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[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / chromeos / login / login_utils_browsertest.cc
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/login_utils.h"
7 #include "base/basictypes.h"
8 #include "base/bind.h"
9 #include "base/command_line.h"
10 #include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h"
11 #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
12 #include "base/path_service.h"
13 #include "base/prefs/pref_registry_simple.h"
14 #include "base/run_loop.h"
15 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
16 #include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
17 #include "base/threading/sequenced_worker_pool.h"
18 #include "base/threading/thread.h"
19 #include "chrome/browser/chrome_notification_types.h"
20 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/input_method/input_method_configuration.h"
21 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/input_method/mock_input_method_manager.h"
22 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/authenticator.h"
23 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/login_status_consumer.h"
24 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/user_manager.h"
25 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/policy/enterprise_install_attributes.h"
26 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/profiles/profile_helper.h"
27 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/settings/cros_settings.h"
28 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/settings/device_settings_service.h"
29 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/settings/device_settings_test_helper.h"
30 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/settings/mock_owner_key_util.h"
31 #include "chrome/browser/io_thread.h"
32 #include "chrome/browser/net/predictor.h"
33 #include "chrome/browser/policy/browser_policy_connector.h"
34 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/chrome_browser_main_extra_parts_profiles.h"
35 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_manager.h"
36 #include "chrome/browser/rlz/rlz.h"
37 #include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h"
38 #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
39 #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
40 #include "chrome/test/base/scoped_testing_local_state.h"
41 #include "chrome/test/base/testing_browser_process.h"
42 #include "chromeos/chromeos_switches.h"
43 #include "chromeos/cryptohome/mock_async_method_caller.h"
44 #include "chromeos/cryptohome/system_salt_getter.h"
45 #include "chromeos/dbus/fake_dbus_thread_manager.h"
46 #include "chromeos/disks/disk_mount_manager.h"
47 #include "chromeos/disks/mock_disk_mount_manager.h"
48 #include "chromeos/login/login_state.h"
49 #include "chromeos/network/network_handler.h"
50 #include "chromeos/system/mock_statistics_provider.h"
51 #include "chromeos/system/statistics_provider.h"
52 #include "components/policy/core/common/cloud/device_management_service.h"
53 #include "components/policy/core/common/policy_service.h"
54 #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
55 #include "content/public/test/test_browser_thread.h"
56 #include "content/public/test/test_utils.h"
57 #include "google_apis/gaia/gaia_auth_consumer.h"
58 #include "google_apis/gaia/gaia_urls.h"
59 #include "net/url_request/test_url_fetcher_factory.h"
60 #include "net/url_request/url_fetcher_delegate.h"
61 #include "net/url_request/url_request.h"
62 #include "net/url_request/url_request_context_getter.h"
63 #include "net/url_request/url_request_status.h"
64 #include "net/url_request/url_request_test_util.h"
65 #include "policy/proto/device_management_backend.pb.h"
66 #include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
67 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
69 #if defined(ENABLE_RLZ)
70 #include "rlz/lib/rlz_value_store.h"
71 #endif
73 using ::testing::AnyNumber;
75 namespace chromeos {
77 namespace {
79 namespace em = enterprise_management;
81 using ::testing::DoAll;
82 using ::testing::Return;
83 using ::testing::SaveArg;
84 using ::testing::SetArgPointee;
85 using ::testing::_;
86 using content::BrowserThread;
88 const char kDomain[] = "domain.com";
89 const char kUsername[] = "user@domain.com";
90 const char kDeviceId[] = "100200300";
91 const char kUsernameOtherDomain[] = "user@other.com";
93 const char kOAuthTokenCookie[] = "oauth_token=1234";
95 const char kGaiaAccountDisabledResponse[] = "Error=AccountDeleted";
97 const char kOAuth2TokenPairData[] =
98 "{"
99 " \"refresh_token\": \"1234\","
100 " \"access_token\": \"5678\","
101 " \"expires_in\": 3600"
102 "}";
104 const char kOAuth2AccessTokenData[] =
106 " \"access_token\": \"5678\","
107 " \"expires_in\": 3600"
108 "}";
110 const char kDMServer[] = "http://server/device_management";
111 const char kDMRegisterRequest[] =
112 "http://server/device_management?request=register";
113 const char kDMPolicyRequest[] =
114 "http://server/device_management?request=policy";
116 const char kDMToken[] = "1234";
118 // Single task of the fake IO loop used in the test, that just waits until
119 // it is signaled to quit or perform some work.
120 // |completion| is the event to wait for, and |work| is the task to invoke
121 // when signaled. If the task returns false then this quits the IO loop.
122 void BlockLoop(base::WaitableEvent* completion, base::Callback<bool()> work) {
123 do {
124 completion->Wait();
125 } while (work.Run());
126 base::MessageLoop::current()->QuitNow();
129 void CopyLockResult(base::RunLoop* loop,
130 policy::EnterpriseInstallAttributes::LockResult* out,
131 policy::EnterpriseInstallAttributes::LockResult result) {
132 *out = result;
133 loop->Quit();
136 class LoginUtilsTest : public testing::Test,
137 public LoginUtils::Delegate,
138 public LoginStatusConsumer {
139 public:
140 // Initialization here is important. The UI thread gets the test's
141 // message loop, as does the file thread (which never actually gets
142 // started - so this is a way to fake multiple threads on a single
143 // test thread). The IO thread does not get the message loop set,
144 // and is never started. This is necessary so that we skip various
145 // bits of initialization that get posted to the IO thread. We do
146 // however, at one point in the test, temporarily set the message
147 // loop for the IO thread.
148 LoginUtilsTest()
149 : fake_io_thread_completion_(false, false),
150 fake_io_thread_("fake_io_thread"),
151 browser_process_(TestingBrowserProcess::GetGlobal()),
152 local_state_(browser_process_),
153 ui_thread_(BrowserThread::UI, &loop_),
154 db_thread_(BrowserThread::DB, &loop_),
155 file_thread_(BrowserThread::FILE, &loop_),
156 mock_input_method_manager_(NULL),
157 mock_async_method_caller_(NULL),
158 connector_(NULL),
159 prepared_profile_(NULL) {}
161 virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE {
162 // This test is not a full blown InProcessBrowserTest, and doesn't have
163 // all the usual threads running. However a lot of subsystems pulled from
164 // ProfileImpl post to IO (usually from ProfileIOData), and DCHECK that
165 // those tasks were posted. Those tasks in turn depend on a lot of other
166 // components that aren't there during this test, so this kludge is used to
167 // have a running IO loop that doesn't really execute any tasks.
169 // See InvokeOnIO() below for a way to perform specific tasks on IO, when
170 // that's necessary.
172 // A thread is needed to create a new MessageLoop, since there can be only
173 // one loop per thread.
174 fake_io_thread_.StartWithOptions(
175 base::Thread::Options(base::MessageLoop::TYPE_IO, 0));
176 base::MessageLoop* fake_io_loop = fake_io_thread_.message_loop();
177 // Make this loop enter the single task, BlockLoop(). Pass in the completion
178 // event and the work callback.
179 fake_io_thread_.StopSoon();
180 fake_io_loop->PostTask(
182 base::Bind(
183 BlockLoop,
184 &fake_io_thread_completion_,
185 base::Bind(&LoginUtilsTest::DoIOWork, base::Unretained(this))));
186 // Map BrowserThread::IO to this loop. This allows posting to IO but nothing
187 // will be executed.
188 io_thread_.reset(
189 new content::TestBrowserThread(BrowserThread::IO, fake_io_loop));
191 ASSERT_TRUE(scoped_temp_dir_.CreateUniqueTempDir());
193 CommandLine* command_line = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
194 command_line->AppendSwitchASCII(
195 ::switches::kDeviceManagementUrl, kDMServer);
196 command_line->AppendSwitchASCII(switches::kLoginProfile, "user");
198 // DBusThreadManager should be initialized before io_thread_state_, as
199 // DBusThreadManager is used from chromeos::ProxyConfigServiceImpl,
200 // which is part of io_thread_state_.
201 DBusThreadManager::InitializeWithStub();
203 SystemSaltGetter::Initialize();
204 LoginState::Initialize();
206 EXPECT_CALL(mock_statistics_provider_, GetMachineStatistic(_, _))
207 .WillRepeatedly(Return(false));
208 chromeos::system::StatisticsProvider::SetTestProvider(
209 &mock_statistics_provider_);
211 mock_input_method_manager_ = new input_method::MockInputMethodManager();
212 input_method::InitializeForTesting(mock_input_method_manager_);
213 disks::DiskMountManager::InitializeForTesting(&mock_disk_mount_manager_);
214 mock_disk_mount_manager_.SetupDefaultReplies();
216 mock_async_method_caller_ = new cryptohome::MockAsyncMethodCaller;
217 cryptohome::AsyncMethodCaller::InitializeForTesting(
218 mock_async_method_caller_);
220 test_device_settings_service_.reset(new ScopedTestDeviceSettingsService);
221 test_cros_settings_.reset(new ScopedTestCrosSettings);
222 test_user_manager_.reset(new ScopedTestUserManager);
224 // IOThread creates ProxyConfigServiceImpl and
225 // BrowserPolicyConnector::Init() creates a NetworkConfigurationUpdater,
226 // which both access NetworkHandler. Thus initialize it here before creating
227 // IOThread and before calling BrowserPolicyConnector::Init().
228 NetworkHandler::Initialize();
230 browser_process_->SetProfileManager(
231 new ProfileManagerWithoutInit(scoped_temp_dir_.path()));
232 browser_process_->SetSystemRequestContext(
233 new net::TestURLRequestContextGetter(
234 base::MessageLoopProxy::current()));
235 connector_ = browser_process_->browser_policy_connector();
236 connector_->Init(local_state_.Get(),
237 browser_process_->system_request_context());
239 io_thread_state_.reset(new IOThread(local_state_.Get(),
240 browser_process_->policy_service(),
241 NULL, NULL));
242 browser_process_->SetIOThread(io_thread_state_.get());
244 #if defined(ENABLE_RLZ)
245 rlz_initialized_cb_ = base::Bind(&base::DoNothing);
246 rlz_lib::testing::SetRlzStoreDirectory(scoped_temp_dir_.path());
247 RLZTracker::EnableZeroDelayForTesting();
248 #endif
250 RunUntilIdle();
253 virtual void TearDown() OVERRIDE {
254 cryptohome::AsyncMethodCaller::Shutdown();
255 mock_async_method_caller_ = NULL;
257 test_user_manager_.reset();
259 InvokeOnIO(
260 base::Bind(&LoginUtilsTest::TearDownOnIO, base::Unretained(this)));
262 // LoginUtils instance must not outlive Profile instances.
263 LoginUtils::Set(NULL);
265 input_method::Shutdown();
266 LoginState::Shutdown();
267 SystemSaltGetter::Shutdown();
269 // These trigger some tasks that have to run while BrowserThread::UI
270 // exists. Delete all the profiles before deleting the connector.
271 browser_process_->SetProfileManager(NULL);
272 connector_ = NULL;
273 browser_process_->SetBrowserPolicyConnector(NULL);
274 QuitIOLoop();
275 RunUntilIdle();
278 void TearDownOnIO() {
279 // chrome_browser_net::Predictor usually skips its shutdown routines on
280 // unit_tests, but does the full thing when
281 // g_browser_process->profile_manager() is valid during initialization.
282 // That includes a WaitableEvent on UI waiting for a task on IO, so that
283 // task must execute. Do it directly from here now.
284 std::vector<Profile*> profiles =
285 browser_process_->profile_manager()->GetLoadedProfiles();
286 for (size_t i = 0; i < profiles.size(); ++i) {
287 chrome_browser_net::Predictor* predictor =
288 profiles[i]->GetNetworkPredictor();
289 if (predictor) {
290 predictor->EnablePredictorOnIOThread(false);
291 predictor->Shutdown();
296 void RunUntilIdle() {
297 loop_.RunUntilIdle();
298 BrowserThread::GetBlockingPool()->FlushForTesting();
299 loop_.RunUntilIdle();
302 // Invokes |task| on the IO loop and returns after it has executed.
303 void InvokeOnIO(const base::Closure& task) {
304 fake_io_thread_work_ = task;
305 fake_io_thread_completion_.Signal();
306 content::RunMessageLoop();
309 // Makes the fake IO loop return.
310 void QuitIOLoop() {
311 fake_io_thread_completion_.Signal();
312 content::RunMessageLoop();
315 // Helper for BlockLoop, InvokeOnIO and QuitIOLoop.
316 bool DoIOWork() {
317 bool has_work = !fake_io_thread_work_.is_null();
318 if (has_work)
319 fake_io_thread_work_.Run();
320 fake_io_thread_work_.Reset();
321 BrowserThread::PostTask(
322 BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE,
323 base::MessageLoop::QuitWhenIdleClosure());
324 // If there was work then keep waiting for more work.
325 // If there was no work then quit the fake IO loop.
326 return has_work;
329 virtual void OnProfilePrepared(Profile* profile) OVERRIDE {
330 EXPECT_FALSE(prepared_profile_);
331 prepared_profile_ = profile;
334 #if defined(ENABLE_RLZ)
335 virtual void OnRlzInitialized(Profile* profile) OVERRIDE {
336 rlz_initialized_cb_.Run();
338 #endif
340 virtual void OnLoginFailure(const LoginFailure& error) OVERRIDE {
341 FAIL() << "OnLoginFailure not expected";
344 virtual void OnLoginSuccess(const UserContext& user_context) OVERRIDE {
345 FAIL() << "OnLoginSuccess not expected";
348 void EnrollDevice(const std::string& username) {
349 base::RunLoop loop;
350 policy::EnterpriseInstallAttributes::LockResult result;
351 connector_->GetInstallAttributes()->LockDevice(
352 username, policy::DEVICE_MODE_ENTERPRISE, kDeviceId,
353 base::Bind(&CopyLockResult, &loop, &result));
354 loop.Run();
355 EXPECT_EQ(policy::EnterpriseInstallAttributes::LOCK_SUCCESS, result);
356 RunUntilIdle();
359 void PrepareProfile(const std::string& username) {
360 // Normally this would happen during browser startup, but for tests
361 // we need to trigger creation of Profile-related services.
362 ChromeBrowserMainExtraPartsProfiles::
363 EnsureBrowserContextKeyedServiceFactoriesBuilt();
365 DeviceSettingsTestHelper device_settings_test_helper;
366 DeviceSettingsService::Get()->SetSessionManager(
367 &device_settings_test_helper, new MockOwnerKeyUtil());
369 EXPECT_CALL(*mock_async_method_caller_, AsyncMount(_, _, _, _))
370 .WillRepeatedly(Return());
371 EXPECT_CALL(*mock_async_method_caller_, AsyncGetSanitizedUsername(_, _))
372 .WillRepeatedly(Return());
374 scoped_refptr<Authenticator> authenticator =
375 LoginUtils::Get()->CreateAuthenticator(this);
376 authenticator->CompleteLogin(ProfileHelper::GetSigninProfile(),
377 UserContext(username,
378 "password",
379 std::string(),
380 username)); // username_hash
382 const bool kUsingOAuth = true;
383 // Setting |kHasCookies| to false prevents ProfileAuthData::Transfer from
384 // waiting for an IO task before proceeding.
385 const bool kHasCookies = false;
386 const bool kHasActiveSession = false;
387 LoginUtils::Get()->PrepareProfile(
388 UserContext(username, "password", std::string(), username, kUsingOAuth),
389 std::string(), kHasCookies, kHasActiveSession, this);
390 device_settings_test_helper.Flush();
391 RunUntilIdle();
393 DeviceSettingsService::Get()->UnsetSessionManager();
396 net::TestURLFetcher* PrepareOAuthFetcher(const GURL& expected_url) {
397 net::TestURLFetcher* fetcher = test_url_fetcher_factory_.GetFetcherByID(0);
398 EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher);
399 if (!fetcher)
400 return NULL;
401 EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->delegate());
402 EXPECT_TRUE(StartsWithASCII(fetcher->GetOriginalURL().spec(),
403 expected_url.spec(),
404 true));
405 fetcher->set_url(fetcher->GetOriginalURL());
406 fetcher->set_response_code(200);
407 fetcher->set_status(net::URLRequestStatus());
408 return fetcher;
411 net::TestURLFetcher* PrepareDMServiceFetcher(
412 const std::string& expected_url,
413 const em::DeviceManagementResponse& response) {
414 net::TestURLFetcher* fetcher = test_url_fetcher_factory_.GetFetcherByID(
415 policy::DeviceManagementService::kURLFetcherID);
416 EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher);
417 if (!fetcher)
418 return NULL;
419 EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->delegate());
420 EXPECT_TRUE(StartsWithASCII(fetcher->GetOriginalURL().spec(),
421 expected_url,
422 true));
423 fetcher->set_url(fetcher->GetOriginalURL());
424 fetcher->set_response_code(200);
425 fetcher->set_status(net::URLRequestStatus());
426 std::string data;
427 EXPECT_TRUE(response.SerializeToString(&data));
428 fetcher->SetResponseString(data);
429 return fetcher;
432 net::TestURLFetcher* PrepareDMRegisterFetcher() {
433 em::DeviceManagementResponse response;
434 em::DeviceRegisterResponse* register_response =
435 response.mutable_register_response();
436 register_response->set_device_management_token(kDMToken);
437 register_response->set_enrollment_type(
438 em::DeviceRegisterResponse::ENTERPRISE);
439 return PrepareDMServiceFetcher(kDMRegisterRequest, response);
442 net::TestURLFetcher* PrepareDMPolicyFetcher() {
443 em::DeviceManagementResponse response;
444 response.mutable_policy_response()->add_response();
445 return PrepareDMServiceFetcher(kDMPolicyRequest, response);
448 protected:
449 // Must be the first member variable as browser_process_ and local_state_
450 // rely on this being set up.
451 TestingBrowserProcessInitializer initializer_;
453 base::Closure fake_io_thread_work_;
454 base::WaitableEvent fake_io_thread_completion_;
455 base::Thread fake_io_thread_;
457 base::MessageLoopForIO loop_;
458 TestingBrowserProcess* browser_process_;
459 ScopedTestingLocalState local_state_;
461 content::TestBrowserThread ui_thread_;
462 content::TestBrowserThread db_thread_;
463 content::TestBrowserThread file_thread_;
464 scoped_ptr<content::TestBrowserThread> io_thread_;
465 scoped_ptr<IOThread> io_thread_state_;
467 input_method::MockInputMethodManager* mock_input_method_manager_;
468 disks::MockDiskMountManager mock_disk_mount_manager_;
469 net::TestURLFetcherFactory test_url_fetcher_factory_;
471 cryptohome::MockAsyncMethodCaller* mock_async_method_caller_;
473 chromeos::system::MockStatisticsProvider mock_statistics_provider_;
475 policy::BrowserPolicyConnector* connector_;
477 scoped_ptr<ScopedTestDeviceSettingsService> test_device_settings_service_;
478 scoped_ptr<ScopedTestCrosSettings> test_cros_settings_;
479 scoped_ptr<ScopedTestUserManager> test_user_manager_;
481 Profile* prepared_profile_;
483 base::Closure rlz_initialized_cb_;
485 private:
486 base::ScopedTempDir scoped_temp_dir_;
488 std::string device_policy_;
489 std::string user_policy_;
494 class LoginUtilsBlockingLoginTest
495 : public LoginUtilsTest,
496 public testing::WithParamInterface<int> {};
498 TEST_F(LoginUtilsTest, NormalLoginDoesntBlock) {
499 UserManager* user_manager = UserManager::Get();
500 EXPECT_FALSE(user_manager->IsUserLoggedIn());
501 EXPECT_FALSE(connector_->IsEnterpriseManaged());
502 EXPECT_FALSE(prepared_profile_);
504 connector_->GetUserAffiliation(kUsername));
506 // The profile will be created without waiting for a policy response.
507 PrepareProfile(kUsername);
509 EXPECT_TRUE(prepared_profile_);
510 ASSERT_TRUE(user_manager->IsUserLoggedIn());
511 EXPECT_EQ(kUsername, user_manager->GetLoggedInUser()->email());
514 TEST_F(LoginUtilsTest, EnterpriseLoginDoesntBlockForNormalUser) {
515 UserManager* user_manager = UserManager::Get();
516 EXPECT_FALSE(user_manager->IsUserLoggedIn());
517 EXPECT_FALSE(connector_->IsEnterpriseManaged());
518 EXPECT_FALSE(prepared_profile_);
520 // Enroll the device.
521 EnrollDevice(kUsername);
523 EXPECT_FALSE(user_manager->IsUserLoggedIn());
524 EXPECT_TRUE(connector_->IsEnterpriseManaged());
525 EXPECT_EQ(kDomain, connector_->GetEnterpriseDomain());
526 EXPECT_FALSE(prepared_profile_);
528 connector_->GetUserAffiliation(kUsernameOtherDomain));
530 // Login with a non-enterprise user shouldn't block.
531 PrepareProfile(kUsernameOtherDomain);
533 EXPECT_TRUE(prepared_profile_);
534 ASSERT_TRUE(user_manager->IsUserLoggedIn());
535 EXPECT_EQ(kUsernameOtherDomain, user_manager->GetLoggedInUser()->email());
538 #if defined(ENABLE_RLZ)
539 TEST_F(LoginUtilsTest, RlzInitialized) {
540 // No RLZ brand code set initially.
541 EXPECT_FALSE(local_state_.Get()->HasPrefPath(prefs::kRLZBrand));
543 base::RunLoop wait_for_rlz_init;
544 rlz_initialized_cb_ = wait_for_rlz_init.QuitClosure();
546 PrepareProfile(kUsername);
548 wait_for_rlz_init.Run();
549 // Wait for blocking RLZ tasks to complete.
550 RunUntilIdle();
552 // RLZ brand code has been set to empty string.
553 EXPECT_TRUE(local_state_.Get()->HasPrefPath(prefs::kRLZBrand));
554 EXPECT_EQ(std::string(), local_state_.Get()->GetString(prefs::kRLZBrand));
556 // RLZ value for homepage access point should have been initialized.
557 base::string16 rlz_string;
558 EXPECT_TRUE(RLZTracker::GetAccessPointRlz(
559 RLZTracker::CHROME_HOME_PAGE, &rlz_string));
560 EXPECT_EQ(base::string16(), rlz_string);
562 #endif
564 TEST_P(LoginUtilsBlockingLoginTest, EnterpriseLoginBlocksForEnterpriseUser) {
565 UserManager* user_manager = UserManager::Get();
566 EXPECT_FALSE(user_manager->IsUserLoggedIn());
567 EXPECT_FALSE(connector_->IsEnterpriseManaged());
568 EXPECT_FALSE(prepared_profile_);
570 // Enroll the device.
571 EnrollDevice(kUsername);
573 EXPECT_FALSE(user_manager->IsUserLoggedIn());
574 EXPECT_TRUE(connector_->IsEnterpriseManaged());
575 EXPECT_EQ(kDomain, connector_->GetEnterpriseDomain());
576 EXPECT_FALSE(prepared_profile_);
578 connector_->GetUserAffiliation(kUsername));
579 EXPECT_FALSE(user_manager->IsKnownUser(kUsername));
581 // Login with a user of the enterprise domain waits for policy.
582 PrepareProfile(kUsername);
584 EXPECT_FALSE(prepared_profile_);
585 ASSERT_TRUE(user_manager->IsUserLoggedIn());
586 EXPECT_TRUE(user_manager->IsCurrentUserNew());
588 GaiaUrls* gaia_urls = GaiaUrls::GetInstance();
589 net::TestURLFetcher* fetcher;
591 // |steps| is the test parameter, and is the number of successful fetches.
592 // The first incomplete fetch will fail. In any case, the profile creation
593 // should resume.
594 int steps = GetParam();
596 // The next expected fetcher ID. This is used to make it fail.
597 int next_expected_fetcher_id = 0;
599 do {
600 if (steps < 1) break;
602 // Fake refresh token retrieval:
603 fetcher = PrepareOAuthFetcher(gaia_urls->client_login_to_oauth2_url());
604 ASSERT_TRUE(fetcher);
605 net::ResponseCookies cookies;
606 cookies.push_back(kOAuthTokenCookie);
607 fetcher->set_cookies(cookies);
608 fetcher->delegate()->OnURLFetchComplete(fetcher);
609 if (steps < 2) break;
611 // Fake OAuth2 token pair retrieval:
612 fetcher = PrepareOAuthFetcher(gaia_urls->oauth2_token_url());
613 ASSERT_TRUE(fetcher);
614 fetcher->SetResponseString(kOAuth2TokenPairData);
615 fetcher->delegate()->OnURLFetchComplete(fetcher);
616 if (steps < 3) break;
618 // Fake OAuth2 access token retrieval:
619 fetcher = PrepareOAuthFetcher(gaia_urls->oauth2_token_url());
620 ASSERT_TRUE(fetcher);
621 fetcher->SetResponseString(kOAuth2AccessTokenData);
622 fetcher->delegate()->OnURLFetchComplete(fetcher);
624 // The cloud policy subsystem is now ready to fetch the dmtoken and the user
625 // policy.
626 next_expected_fetcher_id = policy::DeviceManagementService::kURLFetcherID;
627 RunUntilIdle();
628 if (steps < 4) break;
630 fetcher = PrepareDMRegisterFetcher();
631 ASSERT_TRUE(fetcher);
632 fetcher->delegate()->OnURLFetchComplete(fetcher);
633 // The policy fetch job has now been scheduled, run it:
634 RunUntilIdle();
635 if (steps < 5) break;
637 // Verify that there is no profile prepared just before the policy fetch.
638 EXPECT_FALSE(prepared_profile_);
640 fetcher = PrepareDMPolicyFetcher();
641 ASSERT_TRUE(fetcher);
642 fetcher->delegate()->OnURLFetchComplete(fetcher);
643 RunUntilIdle();
644 } while (0);
646 if (steps < 5) {
647 // Verify that the profile hasn't been created yet.
648 EXPECT_FALSE(prepared_profile_);
650 // Make the current fetcher fail with a Gaia error.
651 net::TestURLFetcher* fetcher = test_url_fetcher_factory_.GetFetcherByID(
652 next_expected_fetcher_id);
653 ASSERT_TRUE(fetcher);
654 EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->delegate());
655 fetcher->set_url(fetcher->GetOriginalURL());
656 fetcher->set_response_code(401);
657 // This response body is important to make the gaia fetcher skip its delayed
658 // retry behavior, which makes testing harder. If this is sent to the policy
659 // fetchers then it will make them fail too.
660 fetcher->SetResponseString(kGaiaAccountDisabledResponse);
661 fetcher->delegate()->OnURLFetchComplete(fetcher);
662 RunUntilIdle();
665 // The profile is finally ready:
666 EXPECT_TRUE(prepared_profile_);
670 LoginUtilsBlockingLoginTestInstance,
671 LoginUtilsBlockingLoginTest,
672 testing::Values(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5));
674 } // namespace
676 } // namespace chromeos