Fix a crash in the LegacyRenderWidgetHostHWND destruction code path which occurs...
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / pdf /
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "pdf/out_of_process_instance.h"
7 #include <algorithm> // for min/max()
8 #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES // for M_PI
9 #include <cmath> // for log() and pow()
10 #include <math.h>
11 #include <list>
13 #include "base/json/json_reader.h"
14 #include "base/json/json_writer.h"
15 #include "base/logging.h"
16 #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
17 #include "base/strings/string_split.h"
18 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
19 #include "base/values.h"
20 #include "chrome/common/content_restriction.h"
21 #include "net/base/escape.h"
22 #include "pdf/draw_utils.h"
23 #include "pdf/pdf.h"
24 #include "ppapi/c/dev/ppb_cursor_control_dev.h"
25 #include "ppapi/c/pp_errors.h"
26 #include "ppapi/c/pp_rect.h"
27 #include "ppapi/c/private/ppb_instance_private.h"
28 #include "ppapi/c/private/ppp_pdf.h"
29 #include "ppapi/c/trusted/ppb_url_loader_trusted.h"
30 #include "ppapi/cpp/core.h"
31 #include "ppapi/cpp/dev/memory_dev.h"
32 #include "ppapi/cpp/dev/text_input_dev.h"
33 #include "ppapi/cpp/dev/url_util_dev.h"
34 #include "ppapi/cpp/module.h"
35 #include "ppapi/cpp/point.h"
36 #include "ppapi/cpp/private/pdf.h"
37 #include "ppapi/cpp/private/var_private.h"
38 #include "ppapi/cpp/rect.h"
39 #include "ppapi/cpp/resource.h"
40 #include "ppapi/cpp/url_request_info.h"
41 #include "ppapi/cpp/var_array.h"
42 #include "ppapi/cpp/var_dictionary.h"
43 #include "ui/events/keycodes/keyboard_codes.h"
45 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
46 #include "base/mac/mac_util.h"
47 #endif
49 namespace chrome_pdf {
51 // URL reference parameters.
52 // For more possible parameters, see RFC 3778 and the "PDF Open Parameters"
53 // document from Adobe.
54 const char kDelimiters[] = "#&";
55 const char kNamedDest[] = "nameddest";
56 const char kPage[] = "page";
58 const char kChromePrint[] = "chrome://print/";
59 const char kChromeExtension[] =
60 "chrome-extension://mhjfbmdgcfjbbpaeojofohoefgiehjai";
62 // Dictionary Value key names for the document accessibility info
63 const char kAccessibleNumberOfPages[] = "numberOfPages";
64 const char kAccessibleLoaded[] = "loaded";
65 const char kAccessibleCopyable[] = "copyable";
67 // Constants used in handling postMessage() messages.
68 const char kType[] = "type";
69 // Viewport message arguments. (Page -> Plugin).
70 const char kJSViewportType[] = "viewport";
71 const char kJSXOffset[] = "xOffset";
72 const char kJSYOffset[] = "yOffset";
73 const char kJSZoom[] = "zoom";
74 // Stop scrolling message (Page -> Plugin)
75 const char kJSStopScrollingType[] = "stopScrolling";
76 // Document dimension arguments (Plugin -> Page).
77 const char kJSDocumentDimensionsType[] = "documentDimensions";
78 const char kJSDocumentWidth[] = "width";
79 const char kJSDocumentHeight[] = "height";
80 const char kJSPageDimensions[] = "pageDimensions";
81 const char kJSPageX[] = "x";
82 const char kJSPageY[] = "y";
83 const char kJSPageWidth[] = "width";
84 const char kJSPageHeight[] = "height";
85 // Document load progress arguments (Plugin -> Page)
86 const char kJSLoadProgressType[] = "loadProgress";
87 const char kJSProgressPercentage[] = "progress";
88 // Get password arguments (Plugin -> Page)
89 const char kJSGetPasswordType[] = "getPassword";
90 // Get password complete arguments (Page -> Plugin)
91 const char kJSGetPasswordCompleteType[] = "getPasswordComplete";
92 const char kJSPassword[] = "password";
93 // Print (Page -> Plugin)
94 const char kJSPrintType[] = "print";
95 // Go to page (Plugin -> Page)
96 const char kJSGoToPageType[] = "goToPage";
97 const char kJSPageNumber[] = "page";
98 // Reset print preview mode (Page -> Plugin)
99 const char kJSResetPrintPreviewModeType[] = "resetPrintPreviewMode";
100 const char kJSPrintPreviewUrl[] = "url";
101 const char kJSPrintPreviewGrayscale[] = "grayscale";
102 const char kJSPrintPreviewPageCount[] = "pageCount";
103 // Load preview page (Page -> Plugin)
104 const char kJSLoadPreviewPageType[] = "loadPreviewPage";
105 const char kJSPreviewPageUrl[] = "url";
106 const char kJSPreviewPageIndex[] = "index";
107 // Set scroll position (Plugin -> Page)
108 const char kJSSetScrollPositionType[] = "setScrollPosition";
109 const char kJSPositionX[] = "x";
110 const char kJSPositionY[] = "y";
111 // Set translated strings (Plugin -> Page)
112 const char kJSSetTranslatedStringsType[] = "setTranslatedStrings";
113 const char kJSGetPasswordString[] = "getPasswordString";
114 const char kJSLoadingString[] = "loadingString";
115 const char kJSLoadFailedString[] = "loadFailedString";
116 // Request accessibility JSON data (Page -> Plugin)
117 const char kJSGetAccessibilityJSONType[] = "getAccessibilityJSON";
118 const char kJSAccessibilityPageNumber[] = "page";
119 // Reply with accessibility JSON data (Plugin -> Page)
120 const char kJSGetAccessibilityJSONReplyType[] = "getAccessibilityJSONReply";
121 const char kJSAccessibilityJSON[] = "json";
122 // Cancel the stream URL request (Plugin -> Page)
123 const char kJSCancelStreamUrlType[] = "cancelStreamUrl";
124 // Navigate to the given URL (Plugin -> Page)
125 const char kJSNavigateType[] = "navigate";
126 const char kJSNavigateUrl[] = "url";
127 const char kJSNavigateNewTab[] = "newTab";
128 // Open the email editor with the given parameters (Plugin -> Page)
129 const char kJSEmailType[] = "email";
130 const char kJSEmailTo[] = "to";
131 const char kJSEmailCc[] = "cc";
132 const char kJSEmailBcc[] = "bcc";
133 const char kJSEmailSubject[] = "subject";
134 const char kJSEmailBody[] = "body";
136 const int kFindResultCooldownMs = 100;
138 const double kMinZoom = 0.01;
140 namespace {
142 static const char kPPPPdfInterface[] = PPP_PDF_INTERFACE_1;
144 PP_Var GetLinkAtPosition(PP_Instance instance, PP_Point point) {
145 pp::Var var;
146 void* object = pp::Instance::GetPerInstanceObject(instance, kPPPPdfInterface);
147 if (object) {
148 var = static_cast<OutOfProcessInstance*>(object)->GetLinkAtPosition(
149 pp::Point(point));
151 return var.Detach();
154 void Transform(PP_Instance instance, PP_PrivatePageTransformType type) {
155 void* object =
156 pp::Instance::GetPerInstanceObject(instance, kPPPPdfInterface);
157 if (object) {
158 OutOfProcessInstance* obj_instance =
159 static_cast<OutOfProcessInstance*>(object);
160 switch (type) {
162 obj_instance->RotateClockwise();
163 break;
165 obj_instance->RotateCounterclockwise();
166 break;
171 const PPP_Pdf ppp_private = {
172 &GetLinkAtPosition,
173 &Transform
176 int ExtractPrintPreviewPageIndex(const std::string& src_url) {
177 // Sample |src_url| format: chrome://print/id/page_index/print.pdf
178 std::vector<std::string> url_substr;
179 base::SplitString(src_url.substr(strlen(kChromePrint)), '/', &url_substr);
180 if (url_substr.size() != 3)
181 return -1;
183 if (url_substr[2] != "print.pdf")
184 return -1;
186 int page_index = 0;
187 if (!base::StringToInt(url_substr[1], &page_index))
188 return -1;
189 return page_index;
192 bool IsPrintPreviewUrl(const std::string& url) {
193 return url.substr(0, strlen(kChromePrint)) == kChromePrint;
196 void ScalePoint(float scale, pp::Point* point) {
197 point->set_x(static_cast<int>(point->x() * scale));
198 point->set_y(static_cast<int>(point->y() * scale));
201 void ScaleRect(float scale, pp::Rect* rect) {
202 int left = static_cast<int>(floorf(rect->x() * scale));
203 int top = static_cast<int>(floorf(rect->y() * scale));
204 int right = static_cast<int>(ceilf((rect->x() + rect->width()) * scale));
205 int bottom = static_cast<int>(ceilf((rect->y() + rect->height()) * scale));
206 rect->SetRect(left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
209 // TODO(raymes): Remove this dependency on VarPrivate/InstancePrivate. It's
210 // needed right now to do a synchronous call to JavaScript, but we could easily
211 // replace this with a custom PPB_PDF function.
212 pp::Var ModalDialog(const pp::Instance* instance,
213 const std::string& type,
214 const std::string& message,
215 const std::string& default_answer) {
216 const PPB_Instance_Private* interface =
217 reinterpret_cast<const PPB_Instance_Private*>(
218 pp::Module::Get()->GetBrowserInterface(
220 pp::VarPrivate window(pp::PASS_REF,
221 interface->GetWindowObject(instance->pp_instance()));
222 if (default_answer.empty())
223 return window.Call(type, message);
224 else
225 return window.Call(type, message, default_answer);
228 } // namespace
230 OutOfProcessInstance::OutOfProcessInstance(PP_Instance instance)
231 : pp::Instance(instance),
232 pp::Find_Private(this),
233 pp::Printing_Dev(this),
234 pp::Selection_Dev(this),
236 zoom_(1.0),
237 device_scale_(1.0),
238 printing_enabled_(true),
239 full_(false),
240 paint_manager_(this, this, true),
241 first_paint_(true),
242 document_load_state_(LOAD_STATE_LOADING),
243 preview_document_load_state_(LOAD_STATE_COMPLETE),
244 uma_(this),
245 told_browser_about_unsupported_feature_(false),
246 print_preview_page_count_(0),
247 last_progress_sent_(0),
248 recently_sent_find_update_(false),
249 received_viewport_message_(false),
250 did_call_start_loading_(false),
251 stop_scrolling_(false) {
252 loader_factory_.Initialize(this);
253 timer_factory_.Initialize(this);
254 form_factory_.Initialize(this);
255 print_callback_factory_.Initialize(this);
256 engine_.reset(PDFEngine::Create(this));
257 pp::Module::Get()->AddPluginInterface(kPPPPdfInterface, &ppp_private);
258 AddPerInstanceObject(kPPPPdfInterface, this);
260 RequestFilteringInputEvents(PP_INPUTEVENT_CLASS_MOUSE);
261 RequestFilteringInputEvents(PP_INPUTEVENT_CLASS_KEYBOARD);
262 RequestFilteringInputEvents(PP_INPUTEVENT_CLASS_TOUCH);
265 OutOfProcessInstance::~OutOfProcessInstance() {
266 RemovePerInstanceObject(kPPPPdfInterface, this);
269 bool OutOfProcessInstance::Init(uint32_t argc,
270 const char* argn[],
271 const char* argv[]) {
272 // Check if the PDF is being loaded in the PDF chrome extension. We only allow
273 // the plugin to be put into "full frame" mode when it is being loaded in the
274 // extension because this enables some features that we don't want pages
275 // abusing outside of the extension.
276 pp::Var document_url_var = pp::URLUtil_Dev::Get()->GetDocumentURL(this);
277 std::string document_url = document_url_var.is_string() ?
278 document_url_var.AsString() : std::string();
279 std::string extension_url = std::string(kChromeExtension);
280 bool in_extension =
281 !, extension_url.size(), extension_url);
283 if (in_extension) {
284 // Check if the plugin is full frame. This is passed in from JS.
285 for (uint32_t i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
286 if (strcmp(argn[i], "full-frame") == 0) {
287 full_ = true;
288 break;
293 // Only allow the plugin to handle find requests if it is full frame.
294 if (full_)
295 SetPluginToHandleFindRequests();
297 // Send translated strings to the extension where they will be displayed.
298 // TODO(raymes): It would be better to get these in the extension directly
299 // through an API but no such API currently exists.
300 pp::VarDictionary translated_strings;
301 translated_strings.Set(kType, kJSSetTranslatedStringsType);
302 translated_strings.Set(kJSGetPasswordString,
304 translated_strings.Set(kJSLoadingString,
306 translated_strings.Set(kJSLoadFailedString,
308 PostMessage(translated_strings);
310 text_input_.reset(new pp::TextInput_Dev(this));
312 const char* stream_url = NULL;
313 const char* original_url = NULL;
314 const char* headers = NULL;
315 for (uint32_t i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
316 if (strcmp(argn[i], "src") == 0)
317 original_url = argv[i];
318 else if (strcmp(argn[i], "stream-url") == 0)
319 stream_url = argv[i];
320 else if (strcmp(argn[i], "headers") == 0)
321 headers = argv[i];
324 // TODO(raymes): This is a hack to ensure that if no headers are passed in
325 // then we get the right MIME type. When the in process plugin is removed we
326 // can fix the document loader properly and remove this hack.
327 if (!headers || strcmp(headers, "") == 0)
328 headers = "content-type: application/pdf";
330 if (!original_url)
331 return false;
333 if (!stream_url)
334 stream_url = original_url;
336 // If we're in print preview mode we don't need to load the document yet.
337 // A |kJSResetPrintPreviewModeType| message will be sent to the plugin letting
338 // it know the url to load. By not loading here we avoid loading the same
339 // document twice.
340 if (IsPrintPreviewUrl(original_url))
341 return true;
343 LoadUrl(stream_url);
344 url_ = original_url;
345 return engine_->New(original_url, headers);
348 void OutOfProcessInstance::HandleMessage(const pp::Var& message) {
349 pp::VarDictionary dict(message);
350 if (!dict.Get(kType).is_string()) {
352 return;
355 std::string type = dict.Get(kType).AsString();
357 if (type == kJSViewportType &&
358 dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSXOffset)).is_int() &&
359 dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSYOffset)).is_int() &&
360 dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSZoom)).is_number()) {
361 received_viewport_message_ = true;
362 stop_scrolling_ = false;
363 double zoom = dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSZoom)).AsDouble();
364 pp::Point scroll_offset(dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSXOffset)).AsInt(),
365 dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSYOffset)).AsInt());
367 // Bound the input parameters.
368 zoom = std::max(kMinZoom, zoom);
369 SetZoom(zoom);
370 scroll_offset = BoundScrollOffsetToDocument(scroll_offset);
371 engine_->ScrolledToXPosition(scroll_offset.x() * device_scale_);
372 engine_->ScrolledToYPosition(scroll_offset.y() * device_scale_);
373 } else if (type == kJSGetPasswordCompleteType &&
374 dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSPassword)).is_string()) {
375 if (password_callback_) {
376 pp::CompletionCallbackWithOutput<pp::Var> callback = *password_callback_;
377 password_callback_.reset();
378 *callback.output() = dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSPassword)).pp_var();
379 callback.Run(PP_OK);
380 } else {
383 } else if (type == kJSPrintType) {
384 Print();
385 } else if (type == kJSResetPrintPreviewModeType &&
386 dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSPrintPreviewUrl)).is_string() &&
387 dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSPrintPreviewGrayscale)).is_bool() &&
388 dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSPrintPreviewPageCount)).is_int()) {
389 url_ = dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSPrintPreviewUrl)).AsString();
390 preview_pages_info_ = std::queue<PreviewPageInfo>();
391 preview_document_load_state_ = LOAD_STATE_COMPLETE;
392 document_load_state_ = LOAD_STATE_LOADING;
393 LoadUrl(url_);
394 preview_engine_.reset();
395 engine_.reset(PDFEngine::Create(this));
396 engine_->SetGrayscale(dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSPrintPreviewGrayscale)).AsBool());
397 engine_->New(url_.c_str());
399 print_preview_page_count_ =
400 std::max(dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSPrintPreviewPageCount)).AsInt(), 0);
402 paint_manager_.InvalidateRect(pp::Rect(pp::Point(), plugin_size_));
403 } else if (type == kJSLoadPreviewPageType &&
404 dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSPreviewPageUrl)).is_string() &&
405 dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSPreviewPageIndex)).is_int()) {
406 ProcessPreviewPageInfo(dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSPreviewPageUrl)).AsString(),
407 dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSPreviewPageIndex)).AsInt());
408 } else if (type == kJSGetAccessibilityJSONType) {
409 pp::VarDictionary reply;
410 reply.Set(pp::Var(kType), pp::Var(kJSGetAccessibilityJSONReplyType));
411 if (dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSAccessibilityPageNumber)).is_int()) {
412 int page = dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSAccessibilityPageNumber)).AsInt();
413 reply.Set(pp::Var(kJSAccessibilityJSON),
414 pp::Var(engine_->GetPageAsJSON(page)));
415 } else {
416 base::DictionaryValue node;
417 node.SetInteger(kAccessibleNumberOfPages, engine_->GetNumberOfPages());
418 node.SetBoolean(kAccessibleLoaded,
419 document_load_state_ != LOAD_STATE_LOADING);
420 bool has_permissions =
421 engine_->HasPermission(PDFEngine::PERMISSION_COPY) ||
422 engine_->HasPermission(PDFEngine::PERMISSION_COPY_ACCESSIBLE);
423 node.SetBoolean(kAccessibleCopyable, has_permissions);
424 std::string json;
425 base::JSONWriter::Write(&node, &json);
426 reply.Set(pp::Var(kJSAccessibilityJSON), pp::Var(json));
428 PostMessage(reply);
429 } else if (type == kJSStopScrollingType) {
430 stop_scrolling_ = true;
431 } else {
436 bool OutOfProcessInstance::HandleInputEvent(
437 const pp::InputEvent& event) {
438 // To simplify things, convert the event into device coordinates if it is
439 // a mouse event.
440 pp::InputEvent event_device_res(event);
442 pp::MouseInputEvent mouse_event(event);
443 if (!mouse_event.is_null()) {
444 pp::Point point = mouse_event.GetPosition();
445 pp::Point movement = mouse_event.GetMovement();
446 ScalePoint(device_scale_, &point);
447 ScalePoint(device_scale_, &movement);
448 mouse_event = pp::MouseInputEvent(
449 this,
450 event.GetType(),
451 event.GetTimeStamp(),
452 event.GetModifiers(),
453 mouse_event.GetButton(),
454 point,
455 mouse_event.GetClickCount(),
456 movement);
457 event_device_res = mouse_event;
461 pp::InputEvent offset_event(event_device_res);
462 switch (offset_event.GetType()) {
468 pp::MouseInputEvent mouse_event(event_device_res);
469 pp::MouseInputEvent mouse_event_dip(event);
470 pp::Point point = mouse_event.GetPosition();
471 point.set_x(point.x() - available_area_.x());
472 offset_event = pp::MouseInputEvent(
473 this,
474 event.GetType(),
475 event.GetTimeStamp(),
476 event.GetModifiers(),
477 mouse_event.GetButton(),
478 point,
479 mouse_event.GetClickCount(),
480 mouse_event.GetMovement());
481 break;
483 default:
484 break;
486 if (engine_->HandleEvent(offset_event))
487 return true;
489 // TODO(raymes): Implement this scroll behavior in JS:
490 // When click+dragging, scroll the document correctly.
492 if (event.GetType() == PP_INPUTEVENT_TYPE_KEYDOWN &&
493 event.GetModifiers() & kDefaultKeyModifier) {
494 pp::KeyboardInputEvent keyboard_event(event);
495 switch (keyboard_event.GetKeyCode()) {
496 case 'A':
497 engine_->SelectAll();
498 return true;
502 // Return true for unhandled clicks so the plugin takes focus.
503 return (event.GetType() == PP_INPUTEVENT_TYPE_MOUSEDOWN);
506 void OutOfProcessInstance::DidChangeView(const pp::View& view) {
507 pp::Rect view_rect(view.GetRect());
508 float old_device_scale = device_scale_;
509 float device_scale = view.GetDeviceScale();
510 pp::Size view_device_size(view_rect.width() * device_scale,
511 view_rect.height() * device_scale);
513 if (view_device_size != plugin_size_ || device_scale != device_scale_) {
514 device_scale_ = device_scale;
515 plugin_dip_size_ = view_rect.size();
516 plugin_size_ = view_device_size;
518 paint_manager_.SetSize(view_device_size, device_scale_);
520 pp::Size new_image_data_size = PaintManager::GetNewContextSize(
521 image_data_.size(),
522 plugin_size_);
523 if (new_image_data_size != image_data_.size()) {
524 image_data_ = pp::ImageData(this,
526 new_image_data_size,
527 false);
528 first_paint_ = true;
531 if (image_data_.is_null()) {
532 DCHECK(plugin_size_.IsEmpty());
533 return;
536 OnGeometryChanged(zoom_, old_device_scale);
539 if (!stop_scrolling_) {
540 pp::Point scroll_offset(
541 BoundScrollOffsetToDocument(view.GetScrollOffset()));
542 engine_->ScrolledToXPosition(scroll_offset.x() * device_scale_);
543 engine_->ScrolledToYPosition(scroll_offset.y() * device_scale_);
547 pp::Var OutOfProcessInstance::GetLinkAtPosition(
548 const pp::Point& point) {
549 pp::Point offset_point(point);
550 ScalePoint(device_scale_, &offset_point);
551 offset_point.set_x(offset_point.x() - available_area_.x());
552 return engine_->GetLinkAtPosition(offset_point);
555 pp::Var OutOfProcessInstance::GetSelectedText(bool html) {
556 if (html || !engine_->HasPermission(PDFEngine::PERMISSION_COPY))
557 return pp::Var();
558 return engine_->GetSelectedText();
561 uint32_t OutOfProcessInstance::QuerySupportedPrintOutputFormats() {
562 return engine_->QuerySupportedPrintOutputFormats();
565 int32_t OutOfProcessInstance::PrintBegin(
566 const PP_PrintSettings_Dev& print_settings) {
567 // For us num_pages is always equal to the number of pages in the PDF
568 // document irrespective of the printable area.
569 int32_t ret = engine_->GetNumberOfPages();
570 if (!ret)
571 return 0;
573 uint32_t supported_formats = engine_->QuerySupportedPrintOutputFormats();
574 if ((print_settings.format & supported_formats) == 0)
575 return 0;
577 print_settings_.is_printing = true;
578 print_settings_.pepper_print_settings = print_settings;
579 engine_->PrintBegin();
580 return ret;
583 pp::Resource OutOfProcessInstance::PrintPages(
584 const PP_PrintPageNumberRange_Dev* page_ranges,
585 uint32_t page_range_count) {
586 if (!print_settings_.is_printing)
587 return pp::Resource();
589 print_settings_.print_pages_called_ = true;
590 return engine_->PrintPages(page_ranges, page_range_count,
591 print_settings_.pepper_print_settings);
594 void OutOfProcessInstance::PrintEnd() {
595 if (print_settings_.print_pages_called_)
596 UserMetricsRecordAction("PDF.PrintPage");
597 print_settings_.Clear();
598 engine_->PrintEnd();
601 bool OutOfProcessInstance::IsPrintScalingDisabled() {
602 return !engine_->GetPrintScaling();
605 bool OutOfProcessInstance::StartFind(const std::string& text,
606 bool case_sensitive) {
607 engine_->StartFind(text.c_str(), case_sensitive);
608 return true;
611 void OutOfProcessInstance::SelectFindResult(bool forward) {
612 engine_->SelectFindResult(forward);
615 void OutOfProcessInstance::StopFind() {
616 engine_->StopFind();
617 tickmarks_.clear();
618 SetTickmarks(tickmarks_);
621 void OutOfProcessInstance::OnPaint(
622 const std::vector<pp::Rect>& paint_rects,
623 std::vector<PaintManager::ReadyRect>* ready,
624 std::vector<pp::Rect>* pending) {
625 if (image_data_.is_null()) {
626 DCHECK(plugin_size_.IsEmpty());
627 return;
629 if (first_paint_) {
630 first_paint_ = false;
631 pp::Rect rect = pp::Rect(pp::Point(), image_data_.size());
632 unsigned int color = kBackgroundColorA << 24 |
633 kBackgroundColorR << 16 |
634 kBackgroundColorG << 8 |
635 kBackgroundColorB;
636 FillRect(rect, color);
637 ready->push_back(PaintManager::ReadyRect(rect, image_data_, true));
640 if (!received_viewport_message_)
641 return;
643 engine_->PrePaint();
645 for (size_t i = 0; i < paint_rects.size(); i++) {
646 // Intersect with plugin area since there could be pending invalidates from
647 // when the plugin area was larger.
648 pp::Rect rect =
649 paint_rects[i].Intersect(pp::Rect(pp::Point(), plugin_size_));
650 if (rect.IsEmpty())
651 continue;
653 pp::Rect pdf_rect = available_area_.Intersect(rect);
654 if (!pdf_rect.IsEmpty()) {
655 pdf_rect.Offset(available_area_.x() * -1, 0);
657 std::vector<pp::Rect> pdf_ready;
658 std::vector<pp::Rect> pdf_pending;
659 engine_->Paint(pdf_rect, &image_data_, &pdf_ready, &pdf_pending);
660 for (size_t j = 0; j < pdf_ready.size(); ++j) {
661 pdf_ready[j].Offset(available_area_.point());
662 ready->push_back(
663 PaintManager::ReadyRect(pdf_ready[j], image_data_, false));
665 for (size_t j = 0; j < pdf_pending.size(); ++j) {
666 pdf_pending[j].Offset(available_area_.point());
667 pending->push_back(pdf_pending[j]);
671 for (size_t j = 0; j < background_parts_.size(); ++j) {
672 pp::Rect intersection = background_parts_[j].location.Intersect(rect);
673 if (!intersection.IsEmpty()) {
674 FillRect(intersection, background_parts_[j].color);
675 ready->push_back(
676 PaintManager::ReadyRect(intersection, image_data_, false));
681 engine_->PostPaint();
684 void OutOfProcessInstance::DidOpen(int32_t result) {
685 if (result == PP_OK) {
686 if (!engine_->HandleDocumentLoad(embed_loader_)) {
687 document_load_state_ = LOAD_STATE_LOADING;
688 DocumentLoadFailed();
690 } else if (result != PP_ERROR_ABORTED) { // Can happen in tests.
692 DocumentLoadFailed();
695 // If it's a progressive load, cancel the stream URL request so that requests
696 // can be made on the original URL.
697 // TODO(raymes): Make this clearer once the in-process plugin is deleted.
698 if (engine_->IsProgressiveLoad()) {
699 pp::VarDictionary message;
700 message.Set(kType, kJSCancelStreamUrlType);
701 PostMessage(message);
705 void OutOfProcessInstance::DidOpenPreview(int32_t result) {
706 if (result == PP_OK) {
707 preview_engine_.reset(PDFEngine::Create(new PreviewModeClient(this)));
708 preview_engine_->HandleDocumentLoad(embed_preview_loader_);
709 } else {
714 void OutOfProcessInstance::OnClientTimerFired(int32_t id) {
715 engine_->OnCallback(id);
718 void OutOfProcessInstance::CalculateBackgroundParts() {
719 background_parts_.clear();
720 int left_width = available_area_.x();
721 int right_start = available_area_.right();
722 int right_width = abs(plugin_size_.width() - available_area_.right());
723 int bottom = std::min(available_area_.bottom(), plugin_size_.height());
725 // Add the left, right, and bottom rectangles. Note: we assume only
726 // horizontal centering.
727 BackgroundPart part;
728 part.color = kBackgroundColorA << 24 |
729 kBackgroundColorR << 16 |
730 kBackgroundColorG << 8 |
731 kBackgroundColorB;
732 part.location = pp::Rect(0, 0, left_width, bottom);
733 if (!part.location.IsEmpty())
734 background_parts_.push_back(part);
735 part.location = pp::Rect(right_start, 0, right_width, bottom);
736 if (!part.location.IsEmpty())
737 background_parts_.push_back(part);
738 part.location = pp::Rect(
739 0, bottom, plugin_size_.width(), plugin_size_.height() - bottom);
740 if (!part.location.IsEmpty())
741 background_parts_.push_back(part);
744 int OutOfProcessInstance::GetDocumentPixelWidth() const {
745 return static_cast<int>(ceil(document_size_.width() * zoom_ * device_scale_));
748 int OutOfProcessInstance::GetDocumentPixelHeight() const {
749 return static_cast<int>(
750 ceil(document_size_.height() * zoom_ * device_scale_));
753 void OutOfProcessInstance::FillRect(const pp::Rect& rect, unsigned int color) {
754 DCHECK(!image_data_.is_null() || rect.IsEmpty());
755 unsigned int* buffer_start = static_cast<unsigned int*>(;
756 int stride = image_data_.stride();
757 unsigned int* ptr = buffer_start + rect.y() * stride / 4 + rect.x();
758 int height = rect.height();
759 int width = rect.width();
760 for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
761 for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
762 *(ptr + x) = color;
763 ptr += stride /4;
767 void OutOfProcessInstance::DocumentSizeUpdated(const pp::Size& size) {
768 document_size_ = size;
770 pp::VarDictionary dimensions;
771 dimensions.Set(kType, kJSDocumentDimensionsType);
772 dimensions.Set(kJSDocumentWidth, pp::Var(document_size_.width()));
773 dimensions.Set(kJSDocumentHeight, pp::Var(document_size_.height()));
774 pp::VarArray page_dimensions_array;
775 int num_pages = engine_->GetNumberOfPages();
776 for (int i = 0; i < num_pages; ++i) {
777 pp::Rect page_rect = engine_->GetPageRect(i);
778 pp::VarDictionary page_dimensions;
779 page_dimensions.Set(kJSPageX, pp::Var(page_rect.x()));
780 page_dimensions.Set(kJSPageY, pp::Var(page_rect.y()));
781 page_dimensions.Set(kJSPageWidth, pp::Var(page_rect.width()));
782 page_dimensions.Set(kJSPageHeight, pp::Var(page_rect.height()));
783 page_dimensions_array.Set(i, page_dimensions);
785 dimensions.Set(kJSPageDimensions, page_dimensions_array);
786 PostMessage(dimensions);
788 OnGeometryChanged(zoom_, device_scale_);
791 void OutOfProcessInstance::Invalidate(const pp::Rect& rect) {
792 pp::Rect offset_rect(rect);
793 offset_rect.Offset(available_area_.point());
794 paint_manager_.InvalidateRect(offset_rect);
797 void OutOfProcessInstance::Scroll(const pp::Point& point) {
798 if (!image_data_.is_null())
799 paint_manager_.ScrollRect(available_area_, point);
802 void OutOfProcessInstance::ScrollToX(int x) {
803 pp::VarDictionary position;
804 position.Set(kType, kJSSetScrollPositionType);
805 position.Set(kJSPositionX, pp::Var(x / device_scale_));
806 PostMessage(position);
809 void OutOfProcessInstance::ScrollToY(int y) {
810 pp::VarDictionary position;
811 position.Set(kType, kJSSetScrollPositionType);
812 position.Set(kJSPositionY, pp::Var(y / device_scale_));
813 PostMessage(position);
816 void OutOfProcessInstance::ScrollToPage(int page) {
817 if (engine_->GetNumberOfPages() == 0)
818 return;
820 pp::VarDictionary message;
821 message.Set(kType, kJSGoToPageType);
822 message.Set(kJSPageNumber, pp::Var(page));
823 PostMessage(message);
826 void OutOfProcessInstance::NavigateTo(const std::string& url,
827 bool open_in_new_tab) {
828 std::string url_copy(url);
830 // Empty |url_copy| is ok, and will effectively be a reload.
831 // Skip the code below so an empty URL does not turn into "http://", which
832 // will cause GURL to fail a DCHECK.
833 if (!url_copy.empty()) {
834 // If there's no scheme, add http.
835 if (url_copy.find("://") == std::string::npos &&
836 url_copy.find("mailto:") == std::string::npos) {
837 url_copy = std::string("http://") + url_copy;
839 // Make sure |url_copy| starts with a valid scheme.
840 if (url_copy.find("http://") != 0 &&
841 url_copy.find("https://") != 0 &&
842 url_copy.find("ftp://") != 0 &&
843 url_copy.find("mailto:") != 0) {
844 return;
846 // Make sure |url_copy| is not only a scheme.
847 if (url_copy == "http://" ||
848 url_copy == "https://" ||
849 url_copy == "ftp://" ||
850 url_copy == "mailto:") {
851 return;
854 pp::VarDictionary message;
855 message.Set(kType, kJSNavigateType);
856 message.Set(kJSNavigateUrl, url_copy);
857 message.Set(kJSNavigateNewTab, open_in_new_tab);
858 PostMessage(message);
861 void OutOfProcessInstance::UpdateCursor(PP_CursorType_Dev cursor) {
862 if (cursor == cursor_)
863 return;
864 cursor_ = cursor;
866 const PPB_CursorControl_Dev* cursor_interface =
867 reinterpret_cast<const PPB_CursorControl_Dev*>(
868 pp::Module::Get()->GetBrowserInterface(PPB_CURSOR_CONTROL_DEV_INTERFACE));
869 if (!cursor_interface) {
871 return;
874 cursor_interface->SetCursor(
875 pp_instance(), cursor_, pp::ImageData().pp_resource(), NULL);
878 void OutOfProcessInstance::UpdateTickMarks(
879 const std::vector<pp::Rect>& tickmarks) {
880 float inverse_scale = 1.0f / device_scale_;
881 std::vector<pp::Rect> scaled_tickmarks = tickmarks;
882 for (size_t i = 0; i < scaled_tickmarks.size(); i++)
883 ScaleRect(inverse_scale, &scaled_tickmarks[i]);
884 tickmarks_ = scaled_tickmarks;
887 void OutOfProcessInstance::NotifyNumberOfFindResultsChanged(int total,
888 bool final_result) {
889 // We don't want to spam the renderer with too many updates to the number of
890 // find results. Don't send an update if we sent one too recently. If it's the
891 // final update, we always send it though.
892 if (final_result) {
893 NumberOfFindResultsChanged(total, final_result);
894 SetTickmarks(tickmarks_);
895 return;
898 if (recently_sent_find_update_)
899 return;
901 NumberOfFindResultsChanged(total, final_result);
902 SetTickmarks(tickmarks_);
903 recently_sent_find_update_ = true;
904 pp::CompletionCallback callback =
905 timer_factory_.NewCallback(
906 &OutOfProcessInstance::ResetRecentlySentFindUpdate);
907 pp::Module::Get()->core()->CallOnMainThread(kFindResultCooldownMs,
908 callback, 0);
911 void OutOfProcessInstance::NotifySelectedFindResultChanged(
912 int current_find_index) {
913 SelectedFindResultChanged(current_find_index);
916 void OutOfProcessInstance::GetDocumentPassword(
917 pp::CompletionCallbackWithOutput<pp::Var> callback) {
918 if (password_callback_) {
920 return;
923 password_callback_.reset(
924 new pp::CompletionCallbackWithOutput<pp::Var>(callback));
925 pp::VarDictionary message;
926 message.Set(pp::Var(kType), pp::Var(kJSGetPasswordType));
927 PostMessage(message);
930 void OutOfProcessInstance::Alert(const std::string& message) {
931 ModalDialog(this, "alert", message, std::string());
934 bool OutOfProcessInstance::Confirm(const std::string& message) {
935 pp::Var result = ModalDialog(this, "confirm", message, std::string());
936 return result.is_bool() ? result.AsBool() : false;
939 std::string OutOfProcessInstance::Prompt(const std::string& question,
940 const std::string& default_answer) {
941 pp::Var result = ModalDialog(this, "prompt", question, default_answer);
942 return result.is_string() ? result.AsString() : std::string();
945 std::string OutOfProcessInstance::GetURL() {
946 return url_;
949 void OutOfProcessInstance::Email(const std::string& to,
950 const std::string& cc,
951 const std::string& bcc,
952 const std::string& subject,
953 const std::string& body) {
954 pp::VarDictionary message;
955 message.Set(pp::Var(kType), pp::Var(kJSEmailType));
956 message.Set(pp::Var(kJSEmailTo),
957 pp::Var(net::EscapeUrlEncodedData(to, false)));
958 message.Set(pp::Var(kJSEmailCc),
959 pp::Var(net::EscapeUrlEncodedData(cc, false)));
960 message.Set(pp::Var(kJSEmailBcc),
961 pp::Var(net::EscapeUrlEncodedData(bcc, false)));
962 message.Set(pp::Var(kJSEmailSubject),
963 pp::Var(net::EscapeUrlEncodedData(subject, false)));
964 message.Set(pp::Var(kJSEmailBody),
965 pp::Var(net::EscapeUrlEncodedData(body, false)));
966 PostMessage(message);
969 void OutOfProcessInstance::Print() {
970 if (!printing_enabled_ ||
971 (!engine_->HasPermission(PDFEngine::PERMISSION_PRINT_LOW_QUALITY) &&
972 !engine_->HasPermission(PDFEngine::PERMISSION_PRINT_HIGH_QUALITY))) {
973 return;
976 pp::CompletionCallback callback =
977 print_callback_factory_.NewCallback(&OutOfProcessInstance::OnPrint);
978 pp::Module::Get()->core()->CallOnMainThread(0, callback);
981 void OutOfProcessInstance::OnPrint(int32_t) {
982 pp::PDF::Print(this);
985 void OutOfProcessInstance::SubmitForm(const std::string& url,
986 const void* data,
987 int length) {
988 pp::URLRequestInfo request(this);
989 request.SetURL(url);
990 request.SetMethod("POST");
991 request.AppendDataToBody(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data), length);
993 pp::CompletionCallback callback =
994 form_factory_.NewCallback(&OutOfProcessInstance::FormDidOpen);
995 form_loader_ = CreateURLLoaderInternal();
996 int rv = form_loader_.Open(request, callback);
998 callback.Run(rv);
1001 void OutOfProcessInstance::FormDidOpen(int32_t result) {
1002 // TODO: inform the user of success/failure.
1003 if (result != PP_OK) {
1008 std::string OutOfProcessInstance::ShowFileSelectionDialog() {
1009 // Seems like very low priority to implement, since the pdf has no way to get
1010 // the file data anyways. Javascript doesn't let you do this synchronously.
1012 return std::string();
1015 pp::URLLoader OutOfProcessInstance::CreateURLLoader() {
1016 if (full_) {
1017 if (!did_call_start_loading_) {
1018 did_call_start_loading_ = true;
1019 pp::PDF::DidStartLoading(this);
1022 // Disable save and print until the document is fully loaded, since they
1023 // would generate an incomplete document. Need to do this each time we
1024 // call DidStartLoading since that resets the content restrictions.
1025 pp::PDF::SetContentRestriction(this, CONTENT_RESTRICTION_SAVE |
1029 return CreateURLLoaderInternal();
1032 void OutOfProcessInstance::ScheduleCallback(int id, int delay_in_ms) {
1033 pp::CompletionCallback callback =
1034 timer_factory_.NewCallback(&OutOfProcessInstance::OnClientTimerFired);
1035 pp::Module::Get()->core()->CallOnMainThread(delay_in_ms, callback, id);
1038 void OutOfProcessInstance::SearchString(const base::char16* string,
1039 const base::char16* term,
1040 bool case_sensitive,
1041 std::vector<SearchStringResult>* results) {
1042 PP_PrivateFindResult* pp_results;
1043 int count = 0;
1044 pp::PDF::SearchString(
1045 this,
1046 reinterpret_cast<const unsigned short*>(string),
1047 reinterpret_cast<const unsigned short*>(term),
1048 case_sensitive,
1049 &pp_results,
1050 &count);
1052 results->resize(count);
1053 for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
1054 (*results)[i].start_index = pp_results[i].start_index;
1055 (*results)[i].length = pp_results[i].length;
1058 pp::Memory_Dev memory;
1059 memory.MemFree(pp_results);
1062 void OutOfProcessInstance::DocumentPaintOccurred() {
1065 void OutOfProcessInstance::DocumentLoadComplete(int page_count) {
1066 // Clear focus state for OSK.
1067 FormTextFieldFocusChange(false);
1069 DCHECK(document_load_state_ == LOAD_STATE_LOADING);
1070 document_load_state_ = LOAD_STATE_COMPLETE;
1071 UserMetricsRecordAction("PDF.LoadSuccess");
1073 // Note: If we are in print preview mode the scroll location is retained
1074 // across document loads so we don't want to scroll again and override it.
1075 if (!IsPrintPreview()) {
1076 int initial_page = GetInitialPage(url_);
1077 if (initial_page >= 0)
1078 ScrollToPage(initial_page);
1079 } else {
1080 AppendBlankPrintPreviewPages();
1081 OnGeometryChanged(0, 0);
1084 pp::VarDictionary message;
1085 message.Set(pp::Var(kType), pp::Var(kJSLoadProgressType));
1086 message.Set(pp::Var(kJSProgressPercentage), pp::Var(100)) ;
1087 PostMessage(message);
1089 if (!full_)
1090 return;
1092 if (did_call_start_loading_) {
1093 pp::PDF::DidStopLoading(this);
1094 did_call_start_loading_ = false;
1097 int content_restrictions =
1099 if (!engine_->HasPermission(PDFEngine::PERMISSION_COPY))
1100 content_restrictions |= CONTENT_RESTRICTION_COPY;
1102 if (!engine_->HasPermission(PDFEngine::PERMISSION_PRINT_LOW_QUALITY) &&
1103 !engine_->HasPermission(PDFEngine::PERMISSION_PRINT_HIGH_QUALITY)) {
1104 printing_enabled_ = false;
1107 pp::PDF::SetContentRestriction(this, content_restrictions);
1109 uma_.HistogramCustomCounts("PDF.PageCount", page_count,
1110 1, 1000000, 50);
1113 void OutOfProcessInstance::RotateClockwise() {
1114 engine_->RotateClockwise();
1117 void OutOfProcessInstance::RotateCounterclockwise() {
1118 engine_->RotateCounterclockwise();
1121 void OutOfProcessInstance::PreviewDocumentLoadComplete() {
1122 if (preview_document_load_state_ != LOAD_STATE_LOADING ||
1123 preview_pages_info_.empty()) {
1124 return;
1127 preview_document_load_state_ = LOAD_STATE_COMPLETE;
1129 int dest_page_index = preview_pages_info_.front().second;
1130 int src_page_index =
1131 ExtractPrintPreviewPageIndex(preview_pages_info_.front().first);
1132 if (src_page_index > 0 && dest_page_index > -1 && preview_engine_.get())
1133 engine_->AppendPage(preview_engine_.get(), dest_page_index);
1135 preview_pages_info_.pop();
1136 // |print_preview_page_count_| is not updated yet. Do not load any
1137 // other preview pages till we get this information.
1138 if (print_preview_page_count_ == 0)
1139 return;
1141 if (preview_pages_info_.size())
1142 LoadAvailablePreviewPage();
1145 void OutOfProcessInstance::DocumentLoadFailed() {
1146 DCHECK(document_load_state_ == LOAD_STATE_LOADING);
1147 UserMetricsRecordAction("PDF.LoadFailure");
1149 if (did_call_start_loading_) {
1150 pp::PDF::DidStopLoading(this);
1151 did_call_start_loading_ = false;
1154 document_load_state_ = LOAD_STATE_FAILED;
1155 paint_manager_.InvalidateRect(pp::Rect(pp::Point(), plugin_size_));
1157 // Send a progress value of -1 to indicate a failure.
1158 pp::VarDictionary message;
1159 message.Set(pp::Var(kType), pp::Var(kJSLoadProgressType));
1160 message.Set(pp::Var(kJSProgressPercentage), pp::Var(-1)) ;
1161 PostMessage(message);
1164 void OutOfProcessInstance::PreviewDocumentLoadFailed() {
1165 UserMetricsRecordAction("PDF.PreviewDocumentLoadFailure");
1166 if (preview_document_load_state_ != LOAD_STATE_LOADING ||
1167 preview_pages_info_.empty()) {
1168 return;
1171 preview_document_load_state_ = LOAD_STATE_FAILED;
1172 preview_pages_info_.pop();
1174 if (preview_pages_info_.size())
1175 LoadAvailablePreviewPage();
1178 pp::Instance* OutOfProcessInstance::GetPluginInstance() {
1179 return this;
1182 void OutOfProcessInstance::DocumentHasUnsupportedFeature(
1183 const std::string& feature) {
1184 std::string metric("PDF_Unsupported_");
1185 metric += feature;
1186 if (!unsupported_features_reported_.count(metric)) {
1187 unsupported_features_reported_.insert(metric);
1188 UserMetricsRecordAction(metric);
1191 // Since we use an info bar, only do this for full frame plugins..
1192 if (!full_)
1193 return;
1195 if (told_browser_about_unsupported_feature_)
1196 return;
1197 told_browser_about_unsupported_feature_ = true;
1199 pp::PDF::HasUnsupportedFeature(this);
1202 void OutOfProcessInstance::DocumentLoadProgress(uint32 available,
1203 uint32 doc_size) {
1204 double progress = 0.0;
1205 if (doc_size == 0) {
1206 // Document size is unknown. Use heuristics.
1207 // We'll make progress logarithmic from 0 to 100M.
1208 static const double kFactor = log(100000000.0) / 100.0;
1209 if (available > 0) {
1210 progress = log(static_cast<double>(available)) / kFactor;
1211 if (progress > 100.0)
1212 progress = 100.0;
1214 } else {
1215 progress = 100.0 * static_cast<double>(available) / doc_size;
1218 // We send 100% load progress in DocumentLoadComplete.
1219 if (progress >= 100)
1220 return;
1222 // Avoid sending too many progress messages over PostMessage.
1223 if (progress > last_progress_sent_ + 1) {
1224 last_progress_sent_ = progress;
1225 pp::VarDictionary message;
1226 message.Set(pp::Var(kType), pp::Var(kJSLoadProgressType));
1227 message.Set(pp::Var(kJSProgressPercentage), pp::Var(progress)) ;
1228 PostMessage(message);
1232 void OutOfProcessInstance::FormTextFieldFocusChange(bool in_focus) {
1233 if (!text_input_.get())
1234 return;
1235 if (in_focus)
1236 text_input_->SetTextInputType(PP_TEXTINPUT_TYPE_DEV_TEXT);
1237 else
1238 text_input_->SetTextInputType(PP_TEXTINPUT_TYPE_DEV_NONE);
1241 void OutOfProcessInstance::ResetRecentlySentFindUpdate(int32_t /* unused */) {
1242 recently_sent_find_update_ = false;
1245 void OutOfProcessInstance::OnGeometryChanged(double old_zoom,
1246 float old_device_scale) {
1247 if (zoom_ != old_zoom || device_scale_ != old_device_scale)
1248 engine_->ZoomUpdated(zoom_ * device_scale_);
1250 available_area_ = pp::Rect(plugin_size_);
1251 int doc_width = GetDocumentPixelWidth();
1252 if (doc_width < available_area_.width()) {
1253 available_area_.Offset((available_area_.width() - doc_width) / 2, 0);
1254 available_area_.set_width(doc_width);
1256 int doc_height = GetDocumentPixelHeight();
1257 if (doc_height < available_area_.height()) {
1258 available_area_.set_height(doc_height);
1261 CalculateBackgroundParts();
1262 engine_->PageOffsetUpdated(available_area_.point());
1263 engine_->PluginSizeUpdated(available_area_.size());
1265 if (!document_size_.GetArea())
1266 return;
1267 paint_manager_.InvalidateRect(pp::Rect(pp::Point(), plugin_size_));
1270 void OutOfProcessInstance::LoadUrl(const std::string& url) {
1271 LoadUrlInternal(url, &embed_loader_, &OutOfProcessInstance::DidOpen);
1274 void OutOfProcessInstance::LoadPreviewUrl(const std::string& url) {
1275 LoadUrlInternal(url, &embed_preview_loader_,
1276 &OutOfProcessInstance::DidOpenPreview);
1279 void OutOfProcessInstance::LoadUrlInternal(
1280 const std::string& url,
1281 pp::URLLoader* loader,
1282 void (OutOfProcessInstance::* method)(int32_t)) {
1283 pp::URLRequestInfo request(this);
1284 request.SetURL(url);
1285 request.SetMethod("GET");
1287 *loader = CreateURLLoaderInternal();
1288 pp::CompletionCallback callback = loader_factory_.NewCallback(method);
1289 int rv = loader->Open(request, callback);
1291 callback.Run(rv);
1294 pp::URLLoader OutOfProcessInstance::CreateURLLoaderInternal() {
1295 pp::URLLoader loader(this);
1297 const PPB_URLLoaderTrusted* trusted_interface =
1298 reinterpret_cast<const PPB_URLLoaderTrusted*>(
1299 pp::Module::Get()->GetBrowserInterface(
1301 if (trusted_interface)
1302 trusted_interface->GrantUniversalAccess(loader.pp_resource());
1303 return loader;
1306 int OutOfProcessInstance::GetInitialPage(const std::string& url) {
1307 #if defined(OS_NACL)
1308 return -1;
1309 #else
1310 size_t found_idx = url.find('#');
1311 if (found_idx == std::string::npos)
1312 return -1;
1314 const std::string& ref = url.substr(found_idx + 1);
1315 std::vector<std::string> fragments;
1316 Tokenize(ref, kDelimiters, &fragments);
1318 // Page number to return, zero-based.
1319 int page = -1;
1321 // Handle the case of This is not explicitly
1322 // mentioned except by example in the Adobe "PDF Open Parameters" document.
1323 if ((fragments.size() == 1) && (fragments[0].find('=') == std::string::npos))
1324 return engine_->GetNamedDestinationPage(fragments[0]);
1326 for (size_t i = 0; i < fragments.size(); ++i) {
1327 std::vector<std::string> key_value;
1328 base::SplitString(fragments[i], '=', &key_value);
1329 if (key_value.size() != 2)
1330 continue;
1331 const std::string& key = key_value[0];
1332 const std::string& value = key_value[1];
1334 if (base::strcasecmp(kPage, key.c_str()) == 0) {
1335 // |page_value| is 1-based.
1336 int page_value = -1;
1337 if (base::StringToInt(value, &page_value) && page_value > 0)
1338 page = page_value - 1;
1339 continue;
1341 if (base::strcasecmp(kNamedDest, key.c_str()) == 0) {
1342 // |page_value| is 0-based.
1343 int page_value = engine_->GetNamedDestinationPage(value);
1344 if (page_value >= 0)
1345 page = page_value;
1346 continue;
1349 return page;
1350 #endif
1353 void OutOfProcessInstance::SetZoom(double scale) {
1354 double old_zoom = zoom_;
1355 zoom_ = scale;
1356 OnGeometryChanged(old_zoom, device_scale_);
1359 std::string OutOfProcessInstance::GetLocalizedString(PP_ResourceString id) {
1360 pp::Var rv(pp::PDF::GetLocalizedString(this, id));
1361 if (!rv.is_string())
1362 return std::string();
1364 return rv.AsString();
1367 void OutOfProcessInstance::AppendBlankPrintPreviewPages() {
1368 if (print_preview_page_count_ == 0)
1369 return;
1370 engine_->AppendBlankPages(print_preview_page_count_);
1371 if (preview_pages_info_.size() > 0)
1372 LoadAvailablePreviewPage();
1375 bool OutOfProcessInstance::IsPrintPreview() {
1376 return IsPrintPreviewUrl(url_);
1379 void OutOfProcessInstance::ProcessPreviewPageInfo(const std::string& url,
1380 int dst_page_index) {
1381 if (!IsPrintPreview())
1382 return;
1384 int src_page_index = ExtractPrintPreviewPageIndex(url);
1385 if (src_page_index < 1)
1386 return;
1388 preview_pages_info_.push(std::make_pair(url, dst_page_index));
1389 LoadAvailablePreviewPage();
1392 void OutOfProcessInstance::LoadAvailablePreviewPage() {
1393 if (preview_pages_info_.size() <= 0 ||
1394 document_load_state_ != LOAD_STATE_COMPLETE) {
1395 return;
1398 std::string url = preview_pages_info_.front().first;
1399 int dst_page_index = preview_pages_info_.front().second;
1400 int src_page_index = ExtractPrintPreviewPageIndex(url);
1401 if (src_page_index < 1 ||
1402 dst_page_index >= print_preview_page_count_ ||
1403 preview_document_load_state_ == LOAD_STATE_LOADING) {
1404 return;
1407 preview_document_load_state_ = LOAD_STATE_LOADING;
1408 LoadPreviewUrl(url);
1411 void OutOfProcessInstance::UserMetricsRecordAction(
1412 const std::string& action) {
1413 // TODO(raymes): Move this function to PPB_UMA_Private.
1414 pp::PDF::UserMetricsRecordAction(this, pp::Var(action));
1417 pp::Point OutOfProcessInstance::BoundScrollOffsetToDocument(
1418 const pp::Point& scroll_offset) {
1419 int max_x = document_size_.width() * zoom_ - plugin_dip_size_.width();
1420 int x = std::max(std::min(scroll_offset.x(), max_x), 0);
1421 int max_y = document_size_.height() * zoom_ - plugin_dip_size_.height();
1422 int y = std::max(std::min(scroll_offset.y(), max_y), 0);
1423 return pp::Point(x, y);
1426 } // namespace chrome_pdf