Pin Chrome's shortcut to the Win10 Start menu on install and OS upgrade.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / resources / help / help_content.html
1 <div class="content-area">
2 <div id="about-container">
3 <img id="product-logo" src="chrome://theme/IDR_PRODUCT_LOGO_32" alt="">
4 <div id="product-description">
5 <h2 i18n-content="aboutProductTitle"></h2>
6 <span i18n-content="aboutProductDescription"></span>
7 </div>
8 </div>
9 <div id="help-container">
10 <button id="get-help" i18n-content="getHelpWithChrome"></button>
11 <if expr="_google_chrome">
12 <button id="report-issue" i18n-content="reportAnIssue"></button>
13 </if>
14 </div>
15 <div id="version-container">
16 <div i18n-content="browserVersion" dir="ltr"></div>
17 <if expr="chromeos">
18 <div>
19 <span i18n-content="platform"></span>&nbsp;<span id="os-version"></span>
20 </div>
21 <div>
22 <span i18n-content="firmware"></span>&nbsp;<span id="firmware"></span>
23 </div>
24 </if>
25 <if expr="chromeos or _google_chrome or is_linux">
26 <div id="update-status-container" hidden>
27 <div id="update-status-icon" class="help-page-icon up-to-date"></div>
28 <div id="update-status-message-container">
29 <div id="update-status-message" i18n-content="updateCheckStarted">
30 </div>
31 <if expr="is_macosx">
32 <div id="update-obsolete-system-container" hidden>
33 <span id="update-obsolete-system"
34 i18n-content="updateObsoleteSystem"></span>
35 <a i18n-values="href:updateObsoleteSystemURL"
36 i18n-content="learnMore" target="_blank"></a>
37 </div>
38 </if>
39 <div id="allowed-connection-types-message" hidden></div>
40 </div>
41 </div>
42 <div id="update-buttons-container">
43 <div id="update-percentage" hidden></div>
44 <if expr="is_macosx">
45 <button id="promote" i18n-content="promote" hidden></button>
46 </if>
47 <button id="relaunch" i18n-content="relaunch" hidden></button>
48 <if expr="chromeos">
49 <button id="relaunch-and-powerwash"
50 i18n-content="relaunchAndPowerwash" hidden>
51 </button>
52 <button id="request-update" i18n-content="updateButton">
53 </button>
54 </if>
55 </div>
56 </if>
57 <if expr="chromeos">
58 <div id="more-info-container">
59 <section id="channel-changer-container" hidden>
60 <h3 i18n-content="channel"></h3>
61 <select id="channel-changer">
62 <option value="stable-channel" i18n-content="stable"></option>
63 <option value="beta-channel" i18n-content="beta"></option>
64 <option value="dev-channel" i18n-content="dev"></option>
65 </select>
66 <div id="channel-change-confirmation" hidden></div>
67 </section>
68 <section id="channel-change-page-container" hidden>
69 <h3 i18n-content="channel"></h3>
70 <div id="current-channel"></div>
71 <button id="change-channel"
72 i18n-content="channelChangeButton" disabled>
73 </button>
74 <div id="channel-change-disallowed-icon"
75 class="help-page-icon" hidden>
76 </div>
77 </section>
78 <section>
79 <h3 i18n-content="webkit"></h3>
80 <div i18n-content="webkitVersion" dir="ltr"></div>
81 </section>
82 <section>
83 <h3 i18n-content="jsEngine" dir="ltr"></h3>
84 <div i18n-content="jsEngineVersion"></div>
85 </section>
86 <section>
87 <h3 i18n-content="userAgent"></h3>
88 <div i18n-content="userAgentInfo" dir="ltr"></div>
89 </section>
90 <section>
91 <h3 i18n-content="commandLine"></h3>
92 <div i18n-content="commandLineInfo" dir="ltr"></div>
93 </section>
94 <section id="build-date-container" class="empty">
95 <h3 i18n-content="buildDate"></h3>
96 <div id="build-date"></div>
97 </section>
98 </div>
99 <a is="action-link" id="more-info-expander" i18n-content="showMoreInfo"></a>
100 </if>
101 </div>
102 <div id="product-container">
103 <div i18n-content="productName"></div>
104 <div i18n-content="productCopyright"></div>
105 <div id="product-license"></div>
106 <if expr="chromeos">
107 <div id="product-os-license"></div>
108 </if>
109 <if expr="_google_chrome">
110 <div id="product-tos"></div>
111 </if>
112 </div>
113 <if expr="chromeos">
114 <div id="regulatory-label-container" hidden>
115 <img id="regulatory-label">
116 </div>
117 </if>
118 </div>