1 // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser.h"
10 #endif // defined(OS_WIN)
15 #include "base/base_paths.h"
16 #include "base/bind.h"
17 #include "base/command_line.h"
18 #include "base/location.h"
19 #include "base/logging.h"
20 #include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
21 #include "base/prefs/pref_service.h"
22 #include "base/process/process_info.h"
23 #include "base/profiler/scoped_tracker.h"
24 #include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
25 #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
26 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
27 #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
28 #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
29 #include "base/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
30 #include "base/threading/thread.h"
31 #include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
32 #include "base/time/time.h"
33 #include "chrome/app/chrome_command_ids.h"
34 #include "chrome/browser/app_mode/app_mode_utils.h"
35 #include "chrome/browser/autofill/personal_data_manager_factory.h"
36 #include "chrome/browser/background/background_contents.h"
37 #include "chrome/browser/background/background_contents_service.h"
38 #include "chrome/browser/background/background_contents_service_factory.h"
39 #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h"
40 #include "chrome/browser/browser_shutdown.h"
41 #include "chrome/browser/character_encoding.h"
42 #include "chrome/browser/chrome_notification_types.h"
43 #include "chrome/browser/content_settings/tab_specific_content_settings.h"
44 #include "chrome/browser/custom_handlers/protocol_handler_registry.h"
45 #include "chrome/browser/custom_handlers/protocol_handler_registry_factory.h"
46 #include "chrome/browser/custom_handlers/register_protocol_handler_infobar_delegate.h"
47 #include "chrome/browser/custom_handlers/register_protocol_handler_permission_request.h"
48 #include "chrome/browser/defaults.h"
49 #include "chrome/browser/devtools/devtools_toggle_action.h"
50 #include "chrome/browser/devtools/devtools_window.h"
51 #include "chrome/browser/download/download_service.h"
52 #include "chrome/browser/download/download_service_factory.h"
53 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/api/tabs/tabs_event_router.h"
54 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/api/tabs/tabs_windows_api.h"
55 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/browser_extension_window_controller.h"
56 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_service.h"
57 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_ui_util.h"
58 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_util.h"
59 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/tab_helper.h"
60 #include "chrome/browser/file_select_helper.h"
61 #include "chrome/browser/first_run/first_run.h"
62 #include "chrome/browser/history/top_sites_factory.h"
63 #include "chrome/browser/infobars/infobar_service.h"
64 #include "chrome/browser/lifetime/application_lifetime.h"
65 #include "chrome/browser/notifications/notification_ui_manager.h"
66 #include "chrome/browser/pepper_broker_infobar_delegate.h"
67 #include "chrome/browser/prefs/incognito_mode_prefs.h"
68 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
69 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_destroyer.h"
70 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_metrics.h"
71 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profiles_state.h"
72 #include "chrome/browser/repost_form_warning_controller.h"
73 #include "chrome/browser/search/search.h"
74 #include "chrome/browser/sessions/session_restore.h"
75 #include "chrome/browser/sessions/session_service.h"
76 #include "chrome/browser/sessions/session_service_factory.h"
77 #include "chrome/browser/sessions/session_tab_helper.h"
78 #include "chrome/browser/sessions/tab_restore_service_factory.h"
79 #include "chrome/browser/ssl/security_state_model.h"
80 #include "chrome/browser/sync/profile_sync_service.h"
81 #include "chrome/browser/sync/profile_sync_service_factory.h"
82 #include "chrome/browser/sync/sync_ui_util.h"
83 #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/retargeting_details.h"
84 #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_util.h"
85 #include "chrome/browser/task_management/web_contents_tags.h"
86 #include "chrome/browser/themes/theme_service.h"
87 #include "chrome/browser/themes/theme_service_factory.h"
88 #include "chrome/browser/translate/chrome_translate_client.h"
89 #include "chrome/browser/ui/autofill/chrome_autofill_client.h"
90 #include "chrome/browser/ui/blocked_content/popup_blocker_tab_helper.h"
91 #include "chrome/browser/ui/bookmarks/bookmark_tab_helper.h"
92 #include "chrome/browser/ui/bookmarks/bookmark_utils.h"
93 #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_command_controller.h"
94 #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_commands.h"
95 #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_content_setting_bubble_model_delegate.h"
96 #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_dialogs.h"
97 #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_finder.h"
98 #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_instant_controller.h"
99 #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_iterator.h"
100 #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_list.h"
101 #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_navigator.h"
102 #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_tab_restore_service_delegate.h"
103 #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_tab_strip_model_delegate.h"
104 #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_tabstrip.h"
105 #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_toolbar_model_delegate.h"
106 #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_ui_prefs.h"
107 #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_window.h"
108 #include "chrome/browser/ui/chrome_pages.h"
109 #include "chrome/browser/ui/chrome_select_file_policy.h"
110 #include "chrome/browser/ui/exclusive_access/fullscreen_controller.h"
111 #include "chrome/browser/ui/exclusive_access/mouse_lock_controller.h"
112 #include "chrome/browser/ui/extensions/hosted_app_browser_controller.h"
113 #include "chrome/browser/ui/fast_unload_controller.h"
114 #include "chrome/browser/ui/find_bar/find_bar.h"
115 #include "chrome/browser/ui/find_bar/find_bar_controller.h"
116 #include "chrome/browser/ui/find_bar/find_tab_helper.h"
117 #include "chrome/browser/ui/global_error/global_error.h"
118 #include "chrome/browser/ui/global_error/global_error_service.h"
119 #include "chrome/browser/ui/global_error/global_error_service_factory.h"
120 #include "chrome/browser/ui/location_bar/location_bar.h"
121 #include "chrome/browser/ui/media_utils.h"
122 #include "chrome/browser/ui/search/search_delegate.h"
123 #include "chrome/browser/ui/search/search_model.h"
124 #include "chrome/browser/ui/search/search_tab_helper.h"
125 #include "chrome/browser/ui/search_engines/search_engine_tab_helper.h"
126 #include "chrome/browser/ui/settings_window_manager.h"
127 #include "chrome/browser/ui/singleton_tabs.h"
128 #include "chrome/browser/ui/status_bubble.h"
129 #include "chrome/browser/ui/sync/browser_synced_window_delegate.h"
130 #include "chrome/browser/ui/tab_contents/core_tab_helper.h"
131 #include "chrome/browser/ui/tab_dialogs.h"
132 #include "chrome/browser/ui/tab_helpers.h"
133 #include "chrome/browser/ui/tab_modal_confirm_dialog.h"
134 #include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_discard_state.h"
135 #include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_menu_model.h"
136 #include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_strip_model.h"
137 #include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_strip_model_utils.h"
138 #include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_utils.h"
139 #include "chrome/browser/ui/toolbar/toolbar_model_impl.h"
140 #include "chrome/browser/ui/unload_controller.h"
141 #include "chrome/browser/ui/validation_message_bubble.h"
142 #include "chrome/browser/ui/website_settings/permission_bubble_manager.h"
143 #include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/signin/login_ui_service.h"
144 #include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/signin/login_ui_service_factory.h"
145 #include "chrome/browser/ui/window_sizer/window_sizer.h"
146 #include "chrome/browser/upgrade_detector.h"
147 #include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h"
148 #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
149 #include "chrome/common/custom_handlers/protocol_handler.h"
150 #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
151 #include "chrome/common/profiling.h"
152 #include "chrome/common/search_types.h"
153 #include "chrome/common/url_constants.h"
154 #include "chrome/grit/chromium_strings.h"
155 #include "chrome/grit/generated_resources.h"
156 #include "chrome/grit/locale_settings.h"
157 #include "components/app_modal/javascript_dialog_manager.h"
158 #include "components/bookmarks/browser/bookmark_model.h"
159 #include "components/bookmarks/browser/bookmark_utils.h"
160 #include "components/content_settings/core/browser/host_content_settings_map.h"
161 #include "components/favicon/content/content_favicon_driver.h"
162 #include "components/history/core/browser/top_sites.h"
163 #include "components/search/search.h"
164 #include "components/sessions/core/tab_restore_service.h"
165 #include "components/sessions/session_types.h"
166 #include "components/startup_metric_utils/startup_metric_utils.h"
167 #include "components/translate/core/browser/language_state.h"
168 #include "components/ui/zoom/zoom_controller.h"
169 #include "components/web_modal/web_contents_modal_dialog_manager.h"
170 #include "content/public/browser/devtools_agent_host.h"
171 #include "content/public/browser/interstitial_page.h"
172 #include "content/public/browser/invalidate_type.h"
173 #include "content/public/browser/navigation_controller.h"
174 #include "content/public/browser/navigation_entry.h"
175 #include "content/public/browser/notification_details.h"
176 #include "content/public/browser/notification_service.h"
177 #include "content/public/browser/plugin_service.h"
178 #include "content/public/browser/render_process_host.h"
179 #include "content/public/browser/render_view_host.h"
180 #include "content/public/browser/render_widget_host_view.h"
181 #include "content/public/browser/security_style_explanation.h"
182 #include "content/public/browser/security_style_explanations.h"
183 #include "content/public/browser/site_instance.h"
184 #include "content/public/browser/user_metrics.h"
185 #include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
186 #include "content/public/common/content_switches.h"
187 #include "content/public/common/page_zoom.h"
188 #include "content/public/common/renderer_preferences.h"
189 #include "content/public/common/ssl_status.h"
190 #include "content/public/common/webplugininfo.h"
191 #include "extensions/browser/extension_prefs.h"
192 #include "extensions/browser/extension_registry.h"
193 #include "extensions/browser/extension_system.h"
194 #include "extensions/common/constants.h"
195 #include "extensions/common/extension.h"
196 #include "extensions/common/manifest_handlers/background_info.h"
197 #include "net/base/filename_util.h"
198 #include "net/base/registry_controlled_domains/registry_controlled_domain.h"
199 #include "net/cookies/cookie_monster.h"
200 #include "net/url_request/url_request_context.h"
201 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebWindowFeatures.h"
202 #include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
203 #include "ui/base/window_open_disposition.h"
204 #include "ui/gfx/geometry/point.h"
205 #include "ui/shell_dialogs/selected_file_info.h"
208 #include "base/win/metro.h"
209 #include "chrome/browser/task_manager/task_manager.h"
210 #include "chrome/browser/ui/view_ids.h"
211 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_ie_toolbar_import_win.h"
212 #include "components/browser_watcher/exit_funnel_win.h"
213 #include "ui/base/touch/touch_device.h"
214 #include "ui/base/win/shell.h"
217 #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
218 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/fileapi/external_file_url_util.h"
222 #include "ash/ash_switches.h"
225 using base::TimeDelta
226 using base::UserMetricsAction
227 using content::NativeWebKeyboardEvent
228 using content::NavigationController
229 using content::NavigationEntry
230 using content::OpenURLParams
231 using content::PluginService
232 using content::Referrer
233 using content::RenderWidgetHostView
234 using content::SiteInstance
235 using content::WebContents
236 using extensions::Extension
237 using ui::WebDialogDelegate
238 using web_modal::WebContentsModalDialogManager
239 using blink::WebWindowFeatures
241 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
245 // How long we wait before updating the browser chrome while loading a page.
246 const int kUIUpdateCoalescingTimeMS
= 200;
248 BrowserWindow
* CreateBrowserWindow(Browser
* browser
) {
249 return BrowserWindow::CreateBrowserWindow(browser
252 // Is the fast tab unload experiment enabled?
253 bool IsFastTabUnloadEnabled() {
254 return base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
255 switches::kEnableFastUnload
258 // Note: This is a lossy operation. Not all of the policies that can be
259 // expressed by a SecurityLevel (a //chrome concept) can be expressed by
260 // a content::SecurityStyle.
261 content::SecurityStyle
262 SecurityStateModel::SecurityLevel security_level
) {
263 switch (security_level
) {
264 case SecurityStateModel::NONE
266 case SecurityStateModel::SECURITY_WARNING
267 case SecurityStateModel::SECURITY_POLICY_WARNING
268 return content::SECURITY_STYLE_WARNING
269 case SecurityStateModel::EV_SECURE
270 case SecurityStateModel::SECURE
272 case SecurityStateModel::SECURITY_ERROR
277 return content::SECURITY_STYLE_UNKNOWN
282 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
283 // Browser, CreateParams:
285 Browser::CreateParams::CreateParams(Profile
* profile
286 chrome::HostDesktopType host_desktop_type
289 host_desktop_type(host_desktop_type
290 trusted_source(false),
291 initial_show_state(ui::SHOW_STATE_DEFAULT
292 is_session_restore(false),
296 Browser::CreateParams::CreateParams(Type type
298 chrome::HostDesktopType host_desktop_type
301 host_desktop_type(host_desktop_type
302 trusted_source(false),
303 initial_show_state(ui::SHOW_STATE_DEFAULT
304 is_session_restore(false),
309 Browser::CreateParams
310 const std::string
& app_name
312 const gfx::Rect
& window_bounds
314 chrome::HostDesktopType host_desktop_type
) {
315 DCHECK(!app_name
317 CreateParams
, profile
, host_desktop_type
318 params
= app_name
319 params
= trusted_source
320 params
= window_bounds
326 Browser::CreateParams
328 chrome::HostDesktopType host_desktop_type
) {
329 CreateParams
, profile
, host_desktop_type
330 params
= DevToolsWindow::kDevToolsApp
331 params
= true;
335 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
336 // Browser, InterstitialObserver:
338 class Browser::InterstitialObserver
: public content::WebContentsObserver
340 InterstitialObserver(Browser
* browser
, content::WebContents
* web_contents
341 : WebContentsObserver(web_contents
345 void DidAttachInterstitialPage() override
346 browser_
349 void DidDetachInterstitialPage() override
350 browser_
356 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(InterstitialObserver
359 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
360 // Browser, Constructors, Creation, Showing:
362 Browser::Browser(const CreateParams
& params
363 : extension_registry_observer_(this),
365 profile_(params
367 tab_strip_model_delegate_(new chrome::BrowserTabStripModelDelegate(this)),
369 new TabStripModel(tab_strip_model_delegate_
.get(), params
370 app_name_(params
371 is_trusted_source_(params
372 cancel_download_confirmation_state_(NOT_PROMPTED
373 override_bounds_(params
374 initial_show_state_(params
375 is_session_restore_(params
377 BrowserWindow::AdjustHostDesktopType(params
378 content_setting_bubble_model_delegate_(
379 new BrowserContentSettingBubbleModelDelegate(this)),
380 toolbar_model_delegate_(new BrowserToolbarModelDelegate(this)),
381 tab_restore_service_delegate_(new BrowserTabRestoreServiceDelegate(this)),
382 synced_window_delegate_(new BrowserSyncedWindowDelegate(this)),
383 bookmark_bar_state_(BookmarkBar::HIDDEN
384 command_controller_(new chrome::BrowserCommandController(this)),
385 window_has_shown_(false),
386 chrome_updater_factory_(this),
387 weak_factory_(this) {
388 // If this causes a crash then a window is being opened using a profile type
389 // that is disallowed by policy. The crash prevents the disabled window type
390 // from opening at all, but the path that triggered it should be fixed.
391 CHECK(IncognitoModePrefs::CanOpenBrowser(profile_
392 CHECK(!profile_
->IsGuestSession() || profile_
393 << "Only off the record browser may be opened in guest mode";
394 DCHECK(!profile_
395 << "The system profile should never have a real browser.";
396 // TODO(mlerman): After this hits stable channel, see if there are counts
397 // for this metric. If not, change the DCHECK above to a CHECK.
398 if (profile_
399 content::RecordAction(base::UserMetricsAction("BrowserForSystemProfile"));
401 // TODO(jeremy): Move to initializer list once flag is removed.
402 if (IsFastTabUnloadEnabled())
403 fast_unload_controller_
.reset(new chrome::FastUnloadController(this));
405 unload_controller_
.reset(new chrome::UnloadController(this));
407 tab_strip_model_
409 toolbar_model_
.reset(new ToolbarModelImpl(toolbar_model_delegate_
410 search_model_
.reset(new SearchModel());
411 search_delegate_
.reset(new SearchDelegate(search_model_
413 extension_registry_observer_
414 extensions::ExtensionRegistry::Get(profile_
417 content::NotificationService::AllSources());
418 #if defined(ENABLE_THEMES)
421 content::Source
422 ThemeServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile_
424 registrar_
425 content::NotificationService::AllSources());
427 profile_pref_registrar_
428 profile_pref_registrar_
429 prefs::kDevToolsDisabled
430 base::Bind(&Browser::OnDevToolsDisabledChanged
, base::Unretained(this)));
431 profile_pref_registrar_
432 bookmarks::prefs::kShowBookmarkBar
433 base::Bind(&Browser::UpdateBookmarkBarState
, base::Unretained(this),
436 // NOTE: These prefs all need to be explicitly destroyed in the destructor
437 // or you'll get a nasty surprise when you run the incognito tests.
438 encoding_auto_detect_
439 profile_
441 if (search::IsInstantExtendedAPIEnabled() && is_type_tabbed())
442 instant_controller_
.reset(new BrowserInstantController(this));
444 if (extensions::HostedAppBrowserController::IsForHostedApp(this)) {
445 hosted_app_controller_
446 new extensions::HostedAppBrowserController(this));
451 ProfileMetrics::LogProfileLaunch(profile_
453 window_
= params
? params
: CreateBrowserWindow(this);
455 if (hosted_app_controller_
456 hosted_app_controller_
458 // Create the extension window controller before sending notifications.
459 extension_window_controller_
460 new BrowserExtensionWindowController(this));
462 SessionService
* session_service
463 SessionServiceFactory::GetForProfileForSessionRestore(profile_
465 session_service
467 // TODO(beng): move to ChromeBrowserMain:
468 if (first_run::ShouldDoPersonalDataManagerFirstRun()) {
470 // Notify PDM that this is a first run.
471 ImportAutofillDataWin(
472 autofill::PersonalDataManagerFactory::GetForProfile(profile_
473 #endif // defined(OS_WIN)
476 exclusive_access_manager_
477 new ExclusiveAccessManager(window_
479 // TODO(beng): Move BrowserList::AddBrowser() to the end of this function and
480 // replace uses of this with BL's notifications.
481 BrowserList::AddBrowser(this);
482 content::NotificationService::current()->Notify(
, content::Source
484 content::NotificationService::NoDetails());
487 Browser::~Browser() {
488 // Stop observing notifications before continuing with destruction. Profile
489 // destruction will unload extensions and reentrant calls to Browser:: should
490 // be avoided while it is being torn down.
491 registrar_
492 extension_registry_observer_
494 // The tab strip should not have any tabs at this point.
495 DCHECK(tab_strip_model_
496 tab_strip_model_
497 bubble_manager_
499 // Destroy the BrowserCommandController before removing the browser, so that
500 // it doesn't act on any notifications that are sent as a result of removing
502 command_controller_
503 BrowserList::RemoveBrowser(this);
505 SessionService
* session_service
506 SessionServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile_
508 session_service
510 sessions::TabRestoreService
* tab_restore_service
511 TabRestoreServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile());
512 if (tab_restore_service
513 tab_restore_service
515 #if !defined(OS_MACOSX)
516 if (!chrome::GetTotalBrowserCountForProfile(profile_
)) {
517 // We're the last browser window with this profile. We need to nuke the
518 // TabRestoreService, which will start the shutdown of the
519 // NavigationControllers and allow for proper shutdown. If we don't do this
520 // chrome won't shutdown cleanly, and may end up crashing when some
521 // thread tries to use the IO thread (or another thread) that is no longer
523 // This isn't a valid assumption for Mac OS, as it stays running after
524 // the last browser has closed. The Mac equivalent is in its app
526 TabRestoreServiceFactory::ResetForProfile(profile_
530 profile_pref_registrar_
532 encoding_auto_detect_
534 // Destroy BrowserExtensionWindowController before the incognito profile
535 // is destroyed to make sure the chrome.windows.onRemoved event is sent.
536 extension_window_controller_
538 // Destroy BrowserInstantController before the incongnito profile is destroyed
539 // because the InstantController destructor depends on this profile.
540 instant_controller_
542 if (profile_
->IsOffTheRecord() &&
543 !BrowserList::IsOffTheRecordSessionActiveForProfile(profile_
)) {
544 if (profile_
->IsGuestSession()) {
545 // ChromeOS handles guest data independently.
546 #if !defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
547 // Clear all browsing data once a Guest Session completes. The Guest
548 // profile has BrowserContextKeyedServices that the Incognito profile
549 // doesn't, so the ProfileDestroyer can't delete it properly.
550 // TODO(mlerman): Delete the guest using an improved ProfileDestroyer.
551 profiles::RemoveBrowsingDataForProfile(profile_
554 // An incognito profile is no longer needed, this indirectly frees
555 // its cache and cookies once it gets destroyed at the appropriate time.
556 ProfileDestroyer::DestroyProfileWhenAppropriate(profile_
560 // There may be pending file dialogs, we need to tell them that we've gone
561 // away so they don't try and call back to us.
562 if (select_file_dialog_
563 select_file_dialog_
566 if (OkToCloseWithInProgressDownloads(&num_downloads
) ==
568 !browser_defaults::kBrowserAliveWithNoWindows
) {
569 DownloadService::CancelAllDownloads();
573 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
576 ChromeBubbleManager
* Browser::GetBubbleManager() {
577 if (!bubble_manager_
578 bubble_manager_
.reset(new ChromeBubbleManager(tab_strip_model_
579 return bubble_manager_
582 FindBarController
* Browser::GetFindBarController() {
583 if (!find_bar_controller_
.get()) {
584 FindBar
* find_bar
= window_
585 find_bar_controller_
.reset(new FindBarController(find_bar
586 find_bar
587 find_bar_controller_
588 tab_strip_model_
589 find_bar_controller_
591 return find_bar_controller_
594 bool Browser::HasFindBarController() const {
595 return find_bar_controller_
.get() != NULL
598 bool Browser::is_app() const {
599 return !app_name_
602 bool Browser::is_devtools() const {
603 return app_name_
== DevToolsWindow::kDevToolsApp
606 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
607 // Browser, State Storage and Retrieval for UI:
609 gfx::Image
Browser::GetCurrentPageIcon() const {
610 WebContents
* web_contents
= tab_strip_model_
611 // |web_contents| can be NULL since GetCurrentPageIcon() is called by the
612 // window during the window's creation (before tabs have been added).
613 favicon::FaviconDriver
* favicon_driver
615 ? favicon::ContentFaviconDriver::FromWebContents(web_contents
617 return favicon_driver
? favicon_driver
->GetFavicon() : gfx::Image();
620 base::string16
Browser::GetWindowTitleForCurrentTab() const {
621 WebContents
* contents
= tab_strip_model_
622 base::string16 title
624 // |contents| can be NULL because GetWindowTitleForCurrentTab is called by the
625 // window during the window's creation (before tabs have been added).
627 // The web app frame uses the host instead of the title.
628 if (ShouldUseWebAppFrame())
629 return base::UTF8ToUTF16(contents
631 title
= contents
632 FormatTitleForDisplay(&title
635 title
= CoreTabHelper::GetDefaultTitle();
637 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
638 // On Mac, we don't want to suffix the page title with
639 // the application name.
641 #elif defined(USE_ASH)
642 // On Ash, we don't want to suffix the page title with the application name,
643 // but on Windows, where USE_ASH can also be true, we still want the prefix
645 if (host_desktop_type() == chrome::HOST_DESKTOP_TYPE_ASH
648 // Don't append the app name to window titles on app frames and app popups
, title
655 void Browser::FormatTitleForDisplay(base::string16
* title
) {
656 size_t current_index
= 0;
658 while ((match_index
= title
'\n', current_index
)) !=
659 base::string16::npos
) {
660 title
, 1, base::string16());
661 current_index
= match_index
665 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
666 // Browser, OnBeforeUnload handling:
668 bool Browser::ShouldCloseWindow() {
669 if (!CanCloseWithInProgressDownloads())
672 if (IsFastTabUnloadEnabled())
673 return fast_unload_controller_
674 return unload_controller_
677 bool Browser::CallBeforeUnloadHandlers(
678 const base::Callback
<void(bool)>& on_close_confirmed
) {
679 cancel_download_confirmation_state_
680 if (IsFastTabUnloadEnabled()) {
681 return fast_unload_controller_
684 return unload_controller_
687 void Browser::ResetBeforeUnloadHandlers() {
688 cancel_download_confirmation_state_
689 if (IsFastTabUnloadEnabled())
690 fast_unload_controller_
692 unload_controller_
695 bool Browser::HasCompletedUnloadProcessing() const {
696 DCHECK(IsFastTabUnloadEnabled());
697 return fast_unload_controller_
700 bool Browser::IsAttemptingToCloseBrowser() const {
701 if (IsFastTabUnloadEnabled())
702 return fast_unload_controller_
703 return unload_controller_
706 void Browser::OnWindowClosing() {
707 if (!ShouldCloseWindow())
710 // Application should shutdown on last window close if the user is explicitly
711 // trying to quit, or if there is nothing keeping the browser alive (such as
712 // AppController on the Mac, or BackgroundContentsService for background
714 bool should_quit_if_last_browser
715 browser_shutdown::IsTryingToQuit() || !chrome::WillKeepAlive();
717 if (should_quit_if_last_browser
&& chrome::ShouldStartShutdown(this)) {
719 browser_watcher::ExitFunnel::RecordSingleEvent(
720 chrome::kBrowserExitCodesRegistryPath
, L
722 browser_shutdown::OnShutdownStarting(browser_shutdown::WINDOW_CLOSE
725 // Don't use GetForProfileIfExisting here, we want to force creation of the
726 // session service so that user can restore what was open.
727 SessionService
* session_service
728 SessionServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile());
730 session_service
732 sessions::TabRestoreService
* tab_restore_service
733 TabRestoreServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile());
735 #if defined(USE_AURA)
736 if (tab_restore_service
&& is_app() && !is_devtools())
737 tab_restore_service
740 if (tab_restore_service
&& is_type_tabbed() && tab_strip_model_
741 tab_restore_service
743 // TODO(sky): convert session/tab restore to use notification.
744 content::NotificationService::current()->Notify(
746 content::Source
747 content::NotificationService::NoDetails());
749 if (!IsFastTabUnloadEnabled())
750 tab_strip_model_
753 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
754 // In-progress download termination handling:
756 void Browser::InProgressDownloadResponse(bool cancel_downloads
) {
757 if (cancel_downloads
) {
758 cancel_download_confirmation_state_
759 chrome::CloseWindow(this);
763 // Sets the confirmation state to NOT_PROMPTED so that if the user tries to
764 // close again we'll show the warning again.
765 cancel_download_confirmation_state_
767 // Show the download page so the user can figure-out what downloads are still
769 chrome::ShowDownloads(this);
771 // Reset UnloadController::is_attempting_to_close_browser_ so that we don't
772 // prompt every time any tab is closed. http://crbug.com/305516
773 if (IsFastTabUnloadEnabled())
774 fast_unload_controller_
776 unload_controller_
779 Browser::DownloadClosePreventionType
780 int* num_downloads_blocking
) const {
781 DCHECK(num_downloads_blocking
782 *num_downloads_blocking
= 0;
784 // If we're not running a full browser process with a profile manager
785 // (testing), it's ok to close the browser.
786 if (!g_browser_process
789 int total_download_count
790 DownloadService::NonMaliciousDownloadCountAllProfiles();
791 if (total_download_count
== 0)
; // No downloads; can definitely close.
794 // Figure out how many windows are open total, and associated with this
795 // profile, that are relevant for the ok-to-close decision.
796 int profile_window_count
= 0;
797 int total_window_count
= 0;
798 for (chrome::BrowserIterator it
; !it
.done(); it
.Next()) {
799 // Don't count this browser window or any other in the process of closing.
800 Browser
* const browser
= *it
801 // Window closing may be delayed, and windows that are in the process of
802 // closing don't count against our totals.
803 if (browser
== this || browser
806 if (it
->profile() == profile())
807 profile_window_count
808 total_window_count
811 // If there aren't any other windows, we're at browser shutdown,
812 // which would cancel all current downloads.
813 if (total_window_count
== 0) {
814 *num_downloads_blocking
= total_download_count
818 // If there aren't any other windows on our profile, and we're an incognito
819 // profile, and there are downloads associated with that profile,
820 // those downloads would be cancelled by our window (-> profile) close.
821 DownloadService
* download_service
822 DownloadServiceFactory::GetForBrowserContext(profile());
823 if ((profile_window_count
== 0) &&
824 (download_service
->NonMaliciousDownloadCount() > 0) &&
825 profile()->IsOffTheRecord()) {
826 *num_downloads_blocking
= download_service
830 // Those are the only conditions under which we will block shutdown.
834 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
835 // Browser, Tab adding/showing functions:
837 void Browser::WindowFullscreenStateChanged() {
838 exclusive_access_manager_
839 ->WindowFullscreenStateChanged();
840 command_controller_
844 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
845 // Browser, Assorted browser commands:
847 void Browser::ToggleFullscreenModeWithExtension(const GURL
& extension_url
) {
848 exclusive_access_manager_
849 ->ToggleBrowserFullscreenModeWithExtension(extension_url
852 bool Browser::SupportsWindowFeature(WindowFeature feature
) const {
853 return SupportsWindowFeatureImpl(feature
, true);
856 bool Browser::CanSupportWindowFeature(WindowFeature feature
) const {
857 return SupportsWindowFeatureImpl(feature
, false);
860 void Browser::ToggleEncodingAutoDetect() {
861 content::RecordAction(UserMetricsAction("AutoDetectChange"));
862 encoding_auto_detect_
863 // If "auto detect" is turned on, then any current override encoding
864 // is cleared. This also implicitly performs a reload.
865 // OTOH, if "auto detect" is turned off, we don't change the currently
867 if (encoding_auto_detect_
.GetValue()) {
868 WebContents
* contents
= tab_strip_model_
870 contents
874 void Browser::OverrideEncoding(int encoding_id
) {
875 content::RecordAction(UserMetricsAction("OverrideEncoding"));
876 const std::string selected_encoding
877 CharacterEncoding::GetCanonicalEncodingNameByCommandId(encoding_id
878 WebContents
* contents
= tab_strip_model_
879 if (!selected_encoding
.empty() && contents
880 contents
881 // Update the list of recently selected encodings.
882 std::string new_selected_encoding_list
883 if (CharacterEncoding::UpdateRecentlySelectedEncoding(
884 profile_
886 &new_selected_encoding_list
)) {
887 profile_
888 new_selected_encoding_list
892 void Browser::OpenFile() {
893 content::RecordAction(UserMetricsAction("OpenFile"));
894 select_file_dialog_
= ui::SelectFileDialog::Create(
895 this, new ChromeSelectFilePolicy(
896 tab_strip_model_
898 const base::FilePath directory
= profile_
900 // TODO(beng): figure out how to juggle this.
901 gfx::NativeWindow parent_window
= window_
902 ui::SelectFileDialog::FileTypeInfo file_types
903 file_types
= true;
904 select_file_dialog_
909 base::FilePath::StringType(),
914 void Browser::UpdateDownloadShelfVisibility(bool visible
) {
915 if (GetStatusBubble())
916 GetStatusBubble()->UpdateDownloadShelfVisibility(visible
919 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
921 void Browser::UpdateUIForNavigationInTab(WebContents
* contents
922 ui::PageTransition transition
923 bool user_initiated
) {
924 tab_strip_model_
, transition
926 bool contents_is_selected
927 contents
== tab_strip_model_
928 if (user_initiated
&& contents_is_selected
&& window()->GetLocationBar()) {
929 // Forcibly reset the location bar if the url is going to change in the
930 // current tab, since otherwise it won't discard any ongoing user edits,
931 // since it doesn't realize this is a user-initiated action.
932 window()->GetLocationBar()->Revert();
935 if (GetStatusBubble())
936 GetStatusBubble()->Hide();
938 // Update the location bar. This is synchronous. We specifically don't
939 // update the load state since the load hasn't started yet and updating it
940 // will put it out of sync with the actual state like whether we're
941 // displaying a favicon, which controls the throbber. If we updated it here,
942 // the throbber will show the default favicon for a split second when
943 // navigating away from the new tab page.
944 ScheduleUIUpdate(contents
946 if (contents_is_selected
947 contents
950 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
951 // Browser, PageNavigator implementation:
953 WebContents
* Browser::OpenURL(const OpenURLParams
& params
) {
954 return OpenURLFromTab(NULL
, params
957 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
958 // Browser, TabStripModelObserver implementation:
960 void Browser::TabInsertedAt(WebContents
* contents
963 SetAsDelegate(contents
, true);
965 SessionTabHelper
* session_tab_helper
966 SessionTabHelper::FromWebContents(contents
967 session_tab_helper
969 content::NotificationService::current()->Notify(
971 content::Source
972 content::NotificationService::NoDetails());
974 SyncHistoryWithTabs(index
976 // Make sure the loading state is updated correctly, otherwise the throbber
977 // won't start if the page is loading.
978 LoadingStateChanged(contents
, true);
980 interstitial_observers_
.push_back(new InterstitialObserver(this, contents
982 SessionService
* session_service
983 SessionServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile_
984 if (session_service
) {
985 session_service
986 int new_active_index
= tab_strip_model_
987 if (index
< new_active_index
988 session_service
993 void Browser::TabClosingAt(TabStripModel
* tab_strip_model
994 WebContents
* contents
996 exclusive_access_manager_
997 SessionService
* session_service
998 SessionServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile_
1000 session_service
1001 content::NotificationService::current()->Notify(
1003 content::Source
1004 content::NotificationService::NoDetails());
1006 // Sever the WebContents' connection back to us.
1007 SetAsDelegate(contents
, false);
1010 void Browser::TabDetachedAt(WebContents
* contents
, int index
) {
1011 // TabDetachedAt is called before TabStripModel has updated the
1013 int old_active_index
= tab_strip_model_
1014 if (index
< old_active_index
&& !tab_strip_model_
->closing_all()) {
1015 SessionService
* session_service
1016 SessionServiceFactory::GetForProfileIfExisting(profile_
1017 if (session_service
1018 session_service
1019 old_active_index
- 1);
1022 TabDetachedAtImpl(contents
, index
1025 void Browser::TabDeactivated(WebContents
* contents
) {
1026 exclusive_access_manager_
1027 search_delegate_
1028 SearchTabHelper::FromWebContents(contents
1030 // Save what the user's currently typing, so it can be restored when we
1031 // switch back to this tab.
1032 window_
1034 if (instant_controller_
1035 instant_controller_
1038 void Browser::ActiveTabChanged(WebContents
* old_contents
1039 WebContents
* new_contents
1042 content::RecordAction(UserMetricsAction("ActiveTabChanged"));
1044 // Update the bookmark state, since the BrowserWindow may query it during
1045 // OnActiveTabChanged() below.
1048 // Let the BrowserWindow do its handling. On e.g. views this changes the
1049 // focused object, which should happen before we update the toolbar below,
1050 // since the omnibox expects the correct element to already be focused when it
1052 window_
, new_contents
, index
, reason
1054 exclusive_access_manager_
1056 // Discarded tabs always get reloaded.
1057 if (TabDiscardState::IsDiscarded(new_contents
)) {
) << "Reloading discarded tab at " << index
1059 static int reload_count
= 0;
1061 "Tabs.Discard.ReloadCount", ++reload_count
, 1, 1000, 50);
1062 chrome::Reload(this, CURRENT_TAB
1065 // If we have any update pending, do it now.
1066 if (chrome_updater_factory_
.HasWeakPtrs() && old_contents
1067 ProcessPendingUIUpdates();
1069 // Propagate the profile to the location bar.
1070 UpdateToolbar((reason
) == 0);
1072 if (search::IsInstantExtendedAPIEnabled())
1073 search_delegate_
1075 // Update reload/stop state.
1076 command_controller_
->IsLoading(), true);
1078 // Update commands to reflect current state.
1079 command_controller_
1081 // Reset the status bubble.
1082 StatusBubble
* status_bubble
= GetStatusBubble();
1083 if (status_bubble
) {
1084 status_bubble
1086 // Show the loading state (if any).
1087 status_bubble
1088 tab_strip_model_
1091 if (HasFindBarController()) {
1092 find_bar_controller_
1093 find_bar_controller_
1096 // Update sessions (selected tab index and last active time). Don't force
1097 // creation of sessions. If sessions doesn't exist, the change will be picked
1098 // up by sessions when created.
1099 SessionService
* session_service
1100 SessionServiceFactory::GetForProfileIfExisting(profile_
1101 if (session_service
&& !tab_strip_model_
->closing_all()) {
1102 session_service
1103 tab_strip_model_
1104 if (SessionRestore::GetSmartRestoreMode() ==
1105 SessionRestore::SMART_RESTORE_MODE_MRU
) {
1106 SessionTabHelper
* session_tab_helper
1107 SessionTabHelper::FromWebContents(new_contents
1108 session_service
1109 session_tab_helper
1110 base::TimeTicks::Now());
1114 // This needs to be called after notifying SearchDelegate.
1115 if (instant_controller_
1116 instant_controller_
1118 autofill::ChromeAutofillClient::FromWebContents(new_contents
1119 SearchTabHelper::FromWebContents(new_contents
1122 void Browser::TabMoved(WebContents
* contents
1125 DCHECK(from_index
>= 0 && to_index
>= 0);
1126 // Notify the history service.
1127 SyncHistoryWithTabs(std::min(from_index
, to_index
1130 void Browser::TabReplacedAt(TabStripModel
* tab_strip_model
1131 WebContents
* old_contents
1132 WebContents
* new_contents
1134 TabDetachedAtImpl(old_contents
, index
1135 exclusive_access_manager_
1136 SessionService
* session_service
1137 SessionServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile_
1138 if (session_service
1139 session_service
1140 TabInsertedAt(new_contents
1142 (index
== tab_strip_model_
1144 int entry_count
= new_contents
1145 if (entry_count
> 0) {
1146 // Send out notification so that observers are updated appropriately.
1147 new_contents
1148 new_contents
- 1));
1151 if (session_service
) {
1152 // The new_contents may end up with a different navigation stack. Force
1153 // the session service to update itself.
1154 session_service
1155 tab_strip_model_
1159 void Browser::TabPinnedStateChanged(WebContents
* contents
, int index
) {
1160 SessionService
* session_service
1161 SessionServiceFactory::GetForProfileIfExisting(profile());
1162 if (session_service
) {
1163 SessionTabHelper
* session_tab_helper
1164 SessionTabHelper::FromWebContents(contents
1165 session_service
1166 session_tab_helper
1167 tab_strip_model_
1171 void Browser::TabStripEmpty() {
1172 // Close the frame after we return to the message loop (not immediately,
1173 // otherwise it will destroy this object before the stack has a chance to
1175 // Note: This will be called several times if TabStripEmpty is called several
1176 // times. This is because it does not close the window if tabs are
1178 base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostTask(
, base::Bind(&Browser::CloseFrame
, weak_factory_
1181 // Instant may have visible WebContents that need to be detached before the
1182 // window system closes.
1183 instant_controller_
1186 bool Browser::CanOverscrollContent() const {
1188 // Don't enable overscroll on Windows machines unless they have a touch
1189 // screen as these machines typically don't have a touchpad capable of
1190 // horizontal scrolling. We are purposefully biased towards "no" here,
1191 // so that we don't waste resources capturing screenshots for horizontal
1192 // overscroll navigation unnecessarily.
1193 bool allow_overscroll
= ui::IsTouchDevicePresent();
1194 #elif defined(USE_AURA)
1195 bool allow_overscroll
= true;
1197 bool allow_overscroll
= false;
1200 if (!allow_overscroll
1203 const std::string value
1204 base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->GetSwitchValueASCII(
1205 switches::kOverscrollHistoryNavigation
1206 bool overscroll_enabled
= value
!= "0";
1207 if (!overscroll_enabled
1209 if (is_app() || is_devtools() || !is_type_tabbed())
1212 // The detached bookmark bar has appearance of floating above the
1213 // web-contents. This does not play nicely with overscroll navigation
1214 // gestures. So disable overscroll navigation when the bookmark bar is in the
1215 // detached state and the overscroll effect moves the layers.
1216 if (value
== "1" && bookmark_bar_state_
== BookmarkBar::DETACHED
1221 bool Browser::ShouldPreserveAbortedURLs(WebContents
* source
) {
1222 // Allow failed URLs to stick around in the omnibox on the NTP, but not when
1223 // other pages have committed.
1224 Profile
* profile
= Profile::FromBrowserContext(source
1225 if (!profile
|| !source
1227 GURL
1228 return search::IsNTPURL(committed_url
, profile
1231 void Browser::SetFocusToLocationBar(bool select_all
) {
1232 // Two differences between this and FocusLocationBar():
1233 // (1) This doesn't get recorded in user metrics, since it's called
1235 // (2) This checks whether the location bar can be focused, and if not, clears
1236 // the focus. FocusLocationBar() is only reached when the location bar is
1237 // focusable, but this may be reached at other times, e.g. while in
1238 // fullscreen mode, where we need to leave focus in a consistent state.
1239 window_
1242 bool Browser::PreHandleKeyboardEvent(content::WebContents
* source
1243 const NativeWebKeyboardEvent
& event
1244 bool* is_keyboard_shortcut
) {
1245 // Escape exits tabbed fullscreen mode and mouse lock, and possibly others.
1246 // TODO(koz): Write a test for this http://crbug.com/100441.
1247 if (event
== 27 &&
1248 exclusive_access_manager_
->HandleUserPressedEscape()) {
1251 return window()->PreHandleKeyboardEvent(event
, is_keyboard_shortcut
1254 void Browser::HandleKeyboardEvent(content::WebContents
* source
1255 const NativeWebKeyboardEvent
& event
) {
1256 DevToolsWindow
* devtools_window
1257 DevToolsWindow::GetInstanceForInspectedWebContents(source
1258 bool handled
= false;
1259 if (devtools_window
1260 handled
= devtools_window
1263 window()->HandleKeyboardEvent(event
1266 bool Browser::TabsNeedBeforeUnloadFired() {
1267 if (IsFastTabUnloadEnabled())
1268 return fast_unload_controller_
1269 return unload_controller_
1272 void Browser::ShowValidationMessage(content::WebContents
* web_contents
1273 const gfx::Rect
& anchor_in_root_view
1274 const base::string16
& main_text
1275 const base::string16
& sub_text
) {
1276 validation_message_bubble_
1277 TabDialogs::FromWebContents(web_contents
1278 ->ShowValidationMessage(anchor_in_root_view
, main_text
, sub_text
1281 void Browser::HideValidationMessage(content::WebContents
* web_contents
) {
1282 validation_message_bubble_
1285 void Browser::MoveValidationMessage(content::WebContents
* web_contents
1286 const gfx::Rect
& anchor_in_root_view
) {
1287 if (!validation_message_bubble_
1289 RenderWidgetHostView
* rwhv
= web_contents
1291 validation_message_bubble_
1292 rwhv
->GetRenderWidgetHost(), anchor_in_root_view
1296 bool Browser::PreHandleGestureEvent(content::WebContents
* source
1297 const blink::WebGestureEvent
& event
) {
1298 // Disable pinch zooming in undocked dev tools window due to poor UX.
1299 if (app_name() == DevToolsWindow::kDevToolsApp
1300 return event
== blink::WebGestureEvent::GesturePinchBegin
1301 event
== blink::WebGestureEvent::GesturePinchUpdate
1302 event
== blink::WebGestureEvent::GesturePinchEnd
1307 bool Browser::CanDragEnter(content::WebContents
* source
1308 const content::DropData
& data
1309 blink::WebDragOperationsMask operations_allowed
) {
1310 // Disallow drag-and-drop navigation for Settings windows which do not support
1311 // external navigation.
1312 if ((operations_allowed
& blink::WebDragOperationLink
) &&
1313 chrome::SettingsWindowManager::GetInstance()->IsSettingsBrowser(this)) {
1319 content::SecurityStyle
1320 WebContents
* web_contents
1321 content::SecurityStyleExplanations
* security_style_explanations
) {
1322 SecurityStateModel
* model
= SecurityStateModel::FromWebContents(web_contents
1324 const SecurityStateModel::SecurityInfo
& security_info
1325 model
1327 const content::SecurityStyle security_style
1328 SecurityLevelToSecurityStyle(security_info
1330 security_style_explanations
1331 SecurityStateModel::kRanInsecureContentStyle
1332 security_style_explanations
1333 SecurityStateModel::kDisplayedInsecureContentStyle
1335 // Check if the page is HTTP; if so, no explanations are needed. Note
1336 // that SECURITY_STYLE_UNAUTHENTICATED does not necessarily mean that
1337 // the page is loaded over HTTP, because the security style merely
1338 // represents how the embedder wishes to display the security state of
1339 // the page, and the embedder can choose to display HTTPS page as HTTP
1340 // if it wants to (for example, displaying deprecated crypto
1341 // algorithms with the same UI treatment as HTTP pages).
1342 security_style_explanations
1343 security_info
1344 if (!security_info
) {
1345 return security_style
1348 if (security_info
1349 SecurityStateModel::DEPRECATED_SHA1_BROKEN
) {
1350 security_style_explanations
1351 content::SecurityStyleExplanation(
1352 l10n_util::GetStringUTF8(IDS_BROKEN_SHA1
1353 l10n_util::GetStringUTF8(IDS_BROKEN_SHA1_DESCRIPTION
1354 security_info
1355 } else if (security_info
1356 SecurityStateModel::DEPRECATED_SHA1_WARNING
) {
1357 security_style_explanations
1358 content::SecurityStyleExplanation(
1359 l10n_util::GetStringUTF8(IDS_WARNING_SHA1
1360 l10n_util::GetStringUTF8(IDS_WARNING_SHA1_DESCRIPTION
1361 security_info
1364 security_style_explanations
1365 security_info
1366 SecurityStateModel::RAN_MIXED_CONTENT
1367 security_info
1369 security_style_explanations
1370 security_info
1371 SecurityStateModel::DISPLAYED_MIXED_CONTENT
1372 security_info
1375 if (net::IsCertStatusError(security_info
)) {
1376 base::string16 error_string
= base::UTF8ToUTF16(net::ErrorToString(
1377 net::MapCertStatusToNetError(security_info
1379 content::SecurityStyleExplanation
1381 l10n_util::GetStringFUTF8(
, error_string
1383 security_info
1385 if (net::IsCertStatusMinorError(security_info
1386 security_style_explanations
1388 security_style_explanations
1390 // If the certificate does not have errors and is not using
1391 // deprecated SHA1, then add an explanation that the certificate is
1393 if (security_info
1394 SecurityStateModel::NO_DEPRECATED_SHA1
) {
1395 security_style_explanations
1396 content::SecurityStyleExplanation(
1398 l10n_util::GetStringUTF8(
1400 security_info
1404 return security_style
1407 void Browser::ShowCertificateViewerInDevTools(
1408 content::WebContents
* web_contents
, int cert_id
) {
1409 DevToolsWindow
* devtools_window
1410 DevToolsWindow::GetInstanceForInspectedWebContents(web_contents
1411 if (devtools_window
1412 devtools_window
1415 bool Browser::IsMouseLocked() const {
1416 return exclusive_access_manager_
1419 void Browser::OnWindowDidShow() {
1420 if (window_has_shown_
1422 window_has_shown_
= true;
1424 startup_metric_utils::RecordBrowserWindowDisplay(base::Time::Now());
1426 // Nothing to do for non-tabbed windows.
1427 if (!is_type_tabbed())
1430 // Show any pending global error bubble.
1431 GlobalErrorService
* service
1432 GlobalErrorServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile());
1433 GlobalError
* error
= service
1435 error
1438 void Browser::ShowFirstRunBubble() {
1439 window()->GetLocationBar()->ShowFirstRunBubble();
1442 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1443 // Browser, content::WebContentsDelegate implementation:
1445 WebContents
* Browser::OpenURLFromTab(WebContents
* source
1446 const OpenURLParams
& params
) {
1447 if (is_devtools()) {
1448 DevToolsWindow
* window
= DevToolsWindow::AsDevToolsWindow(source
1450 return window
, params
1453 chrome::NavigateParams
nav_params(this, params
, params
1454 FillNavigateParamsFromOpenURLParams(&nav_params
, params
1455 nav_params
= source
1456 nav_params
= TabStripModel::ADD_NONE
1457 if (params
1458 nav_params
= chrome::NavigateParams::SHOW_WINDOW
1459 nav_params
= params
1461 PopupBlockerTabHelper
* popup_blocker_helper
1463 popup_blocker_helper
= PopupBlockerTabHelper::FromWebContents(source
1465 if (popup_blocker_helper
) {
1466 if ((params
1467 params
1468 params
1469 params
) &&
1470 !params
1471 !base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
1472 switches::kDisablePopupBlocking
)) {
1473 if (popup_blocker_helper
1474 WebWindowFeatures())) {
1480 chrome::Navigate(&nav_params
1482 return nav_params
1485 void Browser::NavigationStateChanged(WebContents
* source
1486 content::InvalidateTypes changed_flags
) {
1487 // TODO(erikchen): Remove ScopedTracker below once http://crbug.com/466285
1489 tracked_objects::ScopedTracker
1491 "466285 Browser::NavigationStateChanged::ScheduleUIUpdate"));
1492 // Only update the UI when something visible has changed.
1494 ScheduleUIUpdate(source
, changed_flags
1496 // TODO(erikchen): Remove ScopedTracker below once http://crbug.com/466285
1498 tracked_objects::ScopedTracker
1500 "466285 Browser::NavigationStateChanged::TabStateChanged"));
1501 // We can synchronously update commands since they will only change once per
1502 // navigation, so we don't have to worry about flickering. We do, however,
1503 // need to update the command state early on load to always present usable
1504 // actions in the face of slow-to-commit pages.
1505 if (changed_flags
1507 command_controller_
1509 if (hosted_app_controller_
1510 hosted_app_controller_
1513 void Browser::VisibleSSLStateChanged(const WebContents
* source
) {
1514 // When the current tab's SSL state changes, we need to update the URL
1515 // bar to reflect the new state.
1517 if (tab_strip_model_
->GetActiveWebContents() == source
1518 UpdateToolbar(false);
1521 void Browser::AddNewContents(WebContents
* source
1522 WebContents
* new_contents
1523 WindowOpenDisposition disposition
1524 const gfx::Rect
& initial_rect
1526 bool* was_blocked
) {
1527 chrome::AddWebContents(this, source
, new_contents
, disposition
, initial_rect
1528 user_gesture
, was_blocked
1531 void Browser::ActivateContents(WebContents
* contents
) {
1532 tab_strip_model_
1533 tab_strip_model_
), false);
1534 window_
1537 void Browser::DeactivateContents(WebContents
* contents
) {
1538 window_
1541 void Browser::LoadingStateChanged(WebContents
* source
1542 bool to_different_document
) {
1543 window_
1544 window_
1546 WebContents
* selected_contents
= tab_strip_model_
1547 if (source
== selected_contents
) {
1548 bool is_loading
= source
->IsLoading() && to_different_document
1549 command_controller_
, false);
1550 if (GetStatusBubble()) {
1551 GetStatusBubble()->SetStatus(CoreTabHelper::FromWebContents(
1552 tab_strip_model_
1557 void Browser::CloseContents(WebContents
* source
) {
1558 bool can_close_contents
1559 if (IsFastTabUnloadEnabled())
1560 can_close_contents
= fast_unload_controller_
1562 can_close_contents
= unload_controller_
1564 if (can_close_contents
1565 chrome::CloseWebContents(this, source
, true);
1568 void Browser::MoveContents(WebContents
* source
, const gfx::Rect
& pos
) {
1569 if (!IsPopupOrPanel(source
)) {
1570 NOTREACHED() << "moving invalid browser type";
1573 window_
1576 bool Browser::IsPopupOrPanel(const WebContents
* source
) const {
1577 return is_type_popup();
1580 void Browser::UpdateTargetURL(WebContents
* source
, const GURL
& url
) {
1581 if (!GetStatusBubble())
1584 if (source
== tab_strip_model_
->GetActiveWebContents()) {
1585 PrefService
* prefs
= profile_
1586 GetStatusBubble()->SetURL(url
, prefs
1590 void Browser::ContentsMouseEvent(
1591 WebContents
* source
, const gfx::Point
& location
, bool motion
) {
1592 if (!GetStatusBubble())
1595 if (source
== tab_strip_model_
->GetActiveWebContents()) {
1596 GetStatusBubble()->MouseMoved(location
, !motion
1598 GetStatusBubble()->SetURL(GURL(), std::string());
1602 void Browser::ContentsZoomChange(bool zoom_in
) {
1603 chrome::ExecuteCommand(this, zoom_in
1606 bool Browser::TakeFocus(content::WebContents
* source
1608 content::NotificationService::current()->Notify(
1610 content::Source
1611 content::NotificationService::NoDetails());
1615 gfx::Rect
Browser::GetRootWindowResizerRect() const {
1616 return window_
1619 void Browser::BeforeUnloadFired(WebContents
* web_contents
1621 bool* proceed_to_fire_unload
) {
1622 if (is_devtools() && DevToolsWindow::HandleBeforeUnload(web_contents
1623 proceed
, proceed_to_fire_unload
1626 if (IsFastTabUnloadEnabled()) {
1627 *proceed_to_fire_unload
1628 fast_unload_controller_
, proceed
1630 *proceed_to_fire_unload
1631 unload_controller_
, proceed
1635 bool Browser::ShouldFocusLocationBarByDefault(WebContents
* source
) {
1636 const content::NavigationEntry
* entry
1637 source
1639 GURL url
= entry
1640 GURL virtual_url
= entry
1641 if ((url
) &&
1642 url
.host() == chrome::kChromeUINewTabHost
) ||
1643 (virtual_url
) &&
1644 virtual_url
.host() == chrome::kChromeUINewTabHost
)) {
1649 return search::NavEntryIsInstantNTP(source
, entry
1652 void Browser::ViewSourceForTab(WebContents
* source
, const GURL
& page_url
) {
1654 chrome::ViewSource(this, source
1657 void Browser::ViewSourceForFrame(WebContents
* source
1658 const GURL
& frame_url
1659 const content::PageState
& frame_page_state
) {
1661 chrome::ViewSource(this, source
, frame_url
, frame_page_state
1664 void Browser::ShowRepostFormWarningDialog(WebContents
* source
) {
1665 TabModalConfirmDialog::Create(new RepostFormWarningController(source
1669 bool Browser::ShouldCreateWebContents(
1670 WebContents
* web_contents
1672 int main_frame_route_id
1673 WindowContainerType window_container_type
1674 const std::string
& frame_name
1675 const GURL
& target_url
1676 const std::string
& partition_id
1677 content::SessionStorageNamespace
* session_storage_namespace
) {
1678 if (window_container_type
) {
1679 // If a BackgroundContents is created, suppress the normal WebContents.
1680 return !MaybeCreateBackgroundContents(route_id
1681 main_frame_route_id
1686 session_storage_namespace
1692 void Browser::WebContentsCreated(WebContents
* source_contents
1693 int opener_render_frame_id
1694 const std::string
& frame_name
1695 const GURL
& target_url
1696 WebContents
* new_contents
) {
1697 // Adopt the WebContents now, so all observers are in place, as the network
1698 // requests for its initial navigation will start immediately. The WebContents
1699 // will later be inserted into this browser using Browser::Navigate via
1701 TabHelpers::AttachTabHelpers(new_contents
1703 // Make the tab show up in the task manager.
1704 task_management::WebContentsTags::CreateForTabContents(new_contents
1707 RetargetingDetails details
1708 details
= source_contents
1709 details
= opener_render_frame_id
1710 details
= target_url
1711 details
= new_contents
1712 details
= true;
1713 content::NotificationService::current()->Notify(
1715 content::Source
1716 content::Details
1719 void Browser::RendererUnresponsive(WebContents
* source
) {
1720 // Ignore hangs if a tab is blocked.
1721 int index
= tab_strip_model_
1722 DCHECK_NE(TabStripModel::kNoTab
, index
1723 if (tab_strip_model_
1726 TabDialogs::FromWebContents(source
1729 void Browser::RendererResponsive(WebContents
* source
) {
1730 TabDialogs::FromWebContents(source
1733 void Browser::DidNavigateMainFramePostCommit(WebContents
* web_contents
) {
1734 if (web_contents
== tab_strip_model_
1738 content::JavaScriptDialogManager
* Browser::GetJavaScriptDialogManager(
1739 WebContents
* source
) {
1740 return app_modal::JavaScriptDialogManager::GetInstance();
1743 content::ColorChooser
* Browser::OpenColorChooser(
1744 WebContents
* web_contents
1745 SkColor initial_color
1746 const std::vector
>& suggestions
) {
1747 return chrome::ShowColorChooser(web_contents
, initial_color
1750 void Browser::RunFileChooser(WebContents
* web_contents
1751 const content::FileChooserParams
& params
) {
1752 FileSelectHelper::RunFileChooser(web_contents
, params
1755 void Browser::EnumerateDirectory(WebContents
* web_contents
1757 const base::FilePath
& path
) {
1758 FileSelectHelper::EnumerateDirectory(web_contents
, request_id
, path
1761 bool Browser::EmbedsFullscreenWidget() const {
1765 void Browser::EnterFullscreenModeForTab(WebContents
* web_contents
1766 const GURL
& origin
) {
1767 exclusive_access_manager_
1768 web_contents
, origin
1771 void Browser::ExitFullscreenModeForTab(WebContents
* web_contents
) {
1772 exclusive_access_manager_
1776 bool Browser::IsFullscreenForTabOrPending(
1777 const WebContents
* web_contents
) const {
1778 return exclusive_access_manager_
1779 ->IsFullscreenForTabOrPending(web_contents
1782 blink::WebDisplayMode
1783 const WebContents
* web_contents
) const {
1784 if (window_
1785 return blink::WebDisplayModeFullscreen
1787 if (is_type_popup())
1788 return blink::WebDisplayModeStandalone
1790 return blink::WebDisplayModeBrowser
1793 void Browser::RegisterProtocolHandler(WebContents
* web_contents
1794 const std::string
& protocol
1796 bool user_gesture
) {
1797 content::BrowserContext
* context
= web_contents
1798 if (context
1801 ProtocolHandler handler
1802 ProtocolHandler::CreateProtocolHandler(protocol
, url
1804 ProtocolHandlerRegistry
* registry
1805 ProtocolHandlerRegistryFactory::GetForBrowserContext(context
1806 if (registry
1809 TabSpecificContentSettings
* tab_content_settings
1810 TabSpecificContentSettings::FromWebContents(web_contents
1811 if (!user_gesture
&& window_
) {
1812 tab_content_settings
1813 tab_content_settings
1814 registry
1815 window_
1819 // Make sure content-setting icon is turned off in case the page does
1820 // ungestured and gestured RPH calls.
1822 tab_content_settings
1823 window_
1826 PermissionBubbleManager
* bubble_manager
1827 PermissionBubbleManager::FromWebContents(web_contents
1828 if (PermissionBubbleManager::Enabled() && bubble_manager
) {
1829 bubble_manager
1830 new RegisterProtocolHandlerPermissionRequest(registry
, handler
1831 url
, user_gesture
1833 RegisterProtocolHandlerInfoBarDelegate::Create(
1834 InfoBarService::FromWebContents(web_contents
), registry
, handler
1838 void Browser::UnregisterProtocolHandler(WebContents
* web_contents
1839 const std::string
& protocol
1841 bool user_gesture
) {
1842 // user_gesture will be used in case we decide to have confirmation bubble
1843 // for user while un-registering the handler.
1844 content::BrowserContext
* context
= web_contents
1845 if (context
1848 ProtocolHandler handler
1849 ProtocolHandler::CreateProtocolHandler(protocol
, url
1851 ProtocolHandlerRegistry
* registry
1852 ProtocolHandlerRegistryFactory::GetForBrowserContext(context
1853 registry
1856 void Browser::UpdatePreferredSize(WebContents
* source
1857 const gfx::Size
& pref_size
) {
1858 window_
, pref_size
1861 void Browser::ResizeDueToAutoResize(WebContents
* source
1862 const gfx::Size
& new_size
) {
1863 window_
, new_size
1866 void Browser::FindReply(WebContents
* web_contents
1868 int number_of_matches
1869 const gfx::Rect
& selection_rect
1870 int active_match_ordinal
1871 bool final_update
) {
1872 FindTabHelper
* find_tab_helper
= FindTabHelper::FromWebContents(web_contents
1873 if (!find_tab_helper
1876 find_tab_helper
1879 active_match_ordinal
1883 void Browser::RequestToLockMouse(WebContents
* web_contents
1885 bool last_unlocked_by_target
) {
1886 exclusive_access_manager_
1887 web_contents
, user_gesture
, last_unlocked_by_target
1890 void Browser::LostMouseLock() {
1891 exclusive_access_manager_
1894 void Browser::RequestMediaAccessPermission(
1895 content::WebContents
* web_contents
1896 const content::MediaStreamRequest
& request
1897 const content::MediaResponseCallback
& callback
) {
1898 ::RequestMediaAccessPermission(web_contents
, profile_
, request
, callback
1901 bool Browser::CheckMediaAccessPermission(content::WebContents
* web_contents
1902 const GURL
& security_origin
1903 content::MediaStreamType type
) {
1904 return ::CheckMediaAccessPermission(web_contents
, security_origin
, type
1907 bool Browser::RequestPpapiBrokerPermission(
1908 WebContents
* web_contents
1910 const base::FilePath
& plugin_path
1911 const base::Callback
<void(bool)>& callback
) {
1912 PepperBrokerInfoBarDelegate::Create(web_contents
, url
, plugin_path
, callback
1916 gfx::Size
* web_contents
) const {
1917 // When navigating away from NTP with unpinned bookmark bar, the bookmark bar
1918 // would disappear on non-NTP pages, resulting in a bigger size for the new
1920 gfx::Size size
= web_contents
1921 // Don't change render view size if bookmark bar is currently not detached,
1922 // or there's no pending entry, or navigating to a NTP page.
1923 if (size
.IsEmpty() || bookmark_bar_state_
!= BookmarkBar::DETACHED
1925 const NavigationEntry
* pending_entry
1926 web_contents
1927 if (pending_entry
1928 !search::IsNTPURL(pending_entry
->GetVirtualURL(), profile_
)) {
1930 0, window()->GetRenderViewHeightInsetWithDetachedBookmarkBar());
1935 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1936 // Browser, CoreTabHelperDelegate implementation:
1938 void Browser::SwapTabContents(content::WebContents
* old_contents
1939 content::WebContents
* new_contents
1940 bool did_start_load
1941 bool did_finish_load
) {
1942 int index
= tab_strip_model_
1943 DCHECK_NE(TabStripModel::kNoTab
, index
1944 tab_strip_model_
, new_contents
1947 bool Browser::CanReloadContents(content::WebContents
* web_contents
) const {
1948 return chrome::CanReload(this);
1951 bool Browser::CanSaveContents(content::WebContents
* web_contents
) const {
1952 return chrome::CanSavePage(this);
1955 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1956 // Browser, SearchEngineTabHelperDelegate implementation:
1958 void Browser::ConfirmAddSearchProvider(TemplateURL
* template_url
1960 window()->ConfirmAddSearchProvider(template_url
, profile
1963 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1964 // Browser, SearchTabHelperDelegate implementation:
1966 void Browser::NavigateOnThumbnailClick(const GURL
& url
1967 WindowOpenDisposition disposition
1968 content::WebContents
* source_contents
) {
1969 DCHECK(source_contents
1970 // We're guaranteed that AUTO_BOOKMARK is the right transition since this only
1971 // gets called to handle clicks in the new tab page (to navigate to most
1972 // visited item URLs) and in the search results page (to navigate to
1973 // privileged destinations (e.g. chrome://URLs)).
1975 // TODO(kmadhusu): Page transitions to privileged destinations should be
1976 // marked as "LINK" instead of "AUTO_BOOKMARK"?
1977 chrome::NavigateParams
params(this, url
1979 params
= content::Referrer();
1980 params
= source_contents
1981 params
= disposition
1982 params
= false;
1983 params
= profile_
1984 chrome::Navigate(¶ms
1987 void Browser::OnWebContentsInstantSupportDisabled(
1988 const content::WebContents
* web_contents
) {
1989 DCHECK(web_contents
1990 if (tab_strip_model_
->GetActiveWebContents() == web_contents
1991 UpdateToolbar(false);
1994 OmniboxView
* Browser::GetOmniboxView() {
1995 return window_
1998 std::set
> Browser::GetOpenUrls() {
1999 scoped_refptr
> top_sites
2000 TopSitesFactory::GetForProfile(profile_
2001 if (!top_sites
) // NULL for Incognito profiles.
2002 return std::set
2004 std::set
> open_urls
2005 chrome::GetOpenUrls(*tab_strip_model_
, *top_sites
, &open_urls
2009 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2010 // Browser, web_modal::WebContentsModalDialogManagerDelegate implementation:
2012 void Browser::SetWebContentsBlocked(content::WebContents
* web_contents
2014 int index
= tab_strip_model_
2015 if (index
== TabStripModel::kNoTab
) {
2019 tab_strip_model_
, blocked
2020 if (!blocked
&& tab_strip_model_
->GetActiveWebContents() == web_contents
2021 web_contents
2024 web_modal::WebContentsModalDialogHost
2025 Browser::GetWebContentsModalDialogHost() {
2026 return window_
2029 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2030 // Browser, BookmarkTabHelperDelegate implementation:
2032 void Browser::URLStarredChanged(content::WebContents
* web_contents
2034 if (web_contents
== tab_strip_model_
2035 window_
2038 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2039 // Browser, ZoomObserver implementation:
2041 void Browser::OnZoomChanged(
2042 const ui_zoom::ZoomController::ZoomChangedEventData
& data
) {
2043 if (data
== tab_strip_model_
->GetActiveWebContents()) {
2044 window_
2045 // Change the zoom commands state based on the zoom state
2046 command_controller_
2050 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2051 // Browser, ui::SelectFileDialog::Listener implementation:
2053 void Browser::FileSelected(const base::FilePath
& path
, int index
2055 FileSelectedWithExtraInfo(ui::SelectedFileInfo(path
, path
), index
, params
2058 void Browser::FileSelectedWithExtraInfo(const ui::SelectedFileInfo
& file_info
2061 profile_
2063 GURL url
= net::FilePathToFileURL(file_info
2065 #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
2066 const GURL external_url
2067 chromeos::CreateExternalFileURLFromPath(profile_
, file_info
2068 if (!external_url
2075 OpenURL(OpenURLParams(
2076 url
, Referrer(), CURRENT_TAB
, false));
2079 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2080 // Browser, content::NotificationObserver implementation:
2082 void Browser::Observe(int type
2083 const content::NotificationSource
& source
2084 const content::NotificationDetails
& details
) {
: {
2087 Profile
* profile
= content::Source
2088 if (profile_
) && window()->GetLocationBar())
2089 window()->GetLocationBar()->UpdatePageActions();
2093 #if defined(ENABLE_THEMES)
2095 window()->UserChangedTheme();
: {
2100 WebContents
* web_contents
= content::Source
2101 if (web_contents
== tab_strip_model_
->GetActiveWebContents()) {
2102 LocationBar
* location_bar
= window()->GetLocationBar();
2104 location_bar
2110 NOTREACHED() << "Got a notification we didn't register for.";
2114 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
2115 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2116 // Browser, extensions::ExtensionRegistryObserver implementation:
2118 void Browser::OnExtensionUninstalled(content::BrowserContext
* browser_context
2119 const extensions::Extension
* extension
2120 extensions::UninstallReason reason
) {
2121 // During window creation on Windows we may end up calling into
2122 // SHAppBarMessage, which internally spawns a nested message loop.This
2123 // makes it possible for us to end up here before window creation has
2124 // completed, at which point window_ is NULL. See 94752 for details.
2126 if (window() && window()->GetLocationBar())
2127 window()->GetLocationBar()->UpdatePageActions();
2130 void Browser::OnExtensionLoaded(content::BrowserContext
* browser_context
2131 const extensions::Extension
* extension
) {
2132 command_controller_
2135 void Browser::OnExtensionUnloaded(
2136 content::BrowserContext
* browser_context
2137 const extensions::Extension
* extension
2138 extensions::UnloadedExtensionInfo::Reason reason
) {
2139 command_controller_
2140 if (window()->GetLocationBar())
2141 window()->GetLocationBar()->UpdatePageActions();
2143 // Close any tabs from the unloaded extension, unless it's terminated,
2144 // in which case let the sad tabs remain.
2145 // Also, if tab is muted and the cause is the unloaded extension, unmute it.
2146 if (reason
!= extensions::UnloadedExtensionInfo::REASON_TERMINATE
) {
2147 // Iterate backwards as we may remove items while iterating.
2148 for (int i
= tab_strip_model_
->count() - 1; i
>= 0; --i
) {
2149 WebContents
* web_contents
= tab_strip_model_
2150 // Two cases are handled here:
2152 // - The scheme check is for when an extension page is loaded in a
2153 // tab, e.g. chrome-extension://id/page.html.
2154 // - The extension_app check is for apps, which can have non-extension
2155 // schemes, e.g. https://mail.google.com if you have the Gmail app
2157 if ((web_contents
) &&
2158 web_contents
->GetURL().host() == extension
->id()) ||
2159 (extensions::TabHelper::FromWebContents(web_contents
2160 ->extension_app() == extension
)) {
2161 tab_strip_model_
, TabStripModel::CLOSE_NONE
2163 chrome::UnmuteIfMutedByExtension(web_contents
, extension
2168 #endif // defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
2170 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2171 // Browser, translate::ContentTranslateDriver::Observer implementation:
2173 void Browser::OnIsPageTranslatedChanged(content::WebContents
* source
) {
2175 if (tab_strip_model_
->GetActiveWebContents() == source
) {
2176 window_
2177 ChromeTranslateClient::FromWebContents(
2178 source
2182 void Browser::OnTranslateEnabledChanged(content::WebContents
* source
) {
2184 if (tab_strip_model_
->GetActiveWebContents() == source
2185 UpdateToolbar(false);
2188 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2189 // Browser, Command and state updating (private):
2191 void Browser::OnDevToolsDisabledChanged() {
2192 if (profile_
2193 content::DevToolsAgentHost::DetachAllClients();
2196 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2197 // Browser, UI update coalescing and handling (private):
2199 void Browser::UpdateToolbar(bool should_restore_state
) {
2200 window_
2201 tab_strip_model_
->GetActiveWebContents() : NULL
2204 void Browser::ScheduleUIUpdate(WebContents
* source
2205 unsigned changed_flags
) {
2207 int index
= tab_strip_model_
2208 DCHECK_NE(TabStripModel::kNoTab
, index
2210 // TODO(erikchen): Remove ScopedTracker below once http://crbug.com/466285
2212 tracked_objects::ScopedTracker
2214 "466285 Browser::ScheduleUIUpdate::Toolbar"));
2215 // Do some synchronous updates.
2216 if (changed_flags
) {
2217 if (source
== tab_strip_model_
->GetActiveWebContents()) {
2218 // Only update the URL for the current tab. Note that we do not update
2219 // the navigation commands since those would have already been updated
2220 // synchronously by NavigationStateChanged.
2221 UpdateToolbar(false);
2223 // Clear the saved tab state for the tab that navigated, so that we don't
2224 // restore any user text after the old URL has been invalidated (e.g.,
2225 // after a new navigation commits in that tab while unfocused).
2226 window_
2228 changed_flags
2231 // TODO(erikchen): Remove ScopedTracker below once http://crbug.com/466285
2233 tracked_objects::ScopedTracker
2235 "466285 Browser::ScheduleUIUpdate::TabStripModel"));
2236 if (changed_flags
) {
2237 // Update the loading state synchronously. This is so the throbber will
2238 // immediately start/stop, which gives a more snappy feel. We want to do
2239 // this for any tab so they start & stop quickly.
2240 tab_strip_model_
2241 tab_strip_model_
2242 TabStripModelObserver::LOADING_ONLY
2243 // The status bubble needs to be updated during INVALIDATE_TYPE_LOAD too,
2244 // but we do that asynchronously by not stripping INVALIDATE_TYPE_LOAD from
2248 if (changed_flags
&& !source
->IsLoading()) {
2249 // To correctly calculate whether the title changed while not loading
2250 // we need to process the update synchronously. This state only matters for
2251 // the TabStripModel, so we notify the TabStripModel now and notify others
2253 tab_strip_model_
2254 tab_strip_model_
2255 TabStripModelObserver::TITLE_NOT_LOADING
2258 // If the only updates were synchronously handled above, we're done.
2259 if (changed_flags
== 0)
2262 // Save the dirty bits.
2263 scheduled_updates_
] |= changed_flags
2265 if (!chrome_updater_factory_
.HasWeakPtrs()) {
2266 // No task currently scheduled, start another.
2267 base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostDelayedTask(
, base::Bind(&Browser::ProcessPendingUIUpdates
2269 chrome_updater_factory_
2270 base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kUIUpdateCoalescingTimeMS
2274 void Browser::ProcessPendingUIUpdates() {
2276 // Validate that all tabs we have pending updates for exist. This is scary
2277 // because the pending list must be kept in sync with any detached or
2279 for (UpdateMap::const_iterator i
= scheduled_updates_
2280 i
!= scheduled_updates_
.end(); ++i
) {
2282 for (int tab
= 0; tab
< tab_strip_model_
->count(); tab
++) {
2283 if (tab_strip_model_
) == i
) {
2292 chrome_updater_factory_
2294 // TODO(robliao): Remove ScopedTracker below once https://crbug.com/467185
2296 tracked_objects::ScopedTracker
2298 "467185 Browser::ProcessPendingUIUpdates1"));
2300 for (UpdateMap::const_iterator i
= scheduled_updates_
2301 i
!= scheduled_updates_
.end(); ++i
) {
2302 // Do not dereference |contents|, it may be out-of-date!
2303 const WebContents
* contents
= i
2304 unsigned flags
= i
2306 if (contents
== tab_strip_model_
->GetActiveWebContents()) {
2307 // TODO(robliao): Remove ScopedTracker below once https://crbug.com/467185
2309 tracked_objects::ScopedTracker
2311 "467185 Browser::ProcessPendingUIUpdates2"));
2313 // Updates that only matter when the tab is selected go here.
2315 // Updating the URL happens synchronously in ScheduleUIUpdate.
2316 if (flags
&& GetStatusBubble()) {
2317 GetStatusBubble()->SetStatus(CoreTabHelper::FromWebContents(
2318 tab_strip_model_
2321 if (flags
)) {
2323 window_
2327 // Updates that don't depend upon the selected state go here.
2329 (content::INVALIDATE_TYPE_TAB
)) {
2330 // TODO(robliao): Remove ScopedTracker below once https://crbug.com/467185
2332 tracked_objects::ScopedTracker
2334 "467185 Browser::ProcessPendingUIUpdates3"));
2335 tab_strip_model_
2336 tab_strip_model_
2337 TabStripModelObserver::ALL
2340 // Update the bookmark bar. It may happen that the tab is crashed, and if
2341 // so, the bookmark bar should be hidden.
2342 if (flags
) {
2343 // TODO(robliao): Remove ScopedTracker below once https://crbug.com/467185
2345 tracked_objects::ScopedTracker
2347 "467185 Browser::ProcessPendingUIUpdates4"));
2351 // We don't need to process INVALIDATE_STATE, since that's not visible.
2354 scheduled_updates_
2357 void Browser::RemoveScheduledUpdatesFor(WebContents
* contents
) {
2361 UpdateMap::iterator i
= scheduled_updates_
2362 if (i
!= scheduled_updates_
2363 scheduled_updates_
2366 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2367 // Browser, Getters for UI (private):
2369 StatusBubble
* Browser::GetStatusBubble() {
2370 // In kiosk and exclusive app mode, we want to always hide the status bubble.
2371 if (chrome::IsRunningInAppMode())
2374 return window_
? window_
->GetStatusBubble() : NULL
2377 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2378 // Browser, Session restore functions (private):
2380 void Browser::SyncHistoryWithTabs(int index
) {
2381 SessionService
* session_service
2382 SessionServiceFactory::GetForProfileIfExisting(profile());
2383 if (session_service
) {
2384 for (int i
= index
; i
< tab_strip_model_
->count(); ++i
) {
2385 WebContents
* web_contents
= tab_strip_model_
2387 SessionTabHelper
* session_tab_helper
2388 SessionTabHelper::FromWebContents(web_contents
2389 session_service
2390 session_id(), session_tab_helper
->session_id(), i
2391 session_service
2393 session_tab_helper
2394 tab_strip_model_
2400 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2401 // Browser, In-progress download termination handling (private):
2403 bool Browser::CanCloseWithInProgressDownloads() {
2404 // If we've prompted, we need to hear from the user before we
2406 if (cancel_download_confirmation_state_
2407 return cancel_download_confirmation_state_
2409 int num_downloads_blocking
2410 Browser::DownloadClosePreventionType dialog_type
2411 OkToCloseWithInProgressDownloads(&num_downloads_blocking
2412 if (dialog_type
2415 // Closing this window will kill some downloads; prompt to make sure
2417 cancel_download_confirmation_state_
2418 window_
2419 num_downloads_blocking
2422 base::Bind(&Browser::InProgressDownloadResponse
2423 weak_factory_
2425 // Return false so the browser does not close. We'll close if the user
2426 // confirms in the dialog.
2430 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2431 // Browser, Assorted utility functions (private):
2433 void Browser::SetAsDelegate(WebContents
* web_contents
, bool set_delegate
) {
2434 Browser
* delegate
= set_delegate
? this : NULL
2436 web_contents
2438 // ...and all the helpers.
2439 BookmarkTabHelper::FromWebContents(web_contents
2440 WebContentsModalDialogManager::FromWebContents(web_contents
2441 SetDelegate(delegate
2442 CoreTabHelper::FromWebContents(web_contents
2443 SearchEngineTabHelper::FromWebContents(web_contents
2444 SearchTabHelper::FromWebContents(web_contents
2445 translate::ContentTranslateDriver
& content_translate_driver
2446 ChromeTranslateClient::FromWebContents(web_contents
2448 ui_zoom::ZoomController::FromWebContents(web_contents
2449 content_translate_driver
2451 ui_zoom::ZoomController::FromWebContents(web_contents
2453 content_translate_driver
2457 void Browser::CloseFrame() {
2461 void Browser::TabDetachedAtImpl(content::WebContents
* contents
2464 if (type
) {
2465 // Save the current location bar state, but only if the tab being detached
2466 // is the selected tab. Because saving state can conditionally revert the
2467 // location bar, saving the current tab's location bar state to a
2468 // non-selected tab can corrupt both tabs.
2469 if (contents
== tab_strip_model_
->GetActiveWebContents()) {
2470 LocationBar
* location_bar
= window()->GetLocationBar();
2472 location_bar
2475 if (!tab_strip_model_
2476 SyncHistoryWithTabs(0);
2479 SetAsDelegate(contents
, false);
2480 RemoveScheduledUpdatesFor(contents
2482 if (find_bar_controller_
.get() && index
== tab_strip_model_
->active_index()) {
2483 find_bar_controller_
2486 // Stop observing search model changes for this tab.
2487 search_delegate_
2489 for (size_t i
= 0; i
< interstitial_observers_
.size(); i
++) {
2490 if (interstitial_observers_
]->web_contents() != contents
2493 delete interstitial_observers_
2494 interstitial_observers_
.begin() + i
2499 bool Browser::SupportsLocationBar() const {
2500 // Tabbed browser always show a location bar.
2501 if (is_type_tabbed())
2504 // Non-app windows that aren't tabbed or system windows should always show a
2505 // location bar, unless they are from a trusted source.
2507 return !is_trusted_source();
2509 if (hosted_app_controller_
2510 return hosted_app_controller_
2515 bool Browser::ShouldUseWebAppFrame() const {
2516 // Only use the web app frame for apps in ash, and only if the web app frame
2521 if (hosted_app_controller_
2522 return hosted_app_controller_
2527 bool Browser::SupportsWindowFeatureImpl(WindowFeature feature
2528 bool check_fullscreen
) const {
2529 bool hide_ui_for_fullscreen
= check_fullscreen
&& ShouldHideUIForFullscreen();
2531 unsigned int features
2533 if (is_type_tabbed())
2534 features
2536 if (!hide_ui_for_fullscreen
) {
2537 if (!is_type_tabbed())
2538 features
2540 if (is_type_tabbed())
2541 features
2543 if (is_type_tabbed())
2544 features
2546 if (SupportsLocationBar())
2547 features
2549 if (ShouldUseWebAppFrame())
2550 features
2552 return !!(features
& feature
2555 void Browser::UpdateBookmarkBarState(BookmarkBarStateChangeReason reason
) {
2556 // TODO(robliao): Remove ScopedTracker below once https://crbug.com/467185 is
2558 tracked_objects::ScopedTracker
2560 "467185 Browser::UpdateBookmarkBarState1"));
2561 BookmarkBar::State state
2562 // The bookmark bar is always hidden for Guest Sessions and in fullscreen
2563 // mode, unless on the new tab page.
2564 if (profile_
->IsGuestSession()) {
2565 state
= BookmarkBar::HIDDEN
2566 } else if (browser_defaults::bookmarks_enabled
2567 profile_
) &&
2568 !ShouldHideUIForFullscreen()) {
2569 state
= BookmarkBar::SHOW
2571 // TODO(robliao): Remove ScopedTracker below once https://crbug.com/467185
2573 tracked_objects::ScopedTracker
2575 "467185 Browser::UpdateBookmarkBarState2"));
2576 WebContents
* web_contents
= tab_strip_model_
2577 BookmarkTabHelper
* bookmark_tab_helper
2578 web_contents
? BookmarkTabHelper::FromWebContents(web_contents
) : NULL
2579 if (bookmark_tab_helper
&& bookmark_tab_helper
2580 state
= BookmarkBar::DETACHED
2582 state
= BookmarkBar::HIDDEN
2585 if (state
== bookmark_bar_state_
2588 bookmark_bar_state_
= state
2591 return; // This is called from the constructor when window_ is NULL.
2593 if (reason
) {
2594 // Don't notify BrowserWindow on a tab switch as at the time this is invoked
2595 // BrowserWindow hasn't yet switched tabs. The BrowserWindow implementations
2596 // end up querying state once they process the tab switch.
2600 // TODO(robliao): Remove ScopedTracker below once https://crbug.com/467185 is
2602 tracked_objects::ScopedTracker
2604 "467185 Browser::UpdateBookmarkBarState3"));
2606 bool should_animate
= reason
2607 window_
2612 bool Browser::ShouldHideUIForFullscreen() const {
2613 // Windows and GTK remove the top controls in fullscreen, but Mac and Ash
2614 // keep the controls in a slide-down panel.
2615 return window_
&& window_
2618 bool Browser::MaybeCreateBackgroundContents(
2620 int main_frame_route_id
2621 WebContents
* opener_web_contents
2622 const std::string
& frame_name
2623 const GURL
& target_url
2624 const std::string
& partition_id
2625 content::SessionStorageNamespace
* session_storage_namespace
) {
2626 GURL opener_url
= opener_web_contents
2627 ExtensionService
* extensions_service
2628 extensions::ExtensionSystem::Get(profile_
2630 if (!opener_url
.is_valid() ||
2631 frame_name
.empty() ||
2632 !extensions_service
2633 !extensions_service
2636 // Only hosted apps have web extents, so this ensures that only hosted apps
2637 // can create BackgroundContents. We don't have to check for background
2638 // permission as that is checked in RenderMessageFilter when the CreateWindow
2639 // message is processed.
2640 const Extension
* extension
= extensions::ExtensionRegistry::Get(profile_
2641 ->enabled_extensions()
2642 .GetHostedAppByURL(opener_url
2646 // No BackgroundContents allowed if BackgroundContentsService doesn't exist.
2647 BackgroundContentsService
* service
2648 BackgroundContentsServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile_
2652 // Ensure that we're trying to open this from the extension's process.
2653 SiteInstance
* opener_site_instance
= opener_web_contents
2654 extensions::ProcessMap
* process_map
= extensions::ProcessMap::Get(profile_
2655 if (!opener_site_instance
->GetProcess() ||
2656 !process_map
2657 extension
->id(), opener_site_instance
->GetProcess()->GetID())) {
2661 // Only allow a single background contents per app.
2662 bool allow_js_access
= extensions::BackgroundInfo::AllowJSAccess(extension
2663 BackgroundContents
* existing
2664 service
2666 // For non-scriptable background contents, ignore the request altogether,
2667 // (returning true, so that a regular WebContents isn't created either).
2668 if (!allow_js_access
2670 // For scriptable background pages, if one already exists, close it (even
2671 // if it was specified in the manifest).
2675 // If script access is not allowed, create the the background contents in a
2676 // new SiteInstance, so that a separate process is used.
2677 scoped_refptr
> site_instance
2679 opener_site_instance
2680 content::SiteInstance::Create(opener_web_contents
2682 // Passed all the checks, so this should be created as a BackgroundContents.
2683 BackgroundContents
* contents
2684 service
2686 main_frame_route_id
2689 base::ASCIIToUTF16(extension
2691 session_storage_namespace
2693 // When a separate process is used, the original renderer cannot access the
2694 // new window later, thus we need to navigate the window now.
2695 if (contents
&& !allow_js_access
) {
2696 contents
2698 content::Referrer(),
2700 std::string()); // No extra headers.
2703 return contents