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[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / net / spdyproxy / data_reduction_proxy_settings.h
1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <vector>
10 #include "base/basictypes.h"
11 #include "base/compiler_specific.h"
12 #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
13 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
14 #include "base/prefs/pref_member.h"
15 #include "net/base/network_change_notifier.h"
16 #include "net/url_request/url_fetcher_delegate.h"
18 class PrefService;
20 namespace net {
21 class AuthChallengeInfo;
22 class HostPortPair;
23 class HttpAuthCache;
24 class HttpNetworkSession;
25 class HttpResponseHeaders;
26 class URLFetcher;
29 namespace spdyproxy {
31 // The number of days of bandwidth usage statistics that are tracked.
32 const unsigned int kNumDaysInHistory = 60;
34 // The number of days of bandwidth usage statistics that are presented.
35 const unsigned int kNumDaysInHistorySummary = 30;
37 COMPILE_ASSERT(kNumDaysInHistorySummary <= kNumDaysInHistory,
38 DataReductionProxySettings_summary_too_long);
40 // Values of the UMA DataReductionProxy.StartupState histogram.
41 // This enum must remain synchronized with DataReductionProxyStartupState
42 // in metrics/histograms/histograms.xml.
43 enum ProxyStartupState {
50 // Values of the UMA DataReductionProxy.ProbeURL histogram.
51 // This enum must remain synchronized with
52 // DataReductionProxyProbeURLFetchResult in metrics/histograms/histograms.xml.
53 // TODO(marq): Rename these histogram buckets with s/DISABLED/RESTRICTED/, so
54 // their names match the behavior they track.
55 enum ProbeURLFetchResult {
56 // The probe failed because the internet was disconnected.
59 // The probe failed for any other reason, and as a result, the proxy was
60 // disabled.
63 // The probe failed, but the proxy was already restricted.
66 // THe probe succeeded, and as a result the proxy was restricted.
69 // The probe succeeded, but the proxy was already restricted.
72 // This must always be last.
76 } // namespace spdyproxy
78 // Central point for configuring the data reduction proxy.
79 // This object lives on the UI thread and all of its methods are expected to
80 // be called from there.
81 // TODO(marq): Convert this to be a BrowserContextKeyedService with an
82 // associated factory class, and refactor the Java call sites accordingly.
83 class DataReductionProxySettings
84 : public net::URLFetcherDelegate,
85 public net::NetworkChangeNotifier::IPAddressObserver {
86 public:
87 typedef std::vector<long long> ContentLengthList;
88 // TODO(marq): Consider instead using a std::pair instead of a vector.
89 typedef std::vector<GURL> DataReductionProxyList;
91 DataReductionProxySettings();
92 virtual ~DataReductionProxySettings();
94 void InitDataReductionProxySettings();
96 // If proxy authentication is compiled in, pre-cache authentication
97 // keys for all configured proxies in |session|.
98 static void InitDataReductionProxySession(net::HttpNetworkSession* session);
100 // Add a host pattern to bypass. This should follow the same syntax used
101 // in net::ProxyBypassRules; that is, a hostname pattern, a hostname suffix
102 // pattern, an IP literal, a CIDR block, or the magic string '<local>'.
103 // Bypass settings persist for the life of this object and are applied
104 // each time the proxy is enabled, but are not updated while it is enabled.
105 void AddHostPatternToBypass(const std::string& pattern);
107 // Add a URL pattern to bypass the proxy. The base implementation strips
108 // everything in |pattern| after the first single slash and then treats it
109 // as a hostname pattern. Subclasses may implement other semantics.
110 virtual void AddURLPatternToBypass(const std::string& pattern);
112 // Returns true if the data reduction proxy is allowed to be used on this
113 // instance of Chrome. This could return false, for example, if this instance
114 // is not part of the field trial, or if the proxy name is not configured
115 // via gyp.
116 static bool IsDataReductionProxyAllowed();
118 // Returns true if a screen promoting the data reduction proxy is allowed to
119 // be shown. Logic that decides when to show the promo should check its
120 // availability. This would return false if not part of a separate field
121 // trial that governs the use of the promotion.
122 static bool IsDataReductionProxyPromoAllowed();
124 // Returns true if preconnect advisory hinting is enabled by command line
125 // flag or Finch trial.
126 static bool IsPreconnectHintingAllowed();
128 // Returns true if the Via header indicates that this request was fetched
129 // explicitly via the Chrome Proxy.
130 static bool WasFetchedViaProxy(const net::HttpResponseHeaders* headers);
132 // Returns the URL of the data reduction proxy.
133 static std::string GetDataReductionProxyOrigin();
135 // Returns the URL of the fallback data reduction proxy.
136 static std::string GetDataReductionProxyFallback();
138 // Returns a vector of GURLs for all configured proxies.
139 static DataReductionProxyList GetDataReductionProxies();
141 // Returns true if |auth_info| represents an authentication challenge from
142 // a compatible, configured proxy.
143 bool IsAcceptableAuthChallenge(net::AuthChallengeInfo* auth_info);
145 // Returns a UTF16 string suitable for use as an authentication token in
146 // response to the challenge represented by |auth_info|. If the token can't
147 // be correctly generated for |auth_info|, returns an empty UTF16 string.
148 base::string16 GetTokenForAuthChallenge(net::AuthChallengeInfo* auth_info);
150 // Returns true if the proxy is enabled.
151 bool IsDataReductionProxyEnabled();
153 // Returns true if the proxy is managed by an adminstrator's policy.
154 bool IsDataReductionProxyManaged();
156 // Enables or disables the data reduction proxy. If a probe URL is available,
157 // and a probe request fails at some point, the proxy won't be used until a
158 // probe succeeds.
159 void SetDataReductionProxyEnabled(bool enabled);
161 // Returns the time in microseconds that the last update was made to the
162 // daily original and received content lengths.
163 int64 GetDataReductionLastUpdateTime();
165 // Returns a vector containing the total size of all HTTP content that was
166 // received over the last |kNumDaysInHistory| before any compression by the
167 // data reduction proxy. Each element in the vector contains one day of data.
168 ContentLengthList GetDailyOriginalContentLengths();
170 // Returns an vector containing the aggregate received HTTP content in the
171 // last |kNumDaysInHistory| days.
172 ContentLengthList GetDailyReceivedContentLengths();
174 // net::URLFetcherDelegate:
175 virtual void OnURLFetchComplete(const net::URLFetcher* source) OVERRIDE;
177 protected:
178 void InitPrefMembers();
180 virtual net::URLFetcher* GetURLFetcher();
182 // Virtualized for unit test support.
183 virtual PrefService* GetOriginalProfilePrefs();
184 virtual PrefService* GetLocalStatePrefs();
186 void GetContentLengths(unsigned int days,
187 int64* original_content_length,
188 int64* received_content_length,
189 int64* last_update_time);
190 ContentLengthList GetDailyContentLengths(const char* pref_name);
192 // Sets the proxy configs, enabling or disabling the proxy according to
193 // the value of |enabled|. If |restricted| is true, only enable the fallback
194 // proxy. |at_startup| is true when this method is called from
195 // InitDataReductionProxySettings.
196 virtual void SetProxyConfigs(bool enabled, bool restricted, bool at_startup);
198 // Metrics methods. Subclasses should override if they wish to provide
199 // alternate methods.
200 virtual void RecordDataReductionInit();
202 virtual void AddDefaultProxyBypassRules();
204 // Writes a warning to the log that is used in backend processing of
205 // customer feedback. Virtual so tests can mock it for verification.
206 virtual void LogProxyState(bool enabled, bool restricted, bool at_startup);
208 // Accessor for unit tests.
209 std::vector<std::string> BypassRules() { return bypass_rules_;}
211 // Virtualized for mocking
212 virtual void RecordProbeURLFetchResult(spdyproxy::ProbeURLFetchResult result);
213 virtual void RecordStartupState(spdyproxy::ProxyStartupState state);
215 private:
216 friend class DataReductionProxySettingsTestBase;
217 friend class DataReductionProxySettingsTest;
218 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DataReductionProxySettingsTest,
219 TestAuthenticationInit);
220 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DataReductionProxySettingsTest,
221 TestAuthHashGeneration);
222 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DataReductionProxySettingsTest,
223 TestAuthHashGenerationWithOriginSetViaSwitch);
224 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DataReductionProxySettingsTest,
225 TestResetDataReductionStatistics);
226 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DataReductionProxySettingsTest,
227 TestIsProxyEnabledOrManaged);
228 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DataReductionProxySettingsTest,
229 TestContentLengths);
230 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DataReductionProxySettingsTest,
231 TestGetDailyContentLengths);
232 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DataReductionProxySettingsTest,
233 TestMaybeActivateDataReductionProxy);
234 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DataReductionProxySettingsTest,
235 TestOnIPAddressChanged);
236 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DataReductionProxySettingsTest,
237 TestOnProxyEnabledPrefChange);
238 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DataReductionProxySettingsTest,
239 TestInitDataReductionProxyOn);
240 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DataReductionProxySettingsTest,
241 TestInitDataReductionProxyOff);
242 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DataReductionProxySettingsTest,
243 TestBypassList);
245 // NetworkChangeNotifier::IPAddressObserver:
246 virtual void OnIPAddressChanged() OVERRIDE;
248 // Underlying implementation of InitDataReductionProxySession(), factored
249 // out to be testable without creating a full HttpNetworkSession.
250 static void InitDataReductionAuthentication(net::HttpAuthCache* auth_cache);
252 void OnProxyEnabledPrefChange();
254 void ResetDataReductionStatistics();
256 void MaybeActivateDataReductionProxy(bool at_startup);
258 // Requests the proxy probe URL, if one is set. If unable to do so, disables
259 // the proxy, if enabled. Otherwise enables the proxy if disabled by a probe
260 // failure.
261 void ProbeWhetherDataReductionProxyIsAvailable();
262 std::string GetProxyCheckURL();
264 // Returns a UTF16 string that's the hash of the configured authentication
265 // key and |salt|. Returns an empty UTF16 string if no key is configured or
266 // the data reduction proxy feature isn't available.
267 static base::string16 AuthHashForSalt(int64 salt);
269 std::vector<std::string> bypass_rules_;
271 bool restricted_by_carrier_;
272 bool enabled_by_user_;
274 scoped_ptr<net::URLFetcher> fetcher_;
275 BooleanPrefMember spdy_proxy_auth_enabled_;
277 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DataReductionProxySettings);