Elim cr-checkbox
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / extensions / api / dial / dial_service.h
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <string>
10 #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
11 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
12 #include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
13 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
14 #include "base/observer_list.h"
15 #include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
16 #include "base/timer/timer.h"
17 #include "net/log/net_log.h"
18 #include "net/udp/udp_socket.h"
20 namespace net {
21 class IPEndPoint;
22 class IPAddress;
23 class IOBuffer;
24 class StringIOBuffer;
25 struct NetworkInterface;
28 namespace extensions {
30 class DialDeviceData;
32 // DialService accepts requests to discover devices, sends multiple M-SEARCH
33 // requests via UDP multicast, and notifies observers when a DIAL-compliant
34 // device responds.
36 // Each time Discover() is called, kDialNumRequests M-SEARCH requests are sent
37 // (with a delay of kDialRequestIntervalMillis in between):
39 // Time Action
40 // ---- ------
41 // T1 Request 1 sent, OnDiscoveryReqest() called
42 // ...
43 // Tk Request kDialNumRequests sent, OnDiscoveryReqest() called
44 // Tf OnDiscoveryFinished() called
46 // Any time a valid response is received between T1 and Tf, it is parsed and
47 // OnDeviceDiscovered() is called with the result. Tf is set to Tk +
48 // kDialResponseTimeoutSecs (the response timeout passed in each request).
50 // Calling Discover() again between T1 and Tf has no effect.
52 // All relevant constants are defined in dial_service.cc.
54 // TODO(mfoltz): Port this into net/.
55 // See https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=164473
56 class DialService {
57 public:
58 enum DialServiceErrorCode {
63 class Observer {
64 public:
65 // Called when a single discovery request was sent.
66 virtual void OnDiscoveryRequest(DialService* service) = 0;
68 // Called when a device responds to a request.
69 virtual void OnDeviceDiscovered(DialService* service,
70 const DialDeviceData& device) = 0;
72 // Called when we have all responses from the last discovery request.
73 virtual void OnDiscoveryFinished(DialService* service) = 0;
75 // Called when an error occurs.
76 virtual void OnError(DialService* service,
77 const DialServiceErrorCode& code) = 0;
79 protected:
80 virtual ~Observer() {}
83 virtual ~DialService() {}
85 // Starts a new round of discovery. Returns |true| if discovery was started
86 // successfully or there is already one active. Returns |false| on error.
87 virtual bool Discover() = 0;
89 // Called by listeners to this service to add/remove themselves as observers.
90 virtual void AddObserver(Observer* observer) = 0;
91 virtual void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) = 0;
92 virtual bool HasObserver(const Observer* observer) const = 0;
95 // Implements DialService.
97 // NOTE(mfoltz): It would make this class cleaner to refactor most of the state
98 // associated with a single discovery cycle into its own |DiscoveryOperation|
99 // object. This would also simplify lifetime of the object w.r.t. DialRegistry;
100 // the Registry would not need to create/destroy the Service on demand.
101 class DialServiceImpl : public DialService,
102 public base::SupportsWeakPtr<DialServiceImpl> {
103 public:
104 explicit DialServiceImpl(net::NetLog* net_log);
105 ~DialServiceImpl() override;
107 // DialService implementation
108 bool Discover() override;
109 void AddObserver(Observer* observer) override;
110 void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) override;
111 bool HasObserver(const Observer* observer) const override;
113 private:
114 // Represents a socket binding to a single network interface.
115 class DialSocket {
116 public:
117 // TODO(imcheng): Consider writing a DialSocket::Delegate interface that
118 // declares methods for these callbacks, and taking a ptr to the delegate
119 // here.
120 DialSocket(
121 const base::Closure& discovery_request_cb,
122 const base::Callback<void(const DialDeviceData&)>& device_discovered_cb,
123 const base::Closure& on_error_cb);
124 ~DialSocket();
126 // Creates a socket using |net_log| and |net_log_source| and binds it to
127 // |bind_ip_address|.
128 bool CreateAndBindSocket(const net::IPAddressNumber& bind_ip_address,
129 net::NetLog* net_log,
130 net::NetLog::Source net_log_source);
132 // Sends a single discovery request |send_buffer| to |send_address|
133 // over the socket.
134 void SendOneRequest(const net::IPEndPoint& send_address,
135 const scoped_refptr<net::StringIOBuffer>& send_buffer);
137 // Returns true if the socket is closed.
138 bool IsClosed();
140 private:
141 // Checks the result of a socket operation. The name of the socket
142 // operation is given by |operation| and the result of the operation is
143 // given by |result|. If the result is an error, closes the socket,
144 // calls |on_error_cb_|, and returns |false|. Returns
145 // |true| otherwise. |operation| and |result| are logged.
146 bool CheckResult(const char* operation, int result);
148 // Closes the socket.
149 void Close();
151 // Callback invoked for socket writes.
152 void OnSocketWrite(int buffer_size, int result);
154 // Establishes the callback to read from the socket. Returns true if
155 // successful.
156 bool ReadSocket();
158 // Callback invoked for socket reads.
159 void OnSocketRead(int result);
161 // Callback invoked for socket reads.
162 void HandleResponse(int bytes_read);
164 // Parses a response into a DialDeviceData object. If the DIAL response is
165 // invalid or does not contain enough information, then the return
166 // value will be false and |device| is not changed.
167 static bool ParseResponse(const std::string& response,
168 const base::Time& response_time,
169 DialDeviceData* device);
171 // The UDP socket.
172 scoped_ptr<net::UDPSocket> socket_;
174 // Buffer for socket reads.
175 scoped_refptr<net::IOBufferWithSize> recv_buffer_;
177 // The source of of the last socket read.
178 net::IPEndPoint recv_address_;
180 // Thread checker.
181 base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
183 // The callback to be invoked when a discovery request was made.
184 base::Closure discovery_request_cb_;
186 // The callback to be invoked when a device has been discovered.
187 base::Callback<void(const DialDeviceData&)> device_discovered_cb_;
189 // The callback to be invoked when there is an error with socket operations.
190 base::Closure on_error_cb_;
192 // Marks whether there is an active write callback.
193 bool is_writing_;
195 // Marks whether there is an active read callback.
196 bool is_reading_;
198 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DialServiceTest, TestNotifyOnError);
199 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DialServiceTest, TestOnDeviceDiscovered);
200 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DialServiceTest, TestOnDiscoveryRequest);
201 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DialServiceTest, TestResponseParsing);
205 // Starts the control flow for one discovery cycle.
206 void StartDiscovery();
208 // For each network interface in |list|, finds all unqiue IPv4 network
209 // interfaces and call |DiscoverOnAddresses()| with their IP addresses.
210 void SendNetworkList(const net::NetworkInterfaceList& list);
212 // Calls |BindAndAddSocket()| for each address in |ip_addresses|, calls
213 // |SendOneRequest()|, and start the timer to finish discovery if needed.
214 // The (Address family, interface index) of each address in |ip_addresses|
215 // must be unique. If |ip_address| is empty, calls |FinishDiscovery()|.
216 void DiscoverOnAddresses(
217 const std::vector<net::IPAddressNumber>& ip_addresses);
219 // Creates a DialSocket, binds it to |bind_ip_address| and if
220 // successful, add the DialSocket to |dial_sockets_|.
221 void BindAndAddSocket(const net::IPAddressNumber& bind_ip_address);
223 // Creates a DialSocket with callbacks to this object.
224 scoped_ptr<DialSocket> CreateDialSocket();
226 // Sends a single discovery request to every socket that are currently open.
227 void SendOneRequest();
229 // Notify observers that a discovery request was made.
230 void NotifyOnDiscoveryRequest();
232 // Notify observers a device has been discovered.
233 void NotifyOnDeviceDiscovered(const DialDeviceData& device_data);
235 // Notify observers that there has been an error with one of the DialSockets.
236 void NotifyOnError();
238 // Called from finish_timer_ when we are done with the current round of
239 // discovery.
240 void FinishDiscovery();
242 // Returns |true| if there are open sockets.
243 bool HasOpenSockets();
245 // DialSockets for each network interface whose ip address was
246 // successfully bound.
247 ScopedVector<DialSocket> dial_sockets_;
249 // The NetLog for this service.
250 net::NetLog* net_log_;
252 // The NetLog source for this service.
253 net::NetLog::Source net_log_source_;
255 // The multicast address:port for search requests.
256 net::IPEndPoint send_address_;
258 // Buffer for socket writes.
259 scoped_refptr<net::StringIOBuffer> send_buffer_;
261 // True when we are currently doing discovery.
262 bool discovery_active_;
264 // The number of requests that have been sent in the current discovery.
265 int num_requests_sent_;
267 // The maximum number of requests to send per discovery cycle.
268 int max_requests_;
270 // Timer for finishing discovery.
271 base::OneShotTimer<DialServiceImpl> finish_timer_;
273 // The delay for |finish_timer_|; how long to wait for discovery to finish.
274 // Setting this to zero disables the timer.
275 base::TimeDelta finish_delay_;
277 // Timer for sending multiple requests at fixed intervals.
278 base::RepeatingTimer<DialServiceImpl> request_timer_;
280 // The delay for |request_timer_|; how long to wait between successive
281 // requests.
282 base::TimeDelta request_interval_;
284 // List of observers.
285 base::ObserverList<Observer> observer_list_;
287 // Thread checker.
288 base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
290 friend class DialServiceTest;
291 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DialServiceTest, TestSendMultipleRequests);
292 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DialServiceTest, TestMultipleNetworkInterfaces);
293 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DialServiceTest, TestNotifyOnError);
294 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DialServiceTest, TestOnDeviceDiscovered);
295 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DialServiceTest, TestOnDiscoveryFinished);
296 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DialServiceTest, TestOnDiscoveryRequest);
297 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DialServiceTest, TestResponseParsing);
301 } // namespace extensions