Pin Chrome's shortcut to the Win10 Start menu on install and OS upgrade.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chromeos / test / data / network / augmented_merge.json
2    "ConnectionState": "Connected",
3    "GUID": "123",
4    "IPConfigs": [ {
5          "Gateway": "2001:db8:85a3::7a2e:370:7331",
6          "IPAddress": "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334",
7          "NameServers": [  ],
8          "RoutingPrefix": 12,
9          "Type": "IPv6"
10     } ],
11    "SavedIPConfig": {
12       "Gateway": "",
13       "IPAddress": "",
14       "NameServers": [ "", "" ],
15       "RoutingPrefix": 25,
16       "Type": "IPv4"
17    },
18    "IPAddressConfigType": {
19      "DevicePolicy": "Static",
20      "Effective": "UserPolicy",
21      "UserSetting": "Static"
22    },
23    "StaticIPConfig": {
24       "IPAddress": {
25          "DevicePolicy": "",
26          "Effective": "UserPolicy",
27          "UserPolicy": "",
28          "UserSetting": ""
29       },
30       "RoutingPrefix": {
31          "Effective": "UserPolicy",
32          "UserPolicy": 32
33       },
34       "SearchDomains": {
35          "Effective": "UserPolicy",
36          "UserSetting": [ "" ]
37       },
38       "Type": {
39          "DevicePolicy": "IPv4",
40          "Effective": "UserPolicy",
41          "UserPolicy": "IPv4",
42          "UserSetting": "IPv4"
43       }
44    },
45    "Name": {
46       "Active": "testopenvpn",
47       "DevicePolicy": "testopenvpn",
48       "Effective": "UserPolicy",
49       "UserPolicy": "testopenvpn",
50       "UserSetting": "testopenvpn"
51    },
52    "ProxySettings": {
53       "Type": {
54          "Effective": "UserPolicy",
55          "UserSetting": "Direct"
56       }
57    },
58    "Type": {
59       "Active": "VPN",
60       "DevicePolicy": "VPN",
61       "Effective": "UserPolicy",
62       "UserPolicy": "VPN",
63       "UserSetting": "Ethernet"
64    },
65    "VPN": {
66       "Host": {
67          "DeviceEditable": true,
68          "DevicePolicy": "device policys host",
69          "Effective": "UserSetting",
70          "UserEditable": true,
71          "UserPolicy": "policys host",
72          "UserSetting": "users host"
73       },
74       "IPsec": {
75          "AuthenticationType": {
76             "Effective": "UserPolicy",
77             "UserPolicy": "PSK"
78          },
79          "IKEVersion": {
80             "Effective": "UserPolicy",
81             "UserPolicy": 1
82          },
83          "PSK": {
84             "Effective": "UserPolicy"
85          }
86       },
87       "OpenVPN": {
88          "ClientCertPattern": {
89             "EnrollmentURI": {
90                "DeviceEditable": true,
91                "UserEditable": true
92             },
93             "IssuerCARef": {
94                "DeviceEditable": true,
95                "DevicePolicy": [ "openvpn-test-ca" ],
96                "Effective": "UserPolicy",
97                "UserEditable": true,
98                "UserPolicy": [ "openvpn-test-ca" ]
99             }
100          },
101          "ClientCertType": {
102             "DevicePolicy": "Pattern",
103             "Effective": "UserPolicy",
104             "UserPolicy": "Pattern"
105          },
106          "Password": {
107             "DeviceEditable": true,
108             "Effective": "UserSetting",
109             "UserEditable": true,
110             "UserSetting": "users password"
111          },
112          "Port": {
113             "DeviceEditable": true,
114             "DevicePolicy": 0,
115             "Effective": "UserPolicy",
116             "UserPolicy": 1194,
117             "UserSetting": 1195
118          },
119          "ServerCARefs": {
120             "Effective": "UserPolicy",
121             "UserPolicy": ["ref1", "ref2"]
122          },
123          "Username": {
124             "DevicePolicy": "device user",
125             "Effective": "DevicePolicy",
126             "UserEditable": true,
127             "UserPolicy": "policy user"
128          }
129       },
130       "Type": {
131          "DevicePolicy": "OpenVPN",
132          "Effective": "UserPolicy",
133          "UserPolicy": "OpenVPN",
134          "UserSetting": "OpenVPN"
135       }
136    }