Disable view source for Developer Tools.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / first_run / try_chrome_dialog_view.cc
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "chrome/browser/first_run/try_chrome_dialog_view.h"
7 #include <shellapi.h>
9 #include "base/logging.h"
10 #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
11 #include "base/strings/string16.h"
12 #include "chrome/browser/process_singleton.h"
13 #include "chrome/installer/util/browser_distribution.h"
14 #include "chrome/installer/util/user_experiment.h"
15 #include "grit/chromium_strings.h"
16 #include "grit/generated_resources.h"
17 #include "grit/theme_resources.h"
18 #include "grit/ui_resources.h"
19 #include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
20 #include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h"
21 #include "ui/gfx/image/image.h"
22 #include "ui/views/background.h"
23 #include "ui/views/controls/button/checkbox.h"
24 #include "ui/views/controls/button/image_button.h"
25 #include "ui/views/controls/button/label_button.h"
26 #include "ui/views/controls/button/radio_button.h"
27 #include "ui/views/controls/image_view.h"
28 #include "ui/views/controls/link.h"
29 #include "ui/views/controls/separator.h"
30 #include "ui/views/layout/grid_layout.h"
31 #include "ui/views/layout/layout_constants.h"
32 #include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
34 #if defined(USE_AURA)
35 #include "ui/aura/root_window.h"
36 #include "ui/aura/window.h"
37 #endif
39 namespace {
41 const wchar_t kHelpCenterUrl[] =
42 L"https://www.google.com/support/chrome/bin/answer.py?answer=150752";
44 enum ButtonTags {
52 const int kRadioGroupID = 1;
54 } // namespace
56 // static
57 TryChromeDialogView::Result TryChromeDialogView::Show(
58 size_t flavor,
59 const ActiveModalDialogListener& listener) {
60 if (flavor > 10000) {
61 // This is a test value. We want to make sure we exercise
62 // returning this early. See TryChromeDialogBrowserTest test.
63 return NOT_NOW;
65 TryChromeDialogView dialog(flavor);
66 return dialog.ShowModal(listener);
69 TryChromeDialogView::TryChromeDialogView(size_t flavor)
70 : flavor_(flavor),
71 popup_(NULL),
72 try_chrome_(NULL),
73 kill_chrome_(NULL),
74 dont_try_chrome_(NULL),
75 make_default_(NULL),
76 result_(COUNT) {
79 TryChromeDialogView::~TryChromeDialogView() {
82 TryChromeDialogView::Result TryChromeDialogView::ShowModal(
83 const ActiveModalDialogListener& listener) {
84 ui::ResourceBundle& rb = ui::ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance();
86 views::ImageView* icon = new views::ImageView();
87 icon->SetImage(rb.GetNativeImageNamed(IDR_PRODUCT_LOGO_32).ToImageSkia());
88 gfx::Size icon_size = icon->GetPreferredSize();
90 // An approximate window size. After Layout() we'll get better bounds.
91 views::Widget::InitParams params(views::Widget::InitParams::TYPE_POPUP);
92 params.can_activate = true;
93 params.bounds = gfx::Rect(310, 200);
94 popup_ = new views::Widget;
95 popup_->Init(params);
97 views::View* root_view = popup_->GetRootView();
98 // The window color is a tiny bit off-white.
99 root_view->set_background(
100 views::Background::CreateSolidBackground(0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc));
102 views::GridLayout* layout = views::GridLayout::CreatePanel(root_view);
103 root_view->SetLayoutManager(layout);
104 views::ColumnSet* columns;
106 // First row: [icon][pad][text][pad][button].
107 columns = layout->AddColumnSet(0);
108 columns->AddColumn(views::GridLayout::LEADING, views::GridLayout::LEADING, 0,
109 views::GridLayout::FIXED, icon_size.width(),
110 icon_size.height());
111 columns->AddPaddingColumn(0, views::kRelatedControlHorizontalSpacing);
112 columns->AddColumn(views::GridLayout::FILL, views::GridLayout::FILL, 1,
113 views::GridLayout::USE_PREF, 0, 0);
114 columns->AddPaddingColumn(0, views::kUnrelatedControlHorizontalSpacing);
115 columns->AddColumn(views::GridLayout::TRAILING, views::GridLayout::FILL, 1,
116 views::GridLayout::USE_PREF, 0, 0);
118 // Optional second row: [pad][pad][radio 1].
119 columns = layout->AddColumnSet(1);
120 columns->AddPaddingColumn(0, icon_size.width());
121 columns->AddPaddingColumn(0, views::kRelatedControlHorizontalSpacing);
122 columns->AddColumn(views::GridLayout::LEADING, views::GridLayout::FILL, 1,
123 views::GridLayout::USE_PREF, 0, 0);
125 // Third row: [pad][pad][radio 2].
126 columns = layout->AddColumnSet(2);
127 columns->AddPaddingColumn(0, icon_size.width());
128 columns->AddPaddingColumn(0, views::kRelatedControlHorizontalSpacing);
129 columns->AddColumn(views::GridLayout::LEADING, views::GridLayout::FILL, 1,
130 views::GridLayout::USE_PREF, 0, 0);
132 // Fourth row: [pad][pad][button][pad][button].
133 columns = layout->AddColumnSet(3);
134 columns->AddPaddingColumn(0, icon_size.width());
135 columns->AddColumn(views::GridLayout::LEADING, views::GridLayout::FILL, 0,
136 views::GridLayout::USE_PREF, 0, 0);
137 columns->AddPaddingColumn(0, views::kRelatedButtonHSpacing);
138 columns->AddColumn(views::GridLayout::LEADING, views::GridLayout::FILL, 0,
139 views::GridLayout::USE_PREF, 0, 0);
141 // Fifth row: [pad][pad][link].
142 columns = layout->AddColumnSet(4);
143 columns->AddPaddingColumn(0, icon_size.width());
144 columns->AddPaddingColumn(0, views::kRelatedControlHorizontalSpacing);
145 columns->AddColumn(views::GridLayout::LEADING, views::GridLayout::FILL, 1,
146 views::GridLayout::USE_PREF, 0, 0);
148 // Optional fourth row: [button].
149 columns = layout->AddColumnSet(5);
150 columns->AddColumn(views::GridLayout::CENTER, views::GridLayout::FILL, 1,
151 views::GridLayout::USE_PREF, 0, 0);
153 // Optional fourth row: [divider]
154 columns = layout->AddColumnSet(6);
155 columns->AddColumn(views::GridLayout::CENTER, views::GridLayout::FILL, 1,
156 views::GridLayout::USE_PREF, 0, 0);
158 // Optional fifth row [checkbox][pad][button]
159 columns = layout->AddColumnSet(7);
160 columns->AddColumn(views::GridLayout::LEADING, views::GridLayout::FILL, 0,
161 views::GridLayout::USE_PREF, 0, 0);
162 columns->AddPaddingColumn(0, views::kUnrelatedControlHorizontalSpacing);
163 columns->AddColumn(views::GridLayout::TRAILING, views::GridLayout::FILL, 1,
164 views::GridLayout::USE_PREF, 0, 0);
166 // First row.
167 layout->StartRow(0, 0);
168 layout->AddView(icon);
170 // Find out what experiment we are conducting.
171 installer::ExperimentDetails experiment;
172 if (!BrowserDistribution::GetDistribution()->HasUserExperiments() ||
173 !installer::CreateExperimentDetails(flavor_, &experiment) ||
174 !experiment.heading) {
175 NOTREACHED() << "Cannot determine which headline to show.";
176 return DIALOG_ERROR;
178 views::Label* label = new views::Label(
179 l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(experiment.heading),
180 rb.GetFontList(ui::ResourceBundle::MediumFont));
181 label->SetMultiLine(true);
182 label->SizeToFit(200);
183 label->SetHorizontalAlignment(gfx::ALIGN_LEFT);
184 layout->AddView(label);
185 // The close button is custom.
186 views::ImageButton* close_button = new views::ImageButton(this);
187 close_button->SetImage(views::CustomButton::STATE_NORMAL,
188 rb.GetNativeImageNamed(IDR_CLOSE_2).ToImageSkia());
189 close_button->SetImage(views::CustomButton::STATE_HOVERED,
190 rb.GetNativeImageNamed(IDR_CLOSE_2_H).ToImageSkia());
191 close_button->SetImage(views::CustomButton::STATE_PRESSED,
192 rb.GetNativeImageNamed(IDR_CLOSE_2_P).ToImageSkia());
193 close_button->set_tag(BT_CLOSE_BUTTON);
194 layout->AddView(close_button);
196 // Second row.
197 layout->StartRowWithPadding(0, 1, 0, 10);
198 try_chrome_ = new views::RadioButton(
199 l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_TRY_TOAST_TRY_OPT), kRadioGroupID);
200 try_chrome_->SetChecked(true);
201 try_chrome_->set_tag(BT_TRY_IT_RADIO);
202 try_chrome_->set_listener(this);
203 layout->AddView(try_chrome_);
205 // Decide if the don't bug me is a button or a radio button.
206 bool dont_bug_me_button =
207 !!(experiment.flags & installer::kToastUiDontBugMeAsButton);
209 // Optional third and fourth row.
210 if (!dont_bug_me_button) {
211 layout->StartRow(0, 1);
212 dont_try_chrome_ = new views::RadioButton(
213 l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_TRY_TOAST_CANCEL), kRadioGroupID);
214 dont_try_chrome_->set_tag(BT_DONT_BUG_RADIO);
215 dont_try_chrome_->set_listener(this);
216 layout->AddView(dont_try_chrome_);
218 if (experiment.flags & installer::kToastUiUninstall) {
219 layout->StartRow(0, 2);
220 kill_chrome_ = new views::RadioButton(
221 l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_UNINSTALL_CHROME), kRadioGroupID);
222 layout->AddView(kill_chrome_);
225 views::LabelButton* accept_button = new views::LabelButton(
226 this, l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_OK));
227 accept_button->SetStyle(views::Button::STYLE_BUTTON);
228 accept_button->set_tag(BT_OK_BUTTON);
230 views::Separator* separator = NULL;
231 if (experiment.flags & installer::kToastUiMakeDefault) {
232 // In this flavor we have some veritical space, then a separator line
233 // and the 'make default' checkbox and the OK button on the same row.
234 layout->AddPaddingRow(0, views::kUnrelatedControlVerticalSpacing);
235 layout->StartRow(0, 6);
236 separator = new views::Separator(views::Separator::HORIZONTAL);
237 layout->AddView(separator);
238 layout->AddPaddingRow(0, views::kUnrelatedControlVerticalSpacing);
240 layout->StartRow(0, 7);
241 make_default_ = new views::Checkbox(
242 l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_TRY_TOAST_SET_DEFAULT));
243 make_default_->SetChecked(true);
244 layout->AddView(make_default_);
245 layout->AddView(accept_button);
246 } else {
247 // On this other flavor there is no checkbox, the OK button and possibly
248 // the cancel button are in the same row.
249 layout->StartRowWithPadding(0, dont_bug_me_button ? 3 : 5, 0, 10);
250 layout->AddView(accept_button);
251 if (dont_bug_me_button) {
252 // The dialog needs a "Don't bug me" as a button or as a radio button,
253 // this the button case.
254 views::LabelButton* cancel_button = new views::LabelButton(
255 this, l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_TRY_TOAST_CANCEL));
256 cancel_button->SetStyle(views::Button::STYLE_BUTTON);
257 cancel_button->set_tag(BT_CLOSE_BUTTON);
258 layout->AddView(cancel_button);
262 if (experiment.flags & installer::kToastUiWhyLink) {
263 layout->StartRowWithPadding(0, 4, 0, 10);
264 views::Link* link = new views::Link(
265 l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_TRY_TOAST_WHY));
266 link->set_listener(this);
267 layout->AddView(link);
270 // We resize the window according to the layout manager. This takes into
271 // account the differences between XP and Vista fonts and buttons.
272 layout->Layout(root_view);
273 gfx::Size preferred = layout->GetPreferredSize(root_view);
274 if (separator) {
275 int separator_height = separator->GetPreferredSize().height();
276 separator->SetSize(gfx::Size(preferred.width(), separator_height));
279 gfx::Rect pos = ComputeWindowPosition(preferred.width(), preferred.height(),
280 base::i18n::IsRTL());
281 popup_->SetBounds(pos);
283 // Carve the toast shape into the window.
284 HWND toast_window;
285 #if defined(USE_AURA)
286 toast_window =
287 popup_->GetNativeView()->GetDispatcher()->host()->GetAcceleratedWidget();
288 #else
289 toast_window = popup_->GetNativeView();
290 #endif
291 SetToastRegion(toast_window, preferred.width(), preferred.height());
293 // Time to show the window in a modal loop.
294 popup_->Show();
295 if (!listener.is_null())
296 listener.Run(popup_->GetNativeView());
297 base::MessageLoop::current()->Run();
298 if (!listener.is_null())
299 listener.Run(NULL);
300 return result_;
303 gfx::Rect TryChromeDialogView::ComputeWindowPosition(int width,
304 int height,
305 bool is_RTL) {
306 // The 'Shell_TrayWnd' is the taskbar. We like to show our window in that
307 // monitor if we can. This code works even if such window is not found.
308 HWND taskbar = ::FindWindowW(L"Shell_TrayWnd", NULL);
309 HMONITOR monitor = ::MonitorFromWindow(taskbar, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY);
310 MONITORINFO info = {sizeof(info)};
311 if (!GetMonitorInfoW(monitor, &info)) {
312 // Quite unexpected. Do a best guess at a visible rectangle.
313 return gfx::Rect(20, 20, width + 20, height + 20);
315 // The |rcWork| is the work area. It should account for the taskbars that
316 // are in the screen when we called the function.
317 int left = is_RTL ? info.rcWork.left : info.rcWork.right - width;
318 int top = info.rcWork.bottom - height;
319 return gfx::Rect(left, top, width, height);
322 void TryChromeDialogView::SetToastRegion(HWND window, int w, int h) {
323 static const POINT polygon[] = {
324 {0, 4}, {1, 2}, {2, 1}, {4, 0}, // Left side.
325 {w-4, 0}, {w-2, 1}, {w-1, 2}, {w, 4}, // Right side.
326 {w, h}, {0, h}
328 HRGN region = ::CreatePolygonRgn(polygon, arraysize(polygon), WINDING);
329 ::SetWindowRgn(window, region, FALSE);
332 void TryChromeDialogView::ButtonPressed(views::Button* sender,
333 const ui::Event& event) {
334 if (sender->tag() == BT_DONT_BUG_RADIO) {
335 if (make_default_) {
336 make_default_->SetChecked(false);
337 make_default_->SetVisible(false);
339 return;
340 } else if (sender->tag() == BT_TRY_IT_RADIO) {
341 if (make_default_) {
342 make_default_->SetVisible(true);
343 make_default_->SetChecked(true);
345 return;
346 } else if (sender->tag() == BT_CLOSE_BUTTON) {
347 // The user pressed cancel or the [x] button.
348 result_ = NOT_NOW;
349 } else if (!try_chrome_) {
350 // We don't have radio buttons, the user pressed ok.
351 result_ = TRY_CHROME;
352 } else {
353 // The outcome is according to the selected radio button.
354 if (try_chrome_->checked())
355 result_ = TRY_CHROME;
356 else if (dont_try_chrome_ && dont_try_chrome_->checked())
357 result_ = NOT_NOW;
358 else if (kill_chrome_ && kill_chrome_->checked())
359 result_ = UNINSTALL_CHROME;
360 else
361 NOTREACHED() << "Unknown radio button selected";
364 if (make_default_) {
365 if ((result_ == TRY_CHROME) && make_default_->checked())
366 result_ = TRY_CHROME_AS_DEFAULT;
369 popup_->Close();
370 base::MessageLoop::current()->Quit();
373 void TryChromeDialogView::LinkClicked(views::Link* source, int event_flags) {
374 ::ShellExecuteW(NULL, L"open", kHelpCenterUrl, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOW);