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[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / ui / cocoa / apps / native_app_window_cocoa.mm
1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/apps/native_app_window_cocoa.h"
7 #include "apps/app_shim/extension_app_shim_handler_mac.h"
8 #include "base/command_line.h"
9 #include "base/mac/mac_util.h"
10 #include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
11 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
12 #include "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/browser_window_utils.h"
13 #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/chrome_event_processing_window.h"
14 #include "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/extensions/extension_keybinding_registry_cocoa.h"
15 #include "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/extensions/extension_view_mac.h"
16 #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
17 #include "content/public/browser/native_web_keyboard_event.h"
18 #include "content/public/browser/render_widget_host_view.h"
19 #include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
20 #include "content/public/browser/web_contents_view.h"
21 #include "extensions/common/extension.h"
22 #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkRegion.h"
24 // NOTE: State Before Update.
26 // Internal state, such as |is_maximized_|, must be set before the window
27 // state is changed so that it is accurate when e.g. a resize results in a call
28 // to |OnNativeWindowChanged|.
30 // NOTE: Maximize and Zoom.
32 // Zooming is implemented manually in order to implement maximize functionality
33 // and to support non resizable windows. The window will be resized explicitly
34 // in the |WindowWillZoom| call.
36 // Attempting maximize and restore functionality with non resizable windows
37 // using the native zoom method did not work, even with
38 // windowWillUseStandardFrame, as the window would not restore back to the
39 // desired size.
42 using apps::ShellWindow;
44 @interface NSWindow (NSPrivateApis)
45 - (void)setBottomCornerRounded:(BOOL)rounded;
46 @end
48 // Replicate specific 10.7 SDK declarations for building with prior SDKs.
49 #if !defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7) || \
52 @interface NSWindow (LionSDKDeclarations)
53 - (void)toggleFullScreen:(id)sender;
54 @end
56 enum {
57   NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenPrimary = 1 << 7,
58   NSFullScreenWindowMask = 1 << 14
61 #endif  // MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7
63 namespace {
65 void SetFullScreenCollectionBehavior(NSWindow* window, bool allow_fullscreen) {
66   NSWindowCollectionBehavior behavior = [window collectionBehavior];
67   if (allow_fullscreen)
68     behavior |= NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenPrimary;
69   else
70     behavior &= ~NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenPrimary;
71   [window setCollectionBehavior:behavior];
74 void InitCollectionBehavior(NSWindow* window) {
75   // Since always-on-top windows have a higher window level
76   // than NSNormalWindowLevel, they will default to
77   // NSWindowCollectionBehaviorTransient. Set the value
78   // explicitly here to match normal windows.
79   NSWindowCollectionBehavior behavior = [window collectionBehavior];
80   behavior |= NSWindowCollectionBehaviorManaged;
81   [window setCollectionBehavior:behavior];
84 // Returns the level for windows that are configured to be always on top.
85 // This is not a constant because NSFloatingWindowLevel is a macro defined
86 // as a function call.
87 NSInteger AlwaysOnTopWindowLevel() {
88   return NSFloatingWindowLevel;
91 }  // namespace
93 @implementation NativeAppWindowController
95 @synthesize appWindow = appWindow_;
97 - (void)windowWillClose:(NSNotification*)notification {
98   if (appWindow_)
99     appWindow_->WindowWillClose();
102 - (void)windowDidBecomeKey:(NSNotification*)notification {
103   if (appWindow_)
104     appWindow_->WindowDidBecomeKey();
107 - (void)windowDidResignKey:(NSNotification*)notification {
108   if (appWindow_)
109     appWindow_->WindowDidResignKey();
112 - (void)windowDidResize:(NSNotification*)notification {
113   if (appWindow_)
114     appWindow_->WindowDidResize();
117 - (void)windowDidEndLiveResize:(NSNotification*)notification {
118   if (appWindow_)
119     appWindow_->WindowDidFinishResize();
122 - (void)windowDidEnterFullScreen:(NSNotification*)notification {
123   if (appWindow_)
124     appWindow_->WindowDidFinishResize();
127 - (void)windowDidExitFullScreen:(NSNotification*)notification {
128   if (appWindow_)
129     appWindow_->WindowDidFinishResize();
132 - (void)windowDidMove:(NSNotification*)notification {
133   if (appWindow_)
134     appWindow_->WindowDidMove();
137 - (void)windowDidMiniaturize:(NSNotification*)notification {
138   if (appWindow_)
139     appWindow_->WindowDidMiniaturize();
142 - (void)windowDidDeminiaturize:(NSNotification*)notification {
143   if (appWindow_)
144     appWindow_->WindowDidDeminiaturize();
147 - (BOOL)windowShouldZoom:(NSWindow*)window
148                  toFrame:(NSRect)newFrame {
149   if (appWindow_)
150     appWindow_->WindowWillZoom();
151   return NO;  // See top of file NOTE: Maximize and Zoom.
154 // Allow non resizable windows (without NSResizableWindowMask) to enter
155 // fullscreen by passing through the full size in willUseFullScreenContentSize.
156 - (NSSize)window:(NSWindow *)window
157     willUseFullScreenContentSize:(NSSize)proposedSize {
158   return proposedSize;
161 - (void)executeCommand:(int)command {
162   // No-op, swallow the event.
165 - (BOOL)handledByExtensionCommand:(NSEvent*)event {
166   if (appWindow_)
167     return appWindow_->HandledByExtensionCommand(event);
168   return NO;
171 @end
173 // This is really a method on NSGrayFrame, so it should only be called on the
174 // view passed into -[NSWindow drawCustomFrameRect:forView:].
175 @interface NSView (PrivateMethods)
176 - (CGFloat)roundedCornerRadius;
177 @end
179 @interface ShellNSWindow : ChromeEventProcessingWindow
180 @end
181 @implementation ShellNSWindow
182 @end
184 @interface ShellCustomFrameNSWindow : ShellNSWindow
186 - (void)drawCustomFrameRect:(NSRect)rect forView:(NSView*)view;
188 @end
190 @implementation ShellCustomFrameNSWindow
192 - (void)drawCustomFrameRect:(NSRect)rect forView:(NSView*)view {
193   [[NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRect:rect] addClip];
194   [[NSColor clearColor] set];
195   NSRectFill(rect);
197   // Set up our clip.
198   CGFloat cornerRadius = 4.0;
199   if ([view respondsToSelector:@selector(roundedCornerRadius)])
200     cornerRadius = [view roundedCornerRadius];
201   [[NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:[view bounds]
202                                    xRadius:cornerRadius
203                                    yRadius:cornerRadius] addClip];
204   [[NSColor whiteColor] set];
205   NSRectFill(rect);
208 @end
210 @interface ShellFramelessNSWindow : ShellCustomFrameNSWindow
212 @end
214 @implementation ShellFramelessNSWindow
216 + (NSRect)frameRectForContentRect:(NSRect)contentRect
217                         styleMask:(NSUInteger)mask {
218   return contentRect;
221 + (NSRect)contentRectForFrameRect:(NSRect)frameRect
222                         styleMask:(NSUInteger)mask {
223   return frameRect;
226 - (NSRect)frameRectForContentRect:(NSRect)contentRect {
227   return contentRect;
230 - (NSRect)contentRectForFrameRect:(NSRect)frameRect {
231   return frameRect;
234 @end
236 @interface ControlRegionView : NSView {
237  @private
238   NativeAppWindowCocoa* appWindow_;  // Weak; owns self.
241 @end
243 @implementation ControlRegionView
245 - (id)initWithAppWindow:(NativeAppWindowCocoa*)appWindow {
246   if ((self = [super init]))
247     appWindow_ = appWindow;
248   return self;
251 - (BOOL)mouseDownCanMoveWindow {
252   return NO;
255 - (NSView*)hitTest:(NSPoint)aPoint {
256   if (appWindow_->use_system_drag() ||
257       !appWindow_->IsWithinDraggableRegion(aPoint)) {
258     return nil;
259   }
260   return self;
263 - (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent*)event {
264   appWindow_->HandleMouseEvent(event);
267 - (void)mouseDragged:(NSEvent*)event {
268   appWindow_->HandleMouseEvent(event);
271 @end
273 @interface NSView (WebContentsView)
274 - (void)setMouseDownCanMoveWindow:(BOOL)can_move;
275 @end
277 NativeAppWindowCocoa::NativeAppWindowCocoa(
278     ShellWindow* shell_window,
279     const ShellWindow::CreateParams& params)
280     : shell_window_(shell_window),
281       has_frame_(params.frame == ShellWindow::FRAME_CHROME),
282       is_hidden_(false),
283       is_hidden_with_app_(false),
284       is_maximized_(false),
285       is_fullscreen_(false),
286       attention_request_id_(0),
287       use_system_drag_(true) {
288   Observe(web_contents());
290   // Flip coordinates based on the primary screen.
291   NSRect main_screen_rect = [[[NSScreen screens] objectAtIndex:0] frame];
292   NSRect cocoa_bounds = NSMakeRect(params.bounds.x(),
293       NSHeight(main_screen_rect) - params.bounds.y() - params.bounds.height(),
294       params.bounds.width(), params.bounds.height());
296   // If coordinates are < 0, center window on primary screen.
297   if (params.bounds.x() == INT_MIN) {
298     cocoa_bounds.origin.x =
299         floor((NSWidth(main_screen_rect) - NSWidth(cocoa_bounds)) / 2);
300   }
301   if (params.bounds.y() == INT_MIN) {
302     cocoa_bounds.origin.y =
303         floor((NSHeight(main_screen_rect) - NSHeight(cocoa_bounds)) / 2);
304   }
306   // Initialize |restored_bounds_| after |cocoa_bounds| have been sanitized.
307   restored_bounds_ = cocoa_bounds;
309   base::scoped_nsobject<NSWindow> window;
310   Class window_class;
311   if (has_frame_) {
312     bool should_use_native_frame =
313         CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
314             switches::kAppsUseNativeFrame);
315     window_class = should_use_native_frame ?
316         [ShellNSWindow class] : [ShellCustomFrameNSWindow class];
317   } else {
318     window_class = [ShellFramelessNSWindow class];
319   }
321   ShellWindow::SizeConstraints size_constraints =
322       shell_window_->size_constraints();
323   shows_resize_controls_ =
324       params.resizable && !size_constraints.HasFixedSize();
325   shows_fullscreen_controls_ =
326       params.resizable && !size_constraints.HasMaximumSize();
327   window.reset([[window_class alloc]
328       initWithContentRect:cocoa_bounds
329                 styleMask:GetWindowStyleMask()
330                   backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered
331                     defer:NO]);
332   [window setTitle:base::SysUTF8ToNSString(extension()->name())];
334   if (base::mac::IsOSSnowLeopard() &&
335       [window respondsToSelector:@selector(setBottomCornerRounded:)])
336     [window setBottomCornerRounded:NO];
338   if (params.always_on_top)
339     [window setLevel:AlwaysOnTopWindowLevel()];
340   InitCollectionBehavior(window);
342   // Set the window to participate in Lion Fullscreen mode. Setting this flag
343   // has no effect on Snow Leopard or earlier. UI controls for fullscreen are
344   // only shown for apps that have unbounded size.
345   if (shows_fullscreen_controls_)
346     SetFullScreenCollectionBehavior(window, true);
348   window_controller_.reset(
349       [[NativeAppWindowController alloc] initWithWindow:window.release()]);
351   NSView* view = web_contents()->GetView()->GetNativeView();
352   [view setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable];
354   // By default, the whole frameless window is not draggable.
355   if (!has_frame_) {
356     gfx::Rect window_bounds(
357         0, 0, NSWidth(cocoa_bounds), NSHeight(cocoa_bounds));
358     system_drag_exclude_areas_.push_back(window_bounds);
359   }
361   InstallView();
363   [[window_controller_ window] setDelegate:window_controller_];
364   [window_controller_ setAppWindow:this];
365   UpdateWindowMinMaxSize();
367   extension_keybinding_registry_.reset(new ExtensionKeybindingRegistryCocoa(
368       shell_window_->profile(),
369       window,
370       extensions::ExtensionKeybindingRegistry::PLATFORM_APPS_ONLY,
371       shell_window));
374 NSUInteger NativeAppWindowCocoa::GetWindowStyleMask() const {
375   NSUInteger style_mask = NSTitledWindowMask | NSClosableWindowMask |
376                           NSMiniaturizableWindowMask;
377   if (shows_resize_controls_)
378     style_mask |= NSResizableWindowMask;
379   if (!has_frame_ ||
380       !CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
381           switches::kAppsUseNativeFrame)) {
382     style_mask |= NSTexturedBackgroundWindowMask;
383   }
384   return style_mask;
387 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::InstallView() {
388   NSView* view = web_contents()->GetView()->GetNativeView();
389   if (has_frame_) {
390     [view setFrame:[[window() contentView] bounds]];
391     [[window() contentView] addSubview:view];
392     if (!shows_fullscreen_controls_)
393       [[window() standardWindowButton:NSWindowZoomButton] setEnabled:NO];
394     if (!shows_resize_controls_)
395       [window() setShowsResizeIndicator:NO];
396   } else {
397     // TODO(jeremya): find a cleaner way to send this information to the
398     // WebContentsViewCocoa view.
399     DCHECK([view
400         respondsToSelector:@selector(setMouseDownCanMoveWindow:)]);
401     [view setMouseDownCanMoveWindow:YES];
403     NSView* frameView = [[window() contentView] superview];
404     [view setFrame:[frameView bounds]];
405     [frameView addSubview:view];
407     [[window() standardWindowButton:NSWindowZoomButton] setHidden:YES];
408     [[window() standardWindowButton:NSWindowMiniaturizeButton] setHidden:YES];
409     [[window() standardWindowButton:NSWindowCloseButton] setHidden:YES];
411     // Some third-party OS X utilities check the zoom button's enabled state to
412     // determine whether to show custom UI on hover, so we disable it here to
413     // prevent them from doing so in a frameless app window.
414     [[window() standardWindowButton:NSWindowZoomButton] setEnabled:NO];
416     InstallDraggableRegionViews();
417   }
420 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::UninstallView() {
421   NSView* view = web_contents()->GetView()->GetNativeView();
422   [view removeFromSuperview];
425 bool NativeAppWindowCocoa::IsActive() const {
426   return [window() isKeyWindow];
429 bool NativeAppWindowCocoa::IsMaximized() const {
430   return is_maximized_;
433 bool NativeAppWindowCocoa::IsMinimized() const {
434   return [window() isMiniaturized];
437 bool NativeAppWindowCocoa::IsFullscreen() const {
438   return is_fullscreen_;
441 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::SetFullscreen(int fullscreen_types) {
442   bool fullscreen = (fullscreen_types != ShellWindow::FULLSCREEN_TYPE_NONE);
443   if (fullscreen == is_fullscreen_)
444     return;
445   is_fullscreen_ = fullscreen;
447   if (base::mac::IsOSLionOrLater()) {
448     // If going fullscreen, but the window is constrained (fullscreen UI control
449     // is disabled), temporarily enable it. It will be disabled again on leaving
450     // fullscreen.
451     if (fullscreen && !shows_fullscreen_controls_)
452       SetFullScreenCollectionBehavior(window(), true);
453     [window() toggleFullScreen:nil];
454     return;
455   }
457   DCHECK(base::mac::IsOSSnowLeopard());
459   // Fade to black.
460   const CGDisplayReservationInterval kFadeDurationSeconds = 0.6;
461   bool did_fade_out = false;
462   CGDisplayFadeReservationToken token;
463   if (CGAcquireDisplayFadeReservation(kFadeDurationSeconds, &token) ==
464       kCGErrorSuccess) {
465     did_fade_out = true;
466     CGDisplayFade(token, kFadeDurationSeconds / 2, kCGDisplayBlendNormal,
467         kCGDisplayBlendSolidColor, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, /*synchronous=*/true);
468   }
470   // Since frameless windows insert the WebContentsView into the NSThemeFrame
471   // ([[window contentView] superview]), and since that NSThemeFrame is
472   // destroyed and recreated when we change the styleMask of the window, we
473   // need to remove the view from the window when we change the style, and
474   // add it back afterwards.
475   UninstallView();
476   if (fullscreen) {
477     UpdateRestoredBounds();
478     [window() setStyleMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask];
479     [window() setFrame:[window()
480         frameRectForContentRect:[[window() screen] frame]]
481                display:YES];
482     base::mac::RequestFullScreen(base::mac::kFullScreenModeAutoHideAll);
483   } else {
484     base::mac::ReleaseFullScreen(base::mac::kFullScreenModeAutoHideAll);
485     [window() setStyleMask:GetWindowStyleMask()];
486     [window() setFrame:restored_bounds_ display:YES];
487   }
488   InstallView();
490   // Fade back in.
491   if (did_fade_out) {
492     CGDisplayFade(token, kFadeDurationSeconds / 2, kCGDisplayBlendSolidColor,
493         kCGDisplayBlendNormal, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, /*synchronous=*/false);
494     CGReleaseDisplayFadeReservation(token);
495   }
498 bool NativeAppWindowCocoa::IsFullscreenOrPending() const {
499   return is_fullscreen_;
502 bool NativeAppWindowCocoa::IsDetached() const {
503   return false;
506 gfx::NativeWindow NativeAppWindowCocoa::GetNativeWindow() {
507   return window();
510 gfx::Rect NativeAppWindowCocoa::GetRestoredBounds() const {
511   // Flip coordinates based on the primary screen.
512   NSScreen* screen = [[NSScreen screens] objectAtIndex:0];
513   NSRect frame = restored_bounds_;
514   gfx::Rect bounds(frame.origin.x, 0, NSWidth(frame), NSHeight(frame));
515   bounds.set_y(NSHeight([screen frame]) - NSMaxY(frame));
516   return bounds;
519 ui::WindowShowState NativeAppWindowCocoa::GetRestoredState() const {
520   if (IsMaximized())
521     return ui::SHOW_STATE_MAXIMIZED;
522   if (IsFullscreen())
523     return ui::SHOW_STATE_FULLSCREEN;
524   return ui::SHOW_STATE_NORMAL;
527 gfx::Rect NativeAppWindowCocoa::GetBounds() const {
528   // Flip coordinates based on the primary screen.
529   NSScreen* screen = [[NSScreen screens] objectAtIndex:0];
530   NSRect frame = [window() frame];
531   gfx::Rect bounds(frame.origin.x, 0, NSWidth(frame), NSHeight(frame));
532   bounds.set_y(NSHeight([screen frame]) - NSMaxY(frame));
533   return bounds;
536 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::Show() {
537   is_hidden_ = false;
539   if (is_hidden_with_app_) {
540     // If there is a shim to gently request attention, return here. Otherwise
541     // show the window as usual.
542     if (apps::ExtensionAppShimHandler::RequestUserAttentionForWindow(
543             shell_window_)) {
544       return;
545     }
546   }
548   [window_controller_ showWindow:nil];
549   Activate();
552 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::ShowInactive() {
553   is_hidden_ = false;
554   [window() orderFront:window_controller_];
557 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::Hide() {
558   is_hidden_ = true;
559   HideWithoutMarkingHidden();
562 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::Close() {
563   [window() performClose:nil];
566 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::Activate() {
567   [BrowserWindowUtils activateWindowForController:window_controller_];
570 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::Deactivate() {
571   // TODO(jcivelli): http://crbug.com/51364 Implement me.
575 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::Maximize() {
576   UpdateRestoredBounds();
577   is_maximized_ = true;  // See top of file NOTE: State Before Update.
578   [window() setFrame:[[window() screen] visibleFrame] display:YES animate:YES];
581 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::Minimize() {
582   [window() miniaturize:window_controller_];
585 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::Restore() {
586   DCHECK(!IsFullscreenOrPending());   // SetFullscreen, not Restore, expected.
588   if (IsMaximized()) {
589     is_maximized_ = false;  // See top of file NOTE: State Before Update.
590     [window() setFrame:restored_bounds() display:YES animate:YES];
591   } else if (IsMinimized()) {
592     is_maximized_ = false;  // See top of file NOTE: State Before Update.
593     [window() deminiaturize:window_controller_];
594   }
597 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::SetBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds) {
598   // Enforce minimum/maximum bounds.
599   gfx::Rect checked_bounds = bounds;
601   NSSize min_size = [window() minSize];
602   if (bounds.width() < min_size.width)
603     checked_bounds.set_width(min_size.width);
604   if (bounds.height() < min_size.height)
605     checked_bounds.set_height(min_size.height);
606   NSSize max_size = [window() maxSize];
607   if (checked_bounds.width() > max_size.width)
608     checked_bounds.set_width(max_size.width);
609   if (checked_bounds.height() > max_size.height)
610     checked_bounds.set_height(max_size.height);
612   NSRect cocoa_bounds = NSMakeRect(checked_bounds.x(), 0,
613                                    checked_bounds.width(),
614                                    checked_bounds.height());
615   // Flip coordinates based on the primary screen.
616   NSScreen* screen = [[NSScreen screens] objectAtIndex:0];
617   cocoa_bounds.origin.y = NSHeight([screen frame]) - checked_bounds.bottom();
619   [window() setFrame:cocoa_bounds display:YES];
620   // setFrame: without animate: does not trigger a windowDidEndLiveResize: so
621   // call it here.
622   WindowDidFinishResize();
625 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::UpdateWindowIcon() {
626   // TODO(junmin): implement.
629 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::UpdateWindowTitle() {
630   base::string16 title = shell_window_->GetTitle();
631   [window() setTitle:base::SysUTF16ToNSString(title)];
634 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::UpdateShape(scoped_ptr<SkRegion> region) {
638 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::UpdateDraggableRegions(
639     const std::vector<extensions::DraggableRegion>& regions) {
640   // Draggable region is not supported for non-frameless window.
641   if (has_frame_)
642     return;
644   // To use system drag, the window has to be marked as draggable with
645   // non-draggable areas being excluded via overlapping views.
646   // 1) If no draggable area is provided, the window is not draggable at all.
647   // 2) If only one draggable area is given, as this is the most common
648   //    case, use the system drag. The non-draggable areas that are opposite of
649   //    the draggable area are computed.
650   // 3) Otherwise, use the custom drag. As such, we lose the capability to
651   //    support some features like snapping into other space.
653   // Determine how to perform the drag by counting the number of draggable
654   // areas.
655   const extensions::DraggableRegion* draggable_area = NULL;
656   use_system_drag_ = true;
657   for (std::vector<extensions::DraggableRegion>::const_iterator iter =
658            regions.begin();
659        iter != regions.end();
660        ++iter) {
661     if (iter->draggable) {
662       // If more than one draggable area is found, use custom drag.
663       if (draggable_area) {
664         use_system_drag_ = false;
665         break;
666       }
667       draggable_area = &(*iter);
668     }
669   }
671   if (use_system_drag_)
672     UpdateDraggableRegionsForSystemDrag(regions, draggable_area);
673   else
674     UpdateDraggableRegionsForCustomDrag(regions);
676   InstallDraggableRegionViews();
679 SkRegion* NativeAppWindowCocoa::GetDraggableRegion() {
680   return draggable_region_.get();
683 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::UpdateDraggableRegionsForSystemDrag(
684     const std::vector<extensions::DraggableRegion>& regions,
685     const extensions::DraggableRegion* draggable_area) {
686   NSView* web_view = web_contents()->GetView()->GetNativeView();
687   NSInteger web_view_width = NSWidth([web_view bounds]);
688   NSInteger web_view_height = NSHeight([web_view bounds]);
690   system_drag_exclude_areas_.clear();
692   // The whole window is not draggable if no draggable area is given.
693   if (!draggable_area) {
694     gfx::Rect window_bounds(0, 0, web_view_width, web_view_height);
695     system_drag_exclude_areas_.push_back(window_bounds);
696     return;
697   }
699   // Otherwise, there is only one draggable area. Compute non-draggable areas
700   // that are the opposite of the given draggable area, combined with the
701   // remaining provided non-draggable areas.
703   // Copy all given non-draggable areas.
704   for (std::vector<extensions::DraggableRegion>::const_iterator iter =
705            regions.begin();
706        iter != regions.end();
707        ++iter) {
708     if (!iter->draggable)
709       system_drag_exclude_areas_.push_back(iter->bounds);
710   }
712   gfx::Rect draggable_bounds = draggable_area->bounds;
713   gfx::Rect non_draggable_bounds;
715   // Add the non-draggable area above the given draggable area.
716   if (draggable_bounds.y() > 0) {
717     non_draggable_bounds.SetRect(0,
718                                  0,
719                                  web_view_width,
720                                  draggable_bounds.y() - 1);
721     system_drag_exclude_areas_.push_back(non_draggable_bounds);
722   }
724   // Add the non-draggable area below the given draggable area.
725   if (draggable_bounds.bottom() < web_view_height) {
726     non_draggable_bounds.SetRect(0,
727                                  draggable_bounds.bottom() + 1,
728                                  web_view_width,
729                                  web_view_height - draggable_bounds.bottom());
730     system_drag_exclude_areas_.push_back(non_draggable_bounds);
731   }
733   // Add the non-draggable area to the left of the given draggable area.
734   if (draggable_bounds.x() > 0) {
735     non_draggable_bounds.SetRect(0,
736                                  draggable_bounds.y(),
737                                  draggable_bounds.x() - 1,
738                                  draggable_bounds.height());
739     system_drag_exclude_areas_.push_back(non_draggable_bounds);
740   }
742   // Add the non-draggable area to the right of the given draggable area.
743   if (draggable_bounds.right() < web_view_width) {
744     non_draggable_bounds.SetRect(draggable_bounds.right() + 1,
745                                  draggable_bounds.y(),
746                                  web_view_width - draggable_bounds.right(),
747                                  draggable_bounds.height());
748     system_drag_exclude_areas_.push_back(non_draggable_bounds);
749   }
752 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::UpdateDraggableRegionsForCustomDrag(
753     const std::vector<extensions::DraggableRegion>& regions) {
754   // We still need one ControlRegionView to cover the whole window such that
755   // mouse events could be captured.
756   NSView* web_view = web_contents()->GetView()->GetNativeView();
757   gfx::Rect window_bounds(
758       0, 0, NSWidth([web_view bounds]), NSHeight([web_view bounds]));
759   system_drag_exclude_areas_.clear();
760   system_drag_exclude_areas_.push_back(window_bounds);
762   // Aggregate the draggable areas and non-draggable areas such that hit test
763   // could be performed easily.
764   draggable_region_.reset(ShellWindow::RawDraggableRegionsToSkRegion(regions));
767 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::HandleKeyboardEvent(
768     const content::NativeWebKeyboardEvent& event) {
769   if (event.skip_in_browser ||
770       event.type == content::NativeWebKeyboardEvent::Char) {
771     return;
772   }
773   [window() redispatchKeyEvent:event.os_event];
776 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::InstallDraggableRegionViews() {
777   DCHECK(!has_frame_);
779   // All ControlRegionViews should be added as children of the WebContentsView,
780   // because WebContentsView will be removed and re-added when entering and
781   // leaving fullscreen mode.
782   NSView* webView = web_contents()->GetView()->GetNativeView();
783   NSInteger webViewHeight = NSHeight([webView bounds]);
785   // Remove all ControlRegionViews that are added last time.
786   // Note that [webView subviews] returns the view's mutable internal array and
787   // it should be copied to avoid mutating the original array while enumerating
788   // it.
789   base::scoped_nsobject<NSArray> subviews([[webView subviews] copy]);
790   for (NSView* subview in subviews.get())
791     if ([subview isKindOfClass:[ControlRegionView class]])
792       [subview removeFromSuperview];
794   // Create and add ControlRegionView for each region that needs to be excluded
795   // from the dragging.
796   for (std::vector<gfx::Rect>::const_iterator iter =
797            system_drag_exclude_areas_.begin();
798        iter != system_drag_exclude_areas_.end();
799        ++iter) {
800     base::scoped_nsobject<NSView> controlRegion(
801         [[ControlRegionView alloc] initWithAppWindow:this]);
802     [controlRegion setFrame:NSMakeRect(iter->x(),
803                                        webViewHeight - iter->bottom(),
804                                        iter->width(),
805                                        iter->height())];
806     [controlRegion setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable|NSViewHeightSizable];
807     [webView addSubview:controlRegion];
808   }
811 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::FlashFrame(bool flash) {
812   if (flash) {
813     attention_request_id_ = [NSApp requestUserAttention:NSInformationalRequest];
814   } else {
815     [NSApp cancelUserAttentionRequest:attention_request_id_];
816     attention_request_id_ = 0;
817   }
820 bool NativeAppWindowCocoa::IsAlwaysOnTop() const {
821   return [window() level] == AlwaysOnTopWindowLevel();
824 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::RenderViewCreated(content::RenderViewHost* rvh) {
825   if (IsActive())
826     web_contents()->GetView()->RestoreFocus();
829 bool NativeAppWindowCocoa::IsFrameless() const {
830   return !has_frame_;
833 gfx::Insets NativeAppWindowCocoa::GetFrameInsets() const {
834   if (!has_frame_)
835     return gfx::Insets();
837   // Flip the coordinates based on the main screen.
838   NSInteger screen_height =
839       NSHeight([[[NSScreen screens] objectAtIndex:0] frame]);
841   NSRect frame_nsrect = [window() frame];
842   gfx::Rect frame_rect(NSRectToCGRect(frame_nsrect));
843   frame_rect.set_y(screen_height - NSMaxY(frame_nsrect));
845   NSRect content_nsrect = [window() contentRectForFrameRect:frame_nsrect];
846   gfx::Rect content_rect(NSRectToCGRect(content_nsrect));
847   content_rect.set_y(screen_height - NSMaxY(content_nsrect));
849   return frame_rect.InsetsFrom(content_rect);
852 gfx::NativeView NativeAppWindowCocoa::GetHostView() const {
854   return NULL;
857 gfx::Point NativeAppWindowCocoa::GetDialogPosition(const gfx::Size& size) {
859   return gfx::Point();
862 gfx::Size NativeAppWindowCocoa::GetMaximumDialogSize() {
864   return gfx::Size();
867 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::AddObserver(
868     web_modal::ModalDialogHostObserver* observer) {
872 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::RemoveObserver(
873     web_modal::ModalDialogHostObserver* observer) {
877 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::WindowWillClose() {
878   [window_controller_ setAppWindow:NULL];
879   shell_window_->OnNativeWindowChanged();
880   shell_window_->OnNativeClose();
883 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::WindowDidBecomeKey() {
884   content::RenderWidgetHostView* rwhv =
885       web_contents()->GetRenderWidgetHostView();
886   if (rwhv)
887     rwhv->SetActive(true);
888   shell_window_->OnNativeWindowActivated();
890   web_contents()->GetView()->RestoreFocus();
893 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::WindowDidResignKey() {
894   // If our app is still active and we're still the key window, ignore this
895   // message, since it just means that a menu extra (on the "system status bar")
896   // was activated; we'll get another |-windowDidResignKey| if we ever really
897   // lose key window status.
898   if ([NSApp isActive] && ([NSApp keyWindow] == window()))
899     return;
901   web_contents()->GetView()->StoreFocus();
903   content::RenderWidgetHostView* rwhv =
904       web_contents()->GetRenderWidgetHostView();
905   if (rwhv)
906     rwhv->SetActive(false);
909 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::WindowDidFinishResize() {
910   // Update |is_maximized_| if needed:
911   // - Exit maximized state if resized.
912   // - Consider us maximized if resize places us back to maximized location.
913   //   This happens when returning from fullscreen.
914   NSRect frame = [window() frame];
915   NSRect screen = [[window() screen] visibleFrame];
916   if (!NSEqualSizes(frame.size, screen.size))
917     is_maximized_ = false;
918   else if (NSEqualPoints(frame.origin, screen.origin))
919     is_maximized_ = true;
921   // Update |is_fullscreen_| if needed.
922   is_fullscreen_ = ([window() styleMask] & NSFullScreenWindowMask) != 0;
923   // If not fullscreen but the window is constrained, disable the fullscreen UI
924   // control.
925   if (!is_fullscreen_ && !shows_fullscreen_controls_)
926     SetFullScreenCollectionBehavior(window(), false);
928   UpdateRestoredBounds();
931 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::WindowDidResize() {
932   shell_window_->OnNativeWindowChanged();
935 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::WindowDidMove() {
936   UpdateRestoredBounds();
937   shell_window_->OnNativeWindowChanged();
940 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::WindowDidMiniaturize() {
941   shell_window_->OnNativeWindowChanged();
944 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::WindowDidDeminiaturize() {
945   shell_window_->OnNativeWindowChanged();
948 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::WindowWillZoom() {
949   // See top of file NOTE: Maximize and Zoom.
950   if (IsMaximized())
951     Restore();
952   else
953     Maximize();
956 bool NativeAppWindowCocoa::HandledByExtensionCommand(NSEvent* event) {
957   return extension_keybinding_registry_->ProcessKeyEvent(
958       content::NativeWebKeyboardEvent(event));
961 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::HandleMouseEvent(NSEvent* event) {
962   if ([event type] == NSLeftMouseDown) {
963     last_mouse_location_ =
964         [window() convertBaseToScreen:[event locationInWindow]];
965   } else if ([event type] == NSLeftMouseDragged) {
966     NSPoint current_mouse_location =
967         [window() convertBaseToScreen:[event locationInWindow]];
968     NSPoint frame_origin = [window() frame].origin;
969     frame_origin.x += current_mouse_location.x - last_mouse_location_.x;
970     frame_origin.y += current_mouse_location.y - last_mouse_location_.y;
971     [window() setFrameOrigin:frame_origin];
972     last_mouse_location_ = current_mouse_location;
973   }
976 bool NativeAppWindowCocoa::IsWithinDraggableRegion(NSPoint point) const {
977   if (!draggable_region_)
978     return false;
979   NSView* webView = web_contents()->GetView()->GetNativeView();
980   NSInteger webViewHeight = NSHeight([webView bounds]);
981   // |draggable_region_| is stored in local platform-indepdent coordiate system
982   // while |point| is in local Cocoa coordinate system. Do the conversion
983   // to match these two.
984   return draggable_region_->contains(point.x, webViewHeight - point.y);
987 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::HideWithApp() {
988   is_hidden_with_app_ = true;
989   HideWithoutMarkingHidden();
992 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::ShowWithApp() {
993   is_hidden_with_app_ = false;
994   if (!is_hidden_)
995     ShowInactive();
998 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::SetAlwaysOnTop(bool always_on_top) {
999   [window() setLevel:(always_on_top ? AlwaysOnTopWindowLevel() :
1000                                       NSNormalWindowLevel)];
1003 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::HideWithoutMarkingHidden() {
1004   [window() orderOut:window_controller_];
1007 NativeAppWindowCocoa::~NativeAppWindowCocoa() {
1010 ShellNSWindow* NativeAppWindowCocoa::window() const {
1011   NSWindow* window = [window_controller_ window];
1012   CHECK(!window || [window isKindOfClass:[ShellNSWindow class]]);
1013   return static_cast<ShellNSWindow*>(window);
1016 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::UpdateRestoredBounds() {
1017   if (IsRestored(*this))
1018     restored_bounds_ = [window() frame];
1021 void NativeAppWindowCocoa::UpdateWindowMinMaxSize() {
1022   gfx::Size min_size = shell_window_->size_constraints().GetMinimumSize();
1023   [window() setContentMinSize:NSMakeSize(min_size.width(), min_size.height())];
1025   gfx::Size max_size = shell_window_->size_constraints().GetMaximumSize();
1026   const int kUnboundedSize = ShellWindow::SizeConstraints::kUnboundedSize;
1027   CGFloat max_width = max_size.width() == kUnboundedSize ?
1028       CGFLOAT_MAX : max_size.width();
1029   CGFloat max_height = max_size.height() == kUnboundedSize ?
1030       CGFLOAT_MAX : max_size.height();
1031   [window() setContentMaxSize:NSMakeSize(max_width, max_height)];