Roll WPR. (Remove old WPR code. Make WPR cert file name unique.)
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / cc / trees / layer_tree_host_impl.h
1 // Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <set>
9 #include <string>
10 #include <vector>
12 #include "base/basictypes.h"
13 #include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
14 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
15 #include "base/time/time.h"
16 #include "cc/animation/animation_events.h"
17 #include "cc/animation/animation_registrar.h"
18 #include "cc/animation/scrollbar_animation_controller.h"
19 #include "cc/base/cc_export.h"
20 #include "cc/base/synced_property.h"
21 #include "cc/debug/frame_timing_tracker.h"
22 #include "cc/debug/micro_benchmark_controller_impl.h"
23 #include "cc/input/input_handler.h"
24 #include "cc/input/layer_scroll_offset_delegate.h"
25 #include "cc/input/top_controls_manager_client.h"
26 #include "cc/layers/layer_lists.h"
27 #include "cc/layers/render_pass_sink.h"
28 #include "cc/output/begin_frame_args.h"
29 #include "cc/output/managed_memory_policy.h"
30 #include "cc/output/output_surface_client.h"
31 #include "cc/output/renderer.h"
32 #include "cc/quads/render_pass.h"
33 #include "cc/resources/rasterizer.h"
34 #include "cc/resources/resource_provider.h"
35 #include "cc/resources/tile_manager.h"
36 #include "cc/resources/ui_resource_client.h"
37 #include "cc/scheduler/commit_earlyout_reason.h"
38 #include "cc/scheduler/draw_result.h"
39 #include "cc/trees/layer_tree_settings.h"
40 #include "cc/trees/proxy.h"
41 #include "skia/ext/refptr.h"
42 #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
43 #include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
45 namespace gfx {
46 class ScrollOffset;
49 namespace cc {
51 class CompletionEvent;
52 class CompositorFrameMetadata;
53 class DebugRectHistory;
54 class EvictionTilePriorityQueue;
55 class FrameRateCounter;
56 class LayerImpl;
57 class LayerTreeImpl;
58 class MemoryHistory;
59 class PageScaleAnimation;
60 class PaintTimeCounter;
61 class PictureLayerImpl;
62 class RasterTilePriorityQueue;
63 class TileTaskWorkerPool;
64 class RenderPassDrawQuad;
65 class RenderingStatsInstrumentation;
66 class ResourcePool;
67 class ScrollElasticityHelper;
68 class ScrollbarLayerImplBase;
69 class SwapPromise;
70 class SwapPromiseMonitor;
71 class TextureMailboxDeleter;
72 class TopControlsManager;
73 class UIResourceBitmap;
74 class UIResourceRequest;
75 struct ScrollAndScaleSet;
76 class Viewport;
78 enum class GpuRasterizationStatus {
79 ON,
86 // LayerTreeHost->Proxy callback interface.
87 class LayerTreeHostImplClient {
88 public:
89 virtual void UpdateRendererCapabilitiesOnImplThread() = 0;
90 virtual void DidLoseOutputSurfaceOnImplThread() = 0;
91 virtual void CommitVSyncParameters(base::TimeTicks timebase,
92 base::TimeDelta interval) = 0;
93 virtual void SetEstimatedParentDrawTime(base::TimeDelta draw_time) = 0;
94 virtual void SetMaxSwapsPendingOnImplThread(int max) = 0;
95 virtual void DidSwapBuffersOnImplThread() = 0;
96 virtual void DidSwapBuffersCompleteOnImplThread() = 0;
97 virtual void OnCanDrawStateChanged(bool can_draw) = 0;
98 virtual void NotifyReadyToActivate() = 0;
99 virtual void NotifyReadyToDraw() = 0;
100 // Please call these 3 functions through
101 // LayerTreeHostImpl's SetNeedsRedraw(), SetNeedsRedrawRect() and
102 // SetNeedsAnimate().
103 virtual void SetNeedsRedrawOnImplThread() = 0;
104 virtual void SetNeedsRedrawRectOnImplThread(const gfx::Rect& damage_rect) = 0;
105 virtual void SetNeedsAnimateOnImplThread() = 0;
106 virtual void SetNeedsCommitOnImplThread() = 0;
107 virtual void SetNeedsPrepareTilesOnImplThread() = 0;
108 virtual void PostAnimationEventsToMainThreadOnImplThread(
109 scoped_ptr<AnimationEventsVector> events) = 0;
110 // Returns true if resources were deleted by this call.
111 virtual bool ReduceContentsTextureMemoryOnImplThread(
112 size_t limit_bytes,
113 int priority_cutoff) = 0;
114 virtual bool IsInsideDraw() = 0;
115 virtual void RenewTreePriority() = 0;
116 virtual void PostDelayedAnimationTaskOnImplThread(const base::Closure& task,
117 base::TimeDelta delay) = 0;
118 virtual void DidActivateSyncTree() = 0;
119 virtual void DidPrepareTiles() = 0;
121 // Called when page scale animation has completed on the impl thread.
122 virtual void DidCompletePageScaleAnimationOnImplThread() = 0;
124 protected:
125 virtual ~LayerTreeHostImplClient() {}
128 // LayerTreeHostImpl owns the LayerImpl trees as well as associated rendering
129 // state.
130 class CC_EXPORT LayerTreeHostImpl
131 : public InputHandler,
132 public RendererClient,
133 public TileManagerClient,
134 public OutputSurfaceClient,
135 public TopControlsManagerClient,
136 public ScrollbarAnimationControllerClient,
137 public base::SupportsWeakPtr<LayerTreeHostImpl> {
138 public:
139 static scoped_ptr<LayerTreeHostImpl> Create(
140 const LayerTreeSettings& settings,
141 LayerTreeHostImplClient* client,
142 Proxy* proxy,
143 RenderingStatsInstrumentation* rendering_stats_instrumentation,
144 SharedBitmapManager* shared_bitmap_manager,
145 gpu::GpuMemoryBufferManager* gpu_memory_buffer_manager,
146 TaskGraphRunner* task_graph_runner,
147 int id);
148 ~LayerTreeHostImpl() override;
150 // InputHandler implementation
151 void BindToClient(InputHandlerClient* client) override;
152 InputHandler::ScrollStatus ScrollBegin(
153 const gfx::Point& viewport_point,
154 InputHandler::ScrollInputType type) override;
155 InputHandler::ScrollStatus ScrollAnimated(
156 const gfx::Point& viewport_point,
157 const gfx::Vector2dF& scroll_delta) override;
158 InputHandlerScrollResult ScrollBy(
159 const gfx::Point& viewport_point,
160 const gfx::Vector2dF& scroll_delta) override;
161 bool ScrollVerticallyByPage(const gfx::Point& viewport_point,
162 ScrollDirection direction) override;
163 void SetRootLayerScrollOffsetDelegate(
164 LayerScrollOffsetDelegate* root_layer_scroll_offset_delegate) override;
165 void OnRootLayerDelegatedScrollOffsetChanged() override;
166 void ScrollEnd() override;
167 InputHandler::ScrollStatus FlingScrollBegin() override;
168 void MouseMoveAt(const gfx::Point& viewport_point) override;
169 void PinchGestureBegin() override;
170 void PinchGestureUpdate(float magnify_delta,
171 const gfx::Point& anchor) override;
172 void PinchGestureEnd() override;
173 void StartPageScaleAnimation(const gfx::Vector2d& target_offset,
174 bool anchor_point,
175 float page_scale,
176 base::TimeDelta duration);
177 void SetNeedsAnimate() override;
178 bool IsCurrentlyScrollingLayerAt(const gfx::Point& viewport_point,
179 InputHandler::ScrollInputType type) override;
180 bool HaveWheelEventHandlersAt(const gfx::Point& viewport_point) override;
181 bool DoTouchEventsBlockScrollAt(const gfx::Point& viewport_port) override;
182 scoped_ptr<SwapPromiseMonitor> CreateLatencyInfoSwapPromiseMonitor(
183 ui::LatencyInfo* latency) override;
184 ScrollElasticityHelper* CreateScrollElasticityHelper() override;
186 // TopControlsManagerClient implementation.
187 float TopControlsHeight() const override;
188 void SetCurrentTopControlsShownRatio(float offset) override;
189 float CurrentTopControlsShownRatio() const override;
190 void DidChangeTopControlsPosition() override;
191 bool HaveRootScrollLayer() const override;
193 void UpdateViewportContainerSizes();
195 struct CC_EXPORT FrameData : public RenderPassSink {
196 FrameData();
197 ~FrameData() override;
198 void AsValueInto(base::trace_event::TracedValue* value) const;
200 std::vector<gfx::Rect> occluding_screen_space_rects;
201 std::vector<gfx::Rect> non_occluding_screen_space_rects;
202 std::vector<FrameTimingTracker::FrameAndRectIds> composite_events;
203 RenderPassList render_passes;
204 RenderPassIdHashMap render_passes_by_id;
205 const LayerImplList* render_surface_layer_list;
206 LayerImplList will_draw_layers;
207 bool has_no_damage;
209 // RenderPassSink implementation.
210 void AppendRenderPass(scoped_ptr<RenderPass> render_pass) override;
213 virtual void BeginMainFrameAborted(CommitEarlyOutReason reason);
214 virtual void BeginCommit();
215 virtual void CommitComplete();
216 virtual void Animate(base::TimeTicks monotonic_time);
217 virtual void UpdateAnimationState(bool start_ready_animations);
218 void ActivateAnimations();
219 void MainThreadHasStoppedFlinging();
220 void DidAnimateScrollOffset();
221 void SetViewportDamage(const gfx::Rect& damage_rect);
223 virtual void PrepareTiles();
225 // Returns DRAW_SUCCESS unless problems occured preparing the frame, and we
226 // should try to avoid displaying the frame. If PrepareToDraw is called,
227 // DidDrawAllLayers must also be called, regardless of whether DrawLayers is
228 // called between the two.
229 virtual DrawResult PrepareToDraw(FrameData* frame);
230 virtual void DrawLayers(FrameData* frame, base::TimeTicks frame_begin_time);
231 // Must be called if and only if PrepareToDraw was called.
232 void DidDrawAllLayers(const FrameData& frame);
234 const LayerTreeSettings& settings() const { return settings_; }
236 // Evict all textures by enforcing a memory policy with an allocation of 0.
237 void EvictTexturesForTesting();
239 // When blocking, this prevents client_->NotifyReadyToActivate() from being
240 // called. When disabled, it calls client_->NotifyReadyToActivate()
241 // immediately if any notifications had been blocked while blocking.
242 virtual void BlockNotifyReadyToActivateForTesting(bool block);
244 // Resets all of the trees to an empty state.
245 void ResetTreesForTesting();
247 DrawMode GetDrawMode() const;
249 // Viewport size in draw space: this size is in physical pixels and is used
250 // for draw properties, tilings, quads and render passes.
251 gfx::Size DrawViewportSize() const;
253 // Viewport rect in view space used for tiling prioritization.
254 const gfx::Rect ViewportRectForTilePriority() const;
256 // RendererClient implementation.
257 void SetFullRootLayerDamage() override;
259 // TileManagerClient implementation.
260 void NotifyReadyToActivate() override;
261 void NotifyReadyToDraw() override;
262 void NotifyTileStateChanged(const Tile* tile) override;
263 scoped_ptr<RasterTilePriorityQueue> BuildRasterQueue(
264 TreePriority tree_priority,
265 RasterTilePriorityQueue::Type type) override;
266 scoped_ptr<EvictionTilePriorityQueue> BuildEvictionQueue(
267 TreePriority tree_priority) override;
268 void SetIsLikelyToRequireADraw(bool is_likely_to_require_a_draw) override;
270 // ScrollbarAnimationControllerClient implementation.
271 void StartAnimatingScrollbarAnimationController(
272 ScrollbarAnimationController* controller) override;
273 void StopAnimatingScrollbarAnimationController(
274 ScrollbarAnimationController* controller) override;
275 void PostDelayedScrollbarAnimationTask(const base::Closure& task,
276 base::TimeDelta delay) override;
277 void SetNeedsRedrawForScrollbarAnimation() override;
279 // OutputSurfaceClient implementation.
280 void DeferredInitialize() override;
281 void ReleaseGL() override;
282 void CommitVSyncParameters(base::TimeTicks timebase,
283 base::TimeDelta interval) override;
284 void SetNeedsRedrawRect(const gfx::Rect& rect) override;
285 void SetExternalDrawConstraints(
286 const gfx::Transform& transform,
287 const gfx::Rect& viewport,
288 const gfx::Rect& clip,
289 const gfx::Rect& viewport_rect_for_tile_priority,
290 const gfx::Transform& transform_for_tile_priority,
291 bool resourceless_software_draw) override;
292 void DidLoseOutputSurface() override;
293 void DidSwapBuffers() override;
294 void DidSwapBuffersComplete() override;
295 void ReclaimResources(const CompositorFrameAck* ack) override;
296 void SetMemoryPolicy(const ManagedMemoryPolicy& policy) override;
297 void SetTreeActivationCallback(const base::Closure& callback) override;
299 // Called from LayerTreeImpl.
300 void OnCanDrawStateChangedForTree();
302 // Implementation.
303 int id() const { return id_; }
304 bool CanDraw() const;
305 OutputSurface* output_surface() const { return output_surface_.get(); }
307 std::string LayerTreeAsJson() const;
309 void FinishAllRendering();
310 int SourceAnimationFrameNumber() const;
312 virtual bool InitializeRenderer(scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> output_surface);
313 TileManager* tile_manager() { return tile_manager_.get(); }
314 void SetUseGpuRasterization(bool use_gpu);
315 bool use_gpu_rasterization() const { return use_gpu_rasterization_; }
317 GpuRasterizationStatus gpu_rasterization_status() const {
318 return gpu_rasterization_status_;
320 void set_gpu_rasterization_status(
321 GpuRasterizationStatus gpu_rasterization_status) {
322 gpu_rasterization_status_ = gpu_rasterization_status;
325 bool create_low_res_tiling() const {
326 return settings_.create_low_res_tiling && !use_gpu_rasterization_;
328 ResourcePool* resource_pool() { return resource_pool_.get(); }
329 Renderer* renderer() { return renderer_.get(); }
330 Rasterizer* rasterizer() { return rasterizer_.get(); }
331 const RendererCapabilitiesImpl& GetRendererCapabilities() const;
333 virtual bool SwapBuffers(const FrameData& frame);
334 virtual void WillBeginImplFrame(const BeginFrameArgs& args);
335 void DidModifyTilePriorities();
337 LayerTreeImpl* active_tree() { return active_tree_.get(); }
338 const LayerTreeImpl* active_tree() const { return active_tree_.get(); }
339 LayerTreeImpl* pending_tree() { return pending_tree_.get(); }
340 const LayerTreeImpl* pending_tree() const { return pending_tree_.get(); }
341 LayerTreeImpl* recycle_tree() { return recycle_tree_.get(); }
342 const LayerTreeImpl* recycle_tree() const { return recycle_tree_.get(); }
343 // Returns the tree LTH synchronizes with.
344 LayerTreeImpl* sync_tree() {
345 // TODO(enne): This is bogus. It should return based on the value of
346 // Proxy::CommitToActiveTree and not whether the pending tree exists.
347 return pending_tree_ ? pending_tree_.get() : active_tree_.get();
349 virtual void CreatePendingTree();
350 virtual void ActivateSyncTree();
352 // Shortcuts to layers on the active tree.
353 LayerImpl* RootLayer() const;
354 LayerImpl* InnerViewportScrollLayer() const;
355 LayerImpl* OuterViewportScrollLayer() const;
356 LayerImpl* CurrentlyScrollingLayer() const;
358 int scroll_layer_id_when_mouse_over_scrollbar() const {
359 return scroll_layer_id_when_mouse_over_scrollbar_;
361 bool scroll_affects_scroll_handler() const {
362 return scroll_affects_scroll_handler_;
364 void QueueSwapPromiseForMainThreadScrollUpdate(
365 scoped_ptr<SwapPromise> swap_promise);
367 bool IsActivelyScrolling() const;
369 virtual void SetVisible(bool visible);
370 bool visible() const { return visible_; }
372 bool AnimationsAreVisible() { return visible() && CanDraw(); }
374 void SetNeedsCommit() { client_->SetNeedsCommitOnImplThread(); }
375 void SetNeedsRedraw();
377 ManagedMemoryPolicy ActualManagedMemoryPolicy() const;
379 size_t memory_allocation_limit_bytes() const;
380 int memory_allocation_priority_cutoff() const;
382 void SetViewportSize(const gfx::Size& device_viewport_size);
383 gfx::Size device_viewport_size() const { return device_viewport_size_; }
385 void SetDeviceScaleFactor(float device_scale_factor);
386 float device_scale_factor() const { return device_scale_factor_; }
388 void SetPageScaleOnActiveTree(float page_scale_factor);
390 const gfx::Transform& DrawTransform() const;
392 scoped_ptr<ScrollAndScaleSet> ProcessScrollDeltas();
394 void set_max_memory_needed_bytes(size_t bytes) {
395 max_memory_needed_bytes_ = bytes;
398 FrameRateCounter* fps_counter() {
399 return fps_counter_.get();
401 PaintTimeCounter* paint_time_counter() {
402 return paint_time_counter_.get();
404 MemoryHistory* memory_history() {
405 return memory_history_.get();
407 DebugRectHistory* debug_rect_history() {
408 return debug_rect_history_.get();
410 ResourceProvider* resource_provider() {
411 return resource_provider_.get();
413 TopControlsManager* top_controls_manager() {
414 return top_controls_manager_.get();
416 const GlobalStateThatImpactsTilePriority& global_tile_state() {
417 return global_tile_state_;
420 Proxy* proxy() const { return proxy_; }
422 AnimationRegistrar* animation_registrar() const {
423 return animation_registrar_.get();
426 void SetDebugState(const LayerTreeDebugState& new_debug_state);
427 const LayerTreeDebugState& debug_state() const { return debug_state_; }
429 class CC_EXPORT CullRenderPassesWithNoQuads {
430 public:
431 bool ShouldRemoveRenderPass(const RenderPassDrawQuad& quad,
432 const FrameData& frame) const;
434 // Iterates in draw order, so that when a surface is removed, and its
435 // target becomes empty, then its target can be removed also.
436 size_t RenderPassListBegin(const RenderPassList& list) const { return 0; }
437 size_t RenderPassListEnd(const RenderPassList& list) const {
438 return list.size();
440 size_t RenderPassListNext(size_t it) const { return it + 1; }
443 template <typename RenderPassCuller>
444 static void RemoveRenderPasses(RenderPassCuller culler, FrameData* frame);
446 gfx::Vector2dF accumulated_root_overscroll() const {
447 return accumulated_root_overscroll_;
450 bool pinch_gesture_active() const { return pinch_gesture_active_; }
452 void SetTreePriority(TreePriority priority);
453 TreePriority GetTreePriority() const;
455 void UpdateCurrentBeginFrameArgs(const BeginFrameArgs& args);
456 void ResetCurrentBeginFrameArgsForNextFrame();
457 virtual BeginFrameArgs CurrentBeginFrameArgs() const;
459 // Expected time between two begin impl frame calls.
460 base::TimeDelta begin_impl_frame_interval() const {
461 return begin_impl_frame_interval_;
464 void AsValueWithFrameInto(FrameData* frame,
465 base::trace_event::TracedValue* value) const;
466 scoped_refptr<base::trace_event::ConvertableToTraceFormat> AsValueWithFrame(
467 FrameData* frame) const;
468 void ActivationStateAsValueInto(base::trace_event::TracedValue* value) const;
470 bool page_scale_animation_active() const { return !!page_scale_animation_; }
472 virtual void CreateUIResource(UIResourceId uid,
473 const UIResourceBitmap& bitmap);
474 // Deletes a UI resource. May safely be called more than once.
475 virtual void DeleteUIResource(UIResourceId uid);
476 void EvictAllUIResources();
477 bool EvictedUIResourcesExist() const;
479 virtual ResourceProvider::ResourceId ResourceIdForUIResource(
480 UIResourceId uid) const;
482 virtual bool IsUIResourceOpaque(UIResourceId uid) const;
484 struct UIResourceData {
485 ResourceProvider::ResourceId resource_id;
486 gfx::Size size;
487 bool opaque;
490 void ScheduleMicroBenchmark(scoped_ptr<MicroBenchmarkImpl> benchmark);
492 CompositorFrameMetadata MakeCompositorFrameMetadata() const;
493 // Viewport rectangle and clip in nonflipped window space. These rects
494 // should only be used by Renderer subclasses to populate glViewport/glClip
495 // and their software-mode equivalents.
496 gfx::Rect DeviceViewport() const;
497 gfx::Rect DeviceClip() const;
499 // When a SwapPromiseMonitor is created on the impl thread, it calls
500 // InsertSwapPromiseMonitor() to register itself with LayerTreeHostImpl.
501 // When the monitor is destroyed, it calls RemoveSwapPromiseMonitor()
502 // to unregister itself.
503 void InsertSwapPromiseMonitor(SwapPromiseMonitor* monitor);
504 void RemoveSwapPromiseMonitor(SwapPromiseMonitor* monitor);
506 void GetPictureLayerImplPairs(std::vector<PictureLayerImpl::Pair>* layers,
507 bool need_valid_tile_priorities) const;
509 void SetRequiresHighResToDraw() { requires_high_res_to_draw_ = true; }
510 void ResetRequiresHighResToDraw() { requires_high_res_to_draw_ = false; }
511 bool RequiresHighResToDraw() const { return requires_high_res_to_draw_; }
513 // Only valid for synchronous (non-scheduled) single-threaded case.
514 void SynchronouslyInitializeAllTiles();
516 virtual scoped_ptr<Rasterizer> CreateRasterizer();
517 virtual void CreateResourceAndTileTaskWorkerPool(
518 scoped_ptr<TileTaskWorkerPool>* tile_task_worker_pool,
519 scoped_ptr<ResourcePool>* resource_pool,
520 scoped_ptr<ResourcePool>* staging_resource_pool);
522 bool prepare_tiles_needed() const { return tile_priorities_dirty_; }
524 FrameTimingTracker* frame_timing_tracker() {
525 return frame_timing_tracker_.get();
528 gfx::Vector2dF ScrollLayer(LayerImpl* layer_impl,
529 const gfx::Vector2dF& delta,
530 const gfx::Point& viewport_point,
531 bool is_wheel_scroll);
533 protected:
534 LayerTreeHostImpl(
535 const LayerTreeSettings& settings,
536 LayerTreeHostImplClient* client,
537 Proxy* proxy,
538 RenderingStatsInstrumentation* rendering_stats_instrumentation,
539 SharedBitmapManager* shared_bitmap_manager,
540 gpu::GpuMemoryBufferManager* gpu_memory_buffer_manager,
541 TaskGraphRunner* task_graph_runner,
542 int id);
544 // Virtual for testing.
545 virtual void AnimateLayers(base::TimeTicks monotonic_time);
547 bool is_likely_to_require_a_draw() const {
548 return is_likely_to_require_a_draw_;
551 LayerTreeHostImplClient* client_;
552 Proxy* proxy_;
554 private:
555 gfx::Vector2dF ScrollLayerWithViewportSpaceDelta(
556 LayerImpl* layer_impl,
557 const gfx::PointF& viewport_point,
558 const gfx::Vector2dF& viewport_delta);
560 void CreateAndSetRenderer();
561 void CreateAndSetTileManager();
562 void DestroyTileManager();
563 void ReleaseTreeResources();
564 void RecreateTreeResources();
565 void EnforceZeroBudget(bool zero_budget);
567 bool IsSynchronousSingleThreaded() const;
569 Viewport* viewport() { return viewport_.get(); }
571 // Scroll by preferring to move the outer viewport first, only moving the
572 // inner if the outer is at its scroll extents.
573 void ScrollViewportBy(gfx::Vector2dF scroll_delta);
574 // Scroll by preferring to move the inner viewport first, only moving the
575 // outer if the inner is at its scroll extents.
576 void ScrollViewportInnerFirst(gfx::Vector2dF scroll_delta);
577 void AnimatePageScale(base::TimeTicks monotonic_time);
578 void AnimateScrollbars(base::TimeTicks monotonic_time);
579 void AnimateTopControls(base::TimeTicks monotonic_time);
581 void TrackDamageForAllSurfaces(
582 LayerImpl* root_draw_layer,
583 const LayerImplList& render_surface_layer_list);
585 void UpdateTileManagerMemoryPolicy(const ManagedMemoryPolicy& policy);
587 // This function should only be called from PrepareToDraw, as DidDrawAllLayers
588 // must be called if this helper function is called. Returns DRAW_SUCCESS if
589 // the frame should be drawn.
590 DrawResult CalculateRenderPasses(FrameData* frame);
592 void ClearCurrentlyScrollingLayer();
594 bool HandleMouseOverScrollbar(LayerImpl* layer_impl,
595 const gfx::PointF& device_viewport_point);
597 LayerImpl* FindScrollLayerForDeviceViewportPoint(
598 const gfx::PointF& device_viewport_point,
599 InputHandler::ScrollInputType type,
600 LayerImpl* layer_hit_by_point,
601 bool* scroll_on_main_thread,
602 bool* optional_has_ancestor_scroll_handler) const;
603 float DeviceSpaceDistanceToLayer(const gfx::PointF& device_viewport_point,
604 LayerImpl* layer_impl);
605 void StartScrollbarFadeRecursive(LayerImpl* layer);
606 void SetManagedMemoryPolicy(const ManagedMemoryPolicy& policy,
607 bool zero_budget);
608 void EnforceManagedMemoryPolicy(const ManagedMemoryPolicy& policy);
610 void MarkUIResourceNotEvicted(UIResourceId uid);
612 void NotifySwapPromiseMonitorsOfSetNeedsRedraw();
613 void NotifySwapPromiseMonitorsOfForwardingToMainThread();
615 void ScrollAnimationCreate(LayerImpl* layer_impl,
616 const gfx::ScrollOffset& target_offset,
617 const gfx::ScrollOffset& current_offset);
618 bool ScrollAnimationUpdateTarget(LayerImpl* layer_impl,
619 const gfx::Vector2dF& scroll_delta);
621 typedef base::hash_map<UIResourceId, UIResourceData>
622 UIResourceMap;
623 UIResourceMap ui_resource_map_;
625 // Resources that were evicted by EvictAllUIResources. Resources are removed
626 // from this when they are touched by a create or destroy from the UI resource
627 // request queue.
628 std::set<UIResourceId> evicted_ui_resources_;
630 scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> output_surface_;
632 // |resource_provider_| and |tile_manager_| can be NULL, e.g. when using tile-
633 // free rendering - see OutputSurface::ForcedDrawToSoftwareDevice().
634 // |tile_manager_| can also be NULL when raster_enabled is false.
635 scoped_ptr<ResourceProvider> resource_provider_;
636 scoped_ptr<TileManager> tile_manager_;
637 bool use_gpu_rasterization_;
638 GpuRasterizationStatus gpu_rasterization_status_;
639 scoped_ptr<TileTaskWorkerPool> tile_task_worker_pool_;
640 scoped_ptr<Rasterizer> rasterizer_;
641 scoped_ptr<ResourcePool> resource_pool_;
642 scoped_ptr<ResourcePool> staging_resource_pool_;
643 scoped_ptr<Renderer> renderer_;
645 GlobalStateThatImpactsTilePriority global_tile_state_;
647 // Tree currently being drawn.
648 scoped_ptr<LayerTreeImpl> active_tree_;
650 // In impl-side painting mode, tree with possibly incomplete rasterized
651 // content. May be promoted to active by ActivatePendingTree().
652 scoped_ptr<LayerTreeImpl> pending_tree_;
654 // In impl-side painting mode, inert tree with layers that can be recycled
655 // by the next sync from the main thread.
656 scoped_ptr<LayerTreeImpl> recycle_tree_;
658 InputHandlerClient* input_handler_client_;
659 bool did_lock_scrolling_layer_;
660 bool should_bubble_scrolls_;
661 bool wheel_scrolling_;
662 bool scroll_affects_scroll_handler_;
663 int scroll_layer_id_when_mouse_over_scrollbar_;
664 ScopedPtrVector<SwapPromise> swap_promises_for_main_thread_scroll_update_;
666 // An object to implement the ScrollElasticityHelper interface and
667 // hold all state related to elasticity. May be NULL if never requested.
668 scoped_ptr<ScrollElasticityHelper> scroll_elasticity_helper_;
670 bool tile_priorities_dirty_;
672 // The optional delegate for the root layer scroll offset.
673 LayerScrollOffsetDelegate* root_layer_scroll_offset_delegate_;
674 LayerTreeSettings settings_;
675 LayerTreeDebugState debug_state_;
676 bool visible_;
677 ManagedMemoryPolicy cached_managed_memory_policy_;
679 gfx::Vector2dF accumulated_root_overscroll_;
681 bool pinch_gesture_active_;
682 bool pinch_gesture_end_should_clear_scrolling_layer_;
683 gfx::Point previous_pinch_anchor_;
685 scoped_ptr<TopControlsManager> top_controls_manager_;
687 scoped_ptr<PageScaleAnimation> page_scale_animation_;
689 scoped_ptr<FrameRateCounter> fps_counter_;
690 scoped_ptr<PaintTimeCounter> paint_time_counter_;
691 scoped_ptr<MemoryHistory> memory_history_;
692 scoped_ptr<DebugRectHistory> debug_rect_history_;
694 scoped_ptr<TextureMailboxDeleter> texture_mailbox_deleter_;
696 // The maximum memory that would be used by the prioritized resource
697 // manager, if there were no limit on memory usage.
698 size_t max_memory_needed_bytes_;
700 bool zero_budget_;
702 // Viewport size passed in from the main thread, in physical pixels. This
703 // value is the default size for all concepts of physical viewport (draw
704 // viewport, scrolling viewport and device viewport), but it can be
705 // overridden.
706 gfx::Size device_viewport_size_;
708 // Conversion factor from CSS pixels to physical pixels when
709 // pageScaleFactor=1.
710 float device_scale_factor_;
712 // Optional top-level constraints that can be set by the OutputSurface.
713 // - external_transform_ applies a transform above the root layer
714 // - external_viewport_ is used DrawProperties, tile management and
715 // glViewport/window projection matrix.
716 // - external_clip_ specifies a top-level clip rect
717 // - viewport_rect_for_tile_priority_ is the rect in view space used for
718 // tiling priority.
719 gfx::Transform external_transform_;
720 gfx::Rect external_viewport_;
721 gfx::Rect external_clip_;
722 gfx::Rect viewport_rect_for_tile_priority_;
723 bool resourceless_software_draw_;
725 gfx::Rect viewport_damage_rect_;
727 BeginFrameArgs current_begin_frame_args_;
729 // Expected time between two begin impl frame calls.
730 base::TimeDelta begin_impl_frame_interval_;
732 scoped_ptr<AnimationRegistrar> animation_registrar_;
733 std::set<ScrollbarAnimationController*> scrollbar_animation_controllers_;
735 RenderingStatsInstrumentation* rendering_stats_instrumentation_;
736 MicroBenchmarkControllerImpl micro_benchmark_controller_;
737 scoped_ptr<TaskGraphRunner> single_thread_synchronous_task_graph_runner_;
739 // Optional callback to notify of new tree activations.
740 base::Closure tree_activation_callback_;
742 SharedBitmapManager* shared_bitmap_manager_;
743 gpu::GpuMemoryBufferManager* gpu_memory_buffer_manager_;
744 TaskGraphRunner* task_graph_runner_;
745 int id_;
747 std::set<SwapPromiseMonitor*> swap_promise_monitor_;
748 std::vector<PictureLayerImpl::Pair> picture_layer_pairs_;
750 bool requires_high_res_to_draw_;
751 bool is_likely_to_require_a_draw_;
753 scoped_ptr<FrameTimingTracker> frame_timing_tracker_;
755 scoped_ptr<Viewport> viewport_;
760 } // namespace cc