Report the apptest fixture name for isolated fixture crashes.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / mojo / tools / mopy /
1 # Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 # found in the LICENSE file.
5 import logging
6 import os
7 import Queue
8 import re
9 import subprocess
10 import sys
11 import threading
12 import time
14 from mopy.config import Config
15 from mopy.paths import Paths
17 sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)),
18 '..', '..', '..', 'testing'))
19 import xvfb
22 # The DISPLAY ID number used for xvfb, incremented with each use.
26 def set_color():
27 '''Run gtests with color on TTY, unless its environment variable is set.'''
28 if sys.stdout.isatty() and 'GTEST_COLOR' not in os.environ:
29 logging.getLogger().debug('Setting GTEST_COLOR=yes')
30 os.environ['GTEST_COLOR'] = 'yes'
33 def run_apptest(config, shell, args, apptest, isolate):
34 '''Run the apptest; optionally isolating fixtures across shell invocations.
36 Returns the list of test fixtures run and the list of failed test fixtures.
37 TODO(msw): Also return the list of DISABLED test fixtures.
39 Args:
40 config: The mopy.config.Config for the build.
41 shell: The, if Android is the target platform.
42 args: The arguments for the shell or apptest.
43 apptest: The application test URL.
44 isolate: True if the test fixtures should be run in isolation.
45 '''
46 if not isolate:
47 return _run_apptest_with_retry(config, shell, args, apptest)
49 fixtures = _get_fixtures(config, shell, args, apptest)
50 fixtures = [f for f in fixtures if not f.startswith('DISABLED_')]
51 failed = []
52 for fixture in fixtures:
53 arguments = args + ['--gtest_filter=%s' % fixture]
54 failures = _run_apptest_with_retry(config, shell, arguments, apptest)[1]
55 failed.extend(failures if failures != [apptest] else [fixture])
56 # Abort when 20 fixtures, or a tenth of the apptest fixtures, have failed.
57 # base::TestLauncher does this for timeouts and unknown results.
58 if len(failed) >= max(20, len(fixtures) / 10):
59 print 'Too many failing fixtures (%d), exiting now.' % len(failed)
60 return (fixtures, failed + [apptest + ' aborted for excessive failures.'])
61 return (fixtures, failed)
64 # TODO(msw): Determine proper test retry counts; allow configuration.
65 def _run_apptest_with_retry(config, shell, args, apptest, retry_count=2):
66 '''Runs an apptest, retrying on failure; returns the fixtures and failures.'''
67 (tests, failed) = _run_apptest(config, shell, args, apptest)
68 while failed and retry_count:
69 print 'Retrying failed tests (%d attempts remaining)' % retry_count
70 arguments = args
71 # Retry only the failing fixtures if there is no existing filter specified.
72 if failed != [apptest] and not [a for a in args if '--gtest_filter=' in a]:
73 arguments += ['--gtest_filter=%s' % ':'.join(failed)]
74 failed = _run_apptest(config, shell, arguments, apptest)[1]
75 retry_count -= 1
76 return (tests, failed)
79 def _run_apptest(config, shell, args, apptest):
80 '''Runs an apptest; returns the list of fixtures and the list of failures.'''
81 command = _build_command_line(config, args, apptest)
82 logging.getLogger().debug('Command: %s' % ' '.join(command))
83 start_time = time.time()
85 try:
86 output = _run_test_with_xvfb(config, shell, args, apptest)
87 except Exception as e:
88 _print_exception(command, e)
89 return ([apptest], [apptest])
91 # Find all fixtures begun from gtest's '[ RUN ] <Suite.Fixture>' output.
92 tests = [x for x in output.split('\n') if x.find('[ RUN ] ') != -1]
93 tests = [x.strip(' \t\n\r')[x.find('[ RUN ] ') + 13:] for x in tests]
95 # Fail on output with gtest's '[ FAILED ]' or a lack of '[ OK ]'.
96 # The latter check ensures failure on broken command lines, hung output, etc.
97 # Check output instead of exit codes because mojo shell always exits with 0.
98 failed = [x for x in tests if ('\[ FAILED \].*' + x, output) or
99 not'\[ OK \].*' + x, output))]
101 ms = int(round(1000 * (time.time() - start_time)))
102 if failed:
103 _print_exception(command, output, ms)
104 else:
105 logging.getLogger().debug('Passed in %d ms with output:\n%s' % (ms, output))
106 return (tests, failed)
109 def _get_fixtures(config, shell, args, apptest):
110 '''Returns an apptest's 'Suite.Fixture' list via --gtest_list_tests output.'''
111 arguments = args + ['--gtest_list_tests']
112 command = _build_command_line(config, arguments, apptest)
113 logging.getLogger().debug('Command: %s' % ' '.join(command))
114 try:
115 tests = _run_test_with_xvfb(config, shell, arguments, apptest)
116 logging.getLogger().debug('Tests for %s:\n%s' % (apptest, tests))
117 # Remove log lines from the output and ensure it matches known formatting.
118 tests = re.sub('^(\[|WARNING: linker:).*\n', '', tests, flags=re.MULTILINE)
119 if not re.match('^(\w*\.\r?\n( \w*\r?\n)+)+', tests):
120 raise Exception('Unrecognized --gtest_list_tests output:\n%s' % tests)
121 test_list = []
122 for line in tests.split('\n'):
123 if not line:
124 continue
125 if line[0] != ' ':
126 suite = line.strip()
127 continue
128 test_list.append(suite + line.strip())
129 return test_list
130 except Exception as e:
131 _print_exception(command, e)
132 return []
135 def _print_exception(command_line, exception, milliseconds=None):
136 '''Print a formatted exception raised from a failed command execution.'''
137 details = (' (in %d ms)' % milliseconds) if milliseconds else ''
138 if hasattr(exception, 'returncode'):
139 details += ' (with exit code %d)' % exception.returncode
140 print '\n[ FAILED ] Command%s: %s' % (details, ' '.join(command_line))
141 print 72 * '-'
142 if hasattr(exception, 'output'):
143 print exception.output
144 print str(exception)
145 print 72 * '-'
148 def _build_command_line(config, args, apptest):
149 '''Build the apptest command line. This value isn't executed on Android.'''
150 not_list_tests = not '--gtest_list_tests' in args
151 data_dir = ['--use-temporary-user-data-dir'] if not_list_tests else []
152 return Paths(config).mojo_runner + data_dir + args + [apptest]
155 def _run_test_with_xvfb(config, shell, args, apptest):
156 '''Run the test with xvfb; return the output or raise an exception.'''
157 env = os.environ.copy()
158 if (config.target_os != Config.OS_LINUX or '--gtest_list_tests' in args
159 or not xvfb.should_start_xvfb(env)):
160 return _run_test_with_timeout(config, shell, args, apptest, env)
162 try:
163 # Simply prepending to the command line precludes direct control of
164 # test subprocesses, and prevents easily getting output when tests timeout.
165 xvfb_proc = None
166 openbox_proc = None
167 global XVFB_DISPLAY_ID
168 display_string = ':' + str(XVFB_DISPLAY_ID)
169 (xvfb_proc, openbox_proc) = xvfb.start_xvfb(env, Paths(config).build_dir,
170 display=display_string)
172 if not xvfb_proc or not
173 raise Exception('Xvfb failed to start; aborting test run.')
174 if not openbox_proc or not
175 raise Exception('Openbox failed to start; aborting test run.')
176 logging.getLogger().debug('Running Xvfb %s (pid %d) and Openbox (pid %d).' %
177 (display_string,,
178 return _run_test_with_timeout(config, shell, args, apptest, env)
179 finally:
180 xvfb.kill(xvfb_proc)
181 xvfb.kill(openbox_proc)
184 # TODO(msw): Determine proper test timeout durations (starting small).
185 def _run_test_with_timeout(config, shell, args, apptest, env, seconds=10):
186 '''Run the test with a timeout; return the output or raise an exception.'''
187 result = Queue.Queue()
188 thread = threading.Thread(target=_run_test,
189 args=(config, shell, args, apptest, env, result))
190 thread.start()
191 process_or_shell = result.get()
192 thread.join(seconds)
193 timeout_exception = ''
195 if thread.is_alive():
196 timeout_exception = '\nError: Test timeout after %s seconds' % seconds
197 logging.getLogger().debug('Killing the runner or shell for timeout.')
198 try:
199 process_or_shell.kill()
200 except OSError:
201 pass # The process may have ended after checking |is_alive|.
203 thread.join(seconds)
204 if thread.is_alive():
205 raise Exception('Error: Test hung and could not be killed!')
206 if result.empty():
207 raise Exception('Error: Test exited with no output.')
208 (output, exception) = result.get()
209 exception += timeout_exception
210 if exception:
211 raise Exception('%s%s%s' % (output, '\n' if output else '', exception))
212 return output
215 def _run_test(config, shell, args, apptest, env, result):
216 '''Run the test; put the shell/proc, output and any exception in |result|.'''
217 output = ''
218 exception = ''
219 try:
220 if config.target_os != Config.OS_ANDROID:
221 command = _build_command_line(config, args, apptest)
222 process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
223 stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env)
224 result.put(process)
225 (output, stderr_output) = process.communicate()
226 if process.returncode:
227 exception = 'Error: Test exited with code: %d\n%s' % (
228 process.returncode, stderr_output)
229 elif config.is_verbose:
230 output += '\n' + stderr_output
231 else:
232 assert shell
233 result.put(shell)
234 (r, w) = os.pipe()
235 with os.fdopen(r, 'r') as rf:
236 with os.fdopen(w, 'w') as wf:
237 arguments = args + [apptest]
238 shell.StartActivity('MojoShellActivity', arguments, wf, wf.close)
239 output =
240 except Exception as e:
241 output += (e.output + '\n') if hasattr(e, 'output') else ''
242 exception += str(e)
243 result.put((output, exception))