platformKeys: Add per-extension sign permissions.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / chromeos /
1 # Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 # found in the LICENSE file.
5 import("//build/config/features.gni")
6 import("//build/config/ui.gni")
7 import("//media/media_options.gni")
8 import("//third_party/protobuf/proto_library.gni")
10 gypi_values = exec_script("//build/",
11                           [ rebase_path("../../chrome_browser_chromeos.gypi") ],
12                           "scope",
13                           [ "chrome_browser_chromeos.gypi" ])
15 source_set("chromeos") {
16   assert(enable_extensions, "ChromeOS Chrome has to be built with extensions")
18   configs += [
19     "//build/config/compiler:wexit_time_destructors",
20     "//build/config/linux:fontconfig",
21   ]
23   public_deps = [
24     "//ash/resources",
25     "//ash/strings",
26     "//chrome/app/resources:platform_locale_settings",
27     "//chrome/app/theme:theme_resources",
28     "//chrome:extra_resources",
29     "//chrome:resources",
30     "//chrome:strings",
31     "//content/app/resources",
32     "//ui/chromeos/resources",
33     "//ui/chromeos/strings",
34     "//ui/resources",
35     "//ui/strings",
36   ]
38   deps = [
39     # TODO(tbarzic): Cleanup this list.
40     "//ash",
41     "//ash:ash_with_content",
42     "//breakpad:client",
43     "//components/login",
44     "//components/session_manager/core",
45     "//components/user_manager",
46     "//components/wallpaper",
47     "//components/wifi_sync",
48     "//chrome/browser/devtools",
49     "//chrome/browser/extensions",
50     "//chrome/browser/net:cert_logger_proto",
51     "//chrome/browser/safe_browsing:chunk_proto",
52     "//chrome/browser/safe_browsing:metadata_proto",
53     "//chrome/browser/safe_browsing:report_proto",
54     "//chrome/common",
55     "//chrome/common/extensions/api",
56     "//chrome/common/extensions/api:api_registration",
57     "//chrome/common/net",
58     "//chrome/installer/util",
59     "//chromeos",
60     "//chromeos/ime:gencode",
61     "//chromeos:cryptohome_proto",
62     "//chromeos:cryptohome_signkey_proto",
63     "//chromeos:power_manager_proto",
64     "//components/history/core/browser:proto",
65     "//components/onc",
66     "//components/ownership",
67     "//components/pairing",
68     "//components/policy",
70     # This depends directly on the variations target, rather than just
71     # transitively via the common target because the proto sources need to
72     # be generated before code in this target can start building.
73     "//components/strings",
74     "//components/variations",
75     "//content/public/browser",
76     "//content/public/common",
77     "//crypto",
78     "//dbus",
79     "//device/bluetooth",
80     "//device/hid",
81     "//media",
82     "//net",
83     "//ppapi/proxy:ipc",  # For PpapiMsg_LoadPlugin
85     # TODO: care about enable_basic_printing and enable_print_preview.
86     "//printing",
87     "//skia",
88     "//storage/browser",
89     "//storage/common",
90     "//sync",
91     "//third_party/adobe/flash:flapper_version_h",
92     "//third_party/cacheinvalidation",
93     "//third_party/expat",
94     "//third_party/hunspell",
95     "//third_party/icu",
96     "//third_party/leveldatabase",
97     "//third_party/libevent",
98     "//third_party/libjingle",
99     "//third_party/libusb",
100     "//third_party/libxml",
101     "//third_party/npapi",
102     "//third_party/protobuf:protobuf_lite",
103     "//third_party/protobuf:protoc($host_toolchain)",
104     "//third_party/re2",
105     "//third_party/zlib",
106     "//ui/app_list",
107     "//ui/aura",
108     "//ui/base",
109     "//ui/chromeos:ui_chromeos",
110     "//ui/compositor",
111     "//ui/display",
112     "//ui/events/devices",
113     "//ui/events/platform",
114     "//ui/events:dom4_keycode_converter",
115     "//ui/file_manager",
116     "//ui/message_center",
117     "//ui/surface",
118     "//ui/views",
119     "//ui/views/controls/webview",
120     "//ui/web_dialogs",
121     "//url",
122     "//v8",
123     ":attestation_proto",
124     ":device_policy_proto",
125     ":drive_proto",
126   ]
128   defines = []
130   sources = rebase_path(gypi_values.browser_chromeos_sources, ".", "//chrome") +
131             rebase_path(gypi_values.browser_chromeos_extension_sources,
132                         ".",
133                         "//chrome")
134   if (use_x11) {
135     configs += [ "//build/config/linux:x11" ]
136     deps += [ "//ui/events/devices" ]
137     sources -= [
138       "system/",
139       "system_logs/",
140     ]
141   } else {
142     assert(use_ozone, "Either use_x11 or use_ozone has to be specified.")
143     deps += [ "//ui/ozone" ]
144     sources -= [
145       "",
146       "device_uma.h",
147       "events/",
148       "events/system_key_event_listener.h",
149       "events/",
150       "events/xinput_hierarchy_changed_event_listener.h",
151       "system/",
152       "system_logs/",
153     ]
154   }
156   if (use_cras) {
157     defines += [ "USE_CRAS" ]
158   }
160   if (ui_compositor_image_transport) {
161     deps += [ "//ui/gl" ]
162   }
165 proto_library("drive_proto") {
166   sources = [
167     "drive/drive.proto",
168   ]
171 proto_library("device_policy_proto") {
172   sources = [
173     "policy/proto/chrome_device_policy.proto",
174     "policy/proto/install_attributes.proto",
175   ]
178 proto_library("attestation_proto") {
179   sources = [
180     "attestation/attestation_key_payload.proto",
181     "attestation/attestation_signed_data.proto",
182   ]