1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
8 #include "base/memory/ref_counted_memory.h"
9 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
10 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
11 #include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
12 #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
13 #include "chrome/app/chrome_command_ids.h"
14 #include "chrome/browser/sessions/chrome_tab_restore_service_client.h"
15 #include "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/cocoa_profile_test.h"
16 #include "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/history_menu_bridge.h"
17 #include "chrome/test/base/testing_profile.h"
18 #include "components/favicon_base/favicon_types.h"
19 #include "components/sessions/core/persistent_tab_restore_service.h"
20 #include "components/sessions/serialized_navigation_entry_test_helper.h"
21 #include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
22 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
23 #import "testing/gtest_mac.h"
24 #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
25 #include "ui/gfx/codec/png_codec.h"
29 class MockTRS : public sessions::PersistentTabRestoreService {
31 MockTRS(Profile* profile)
32 : sessions::PersistentTabRestoreService(
33 make_scoped_ptr(new ChromeTabRestoreServiceClient(profile)),
35 MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(entries, const sessions::TabRestoreService::Entries&());
38 class MockBridge : public HistoryMenuBridge {
40 MockBridge(Profile* profile)
41 : HistoryMenuBridge(profile),
42 menu_([[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@"History"]) {}
44 NSMenu* HistoryMenu() override { return menu_.get(); }
47 base::scoped_nsobject<NSMenu> menu_;
50 class HistoryMenuBridgeTest : public CocoaProfileTest {
52 void SetUp() override {
53 CocoaProfileTest::SetUp();
54 profile()->CreateFaviconService();
55 bridge_.reset(new MockBridge(profile()));
58 // We are a friend of HistoryMenuBridge (and have access to
59 // protected methods), but none of the classes generated by TEST_F()
60 // are. Wraps common commands.
61 void ClearMenuSection(NSMenu* menu,
63 bridge_->ClearMenuSection(menu, tag);
66 void AddItemToBridgeMenu(HistoryMenuBridge::HistoryItem* item,
70 bridge_->AddItemToMenu(item, menu, tag, index);
73 NSMenuItem* AddItemToMenu(NSMenu* menu,
77 NSMenuItem* item = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:title action:NULL
78 keyEquivalent:@""] autorelease];
81 [item setAction:selector];
82 [item setTarget:bridge_->controller_.get()];
88 HistoryMenuBridge::HistoryItem* CreateItem(const base::string16& title) {
89 HistoryMenuBridge::HistoryItem* item =
90 new HistoryMenuBridge::HistoryItem();
92 item->url = GURL(title);
96 MockTRS::Tab CreateSessionTab(const std::string& url,
97 const std::string& title) {
99 tab.current_navigation_index = 0;
100 tab.navigations.push_back(
101 sessions::SerializedNavigationEntryTestHelper::CreateNavigation(
106 void GetFaviconForHistoryItem(HistoryMenuBridge::HistoryItem* item) {
107 bridge_->GetFaviconForHistoryItem(item);
110 void GotFaviconData(HistoryMenuBridge::HistoryItem* item,
111 const favicon_base::FaviconImageResult& image_result) {
112 bridge_->GotFaviconData(item, image_result);
115 scoped_ptr<MockBridge> bridge_;
118 // Edge case test for clearing until the end of a menu.
119 TEST_F(HistoryMenuBridgeTest, ClearHistoryMenuUntilEnd) {
120 NSMenu* menu = [[[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@"history foo"] autorelease];
121 AddItemToMenu(menu, @"HEADER", NULL, HistoryMenuBridge::kVisitedTitle);
123 NSInteger tag = HistoryMenuBridge::kVisited;
124 AddItemToMenu(menu, @"alpha", @selector(openHistoryMenuItem:), tag);
125 AddItemToMenu(menu, @"bravo", @selector(openHistoryMenuItem:), tag);
126 AddItemToMenu(menu, @"charlie", @selector(openHistoryMenuItem:), tag);
127 AddItemToMenu(menu, @"delta", @selector(openHistoryMenuItem:), tag);
129 ClearMenuSection(menu, HistoryMenuBridge::kVisited);
131 EXPECT_EQ(1, [menu numberOfItems]);
133 [[menu itemWithTag:HistoryMenuBridge::kVisitedTitle] title]);
136 // Skip menu items that are not hooked up to |-openHistoryMenuItem:|.
137 TEST_F(HistoryMenuBridgeTest, ClearHistoryMenuSkipping) {
138 NSMenu* menu = [[[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@"history foo"] autorelease];
139 AddItemToMenu(menu, @"HEADER", NULL, HistoryMenuBridge::kVisitedTitle);
141 NSInteger tag = HistoryMenuBridge::kVisited;
142 AddItemToMenu(menu, @"alpha", @selector(openHistoryMenuItem:), tag);
143 AddItemToMenu(menu, @"bravo", @selector(openHistoryMenuItem:), tag);
144 AddItemToMenu(menu, @"TITLE", NULL, HistoryMenuBridge::kRecentlyClosedTitle);
145 AddItemToMenu(menu, @"charlie", @selector(openHistoryMenuItem:), tag);
147 ClearMenuSection(menu, tag);
149 EXPECT_EQ(2, [menu numberOfItems]);
151 [[menu itemWithTag:HistoryMenuBridge::kVisitedTitle] title]);
153 [[menu itemAtIndex:1] title]);
156 // Edge case test for clearing an empty menu.
157 TEST_F(HistoryMenuBridgeTest, ClearHistoryMenuEmpty) {
158 NSMenu* menu = [[[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@"history foo"] autorelease];
159 AddItemToMenu(menu, @"HEADER", NULL, HistoryMenuBridge::kVisited);
161 ClearMenuSection(menu, HistoryMenuBridge::kVisited);
163 EXPECT_EQ(1, [menu numberOfItems]);
165 [[menu itemWithTag:HistoryMenuBridge::kVisited] title]);
168 // Test that AddItemToMenu() properly adds HistoryItem objects as menus.
169 TEST_F(HistoryMenuBridgeTest, AddItemToMenu) {
170 NSMenu* menu = [[[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@"history foo"] autorelease];
172 const base::string16 short_url = base::ASCIIToUTF16("http://foo/");
173 const base::string16 long_url = base::ASCIIToUTF16(
174 "http://super-duper-long-url--."
175 "that.cannot.possibly.fit.even-in-80-columns"
176 "or.be.reasonably-displayed-in-a-menu"
177 "without.looking-ridiculous.com/"); // 140 chars total
179 // HistoryItems are owned by the HistoryMenuBridge when AddItemToBridgeMenu()
180 // is called, which places them into the |menu_item_map_|, which owns them.
181 HistoryMenuBridge::HistoryItem* item1 = CreateItem(short_url);
182 AddItemToBridgeMenu(item1, menu, 100, 0);
184 HistoryMenuBridge::HistoryItem* item2 = CreateItem(long_url);
185 AddItemToBridgeMenu(item2, menu, 101, 1);
187 EXPECT_EQ(2, [menu numberOfItems]);
189 EXPECT_EQ(@selector(openHistoryMenuItem:), [[menu itemAtIndex:0] action]);
190 EXPECT_EQ(@selector(openHistoryMenuItem:), [[menu itemAtIndex:1] action]);
192 EXPECT_EQ(100, [[menu itemAtIndex:0] tag]);
193 EXPECT_EQ(101, [[menu itemAtIndex:1] tag]);
195 // Make sure a short title looks fine
196 NSString* s = [[menu itemAtIndex:0] title];
197 EXPECT_EQ(base::SysNSStringToUTF16(s), short_url);
199 // Make sure a super-long title gets trimmed
200 s = [[menu itemAtIndex:0] title];
201 EXPECT_TRUE([s length] < long_url.length());
203 // Confirm tooltips and confirm they are not trimmed (like the item
204 // name might be). Add tolerance for URL fixer-upping;
205 // e.g. http://foo becomes http://foo/)
206 EXPECT_GE([[[menu itemAtIndex:0] toolTip] length], (2*short_url.length()-5));
207 EXPECT_GE([[[menu itemAtIndex:1] toolTip] length], (2*long_url.length()-5));
210 // Test that the menu is created for a set of simple tabs.
211 TEST_F(HistoryMenuBridgeTest, RecentlyClosedTabs) {
212 scoped_ptr<MockTRS> trs(new MockTRS(profile()));
213 MockTRS::Entries entries;
215 MockTRS::Tab tab1 = CreateSessionTab("http://google.com", "Google");
217 entries.push_back(&tab1);
219 MockTRS::Tab tab2 = CreateSessionTab("http://apple.com", "Apple");
221 entries.push_back(&tab2);
223 using ::testing::ReturnRef;
224 EXPECT_CALL(*trs.get(), entries()).WillOnce(ReturnRef(entries));
226 bridge_->TabRestoreServiceChanged(trs.get());
228 NSMenu* menu = bridge_->HistoryMenu();
229 ASSERT_EQ(2U, [[menu itemArray] count]);
231 NSMenuItem* item1 = [menu itemAtIndex:0];
232 MockBridge::HistoryItem* hist1 = bridge_->HistoryItemForMenuItem(item1);
234 EXPECT_EQ(24, hist1->session_id);
235 EXPECT_NSEQ(@"Google", [item1 title]);
237 NSMenuItem* item2 = [menu itemAtIndex:1];
238 MockBridge::HistoryItem* hist2 = bridge_->HistoryItemForMenuItem(item2);
240 EXPECT_EQ(42, hist2->session_id);
241 EXPECT_NSEQ(@"Apple", [item2 title]);
244 // Test that the menu is created for a mix of windows and tabs.
245 TEST_F(HistoryMenuBridgeTest, RecentlyClosedTabsAndWindows) {
246 scoped_ptr<MockTRS> trs(new MockTRS(profile()));
247 MockTRS::Entries entries;
249 MockTRS::Tab tab1 = CreateSessionTab("http://google.com", "Google");
251 entries.push_back(&tab1);
253 MockTRS::Window win1;
255 win1.tabs.push_back(CreateSessionTab("http://foo.com", "foo"));
256 win1.tabs[0].id = 31;
257 win1.tabs.push_back(CreateSessionTab("http://bar.com", "bar"));
258 win1.tabs[1].id = 32;
259 entries.push_back(&win1);
261 MockTRS::Tab tab2 = CreateSessionTab("http://apple.com", "Apple");
263 entries.push_back(&tab2);
265 MockTRS::Window win2;
267 win2.tabs.push_back(CreateSessionTab("http://magic.com", "magic"));
268 win2.tabs[0].id = 51;
269 win2.tabs.push_back(CreateSessionTab("http://goats.com", "goats"));
270 win2.tabs[1].id = 52;
271 win2.tabs.push_back(CreateSessionTab("http://teleporter.com", "teleporter"));
272 win2.tabs[1].id = 53;
273 entries.push_back(&win2);
275 using ::testing::ReturnRef;
276 EXPECT_CALL(*trs.get(), entries()).WillOnce(ReturnRef(entries));
278 bridge_->TabRestoreServiceChanged(trs.get());
280 NSMenu* menu = bridge_->HistoryMenu();
281 ASSERT_EQ(4U, [[menu itemArray] count]);
283 NSMenuItem* item1 = [menu itemAtIndex:0];
284 MockBridge::HistoryItem* hist1 = bridge_->HistoryItemForMenuItem(item1);
286 EXPECT_EQ(24, hist1->session_id);
287 EXPECT_NSEQ(@"Google", [item1 title]);
289 NSMenuItem* item2 = [menu itemAtIndex:1];
290 MockBridge::HistoryItem* hist2 = bridge_->HistoryItemForMenuItem(item2);
292 EXPECT_EQ(30, hist2->session_id);
293 EXPECT_EQ(2U, hist2->tabs.size());
294 // Do not test menu item title because it is localized.
295 NSMenu* submenu1 = [item2 submenu];
296 EXPECT_EQ(4U, [[submenu1 itemArray] count]);
297 // Do not test Restore All Tabs because it is localiced.
298 EXPECT_TRUE([[submenu1 itemAtIndex:1] isSeparatorItem]);
299 EXPECT_NSEQ(@"foo", [[submenu1 itemAtIndex:2] title]);
300 EXPECT_NSEQ(@"bar", [[submenu1 itemAtIndex:3] title]);
302 NSMenuItem* item3 = [menu itemAtIndex:2];
303 MockBridge::HistoryItem* hist3 = bridge_->HistoryItemForMenuItem(item3);
305 EXPECT_EQ(42, hist3->session_id);
306 EXPECT_NSEQ(@"Apple", [item3 title]);
308 NSMenuItem* item4 = [menu itemAtIndex:3];
309 MockBridge::HistoryItem* hist4 = bridge_->HistoryItemForMenuItem(item4);
311 EXPECT_EQ(50, hist4->session_id);
312 EXPECT_EQ(3U, hist4->tabs.size());
313 // Do not test menu item title because it is localized.
314 NSMenu* submenu2 = [item4 submenu];
315 EXPECT_EQ(5U, [[submenu2 itemArray] count]);
316 // Do not test Restore All Tabs because it is localiced.
317 EXPECT_TRUE([[submenu2 itemAtIndex:1] isSeparatorItem]);
318 EXPECT_NSEQ(@"magic", [[submenu2 itemAtIndex:2] title]);
319 EXPECT_NSEQ(@"goats", [[submenu2 itemAtIndex:3] title]);
320 EXPECT_NSEQ(@"teleporter", [[submenu2 itemAtIndex:4] title]);
323 // Tests that we properly request an icon from the FaviconService.
324 TEST_F(HistoryMenuBridgeTest, GetFaviconForHistoryItem) {
325 // Create a fake item.
326 HistoryMenuBridge::HistoryItem item;
327 item.title = base::ASCIIToUTF16("Title");
328 item.url = GURL("http://google.com");
331 GetFaviconForHistoryItem(&item);
333 // Make sure the item was modified properly.
334 EXPECT_TRUE(item.icon_requested);
335 EXPECT_NE(base::CancelableTaskTracker::kBadTaskId, item.icon_task_id);
338 TEST_F(HistoryMenuBridgeTest, GotFaviconData) {
339 // Create a dummy bitmap.
341 bitmap.allocN32Pixels(25, 25);
342 bitmap.eraseARGB(255, 255, 0, 0);
344 // Set up the HistoryItem.
345 HistoryMenuBridge::HistoryItem item;
346 item.menu_item.reset([[NSMenuItem alloc] init]);
347 GetFaviconForHistoryItem(&item);
349 // Pretend to be called back.
350 favicon_base::FaviconImageResult image_result;
351 image_result.image = gfx::Image::CreateFrom1xBitmap(bitmap);
352 GotFaviconData(&item, image_result);
354 // Make sure the callback works.
355 EXPECT_FALSE(item.icon_requested);
356 EXPECT_TRUE(item.icon.get());
357 EXPECT_TRUE([item.menu_item image]);