);
30 return reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(shortcut_helper);
33 ShortcutHelper::ShortcutHelper(JNIEnv* env,
34 jobject obj,
35 content::WebContents* web_contents)
36 : add_shortcut_pending_(false),
37 data_fetcher_(new ShortcutDataFetcher(web_contents, this)) {
38 java_ref_.Reset(env, obj);
41 ShortcutHelper::~ShortcutHelper() {
42 data_fetcher_->set_weak_observer(nullptr);
43 data_fetcher_ = nullptr;
46 void ShortcutHelper::OnUserTitleAvailable(const base::string16& user_title) {
47 JNIEnv* env = base::android::AttachCurrentThread();
48 ScopedJavaLocalRef<jstring> j_user_title =
49 base::android::ConvertUTF16ToJavaString(env, user_title);
50 Java_ShortcutHelper_onUserTitleAvailable(env,
51 java_ref_.obj(),
52 j_user_title.obj());
55 void ShortcutHelper::OnDataAvailable(const ShortcutInfo& info,
56 const SkBitmap& icon) {
57 JNIEnv* env = base::android::AttachCurrentThread();
58 ScopedJavaLocalRef<jobject> java_bitmap;
59 if (icon.getSize())
60 java_bitmap = gfx::ConvertToJavaBitmap(&icon);
62 Java_ShortcutHelper_onIconAvailable(env,
63 java_ref_.obj(),
64 java_bitmap.obj());
66 if (add_shortcut_pending_)
67 AddShortcut(info, icon);
70 void ShortcutHelper::Destroy(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj) {
71 delete this;
74 SkBitmap ShortcutHelper::FinalizeLauncherIcon(const SkBitmap& bitmap,
75 const GURL& url) {
76 DCHECK_CURRENTLY_ON(content::BrowserThread::IO);
78 // Determine a single color to use for the favicon if the favicon that is
79 // returned it is too low quality.
80 SkColor color = color_utils::CalculateKMeanColorOfBitmap(bitmap);
81 int dominant_red = SkColorGetR(color);
82 int dominant_green = SkColorGetG(color);
83 int dominant_blue = SkColorGetB(color);
85 // Make the icon acceptable for the Android launcher.
86 JNIEnv* env = base::android::AttachCurrentThread();
87 ScopedJavaLocalRef<jstring> java_url =
88 base::android::ConvertUTF8ToJavaString(env, url.spec());
89 ScopedJavaLocalRef<jobject> java_bitmap;
90 if (bitmap.getSize())
91 java_bitmap = gfx::ConvertToJavaBitmap(&bitmap);
93 base::android::ScopedJavaLocalRef<jobject> ref =
94 Java_ShortcutHelper_finalizeLauncherIcon(env,
95 java_url.obj(),
96 java_bitmap.obj(),
97 dominant_red,
98 dominant_green,
99 dominant_blue);
100 return gfx::CreateSkBitmapFromJavaBitmap(gfx::JavaBitmap(ref.obj()));
103 void ShortcutHelper::AddShortcut(JNIEnv* env,
104 jobject obj,
105 jstring j_user_title) {
106 add_shortcut_pending_ = true;
108 base::string16 user_title =
109 base::android::ConvertJavaStringToUTF16(env, j_user_title);
110 if (!user_title.empty())
111 data_fetcher_->shortcut_info().user_title = user_title;
113 if (data_fetcher_->is_ready()) {
114 // If the fetcher isn't ready yet, the shortcut will be added when it is
115 // via OnDataAvailable();
116 AddShortcut(data_fetcher_->shortcut_info(), data_fetcher_->shortcut_icon());
120 void ShortcutHelper::AddShortcut(const ShortcutInfo& info,
121 const SkBitmap& icon) {
122 DCHECK(add_shortcut_pending_);
123 if (!add_shortcut_pending_)
124 return;
125 add_shortcut_pending_ = false;
127 RecordAddToHomescreen();
129 content::BrowserThread::PostTask(
130 content::BrowserThread::IO,
132 base::Bind(&ShortcutHelper::AddShortcutInBackgroundWithSkBitmap,
133 info,
134 icon));
137 bool ShortcutHelper::RegisterShortcutHelper(JNIEnv* env) {
138 return RegisterNativesImpl(env);
141 // static
142 void ShortcutHelper::AddShortcutInBackgroundWithSkBitmap(
143 const ShortcutInfo& info,
144 const SkBitmap& icon_bitmap) {
145 DCHECK_CURRENTLY_ON(content::BrowserThread::IO);
147 // Send the data to the Java side to create the shortcut.
148 JNIEnv* env = base::android::AttachCurrentThread();
149 ScopedJavaLocalRef<jstring> java_url =
150 base::android::ConvertUTF8ToJavaString(env, info.url.spec());
151 ScopedJavaLocalRef<jstring> java_user_title =
152 base::android::ConvertUTF16ToJavaString(env, info.user_title);
153 ScopedJavaLocalRef<jstring> java_name =
154 base::android::ConvertUTF16ToJavaString(env,;
155 ScopedJavaLocalRef<jstring> java_short_name =
156 base::android::ConvertUTF16ToJavaString(env, info.short_name);
157 ScopedJavaLocalRef<jobject> java_bitmap;
158 if (icon_bitmap.getSize())
159 java_bitmap = gfx::ConvertToJavaBitmap(&icon_bitmap);
161 Java_ShortcutHelper_addShortcut(
162 env,
163 base::android::GetApplicationContext(),
164 java_url.obj(),
165 java_user_title.obj(),
166 java_name.obj(),
167 java_short_name.obj(),
168 java_bitmap.obj(),
169 info.display == content::Manifest::DISPLAY_MODE_STANDALONE,
170 info.orientation,
171 info.source);
174 void ShortcutHelper::RecordAddToHomescreen() {
175 // Record that the shortcut has been added, so no banners will be shown
176 // for this app.
177 content::WebContents* web_contents = data_fetcher_->web_contents();
178 if (!web_contents)
179 return;
181 AppBannerSettingsHelper::RecordBannerEvent(
182 web_contents, web_contents->GetURL(),
183 data_fetcher_->shortcut_info().url.spec(),
185 base::Time::Now());