Pin Chrome's shortcut to the Win10 Start menu on install and OS upgrade.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / mojo / tools / mopy /
1 # Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 # found in the LICENSE file.
5 import atexit
6 import itertools
7 import logging
8 import os
9 import signal
10 import subprocess
11 import sys
12 import threading
13 import time
14 import urlparse
16 from .paths import Paths
18 sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)),
19 '..', '..', '..', 'build', 'android'))
20 from pylib import constants
21 from pylib.base import base_test_runner
22 from pylib.device import device_errors
23 from pylib.device import device_utils
24 from pylib.utils import base_error
25 from pylib.utils import apk_helper
28 # Tags used by the mojo shell application logs.
30 'AndroidHandler',
31 'MojoFileHelper',
32 'MojoMain',
33 'MojoShellActivity',
34 'MojoShellApplication',
35 'chromium',
38 MAPPING_PREFIX = '--map-origin='
41 def _ExitIfNeeded(process):
42 '''Exits |process| if it is still alive.'''
43 if process.poll() is None:
44 process.kill()
47 class AndroidShell(object):
48 '''
49 Used to set up and run a given mojo shell binary on an Android device.
50 |config| is the mopy.config.Config for the build.
51 '''
52 def __init__(self, config):
53 self.adb_path = constants.GetAdbPath()
54 self.config = config
55 self.paths = Paths(config)
56 self.device = None
57 self.shell_args = []
58 self.target_package = apk_helper.GetPackageName(self.paths.apk_path)
59 self.temp_gdb_dir = None
60 # This is used by decive_utils.Install to check if the apk needs updating.
61 constants.SetOutputDirectory(self.paths.build_dir)
63 # TODO(msw): Use pylib's adb_wrapper and device_utils instead.
64 def _CreateADBCommand(self, args):
65 adb_command = [self.adb_path, '-s', self.device.adb.GetDeviceSerial()]
66 adb_command.extend(args)
67 logging.getLogger().debug('Command: %s', ' '.join(adb_command))
68 return adb_command
70 def _ReadFifo(self, path, pipe, on_fifo_closed, max_attempts=5):
71 '''
72 Reads the fifo at |path| on the device and write the contents to |pipe|.
73 Calls |on_fifo_closed| when the fifo is closed. This method will try to find
74 the path up to |max_attempts|, waiting 1 second between each attempt. If it
75 cannot find |path|, a exception will be raised.
76 '''
77 def Run():
78 def _WaitForFifo():
79 for _ in xrange(max_attempts):
80 if self.device.FileExists(path):
81 return
82 time.sleep(1)
83 on_fifo_closed()
84 raise Exception('Unable to find fifo: %s' % path)
85 _WaitForFifo()
86 stdout_cat = subprocess.Popen(self._CreateADBCommand([
87 'shell',
88 'cat',
89 path]),
90 stdout=pipe)
91 atexit.register(_ExitIfNeeded, stdout_cat)
92 stdout_cat.wait()
93 on_fifo_closed()
95 thread = threading.Thread(target=Run, name='StdoutRedirector')
96 thread.start()
98 def _StartHttpServerForDirectory(self, path):
99 test_server_helper = base_test_runner.BaseTestRunner(self.device, None)
100 ports = test_server_helper.LaunchTestHttpServer(path)
101 atexit.register(test_server_helper.ShutdownHelperToolsForTestSuite)
102 print 'Hosting %s at' % (path, ports[1])
103 return '' % ports[0]
105 def _StartHttpServerForOriginMapping(self, mapping):
107 If |mapping| points at a local file starts an http server to serve files
108 from the directory and returns the new mapping. This is intended to be
109 called for every --map-origin value.
111 parts = mapping.split('=')
112 if len(parts) != 2:
113 return mapping
114 dest = parts[1]
115 # If the destination is a URL, don't map it.
116 if urlparse.urlparse(dest)[0]:
117 return mapping
118 # Assume the destination is a local file. Start a local server that
119 # redirects to it.
120 localUrl = self._StartHttpServerForDirectory(dest)
121 return parts[0] + '=' + localUrl
123 def _StartHttpServerForOriginMappings(self, map_parameters):
124 '''Calls _StartHttpServerForOriginMapping for every --map-origin arg.'''
125 if not map_parameters:
126 return []
128 original_values = list(itertools.chain(
129 *map(lambda x: x[len(MAPPING_PREFIX):].split(','), map_parameters)))
130 sorted(original_values)
131 result = []
132 for value in original_values:
133 result.append(self._StartHttpServerForOriginMapping(value))
134 return [MAPPING_PREFIX + ','.join(result)]
136 def InitShell(self, origin='localhost', device=None):
138 Runs adb as root, starts an origin server, and installs the apk as needed.
139 |origin| is the origin for mojo: URLs; if its value is 'localhost', a local
140 http server will be set up to serve files from the build directory.
141 |device| is the target device to run on, if multiple devices are connected.
142 Returns 0 on success or a non-zero exit code on a terminal failure.
144 try:
145 devices = device_utils.DeviceUtils.HealthyDevices()
146 if device:
147 self.device = next((d for d in devices if d == device), None)
148 if not self.device:
149 raise device_errors.DeviceUnreachableError(device)
150 elif devices:
151 self.device = devices[0]
152 else:
153 raise device_errors.NoDevicesError()
155 logging.getLogger().debug('Using device: %s', self.device)
156 # Clean the logs on the device to avoid displaying prior activity.
157 subprocess.check_call(self._CreateADBCommand(['logcat', '-c']))
158 self.device.EnableRoot()
159 self.device.Install(self.paths.apk_path)
160 except base_error.BaseError as e:
161 # Report 'device not found' as infra failures. See
162 print 'Exception in AndroidShell.InitShell:\n%s' % str(e)
163 if e.is_infra_error or 'error: device not found' in str(e):
164 return constants.INFRA_EXIT_CODE
165 return constants.ERROR_EXIT_CODE
167 if origin is 'localhost':
168 origin = self._StartHttpServerForDirectory(self.paths.build_dir)
169 if origin:
170 self.shell_args.append('--origin=' + origin)
171 return 0
173 def _GetProcessId(self, process):
174 '''Returns the process id of the process on the remote device.'''
175 while True:
176 line = process.stdout.readline()
177 pid_command = 'launcher waiting for GDB. pid: '
178 index = line.find(pid_command)
179 if index != -1:
180 return line[index + len(pid_command):].strip()
181 return 0
183 def _GetLocalGdbPath(self):
184 '''Returns the path to the android gdb.'''
185 if self.config.target_cpu == 'arm':
186 return os.path.join(constants.ANDROID_NDK_ROOT, 'toolchains',
187 'arm-linux-androideabi-4.9', 'prebuilt',
188 'linux-x86_64', 'bin', 'arm-linux-androideabi-gdb')
189 elif self.config.target_cpu == 'x86':
190 return os.path.join(constants.ANDROID_NDK_ROOT, 'toolchains',
191 'x86-4.9', 'prebuilt', 'linux-x86_64', 'bin',
192 'i686-linux-android-gdb')
193 elif self.config.target_cpu == 'x64':
194 return os.path.join(constants.ANDROID_NDK_ROOT, 'toolchains',
195 'x86_64-4.9', 'prebuilt', 'linux-x86_64', 'bin',
196 'x86_64-linux-android-gdb')
197 else:
198 raise Exception('Unknown target_cpu: %s' % self.config.target_cpu)
200 def _WaitForProcessIdAndStartGdb(self, process):
202 Waits until we see the process id from the remote device, starts up
203 gdbserver on the remote device, and gdb on the local device.
205 # Wait until we see 'PID'
206 pid = self._GetProcessId(process)
207 assert pid != 0
208 # No longer need the logcat process.
209 process.kill()
210 # Disable python's processing of SIGINT while running gdb. Otherwise
211 # control-c doesn't work well in gdb.
212 signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
213 gdbserver_process = subprocess.Popen(self._CreateADBCommand(['shell',
214 'gdbserver',
215 '--attach',
216 ':5039',
217 pid]))
218 atexit.register(_ExitIfNeeded, gdbserver_process)
220 gdbinit_path = os.path.join(self.temp_gdb_dir, 'gdbinit')
221 _CreateGdbInit(self.temp_gdb_dir, gdbinit_path, self.paths.build_dir)
223 # Wait a second for gdb to start up on the device. Without this the local
224 # gdb starts before the remote side has registered the port.
225 # TODO(sky): maybe we should try a couple of times and then give up?
226 time.sleep(1)
228 local_gdb_process = subprocess.Popen([self._GetLocalGdbPath(),
229 '-x',
230 gdbinit_path],
231 cwd=self.temp_gdb_dir)
232 atexit.register(_ExitIfNeeded, local_gdb_process)
233 local_gdb_process.wait()
234 signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL)
236 def StartActivity(self,
237 activity_name,
238 arguments,
239 stdout,
240 on_fifo_closed,
241 temp_gdb_dir=None):
243 Starts the shell with the given |arguments|, directing output to |stdout|.
244 |on_fifo_closed| will be run if the FIFO can't be found or when it's closed.
245 |temp_gdb_dir| is set to a location with appropriate symlinks for gdb to
246 find when attached to the device's remote process on startup.
248 assert self.device
249 arguments += self.shell_args
251 cmd = self._CreateADBCommand([
252 'shell',
253 'am',
254 'start',
255 '-S',
256 '-a', 'android.intent.action.VIEW',
257 '-n', '%s/%s.%s' % (self.target_package,
258 self.target_package,
259 activity_name)])
261 logcat_process = None
262 if temp_gdb_dir:
263 self.temp_gdb_dir = temp_gdb_dir
264 arguments.append('--wait-for-debugger')
265 # Remote debugging needs a port forwarded.
266 self.device.adb.Forward('tcp:5039', 'tcp:5039')
267 logcat_process = self.ShowLogs(stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
269 fifo_path = '/data/data/%s/stdout.fifo' % self.target_package
270 subprocess.check_call(self._CreateADBCommand(
271 ['shell', 'rm', '-f', fifo_path]))
272 arguments.append('--fifo-path=%s' % fifo_path)
273 max_attempts = 200 if '--wait-for-debugger' in arguments else 5
274 self._ReadFifo(fifo_path, stdout, on_fifo_closed, max_attempts)
276 # Extract map-origin args and add the extras array with commas escaped.
277 parameters = [a for a in arguments if not a.startswith(MAPPING_PREFIX)]
278 map_parameters = [a for a in arguments if a.startswith(MAPPING_PREFIX)]
279 parameters += self._StartHttpServerForOriginMappings(map_parameters)
280 parameters = [p.replace(',', '\,') for p in parameters]
281 cmd += ['--esa', '%s.extras' % self.target_package, ','.join(parameters)]
283 atexit.register(self.kill)
284 with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
285 cmd_process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=devnull)
286 if logcat_process:
287 self._WaitForProcessIdAndStartGdb(logcat_process)
288 cmd_process.wait()
290 def kill(self):
291 '''Stops the mojo shell; matches the Popen.kill method signature.'''
292 self.device.ForceStop(self.target_package)
294 def ShowLogs(self, stdout=sys.stdout):
295 '''Displays the mojo shell logs and returns the process reading the logs.'''
296 logcat = subprocess.Popen(self._CreateADBCommand([
297 'logcat',
298 '-s',
299 ' '.join(LOGCAT_TAGS)]),
300 stdout=stdout)
301 atexit.register(_ExitIfNeeded, logcat)
302 return logcat
305 def _CreateGdbInit(tmp_dir, gdb_init_path, build_dir):
307 Creates the gdbinit file.
309 Args:
310 tmp_dir: the directory where the gdbinit and other files lives.
311 gdb_init_path: path to gdbinit
312 build_dir: path where build files are located.
314 gdbinit = ('target remote localhost:5039\n'
315 'def reload-symbols\n'
316 ' set solib-search-path %s:%s\n'
317 'end\n'
318 'def info-symbols\n'
319 ' info sharedlibrary\n'
320 'end\n'
321 'reload-symbols\n'
322 'echo \\n\\n'
323 'You are now in gdb and need to type continue (or c) to continue '
324 'execution.\\n'
325 'gdb is in the directory %s\\n'
326 'The following functions have been defined:\\n'
327 'reload-symbols: forces reloading symbols. If after a crash you\\n'
328 'still do not see symbols you likely need to create a link in\\n'
329 'the directory you are in.\\n'
330 'info-symbols: shows status of current shared libraries.\\n'
331 'NOTE: you may need to type reload-symbols again after a '
332 'crash.\\n\\n' % (tmp_dir, build_dir, tmp_dir))
333 with open(gdb_init_path, 'w') as f:
334 f.write(gdbinit)