Disable view source for Developer Tools.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / ui / autofill / autofill_dialog_controller_impl.h
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <set>
9 #include <vector>
11 #include "base/callback.h"
12 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
13 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
14 #include "base/scoped_observer.h"
15 #include "base/strings/string16.h"
16 #include "base/time/time.h"
17 #include "chrome/browser/ui/autofill/account_chooser_model.h"
18 #include "chrome/browser/ui/autofill/autofill_dialog_controller.h"
19 #include "chrome/browser/ui/autofill/autofill_dialog_models.h"
20 #include "chrome/browser/ui/autofill/autofill_dialog_types.h"
21 #include "chrome/browser/ui/autofill/autofill_dialog_view_delegate.h"
22 #include "chrome/browser/ui/autofill/autofill_popup_controller_impl.h"
23 #include "chrome/browser/ui/autofill/country_combobox_model.h"
24 #include "components/autofill/content/browser/wallet/wallet_client.h"
25 #include "components/autofill/content/browser/wallet/wallet_client_delegate.h"
26 #include "components/autofill/content/browser/wallet/wallet_items.h"
27 #include "components/autofill/content/browser/wallet/wallet_signin_helper_delegate.h"
28 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_manager_delegate.h"
29 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_metrics.h"
30 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_popup_delegate.h"
31 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/field_types.h"
32 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/form_structure.h"
33 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/personal_data_manager.h"
34 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/personal_data_manager_observer.h"
35 #include "content/public/browser/notification_observer.h"
36 #include "content/public/browser/notification_registrar.h"
37 #include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
38 #include "content/public/common/ssl_status.h"
39 #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
40 #include "ui/base/models/combobox_model_observer.h"
41 #include "ui/base/models/simple_menu_model.h"
42 #include "ui/base/ui_base_types.h"
43 #include "ui/gfx/animation/animation_delegate.h"
44 #include "ui/gfx/animation/linear_animation.h"
45 #include "url/gurl.h"
47 class Profile;
49 namespace content {
50 class WebContents;
53 namespace autofill {
55 class AutofillDataModel;
56 class AutofillDialogView;
57 class AutofillPopupControllerImpl;
58 class DataModelWrapper;
59 class TestableAutofillDialogView;
61 namespace risk {
62 class Fingerprint;
65 namespace wallet {
66 class WalletSigninHelper;
69 // This class drives the dialog that appears when a site uses the imperative
70 // autocomplete API to fill out a form.
71 class AutofillDialogControllerImpl : public AutofillDialogViewDelegate,
72 public AutofillDialogController,
73 public AutofillPopupDelegate,
74 public content::NotificationObserver,
75 public content::WebContentsObserver,
76 public SuggestionsMenuModelDelegate,
77 public wallet::WalletClientDelegate,
78 public wallet::WalletSigninHelperDelegate,
79 public PersonalDataManagerObserver,
80 public AccountChooserModelDelegate,
81 public gfx::AnimationDelegate,
82 public ui::ComboboxModelObserver {
83 public:
84 virtual ~AutofillDialogControllerImpl();
86 static base::WeakPtr<AutofillDialogControllerImpl> Create(
87 content::WebContents* contents,
88 const FormData& form_structure,
89 const GURL& source_url,
90 const base::Callback<void(const FormStructure*)>& callback);
92 // AutofillDialogController implementation.
93 virtual void Show() OVERRIDE;
94 virtual void Hide() OVERRIDE;
95 virtual void TabActivated() OVERRIDE;
97 // Returns |view_| as a testable version of itself (if |view_| exists and
98 // actually implements |AutofillDialogView::GetTestableView()|).
99 TestableAutofillDialogView* GetTestableView();
101 // AutofillDialogViewDelegate implementation.
102 virtual base::string16 DialogTitle() const OVERRIDE;
103 virtual base::string16 AccountChooserText() const OVERRIDE;
104 virtual base::string16 SignInLinkText() const OVERRIDE;
105 virtual base::string16 SpinnerText() const OVERRIDE;
106 virtual base::string16 EditSuggestionText() const OVERRIDE;
107 virtual base::string16 CancelButtonText() const OVERRIDE;
108 virtual base::string16 ConfirmButtonText() const OVERRIDE;
109 virtual base::string16 SaveLocallyText() const OVERRIDE;
110 virtual base::string16 SaveLocallyTooltip() const OVERRIDE;
111 virtual base::string16 LegalDocumentsText() OVERRIDE;
112 virtual bool ShouldShowSpinner() const OVERRIDE;
113 virtual bool ShouldShowAccountChooser() const OVERRIDE;
114 virtual bool ShouldShowSignInWebView() const OVERRIDE;
115 virtual GURL SignInUrl() const OVERRIDE;
116 virtual bool ShouldOfferToSaveInChrome() const OVERRIDE;
117 virtual bool ShouldSaveInChrome() const OVERRIDE;
118 virtual ui::MenuModel* MenuModelForAccountChooser() OVERRIDE;
119 virtual gfx::Image AccountChooserImage() OVERRIDE;
120 virtual gfx::Image ButtonStripImage() const OVERRIDE;
121 virtual int GetDialogButtons() const OVERRIDE;
122 virtual bool IsDialogButtonEnabled(ui::DialogButton button) const OVERRIDE;
123 virtual DialogOverlayState GetDialogOverlay() OVERRIDE;
124 virtual const std::vector<gfx::Range>& LegalDocumentLinks() OVERRIDE;
125 virtual bool SectionIsActive(DialogSection section) const OVERRIDE;
126 virtual const DetailInputs& RequestedFieldsForSection(DialogSection section)
127 const OVERRIDE;
128 virtual ui::ComboboxModel* ComboboxModelForAutofillType(
129 ServerFieldType type) OVERRIDE;
130 virtual ui::MenuModel* MenuModelForSection(DialogSection section) OVERRIDE;
131 virtual base::string16 LabelForSection(DialogSection section) const OVERRIDE;
132 virtual SuggestionState SuggestionStateForSection(
133 DialogSection section) OVERRIDE;
134 virtual FieldIconMap IconsForFields(const FieldValueMap& user_inputs)
135 const OVERRIDE;
136 virtual bool FieldControlsIcons(ServerFieldType type) const OVERRIDE;
137 virtual base::string16 TooltipForField(ServerFieldType type) const OVERRIDE;
138 virtual bool InputIsEditable(const DetailInput& input, DialogSection section)
140 virtual base::string16 InputValidityMessage(DialogSection section,
141 ServerFieldType type,
142 const base::string16& value) OVERRIDE;
143 virtual ValidityMessages InputsAreValid(
144 DialogSection section, const FieldValueMap& inputs) OVERRIDE;
145 virtual void UserEditedOrActivatedInput(DialogSection section,
146 ServerFieldType type,
147 gfx::NativeView parent_view,
148 const gfx::Rect& content_bounds,
149 const base::string16& field_contents,
150 bool was_edit) OVERRIDE;
151 virtual bool HandleKeyPressEventInInput(
152 const content::NativeWebKeyboardEvent& event) OVERRIDE;
153 virtual void FocusMoved() OVERRIDE;
154 virtual bool ShouldShowErrorBubble() const OVERRIDE;
155 virtual void ViewClosed() OVERRIDE;
156 virtual std::vector<DialogNotification> CurrentNotifications() OVERRIDE;
157 virtual void LinkClicked(const GURL& url) OVERRIDE;
158 virtual void SignInLinkClicked() OVERRIDE;
159 virtual void NotificationCheckboxStateChanged(DialogNotification::Type type,
160 bool checked) OVERRIDE;
161 virtual void LegalDocumentLinkClicked(const gfx::Range& range) OVERRIDE;
162 virtual bool OnCancel() OVERRIDE;
163 virtual bool OnAccept() OVERRIDE;
164 virtual Profile* profile() OVERRIDE;
165 virtual content::WebContents* GetWebContents() OVERRIDE;
167 // AutofillPopupDelegate implementation.
168 virtual void OnPopupShown() OVERRIDE;
169 virtual void OnPopupHidden() OVERRIDE;
170 virtual bool ShouldRepostEvent(const ui::MouseEvent& event) OVERRIDE;
171 virtual void DidSelectSuggestion(int identifier) OVERRIDE;
172 virtual void DidAcceptSuggestion(const base::string16& value,
173 int identifier) OVERRIDE;
174 virtual void RemoveSuggestion(const base::string16& value,
175 int identifier) OVERRIDE;
176 virtual void ClearPreviewedForm() OVERRIDE;
178 // content::NotificationObserver implementation.
179 virtual void Observe(int type,
180 const content::NotificationSource& source,
181 const content::NotificationDetails& details) OVERRIDE;
183 // SuggestionsMenuModelDelegate implementation.
184 virtual void SuggestionsMenuWillShow() OVERRIDE;
185 virtual void SuggestionItemSelected(SuggestionsMenuModel* model,
186 size_t index) OVERRIDE;
188 // wallet::WalletClientDelegate implementation.
189 virtual const AutofillMetrics& GetMetricLogger() const OVERRIDE;
190 virtual std::string GetRiskData() const OVERRIDE;
191 virtual std::string GetWalletCookieValue() const OVERRIDE;
192 virtual bool IsShippingAddressRequired() const OVERRIDE;
193 virtual void OnDidAcceptLegalDocuments() OVERRIDE;
194 virtual void OnDidAuthenticateInstrument(bool success) OVERRIDE;
195 virtual void OnDidGetFullWallet(
196 scoped_ptr<wallet::FullWallet> full_wallet) OVERRIDE;
197 virtual void OnDidGetWalletItems(
198 scoped_ptr<wallet::WalletItems> wallet_items) OVERRIDE;
199 virtual void OnDidSaveToWallet(
200 const std::string& instrument_id,
201 const std::string& address_id,
202 const std::vector<wallet::RequiredAction>& required_actions,
203 const std::vector<wallet::FormFieldError>& form_field_errors) OVERRIDE;
204 virtual void OnWalletError(
205 wallet::WalletClient::ErrorType error_type) OVERRIDE;
207 // PersonalDataManagerObserver implementation.
208 virtual void OnPersonalDataChanged() OVERRIDE;
210 // AccountChooserModelDelegate implementation.
211 virtual void AccountChooserWillShow() OVERRIDE;
212 virtual void AccountChoiceChanged() OVERRIDE;
213 virtual void AddAccount() OVERRIDE;
214 virtual void UpdateAccountChooserView() OVERRIDE;
216 // wallet::WalletSigninHelperDelegate implementation.
217 virtual void OnPassiveSigninSuccess() OVERRIDE;
218 virtual void OnPassiveSigninFailure(
219 const GoogleServiceAuthError& error) OVERRIDE;
220 virtual void OnDidFetchWalletCookieValue(
221 const std::string& cookie_value) OVERRIDE;
223 // gfx::AnimationDelegate implementation.
224 virtual void AnimationEnded(const gfx::Animation* animation) OVERRIDE;
225 virtual void AnimationProgressed(const gfx::Animation* animation) OVERRIDE;
227 // ui::ComboboxModelObserver implementation.
228 virtual void OnComboboxModelChanged(ui::ComboboxModel* model) OVERRIDE;
230 protected:
231 enum DialogSignedInState {
240 // Exposed for testing.
241 AutofillDialogControllerImpl(
242 content::WebContents* contents,
243 const FormData& form_structure,
244 const GURL& source_url,
245 const base::Callback<void(const FormStructure*)>& callback);
247 // Exposed for testing.
248 AutofillDialogView* view() { return view_.get(); }
249 virtual AutofillDialogView* CreateView();
250 ServerFieldType popup_input_type() const {
251 return popup_input_type_;
254 // Returns the PersonalDataManager for |profile_|.
255 virtual PersonalDataManager* GetManager() const;
257 // Returns the WalletClient* this class uses to talk to Online Wallet. Exposed
258 // for testing.
259 const wallet::WalletClient* GetWalletClient() const;
260 virtual wallet::WalletClient* GetWalletClient();
262 // Call to disable communication to Online Wallet for this dialog.
263 // Exposed for testing.
264 void DisableWallet(wallet::WalletClient::ErrorType error_type);
266 // Returns whether Wallet is the current data source. Exposed for testing.
267 virtual bool IsPayingWithWallet() const;
269 // Asks risk module to asynchronously load fingerprint data. Data will be
270 // returned via |OnDidLoadRiskFingerprintData()|. Exposed for testing.
271 virtual void LoadRiskFingerprintData();
272 virtual void OnDidLoadRiskFingerprintData(
273 scoped_ptr<risk::Fingerprint> fingerprint);
275 // Opens the given URL in a new foreground tab.
276 virtual void OpenTabWithUrl(const GURL& url);
278 // The active billing section for the current state of the dialog (e.g. when
279 // paying for wallet, the combined credit card + billing address section).
280 DialogSection ActiveBillingSection() const;
282 // Whether |section| was sent into edit mode based on existing data. This
283 // happens when a user clicks "Edit" or a suggestion is invalid.
284 virtual bool IsEditingExistingData(DialogSection section) const;
286 // Whether the user has chosen to enter all new data in |section|. This
287 // happens via choosing "Add a new X..." from a section's suggestion menu.
288 bool IsManuallyEditingSection(DialogSection section) const;
290 // Should be called on the Wallet sign-in error.
291 virtual void OnWalletSigninError();
293 // Whether submission is currently waiting for |action| to be handled.
294 bool IsSubmitPausedOn(wallet::RequiredAction action) const;
296 // Shows a new credit card saved bubble and passes ownership of |new_card| and
297 // |billing_profile| to the bubble. Exposed for testing.
298 virtual void ShowNewCreditCardBubble(
299 scoped_ptr<CreditCard> new_card,
300 scoped_ptr<AutofillProfile> billing_profile);
302 // Called when there's nothing left to accept, update, save, or authenticate
303 // in order to fill |form_structure_| and pass data back to the invoking page.
304 void DoFinishSubmit();
306 // Delays enabling submit button for a short period of time. Exposed for
307 // testing.
308 virtual void SubmitButtonDelayBegin();
310 // Ends the delay for enabling the submit button. Called only from tests.
311 // Without this method, the tests would have to wait for the delay timer to
312 // finish, which would be flaky.
313 void SubmitButtonDelayEndForTesting();
315 // Resets |last_wallet_items_fetch_timestamp_| for testing.
316 void ClearLastWalletItemsFetchTimestampForTesting();
318 // Allows tests to inspect the state of the account chooser.
319 AccountChooserModel* AccountChooserModelForTesting();
321 // Returns whether |url| matches the sign in continue URL. If so, also fills
322 // in |user_index| with the index of the user account that just signed in.
323 virtual bool IsSignInContinueUrl(const GURL& url, size_t* user_index) const;
325 // Whether the user is known to be signed in.
326 DialogSignedInState SignedInState() const;
328 private:
329 // Initializes or updates |suggested_cc_| et al.
330 void SuggestionsUpdated();
332 // Starts fetching the wallet items from Online Wallet.
333 void GetWalletItems();
335 // Stop showing sign in flow.
336 void HideSignIn();
338 // Handles the SignedInState() on Wallet or sign-in state update.
339 // Triggers the user name fetch and passive sign-in.
340 void SignedInStateUpdated();
342 // Refreshes the model on Wallet or sign-in state update.
343 void OnWalletOrSigninUpdate();
345 // Called when a Save or Update call to Wallet has validation errors.
346 void OnWalletFormFieldError(
347 const std::vector<wallet::FormFieldError>& form_field_errors);
349 // Calculates |legal_documents_text_| and |legal_document_link_ranges_|.
350 void ConstructLegalDocumentsText();
352 // Clears previously entered manual input and removes |section| from
353 // |section_editing_state_|. Does not update the view.
354 void ResetSectionInput(DialogSection section);
356 // Force |section| into edit mode if the current suggestion is invalid.
357 void ShowEditUiIfBadSuggestion(DialogSection section);
359 // Whether the |value| of |input| should be preserved on account change.
360 bool InputWasEdited(ServerFieldType type,
361 const base::string16& value);
363 // Takes a snapshot of the newly inputted user data in |view_| (if it exists).
364 FieldValueMap TakeUserInputSnapshot();
366 // Fills the detail inputs from a previously taken user input snapshot. Does
367 // not update the view.
368 void RestoreUserInputFromSnapshot(const FieldValueMap& snapshot);
370 // Tells the view to update |section|.
371 void UpdateSection(DialogSection section);
373 // Tells |view_| to update the validity status of its detail inputs (if
374 // |view_| is non-null). Currently this is used solely for highlighting
375 // invalid suggestions, so if no sections are based on existing data,
376 // |view_->UpdateForErrors()| is not called.
377 void UpdateForErrors();
379 // Renders and returns one frame of the generated card animation.
380 gfx::Image GetGeneratedCardImage(const base::string16& card_number,
381 const base::string16& name,
382 const SkColor& gradient_top,
383 const SkColor& gradient_bottom);
385 // Kicks off |card_scrambling_refresher_|.
386 void StartCardScramblingRefresher();
388 // Changes |scrambled_card_number_| and pushes an update to the view.
389 void RefreshCardScramblingOverlay();
391 // Tells the view to update the overlay.
392 void PushOverlayUpdate();
394 // Creates a DataModelWrapper item for the item that's checked in the
395 // suggestion model for |section|. This may represent Autofill
396 // data or Wallet data, depending on whether Wallet is currently enabled.
397 scoped_ptr<DataModelWrapper> CreateWrapper(DialogSection section);
399 // Helper to return the current Wallet instrument or address. If the dialog
400 // isn't using Wallet or the user is adding a new instrument or address, NULL
401 // will be returned.
402 const wallet::WalletItems::MaskedInstrument* ActiveInstrument() const;
403 const wallet::Address* ActiveShippingAddress() const;
405 // Fills in |section|-related fields in |output_| according to the state of
406 // |view_|.
407 void FillOutputForSection(DialogSection section);
408 // As above, but uses |compare| to determine whether a DetailInput matches
409 // a field. Saves any new Autofill data to the PersonalDataManager.
410 void FillOutputForSectionWithComparator(DialogSection section,
411 const InputFieldComparator& compare);
413 // Returns whether |form_structure|_| has any fields that match the fieldset
414 // represented by |section|.
415 bool FormStructureCaresAboutSection(DialogSection section) const;
417 // Finds all fields of the given |type| in |form_structure_|, if any, and sets
418 // each field's value to |output|.
419 void SetOutputForFieldsOfType(ServerFieldType type,
420 const base::string16& output);
422 // Gets the value for |type| in |section|, whether it comes from manual user
423 // input or the active suggestion.
424 base::string16 GetValueFromSection(DialogSection section,
425 ServerFieldType type);
427 // Gets the SuggestionsMenuModel for |section|.
428 SuggestionsMenuModel* SuggestionsMenuModelForSection(DialogSection section);
429 const SuggestionsMenuModel* SuggestionsMenuModelForSection(
430 DialogSection section) const;
431 // And the reverse.
432 DialogSection SectionForSuggestionsMenuModel(
433 const SuggestionsMenuModel& model);
435 // Gets the CountryComboboxModel for |section|.
436 CountryComboboxModel* CountryComboboxModelForSection(DialogSection section);
438 // Suggested text and icons for sections. Suggestion text is used to show an
439 // abridged overview of the currently used suggestion. Extra text is used when
440 // part of a section is suggested but part must be manually input (e.g. during
441 // a CVC challenge or when using Autofill's CC section [never stores CVC]).
442 bool SuggestionTextForSection(DialogSection section,
443 base::string16* vertically_compact,
444 base::string16* horizontally_compact);
445 base::string16 RequiredActionTextForSection(DialogSection section) const;
446 gfx::Image SuggestionIconForSection(DialogSection section);
447 base::string16 ExtraSuggestionTextForSection(DialogSection section) const;
448 gfx::Image ExtraSuggestionIconForSection(DialogSection section);
450 // Loads profiles that can suggest data for |type|. |field_contents| is the
451 // part the user has already typed. |inputs| is the rest of section.
452 // Identifying info is loaded into the last three outparams as well as
453 // |popup_guids_|.
454 void GetProfileSuggestions(
455 ServerFieldType type,
456 const base::string16& field_contents,
457 const DetailInputs& inputs,
458 std::vector<base::string16>* popup_values,
459 std::vector<base::string16>* popup_labels,
460 std::vector<base::string16>* popup_icons);
462 // Like RequestedFieldsForSection, but returns a pointer.
463 DetailInputs* MutableRequestedFieldsForSection(DialogSection section);
465 // Returns the country code (e.g. "US") for |section|.
466 std::string CountryCodeForSection(DialogSection section);
468 // Hides |popup_controller_|'s popup view, if it exists.
469 void HidePopup();
471 // Set whether the currently editing |section| was originally based on
472 // existing Wallet or Autofill data.
473 void SetEditingExistingData(DialogSection section, bool editing);
475 // Whether the user has chosen to enter all new data in at least one section.
476 bool IsManuallyEditingAnySection() const;
478 // Returns validity message for a given credit card number.
479 base::string16 CreditCardNumberValidityMessage(
480 const base::string16& number) const;
482 // Whether all of the input fields currently showing in the dialog have valid
483 // contents. This validates only by checking "sure" messages, i.e. messages
484 // that would have been displayed to the user during editing, as opposed to
485 // submission.
486 bool AllSectionsAreValid();
488 // Whether all of the input fields currently showing in the given |section| of
489 // the dialog have valid contents. This validates only by checking "sure"
490 // messages - see AllSectionsAreValid.
491 bool SectionIsValid(DialogSection section);
493 // Whether the currently active credit card expiration date is valid.
494 bool IsCreditCardExpirationValid(const base::string16& year,
495 const base::string16& month) const;
497 // Returns true if |key| refers to a suggestion, as opposed to some control
498 // menu item.
499 bool IsASuggestionItemKey(const std::string& key) const;
501 // Whether the billing section should be used to fill in the shipping details.
502 bool ShouldUseBillingForShipping();
504 // Whether the user wishes to save information locally to Autofill.
505 bool ShouldSaveDetailsLocally();
507 // Change whether the controller is currently submitting details to Autofill
508 // or Online Wallet (|is_submitting_|) and update the view.
509 void SetIsSubmitting(bool submitting);
511 // Whether the user has accepted all the current legal documents' terms.
512 bool AreLegalDocumentsCurrent() const;
514 // Accepts any pending legal documents now that the user has pressed Submit.
515 void AcceptLegalTerms();
517 // Start the submit proccess to interact with Online Wallet (might do various
518 // things like accept documents, save details, update details, respond to
519 // required actions, etc.).
520 void SubmitWithWallet();
522 // Creates an instrument based on |views_|' contents.
523 scoped_ptr<wallet::Instrument> CreateTransientInstrument();
525 // Creates an address based on the contents of |view_|.
526 scoped_ptr<wallet::Address> CreateTransientAddress();
528 // Gets a full wallet from Online Wallet so the user can purchase something.
529 // This information is decoded to reveal a fronting (proxy) card.
530 void GetFullWallet();
532 // Updates the state of the controller and |view_| based on any required
533 // actions returned by Save or Update calls to Wallet.
534 void HandleSaveOrUpdateRequiredActions(
535 const std::vector<wallet::RequiredAction>& required_actions);
537 // Shows a card generation overlay if necessary, then calls DoFinishSubmit.
538 void FinishSubmit();
540 // Writes to prefs the choice of AutofillDataModel for |section|.
541 void PersistAutofillChoice(DialogSection section,
542 const std::string& guid);
544 // Sets the outparams to the default AutofillDataModel for |section| (which is
545 // the first one in the menu that is a suggestion item).
546 void GetDefaultAutofillChoice(DialogSection section,
547 std::string* guid);
549 // Reads from prefs the choice of AutofillDataModel for |section|. Returns
550 // whether there was a setting to read.
551 bool GetAutofillChoice(DialogSection section,
552 std::string* guid);
554 // Logs metrics when the dialog is submitted.
555 void LogOnFinishSubmitMetrics();
557 // Logs metrics when the dialog is canceled.
558 void LogOnCancelMetrics();
560 // Logs metrics when the edit ui is shown for the given |section|.
561 void LogEditUiShownMetric(DialogSection section);
563 // Logs metrics when a suggestion item from the given |model| is selected.
564 void LogSuggestionItemSelectedMetric(const SuggestionsMenuModel& model);
566 // Logs the time elapsed from when the dialog was shown to when the user could
567 // interact with it.
568 void LogDialogLatencyToShow();
570 // Returns the metric corresponding to the user's initial state when
571 // interacting with this dialog.
572 AutofillMetrics::DialogInitialUserStateMetric GetInitialUserState() const;
574 // Shows an educational bubble if a new credit card was saved or the first few
575 // times an Online Wallet fronting card was generated.
576 void MaybeShowCreditCardBubble();
578 // Called when the delay for enabling the submit button ends.
579 void OnSubmitButtonDelayEnd();
581 // Gets the user's current Wallet cookie (gdToken) from the cookie jar.
582 void FetchWalletCookie();
584 // The |profile| for |contents_|.
585 Profile* const profile_;
587 // For logging UMA metrics.
588 const AutofillMetrics metric_logger_;
589 base::Time dialog_shown_timestamp_;
590 AutofillMetrics::DialogInitialUserStateMetric initial_user_state_;
592 FormStructure form_structure_;
594 // Whether the URL visible to the user when this dialog was requested to be
595 // invoked is the same as |source_url_|.
596 bool invoked_from_same_origin_;
598 // The URL of the invoking site.
599 GURL source_url_;
601 // The callback via which we return the collected data.
602 base::Callback<void(const FormStructure*)> callback_;
604 // The AccountChooserModel acts as the MenuModel for the account chooser,
605 // and also tracks which data source the dialog is using.
606 scoped_ptr<AccountChooserModel> account_chooser_model_;
608 // The sign-in helper to fetch the user's Wallet cookie and to perform passive
609 // sign-in. The helper is set only during fetch/sign-in, and NULL otherwise.
610 scoped_ptr<wallet::WalletSigninHelper> signin_helper_;
612 // A client to talk to the Online Wallet API.
613 wallet::WalletClient wallet_client_;
615 // True if |this| has ever called GetWalletItems().
616 bool wallet_items_requested_;
618 // True when the user has clicked the "Use Wallet" link and we're waiting to
619 // figure out whether we need to ask them to actively sign in.
620 bool handling_use_wallet_link_click_;
622 // True when the current WalletItems has a passive auth action which was
623 // attempted and failed.
624 bool passive_failed_;
626 // Recently received items retrieved via |wallet_client_|.
627 scoped_ptr<wallet::WalletItems> wallet_items_;
628 scoped_ptr<wallet::FullWallet> full_wallet_;
630 // The default active instrument and shipping address object IDs as of the
631 // last time Wallet items were fetched. These variables are only set
632 // (i.e. non-empty) when the Wallet items are being re-fetched.
633 std::string previous_default_instrument_id_;
634 std::string previous_default_shipping_address_id_;
635 // The last active instrument and shipping address object IDs. These
636 // variables are only set (i.e. non-empty) when the Wallet items are being
637 // re-fetched.
638 std::string previously_selected_instrument_id_;
639 std::string previously_selected_shipping_address_id_;
641 // When the Wallet items were last fetched.
642 base::TimeTicks last_wallet_items_fetch_timestamp_;
644 // Local machine signals to pass along on each request to trigger (or
645 // discourage) risk challenges; sent if the user is up to date on legal docs.
646 std::string risk_data_;
648 // The text to display when the user is accepting new terms of service, etc.
649 base::string16 legal_documents_text_;
650 // The ranges within |legal_documents_text_| to linkify.
651 std::vector<gfx::Range> legal_document_link_ranges_;
653 // The instrument and address IDs from the Online Wallet server to be used
654 // when getting a full wallet.
655 std::string active_instrument_id_;
656 std::string active_address_id_;
658 // The fields for billing and shipping which the page has actually requested.
659 DetailInputs requested_cc_fields_;
660 DetailInputs requested_billing_fields_;
661 DetailInputs requested_cc_billing_fields_;
662 DetailInputs requested_shipping_fields_;
664 // Models for the credit card expiration inputs.
665 MonthComboboxModel cc_exp_month_combobox_model_;
666 YearComboboxModel cc_exp_year_combobox_model_;
668 // Models for country input.
669 CountryComboboxModel billing_country_combobox_model_;
670 CountryComboboxModel shipping_country_combobox_model_;
672 // Models for the suggestion views.
673 SuggestionsMenuModel suggested_cc_;
674 SuggestionsMenuModel suggested_billing_;
675 SuggestionsMenuModel suggested_cc_billing_;
676 SuggestionsMenuModel suggested_shipping_;
678 // |DialogSection|s that are in edit mode that are based on existing data.
679 std::set<DialogSection> section_editing_state_;
681 // Whether |form_structure_| has asked for any details that would indicate
682 // we should show a shipping section.
683 bool cares_about_shipping_;
685 // The GUIDs for the currently showing unverified profiles popup.
686 std::vector<PersonalDataManager::GUIDPair> popup_guids_;
688 // The controller for the currently showing popup (which helps users when
689 // they're manually filling the dialog).
690 base::WeakPtr<AutofillPopupControllerImpl> popup_controller_;
692 // The type of the visible Autofill popup input (or UNKNOWN_TYPE if none).
693 ServerFieldType popup_input_type_;
695 scoped_ptr<AutofillDialogView> view_;
697 // A NotificationRegistrar for tracking the completion of sign-in.
698 content::NotificationRegistrar signin_registrar_;
700 base::WeakPtrFactory<AutofillDialogControllerImpl> weak_ptr_factory_;
702 // Set to true when the user presses the sign in link, until we're ready to
703 // show the normal dialog again. This is used to hide the buttons while
704 // the spinner is showing after an explicit sign in.
705 bool waiting_for_explicit_sign_in_response_;
707 // Whether a user accepted legal documents while this dialog is running.
708 bool has_accepted_legal_documents_;
710 // True after the user first accepts the dialog and presses "Submit". May
711 // continue to be true while processing required actions.
712 bool is_submitting_;
714 // True if the last call to |GetFullWallet()| returned a
715 // CHOOSE_ANOTHER_INSTRUMENT_OR_ADDRESS required action, indicating that the
716 // selected instrument or address had become invalid since it was originally
717 // returned in |GetWalletItems()|.
718 bool choose_another_instrument_or_address_;
720 // Whether or not the server side validation errors returned by Wallet were
721 // recoverable.
722 bool wallet_server_validation_recoverable_;
724 // Whether |callback_| was Run() with a filled |form_structure_|.
725 bool data_was_passed_back_;
727 typedef std::map<ServerFieldType,
728 std::pair<base::string16, base::string16> > TypeErrorInputMap;
729 typedef std::map<DialogSection, TypeErrorInputMap> WalletValidationErrors;
730 // Wallet validation errors. section->type->(error_msg, input_value).
731 WalletValidationErrors wallet_errors_;
733 // The notification that describes the current wallet error, if any.
734 scoped_ptr<DialogNotification> wallet_error_notification_;
736 // Whether the latency to display to the UI was logged to UMA yet.
737 bool was_ui_latency_logged_;
739 // The Google Wallet cookie value, set as an authorization header on requests
740 // to Wallet.
741 std::string wallet_cookie_value_;
743 // A map from dialog sections to the GUID of a newly saved Autofill data
744 // models for that section. No entries present that don't have newly saved
745 // data models.
746 std::map<DialogSection, std::string> newly_saved_data_model_guids_;
748 // Populated if the user chose to save a newly inputted credit card. Used to
749 // show a bubble as the dialog closes to confirm a user's new card info was
750 // saved. Never populated while incognito (as nothing's actually saved).
751 scoped_ptr<CreditCard> newly_saved_card_;
753 // The last four digits of the backing card used for the current run of the
754 // dialog. Only applies to Wallet and is populated on submit.
755 base::string16 backing_card_last_four_;
757 // The timer that delays enabling submit button for a short period of time on
758 // startup.
759 base::OneShotTimer<AutofillDialogControllerImpl> submit_button_delay_timer_;
761 // The card scrambling animation displays a random number in place of an
762 // actual credit card number. This is that random number.
763 base::string16 scrambled_card_number_;
765 // Two timers to deal with the card scrambling animation. The first provides
766 // a one second delay before the numbers start scrambling. The second controls
767 // the rate of refresh for the number scrambling.
768 base::OneShotTimer<AutofillDialogControllerImpl> card_scrambling_delay_;
769 base::RepeatingTimer<AutofillDialogControllerImpl> card_scrambling_refresher_;
771 // An animation which controls the background fade when the card is done
772 // scrambling.
773 gfx::LinearAnimation card_generated_animation_;
775 // A username string we display in the card scrambling/generated overlay.
776 base::string16 submitted_cardholder_name_;
778 ScopedObserver<ui::ComboboxModel, AutofillDialogControllerImpl> observer_;
780 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AutofillDialogControllerImpl);
783 } // namespace autofill