Extension syncing: Introduce a NeedsSync pref
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / cloud_print / service / service.gyp
1 # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 # found in the LICENSE file.
5   'target_defaults': {
6     'variables': {
7       'chromium_code': 1,
8       'enable_wexit_time_destructors': 1,
9     },
10     'include_dirs': [
11       '<(DEPTH)',
12       # To allow including "version.h"
14     ],
15     'defines' : [
17       'SECURITY_WIN32',
18       'STRICT',
21       '_ATL_NO_COM_SUPPORT',
23       '_ATL_NO_EXCEPTIONS',
24     ],
25     'conditions': [
26       ['OS=="win"', {
27         # TODO(jschuh): crbug.com/167187 fix size_t to int truncations.
28         'msvs_disabled_warnings': [ 4267, ],
29       }],
30     ],
31   },
32   'targets': [
33     {
34       'target_name': 'service_resources',
35       'type': 'none',
36       'variables': {
37         'grit_out_dir': '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/cloud_print',
38       },
39       'actions': [
40         {
41           'action_name': 'service_resources',
42           'variables': {
43             'grit_grd_file': 'win/service_resources.grd',
44           },
45           'includes': [ '../../build/grit_action.gypi' ],
46         },
47       ],
48       'includes': [ '../../build/grit_target.gypi' ],
49     },
50     {
51       'target_name': 'cloud_print_service_lib',
52       'type': 'static_library',
53       'dependencies': [
54         '<(DEPTH)/base/base.gyp:base',
55         '<(DEPTH)/base/base.gyp:base_static',
56         '<(DEPTH)/base/third_party/dynamic_annotations/dynamic_annotations.gyp:dynamic_annotations',
57         '<(DEPTH)/components/components.gyp:cloud_devices_common',
58         '<(DEPTH)/google_apis/google_apis.gyp:google_apis',
59         '<(DEPTH)/ipc/ipc.gyp:ipc',
60         '<(DEPTH)/net/net.gyp:net',
61         '<(DEPTH)/url/url.gyp:url_lib',
62         'service_resources',
63       ],
64       'conditions': [
65         ['OS=="win"', {
66           'dependencies': [
67             '<(DEPTH)/chrome/chrome.gyp:chrome_version_header',
68             '<(DEPTH)/chrome/chrome.gyp:launcher_support',
69             '<(DEPTH)/chrome/common_constants.gyp:common_constants',
70           ],
71         }],
72         ['OS=="win" and clang==1', {
73           # service_controller.h uses DECLARE_REGISTRY_APPID_RESOURCEID, which
74           # in msvs2013 returns string literals via a non-const pointer. So
75           # disable this warning for now.
76           # TODO(thakis): Remove this once we're on 2014,
77           # https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/806376/atl-hindrances-to-adopting-new-strictstrings-conformance-option-in-vs2013
78           'msvs_settings': {
79             'VCCLCompilerTool': {
80               'AdditionalOptions': ['-Wno-writable-strings'],
81             },
82           },
83           'direct_dependent_settings': {
84             'msvs_settings': {
85               'VCCLCompilerTool': {
86                 'AdditionalOptions': ['-Wno-writable-strings'],
87               },
88             },
89           },
90         }],
91         ['enable_basic_printing==1 or enable_print_preview==1', {
92           'dependencies': [
93             '<(DEPTH)/printing/printing.gyp:printing',
94           ],
95         }],
96       ],
97       'sources': [
98         '<(DEPTH)/content/public/common/content_switches.h',
99         '<(DEPTH)/content/public/common/content_switches.cc',
100         '<(DEPTH)/cloud_print/common/win/cloud_print_utils.cc',
101         '<(DEPTH)/cloud_print/common/win/cloud_print_utils.h',
102         'service_constants.cc',
103         'service_constants.h',
104         'service_state.cc',
105         'service_state.h',
106         'service_switches.cc',
107         'service_switches.h',
108         'win/chrome_launcher.cc',
109         'win/chrome_launcher.h',
110         'win/local_security_policy.cc',
111         'win/local_security_policy.h',
112         'win/service_controller.cc',
113         'win/service_controller.h',
114         'win/service_listener.cc',
115         'win/service_listener.h',
116         'win/service_utils.cc',
117         'win/service_utils.h',
118         'win/setup_listener.cc',
119         'win/setup_listener.h',
120       ],
121     },
122   ],