1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
11 #include "base/callback.h"
12 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
13 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
14 #include "base/scoped_observer.h"
15 #include "base/strings/string16.h"
16 #include "base/time/time.h"
17 #include "chrome/browser/ui/autofill/account_chooser_model.h"
18 #include "chrome/browser/ui/autofill/autofill_dialog_controller.h"
19 #include "chrome/browser/ui/autofill/autofill_dialog_models.h"
20 #include "chrome/browser/ui/autofill/autofill_dialog_types.h"
21 #include "chrome/browser/ui/autofill/autofill_dialog_view_delegate.h"
22 #include "chrome/browser/ui/autofill/autofill_popup_controller_impl.h"
23 #include "chrome/browser/ui/autofill/country_combobox_model.h"
24 #include "components/autofill/content/browser/wallet/wallet_client.h"
25 #include "components/autofill/content/browser/wallet/wallet_client_delegate.h"
26 #include "components/autofill/content/browser/wallet/wallet_items.h"
27 #include "components/autofill/content/browser/wallet/wallet_signin_helper_delegate.h"
28 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_manager_delegate.h"
29 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_metrics.h"
30 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_popup_delegate.h"
31 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/field_types.h"
32 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/form_structure.h"
33 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/personal_data_manager.h"
34 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/personal_data_manager_observer.h"
35 #include "content/public/browser/notification_observer.h"
36 #include "content/public/browser/notification_registrar.h"
37 #include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
38 #include "content/public/common/ssl_status.h"
39 #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
40 #include "ui/base/models/combobox_model_observer.h"
41 #include "ui/base/models/simple_menu_model.h"
42 #include "ui/base/ui_base_types.h"
43 #include "ui/gfx/animation/animation_delegate.h"
44 #include "ui/gfx/animation/linear_animation.h"
55 class AutofillDataModel
56 class AutofillDialogView
57 class AutofillPopupControllerImpl
58 class DataModelWrapper
59 class TestableAutofillDialogView
66 class WalletSigninHelper
69 // This class drives the dialog that appears when a site uses the imperative
70 // autocomplete API to fill out a form.
71 class AutofillDialogControllerImpl
: public AutofillDialogViewDelegate
72 public AutofillDialogController
73 public AutofillPopupDelegate
74 public content::NotificationObserver
75 public content::WebContentsObserver
76 public SuggestionsMenuModelDelegate
77 public wallet::WalletClientDelegate
78 public wallet::WalletSigninHelperDelegate
79 public PersonalDataManagerObserver
80 public AccountChooserModelDelegate
81 public gfx::AnimationDelegate
82 public ui::ComboboxModelObserver
84 virtual ~AutofillDialogControllerImpl();
86 static base::WeakPtr
> Create(
87 content::WebContents
* contents
88 const FormData
& form_structure
89 const GURL
& source_url
90 const base::Callback
<void(const FormStructure
*)>& callback
92 // AutofillDialogController implementation.
93 virtual void Show() OVERRIDE
94 virtual void Hide() OVERRIDE
95 virtual void TabActivated() OVERRIDE
97 // Returns |view_| as a testable version of itself (if |view_| exists and
98 // actually implements |AutofillDialogView::GetTestableView()|).
99 TestableAutofillDialogView
* GetTestableView();
101 // AutofillDialogViewDelegate implementation.
102 virtual base::string16
DialogTitle() const OVERRIDE
103 virtual base::string16
AccountChooserText() const OVERRIDE
104 virtual base::string16
SignInLinkText() const OVERRIDE
105 virtual base::string16
SpinnerText() const OVERRIDE
106 virtual base::string16
EditSuggestionText() const OVERRIDE
107 virtual base::string16
CancelButtonText() const OVERRIDE
108 virtual base::string16
ConfirmButtonText() const OVERRIDE
109 virtual base::string16
SaveLocallyText() const OVERRIDE
110 virtual base::string16
SaveLocallyTooltip() const OVERRIDE
111 virtual base::string16
LegalDocumentsText() OVERRIDE
112 virtual bool ShouldShowSpinner() const OVERRIDE
113 virtual bool ShouldShowAccountChooser() const OVERRIDE
114 virtual bool ShouldShowSignInWebView() const OVERRIDE
115 virtual GURL
SignInUrl() const OVERRIDE
116 virtual bool ShouldOfferToSaveInChrome() const OVERRIDE
117 virtual bool ShouldSaveInChrome() const OVERRIDE
118 virtual ui::MenuModel
* MenuModelForAccountChooser() OVERRIDE
119 virtual gfx::Image
AccountChooserImage() OVERRIDE
120 virtual gfx::Image
ButtonStripImage() const OVERRIDE
121 virtual int GetDialogButtons() const OVERRIDE
122 virtual bool IsDialogButtonEnabled(ui::DialogButton button
) const OVERRIDE
123 virtual DialogOverlayState
GetDialogOverlay() OVERRIDE
124 virtual const std::vector
>& LegalDocumentLinks() OVERRIDE
125 virtual bool SectionIsActive(DialogSection section
) const OVERRIDE
126 virtual const DetailInputs
& RequestedFieldsForSection(DialogSection section
128 virtual ui::ComboboxModel
* ComboboxModelForAutofillType(
129 ServerFieldType type
130 virtual ui::MenuModel
* MenuModelForSection(DialogSection section
131 virtual base::string16
LabelForSection(DialogSection section
) const OVERRIDE
132 virtual SuggestionState
133 DialogSection section
134 virtual FieldIconMap
IconsForFields(const FieldValueMap
& user_inputs
136 virtual bool FieldControlsIcons(ServerFieldType type
) const OVERRIDE
137 virtual base::string16
TooltipForField(ServerFieldType type
) const OVERRIDE
138 virtual bool InputIsEditable(const DetailInput
& input
, DialogSection section
140 virtual base::string16
InputValidityMessage(DialogSection section
141 ServerFieldType type
142 const base::string16
& value
143 virtual ValidityMessages
144 DialogSection section
, const FieldValueMap
& inputs
145 virtual void UserEditedOrActivatedInput(DialogSection section
146 ServerFieldType type
147 gfx::NativeView parent_view
148 const gfx::Rect
& content_bounds
149 const base::string16
& field_contents
150 bool was_edit
151 virtual bool HandleKeyPressEventInInput(
152 const content::NativeWebKeyboardEvent
& event
153 virtual void FocusMoved() OVERRIDE
154 virtual bool ShouldShowErrorBubble() const OVERRIDE
155 virtual void ViewClosed() OVERRIDE
156 virtual std::vector
> CurrentNotifications() OVERRIDE
157 virtual void LinkClicked(const GURL
& url
158 virtual void SignInLinkClicked() OVERRIDE
159 virtual void NotificationCheckboxStateChanged(DialogNotification::Type type
160 bool checked
161 virtual void LegalDocumentLinkClicked(const gfx::Range
& range
162 virtual bool OnCancel() OVERRIDE
163 virtual bool OnAccept() OVERRIDE
164 virtual Profile
* profile() OVERRIDE
165 virtual content::WebContents
* GetWebContents() OVERRIDE
167 // AutofillPopupDelegate implementation.
168 virtual void OnPopupShown() OVERRIDE
169 virtual void OnPopupHidden() OVERRIDE
170 virtual bool ShouldRepostEvent(const ui::MouseEvent
& event
171 virtual void DidSelectSuggestion(int identifier
172 virtual void DidAcceptSuggestion(const base::string16
& value
173 int identifier
174 virtual void RemoveSuggestion(const base::string16
& value
175 int identifier
176 virtual void ClearPreviewedForm() OVERRIDE
178 // content::NotificationObserver implementation.
179 virtual void Observe(int type
180 const content::NotificationSource
& source
181 const content::NotificationDetails
& details
183 // SuggestionsMenuModelDelegate implementation.
184 virtual void SuggestionsMenuWillShow() OVERRIDE
185 virtual void SuggestionItemSelected(SuggestionsMenuModel
* model
186 size_t index
188 // wallet::WalletClientDelegate implementation.
189 virtual const AutofillMetrics
& GetMetricLogger() const OVERRIDE
190 virtual std::string
GetRiskData() const OVERRIDE
191 virtual std::string
GetWalletCookieValue() const OVERRIDE
192 virtual bool IsShippingAddressRequired() const OVERRIDE
193 virtual void OnDidAcceptLegalDocuments() OVERRIDE
194 virtual void OnDidAuthenticateInstrument(bool success
195 virtual void OnDidGetFullWallet(
196 scoped_ptr
> full_wallet
197 virtual void OnDidGetWalletItems(
198 scoped_ptr
> wallet_items
199 virtual void OnDidSaveToWallet(
200 const std::string
& instrument_id
201 const std::string
& address_id
202 const std::vector
>& required_actions
203 const std::vector
>& form_field_errors
204 virtual void OnWalletError(
205 wallet::WalletClient::ErrorType error_type
207 // PersonalDataManagerObserver implementation.
208 virtual void OnPersonalDataChanged() OVERRIDE
210 // AccountChooserModelDelegate implementation.
211 virtual void AccountChooserWillShow() OVERRIDE
212 virtual void AccountChoiceChanged() OVERRIDE
213 virtual void AddAccount() OVERRIDE
214 virtual void UpdateAccountChooserView() OVERRIDE
216 // wallet::WalletSigninHelperDelegate implementation.
217 virtual void OnPassiveSigninSuccess() OVERRIDE
218 virtual void OnPassiveSigninFailure(
219 const GoogleServiceAuthError
& error
220 virtual void OnDidFetchWalletCookieValue(
221 const std::string
& cookie_value
223 // gfx::AnimationDelegate implementation.
224 virtual void AnimationEnded(const gfx::Animation
* animation
225 virtual void AnimationProgressed(const gfx::Animation
* animation
227 // ui::ComboboxModelObserver implementation.
228 virtual void OnComboboxModelChanged(ui::ComboboxModel
* model
231 enum DialogSignedInState
240 // Exposed for testing.
241 AutofillDialogControllerImpl(
242 content::WebContents
* contents
243 const FormData
& form_structure
244 const GURL
& source_url
245 const base::Callback
<void(const FormStructure
*)>& callback
247 // Exposed for testing.
248 AutofillDialogView
* view() { return view_
.get(); }
249 virtual AutofillDialogView
* CreateView();
250 ServerFieldType
popup_input_type() const {
251 return popup_input_type_
254 // Returns the PersonalDataManager for |profile_|.
255 virtual PersonalDataManager
* GetManager() const;
257 // Returns the WalletClient* this class uses to talk to Online Wallet. Exposed
259 const wallet::WalletClient
* GetWalletClient() const;
260 virtual wallet::WalletClient
* GetWalletClient();
262 // Call to disable communication to Online Wallet for this dialog.
263 // Exposed for testing.
264 void DisableWallet(wallet::WalletClient::ErrorType error_type
266 // Returns whether Wallet is the current data source. Exposed for testing.
267 virtual bool IsPayingWithWallet() const;
269 // Asks risk module to asynchronously load fingerprint data. Data will be
270 // returned via |OnDidLoadRiskFingerprintData()|. Exposed for testing.
271 virtual void LoadRiskFingerprintData();
272 virtual void OnDidLoadRiskFingerprintData(
273 scoped_ptr
> fingerprint
275 // Opens the given URL in a new foreground tab.
276 virtual void OpenTabWithUrl(const GURL
& url
278 // The active billing section for the current state of the dialog (e.g. when
279 // paying for wallet, the combined credit card + billing address section).
280 DialogSection
ActiveBillingSection() const;
282 // Whether |section| was sent into edit mode based on existing data. This
283 // happens when a user clicks "Edit" or a suggestion is invalid.
284 virtual bool IsEditingExistingData(DialogSection section
) const;
286 // Whether the user has chosen to enter all new data in |section|. This
287 // happens via choosing "Add a new X..." from a section's suggestion menu.
288 bool IsManuallyEditingSection(DialogSection section
) const;
290 // Should be called on the Wallet sign-in error.
291 virtual void OnWalletSigninError();
293 // Whether submission is currently waiting for |action| to be handled.
294 bool IsSubmitPausedOn(wallet::RequiredAction action
) const;
296 // Shows a new credit card saved bubble and passes ownership of |new_card| and
297 // |billing_profile| to the bubble. Exposed for testing.
298 virtual void ShowNewCreditCardBubble(
299 scoped_ptr
> new_card
300 scoped_ptr
> billing_profile
302 // Called when there's nothing left to accept, update, save, or authenticate
303 // in order to fill |form_structure_| and pass data back to the invoking page.
304 void DoFinishSubmit();
306 // Delays enabling submit button for a short period of time. Exposed for
308 virtual void SubmitButtonDelayBegin();
310 // Ends the delay for enabling the submit button. Called only from tests.
311 // Without this method, the tests would have to wait for the delay timer to
312 // finish, which would be flaky.
313 void SubmitButtonDelayEndForTesting();
315 // Resets |last_wallet_items_fetch_timestamp_| for testing.
316 void ClearLastWalletItemsFetchTimestampForTesting();
318 // Allows tests to inspect the state of the account chooser.
319 AccountChooserModel
* AccountChooserModelForTesting();
321 // Returns whether |url| matches the sign in continue URL. If so, also fills
322 // in |user_index| with the index of the user account that just signed in.
323 virtual bool IsSignInContinueUrl(const GURL
& url
, size_t* user_index
) const;
325 // Whether the user is known to be signed in.
326 DialogSignedInState
SignedInState() const;
329 // Initializes or updates |suggested_cc_| et al.
330 void SuggestionsUpdated();
332 // Starts fetching the wallet items from Online Wallet.
333 void GetWalletItems();
335 // Stop showing sign in flow.
338 // Handles the SignedInState() on Wallet or sign-in state update.
339 // Triggers the user name fetch and passive sign-in.
340 void SignedInStateUpdated();
342 // Refreshes the model on Wallet or sign-in state update.
343 void OnWalletOrSigninUpdate();
345 // Called when a Save or Update call to Wallet has validation errors.
346 void OnWalletFormFieldError(
347 const std::vector
>& form_field_errors
349 // Calculates |legal_documents_text_| and |legal_document_link_ranges_|.
350 void ConstructLegalDocumentsText();
352 // Clears previously entered manual input and removes |section| from
353 // |section_editing_state_|. Does not update the view.
354 void ResetSectionInput(DialogSection section
356 // Force |section| into edit mode if the current suggestion is invalid.
357 void ShowEditUiIfBadSuggestion(DialogSection section
359 // Whether the |value| of |input| should be preserved on account change.
360 bool InputWasEdited(ServerFieldType type
361 const base::string16
& value
363 // Takes a snapshot of the newly inputted user data in |view_| (if it exists).
364 FieldValueMap
366 // Fills the detail inputs from a previously taken user input snapshot. Does
367 // not update the view.
368 void RestoreUserInputFromSnapshot(const FieldValueMap
& snapshot
370 // Tells the view to update |section|.
371 void UpdateSection(DialogSection section
373 // Tells |view_| to update the validity status of its detail inputs (if
374 // |view_| is non-null). Currently this is used solely for highlighting
375 // invalid suggestions, so if no sections are based on existing data,
376 // |view_->UpdateForErrors()| is not called.
377 void UpdateForErrors();
379 // Renders and returns one frame of the generated card animation.
380 gfx::Image
GetGeneratedCardImage(const base::string16
& card_number
381 const base::string16
& name
382 const SkColor
& gradient_top
383 const SkColor
& gradient_bottom
385 // Kicks off |card_scrambling_refresher_|.
386 void StartCardScramblingRefresher();
388 // Changes |scrambled_card_number_| and pushes an update to the view.
389 void RefreshCardScramblingOverlay();
391 // Tells the view to update the overlay.
392 void PushOverlayUpdate();
394 // Creates a DataModelWrapper item for the item that's checked in the
395 // suggestion model for |section|. This may represent Autofill
396 // data or Wallet data, depending on whether Wallet is currently enabled.
397 scoped_ptr
> CreateWrapper(DialogSection section
399 // Helper to return the current Wallet instrument or address. If the dialog
400 // isn't using Wallet or the user is adding a new instrument or address, NULL
402 const wallet::WalletItems::MaskedInstrument
* ActiveInstrument() const;
403 const wallet::Address
* ActiveShippingAddress() const;
405 // Fills in |section|-related fields in |output_| according to the state of
407 void FillOutputForSection(DialogSection section
408 // As above, but uses |compare| to determine whether a DetailInput matches
409 // a field. Saves any new Autofill data to the PersonalDataManager.
410 void FillOutputForSectionWithComparator(DialogSection section
411 const InputFieldComparator
& compare
413 // Returns whether |form_structure|_| has any fields that match the fieldset
414 // represented by |section|.
415 bool FormStructureCaresAboutSection(DialogSection section
) const;
417 // Finds all fields of the given |type| in |form_structure_|, if any, and sets
418 // each field's value to |output|.
419 void SetOutputForFieldsOfType(ServerFieldType type
420 const base::string16
& output
422 // Gets the value for |type| in |section|, whether it comes from manual user
423 // input or the active suggestion.
424 base::string16
GetValueFromSection(DialogSection section
425 ServerFieldType type
427 // Gets the SuggestionsMenuModel for |section|.
428 SuggestionsMenuModel
* SuggestionsMenuModelForSection(DialogSection section
429 const SuggestionsMenuModel
* SuggestionsMenuModelForSection(
430 DialogSection section
) const;
432 DialogSection
433 const SuggestionsMenuModel
& model
435 // Gets the CountryComboboxModel for |section|.
436 CountryComboboxModel
* CountryComboboxModelForSection(DialogSection section
438 // Suggested text and icons for sections. Suggestion text is used to show an
439 // abridged overview of the currently used suggestion. Extra text is used when
440 // part of a section is suggested but part must be manually input (e.g. during
441 // a CVC challenge or when using Autofill's CC section [never stores CVC]).
442 bool SuggestionTextForSection(DialogSection section
443 base::string16
* vertically_compact
444 base::string16
* horizontally_compact
445 base::string16
RequiredActionTextForSection(DialogSection section
) const;
446 gfx::Image
SuggestionIconForSection(DialogSection section
447 base::string16
ExtraSuggestionTextForSection(DialogSection section
) const;
448 gfx::Image
ExtraSuggestionIconForSection(DialogSection section
450 // Loads profiles that can suggest data for |type|. |field_contents| is the
451 // part the user has already typed. |inputs| is the rest of section.
452 // Identifying info is loaded into the last three outparams as well as
454 void GetProfileSuggestions(
455 ServerFieldType type
456 const base::string16
& field_contents
457 const DetailInputs
& inputs
458 std::vector
>* popup_values
459 std::vector
>* popup_labels
460 std::vector
>* popup_icons
462 // Like RequestedFieldsForSection, but returns a pointer.
463 DetailInputs
* MutableRequestedFieldsForSection(DialogSection section
465 // Returns the country code (e.g. "US") for |section|.
466 std::string
CountryCodeForSection(DialogSection section
468 // Hides |popup_controller_|'s popup view, if it exists.
471 // Set whether the currently editing |section| was originally based on
472 // existing Wallet or Autofill data.
473 void SetEditingExistingData(DialogSection section
, bool editing
475 // Whether the user has chosen to enter all new data in at least one section.
476 bool IsManuallyEditingAnySection() const;
478 // Returns validity message for a given credit card number.
479 base::string16
480 const base::string16
& number
) const;
482 // Whether all of the input fields currently showing in the dialog have valid
483 // contents. This validates only by checking "sure" messages, i.e. messages
484 // that would have been displayed to the user during editing, as opposed to
486 bool AllSectionsAreValid();
488 // Whether all of the input fields currently showing in the given |section| of
489 // the dialog have valid contents. This validates only by checking "sure"
490 // messages - see AllSectionsAreValid.
491 bool SectionIsValid(DialogSection section
493 // Whether the currently active credit card expiration date is valid.
494 bool IsCreditCardExpirationValid(const base::string16
& year
495 const base::string16
& month
) const;
497 // Returns true if |key| refers to a suggestion, as opposed to some control
499 bool IsASuggestionItemKey(const std::string
& key
) const;
501 // Whether the billing section should be used to fill in the shipping details.
502 bool ShouldUseBillingForShipping();
504 // Whether the user wishes to save information locally to Autofill.
505 bool ShouldSaveDetailsLocally();
507 // Change whether the controller is currently submitting details to Autofill
508 // or Online Wallet (|is_submitting_|) and update the view.
509 void SetIsSubmitting(bool submitting
511 // Whether the user has accepted all the current legal documents' terms.
512 bool AreLegalDocumentsCurrent() const;
514 // Accepts any pending legal documents now that the user has pressed Submit.
515 void AcceptLegalTerms();
517 // Start the submit proccess to interact with Online Wallet (might do various
518 // things like accept documents, save details, update details, respond to
519 // required actions, etc.).
520 void SubmitWithWallet();
522 // Creates an instrument based on |views_|' contents.
523 scoped_ptr
> CreateTransientInstrument();
525 // Creates an address based on the contents of |view_|.
526 scoped_ptr
> CreateTransientAddress();
528 // Gets a full wallet from Online Wallet so the user can purchase something.
529 // This information is decoded to reveal a fronting (proxy) card.
530 void GetFullWallet();
532 // Updates the state of the controller and |view_| based on any required
533 // actions returned by Save or Update calls to Wallet.
534 void HandleSaveOrUpdateRequiredActions(
535 const std::vector
>& required_actions
537 // Shows a card generation overlay if necessary, then calls DoFinishSubmit.
540 // Writes to prefs the choice of AutofillDataModel for |section|.
541 void PersistAutofillChoice(DialogSection section
542 const std::string
& guid
544 // Sets the outparams to the default AutofillDataModel for |section| (which is
545 // the first one in the menu that is a suggestion item).
546 void GetDefaultAutofillChoice(DialogSection section
549 // Reads from prefs the choice of AutofillDataModel for |section|. Returns
550 // whether there was a setting to read.
551 bool GetAutofillChoice(DialogSection section
554 // Logs metrics when the dialog is submitted.
555 void LogOnFinishSubmitMetrics();
557 // Logs metrics when the dialog is canceled.
558 void LogOnCancelMetrics();
560 // Logs metrics when the edit ui is shown for the given |section|.
561 void LogEditUiShownMetric(DialogSection section
563 // Logs metrics when a suggestion item from the given |model| is selected.
564 void LogSuggestionItemSelectedMetric(const SuggestionsMenuModel
& model
566 // Logs the time elapsed from when the dialog was shown to when the user could
568 void LogDialogLatencyToShow();
570 // Returns the metric corresponding to the user's initial state when
571 // interacting with this dialog.
572 AutofillMetrics::DialogInitialUserStateMetric
GetInitialUserState() const;
574 // Shows an educational bubble if a new credit card was saved or the first few
575 // times an Online Wallet fronting card was generated.
576 void MaybeShowCreditCardBubble();
578 // Called when the delay for enabling the submit button ends.
579 void OnSubmitButtonDelayEnd();
581 // Gets the user's current Wallet cookie (gdToken) from the cookie jar.
582 void FetchWalletCookie();
584 // The |profile| for |contents_|.
585 Profile
* const profile_
587 // For logging UMA metrics.
588 const AutofillMetrics metric_logger_
589 base::Time dialog_shown_timestamp_
590 AutofillMetrics::DialogInitialUserStateMetric initial_user_state_
592 FormStructure form_structure_
594 // Whether the URL visible to the user when this dialog was requested to be
595 // invoked is the same as |source_url_|.
596 bool invoked_from_same_origin_
598 // The URL of the invoking site.
601 // The callback via which we return the collected data.
602 base::Callback
<void(const FormStructure
*)> callback_
604 // The AccountChooserModel acts as the MenuModel for the account chooser,
605 // and also tracks which data source the dialog is using.
606 scoped_ptr
> account_chooser_model_
608 // The sign-in helper to fetch the user's Wallet cookie and to perform passive
609 // sign-in. The helper is set only during fetch/sign-in, and NULL otherwise.
610 scoped_ptr
> signin_helper_
612 // A client to talk to the Online Wallet API.
613 wallet::WalletClient wallet_client_
615 // True if |this| has ever called GetWalletItems().
616 bool wallet_items_requested_
618 // True when the user has clicked the "Use Wallet" link and we're waiting to
619 // figure out whether we need to ask them to actively sign in.
620 bool handling_use_wallet_link_click_
622 // True when the current WalletItems has a passive auth action which was
623 // attempted and failed.
624 bool passive_failed_
626 // Recently received items retrieved via |wallet_client_|.
627 scoped_ptr
> wallet_items_
628 scoped_ptr
> full_wallet_
630 // The default active instrument and shipping address object IDs as of the
631 // last time Wallet items were fetched. These variables are only set
632 // (i.e. non-empty) when the Wallet items are being re-fetched.
633 std::string previous_default_instrument_id_
634 std::string previous_default_shipping_address_id_
635 // The last active instrument and shipping address object IDs. These
636 // variables are only set (i.e. non-empty) when the Wallet items are being
638 std::string previously_selected_instrument_id_
639 std::string previously_selected_shipping_address_id_
641 // When the Wallet items were last fetched.
642 base::TimeTicks last_wallet_items_fetch_timestamp_
644 // Local machine signals to pass along on each request to trigger (or
645 // discourage) risk challenges; sent if the user is up to date on legal docs.
646 std::string risk_data_
648 // The text to display when the user is accepting new terms of service, etc.
649 base::string16 legal_documents_text_
650 // The ranges within |legal_documents_text_| to linkify.
651 std::vector
> legal_document_link_ranges_
653 // The instrument and address IDs from the Online Wallet server to be used
654 // when getting a full wallet.
655 std::string active_instrument_id_
656 std::string active_address_id_
658 // The fields for billing and shipping which the page has actually requested.
659 DetailInputs requested_cc_fields_
660 DetailInputs requested_billing_fields_
661 DetailInputs requested_cc_billing_fields_
662 DetailInputs requested_shipping_fields_
664 // Models for the credit card expiration inputs.
665 MonthComboboxModel cc_exp_month_combobox_model_
666 YearComboboxModel cc_exp_year_combobox_model_
668 // Models for country input.
669 CountryComboboxModel billing_country_combobox_model_
670 CountryComboboxModel shipping_country_combobox_model_
672 // Models for the suggestion views.
673 SuggestionsMenuModel suggested_cc_
674 SuggestionsMenuModel suggested_billing_
675 SuggestionsMenuModel suggested_cc_billing_
676 SuggestionsMenuModel suggested_shipping_
678 // |DialogSection|s that are in edit mode that are based on existing data.
679 std::set
> section_editing_state_
681 // Whether |form_structure_| has asked for any details that would indicate
682 // we should show a shipping section.
683 bool cares_about_shipping_
685 // The GUIDs for the currently showing unverified profiles popup.
686 std::vector
> popup_guids_
688 // The controller for the currently showing popup (which helps users when
689 // they're manually filling the dialog).
690 base::WeakPtr
> popup_controller_
692 // The type of the visible Autofill popup input (or UNKNOWN_TYPE if none).
693 ServerFieldType popup_input_type_
695 scoped_ptr
> view_
697 // A NotificationRegistrar for tracking the completion of sign-in.
698 content::NotificationRegistrar signin_registrar_
700 base::WeakPtrFactory
> weak_ptr_factory_
702 // Set to true when the user presses the sign in link, until we're ready to
703 // show the normal dialog again. This is used to hide the buttons while
704 // the spinner is showing after an explicit sign in.
705 bool waiting_for_explicit_sign_in_response_
707 // Whether a user accepted legal documents while this dialog is running.
708 bool has_accepted_legal_documents_
710 // True after the user first accepts the dialog and presses "Submit". May
711 // continue to be true while processing required actions.
714 // True if the last call to |GetFullWallet()| returned a
715 // CHOOSE_ANOTHER_INSTRUMENT_OR_ADDRESS required action, indicating that the
716 // selected instrument or address had become invalid since it was originally
717 // returned in |GetWalletItems()|.
718 bool choose_another_instrument_or_address_
720 // Whether or not the server side validation errors returned by Wallet were
722 bool wallet_server_validation_recoverable_
724 // Whether |callback_| was Run() with a filled |form_structure_|.
725 bool data_was_passed_back_
727 typedef std::map
728 std::pair
, base::string16
> > TypeErrorInputMap
729 typedef std::map
, TypeErrorInputMap
> WalletValidationErrors
730 // Wallet validation errors. section->type->(error_msg, input_value).
731 WalletValidationErrors wallet_errors_
733 // The notification that describes the current wallet error, if any.
734 scoped_ptr
> wallet_error_notification_
736 // Whether the latency to display to the UI was logged to UMA yet.
737 bool was_ui_latency_logged_
739 // The Google Wallet cookie value, set as an authorization header on requests
741 std::string wallet_cookie_value_
743 // A map from dialog sections to the GUID of a newly saved Autofill data
744 // models for that section. No entries present that don't have newly saved
746 std::map
, std::string
> newly_saved_data_model_guids_
748 // Populated if the user chose to save a newly inputted credit card. Used to
749 // show a bubble as the dialog closes to confirm a user's new card info was
750 // saved. Never populated while incognito (as nothing's actually saved).
751 scoped_ptr
> newly_saved_card_
753 // The last four digits of the backing card used for the current run of the
754 // dialog. Only applies to Wallet and is populated on submit.
755 base::string16 backing_card_last_four_
757 // The timer that delays enabling submit button for a short period of time on
759 base::OneShotTimer
> submit_button_delay_timer_
761 // The card scrambling animation displays a random number in place of an
762 // actual credit card number. This is that random number.
763 base::string16 scrambled_card_number_
765 // Two timers to deal with the card scrambling animation. The first provides
766 // a one second delay before the numbers start scrambling. The second controls
767 // the rate of refresh for the number scrambling.
768 base::OneShotTimer
> card_scrambling_delay_
769 base::RepeatingTimer
> card_scrambling_refresher_
771 // An animation which controls the background fade when the card is done
773 gfx::LinearAnimation card_generated_animation_
775 // A username string we display in the card scrambling/generated overlay.
776 base::string16 submitted_cardholder_name_
778 ScopedObserver
, AutofillDialogControllerImpl
> observer_
780 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AutofillDialogControllerImpl
783 } // namespace autofill