1 <h1 id=
"lab_7_user_identity">Access User's Data
3 <p>Most modern applications are attached to the web to synchronize data. When synchronizing data, you need to identify who the user is.
4 Chrome Apps come with an
<a href=
"experimental.identity.html">identity API
</a> that makes it easy to integrate either with Google accounts or with any other service that supports OAuth.
7 <li> Built in - Google Authenticiation
8 <li> Third Party Authentication (Twitter, Foursquare, etc.)
11 <p class=
12 Apps with authentication require the experimental permission in the
13 <code>manifest.json
</code> and, until they came out of experimental state,
14 they cannot be uploaded to the Chrome Web Store.
15 If you prefer, you can choose to skip this lab.
17 <h2 id=
"authenticating_with_google">Authenticating with Google
19 <p>We are working on a very easy integration flow for apps that authenticate with Google accounts. However, this flow is not yet available for general use. In the meantime, you may still use the third-party flow described below, even for Google services.
21 <h2 id=
"integrating_with_a_third_party_service">Integrating with a third-party service
23 <p>Chrome Apps have a dedicated API for lauching the authentication flow to any third-party OAuth2 service, called $ref:identity.launchWebAuthFlow.
24 To show how this flow works, we
're going to update our sample to import
<a href=
"https://developers.google.com/google-apps/tasks/">Google Tasks
</a> into the Todo list.
26 <h3 id=
"register_with_the_provider">Register with the provider
28 <p>To use a third-party OAuth2 provider, you will first need to register your application with the provider. Each provider has a different way of registering applications, but in general it will be in a section called Developer or API at the provider
's website.
30 <p>Here we are treating Google as a third-party service. Just follow Google
's own registration procedure for apps requiring API access below:
33 <li>Create a new project in the
<a href=
"https://code.google.com/apis/console">Google API console
34 <li>Activate the Tasks API on the Services secion.
35 <li>Create a new OAuth2.0 client ID on API Access section. Select Web application and leave other fields unchanged.
36 <li>Click on Edit settings for the newly created client ID.
37 <li>In Authorized Redirect URLs, add
38 replacing
> with your app ID (this is the app
's long alphanumeric ID you can find in
41 <h3 id=
"add_permissions">Add permissions
44 <a href=
"https://github.com/GoogleChrome/chrome-app-codelab/blob/master/lab7_useridentification/angularjs/manifest.json">AngularJS manifest.json
</a> or
45 <a href=
"https://github.com/GoogleChrome/chrome-app-codelab/blob/master/lab7_useridentification/javascript/manifest.json">JavaScript manifest.json
46 to use
" features.
47 Note that we
've also requested permission
48 to make XHR requests to the Tasks service URL - for security reasons,
49 you need to request explicit permission in the manifest for every URL you will call via XHR.
52 <pre data-filename=
55 "permissions
": [
59 <h3 id=
"add_google_tasks_to_the_todo_list">Add Google tasks to the Todo list
61 <p>Now we are ready to ask user
's authorization, so we can connect to the Tasks service and import his tasks into our Todo list. First, we will need to request an access token - which, at the first run will automatically pops up an authentication and authorization window to the user.
62 Once we have this token, we are able to call the Google Tasks API directly.
65 <li><p>Since this is time consuming and error prone, you can cheat and copy our JavaScript that handles the authentication to the Google Tasks API from here:
<a href=
"https://github.com/GoogleChrome/chrome-app-codelab/blob/master/lab7_useridentification/angularjs/gapi_tasks.js">Angular gapi_tasks.js
66 and
<a href=
"https://github.com/GoogleChrome/chrome-app-codelab/blob/master/lab7_useridentification/javascript/gapi_tasks.js">JavaScript gapi_tasks.js
</a> are the same.
67 This script calls
</code> and
68 gets a valid access token for the specified client ID.
69 It also has simple JavaScript methods that, after authenticated,
70 goes to the Tasks API and gets the user
's task lists and the corresponding tasks.
72 <p class=
</b> This script is NOT intented to be used in production - it is just a very simple, limited and definitely not robust piece of code intented to highlight the basic authentication and API calls.
73 <li><p>Add a new method to the existing
74 <a href=
"https://github.com/GoogleChrome/chrome-app-codelab/blob/master/lab7_useridentification/angularjs/controller.js">AngularJS controller.js
</a> or
75 <a href=
"https://github.com/GoogleChrome/chrome-app-codelab/blob/master/lab7_useridentification/javascript/controller.js">JavaScript controller.js
</a> that,
76 using the methods from the script of the previous step,
77 authenticates the user and imports his Google tasks into the Todo list:
80 <tabs data-group=
82 <header tabindex=
"0" data-value=
83 <header tabindex=
"0" data-value=
86 <pre data-filename=
87 $scope.importFromGTasks = function() {
88 var api = new TasksAPI();
89 var clientId =
90 api.authenticate(clientId, function() {
91 api.getLists(function(result) {
93 if (!result || !result.items || result.items.length==
0) {
94 throw
"No task lists available
96 var listId=result.items[
97 api.getTasks(listId, function(tasks) {
99 for (var j=
0; j
<tasks.items.length; j++) {
100 $scope.$apply(function() {
101 $scope.todos.push({text:tasks.items[j].title, done:tasks.items[j].status!=
111 <pre data-filename=
112 document.getElementById('importGTasks').addEventListener('click',
114 var api = new TasksAPI();
115 var clientId =
116 api.authenticate(clientId, function() {
117 api.getLists(function(result) {
119 if (!result || !result.items || result.items.length==
0) {
120 throw
"No task lists available";
122 var listId=result.items[
123 api.getTasks(listId, function(tasks) {
125 for (var j=
0; j
<tasks.items.length; j++) {
126 model.addTodo(tasks.items[j].title, tasks.items[j].status!='needsAction');
136 <p>Replace the following line in the code above:
137 <pre data-filename=
138 var clientId =
140 with your own project
's Client ID that you got from the Google API Console.
141 Should look like this:
142 <pre data-filename=
143 var clientId =
145 <li><p>Now we just need a button that starts the import process. Update the
</code> to include
</code> and add a new button to call
148 <tabs data-group=
150 <header tabindex=
"0" data-value=
151 <header tabindex=
"0" data-value=
154 <pre data-filename=
155 <script src=
157 <button ng-click=
">import tasks from GTasks
161 <pre data-filename=
162 <button
"importGTasks">import tasks from GTasks
164 <script
171 <h3 id=
"results">Check the results
173 <p>If you get stuck and want to see the app in action,
174 go to
176 <a href=
"https://github.com/GoogleChrome/chrome-app-codelab/tree/master/lab7_useridentification/angularjs">AngularJS app
</a> or
177 <a href=
"https://github.com/GoogleChrome/chrome-app-codelab/tree/master/lab7_useridentification/javascript">JavaScript app
178 and launch the app from a new tab.
180 <h2 id=
"you_should_also_read">You should also read
182 <p><a href=
"app_identity.html">Identify User
</a> tutorial
184 <h2 id=
"what_39_s_next_">What's next?
186 <p>In
<a href=
"app_codelab8_webresources.html">7 - Access Web Resources
187 you will learn how to load and show images from a remote URL.
189 <p class=
</b> Up until now, the code in each lab builds upon the previous lab code sample.
190 We
've decided not to include the user identification code changes in the remainder of the lab since the
<code>identity API
</code> is still experimental and as such it would prevent you from publishing your final code to the Chrome Web Store.