Pin Chrome's shortcut to the Win10 Start menu on install and OS upgrade.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / content / common / gpu / media / gpu_video_encode_accelerator.h
1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <vector>
10 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
11 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
12 #include "content/common/gpu/gpu_command_buffer_stub.h"
13 #include "gpu/config/gpu_info.h"
14 #include "ipc/ipc_listener.h"
15 #include "media/video/video_encode_accelerator.h"
16 #include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
18 struct AcceleratedVideoEncoderMsg_Encode_Params;
20 namespace base {
21 class SharedMemory;
22 } // namespace base
24 namespace content {
26 // This class encapsulates the GPU process view of a VideoEncodeAccelerator,
27 // wrapping the platform-specific VideoEncodeAccelerator instance. It handles
28 // IPC coming in from the renderer and passes it to the underlying VEA.
29 class GpuVideoEncodeAccelerator
30 : public IPC::Listener,
31 public media::VideoEncodeAccelerator::Client,
32 public GpuCommandBufferStub::DestructionObserver {
33 public:
34 GpuVideoEncodeAccelerator(int32 host_route_id, GpuCommandBufferStub* stub);
35 ~GpuVideoEncodeAccelerator() override;
37 // Initialize this accelerator with the given parameters and send
38 // |init_done_msg| when complete.
39 void Initialize(media::VideoPixelFormat input_format,
40 const gfx::Size& input_visible_size,
41 media::VideoCodecProfile output_profile,
42 uint32 initial_bitrate,
43 IPC::Message* init_done_msg);
45 // IPC::Listener implementation
46 bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) override;
48 // media::VideoEncodeAccelerator::Client implementation.
49 void RequireBitstreamBuffers(unsigned int input_count,
50 const gfx::Size& input_coded_size,
51 size_t output_buffer_size) override;
52 void BitstreamBufferReady(int32 bitstream_buffer_id,
53 size_t payload_size,
54 bool key_frame) override;
55 void NotifyError(media::VideoEncodeAccelerator::Error error) override;
57 // GpuCommandBufferStub::DestructionObserver implementation.
58 void OnWillDestroyStub() override;
60 // Static query for supported profiles. This query calls the appropriate
61 // platform-specific version. The returned supported profiles vector will
62 // not contain duplicates.
63 static gpu::VideoEncodeAcceleratorSupportedProfiles GetSupportedProfiles();
65 private:
66 typedef scoped_ptr<media::VideoEncodeAccelerator>(*CreateVEAFp)();
68 // Return a set of VEA Create function pointers applicable to the current
69 // platform.
70 static std::vector<CreateVEAFp> CreateVEAFps();
71 static scoped_ptr<media::VideoEncodeAccelerator> CreateV4L2VEA();
72 static scoped_ptr<media::VideoEncodeAccelerator> CreateVaapiVEA();
73 static scoped_ptr<media::VideoEncodeAccelerator> CreateAndroidVEA();
75 // IPC handlers, proxying media::VideoEncodeAccelerator for the renderer
76 // process.
77 void OnEncode(const AcceleratedVideoEncoderMsg_Encode_Params& params);
78 void OnUseOutputBitstreamBuffer(int32 buffer_id,
79 base::SharedMemoryHandle buffer_handle,
80 uint32 buffer_size);
81 void OnRequestEncodingParametersChange(uint32 bitrate, uint32 framerate);
83 void OnDestroy();
85 void EncodeFrameFinished(int32 frame_id, scoped_ptr<base::SharedMemory> shm);
87 void Send(IPC::Message* message);
88 // Helper for replying to the creation request.
89 void SendCreateEncoderReply(IPC::Message* message, bool succeeded);
91 // Route ID to communicate with the host.
92 const uint32_t host_route_id_;
94 // Unowned pointer to the underlying GpuCommandBufferStub. |this| is
95 // registered as a DestuctionObserver of |stub_| and will self-delete when
96 // |stub_| is destroyed.
97 GpuCommandBufferStub* const stub_;
99 // Owned pointer to the underlying VideoEncodeAccelerator.
100 scoped_ptr<media::VideoEncodeAccelerator> encoder_;
101 base::Callback<bool(void)> make_context_current_;
103 // Video encoding parameters.
104 media::VideoPixelFormat input_format_;
105 gfx::Size input_visible_size_;
106 gfx::Size input_coded_size_;
107 size_t output_buffer_size_;
109 // Weak pointer for media::VideoFrames that refer back to |this|.
110 base::WeakPtrFactory<GpuVideoEncodeAccelerator> weak_this_factory_;
112 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(GpuVideoEncodeAccelerator);
115 } // namespace content