1 # Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 # found in the LICENSE file.
5 import("//build/config/android/rules.gni")
7 sun_tools_jar_path = "$root_gen_dir/sun_tools_jar/tools.jar"
9 action("find_sun_tools_jar") {
10 script = "//build/android/gyp/find_sun_tools_jar.py"
11 depfile = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.d"
18 rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
20 rebase_path(sun_tools_jar_path, root_build_dir),
24 java_prebuilt("sun_tools_java") {
25 jar_path = sun_tools_jar_path
26 jar_dep = ":find_sun_tools_jar"
29 action("cpplib_stripped") {
30 _strip_bin = "${android_tool_prefix}strip"
31 _soname = "libc++_shared.so"
32 _input_so = "${android_libcpp_root}/libs/${android_app_abi}/${_soname}"
33 _output_so = "${root_shlib_dir}/${_soname}"
35 script = "//build/gn_run_binary.py"
46 _rebased_strip_bin = rebase_path(_strip_bin, root_out_dir)
47 _rebased_input_so = rebase_path(_input_so, root_out_dir)
48 _rebased_output_so = rebase_path(_output_so, root_out_dir)