Pin Chrome's shortcut to the Win10 Start menu on install and OS upgrade.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / media / capture / video / mac /
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "media/capture/video/mac/video_capture_device_mac.h"
7 #include <IOKit/IOCFPlugIn.h>
8 #include <IOKit/usb/IOUSBLib.h>
9 #include <IOKit/usb/USBSpec.h>
11 #include "base/bind.h"
12 #include "base/location.h"
13 #include "base/logging.h"
14 #include "base/mac/scoped_ioobject.h"
15 #include "base/mac/scoped_ioplugininterface.h"
16 #include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
17 #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
18 #include "base/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
19 #include "base/time/time.h"
20 #import "media/base/mac/avfoundation_glue.h"
21 #import "media/capture/video/mac/platform_video_capturing_mac.h"
22 #import "media/capture/video/mac/video_capture_device_avfoundation_mac.h"
23 #import "media/capture/video/mac/video_capture_device_qtkit_mac.h"
24 #include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
26 @implementation DeviceNameAndTransportType
28 - (id)initWithName:(NSString*)deviceName transportType:(int32_t)transportType {
29   if (self = [super init]) {
30     deviceName_.reset([deviceName copy]);
31     transportType_ = transportType;
32   }
33   return self;
36 - (NSString*)deviceName {
37   return deviceName_;
40 - (int32_t)transportType {
41   return transportType_;
44 @end  // @implementation DeviceNameAndTransportType
46 namespace media {
48 // Mac specific limits for minimum and maximum frame rate.
49 const float kMinFrameRate = 1.0f;
50 const float kMaxFrameRate = 30.0f;
52 // In device identifiers, the USB VID and PID are stored in 4 bytes each.
53 const size_t kVidPidSize = 4;
55 const struct Resolution {
56   const int width;
57   const int height;
58 } kQVGA = {320, 240}, kVGA = {640, 480}, kHD = {1280, 720};
60 const struct Resolution* const kWellSupportedResolutions[] = {
61     &kQVGA,
62     &kVGA,
63     &kHD,
66 // Rescaling the image to fix the pixel aspect ratio runs the risk of making
67 // the aspect ratio worse, if QTKit selects a new source mode with a different
68 // shape. This constant ensures that we don't take this risk if the current
69 // aspect ratio is tolerable.
70 const float kMaxPixelAspectRatio = 1.15;
72 // The following constants are extracted from the specification "Universal
73 // Serial Bus Device Class Definition for Video Devices", Rev. 1.1 June 1, 2005.
74 //
75 // CS_INTERFACE: Sec. A.4 "Video Class-Specific Descriptor Types".
76 const int kVcCsInterface = 0x24;
77 // VC_PROCESSING_UNIT: Sec. A.5 "Video Class-Specific VC Interface Descriptor
78 // Subtypes".
79 const int kVcProcessingUnit = 0x5;
80 // SET_CUR: Sec. A.8 "Video Class-Specific Request Codes".
81 const int kVcRequestCodeSetCur = 0x1;
82 // PU_POWER_LINE_FREQUENCY_CONTROL: Sec. A.9.5 "Processing Unit Control
83 // Selectors".
84 const int kPuPowerLineFrequencyControl = 0x5;
85 // Sec. Power Line Frequency Control.
86 const int k50Hz = 1;
87 const int k60Hz = 2;
88 const int kPuPowerLineFrequencyControlCommandSize = 1;
90 // Addition to the IOUSB family of structures, with subtype and unit ID.
91 typedef struct IOUSBInterfaceDescriptor {
92   IOUSBDescriptorHeader header;
93   UInt8 bDescriptorSubType;
94   UInt8 bUnitID;
95 } IOUSBInterfaceDescriptor;
97 static void GetBestMatchSupportedResolution(gfx::Size* resolution) {
98   int min_diff = kint32max;
99   const int desired_area = resolution->GetArea();
100   for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kWellSupportedResolutions); ++i) {
101     const int area = kWellSupportedResolutions[i]->width *
102                      kWellSupportedResolutions[i]->height;
103     const int diff = std::abs(desired_area - area);
104     if (diff < min_diff) {
105       min_diff = diff;
106       resolution->SetSize(kWellSupportedResolutions[i]->width,
107                           kWellSupportedResolutions[i]->height);
108     }
109   }
112 // Tries to create a user-side device interface for a given USB device. Returns
113 // true if interface was found and passes it back in |device_interface|. The
114 // caller should release |device_interface|.
115 static bool FindDeviceInterfaceInUsbDevice(
116     const int vendor_id,
117     const int product_id,
118     const io_service_t usb_device,
119     IOUSBDeviceInterface*** device_interface) {
120   // Create a plugin, i.e. a user-side controller to manipulate USB device.
121   IOCFPlugInInterface** plugin;
122   SInt32 score;  // Unused, but required for IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService.
123   kern_return_t kr = IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService(
124       usb_device, kIOUSBDeviceUserClientTypeID, kIOCFPlugInInterfaceID, &plugin,
125       &score);
126   if (kr != kIOReturnSuccess || !plugin) {
127     DLOG(ERROR) << "IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService";
128     return false;
129   }
130   base::mac::ScopedIOPluginInterface<IOCFPlugInInterface> plugin_ref(plugin);
132   // Fetch the Device Interface from the plugin.
133   HRESULT res = (*plugin)->QueryInterface(
134       plugin, CFUUIDGetUUIDBytes(kIOUSBDeviceInterfaceID),
135       reinterpret_cast<LPVOID*>(device_interface));
136   if (!SUCCEEDED(res) || !*device_interface) {
137     DLOG(ERROR) << "QueryInterface, couldn't create interface to USB";
138     return false;
139   }
140   return true;
143 // Tries to find a Video Control type interface inside a general USB device
144 // interface |device_interface|, and returns it in |video_control_interface| if
145 // found. The returned interface must be released in the caller.
146 static bool FindVideoControlInterfaceInDeviceInterface(
147     IOUSBDeviceInterface** device_interface,
148     IOCFPlugInInterface*** video_control_interface) {
149   // Create an iterator to the list of Video-AVControl interfaces of the device,
150   // then get the first interface in the list.
151   io_iterator_t interface_iterator;
152   IOUSBFindInterfaceRequest interface_request = {
153       .bInterfaceClass = kUSBVideoInterfaceClass,
154       .bInterfaceSubClass = kUSBVideoControlSubClass,
155       .bInterfaceProtocol = kIOUSBFindInterfaceDontCare,
156       .bAlternateSetting = kIOUSBFindInterfaceDontCare};
157   kern_return_t kr =
158       (*device_interface)
159           ->CreateInterfaceIterator(device_interface, &interface_request,
160                                     &interface_iterator);
161   if (kr != kIOReturnSuccess) {
162     DLOG(ERROR) << "Could not create an iterator to the device's interfaces.";
163     return false;
164   }
165   base::mac::ScopedIOObject<io_iterator_t> iterator_ref(interface_iterator);
167   // There should be just one interface matching the class-subclass desired.
168   io_service_t found_interface;
169   found_interface = IOIteratorNext(interface_iterator);
170   if (!found_interface) {
171     DLOG(ERROR) << "Could not find a Video-AVControl interface in the device.";
172     return false;
173   }
174   base::mac::ScopedIOObject<io_service_t> found_interface_ref(found_interface);
176   // Create a user side controller (i.e. a "plugin") for the found interface.
177   SInt32 score;
178   kr = IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService(
179       found_interface, kIOUSBInterfaceUserClientTypeID, kIOCFPlugInInterfaceID,
180       video_control_interface, &score);
181   if (kr != kIOReturnSuccess || !*video_control_interface) {
182     DLOG(ERROR) << "IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService";
183     return false;
184   }
185   return true;
188 // Creates a control interface for |plugin_interface| and produces a command to
189 // set the appropriate Power Line frequency for flicker removal.
190 static void SetAntiFlickerInVideoControlInterface(
191     IOCFPlugInInterface** plugin_interface,
192     const int frequency) {
193   // Create, the control interface for the found plugin, and release
194   // the intermediate plugin.
195   IOUSBInterfaceInterface** control_interface = NULL;
196   HRESULT res =
197       (*plugin_interface)
198           ->QueryInterface(plugin_interface,
199                            CFUUIDGetUUIDBytes(kIOUSBInterfaceInterfaceID),
200                            reinterpret_cast<LPVOID*>(&control_interface));
201   if (!SUCCEEDED(res) || !control_interface) {
202     DLOG(ERROR) << "Couldn’t create control interface";
203     return;
204   }
205   base::mac::ScopedIOPluginInterface<IOUSBInterfaceInterface>
206       control_interface_ref(control_interface);
208   // Find the device's unit ID presenting type 0x24 (kVcCsInterface) and
209   // subtype 0x5 (kVcProcessingUnit). Inside this unit is where we find the
210   // power line frequency removal setting, and this id is device dependent.
211   int real_unit_id = -1;
212   IOUSBDescriptorHeader* descriptor = NULL;
213   IOUSBInterfaceDescriptor* cs_descriptor = NULL;
214   IOUSBInterfaceInterface220** interface =
215       reinterpret_cast<IOUSBInterfaceInterface220**>(control_interface);
216   while ((descriptor = (*interface)
217                            ->FindNextAssociatedDescriptor(interface, descriptor,
218                                                           kUSBAnyDesc))) {
219     cs_descriptor = reinterpret_cast<IOUSBInterfaceDescriptor*>(descriptor);
220     if ((descriptor->bDescriptorType == kVcCsInterface) &&
221         (cs_descriptor->bDescriptorSubType == kVcProcessingUnit)) {
222       real_unit_id = cs_descriptor->bUnitID;
223       break;
224     }
225   }
226   DVLOG_IF(1, real_unit_id == -1)
227       << "This USB device doesn't seem to have a "
228       << " VC_PROCESSING_UNIT, anti-flicker not available";
229   if (real_unit_id == -1)
230     return;
232   if ((*control_interface)->USBInterfaceOpen(control_interface) !=
233       kIOReturnSuccess) {
234     DLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to open control interface";
235     return;
236   }
238   // Create the control request and launch it to the device's control interface.
239   // Note how the wIndex needs the interface number OR'ed in the lowest bits.
240   IOUSBDevRequest command;
241   command.bmRequestType =
242       USBmakebmRequestType(kUSBOut, kUSBClass, kUSBInterface);
243   command.bRequest = kVcRequestCodeSetCur;
244   UInt8 interface_number;
245   (*control_interface)
246       ->GetInterfaceNumber(control_interface, &interface_number);
247   command.wIndex = (real_unit_id << 8) | interface_number;
248   const int selector = kPuPowerLineFrequencyControl;
249   command.wValue = (selector << 8);
250   command.wLength = kPuPowerLineFrequencyControlCommandSize;
251   command.wLenDone = 0;
252   int power_line_flag_value = (frequency == 50) ? k50Hz : k60Hz;
253   command.pData = &power_line_flag_value;
255   IOReturn ret =
256       (*control_interface)->ControlRequest(control_interface, 0, &command);
257   DLOG_IF(ERROR, ret != kIOReturnSuccess) << "Anti-flicker control request"
258                                           << " failed (0x" << std::hex << ret
259                                           << "), unit id: " << real_unit_id;
260   DVLOG_IF(1, ret == kIOReturnSuccess) << "Anti-flicker set to " << frequency
261                                        << "Hz";
263   (*control_interface)->USBInterfaceClose(control_interface);
266 // Sets the flicker removal in a USB webcam identified by |vendor_id| and
267 // |product_id|, if available. The process includes first finding all USB
268 // devices matching the specified |vendor_id| and |product_id|; for each
269 // matching device, a device interface, and inside it a video control interface
270 // are created. The latter is used to a send a power frequency setting command.
271 static void SetAntiFlickerInUsbDevice(const int vendor_id,
272                                       const int product_id,
273                                       const int frequency) {
274   if (frequency == 0)
275     return;
276   DVLOG(1) << "Setting Power Line Frequency to " << frequency << " Hz, device "
277            << std::hex << vendor_id << "-" << product_id;
279   // Compose a search dictionary with vendor and product ID.
280   CFMutableDictionaryRef query_dictionary =
281       IOServiceMatching(kIOUSBDeviceClassName);
282   CFDictionarySetValue(
283       query_dictionary, CFSTR(kUSBVendorName),
284       CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &vendor_id));
285   CFDictionarySetValue(
286       query_dictionary, CFSTR(kUSBProductName),
287       CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &product_id));
289   io_iterator_t usb_iterator;
290   kern_return_t kr = IOServiceGetMatchingServices(
291       kIOMasterPortDefault, query_dictionary, &usb_iterator);
292   if (kr != kIOReturnSuccess) {
293     DLOG(ERROR) << "No devices found with specified Vendor and Product ID.";
294     return;
295   }
296   base::mac::ScopedIOObject<io_iterator_t> usb_iterator_ref(usb_iterator);
298   while (io_service_t usb_device = IOIteratorNext(usb_iterator)) {
299     base::mac::ScopedIOObject<io_service_t> usb_device_ref(usb_device);
301     IOUSBDeviceInterface** device_interface = NULL;
302     if (!FindDeviceInterfaceInUsbDevice(vendor_id, product_id, usb_device,
303                                         &device_interface)) {
304       return;
305     }
306     base::mac::ScopedIOPluginInterface<IOUSBDeviceInterface>
307         device_interface_ref(device_interface);
309     IOCFPlugInInterface** video_control_interface = NULL;
310     if (!FindVideoControlInterfaceInDeviceInterface(device_interface,
311                                                     &video_control_interface)) {
312       return;
313     }
314     base::mac::ScopedIOPluginInterface<IOCFPlugInInterface>
315         plugin_interface_ref(video_control_interface);
317     SetAntiFlickerInVideoControlInterface(video_control_interface, frequency);
318   }
321 const std::string VideoCaptureDevice::Name::GetModel() const {
322   // Skip the AVFoundation's not USB nor built-in devices.
323   if (capture_api_type() == AVFOUNDATION && transport_type() != USB_OR_BUILT_IN)
324     return "";
325   if (capture_api_type() == DECKLINK)
326     return "";
327   // Both PID and VID are 4 characters.
328   if (unique_id_.size() < 2 * kVidPidSize)
329     return "";
331   // The last characters of device id is a concatenation of VID and then PID.
332   const size_t vid_location = unique_id_.size() - 2 * kVidPidSize;
333   std::string id_vendor = unique_id_.substr(vid_location, kVidPidSize);
334   const size_t pid_location = unique_id_.size() - kVidPidSize;
335   std::string id_product = unique_id_.substr(pid_location, kVidPidSize);
337   return id_vendor + ":" + id_product;
340 VideoCaptureDeviceMac::VideoCaptureDeviceMac(const Name& device_name)
341     : device_name_(device_name),
342       tried_to_square_pixels_(false),
343       task_runner_(base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()),
344       state_(kNotInitialized),
345       capture_device_(nil),
346       weak_factory_(this) {
347   // Avoid reconfiguring AVFoundation or blacklisted devices.
348   final_resolution_selected_ = AVFoundationGlue::IsAVFoundationSupported() ||
349                                device_name.is_blacklisted();
352 VideoCaptureDeviceMac::~VideoCaptureDeviceMac() {
353   DCHECK(task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread());
354   [capture_device_ release];
357 void VideoCaptureDeviceMac::AllocateAndStart(
358     const VideoCaptureParams& params,
359     scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Client> client) {
360   DCHECK(task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread());
361   if (state_ != kIdle) {
362     return;
363   }
365   // QTKit API can scale captured frame to any size requested, which would lead
366   // to undesired aspect ratio changes. Try to open the camera with a known
367   // supported format and let the client crop/pad the captured frames.
368   gfx::Size resolution = params.requested_format.frame_size;
369   if (!AVFoundationGlue::IsAVFoundationSupported())
370     GetBestMatchSupportedResolution(&resolution);
372   client_ = client.Pass();
373   if (device_name_.capture_api_type() == Name::AVFOUNDATION)
374     LogMessage("Using AVFoundation for device: " +;
375   else
376     LogMessage("Using QTKit for device: " +;
377   NSString* deviceId =
378       [NSString];
380   [capture_device_ setFrameReceiver:this];
382   if (![capture_device_ setCaptureDevice:deviceId]) {
383     SetErrorState("Could not open capture device.");
384     return;
385   }
387   capture_format_.frame_size = resolution;
388   capture_format_.frame_rate =
389       std::max(kMinFrameRate,
390                std::min(params.requested_format.frame_rate, kMaxFrameRate));
391   // Leave the pixel format selection to AVFoundation/QTKit. The pixel format
392   // will be passed to |ReceiveFrame|.
393   capture_format_.pixel_format = VIDEO_CAPTURE_PIXEL_FORMAT_UNKNOWN;
395   // QTKit: Set the capture resolution only if this is VGA or smaller, otherwise
396   // leave it unconfigured and start capturing: QTKit will produce frames at the
397   // native resolution, allowing us to identify cameras whose native resolution
398   // is too low for HD. This additional information comes at a cost in startup
399   // latency, because the webcam will need to be reopened if its default
400   // resolution is not HD or VGA.
401   // AVfoundation is configured for all resolutions.
402   if (AVFoundationGlue::IsAVFoundationSupported() ||
403       resolution.width() <= kVGA.width || resolution.height() <= kVGA.height) {
404     if (!UpdateCaptureResolution())
405       return;
406   }
408   // Try setting the power line frequency removal (anti-flicker). The built-in
409   // cameras are normally suspended so the configuration must happen right
410   // before starting capture and during configuration.
411   const std::string& device_model = device_name_.GetModel();
412   if (device_model.length() > 2 * kVidPidSize) {
413     std::string vendor_id = device_model.substr(0, kVidPidSize);
414     std::string model_id = device_model.substr(kVidPidSize + 1);
415     int vendor_id_as_int, model_id_as_int;
416     if (base::HexStringToInt(base::StringPiece(vendor_id), &vendor_id_as_int) &&
417         base::HexStringToInt(base::StringPiece(model_id), &model_id_as_int)) {
418       SetAntiFlickerInUsbDevice(vendor_id_as_int, model_id_as_int,
419                                 GetPowerLineFrequencyForLocation());
420     }
421   }
423   if (![capture_device_ startCapture]) {
424     SetErrorState("Could not start capture device.");
425     return;
426   }
428   state_ = kCapturing;
431 void VideoCaptureDeviceMac::StopAndDeAllocate() {
432   DCHECK(task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread());
433   DCHECK(state_ == kCapturing || state_ == kError) << state_;
435   [capture_device_ setCaptureDevice:nil];
436   [capture_device_ setFrameReceiver:nil];
437   client_.reset();
438   state_ = kIdle;
439   tried_to_square_pixels_ = false;
442 bool VideoCaptureDeviceMac::Init(
443     VideoCaptureDevice::Name::CaptureApiType capture_api_type) {
444   DCHECK(task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread());
445   DCHECK_EQ(state_, kNotInitialized);
447   if (capture_api_type == Name::AVFOUNDATION) {
448     capture_device_ =
449         [[VideoCaptureDeviceAVFoundation alloc] initWithFrameReceiver:this];
450   } else {
451     capture_device_ =
452         [[VideoCaptureDeviceQTKit alloc] initWithFrameReceiver:this];
453   }
455   if (!capture_device_)
456     return false;
458   state_ = kIdle;
459   return true;
462 void VideoCaptureDeviceMac::ReceiveFrame(const uint8* video_frame,
463                                          int video_frame_length,
464                                          const VideoCaptureFormat& frame_format,
465                                          int aspect_numerator,
466                                          int aspect_denominator) {
467   // This method is safe to call from a device capture thread, i.e. any thread
468   // controlled by QTKit/AVFoundation.
469   if (!final_resolution_selected_) {
470     DCHECK(!AVFoundationGlue::IsAVFoundationSupported());
471     if (capture_format_.frame_size.width() > kVGA.width ||
472         capture_format_.frame_size.height() > kVGA.height) {
473       // We are requesting HD.  Make sure that the picture is good, otherwise
474       // drop down to VGA.
475       bool change_to_vga = false;
476       if (frame_format.frame_size.width() <
477               capture_format_.frame_size.width() ||
478           frame_format.frame_size.height() <
479               capture_format_.frame_size.height()) {
480         // These are the default capture settings, not yet configured to match
481         // |capture_format_|.
482         DCHECK(frame_format.frame_rate == 0);
483         DVLOG(1) << "Switching to VGA because the default resolution is "
484                  << frame_format.frame_size.ToString();
485         change_to_vga = true;
486       }
488       if (capture_format_.frame_size == frame_format.frame_size &&
489           aspect_numerator != aspect_denominator) {
490         DVLOG(1) << "Switching to VGA because HD has nonsquare pixel "
491                  << "aspect ratio " << aspect_numerator << ":"
492                  << aspect_denominator;
493         change_to_vga = true;
494       }
496       if (change_to_vga)
497         capture_format_.frame_size.SetSize(kVGA.width, kVGA.height);
498     }
500     if (capture_format_.frame_size == frame_format.frame_size &&
501         !tried_to_square_pixels_ &&
502         (aspect_numerator > kMaxPixelAspectRatio * aspect_denominator ||
503          aspect_denominator > kMaxPixelAspectRatio * aspect_numerator)) {
504       // The requested size results in non-square PAR. Shrink the frame to 1:1
505       // PAR (assuming QTKit selects the same input mode, which is not
506       // guaranteed).
507       int new_width = capture_format_.frame_size.width();
508       int new_height = capture_format_.frame_size.height();
509       if (aspect_numerator < aspect_denominator)
510         new_width = (new_width * aspect_numerator) / aspect_denominator;
511       else
512         new_height = (new_height * aspect_denominator) / aspect_numerator;
513       capture_format_.frame_size.SetSize(new_width, new_height);
514       tried_to_square_pixels_ = true;
515     }
517     if (capture_format_.frame_size == frame_format.frame_size) {
518       final_resolution_selected_ = true;
519     } else {
520       UpdateCaptureResolution();
521       // Let the resolution update sink through QTKit and wait for next frame.
522       return;
523     }
524   }
526   // QTKit capture source can change resolution if someone else reconfigures the
527   // camera, and that is fine: In AVFoundation, this
528   // should not happen, it should resize internally.
529   if (!AVFoundationGlue::IsAVFoundationSupported()) {
530     capture_format_.frame_size = frame_format.frame_size;
531   } else if (capture_format_.frame_size != frame_format.frame_size) {
532     ReceiveError("Captured resolution " + frame_format.frame_size.ToString() +
533                  ", and expected " + capture_format_.frame_size.ToString());
534     return;
535   }
537   client_->OnIncomingCapturedData(video_frame, video_frame_length, frame_format,
538                                   0, base::TimeTicks::Now());
541 void VideoCaptureDeviceMac::ReceiveError(const std::string& reason) {
542   task_runner_->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
543                          base::Bind(&VideoCaptureDeviceMac::SetErrorState,
544                                     weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), reason));
547 void VideoCaptureDeviceMac::SetErrorState(const std::string& reason) {
548   DCHECK(task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread());
549   state_ = kError;
550   client_->OnError(reason);
553 void VideoCaptureDeviceMac::LogMessage(const std::string& message) {
554   DCHECK(task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread());
555   if (client_)
556     client_->OnLog(message);
559 bool VideoCaptureDeviceMac::UpdateCaptureResolution() {
560   if (![capture_device_ setCaptureHeight:capture_format_.frame_size.height()
561                                    width:capture_format_.frame_size.width()
562                                frameRate:capture_format_.frame_rate]) {
563     ReceiveError("Could not configure capture device.");
564     return false;
565   }
566   return true;
569 }  // namespace media