Gray horizontal keyboard accessory
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / cc / layers / layer.h
1 // Copyright 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #ifndef CC_LAYERS_LAYER_H_
6 #define CC_LAYERS_LAYER_H_
8 #include <set>
9 #include <string>
10 #include <vector>
12 #include "base/callback.h"
13 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
14 #include "base/observer_list.h"
15 #include "cc/animation/layer_animation_controller.h"
16 #include "cc/animation/layer_animation_value_observer.h"
17 #include "cc/animation/layer_animation_value_provider.h"
18 #include "cc/base/cc_export.h"
19 #include "cc/base/region.h"
20 #include "cc/base/scoped_ptr_vector.h"
21 #include "cc/debug/frame_timing_request.h"
22 #include "cc/debug/micro_benchmark.h"
23 #include "cc/layers/draw_properties.h"
24 #include "cc/layers/layer_lists.h"
25 #include "cc/layers/layer_position_constraint.h"
26 #include "cc/layers/paint_properties.h"
27 #include "cc/layers/render_surface.h"
28 #include "cc/layers/scroll_blocks_on.h"
29 #include "cc/output/filter_operations.h"
30 #include "cc/trees/property_tree.h"
31 #include "skia/ext/refptr.h"
32 #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
33 #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkImageFilter.h"
34 #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkPicture.h"
35 #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkXfermode.h"
36 #include "ui/gfx/geometry/point3_f.h"
37 #include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
38 #include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_f.h"
39 #include "ui/gfx/geometry/scroll_offset.h"
40 #include "ui/gfx/transform.h"
42 namespace gfx {
43 class BoxF;
46 namespace base {
47 namespace trace_event {
48 class ConvertableToTraceFormat;
52 namespace cc {
54 class Animation;
55 class AnimationDelegate;
56 struct AnimationEvent;
57 class CopyOutputRequest;
58 class LayerAnimationEventObserver;
59 class LayerClient;
60 class LayerImpl;
61 class LayerSettings;
62 class LayerTreeHost;
63 class LayerTreeHostCommon;
64 class LayerTreeImpl;
65 class LayerTreeSettings;
66 class RenderingStatsInstrumentation;
67 class ResourceUpdateQueue;
68 class ScrollbarLayerInterface;
69 class SimpleEnclosedRegion;
70 struct AnimationEvent;
72 // Base class for composited layers. Special layer types are derived from
73 // this class.
74 class CC_EXPORT Layer : public base::RefCounted<Layer>,
75 public LayerAnimationValueObserver,
76 public LayerAnimationValueProvider {
77 public:
78 typedef RenderSurfaceLayerList RenderSurfaceListType;
79 typedef LayerList LayerListType;
80 typedef RenderSurface RenderSurfaceType;
82 enum LayerIdLabels {
83 INVALID_ID = -1,
86 static scoped_refptr<Layer> Create(const LayerSettings& settings);
88 int id() const { return layer_id_; }
90 Layer* RootLayer();
91 Layer* parent() { return parent_; }
92 const Layer* parent() const { return parent_; }
93 void AddChild(scoped_refptr<Layer> child);
94 void InsertChild(scoped_refptr<Layer> child, size_t index);
95 void ReplaceChild(Layer* reference, scoped_refptr<Layer> new_layer);
96 void RemoveFromParent();
97 void RemoveAllChildren();
98 void SetChildren(const LayerList& children);
99 bool HasAncestor(const Layer* ancestor) const;
101 const LayerList& children() const { return children_; }
102 Layer* child_at(size_t index) { return children_[index].get(); }
104 // This requests the layer and its subtree be rendered and given to the
105 // callback. If the copy is unable to be produced (the layer is destroyed
106 // first), then the callback is called with a nullptr/empty result. If the
107 // request's source property is set, any prior uncommitted requests having the
108 // same source will be aborted.
109 void RequestCopyOfOutput(scoped_ptr<CopyOutputRequest> request);
110 bool HasCopyRequest() const {
111 return !copy_requests_.empty();
114 virtual void SetBackgroundColor(SkColor background_color);
115 SkColor background_color() const { return background_color_; }
116 // If contents_opaque(), return an opaque color else return a
117 // non-opaque color. Tries to return background_color(), if possible.
118 SkColor SafeOpaqueBackgroundColor() const;
120 // A layer's bounds are in logical, non-page-scaled pixels (however, the
121 // root layer's bounds are in physical pixels).
122 void SetBounds(const gfx::Size& bounds);
123 gfx::Size bounds() const { return bounds_; }
125 void SetMasksToBounds(bool masks_to_bounds);
126 bool masks_to_bounds() const { return masks_to_bounds_; }
128 void SetMaskLayer(Layer* mask_layer);
129 Layer* mask_layer() { return mask_layer_.get(); }
130 const Layer* mask_layer() const { return mask_layer_.get(); }
132 virtual void SetNeedsDisplayRect(const gfx::Rect& dirty_rect);
133 void SetNeedsDisplay() { SetNeedsDisplayRect(gfx::Rect(bounds())); }
135 void SetOpacity(float opacity);
136 float opacity() const { return opacity_; }
137 bool OpacityIsAnimating() const;
138 bool HasPotentiallyRunningOpacityAnimation() const;
139 virtual bool OpacityCanAnimateOnImplThread() const;
141 void SetBlendMode(SkXfermode::Mode blend_mode);
142 SkXfermode::Mode blend_mode() const { return blend_mode_; }
144 bool uses_default_blend_mode() const {
145 return blend_mode_ == SkXfermode::kSrcOver_Mode;
148 // A layer is root for an isolated group when it and all its descendants are
149 // drawn over a black and fully transparent background, creating an isolated
150 // group. It should be used along with SetBlendMode(), in order to restrict
151 // layers within the group to blend with layers outside this group.
152 void SetIsRootForIsolatedGroup(bool root);
153 bool is_root_for_isolated_group() const {
154 return is_root_for_isolated_group_;
157 void SetFilters(const FilterOperations& filters);
158 const FilterOperations& filters() const { return filters_; }
159 bool FilterIsAnimating() const;
160 bool HasPotentiallyRunningFilterAnimation() const;
162 // Background filters are filters applied to what is behind this layer, when
163 // they are viewed through non-opaque regions in this layer. They are used
164 // through the WebLayer interface, and are not exposed to HTML.
165 void SetBackgroundFilters(const FilterOperations& filters);
166 const FilterOperations& background_filters() const {
167 return background_filters_;
170 virtual void SetContentsOpaque(bool opaque);
171 bool contents_opaque() const { return contents_opaque_; }
173 void SetPosition(const gfx::PointF& position);
174 gfx::PointF position() const { return position_; }
176 // A layer that is a container for fixed position layers cannot be both
177 // scrollable and have a non-identity transform.
178 void SetIsContainerForFixedPositionLayers(bool container);
179 bool IsContainerForFixedPositionLayers() const;
181 gfx::Vector2dF FixedContainerSizeDelta() const {
182 return gfx::Vector2dF();
185 void SetPositionConstraint(const LayerPositionConstraint& constraint);
186 const LayerPositionConstraint& position_constraint() const {
187 return position_constraint_;
190 void SetTransform(const gfx::Transform& transform);
191 const gfx::Transform& transform() const { return transform_; }
192 bool TransformIsAnimating() const;
193 bool HasPotentiallyRunningTransformAnimation() const;
194 bool AnimationsPreserveAxisAlignment() const;
195 bool transform_is_invertible() const { return transform_is_invertible_; }
197 void SetTransformOrigin(const gfx::Point3F&);
198 gfx::Point3F transform_origin() const { return transform_origin_; }
200 bool HasAnyAnimationTargetingProperty(
201 Animation::TargetProperty property) const;
203 bool ScrollOffsetAnimationWasInterrupted() const;
205 void SetScrollParent(Layer* parent);
207 Layer* scroll_parent() { return scroll_parent_; }
208 const Layer* scroll_parent() const { return scroll_parent_; }
210 void AddScrollChild(Layer* child);
211 void RemoveScrollChild(Layer* child);
213 std::set<Layer*>* scroll_children() { return scroll_children_.get(); }
214 const std::set<Layer*>* scroll_children() const {
215 return scroll_children_.get();
218 void SetClipParent(Layer* ancestor);
220 Layer* clip_parent() { return clip_parent_; }
221 const Layer* clip_parent() const {
222 return clip_parent_;
225 void AddClipChild(Layer* child);
226 void RemoveClipChild(Layer* child);
228 std::set<Layer*>* clip_children() { return clip_children_.get(); }
229 const std::set<Layer*>* clip_children() const {
230 return clip_children_.get();
233 DrawProperties<Layer>& draw_properties() { return draw_properties_; }
234 const DrawProperties<Layer>& draw_properties() const {
235 return draw_properties_;
238 // The following are shortcut accessors to get various information from
239 // draw_properties_
240 const gfx::Transform& draw_transform() const {
241 return draw_properties_.target_space_transform;
243 const gfx::Transform& screen_space_transform() const {
244 return draw_properties_.screen_space_transform;
246 float draw_opacity() const { return draw_properties_.opacity; }
247 bool screen_space_transform_is_animating() const {
248 return draw_properties_.screen_space_transform_is_animating;
250 gfx::Rect clip_rect() const { return draw_properties_.clip_rect; }
251 gfx::Rect drawable_content_rect() const {
252 return draw_properties_.drawable_content_rect;
254 gfx::Rect visible_layer_rect() const {
255 return draw_properties_.visible_layer_rect;
257 Layer* render_target() {
258 DCHECK(!draw_properties_.render_target ||
259 draw_properties_.render_target->render_surface());
260 return draw_properties_.render_target;
262 const Layer* render_target() const {
263 DCHECK(!draw_properties_.render_target ||
264 draw_properties_.render_target->render_surface());
265 return draw_properties_.render_target;
267 size_t num_unclipped_descendants() const {
268 return draw_properties_.num_unclipped_descendants;
271 RenderSurface* render_surface() const { return render_surface_.get(); }
272 void SetScrollOffset(const gfx::ScrollOffset& scroll_offset);
273 void SetScrollCompensationAdjustment(
274 const gfx::Vector2dF& scroll_compensation_adjustment);
275 gfx::Vector2dF ScrollCompensationAdjustment() const;
277 gfx::ScrollOffset scroll_offset() const { return scroll_offset_; }
278 void SetScrollOffsetFromImplSide(const gfx::ScrollOffset& scroll_offset);
280 void SetScrollClipLayerId(int clip_layer_id);
281 bool scrollable() const { return scroll_clip_layer_id_ != INVALID_ID; }
283 void SetUserScrollable(bool horizontal, bool vertical);
284 bool user_scrollable_horizontal() const {
285 return user_scrollable_horizontal_;
287 bool user_scrollable_vertical() const { return user_scrollable_vertical_; }
289 void SetShouldScrollOnMainThread(bool should_scroll_on_main_thread);
290 bool should_scroll_on_main_thread() const {
291 return should_scroll_on_main_thread_;
294 void SetHaveWheelEventHandlers(bool have_wheel_event_handlers);
295 bool have_wheel_event_handlers() const { return have_wheel_event_handlers_; }
297 void SetHaveScrollEventHandlers(bool have_scroll_event_handlers);
298 bool have_scroll_event_handlers() const {
299 return have_scroll_event_handlers_;
302 void SetNonFastScrollableRegion(const Region& non_fast_scrollable_region);
303 const Region& non_fast_scrollable_region() const {
304 return non_fast_scrollable_region_;
307 void SetTouchEventHandlerRegion(const Region& touch_event_handler_region);
308 const Region& touch_event_handler_region() const {
309 return touch_event_handler_region_;
312 void SetScrollBlocksOn(ScrollBlocksOn scroll_blocks_on);
313 ScrollBlocksOn scroll_blocks_on() const { return scroll_blocks_on_; }
315 void set_did_scroll_callback(const base::Closure& callback) {
316 did_scroll_callback_ = callback;
319 void SetForceRenderSurface(bool force_render_surface);
320 bool force_render_surface() const { return force_render_surface_; }
322 gfx::Vector2dF ScrollDelta() const { return gfx::Vector2dF(); }
323 gfx::ScrollOffset CurrentScrollOffset() const { return scroll_offset_; }
325 void SetDoubleSided(bool double_sided);
326 bool double_sided() const { return double_sided_; }
328 void SetShouldFlattenTransform(bool flatten);
329 bool should_flatten_transform() const { return should_flatten_transform_; }
331 bool Is3dSorted() const { return sorting_context_id_ != 0; }
333 void set_use_parent_backface_visibility(bool use) {
334 use_parent_backface_visibility_ = use;
336 bool use_parent_backface_visibility() const {
337 return use_parent_backface_visibility_;
340 virtual void SetLayerTreeHost(LayerTreeHost* host);
342 virtual bool HasDelegatedContent() const;
343 bool HasContributingDelegatedRenderPasses() const { return false; }
345 void SetIsDrawable(bool is_drawable);
347 void SetHideLayerAndSubtree(bool hide);
348 bool hide_layer_and_subtree() const { return hide_layer_and_subtree_; }
350 void SetReplicaLayer(Layer* layer);
351 Layer* replica_layer() { return replica_layer_.get(); }
352 const Layer* replica_layer() const { return replica_layer_.get(); }
354 bool has_mask() const { return !!mask_layer_.get(); }
355 bool has_replica() const { return !!replica_layer_.get(); }
356 bool replica_has_mask() const {
357 return replica_layer_.get() &&
358 (mask_layer_.get() || replica_layer_->mask_layer_.get());
361 int NumDescendantsThatDrawContent() const;
363 // This is only virtual for tests.
364 // TODO(awoloszyn): Remove this once we no longer need it for tests
365 virtual bool DrawsContent() const;
367 // This methods typically need to be overwritten by derived classes.
368 virtual void SavePaintProperties();
369 // Returns true iff anything was updated that needs to be committed.
370 virtual bool Update();
371 virtual bool NeedMoreUpdates();
372 virtual void SetIsMask(bool is_mask) {}
373 virtual void ReduceMemoryUsage() {}
374 virtual void OnOutputSurfaceCreated() {}
375 virtual bool IsSuitableForGpuRasterization() const;
377 virtual scoped_refptr<base::trace_event::ConvertableToTraceFormat>
378 TakeDebugInfo();
380 void SetLayerClient(LayerClient* client) { client_ = client; }
382 virtual void PushPropertiesTo(LayerImpl* layer);
384 void CreateRenderSurface();
385 void ClearRenderSurface();
387 void ClearRenderSurfaceLayerList();
389 LayerTreeHost* layer_tree_host() { return layer_tree_host_; }
390 const LayerTreeHost* layer_tree_host() const { return layer_tree_host_; }
392 bool AddAnimation(scoped_ptr<Animation> animation);
393 void PauseAnimation(int animation_id, double time_offset);
394 void RemoveAnimation(int animation_id);
395 void RemoveAnimation(int animation_id, Animation::TargetProperty property);
396 LayerAnimationController* layer_animation_controller() const {
397 return layer_animation_controller_.get();
399 void SetLayerAnimationControllerForTest(
400 scoped_refptr<LayerAnimationController> controller);
402 void set_layer_animation_delegate(AnimationDelegate* delegate) {
403 DCHECK(layer_animation_controller_);
404 layer_animation_controller_->set_layer_animation_delegate(delegate);
407 bool HasActiveAnimation() const;
408 void RegisterForAnimations(AnimationRegistrar* registrar);
410 void AddLayerAnimationEventObserver(
411 LayerAnimationEventObserver* animation_observer);
412 void RemoveLayerAnimationEventObserver(
413 LayerAnimationEventObserver* animation_observer);
415 virtual ScrollbarLayerInterface* ToScrollbarLayer();
417 virtual skia::RefPtr<SkPicture> GetPicture() const;
419 // Constructs a LayerImpl of the correct runtime type for this Layer type.
420 virtual scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> CreateLayerImpl(LayerTreeImpl* tree_impl);
422 bool NeedsDisplayForTesting() const { return !update_rect_.IsEmpty(); }
423 void ResetNeedsDisplayForTesting() { update_rect_ = gfx::Rect(); }
425 RenderingStatsInstrumentation* rendering_stats_instrumentation() const;
427 const PaintProperties& paint_properties() const {
428 return paint_properties_;
431 void SetNeedsPushProperties();
432 bool needs_push_properties() const { return needs_push_properties_; }
433 bool descendant_needs_push_properties() const {
434 return num_dependents_need_push_properties_ > 0;
436 void reset_needs_push_properties_for_testing() {
437 needs_push_properties_ = false;
440 virtual void RunMicroBenchmark(MicroBenchmark* benchmark);
442 void Set3dSortingContextId(int id);
443 int sorting_context_id() const { return sorting_context_id_; }
445 void set_property_tree_sequence_number(int sequence_number) {
446 property_tree_sequence_number_ = sequence_number;
449 void SetTransformTreeIndex(int index);
450 int transform_tree_index() const;
452 void SetClipTreeIndex(int index);
453 int clip_tree_index() const;
455 void SetOpacityTreeIndex(int index);
456 int opacity_tree_index() const;
458 void set_offset_to_transform_parent(gfx::Vector2dF offset) {
459 if (offset_to_transform_parent_ == offset)
460 return;
461 offset_to_transform_parent_ = offset;
462 SetNeedsPushProperties();
464 gfx::Vector2dF offset_to_transform_parent() const {
465 return offset_to_transform_parent_;
468 // TODO(vollick): Once we transition to transform and clip trees, rename these
469 // functions and related values. The "from property trees" functions below
470 // use the transform and clip trees. Eventually, we will use these functions
471 // to compute the official values, but these functions are retained for
472 // testing purposes until we've migrated.
474 const gfx::Rect& visible_rect_from_property_trees() const {
475 return visible_rect_from_property_trees_;
477 void set_visible_rect_from_property_trees(const gfx::Rect& rect) {
478 // No push properties here, as this acts like a draw property.
479 visible_rect_from_property_trees_ = rect;
482 void set_should_flatten_transform_from_property_tree(bool should_flatten) {
483 if (should_flatten_transform_from_property_tree_ == should_flatten)
484 return;
485 should_flatten_transform_from_property_tree_ = should_flatten;
486 SetNeedsPushProperties();
488 bool should_flatten_transform_from_property_tree() const {
489 return should_flatten_transform_from_property_tree_;
492 void set_is_clipped(bool is_clipped) {
493 if (is_clipped_ == is_clipped)
494 return;
495 is_clipped_ = is_clipped;
496 SetNeedsPushProperties();
498 bool is_clipped() const { return is_clipped_; }
500 // TODO(vollick): These values are temporary and will be removed as soon as
501 // render surface determinations are moved out of CDP. They only exist because
502 // certain logic depends on whether or not a layer would render to a separate
503 // surface, but CDP destroys surfaces and targets it doesn't need, so without
504 // this boolean, this is impossible to determine after the fact without
505 // wastefully recomputing it. This is public for the time being so that it can
506 // be accessed from CDP.
507 bool has_render_surface() const {
508 return has_render_surface_;
511 // Sets new frame timing requests for this layer.
512 void SetFrameTimingRequests(const std::vector<FrameTimingRequest>& requests);
514 // Accessor for unit tests
515 const std::vector<FrameTimingRequest>& FrameTimingRequests() const {
516 return frame_timing_requests_;
519 void DidBeginTracing();
520 void set_num_layer_or_descandant_with_copy_request(
521 int num_layer_or_descendants_with_copy_request) {
522 num_layer_or_descendants_with_copy_request_ =
523 num_layer_or_descendants_with_copy_request;
526 void set_num_layer_or_descandant_with_input_handler(
527 int num_layer_or_descendants_with_input_handler) {
528 num_layer_or_descendants_with_input_handler_ =
529 num_layer_or_descendants_with_input_handler;
532 int num_layer_or_descendants_with_input_handler() {
533 return num_layer_or_descendants_with_input_handler_;
536 void set_num_children_with_scroll_parent(
537 int num_children_with_scroll_parent) {
538 num_children_with_scroll_parent_ = num_children_with_scroll_parent;
541 int num_children_with_scroll_parent() {
542 return num_children_with_scroll_parent_;
545 void set_visited(bool visited);
546 bool visited();
547 void set_layer_or_descendant_is_drawn(bool layer_or_descendant_is_drawn);
548 bool layer_or_descendant_is_drawn();
549 void set_sorted_for_recursion(bool sorted_for_recursion);
550 bool sorted_for_recursion();
552 protected:
553 friend class LayerImpl;
554 friend class TreeSynchronizer;
555 ~Layer() override;
557 explicit Layer(const LayerSettings& settings);
559 // These SetNeeds functions are in order of severity of update:
561 // Called when this layer has been modified in some way, but isn't sure
562 // that it needs a commit yet. It needs CalcDrawProperties and UpdateLayers
563 // before it knows whether or not a commit is required.
564 void SetNeedsUpdate();
565 // Called when a property has been modified in a way that the layer
566 // knows immediately that a commit is required. This implies SetNeedsUpdate
567 // as well as SetNeedsPushProperties to push that property.
568 void SetNeedsCommit();
569 // This is identical to SetNeedsCommit, but the former requests a rebuild of
570 // the property trees.
571 void SetNeedsCommitNoRebuild();
572 // Called when there's been a change in layer structure. Implies both
573 // SetNeedsUpdate and SetNeedsCommit, but not SetNeedsPushProperties.
574 void SetNeedsFullTreeSync();
576 // Called when the next commit should wait until the pending tree is activated
577 // before finishing the commit and unblocking the main thread. Used to ensure
578 // unused resources on the impl thread are returned before commit completes.
579 void SetNextCommitWaitsForActivation();
581 // Will recalculate whether the layer draws content and set draws_content_
582 // appropriately.
583 void UpdateDrawsContent(bool has_drawable_content);
584 virtual bool HasDrawableContent() const;
586 // Called when the layer's number of drawable descendants changes.
587 void AddDrawableDescendants(int num);
589 void AddDependentNeedsPushProperties();
590 void RemoveDependentNeedsPushProperties();
591 bool parent_should_know_need_push_properties() const {
592 return needs_push_properties() || descendant_needs_push_properties();
595 bool IsPropertyChangeAllowed() const;
597 // This flag is set when the layer needs to push properties to the impl
598 // side.
599 bool needs_push_properties_;
601 // The number of direct children or dependent layers that need to be recursed
602 // to in order for them or a descendent of them to push properties to the impl
603 // side.
604 int num_dependents_need_push_properties_;
606 // Tracks whether this layer may have changed stacking order with its
607 // siblings.
608 bool stacking_order_changed_;
610 // The update rect is the region of the compositor resource that was
611 // actually updated by the compositor. For layers that may do updating
612 // outside the compositor's control (i.e. plugin layers), this information
613 // is not available and the update rect will remain empty.
614 // Note this rect is in layer space (not content space).
615 gfx::Rect update_rect_;
617 scoped_refptr<Layer> mask_layer_;
619 int layer_id_;
621 // When true, the layer is about to perform an update. Any commit requests
622 // will be handled implicitly after the update completes.
623 bool ignore_set_needs_commit_;
625 // Layers that share a sorting context id will be sorted together in 3d
626 // space. 0 is a special value that means this layer will not be sorted and
627 // will be drawn in paint order.
628 int sorting_context_id_;
630 private:
631 friend class base::RefCounted<Layer>;
632 friend class LayerTreeHostCommon;
633 void SetParent(Layer* layer);
634 bool DescendantIsFixedToContainerLayer() const;
636 // This should only be called during BeginMainFrame since it does not
637 // trigger a Commit.
638 void SetHasRenderSurface(bool has_render_surface);
640 // This should only be called from RemoveFromParent().
641 void RemoveChildOrDependent(Layer* child);
643 // LayerAnimationValueProvider implementation.
644 gfx::ScrollOffset ScrollOffsetForAnimation() const override;
646 // LayerAnimationValueObserver implementation.
647 void OnFilterAnimated(const FilterOperations& filters) override;
648 void OnOpacityAnimated(float opacity) override;
649 void OnTransformAnimated(const gfx::Transform& transform) override;
650 void OnScrollOffsetAnimated(const gfx::ScrollOffset& scroll_offset) override;
651 void OnAnimationWaitingForDeletion() override;
652 void OnTransformIsPotentiallyAnimatingChanged(bool is_animating) override;
653 bool IsActive() const override;
655 // If this layer has a scroll parent, it removes |this| from its list of
656 // scroll children.
657 void RemoveFromScrollTree();
659 // If this layer has a clip parent, it removes |this| from its list of clip
660 // children.
661 void RemoveFromClipTree();
663 // When we detach or attach layer to new LayerTreeHost, all property trees'
664 // indices becomes invalid.
665 void InvalidatePropertyTreesIndices();
667 void UpdateNumCopyRequestsForSubtree(bool add);
668 void UpdateNumInputHandlersForSubtree(bool add);
670 LayerList children_;
671 Layer* parent_;
673 // Layer instances have a weak pointer to their LayerTreeHost.
674 // This pointer value is nil when a Layer is not in a tree and is
675 // updated via SetLayerTreeHost() if a layer moves between trees.
676 LayerTreeHost* layer_tree_host_;
678 scoped_refptr<LayerAnimationController> layer_animation_controller_;
680 // Layer properties.
681 gfx::Size bounds_;
683 gfx::ScrollOffset scroll_offset_;
684 gfx::Vector2dF scroll_compensation_adjustment_;
685 // This variable indicates which ancestor layer (if any) whose size,
686 // transformed relative to this layer, defines the maximum scroll offset for
687 // this layer.
688 int scroll_clip_layer_id_;
689 int num_descendants_that_draw_content_;
690 int transform_tree_index_;
691 int opacity_tree_index_;
692 int clip_tree_index_;
693 int property_tree_sequence_number_;
694 int num_layer_or_descendants_with_copy_request_;
695 int num_layer_or_descendants_with_input_handler_;
696 int num_children_with_scroll_parent_;
697 gfx::Vector2dF offset_to_transform_parent_;
698 bool should_flatten_transform_from_property_tree_ : 1;
699 bool is_clipped_ : 1;
700 bool should_scroll_on_main_thread_ : 1;
701 bool have_wheel_event_handlers_ : 1;
702 bool have_scroll_event_handlers_ : 1;
703 bool user_scrollable_horizontal_ : 1;
704 bool user_scrollable_vertical_ : 1;
705 bool is_root_for_isolated_group_ : 1;
706 bool is_container_for_fixed_position_layers_ : 1;
707 bool is_drawable_ : 1;
708 bool draws_content_ : 1;
709 bool hide_layer_and_subtree_ : 1;
710 bool masks_to_bounds_ : 1;
711 bool contents_opaque_ : 1;
712 bool double_sided_ : 1;
713 bool should_flatten_transform_ : 1;
714 bool use_parent_backface_visibility_ : 1;
715 bool force_render_surface_ : 1;
716 bool transform_is_invertible_ : 1;
717 bool has_render_surface_ : 1;
718 ScrollBlocksOn scroll_blocks_on_ : 3;
719 Region non_fast_scrollable_region_;
720 Region touch_event_handler_region_;
721 gfx::PointF position_;
722 SkColor background_color_;
723 float opacity_;
724 SkXfermode::Mode blend_mode_;
725 FilterOperations filters_;
726 FilterOperations background_filters_;
727 LayerPositionConstraint position_constraint_;
728 Layer* scroll_parent_;
729 scoped_ptr<std::set<Layer*>> scroll_children_;
731 // The following three variables are tracker variables. They are bools
732 // wrapped inside an integer variable. If true, their value equals the
733 // LayerTreeHost's meta_information_sequence_number. This wrapping of bools
734 // inside ints is done to avoid a layer tree treewalk to reset their values.
735 int layer_or_descendant_is_drawn_tracker_;
736 int sorted_for_recursion_tracker_;
737 int visited_tracker_;
739 Layer* clip_parent_;
740 scoped_ptr<std::set<Layer*>> clip_children_;
742 gfx::Transform transform_;
743 gfx::Point3F transform_origin_;
745 // Replica layer used for reflections.
746 scoped_refptr<Layer> replica_layer_;
748 LayerClient* client_;
750 ScopedPtrVector<CopyOutputRequest> copy_requests_;
752 base::Closure did_scroll_callback_;
754 DrawProperties<Layer> draw_properties_;
756 PaintProperties paint_properties_;
757 // TODO(awoloszyn): This is redundant with has_render_surface_,
758 // and should get removed once it is no longer needed on main thread.
759 scoped_ptr<RenderSurface> render_surface_;
761 gfx::Rect visible_rect_from_property_trees_;
763 std::vector<FrameTimingRequest> frame_timing_requests_;
764 bool frame_timing_requests_dirty_;
769 } // namespace cc
771 #endif // CC_LAYERS_LAYER_H_