Pin Chrome's shortcut to the Win10 Start menu on install and OS upgrade.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / chromeos / policy /
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/policy/device_status_collector.h"
7 #include <stdint.h>
8 #include <cstdio>
9 #include <limits>
10 #include <sstream>
11 #include <sys/statvfs.h>
13 #include "base/bind.h"
14 #include "base/bind_helpers.h"
15 #include "base/files/file_util.h"
16 #include "base/format_macros.h"
17 #include "base/location.h"
18 #include "base/logging.h"
19 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
20 #include "base/posix/eintr_wrapper.h"
21 #include "base/prefs/pref_registry_simple.h"
22 #include "base/prefs/pref_service.h"
23 #include "base/prefs/scoped_user_pref_update.h"
24 #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
25 #include "base/sys_info.h"
26 #include "base/task_runner_util.h"
27 #include "base/values.h"
28 #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h"
29 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/app_mode/kiosk_app_manager.h"
30 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/policy/browser_policy_connector_chromeos.h"
31 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/policy/device_local_account.h"
32 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/profiles/profile_helper.h"
33 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/settings/cros_settings.h"
34 #include "chrome/common/chrome_version_info.h"
35 #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
36 #include "chromeos/disks/disk_mount_manager.h"
37 #include "chromeos/network/device_state.h"
38 #include "chromeos/network/network_handler.h"
39 #include "chromeos/network/network_state.h"
40 #include "chromeos/network/network_state_handler.h"
41 #include "chromeos/settings/cros_settings_names.h"
42 #include "chromeos/system/statistics_provider.h"
43 #include "components/policy/core/common/cloud/cloud_policy_constants.h"
44 #include "components/user_manager/user.h"
45 #include "components/user_manager/user_manager.h"
46 #include "components/user_manager/user_type.h"
47 #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
48 #include "extensions/browser/extension_registry.h"
49 #include "extensions/common/extension.h"
50 #include "policy/proto/device_management_backend.pb.h"
51 #include "storage/browser/fileapi/external_mount_points.h"
52 #include "third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/service_constants.h"
54 using base::Time;
55 using base::TimeDelta;
57 namespace em = enterprise_management;
59 namespace {
60 // How many seconds of inactivity triggers the idle state.
61 const int kIdleStateThresholdSeconds = 300;
63 // How many days in the past to store active periods for.
64 const unsigned int kMaxStoredPastActivityDays = 30;
66 // How many days in the future to store active periods for.
67 const unsigned int kMaxStoredFutureActivityDays = 2;
69 // How often, in seconds, to update the device location.
70 const unsigned int kGeolocationPollIntervalSeconds = 30 * 60;
72 // How often, in seconds, to sample the hardware state.
73 static const unsigned int kHardwareStatusSampleIntervalSeconds = 120;
75 // Keys for the geolocation status dictionary in local state.
76 const char kLatitude[] = "latitude";
77 const char kLongitude[] = "longitude";
78 const char kAltitude[] = "altitude";
79 const char kAccuracy[] = "accuracy";
80 const char kAltitudeAccuracy[] = "altitude_accuracy";
81 const char kHeading[] = "heading";
82 const char kSpeed[] = "speed";
83 const char kTimestamp[] = "timestamp";
85 // The location we read our CPU statistics from.
86 const char kProcStat[] = "/proc/stat";
88 // Determine the day key (milliseconds since epoch for corresponding day in UTC)
89 // for a given |timestamp|.
90 int64 TimestampToDayKey(Time timestamp) {
91 Time::Exploded exploded;
92 timestamp.LocalMidnight().LocalExplode(&exploded);
93 return (Time::FromUTCExploded(exploded) - Time::UnixEpoch()).InMilliseconds();
96 // Helper function (invoked via blocking pool) to fetch information about
97 // mounted disks.
98 std::vector<em::VolumeInfo> GetVolumeInfo(
99 const std::vector<std::string>& mount_points) {
100 std::vector<em::VolumeInfo> result;
101 for (const std::string& mount_point : mount_points) {
102 struct statvfs stat = {}; // Zero-clear
103 if (HANDLE_EINTR(statvfs(mount_point.c_str(), &stat)) == 0) {
104 em::VolumeInfo info;
105 info.set_volume_id(mount_point);
106 info.set_storage_total(static_cast<int64_t>(stat.f_blocks) *
107 stat.f_frsize);
108 info.set_storage_free(static_cast<uint64_t>(stat.f_bavail) *
109 stat.f_frsize);
110 result.push_back(info);
111 } else {
112 LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to get volume status for " << mount_point;
115 return result;
118 // Reads the first CPU line from /proc/stat. Returns an empty string if
119 // the cpu data could not be read.
120 // The format of this line from /proc/stat is:
122 // cpu user_time nice_time system_time idle_time
124 // where user_time, nice_time, system_time, and idle_time are all integer
125 // values measured in jiffies from system startup.
126 std::string ReadCPUStatistics() {
127 std::string contents;
128 if (base::ReadFileToString(base::FilePath(kProcStat), &contents)) {
129 size_t eol = contents.find("\n");
130 if (eol != std::string::npos) {
131 std::string line = contents.substr(0, eol);
132 if (, 4, "cpu ") == 0)
133 return line;
135 // First line should always start with "cpu ".
136 NOTREACHED() << "Could not parse /proc/stat contents: " << contents;
138 LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to read CPU statistics from " << kProcStat;
139 return std::string();
142 // Returns the DeviceLocalAccount associated with the current kiosk session.
143 // Returns null if there is no active kiosk session, or if that kiosk
144 // session has been removed from policy since the session started, in which
145 // case we won't report its status).
146 scoped_ptr<policy::DeviceLocalAccount>
147 GetCurrentKioskDeviceLocalAccount(chromeos::CrosSettings* settings) {
148 if (!user_manager::UserManager::Get()->IsLoggedInAsKioskApp())
149 return scoped_ptr<policy::DeviceLocalAccount>();
150 const user_manager::User* const user =
151 user_manager::UserManager::Get()->GetActiveUser();
152 const std::string user_id = user->GetUserID();
153 const std::vector<policy::DeviceLocalAccount> accounts =
154 policy::GetDeviceLocalAccounts(settings);
156 for (const auto& device_local_account : accounts) {
157 if (device_local_account.user_id == user_id) {
158 return make_scoped_ptr(
159 new policy::DeviceLocalAccount(device_local_account)).Pass();
162 LOG(WARNING) << "Kiosk app not found in list of device-local accounts";
163 return scoped_ptr<policy::DeviceLocalAccount>();
166 } // namespace
168 namespace policy {
170 DeviceStatusCollector::DeviceStatusCollector(
171 PrefService* local_state,
172 chromeos::system::StatisticsProvider* provider,
173 const LocationUpdateRequester& location_update_requester,
174 const VolumeInfoFetcher& volume_info_fetcher,
175 const CPUStatisticsFetcher& cpu_statistics_fetcher)
176 : max_stored_past_activity_days_(kMaxStoredPastActivityDays),
177 max_stored_future_activity_days_(kMaxStoredFutureActivityDays),
178 local_state_(local_state),
179 last_idle_check_(Time()),
180 last_reported_day_(0),
181 duration_for_last_reported_day_(0),
182 geolocation_update_in_progress_(false),
183 volume_info_fetcher_(volume_info_fetcher),
184 cpu_statistics_fetcher_(cpu_statistics_fetcher),
185 statistics_provider_(provider),
186 last_cpu_active_(0),
187 last_cpu_idle_(0),
188 location_update_requester_(location_update_requester),
189 report_version_info_(false),
190 report_activity_times_(false),
191 report_boot_mode_(false),
192 report_location_(false),
193 report_network_interfaces_(false),
194 report_users_(false),
195 report_hardware_status_(false),
196 report_session_status_(false),
197 weak_factory_(this) {
198 if (volume_info_fetcher_.is_null())
199 volume_info_fetcher_ = base::Bind(&GetVolumeInfo);
201 if (cpu_statistics_fetcher_.is_null())
202 cpu_statistics_fetcher_ = base::Bind(&ReadCPUStatistics);
204 idle_poll_timer_.Start(FROM_HERE,
205 TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kIdlePollIntervalSeconds),
206 this, &DeviceStatusCollector::CheckIdleState);
207 hardware_status_sampling_timer_.Start(
209 TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kHardwareStatusSampleIntervalSeconds),
210 this, &DeviceStatusCollector::SampleHardwareStatus);
212 cros_settings_ = chromeos::CrosSettings::Get();
215 // Watch for changes to the individual policies that control what the status
216 // reports contain.
217 base::Closure callback =
218 base::Bind(&DeviceStatusCollector::UpdateReportingSettings,
219 base::Unretained(this));
220 version_info_subscription_ = cros_settings_->AddSettingsObserver(
221 chromeos::kReportDeviceVersionInfo, callback);
222 activity_times_subscription_ = cros_settings_->AddSettingsObserver(
223 chromeos::kReportDeviceActivityTimes, callback);
224 boot_mode_subscription_ = cros_settings_->AddSettingsObserver(
225 chromeos::kReportDeviceBootMode, callback);
226 location_subscription_ = cros_settings_->AddSettingsObserver(
227 chromeos::kReportDeviceLocation, callback);
228 network_interfaces_subscription_ = cros_settings_->AddSettingsObserver(
229 chromeos::kReportDeviceNetworkInterfaces, callback);
230 users_subscription_ = cros_settings_->AddSettingsObserver(
231 chromeos::kReportDeviceUsers, callback);
232 hardware_status_subscription_ = cros_settings_->AddSettingsObserver(
233 chromeos::kReportDeviceHardwareStatus, callback);
234 session_status_subscription_ = cros_settings_->AddSettingsObserver(
235 chromeos::kReportDeviceSessionStatus, callback);
237 // The last known location is persisted in local state. This makes location
238 // information available immediately upon startup and avoids the need to
239 // reacquire the location on every user session change or browser crash.
240 content::Geoposition position;
241 std::string timestamp_str;
242 int64 timestamp;
243 const base::DictionaryValue* location =
244 local_state_->GetDictionary(prefs::kDeviceLocation);
245 if (location->GetDouble(kLatitude, &position.latitude) &&
246 location->GetDouble(kLongitude, &position.longitude) &&
247 location->GetDouble(kAltitude, &position.altitude) &&
248 location->GetDouble(kAccuracy, &position.accuracy) &&
249 location->GetDouble(kAltitudeAccuracy, &position.altitude_accuracy) &&
250 location->GetDouble(kHeading, &position.heading) &&
251 location->GetDouble(kSpeed, &position.speed) &&
252 location->GetString(kTimestamp, &timestamp_str) &&
253 base::StringToInt64(timestamp_str, &timestamp)) {
254 position.timestamp = Time::FromInternalValue(timestamp);
255 position_ = position;
258 // Fetch the current values of the policies.
259 UpdateReportingSettings();
261 // Get the the OS and firmware version info.
262 base::PostTaskAndReplyWithResult(
263 content::BrowserThread::GetBlockingPool(),
265 base::Bind(&chromeos::version_loader::GetVersion,
266 chromeos::version_loader::VERSION_FULL),
267 base::Bind(&DeviceStatusCollector::OnOSVersion,
268 weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
269 base::PostTaskAndReplyWithResult(
270 content::BrowserThread::GetBlockingPool(),
272 base::Bind(&chromeos::version_loader::GetFirmware),
273 base::Bind(&DeviceStatusCollector::OnOSFirmware,
274 weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
277 DeviceStatusCollector::~DeviceStatusCollector() {
280 // static
281 void DeviceStatusCollector::RegisterPrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry) {
282 registry->RegisterDictionaryPref(prefs::kDeviceActivityTimes,
283 new base::DictionaryValue);
284 registry->RegisterDictionaryPref(prefs::kDeviceLocation,
285 new base::DictionaryValue);
288 void DeviceStatusCollector::CheckIdleState() {
289 CalculateIdleState(kIdleStateThresholdSeconds,
290 base::Bind(&DeviceStatusCollector::IdleStateCallback,
291 base::Unretained(this)));
294 void DeviceStatusCollector::UpdateReportingSettings() {
295 // Attempt to fetch the current value of the reporting settings.
296 // If trusted values are not available, register this function to be called
297 // back when they are available.
298 if (chromeos::CrosSettingsProvider::TRUSTED !=
299 cros_settings_->PrepareTrustedValues(
300 base::Bind(&DeviceStatusCollector::UpdateReportingSettings,
301 weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()))) {
302 return;
305 // All reporting settings default to 'enabled'.
306 if (!cros_settings_->GetBoolean(
307 chromeos::kReportDeviceVersionInfo, &report_version_info_)) {
308 report_version_info_ = true;
310 if (!cros_settings_->GetBoolean(
311 chromeos::kReportDeviceActivityTimes, &report_activity_times_)) {
312 report_activity_times_ = true;
314 if (!cros_settings_->GetBoolean(
315 chromeos::kReportDeviceBootMode, &report_boot_mode_)) {
316 report_boot_mode_ = true;
318 if (!cros_settings_->GetBoolean(
319 chromeos::kReportDeviceNetworkInterfaces,
320 &report_network_interfaces_)) {
321 report_network_interfaces_ = true;
323 if (!cros_settings_->GetBoolean(
324 chromeos::kReportDeviceUsers, &report_users_)) {
325 report_users_ = true;
328 const bool already_reporting_hardware_status = report_hardware_status_;
329 if (!cros_settings_->GetBoolean(
330 chromeos::kReportDeviceHardwareStatus, &report_hardware_status_)) {
331 report_hardware_status_ = true;
334 if (!cros_settings_->GetBoolean(
335 chromeos::kReportDeviceSessionStatus, &report_session_status_)) {
336 report_session_status_ = true;
339 // Device location reporting is disabled by default because it is
340 // not launched yet.
341 if (!cros_settings_->GetBoolean(
342 chromeos::kReportDeviceLocation, &report_location_)) {
343 report_location_ = false;
346 if (report_location_) {
347 ScheduleGeolocationUpdateRequest();
348 } else {
349 geolocation_update_timer_.Stop();
350 position_ = content::Geoposition();
351 local_state_->ClearPref(prefs::kDeviceLocation);
354 if (!report_hardware_status_) {
355 ClearCachedHardwareStatus();
356 } else if (!already_reporting_hardware_status) {
357 // Turning on hardware status reporting - fetch an initial sample
358 // immediately instead of waiting for the sampling timer to fire.
359 SampleHardwareStatus();
363 Time DeviceStatusCollector::GetCurrentTime() {
364 return Time::Now();
367 // Remove all out-of-range activity times from the local store.
368 void DeviceStatusCollector::PruneStoredActivityPeriods(Time base_time) {
369 Time min_time =
370 base_time - TimeDelta::FromDays(max_stored_past_activity_days_);
371 Time max_time =
372 base_time + TimeDelta::FromDays(max_stored_future_activity_days_);
373 TrimStoredActivityPeriods(TimestampToDayKey(min_time), 0,
374 TimestampToDayKey(max_time));
377 void DeviceStatusCollector::TrimStoredActivityPeriods(int64 min_day_key,
378 int min_day_trim_duration,
379 int64 max_day_key) {
380 const base::DictionaryValue* activity_times =
381 local_state_->GetDictionary(prefs::kDeviceActivityTimes);
383 scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> copy(activity_times->DeepCopy());
384 for (base::DictionaryValue::Iterator it(*activity_times); !it.IsAtEnd();
385 it.Advance()) {
386 int64 timestamp;
387 if (base::StringToInt64(it.key(), &timestamp)) {
388 // Remove data that is too old, or too far in the future.
389 if (timestamp >= min_day_key && timestamp < max_day_key) {
390 if (timestamp == min_day_key) {
391 int new_activity_duration = 0;
392 if (it.value().GetAsInteger(&new_activity_duration)) {
393 new_activity_duration =
394 std::max(new_activity_duration - min_day_trim_duration, 0);
396 copy->SetInteger(it.key(), new_activity_duration);
398 continue;
401 // The entry is out of range or couldn't be parsed. Remove it.
402 copy->Remove(it.key(), NULL);
404 local_state_->Set(prefs::kDeviceActivityTimes, *copy);
407 void DeviceStatusCollector::AddActivePeriod(Time start, Time end) {
408 DCHECK(start < end);
410 // Maintain the list of active periods in a local_state pref.
411 DictionaryPrefUpdate update(local_state_, prefs::kDeviceActivityTimes);
412 base::DictionaryValue* activity_times = update.Get();
414 // Assign the period to day buckets in local time.
415 Time midnight = start.LocalMidnight();
416 while (midnight < end) {
417 midnight += TimeDelta::FromDays(1);
418 int64 activity = (std::min(end, midnight) - start).InMilliseconds();
419 std::string day_key = base::Int64ToString(TimestampToDayKey(start));
420 int previous_activity = 0;
421 activity_times->GetInteger(day_key, &previous_activity);
422 activity_times->SetInteger(day_key, previous_activity + activity);
423 start = midnight;
427 void DeviceStatusCollector::ClearCachedHardwareStatus() {
428 volume_info_.clear();
429 resource_usage_.clear();
430 last_cpu_active_ = 0;
431 last_cpu_idle_ = 0;
434 void DeviceStatusCollector::IdleStateCallback(ui::IdleState state) {
435 // Do nothing if device activity reporting is disabled.
436 if (!report_activity_times_)
437 return;
439 Time now = GetCurrentTime();
441 if (state == ui::IDLE_STATE_ACTIVE) {
442 // If it's been too long since the last report, or if the activity is
443 // negative (which can happen when the clock changes), assume a single
444 // interval of activity.
445 int active_seconds = (now - last_idle_check_).InSeconds();
446 if (active_seconds < 0 ||
447 active_seconds >= static_cast<int>((2 * kIdlePollIntervalSeconds))) {
448 AddActivePeriod(now - TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kIdlePollIntervalSeconds),
449 now);
450 } else {
451 AddActivePeriod(last_idle_check_, now);
454 PruneStoredActivityPeriods(now);
456 last_idle_check_ = now;
459 scoped_ptr<DeviceLocalAccount>
460 DeviceStatusCollector::GetAutoLaunchedKioskSessionInfo() {
461 scoped_ptr<DeviceLocalAccount> account =
462 GetCurrentKioskDeviceLocalAccount(cros_settings_);
463 if (account) {
464 chromeos::KioskAppManager::App current_app;
465 if (chromeos::KioskAppManager::Get()->GetApp(account->kiosk_app_id,
466 &current_app) &&
467 current_app.was_auto_launched_with_zero_delay) {
468 return account.Pass();
471 // No auto-launched kiosk session active.
472 return scoped_ptr<DeviceLocalAccount>();
475 void DeviceStatusCollector::SampleHardwareStatus() {
476 // If hardware reporting has been disabled, do nothing here.
477 if (!report_hardware_status_)
478 return;
480 // Create list of mounted disk volumes to query status.
481 std::vector<storage::MountPoints::MountPointInfo> external_mount_points;
482 storage::ExternalMountPoints::GetSystemInstance()->AddMountPointInfosTo(
483 &external_mount_points);
485 std::vector<std::string> mount_points;
486 for (const auto& info : external_mount_points)
487 mount_points.push_back(info.path.value());
489 for (const auto& mount_info :
490 chromeos::disks::DiskMountManager::GetInstance()->mount_points()) {
491 // Extract a list of mount points to populate.
492 mount_points.push_back(mount_info.first);
495 // Call out to the blocking pool to measure disk and CPU usage.
496 base::PostTaskAndReplyWithResult(
497 content::BrowserThread::GetBlockingPool(),
499 base::Bind(volume_info_fetcher_, mount_points),
500 base::Bind(&DeviceStatusCollector::ReceiveVolumeInfo,
501 weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
503 base::PostTaskAndReplyWithResult(
504 content::BrowserThread::GetBlockingPool(), FROM_HERE,
505 cpu_statistics_fetcher_,
506 base::Bind(&DeviceStatusCollector::ReceiveCPUStatistics,
507 weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
510 void DeviceStatusCollector::ReceiveCPUStatistics(const std::string& stats) {
511 int cpu_usage_percent = 0;
512 if (stats.empty()) {
513 DLOG(WARNING) << "Unable to read CPU statistics";
514 } else {
515 // Parse the data from /proc/stat, whose format is defined at
516 //
518 // The CPU usage values in /proc/stat are measured in the imprecise unit
519 // "jiffies", but we just care about the relative magnitude of "active" vs
520 // "idle" so the exact value of a jiffy is irrelevant.
522 // An example value for this line:
524 // cpu 123 456 789 012 345 678
526 // We only care about the first four numbers: user_time, nice_time,
527 // sys_time, and idle_time.
528 uint64 user = 0, nice = 0, system = 0, idle = 0;
529 int vals = sscanf(stats.c_str(),
530 "cpu %" PRIu64 " %" PRIu64 " %" PRIu64 " %" PRIu64, &user,
531 &nice, &system, &idle);
532 DCHECK_EQ(4, vals);
534 // The values returned from /proc/stat are cumulative totals, so calculate
535 // the difference between the last sample and this one.
536 uint64 active = user + nice + system;
537 uint64 total = active + idle;
538 uint64 last_total = last_cpu_active_ + last_cpu_idle_;
539 DCHECK_GE(active, last_cpu_active_);
540 DCHECK_GE(idle, last_cpu_idle_);
541 DCHECK_GE(total, last_total);
543 if ((total - last_total) > 0) {
544 cpu_usage_percent =
545 (100 * (active - last_cpu_active_)) / (total - last_total);
547 last_cpu_active_ = active;
548 last_cpu_idle_ = idle;
551 DCHECK_LE(cpu_usage_percent, 100);
552 ResourceUsage usage = {cpu_usage_percent,
553 base::SysInfo::AmountOfAvailablePhysicalMemory()};
555 resource_usage_.push_back(usage);
557 // If our cache of samples is full, throw out old samples to make room for new
558 // sample.
559 if (resource_usage_.size() > kMaxResourceUsageSamples)
560 resource_usage_.pop_front();
563 void DeviceStatusCollector::GetActivityTimes(
564 em::DeviceStatusReportRequest* request) {
565 DictionaryPrefUpdate update(local_state_, prefs::kDeviceActivityTimes);
566 base::DictionaryValue* activity_times = update.Get();
568 for (base::DictionaryValue::Iterator it(*activity_times); !it.IsAtEnd();
569 it.Advance()) {
570 int64 start_timestamp;
571 int activity_milliseconds;
572 if (base::StringToInt64(it.key(), &start_timestamp) &&
573 it.value().GetAsInteger(&activity_milliseconds)) {
574 // This is correct even when there are leap seconds, because when a leap
575 // second occurs, two consecutive seconds have the same timestamp.
576 int64 end_timestamp = start_timestamp + Time::kMillisecondsPerDay;
578 em::ActiveTimePeriod* active_period = request->add_active_period();
579 em::TimePeriod* period = active_period->mutable_time_period();
580 period->set_start_timestamp(start_timestamp);
581 period->set_end_timestamp(end_timestamp);
582 active_period->set_active_duration(activity_milliseconds);
583 if (start_timestamp >= last_reported_day_) {
584 last_reported_day_ = start_timestamp;
585 duration_for_last_reported_day_ = activity_milliseconds;
587 } else {
593 void DeviceStatusCollector::GetVersionInfo(
594 em::DeviceStatusReportRequest* request) {
595 chrome::VersionInfo version_info;
596 request->set_browser_version(version_info.Version());
597 request->set_os_version(os_version_);
598 request->set_firmware_version(firmware_version_);
601 void DeviceStatusCollector::GetBootMode(
602 em::DeviceStatusReportRequest* request) {
603 std::string dev_switch_mode;
604 if (statistics_provider_->GetMachineStatistic(
605 chromeos::system::kDevSwitchBootKey, &dev_switch_mode)) {
606 if (dev_switch_mode == chromeos::system::kDevSwitchBootValueDev)
607 request->set_boot_mode("Dev");
608 else if (dev_switch_mode == chromeos::system::kDevSwitchBootValueVerified)
609 request->set_boot_mode("Verified");
613 void DeviceStatusCollector::GetLocation(
614 em::DeviceStatusReportRequest* request) {
615 em::DeviceLocation* location = request->mutable_device_location();
616 if (!position_.Validate()) {
617 location->set_error_code(
619 location->set_error_message(position_.error_message);
620 } else {
621 location->set_latitude(position_.latitude);
622 location->set_longitude(position_.longitude);
623 location->set_accuracy(position_.accuracy);
624 location->set_timestamp(
625 (position_.timestamp - Time::UnixEpoch()).InMilliseconds());
626 // Lowest point on land is at approximately -400 meters.
627 if (position_.altitude > -10000.)
628 location->set_altitude(position_.altitude);
629 if (position_.altitude_accuracy >= 0.)
630 location->set_altitude_accuracy(position_.altitude_accuracy);
631 if (position_.heading >= 0. && position_.heading <= 360)
632 location->set_heading(position_.heading);
633 if (position_.speed >= 0.)
634 location->set_speed(position_.speed);
635 location->set_error_code(em::DeviceLocation::ERROR_CODE_NONE);
639 int DeviceStatusCollector::ConvertWifiSignalStrength(int signal_strength) {
640 // Shill attempts to convert WiFi signal strength from its internal dBm to a
641 // percentage range (from 0-100) by adding 120 to the raw dBm value,
642 // and then clamping the result to the range 0-100 (see
643 // shill::WiFiService::SignalToStrength()).
645 // To convert back to dBm, we subtract 120 from the percentage value to yield
646 // a clamped dBm value in the range of -119 to -20dBm.
648 // TODO(atwilson): Tunnel the raw dBm signal strength from Shill instead of
649 // doing the conversion here so we can report non-clamped values
650 // (
651 DCHECK_GT(signal_strength, 0);
652 DCHECK_LE(signal_strength, 100);
653 return signal_strength - 120;
656 void DeviceStatusCollector::GetNetworkInterfaces(
657 em::DeviceStatusReportRequest* request) {
658 // Maps shill device type strings to proto enum constants.
659 static const struct {
660 const char* type_string;
661 em::NetworkInterface::NetworkDeviceType type_constant;
662 } kDeviceTypeMap[] = {
663 { shill::kTypeEthernet, em::NetworkInterface::TYPE_ETHERNET, },
664 { shill::kTypeWifi, em::NetworkInterface::TYPE_WIFI, },
665 { shill::kTypeWimax, em::NetworkInterface::TYPE_WIMAX, },
666 { shill::kTypeBluetooth, em::NetworkInterface::TYPE_BLUETOOTH, },
667 { shill::kTypeCellular, em::NetworkInterface::TYPE_CELLULAR, },
670 // Maps shill device connection status to proto enum constants.
671 static const struct {
672 const char* state_string;
673 em::NetworkState::ConnectionState state_constant;
674 } kConnectionStateMap[] = {
675 { shill::kStateIdle, em::NetworkState::IDLE },
676 { shill::kStateCarrier, em::NetworkState::CARRIER },
677 { shill::kStateAssociation, em::NetworkState::ASSOCIATION },
678 { shill::kStateConfiguration, em::NetworkState::CONFIGURATION },
679 { shill::kStateReady, em::NetworkState::READY },
680 { shill::kStatePortal, em::NetworkState::PORTAL },
681 { shill::kStateOffline, em::NetworkState::OFFLINE },
682 { shill::kStateOnline, em::NetworkState::ONLINE },
683 { shill::kStateDisconnect, em::NetworkState::DISCONNECT },
684 { shill::kStateFailure, em::NetworkState::FAILURE },
685 { shill::kStateActivationFailure,
686 em::NetworkState::ACTIVATION_FAILURE },
689 chromeos::NetworkStateHandler::DeviceStateList device_list;
690 chromeos::NetworkStateHandler* network_state_handler =
691 chromeos::NetworkHandler::Get()->network_state_handler();
692 network_state_handler->GetDeviceList(&device_list);
694 chromeos::NetworkStateHandler::DeviceStateList::const_iterator device;
695 for (device = device_list.begin(); device != device_list.end(); ++device) {
696 // Determine the type enum constant for |device|.
697 size_t type_idx = 0;
698 for (; type_idx < arraysize(kDeviceTypeMap); ++type_idx) {
699 if ((*device)->type() == kDeviceTypeMap[type_idx].type_string)
700 break;
703 // If the type isn't in |kDeviceTypeMap|, the interface is not relevant for
704 // reporting. This filters out VPN devices.
705 if (type_idx >= arraysize(kDeviceTypeMap))
706 continue;
708 em::NetworkInterface* interface = request->add_network_interface();
709 interface->set_type(kDeviceTypeMap[type_idx].type_constant);
710 if (!(*device)->mac_address().empty())
711 interface->set_mac_address((*device)->mac_address());
712 if (!(*device)->meid().empty())
713 interface->set_meid((*device)->meid());
714 if (!(*device)->imei().empty())
715 interface->set_imei((*device)->imei());
716 if (!(*device)->path().empty())
717 interface->set_device_path((*device)->path());
720 // Don't write any network state if we aren't in a kiosk session.
721 if (!GetAutoLaunchedKioskSessionInfo())
722 return;
724 // Walk the various networks and store their state in the status report.
725 chromeos::NetworkStateHandler::NetworkStateList state_list;
726 network_state_handler->GetNetworkListByType(
727 chromeos::NetworkTypePattern::Default(),
728 true, // configured_only
729 false, // visible_only
730 0, // no limit to number of results
731 &state_list);
733 for (const chromeos::NetworkState* state: state_list) {
734 // Determine the connection state and signal strength for |state|.
735 em::NetworkState::ConnectionState connection_state_enum =
736 em::NetworkState::UNKNOWN;
737 const std::string connection_state_string(state->connection_state());
738 for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kConnectionStateMap); ++i) {
739 if (connection_state_string == kConnectionStateMap[i].state_string) {
740 connection_state_enum = kConnectionStateMap[i].state_constant;
741 break;
745 // Copy fields from NetworkState into the status report.
746 em::NetworkState* proto_state = request->add_network_state();
747 proto_state->set_connection_state(connection_state_enum);
749 // Report signal strength for wifi connections.
750 if (state->type() == shill::kTypeWifi) {
751 // If shill has provided a signal strength, convert it to dBm and store it
752 // in the status report. A signal_strength() of 0 connotes "no signal"
753 // rather than "really weak signal", so we only report signal strength if
754 // it is non-zero.
755 if (state->signal_strength()) {
756 proto_state->set_signal_strength(
757 ConvertWifiSignalStrength(state->signal_strength()));
761 if (!state->device_path().empty())
762 proto_state->set_device_path(state->device_path());
764 if (!state->ip_address().empty())
765 proto_state->set_ip_address(state->ip_address());
767 if (!state->gateway().empty())
768 proto_state->set_gateway(state->gateway());
772 void DeviceStatusCollector::GetUsers(em::DeviceStatusReportRequest* request) {
773 policy::BrowserPolicyConnectorChromeOS* connector =
774 g_browser_process->platform_part()->browser_policy_connector_chromeos();
775 const user_manager::UserList& users =
776 user_manager::UserManager::Get()->GetUsers();
777 user_manager::UserList::const_iterator user;
778 for (user = users.begin(); user != users.end(); ++user) {
779 // Only users with gaia accounts (regular) are reported.
780 if (!(*user)->HasGaiaAccount())
781 continue;
783 em::DeviceUser* device_user = request->add_user();
784 const std::string& email = (*user)->email();
785 if (connector->GetUserAffiliation(email) == USER_AFFILIATION_MANAGED) {
786 device_user->set_type(em::DeviceUser::USER_TYPE_MANAGED);
787 device_user->set_email(email);
788 } else {
789 device_user->set_type(em::DeviceUser::USER_TYPE_UNMANAGED);
790 // Do not report the email address of unmanaged users.
795 void DeviceStatusCollector::GetHardwareStatus(
796 em::DeviceStatusReportRequest* status) {
797 // Add volume info.
798 status->clear_volume_info();
799 for (const em::VolumeInfo& info : volume_info_) {
800 *status->add_volume_info() = info;
803 status->set_system_ram_total(base::SysInfo::AmountOfPhysicalMemory());
804 status->clear_system_ram_free();
805 status->clear_cpu_utilization_pct();
806 for (const ResourceUsage& usage : resource_usage_) {
807 status->add_cpu_utilization_pct(usage.cpu_usage_percent);
808 status->add_system_ram_free(usage.bytes_of_ram_free);
812 bool DeviceStatusCollector::GetDeviceStatus(
813 em::DeviceStatusReportRequest* status) {
814 if (report_activity_times_)
815 GetActivityTimes(status);
817 if (report_version_info_)
818 GetVersionInfo(status);
820 if (report_boot_mode_)
821 GetBootMode(status);
823 if (report_location_)
824 GetLocation(status);
826 if (report_network_interfaces_)
827 GetNetworkInterfaces(status);
829 if (report_users_)
830 GetUsers(status);
832 if (report_hardware_status_)
833 GetHardwareStatus(status);
835 return (report_activity_times_ ||
836 report_version_info_ ||
837 report_boot_mode_ ||
838 report_location_ ||
839 report_network_interfaces_ ||
840 report_users_ ||
841 report_hardware_status_);
844 bool DeviceStatusCollector::GetDeviceSessionStatus(
845 em::SessionStatusReportRequest* status) {
846 // Only generate session status reports if session status reporting is
847 // enabled.
848 if (!report_session_status_)
849 return false;
851 scoped_ptr<const DeviceLocalAccount> account =
852 GetAutoLaunchedKioskSessionInfo();
853 // Only generate session status reports if we are in an auto-launched kiosk
854 // session.
855 if (!account)
856 return false;
858 // Get the account ID associated with this user.
859 status->set_device_local_account_id(account->account_id);
860 em::AppStatus* app_status = status->add_installed_apps();
861 app_status->set_app_id(account->kiosk_app_id);
863 // Look up the app and get the version.
864 const std::string app_version = GetAppVersion(account->kiosk_app_id);
865 if (app_version.empty()) {
866 DLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to get version for extension: "
867 << account->kiosk_app_id;
868 } else {
869 app_status->set_extension_version(app_version);
871 return true;
874 std::string DeviceStatusCollector::GetAppVersion(
875 const std::string& kiosk_app_id) {
876 Profile* const profile =
877 chromeos::ProfileHelper::Get()->GetProfileByUser(
878 user_manager::UserManager::Get()->GetActiveUser());
879 const extensions::ExtensionRegistry* const registry =
880 extensions::ExtensionRegistry::Get(profile);
881 const extensions::Extension* const extension = registry->GetExtensionById(
882 kiosk_app_id, extensions::ExtensionRegistry::EVERYTHING);
883 if (!extension)
884 return std::string();
885 return extension->VersionString();
888 void DeviceStatusCollector::OnSubmittedSuccessfully() {
889 TrimStoredActivityPeriods(last_reported_day_, duration_for_last_reported_day_,
890 std::numeric_limits<int64>::max());
893 void DeviceStatusCollector::OnOSVersion(const std::string& version) {
894 os_version_ = version;
897 void DeviceStatusCollector::OnOSFirmware(const std::string& version) {
898 firmware_version_ = version;
901 void DeviceStatusCollector::ScheduleGeolocationUpdateRequest() {
902 if (geolocation_update_timer_.IsRunning() || geolocation_update_in_progress_)
903 return;
905 if (position_.Validate()) {
906 TimeDelta elapsed = GetCurrentTime() - position_.timestamp;
907 TimeDelta interval =
908 TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kGeolocationPollIntervalSeconds);
909 if (elapsed <= interval) {
910 geolocation_update_timer_.Start(
912 interval - elapsed,
913 this,
914 &DeviceStatusCollector::ScheduleGeolocationUpdateRequest);
915 return;
919 geolocation_update_in_progress_ = true;
920 if (location_update_requester_.is_null()) {
921 geolocation_subscription_ = content::GeolocationProvider::GetInstance()->
922 AddLocationUpdateCallback(
923 base::Bind(&DeviceStatusCollector::ReceiveGeolocationUpdate,
924 weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()),
925 true);
926 } else {
927 location_update_requester_.Run(base::Bind(
928 &DeviceStatusCollector::ReceiveGeolocationUpdate,
929 weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
933 void DeviceStatusCollector::ReceiveGeolocationUpdate(
934 const content::Geoposition& position) {
935 geolocation_update_in_progress_ = false;
937 // Ignore update if device location reporting has since been disabled.
938 if (!report_location_)
939 return;
941 if (position.Validate()) {
942 position_ = position;
943 base::DictionaryValue location;
944 location.SetDouble(kLatitude, position.latitude);
945 location.SetDouble(kLongitude, position.longitude);
946 location.SetDouble(kAltitude, position.altitude);
947 location.SetDouble(kAccuracy, position.accuracy);
948 location.SetDouble(kAltitudeAccuracy, position.altitude_accuracy);
949 location.SetDouble(kHeading, position.heading);
950 location.SetDouble(kSpeed, position.speed);
951 location.SetString(kTimestamp,
952 base::Int64ToString(position.timestamp.ToInternalValue()));
953 local_state_->Set(prefs::kDeviceLocation, location);
956 ScheduleGeolocationUpdateRequest();
959 void DeviceStatusCollector::ReceiveVolumeInfo(
960 const std::vector<em::VolumeInfo>& info) {
961 if (report_hardware_status_)
962 volume_info_ = info;
965 } // namespace policy