1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
12 #include "base/strings/string16.h"
13 #include "content/common/content_export.h"
14 #include "net/base/network_change_notifier.h"
23 // Map of ISO 15924 four-letter script code to font family. For example,
24 // "Arab" to "My Arabic Font".
25 typedef std::map
, base::string16
> ScriptFontFamilyMap
27 enum EditingBehavior
42 // The ISO 15924 script code for undetermined script aka Common. It's the
43 // default used on WebKit's side to get/set a font setting when no script is
extern const char kCommonScript
47 // A struct for managing blink's settings.
49 // Adding new values to this class probably involves updating
50 // blink::WebSettings, content/common/view_messages.h, browser/tab_contents/
51 // render_view_host_delegate_helper.cc, and browser/profiles/profile.cc.
52 struct CONTENT_EXPORT WebPreferences
53 ScriptFontFamilyMap standard_font_family_map
54 ScriptFontFamilyMap fixed_font_family_map
55 ScriptFontFamilyMap serif_font_family_map
56 ScriptFontFamilyMap sans_serif_font_family_map
57 ScriptFontFamilyMap cursive_font_family_map
58 ScriptFontFamilyMap fantasy_font_family_map
59 ScriptFontFamilyMap pictograph_font_family_map
60 int default_font_size
61 int default_fixed_font_size
62 int minimum_font_size
63 int minimum_logical_font_size
64 std::string default_encoding
65 bool javascript_enabled
66 bool web_security_enabled
67 bool javascript_can_open_windows_automatically
68 bool loads_images_automatically
71 bool dom_paste_enabled
72 bool shrinks_standalone_images_to_fit
73 bool uses_universal_detector
74 bool text_areas_are_resizable
76 bool allow_scripts_to_close_windows
77 bool remote_fonts_enabled
78 bool javascript_can_access_clipboard
80 bool xss_auditor_enabled
81 // We don't use dns_prefetching_enabled to disable DNS prefetching. Instead,
82 // we disable the feature at a lower layer so that we catch non-WebKit uses
83 // of DNS prefetch as well.
84 bool dns_prefetching_enabled
85 bool local_storage_enabled
86 bool databases_enabled
87 bool application_cache_enabled
89 bool caret_browsing_enabled
90 bool hyperlink_auditing_enabled
92 net::NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionType connection_type
93 bool allow_universal_access_from_file_urls
94 bool allow_file_access_from_file_urls
95 bool webaudio_enabled
96 bool experimental_webgl_enabled
97 bool pepper_3d_enabled
98 bool flash_3d_enabled
99 bool flash_stage3d_enabled
100 bool flash_stage3d_baseline_enabled
101 bool gl_multisampling_enabled
102 bool privileged_webgl_extensions_enabled
103 bool webgl_errors_to_console_enabled
104 bool mock_scrollbars_enabled
105 bool layer_squashing_enabled
106 bool asynchronous_spell_checking_enabled
107 bool unified_textchecker_enabled
108 bool accelerated_2d_canvas_enabled
109 int minimum_accelerated_2d_canvas_size
110 bool antialiased_2d_canvas_disabled
111 int accelerated_2d_canvas_msaa_sample_count
112 bool accelerated_filters_enabled
113 bool deferred_filters_enabled
114 bool container_culling_enabled
115 bool allow_displaying_insecure_content
116 bool allow_running_insecure_content
117 bool password_echo_enabled
118 bool should_print_backgrounds
119 bool should_clear_document_background
120 bool enable_scroll_animator
121 bool css_variables_enabled
122 bool region_based_columns_enabled
124 bool device_supports_touch
125 bool device_supports_mouse
126 bool touch_adjustment_enabled
127 int pointer_events_max_touch_points
128 bool sync_xhr_in_documents_enabled
129 bool deferred_image_decoding_enabled
130 bool should_respect_image_orientation
131 int number_of_cpu_cores
132 EditingBehavior editing_behavior
133 bool supports_multiple_windows
134 bool viewport_enabled
135 bool viewport_meta_enabled
136 bool main_frame_resizes_are_orientation_changes
137 bool initialize_at_minimum_page_scale
138 bool smart_insert_delete_enabled
139 bool spatial_navigation_enabled
140 bool pinch_virtual_viewport_enabled
141 int pinch_overlay_scrollbar_thickness
142 bool use_solid_color_scrollbars
143 bool navigate_on_drag_drop
144 V8CacheOptions v8_cache_options
145 bool v8_script_streaming_enabled
147 // This flags corresponds to a Page's Settings' setCookieEnabled state. It
148 // only controls whether or not the "document.cookie" field is properly
149 // connected to the backing store, for instance if you wanted to be able to
150 // define custom getters and setters from within a unique security content
151 // without raising a DOM security exception.
154 // This flag indicates whether H/W accelerated video decode is enabled for
155 // pepper plugins. Defaults to false.
156 bool pepper_accelerated_video_decode_enabled
158 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
159 bool text_autosizing_enabled
160 float font_scale_factor
161 float device_scale_adjustment
162 bool force_enable_zoom
163 bool disallow_fullscreen_for_non_media_elements
164 bool fullscreen_supported
165 bool double_tap_to_zoom_enabled
166 bool user_gesture_required_for_media_playback
167 GURL default_video_poster_url
168 bool support_deprecated_target_density_dpi
169 bool use_legacy_background_size_shorthand_behavior
170 bool wide_viewport_quirk
171 bool use_wide_viewport
172 bool force_zero_layout_height
173 bool viewport_meta_layout_size_quirk
174 bool viewport_meta_merge_content_quirk
175 bool viewport_meta_non_user_scalable_quirk
176 bool viewport_meta_zero_values_quirk
177 bool clobber_user_agent_initial_scale_quirk
178 bool ignore_main_frame_overflow_hidden_quirk
179 bool report_screen_size_in_physical_pixels_quirk
182 // We try to keep the default values the same as the default values in
183 // chrome, except for the cases where it would require lots of extra work for
184 // the embedder to use the same default value.
189 } // namespace content