1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 // Protocol buffer for Chrome UMA (User Metrics Analysis).
9 option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
13 import "histogram_event.proto";
14 import "omnibox_event.proto";
15 import "profiler_event.proto";
16 import "system_profile.proto";
17 import "user_action_event.proto";
18 import "perf_data.proto";
21 message ChromeUserMetricsExtension {
22 // The id of the browser installation that generated these events.
23 // Technically, this id is unique to a top-level (one level above the
24 // "Default" directory) Chrome user data directory [1], and so is shared among
25 // all Chrome user profiles contained in this user data directory.
26 // An id of 0 is reserved for test data (monitoring and internal testing) and
27 // should normally be ignored in analysis of the data.
28 // [1] http://www.chromium.org/user-experience/user-data-directory
29 optional fixed64 client_id = 1;
31 // The session id for this user.
32 // Values such as tab ids are only meaningful within a particular session.
33 // The client keeps track of the session id and sends it with each event.
34 // The session id is simply an integer that is incremented each time the user
36 optional int32 session_id = 2;
38 // Information about the user's browser and system configuration.
39 optional SystemProfileProto system_profile = 3;
41 // This message will log one or more of the following event types:
42 repeated UserActionEventProto user_action_event = 4;
43 repeated OmniboxEventProto omnibox_event = 5;
44 repeated HistogramEventProto histogram_event = 6;
45 repeated ProfilerEventProto profiler_event = 7;
47 repeated PerfDataProto perf_data = 8;