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[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / signin / signin_manager.h
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
4 //
5 // The signin manager encapsulates some functionality tracking
6 // which user is signed in. See SigninManagerBase for full description of
7 // responsibilities. The class defined in this file provides functionality
8 // required by all platforms except Chrome OS.
9 //
10 // When a user is signed in, a ClientLogin request is run on their behalf.
11 // Auth tokens are fetched from Google and the results are stored in the
12 // TokenService.
13 // TODO(tim): Bug 92948, 226464. ClientLogin is all but gone from use.
18 #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
19 // On Chrome OS, SigninManagerBase is all that exists.
20 #include "chrome/browser/signin/signin_manager_base.h"
22 #else
24 #include <set>
25 #include <string>
27 #include "base/compiler_specific.h"
28 #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
29 #include "base/logging.h"
30 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
31 #include "base/observer_list.h"
32 #include "base/prefs/pref_change_registrar.h"
33 #include "base/prefs/pref_member.h"
34 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
35 #include "chrome/browser/signin/google_auto_login_helper.h"
36 #include "chrome/browser/signin/signin_internals_util.h"
37 #include "chrome/browser/signin/signin_manager_base.h"
38 #include "components/browser_context_keyed_service/browser_context_keyed_service.h"
39 #include "content/public/browser/render_process_host_observer.h"
40 #include "google_apis/gaia/gaia_auth_consumer.h"
41 #include "google_apis/gaia/google_service_auth_error.h"
42 #include "net/cookies/canonical_cookie.h"
44 class CookieSettings;
45 class GaiaAuthFetcher;
46 class ProfileIOData;
47 class PrefService;
48 class SigninAccountIdHelper;
49 class SigninGlobalError;
50 class SigninManagerDelegate;
52 class SigninManager : public SigninManagerBase,
53 public GaiaAuthConsumer,
54 public content::RenderProcessHostObserver {
55 public:
56 // The callback invoked once the OAuth token has been fetched during signin,
57 // but before the profile transitions to the "signed-in" state. This allows
58 // callers to load policy and prompt the user appropriately before completing
59 // signin. The callback is passed the just-fetched OAuth login refresh token.
60 typedef base::Callback<void(const std::string&)> OAuthTokenFetchedCallback;
62 // Returns true if |url| is a web signin URL and should be hosted in an
63 // isolated, privileged signin process.
64 static bool IsWebBasedSigninFlowURL(const GURL& url);
66 // This is used to distinguish URLs belonging to the special web signin flow
67 // running in the special signin process from other URLs on the same domain.
68 // We do not grant WebUI privilieges / bindings to this process or to URLs of
69 // this scheme; enforcement of privileges is handled separately by
70 // OneClickSigninHelper.
71 static const char* kChromeSigninEffectiveSite;
73 explicit SigninManager(scoped_ptr<SigninManagerDelegate> delegate);
74 virtual ~SigninManager();
76 // Returns true if the username is allowed based on the policy string.
77 static bool IsUsernameAllowedByPolicy(const std::string& username,
78 const std::string& policy);
80 // Attempt to sign in this user with existing credentials from the cookie jar.
81 // |session_index| indicates which user account to use if the cookie jar
82 // contains a multi-login session. Otherwise the end result of this call is
83 // the same as StartSignIn().
84 // If non-null, the passed |signin_complete| callback is invoked once signin
85 // has been completed and the oauth login token has been generated - the
86 // callback will not be invoked if no token is generated (either because of
87 // a failed signin or because web-based signin is not enabled).
88 // The callback should invoke SignOut() or CompletePendingSignin() to either
89 // continue or cancel the in-process signin.
90 virtual void StartSignInWithCredentials(
91 const std::string& session_index,
92 const std::string& username,
93 const std::string& password,
94 const OAuthTokenFetchedCallback& oauth_fetched_callback);
96 // Attempt to sign in this user with the given oauth code. The cookie jar
97 // may not be set up properly for the same user, thus will call the
98 // mergeSession endpoint to populate the cookie jar.
99 virtual void StartSignInWithOAuthCode(
100 const std::string& username,
101 const std::string& password,
102 const std::string& oauth_code,
103 const OAuthTokenFetchedCallback& callback);
105 // Copies auth credentials from one SigninManager to this one. This is used
106 // when creating a new profile during the signin process to transfer the
107 // in-progress credentials to the new profile.
108 virtual void CopyCredentialsFrom(const SigninManager& source);
110 // Sign a user out, removing the preference, erasing all keys
111 // associated with the user, and canceling all auth in progress.
112 virtual void SignOut();
114 // On platforms where SigninManager is responsible for dealing with
115 // invalid username policy updates, we need to check this during
116 // initialization and sign the user out.
117 virtual void Initialize(Profile* profile, PrefService* local_state) OVERRIDE;
118 virtual void Shutdown() OVERRIDE;
120 // Invoked from an OAuthTokenFetchedCallback to complete user signin.
121 virtual void CompletePendingSignin();
123 // Invoked from SigninManagerAndroid to indicate that the sign-in process
124 // has completed for |username|.
125 void OnExternalSigninCompleted(const std::string& username);
127 // Returns true if there's a signin in progress.
128 virtual bool AuthInProgress() const OVERRIDE;
130 virtual bool IsSigninAllowed() const OVERRIDE;
132 // Returns true if the passed username is allowed by policy. Virtual for
133 // mocking in tests.
134 virtual bool IsAllowedUsername(const std::string& username) const;
136 // If an authentication is in progress, return the username being
137 // authenticated. Returns an empty string if no auth is in progress.
138 const std::string& GetUsernameForAuthInProgress() const;
140 // Handles errors if a required user info key is not returned from the
141 // GetUserInfo call.
142 void OnGetUserInfoKeyNotFound(const std::string& key);
144 // Set the profile preference to turn off one-click sign-in so that it won't
145 // ever show it again in this profile (even if the user tries a new account).
146 static void DisableOneClickSignIn(Profile* profile);
148 // GaiaAuthConsumer
149 virtual void OnClientLoginSuccess(const ClientLoginResult& result) OVERRIDE;
150 virtual void OnClientLoginFailure(
151 const GoogleServiceAuthError& error) OVERRIDE;
152 virtual void OnClientOAuthSuccess(const ClientOAuthResult& result) OVERRIDE;
153 virtual void OnClientOAuthFailure(
154 const GoogleServiceAuthError& error) OVERRIDE;
155 virtual void OnGetUserInfoSuccess(const UserInfoMap& data) OVERRIDE;
156 virtual void OnGetUserInfoFailure(
157 const GoogleServiceAuthError& error) OVERRIDE;
159 // content::RenderProcessHostObserver
160 virtual void RenderProcessHostDestroyed(
161 content::RenderProcessHost* host) OVERRIDE;
163 // Tells the SigninManager whether to prohibit signout for this profile.
164 // If |prohibit_signout| is true, then signout will be prohibited.
165 void ProhibitSignout(bool prohibit_signout);
167 // If true, signout is prohibited for this profile (calls to SignOut() are
168 // ignored).
169 bool IsSignoutProhibited() const;
171 // Checks if signin is allowed for the profile that owns |io_data|. This must
172 // be invoked on the IO thread, and can be used to check if signin is enabled
173 // on that thread.
174 static bool IsSigninAllowedOnIOThread(ProfileIOData* io_data);
176 // Allows the SigninManager to track the privileged signin process
177 // identified by |host_id| so that we can later ask (via IsSigninProcess)
178 // if it is safe to sign the user in from the current context (see
179 // OneClickSigninHelper). All of this tracking state is reset once the
180 // renderer process terminates.
182 // N.B. This is the id returned by RenderProcessHost::GetID().
183 void SetSigninProcess(int host_id);
184 void ClearSigninProcess();
185 bool IsSigninProcess(int host_id) const;
186 bool HasSigninProcess() const;
188 // Add or remove observers for the merge session notification.
189 void AddMergeSessionObserver(GoogleAutoLoginHelper::Observer* observer);
190 void RemoveMergeSessionObserver(GoogleAutoLoginHelper::Observer* observer);
192 protected:
193 // Flag saying whether signing out is allowed.
194 bool prohibit_signout_;
196 private:
197 enum SigninType {
203 std::string SigninTypeToString(SigninType type);
204 friend class FakeSigninManager;
205 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SigninManagerTest, ClearTransientSigninData);
206 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SigninManagerTest, ProvideSecondFactorSuccess);
207 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SigninManagerTest, ProvideSecondFactorFailure);
209 // If user was signed in, load tokens from DB if available.
210 void InitTokenService();
212 // Called to setup the transient signin data during one of the
213 // StartSigninXXX methods. |type| indicates which of the methods is being
214 // used to perform the signin while |username| and |password| identify the
215 // account to be signed in. Returns false and generates an auth error if the
216 // passed |username| is not allowed by policy.
217 bool PrepareForSignin(SigninType type,
218 const std::string& username,
219 const std::string& password);
221 // Called to verify GAIA cookies asynchronously before starting auto sign-in
222 // without password.
223 void VerifyGaiaCookiesBeforeSignIn(const std::string& session_index);
225 // Called when GAIA cookies are fetched. If LSID cookie is valid, then start
226 // auto sign-in by exchanging cookies for an oauth code.
227 void OnGaiaCookiesFetched(
228 const std::string session_index, const net::CookieList& cookie_list);
230 // Persists |username| as the currently signed-in account, and triggers
231 // a sign-in success notification.
232 void OnSignedIn(const std::string& username);
234 // Called when a new request to re-authenticate a user is in progress.
235 // Will clear in memory data but leaves the db as such so when the browser
236 // restarts we can use the old token(which might throw a password error).
237 void ClearTransientSigninData();
239 // Called to handle an error from a GAIA auth fetch. Sets the last error
240 // to |error|, sends out a notification of login failure, and clears the
241 // transient signin data if |clear_transient_data| is true.
242 void HandleAuthError(const GoogleServiceAuthError& error,
243 bool clear_transient_data);
245 void OnSigninAllowedPrefChanged();
246 void OnGoogleServicesUsernamePatternChanged();
248 // ClientLogin identity.
249 std::string possibly_invalid_username_;
250 std::string password_; // This is kept empty whenever possible.
251 bool had_two_factor_error_;
253 // Result of the last client login, kept pending the lookup of the
254 // canonical email.
255 ClientLoginResult last_result_;
257 // Actual client login handler.
258 scoped_ptr<GaiaAuthFetcher> client_login_;
260 // OAuth revocation fetcher for sign outs.
261 scoped_ptr<GaiaAuthFetcher> revoke_token_fetcher_;
263 // Fetcher for the obfuscated user id.
264 scoped_ptr<SigninAccountIdHelper> account_id_helper_;
266 // The type of sign being performed. This value is valid only between a call
267 // to one of the StartSigninXXX methods and when the sign in is either
268 // successful or not.
269 SigninType type_;
271 // Temporarily saves the oauth2 refresh and access tokens when signing in
272 // with credentials. These will be passed to TokenService so that it does
273 // not need to mint new ones.
274 ClientOAuthResult temp_oauth_login_tokens_;
276 base::WeakPtrFactory<SigninManager> weak_pointer_factory_;
278 // See SetSigninProcess. Tracks the currently active signin process
279 // by ID, if there is one.
280 int signin_host_id_;
282 // The RenderProcessHosts being observed.
283 std::set<content::RenderProcessHost*> signin_hosts_observed_;
285 // Callback invoked during signin after an OAuth token has been fetched
286 // but before signin is complete.
287 OAuthTokenFetchedCallback oauth_token_fetched_callback_;
289 scoped_ptr<SigninManagerDelegate> delegate_;
291 // Helper object to listen for changes to signin preferences stored in non-
292 // profile-specific local prefs (like kGoogleServicesUsernamePattern).
293 PrefChangeRegistrar local_state_pref_registrar_;
295 // Helper object to listen for changes to the signin allowed preference.
296 BooleanPrefMember signin_allowed_;
298 // Helper to merge signed in account into the content area.
299 scoped_ptr<GoogleAutoLoginHelper> merge_session_helper_;
304 #endif // !defined(OS_CHROMEOS)