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[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / extensions / tab_helper.h
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <map>
9 #include <set>
10 #include <string>
11 #include <vector>
13 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
14 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
15 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
16 #include "base/observer_list.h"
17 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/active_tab_permission_granter.h"
18 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_function_dispatcher.h"
19 #include "chrome/common/web_application_info.h"
20 #include "content/public/browser/notification_observer.h"
21 #include "content/public/browser/notification_registrar.h"
22 #include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
23 #include "content/public/browser/web_contents_user_data.h"
24 #include "extensions/common/stack_frame.h"
25 #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
27 class FaviconDownloader;
29 namespace content {
30 struct LoadCommittedDetails;
33 namespace gfx {
34 class Image;
37 namespace extensions {
38 class Extension;
39 class LocationBarController;
40 class ScriptBadgeController;
41 class ScriptBubbleController;
42 class ScriptExecutor;
43 class WebstoreInlineInstallerFactory;
45 // Per-tab extension helper. Also handles non-extension apps.
46 class TabHelper : public content::WebContentsObserver,
47 public ExtensionFunctionDispatcher::Delegate,
48 public base::SupportsWeakPtr<TabHelper>,
49 public content::NotificationObserver,
50 public content::WebContentsUserData<TabHelper> {
51 public:
52 // Different types of action when web app info is available.
53 // OnDidGetApplicationInfo uses this to dispatch calls.
54 enum WebAppAction {
55 NONE, // No action at all.
56 CREATE_SHORTCUT, // Bring up create application shortcut dialog.
57 CREATE_HOSTED_APP, // Create and install a hosted app.
58 UPDATE_SHORTCUT // Update icon for app shortcut.
61 // Observer base class for classes that need to be notified when content
62 // scripts and/or tabs.executeScript calls run on a page.
63 class ScriptExecutionObserver {
64 public:
65 // Map of extensions IDs to the executing script paths.
66 typedef std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string> > ExecutingScriptsMap;
68 // Automatically observes and unobserves |tab_helper| on construction
69 // and destruction. |tab_helper| must outlive |this|.
70 explicit ScriptExecutionObserver(TabHelper* tab_helper);
71 ScriptExecutionObserver();
73 // Called when script(s) have executed on a page.
75 // |executing_scripts_map| contains all extensions that are executing
76 // scripts, mapped to the paths for those scripts. This may be an empty set
77 // if the script has no path associated with it (e.g. in the case of
78 // tabs.executeScript).
79 virtual void OnScriptsExecuted(
80 const content::WebContents* web_contents,
81 const ExecutingScriptsMap& executing_scripts_map,
82 int32 on_page_id,
83 const GURL& on_url) = 0;
85 protected:
86 virtual ~ScriptExecutionObserver();
88 TabHelper* tab_helper_;
91 // This finds the closest not-smaller bitmap in |bitmaps| for each size in
92 // |sizes| and resizes it to that size. This returns a vector of bitmaps
93 // which contains only bitmaps of a size in |sizes| and at most one bitmap of
94 // each size.
95 static std::vector<SkBitmap> ConstrainBitmapsToSizes(
96 const std::vector<SkBitmap>& bitmaps,
97 const std::set<int>& sizes);
99 virtual ~TabHelper();
101 void AddScriptExecutionObserver(ScriptExecutionObserver* observer) {
102 script_execution_observers_.AddObserver(observer);
105 void RemoveScriptExecutionObserver(ScriptExecutionObserver* observer) {
106 script_execution_observers_.RemoveObserver(observer);
109 void CreateApplicationShortcuts();
110 void CreateHostedAppFromWebContents();
111 bool CanCreateApplicationShortcuts() const;
113 void set_pending_web_app_action(WebAppAction action) {
114 pending_web_app_action_ = action;
117 // App extensions ------------------------------------------------------------
119 // Sets the extension denoting this as an app. If |extension| is non-null this
120 // tab becomes an app-tab. WebContents does not listen for unload events for
121 // the extension. It's up to consumers of WebContents to do that.
123 // NOTE: this should only be manipulated before the tab is added to a browser.
124 // TODO(sky): resolve if this is the right way to identify an app tab. If it
125 // is, than this should be passed in the constructor.
126 void SetExtensionApp(const Extension* extension);
128 // Convenience for setting the app extension by id. This does nothing if
129 // |extension_app_id| is empty, or an extension can't be found given the
130 // specified id.
131 void SetExtensionAppById(const std::string& extension_app_id);
133 // Set just the app icon, used by panels created by an extension.
134 void SetExtensionAppIconById(const std::string& extension_app_id);
136 const Extension* extension_app() const { return extension_app_; }
137 bool is_app() const { return extension_app_ != NULL; }
138 const WebApplicationInfo& web_app_info() const {
139 return web_app_info_;
142 // If an app extension has been explicitly set for this WebContents its icon
143 // is returned.
145 // NOTE: the returned icon is larger than 16x16 (its size is
146 // extension_misc::EXTENSION_ICON_SMALLISH).
147 SkBitmap* GetExtensionAppIcon();
149 content::WebContents* web_contents() const {
150 return content::WebContentsObserver::web_contents();
153 ScriptExecutor* script_executor() {
154 return script_executor_.get();
157 LocationBarController* location_bar_controller() {
158 return location_bar_controller_.get();
161 ActiveTabPermissionGranter* active_tab_permission_granter() {
162 return active_tab_permission_granter_.get();
165 ScriptBubbleController* script_bubble_controller() {
166 return script_bubble_controller_.get();
169 // Sets a non-extension app icon associated with WebContents and fires an
170 // INVALIDATE_TYPE_TITLE navigation state change to trigger repaint of title.
171 void SetAppIcon(const SkBitmap& app_icon);
173 // Sets the factory used to create inline webstore item installers.
174 // Used for testing. Takes ownership of the factory instance.
175 void SetWebstoreInlineInstallerFactoryForTests(
176 WebstoreInlineInstallerFactory* factory);
178 private:
179 explicit TabHelper(content::WebContents* web_contents);
180 friend class content::WebContentsUserData<TabHelper>;
182 // Creates a hosted app for the current tab. Requires the |web_app_info_| to
183 // be populated.
184 void CreateHostedApp();
185 void FinishCreateHostedApp(
186 bool success, const std::map<GURL, std::vector<SkBitmap> >& bitmaps);
188 // content::WebContentsObserver overrides.
189 virtual void RenderViewCreated(
190 content::RenderViewHost* render_view_host) OVERRIDE;
191 virtual void DidNavigateMainFrame(
192 const content::LoadCommittedDetails& details,
193 const content::FrameNavigateParams& params) OVERRIDE;
194 virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) OVERRIDE;
195 virtual void DidCloneToNewWebContents(
196 content::WebContents* old_web_contents,
197 content::WebContents* new_web_contents) OVERRIDE;
199 // ExtensionFunctionDispatcher::Delegate overrides.
200 virtual extensions::WindowController* GetExtensionWindowController()
201 const OVERRIDE;
202 virtual content::WebContents* GetAssociatedWebContents() const OVERRIDE;
204 // Message handlers.
205 void OnDidGetApplicationInfo(int32 page_id, const WebApplicationInfo& info);
206 void OnInlineWebstoreInstall(int install_id,
207 int return_route_id,
208 const std::string& webstore_item_id,
209 const GURL& requestor_url);
210 void OnGetAppInstallState(const GURL& requestor_url,
211 int return_route_id,
212 int callback_id);
213 void OnRequest(const ExtensionHostMsg_Request_Params& params);
214 void OnContentScriptsExecuting(
215 const ScriptExecutionObserver::ExecutingScriptsMap& extension_ids,
216 int32 page_id,
217 const GURL& on_url);
218 void OnWatchedPageChange(const std::vector<std::string>& css_selectors);
219 void OnDetailedConsoleMessageAdded(const base::string16& message,
220 const base::string16& source,
221 const StackTrace& stack_trace,
222 int32 severity_level);
224 // App extensions related methods:
226 // Resets app_icon_ and if |extension| is non-null uses ImageLoader to load
227 // the extension's image asynchronously.
228 void UpdateExtensionAppIcon(const Extension* extension);
230 const Extension* GetExtension(const std::string& extension_app_id);
232 void OnImageLoaded(const gfx::Image& image);
234 // WebstoreStandaloneInstaller::Callback.
235 virtual void OnInlineInstallComplete(int install_id,
236 int return_route_id,
237 bool success,
238 const std::string& error);
240 // content::NotificationObserver.
241 virtual void Observe(int type,
242 const content::NotificationSource& source,
243 const content::NotificationDetails& details) OVERRIDE;
245 // Requests application info for the specified page. This is an asynchronous
246 // request. The delegate is notified by way of OnDidGetApplicationInfo when
247 // the data is available.
248 void GetApplicationInfo(int32 page_id);
250 // Sends our tab ID to |render_view_host|.
251 void SetTabId(content::RenderViewHost* render_view_host);
253 // Data for app extensions ---------------------------------------------------
255 // Our content script observers. Declare at top so that it will outlive all
256 // other members, since they might add themselves as observers.
257 ObserverList<ScriptExecutionObserver> script_execution_observers_;
259 // If non-null this tab is an app tab and this is the extension the tab was
260 // created for.
261 const Extension* extension_app_;
263 // Icon for extension_app_ (if non-null) or a manually-set icon for
264 // non-extension apps.
265 SkBitmap extension_app_icon_;
267 // Process any extension messages coming from the tab.
268 ExtensionFunctionDispatcher extension_function_dispatcher_;
270 // Cached web app info data.
271 WebApplicationInfo web_app_info_;
273 // Which deferred action to perform when OnDidGetApplicationInfo is notified
274 // from a WebContents.
275 WebAppAction pending_web_app_action_;
277 content::NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
279 scoped_ptr<ScriptExecutor> script_executor_;
281 scoped_ptr<LocationBarController> location_bar_controller_;
283 scoped_ptr<ActiveTabPermissionGranter> active_tab_permission_granter_;
285 scoped_ptr<ScriptBubbleController> script_bubble_controller_;
287 scoped_ptr<FaviconDownloader> favicon_downloader_;
289 Profile* profile_;
291 // Vend weak pointers that can be invalidated to stop in-progress loads.
292 base::WeakPtrFactory<TabHelper> image_loader_ptr_factory_;
294 // Creates WebstoreInlineInstaller instances for inline install triggers.
295 scoped_ptr<WebstoreInlineInstallerFactory> webstore_inline_installer_factory_;
300 } // namespace extensions