Pin Chrome's shortcut to the Win10 Start menu on install and OS upgrade.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / mojo / shell / application_instance.h
1 // Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <set>
10 #include "base/callback.h"
11 #include "mojo/application/public/interfaces/application.mojom.h"
12 #include "mojo/application/public/interfaces/shell.mojom.h"
13 #include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/binding.h"
14 #include "mojo/shell/identity.h"
15 #include "url/gurl.h"
17 namespace mojo {
19 // TODO(beng): upstream this into mojo repo, array.h so it can be shared with
20 //
21 // A |TypeConverter| that will create an |std::set<E>| containing a copy of
22 // the contents of an |Array<T>|, using |TypeConverter<E, T>| to copy each
23 // element. If the input array is null, the output set will be empty.
24 template <typename E, typename T>
25 struct TypeConverter <std::set<E>, Array<T>> {
26 static std::set<E> Convert(const Array<T>& input) {
27 std::set<E> result;
28 if (!input.is_null()) {
29 for (size_t i = 0; i < input.size(); ++i)
30 result.insert(TypeConverter<E, T>::Convert(input[i]));
32 return result;
36 template <typename T, typename E>
37 struct TypeConverter <Array<T>, std::set<E>> {
38 static Array<T> Convert(const std::set<E>& input) {
39 Array<T> result(0u);
40 for (auto i : input)
41 result.push_back(TypeConverter<T, E>::Convert(i));
42 return result.Pass();
46 namespace shell {
48 class ApplicationManager;
50 // Encapsulates a connection to an instance of an application, tracked by the
51 // shell's ApplicationManager.
52 class ApplicationInstance : public Shell {
53 public:
54 using AllowedInterfaces = std::set<std::string>;
55 using CapabilityFilter = std::map<std::string, AllowedInterfaces>;
57 ApplicationInstance(ApplicationPtr application,
58 ApplicationManager* manager,
59 const Identity& resolved_identity,
60 const CapabilityFilter& filter,
61 const base::Closure& on_application_end);
63 ~ApplicationInstance() override;
65 void InitializeApplication();
67 void ConnectToClient(ApplicationInstance* originator,
68 const GURL& requested_url,
69 const GURL& requestor_url,
70 InterfaceRequest<ServiceProvider> services,
71 ServiceProviderPtr exposed_services,
72 CapabilityFilterPtr filter);
74 // Returns the set of interfaces this application instance is allowed to see
75 // from an instance with |identity|.
76 AllowedInterfaces GetAllowedInterfaces(const Identity& identity) const;
78 Application* application() { return application_.get(); }
79 const Identity& identity() const { return identity_; }
80 base::Closure on_application_end() const { return on_application_end_; }
82 private:
83 // Shell implementation:
84 void ConnectToApplication(URLRequestPtr app_request,
85 InterfaceRequest<ServiceProvider> services,
86 ServiceProviderPtr exposed_services,
87 CapabilityFilterPtr filter) override;
88 void QuitApplication() override;
90 void CallAcceptConnection(ApplicationInstance* originator,
91 const GURL& url,
92 InterfaceRequest<ServiceProvider> services,
93 ServiceProviderPtr exposed_services,
94 const GURL& requested_url);
96 void OnConnectionError();
98 void OnQuitRequestedResult(bool can_quit);
100 struct QueuedClientRequest {
101 QueuedClientRequest();
102 ~QueuedClientRequest();
103 ApplicationInstance* originator;
104 GURL requested_url;
105 GURL requestor_url;
106 InterfaceRequest<ServiceProvider> services;
107 ServiceProviderPtr exposed_services;
108 CapabilityFilterPtr filter;
111 ApplicationManager* const manager_;
112 const Identity identity_;
113 const CapabilityFilter filter_;
114 const bool allow_any_application_;
115 base::Closure on_application_end_;
116 ApplicationPtr application_;
117 Binding<Shell> binding_;
118 bool queue_requests_;
119 std::vector<QueuedClientRequest*> queued_client_requests_;
121 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ApplicationInstance);
124 } // namespace shell
125 } // namespace mojo