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[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / translate / translate_manager.h
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <map>
9 #include <string>
10 #include <vector>
12 #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
13 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
14 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
15 #include "base/observer_list.h"
16 #include "base/time/time.h"
17 #include "chrome/browser/ui/translate/translate_bubble_model.h"
18 #include "components/translate/core/common/translate_errors.h"
19 #include "content/public/browser/notification_observer.h"
20 #include "content/public/browser/notification_registrar.h"
22 template <typename T> struct DefaultSingletonTraits;
23 class GURL;
24 struct LanguageDetectionDetails;
25 struct PageTranslatedDetails;
26 class PrefService;
27 class Profile;
28 struct ShortcutConfiguration;
29 class TranslateAcceptLanguages;
30 struct TranslateErrorDetails;
31 struct TranslateEventDetails;
32 class TranslateInfoBarDelegate;
33 class TranslateLanguageList;
34 class TranslateScript;
36 namespace content {
37 class WebContents;
40 namespace net {
41 class URLFetcher;
44 // The TranslateManager class is responsible for showing an info-bar when a page
45 // in a language different than the user language is loaded. It triggers the
46 // page translation the user requests.
47 // It is a singleton.
49 class TranslateManager : public content::NotificationObserver {
50 public:
51 // Returns the singleton instance.
52 static TranslateManager* GetInstance();
54 virtual ~TranslateManager();
56 // Returns true if the URL can be translated.
57 static bool IsTranslatableURL(const GURL& url);
59 // Fills |languages| with the list of languages that the translate server can
60 // translate to and from.
61 static void GetSupportedLanguages(std::vector<std::string>* languages);
63 // Returns the last-updated time when Chrome receives a language list from a
64 // Translate server. Returns null time if Chrome hasn't received any lists.
65 static base::Time GetSupportedLanguagesLastUpdated();
67 // Returns the language code that can be used with the Translate method for a
68 // specified |chrome_locale|.
69 static std::string GetLanguageCode(const std::string& chrome_locale);
71 // Returns true if |language| is supported by the translation server.
72 static bool IsSupportedLanguage(const std::string& language);
74 // Returns true if |language| is supported by the translation server as a
75 // alpha language.
76 static bool IsAlphaLanguage(const std::string& language);
78 // Returns true if |language| is an Accept language for the user profile.
79 static bool IsAcceptLanguage(Profile* profile, const std::string& language);
81 // Returns the language to translate to. The language returned is the
82 // first language found in the following list that is supported by the
83 // translation service:
84 // the UI language
85 // the accept-language list
86 // If no language is found then an empty string is returned.
87 static std::string GetTargetLanguage(PrefService* prefs);
89 // Returns the language to automatically translate to. |original_language| is
90 // the webpage's original language.
91 static std::string GetAutoTargetLanguage(const std::string& original_language,
92 PrefService* prefs);
94 // Returns true if the new translate bubble is enabled.
95 static bool IsTranslateBubbleEnabled();
97 // Let the caller decide if and when we should fetch the language list from
98 // the translate server. This is a NOOP if switches::kDisableTranslate is set
99 // or if prefs::kEnableTranslate is set to false.
100 void FetchLanguageListFromTranslateServer(PrefService* prefs);
102 // Allows caller to cleanup pending URLFetcher objects to make sure they
103 // get released in the appropriate thread... Mainly for tests.
104 void CleanupPendingUlrFetcher();
106 // Translates the page contents from |source_lang| to |target_lang|.
107 // The actual translation might be performed asynchronously if the translate
108 // script is not yet available.
109 void TranslatePage(content::WebContents* web_contents,
110 const std::string& source_lang,
111 const std::string& target_lang);
113 // Reverts the contents of the page in |web_contents| to its original
114 // language.
115 void RevertTranslation(content::WebContents* web_contents);
117 // Reports to the Google translate server that a page language was incorrectly
118 // detected. This call is initiated by the user selecting the "report" menu
119 // under options in the translate infobar.
120 void ReportLanguageDetectionError(content::WebContents* web_contents);
122 // Clears the translate script, so it will be fetched next time we translate.
123 void ClearTranslateScript();
125 // content::NotificationObserver implementation:
126 virtual void Observe(int type,
127 const content::NotificationSource& source,
128 const content::NotificationDetails& details) OVERRIDE;
130 // Used by unit-tests to override some defaults:
131 // Delay after which the translate script is fetched again from the
132 // translation server.
133 void SetTranslateScriptExpirationDelay(int delay_ms);
135 // Number of attempts before waiting for a page to be fully reloaded.
136 void set_translate_max_reload_attemps(int attempts) {
137 max_reload_check_attempts_ = attempts;
140 // The observer class for TranslateManager.
141 class Observer {
142 public:
143 virtual void OnLanguageDetection(
144 const LanguageDetectionDetails& details) = 0;
145 virtual void OnTranslateError(
146 const TranslateErrorDetails& details) = 0;
147 virtual void OnTranslateEvent(
148 const TranslateEventDetails& details) = 0;
151 // Adds/removes observer.
152 void AddObserver(Observer* obs);
153 void RemoveObserver(Observer* obs);
155 // Notifies to the observers when translate event happens.
156 void NotifyTranslateEvent(const TranslateEventDetails& details);
158 protected:
159 TranslateManager();
161 private:
162 friend struct DefaultSingletonTraits<TranslateManager>;
164 // Structure that describes a translate request.
165 // Translation may be deferred while the translate script is being retrieved
166 // from the translate server.
167 struct PendingRequest {
168 int render_process_id;
169 int render_view_id;
170 int page_id;
171 std::string source_lang;
172 std::string target_lang;
175 // Starts the translation process on |tab| containing the page in the
176 // |page_lang| language.
177 void InitiateTranslation(content::WebContents* web_contents,
178 const std::string& page_lang);
180 // If the tab identified by |process_id| and |render_id| has been closed, this
181 // does nothing, otherwise it calls InitiateTranslation.
182 void InitiateTranslationPosted(int process_id, int render_id,
183 const std::string& page_lang, int attempt);
185 // Sends a translation request to the RenderView of |web_contents|.
186 void DoTranslatePage(content::WebContents* web_contents,
187 const std::string& translate_script,
188 const std::string& source_lang,
189 const std::string& target_lang);
191 // Shows the after translate or error infobar depending on the details.
192 void PageTranslated(content::WebContents* web_contents,
193 PageTranslatedDetails* details);
195 void OnTranslateScriptFetchComplete(bool success, const std::string& data);
197 // Notifies to the observers when a language is detected.
198 void NotifyLanguageDetection(const LanguageDetectionDetails& details);
200 // Notifies to the observers when translate failed.
201 void NotifyTranslateError(const TranslateErrorDetails& details);
203 // Shows the translate bubble.
204 void ShowBubble(content::WebContents* web_contents,
205 TranslateBubbleModel::ViewState view_state,
206 TranslateErrors::Type error_type);
208 // Returns the different parameters used to decide whether extra shortcuts
209 // are needed.
210 static ShortcutConfiguration ShortcutConfig();
212 content::NotificationRegistrar notification_registrar_;
214 // Max number of attempts before checking if a page has been reloaded.
215 int max_reload_check_attempts_;
217 // The list of pending translate requests. Translate requests are queued when
218 // the translate script is not ready and has to be fetched from the translate
219 // server.
220 std::vector<PendingRequest> pending_requests_;
222 // List of registered observers.
223 ObserverList<Observer> observer_list_;
225 // An instance of TranslateLanguageList which manages supported language list.
226 scoped_ptr<TranslateLanguageList> language_list_;
228 // An instance of TranslateScript which manages JavaScript source for
229 // Translate.
230 scoped_ptr<TranslateScript> script_;
232 // An instance of TranslateAcceptLanguages which manages Accept languages of
233 // each profiles.
234 scoped_ptr<TranslateAcceptLanguages> accept_languages_;
236 base::WeakPtrFactory<TranslateManager> weak_method_factory_;
238 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TranslateManager);