2 # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
3 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
4 # found in the LICENSE file.
6 """code generator for GL/GLES extension wrangler."""
14 """In case there are multiple versions of the same function, one that's listed
15 first takes priority if its conditions are met. If the function is an extension
16 function, finding the extension from the extension string is a condition for
17 binding it. The last version of the function is treated as a fallback option in
18 case no other versions were bound, so a non-null function pointer in the
19 bindings does not guarantee that the function is supported.
21 Function binding conditions can be specified manually by supplying a versions
22 array instead of the names array. Each version has the following keys:
23 name: Mandatory. Name of the function. Multiple versions can have the same
24 name but different conditions.
25 gl_versions: List of GL versions where the function is found.
26 extensions: Extensions where the function is found. If not specified, the
27 extensions are determined based on GL header files.
28 If the function exists in an extension header, you may specify
29 an empty array to prevent making that a condition for binding.
31 By default, the function gets its name from the first name in its names or
32 versions array. This can be overridden by supplying a 'known_as' key.
35 { 'return_type': 'void',
36 'names': ['glActiveTexture'],
37 'arguments': 'GLenum texture', },
38 { 'return_type': 'void',
39 'names': ['glAttachShader'],
40 'arguments': 'GLuint program, GLuint shader', },
41 { 'return_type': 'void',
42 'names': ['glBeginQuery'],
43 'arguments': 'GLenum target, GLuint id', },
44 { 'return_type': 'void',
45 'names': ['glBeginQueryARB', 'glBeginQueryEXT'],
46 'arguments': 'GLenum target, GLuint id', },
47 { 'return_type': 'void',
48 'names': ['glBindAttribLocation'],
49 'arguments': 'GLuint program, GLuint index, const char* name', },
50 { 'return_type': 'void',
51 'names': ['glBindBuffer'],
52 'arguments': 'GLenum target, GLuint buffer', },
53 { 'return_type': 'void',
54 'names': ['glBindFragDataLocation'],
55 'arguments': 'GLuint program, GLuint colorNumber, const char* name', },
56 { 'return_type': 'void',
57 'names': ['glBindFragDataLocationIndexed'],
59 'GLuint program, GLuint colorNumber, GLuint index, const char* name', },
60 { 'return_type': 'void',
61 'names': ['glBindFramebufferEXT', 'glBindFramebuffer'],
62 'arguments': 'GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer', },
63 { 'return_type': 'void',
64 'names': ['glBindRenderbufferEXT', 'glBindRenderbuffer'],
65 'arguments': 'GLenum target, GLuint renderbuffer', },
66 { 'return_type': 'void',
67 'names': ['glBindTexture'],
68 'arguments': 'GLenum target, GLuint texture', },
69 { 'return_type': 'void',
70 'names': ['glBlendColor'],
71 'arguments': 'GLclampf red, GLclampf green, GLclampf blue, GLclampf alpha', },
72 { 'return_type': 'void',
73 'names': ['glBlendEquation'],
74 'arguments': ' GLenum mode ', },
75 { 'return_type': 'void',
76 'names': ['glBlendEquationSeparate'],
77 'arguments': 'GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeAlpha', },
78 { 'return_type': 'void',
79 'names': ['glBlendFunc'],
80 'arguments': 'GLenum sfactor, GLenum dfactor', },
81 { 'return_type': 'void',
82 'names': ['glBlendFuncSeparate'],
84 'GLenum srcRGB, GLenum dstRGB, GLenum srcAlpha, GLenum dstAlpha', },
85 { 'return_type': 'void',
86 'names': ['glBlitFramebuffer'],
87 'arguments': 'GLint srcX0, GLint srcY0, GLint srcX1, GLint srcY1, '
88 'GLint dstX0, GLint dstY0, GLint dstX1, GLint dstY1, '
89 'GLbitfield mask, GLenum filter', },
90 { 'return_type': 'void',
91 'names': ['glBlitFramebufferEXT', 'glBlitFramebuffer'],
92 'arguments': 'GLint srcX0, GLint srcY0, GLint srcX1, GLint srcY1, '
93 'GLint dstX0, GLint dstY0, GLint dstX1, GLint dstY1, '
94 'GLbitfield mask, GLenum filter', },
95 { 'return_type': 'void',
96 'names': ['glBlitFramebufferANGLE', 'glBlitFramebuffer'],
97 'arguments': 'GLint srcX0, GLint srcY0, GLint srcX1, GLint srcY1, '
98 'GLint dstX0, GLint dstY0, GLint dstX1, GLint dstY1, '
99 'GLbitfield mask, GLenum filter', },
100 { 'return_type': 'void',
101 'names': ['glBufferData'],
103 'GLenum target, GLsizeiptr size, const void* data, GLenum usage', },
104 { 'return_type': 'void',
105 'names': ['glBufferSubData'],
107 'GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size, const void* data', },
108 { 'return_type': 'GLenum',
109 'names': ['glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT',
110 'glCheckFramebufferStatus'],
111 'arguments': 'GLenum target',
113 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << GLES2Util::GetStringEnum(result));
115 { 'return_type': 'void',
116 'names': ['glClear'],
117 'arguments': 'GLbitfield mask', },
118 { 'return_type': 'void',
119 'names': ['glClearColor'],
120 'arguments': 'GLclampf red, GLclampf green, GLclampf blue, GLclampf alpha', },
121 { 'return_type': 'void',
122 'names': ['glClearDepth'],
123 'arguments': 'GLclampd depth', },
124 { 'return_type': 'void',
125 'names': ['glClearDepthf'],
126 'arguments': 'GLclampf depth', },
127 { 'return_type': 'void',
128 'names': ['glClearStencil'],
129 'arguments': 'GLint s', },
130 { 'return_type': 'void',
131 'names': ['glColorMask'],
133 'GLboolean red, GLboolean green, GLboolean blue, GLboolean alpha', },
134 { 'return_type': 'void',
135 'names': ['glCompileShader'],
136 'arguments': 'GLuint shader', },
137 { 'return_type': 'void',
138 'names': ['glCompressedTexImage2D'],
140 'GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, '
141 'GLsizei height, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const void* data', },
142 { 'return_type': 'void',
143 'names': ['glCompressedTexSubImage2D'],
145 'GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, '
146 'GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, '
147 'const void* data', },
148 { 'return_type': 'void',
149 'names': ['glCopyTexImage2D'],
151 'GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, '
152 'GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border', },
153 { 'return_type': 'void',
154 'names': ['glCopyTexSubImage2D'],
156 'GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, '
157 'GLint yoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height', },
158 { 'return_type': 'GLuint',
159 'names': ['glCreateProgram'],
160 'arguments': 'void', },
161 { 'return_type': 'GLuint',
162 'names': ['glCreateShader'],
163 'arguments': 'GLenum type', },
164 { 'return_type': 'void',
165 'names': ['glCullFace'],
166 'arguments': 'GLenum mode', },
167 { 'return_type': 'void',
168 'names': ['glDeleteBuffersARB', 'glDeleteBuffers'],
169 'arguments': 'GLsizei n, const GLuint* buffers', },
170 { 'return_type': 'void',
171 'names': ['glDeleteFramebuffersEXT', 'glDeleteFramebuffers'],
172 'arguments': 'GLsizei n, const GLuint* framebuffers', },
173 { 'return_type': 'void',
174 'names': ['glDeleteProgram'],
175 'arguments': 'GLuint program', },
176 { 'return_type': 'void',
177 'names': ['glDeleteQueries'],
178 'arguments': 'GLsizei n, const GLuint* ids', },
179 { 'return_type': 'void',
180 'names': ['glDeleteQueriesARB', 'glDeleteQueriesEXT'],
181 'arguments': 'GLsizei n, const GLuint* ids', },
182 { 'return_type': 'void',
183 'names': ['glDeleteRenderbuffersEXT', 'glDeleteRenderbuffers'],
184 'arguments': 'GLsizei n, const GLuint* renderbuffers', },
185 { 'return_type': 'void',
186 'names': ['glDeleteShader'],
187 'arguments': 'GLuint shader', },
188 { 'return_type': 'void',
189 'names': ['glDeleteTextures'],
190 'arguments': 'GLsizei n, const GLuint* textures', },
191 { 'return_type': 'void',
192 'names': ['glDepthFunc'],
193 'arguments': 'GLenum func', },
194 { 'return_type': 'void',
195 'names': ['glDepthMask'],
196 'arguments': 'GLboolean flag', },
197 { 'return_type': 'void',
198 'names': ['glDepthRange'],
199 'arguments': 'GLclampd zNear, GLclampd zFar', },
200 { 'return_type': 'void',
201 'names': ['glDepthRangef'],
202 'arguments': 'GLclampf zNear, GLclampf zFar', },
203 { 'return_type': 'void',
204 'names': ['glDetachShader'],
205 'arguments': 'GLuint program, GLuint shader', },
206 { 'return_type': 'void',
207 'names': ['glDisable'],
208 'arguments': 'GLenum cap', },
209 { 'return_type': 'void',
210 'names': ['glDisableVertexAttribArray'],
211 'arguments': 'GLuint index', },
212 { 'return_type': 'void',
213 'names': ['glDrawArrays'],
214 'arguments': 'GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count', },
215 { 'return_type': 'void',
216 'names': ['glDrawBuffer'],
217 'arguments': 'GLenum mode', },
218 { 'return_type': 'void',
219 'names': ['glDrawBuffersARB', 'glDrawBuffersEXT', 'glDrawBuffers'],
220 'arguments': 'GLsizei n, const GLenum* bufs', },
221 { 'return_type': 'void',
222 'names': ['glDrawElements'],
224 'GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const void* indices', },
225 { 'return_type': 'void',
226 'names': ['glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES'],
227 'arguments': 'GLenum target, GLeglImageOES image', },
228 { 'return_type': 'void',
229 'names': ['glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES'],
230 'arguments': 'GLenum target, GLeglImageOES image', },
231 { 'return_type': 'void',
232 'names': ['glEnable'],
233 'arguments': 'GLenum cap', },
234 { 'return_type': 'void',
235 'names': ['glEnableVertexAttribArray'],
236 'arguments': 'GLuint index', },
237 { 'return_type': 'void',
238 'names': ['glEndQuery'],
239 'arguments': 'GLenum target', },
240 { 'return_type': 'void',
241 'names': ['glEndQueryARB', 'glEndQueryEXT'],
242 'arguments': 'GLenum target', },
243 { 'return_type': 'void',
244 'names': ['glFinish'],
245 'arguments': 'void', },
246 { 'return_type': 'void',
247 'names': ['glFlush'],
248 'arguments': 'void', },
249 { 'return_type': 'void',
250 'names': ['glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT', 'glFramebufferRenderbuffer'],
252 'GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum renderbuffertarget, '
253 'GLuint renderbuffer', },
254 { 'return_type': 'void',
255 'names': ['glFramebufferTexture2DEXT', 'glFramebufferTexture2D'],
257 'GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, '
259 { 'return_type': 'void',
260 'names': ['glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT'],
262 'GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, '
263 'GLint level, GLsizei samples', },
264 { 'return_type': 'void',
265 'names': ['glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMG'],
267 'GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, '
268 'GLint level, GLsizei samples', },
269 { 'return_type': 'void',
270 'names': ['glFrontFace'],
271 'arguments': 'GLenum mode', },
272 { 'return_type': 'void',
273 'names': ['glGenBuffersARB', 'glGenBuffers'],
274 'arguments': 'GLsizei n, GLuint* buffers', },
275 { 'return_type': 'void',
276 'names': ['glGenQueries'],
277 'arguments': 'GLsizei n, GLuint* ids', },
278 { 'return_type': 'void',
279 'names': ['glGenQueriesARB', 'glGenQueriesEXT'],
280 'arguments': 'GLsizei n, GLuint* ids', },
281 { 'return_type': 'void',
282 'names': ['glGenerateMipmapEXT', 'glGenerateMipmap'],
283 'arguments': 'GLenum target', },
284 { 'return_type': 'void',
285 'names': ['glGenFramebuffersEXT', 'glGenFramebuffers'],
286 'arguments': 'GLsizei n, GLuint* framebuffers', },
287 { 'return_type': 'void',
288 'names': ['glGenRenderbuffersEXT', 'glGenRenderbuffers'],
289 'arguments': 'GLsizei n, GLuint* renderbuffers', },
290 { 'return_type': 'void',
291 'names': ['glGenTextures'],
292 'arguments': 'GLsizei n, GLuint* textures', },
293 { 'return_type': 'void',
294 'names': ['glGetActiveAttrib'],
296 'GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufsize, GLsizei* length, '
297 'GLint* size, GLenum* type, char* name', },
298 { 'return_type': 'void',
299 'names': ['glGetActiveUniform'],
301 'GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufsize, GLsizei* length, '
302 'GLint* size, GLenum* type, char* name', },
303 { 'return_type': 'void',
304 'names': ['glGetAttachedShaders'],
306 'GLuint program, GLsizei maxcount, GLsizei* count, GLuint* shaders', },
307 { 'return_type': 'GLint',
308 'names': ['glGetAttribLocation'],
309 'arguments': 'GLuint program, const char* name', },
310 { 'return_type': 'void',
311 'names': ['glGetBooleanv'],
312 'arguments': 'GLenum pname, GLboolean* params', },
313 { 'return_type': 'void',
314 'names': ['glGetBufferParameteriv'],
315 'arguments': 'GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint* params', },
316 { 'return_type': 'GLenum',
317 'names': ['glGetError'],
320 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << GLES2Util::GetStringError(result));
322 { 'return_type': 'void',
323 'names': ['glGetFloatv'],
324 'arguments': 'GLenum pname, GLfloat* params', },
325 { 'return_type': 'void',
326 'names': ['glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT',
327 'glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv'],
328 'arguments': 'GLenum target, '
329 'GLenum attachment, GLenum pname, GLint* params', },
330 { 'return_type': 'GLenum',
331 'names': ['glGetGraphicsResetStatusARB',
332 'glGetGraphicsResetStatusKHR',
333 'glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT',
334 'glGetGraphicsResetStatus'],
335 'arguments': 'void', },
336 { 'return_type': 'void',
337 'names': ['glGetIntegerv'],
338 'arguments': 'GLenum pname, GLint* params', },
339 { 'return_type': 'void',
340 'names': ['glGetInteger64v'],
341 'arguments': 'GLenum pname, GLint64* params', },
342 { 'return_type': 'void',
343 'known_as': 'glGetProgramBinary',
344 'versions': [{ 'name': 'glGetProgramBinaryOES' },
345 { 'name': 'glGetProgramBinary',
346 'extensions': ['GL_ARB_get_program_binary'] },
347 { 'name': 'glGetProgramBinary' }],
348 'arguments': 'GLuint program, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei* length, '
349 'GLenum* binaryFormat, GLvoid* binary' },
350 { 'return_type': 'void',
351 'names': ['glGetProgramiv'],
352 'arguments': 'GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint* params', },
353 { 'return_type': 'void',
354 'names': ['glGetProgramInfoLog'],
356 'GLuint program, GLsizei bufsize, GLsizei* length, char* infolog', },
357 { 'return_type': 'void',
358 'names': ['glGetQueryiv'],
359 'arguments': 'GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint* params', },
360 { 'return_type': 'void',
361 'names': ['glGetQueryivARB', 'glGetQueryivEXT'],
362 'arguments': 'GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint* params', },
363 { 'return_type': 'void',
364 'names': ['glGetQueryObjecti64v'],
365 'arguments': 'GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint64* params', },
366 { 'return_type': 'void',
367 'names': ['glGetQueryObjectui64v', 'glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT'],
368 'arguments': 'GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLuint64* params', },
369 { 'return_type': 'void',
370 'names': ['glGetQueryObjectuiv'],
371 'arguments': 'GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLuint* params', },
372 { 'return_type': 'void',
373 'names': ['glGetQueryObjectuivARB', 'glGetQueryObjectuivEXT'],
374 'arguments': 'GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLuint* params', },
375 { 'return_type': 'void',
376 'names': ['glGetQueryObjectiv', 'glGetQueryObjectivARB',
377 'glGetQueryObjectivEXT'],
378 'arguments': 'GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint* params', },
379 { 'return_type': 'void',
380 'names': ['glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXT', 'glGetRenderbufferParameteriv'],
381 'arguments': 'GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint* params', },
382 { 'return_type': 'void',
383 'names': ['glGetShaderiv'],
384 'arguments': 'GLuint shader, GLenum pname, GLint* params', },
385 { 'return_type': 'void',
386 'names': ['glGetShaderInfoLog'],
388 'GLuint shader, GLsizei bufsize, GLsizei* length, char* infolog', },
389 { 'return_type': 'void',
390 'names': ['glGetShaderPrecisionFormat'],
391 'arguments': 'GLenum shadertype, GLenum precisiontype, '
392 'GLint* range, GLint* precision', },
393 { 'return_type': 'void',
394 'names': ['glGetShaderSource'],
396 'GLuint shader, GLsizei bufsize, GLsizei* length, char* source', },
397 { 'return_type': 'const GLubyte*',
398 'names': ['glGetString'],
399 'arguments': 'GLenum name', },
400 { 'return_type': 'void',
401 'names': ['glGetTexLevelParameterfv'],
402 'arguments': 'GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum pname, GLfloat* params', },
403 { 'return_type': 'void',
404 'names': ['glGetTexLevelParameteriv'],
405 'arguments': 'GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum pname, GLint* params', },
406 { 'return_type': 'void',
407 'names': ['glGetTexParameterfv'],
408 'arguments': 'GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat* params', },
409 { 'return_type': 'void',
410 'names': ['glGetTexParameteriv'],
411 'arguments': 'GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint* params', },
412 { 'return_type': 'void',
413 'names': ['glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE'],
415 'GLuint shader, GLsizei bufsize, GLsizei* length, char* source', },
416 { 'return_type': 'void',
417 'names': ['glGetUniformfv'],
418 'arguments': 'GLuint program, GLint location, GLfloat* params', },
419 { 'return_type': 'void',
420 'names': ['glGetUniformiv'],
421 'arguments': 'GLuint program, GLint location, GLint* params', },
422 { 'return_type': 'GLint',
423 'names': ['glGetUniformLocation'],
424 'arguments': 'GLuint program, const char* name', },
425 { 'return_type': 'void',
426 'names': ['glGetVertexAttribfv'],
427 'arguments': 'GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLfloat* params', },
428 { 'return_type': 'void',
429 'names': ['glGetVertexAttribiv'],
430 'arguments': 'GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint* params', },
431 { 'return_type': 'void',
432 'names': ['glGetVertexAttribPointerv'],
433 'arguments': 'GLuint index, GLenum pname, void** pointer', },
434 { 'return_type': 'void',
436 'arguments': 'GLenum target, GLenum mode', },
437 { 'return_type': 'void',
438 'names': ['glInsertEventMarkerEXT'],
439 'arguments': 'GLsizei length, const char* marker', },
440 { 'return_type': 'GLboolean',
441 'names': ['glIsBuffer'],
442 'arguments': 'GLuint buffer', },
443 { 'return_type': 'GLboolean',
444 'names': ['glIsEnabled'],
445 'arguments': 'GLenum cap', },
446 { 'return_type': 'GLboolean',
447 'names': ['glIsFramebufferEXT', 'glIsFramebuffer'],
448 'arguments': 'GLuint framebuffer', },
449 { 'return_type': 'GLboolean',
450 'names': ['glIsProgram'],
451 'arguments': 'GLuint program', },
452 { 'return_type': 'GLboolean',
453 'names': ['glIsQueryARB', 'glIsQueryEXT'],
454 'arguments': 'GLuint query', },
455 { 'return_type': 'GLboolean',
456 'names': ['glIsRenderbufferEXT', 'glIsRenderbuffer'],
457 'arguments': 'GLuint renderbuffer', },
458 { 'return_type': 'GLboolean',
459 'names': ['glIsShader'],
460 'arguments': 'GLuint shader', },
461 { 'return_type': 'GLboolean',
462 'names': ['glIsTexture'],
463 'arguments': 'GLuint texture', },
464 { 'return_type': 'void',
465 'names': ['glLineWidth'],
466 'arguments': 'GLfloat width', },
467 { 'return_type': 'void',
468 'names': ['glLinkProgram'],
469 'arguments': 'GLuint program', },
470 { 'return_type': 'void*',
471 'known_as': 'glMapBuffer',
472 'names': ['glMapBufferOES', 'glMapBuffer'],
473 'arguments': 'GLenum target, GLenum access', },
474 { 'return_type': 'void*',
475 'names': ['glMapBufferRange'],
477 'GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr length, GLenum access', },
478 { 'return_type': 'void',
479 'names': ['glFlushMappedBufferRange'],
480 'arguments': 'GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr length', },
481 { 'return_type': 'void',
482 'names': ['glPixelStorei'],
483 'arguments': 'GLenum pname, GLint param', },
484 { 'return_type': 'void',
485 'names': ['glPointParameteri'],
486 'arguments': 'GLenum pname, GLint param', },
487 { 'return_type': 'void',
488 'names': ['glPolygonOffset'],
489 'arguments': 'GLfloat factor, GLfloat units', },
490 { 'return_type': 'void',
491 'names': ['glPopGroupMarkerEXT'],
492 'arguments': 'void', },
493 { 'return_type': 'void',
494 'known_as': 'glProgramBinary',
495 'versions': [{ 'name': 'glProgramBinaryOES' },
496 { 'name': 'glProgramBinary',
497 'extensions': ['GL_ARB_get_program_binary'] },
498 { 'name': 'glProgramBinary' }],
499 'arguments': 'GLuint program, GLenum binaryFormat, '
500 'const GLvoid* binary, GLsizei length' },
501 { 'return_type': 'void',
502 'versions': [{ 'name': 'glProgramParameteri',
503 'extensions': ['GL_ARB_get_program_binary'] },
504 { 'name': 'glProgramParameteri' }],
505 'arguments': 'GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint value' },
506 { 'return_type': 'void',
507 'names': ['glPushGroupMarkerEXT'],
508 'arguments': 'GLsizei length, const char* marker', },
509 { 'return_type': 'void',
510 'names': ['glQueryCounter', 'glQueryCounterEXT'],
511 'arguments': 'GLuint id, GLenum target', },
512 { 'return_type': 'void',
513 'names': ['glReadBuffer'],
514 'arguments': 'GLenum src', },
515 { 'return_type': 'void',
516 'names': ['glReadPixels'],
518 'GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, '
519 'GLenum type, void* pixels', },
520 { 'return_type': 'void',
521 'names': ['glReleaseShaderCompiler'],
522 'arguments': 'void', },
523 # Multisampling API is different in different GL versions, some require an
524 # explicit resolve step for renderbuffers and/or FBO texture attachments and
525 # some do not. Multiple alternatives might be present in a single
526 # implementation, which require different use of the API and may have
527 # different performance (explicit resolve performing worse, for example).
528 # So even though the function signature is the same across versions, we split
529 # their definitions so that the function to use can be chosen correctly at a
531 # TODO(oetuaho@nvidia.com): Some of these might still be possible to combine.
532 # This could also fix weirdness in the mock bindings that's caused by the same
533 # function name appearing multiple times.
534 # This is the ES3 function, which requires explicit resolve:
535 { 'return_type': 'void',
536 'names': ['glRenderbufferStorageMultisample'],
537 'arguments': 'GLenum target, GLsizei samples, GLenum internalformat, '
538 'GLsizei width, GLsizei height', },
539 # In desktop GL, EXT and core versions both have an explicit resolve step,
540 # though desktop core GL implicitly resolves when drawing to a window.
541 # TODO(oetuaho@nvidia.com): Right now this function also doubles as ES2 EXT
542 # function, which has implicit resolve, and for which the fallback is wrong.
544 { 'return_type': 'void',
545 'names': ['glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT',
546 'glRenderbufferStorageMultisample'],
547 'arguments': 'GLenum target, GLsizei samples, GLenum internalformat, '
548 'GLsizei width, GLsizei height', },
549 { 'return_type': 'void',
550 'names': ['glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLE',
551 'glRenderbufferStorageMultisample'],
552 'arguments': 'GLenum target, GLsizei samples, GLenum internalformat, '
553 'GLsizei width, GLsizei height', },
554 { 'return_type': 'void',
555 'names': ['glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMG'],
556 'arguments': 'GLenum target, GLsizei samples, GLenum internalformat, '
557 'GLsizei width, GLsizei height', },
558 { 'return_type': 'void',
559 'names': ['glRenderbufferStorageEXT', 'glRenderbufferStorage'],
561 'GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height', },
562 { 'return_type': 'void',
563 'names': ['glSampleCoverage'],
564 'arguments': 'GLclampf value, GLboolean invert', },
565 { 'return_type': 'void',
566 'names': ['glScissor'],
567 'arguments': 'GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height', },
568 { 'return_type': 'void',
569 'names': ['glShaderBinary'],
570 'arguments': 'GLsizei n, const GLuint* shaders, GLenum binaryformat, '
571 'const void* binary, GLsizei length', },
572 { 'return_type': 'void',
573 'names': ['glShaderSource'],
574 'arguments': 'GLuint shader, GLsizei count, const char* const* str, '
575 'const GLint* length',
578 for (GLsizei ii = 0; ii < count; ++ii) {
580 if (length && length[ii] >= 0) {
581 std::string source(str[ii], length[ii]);
582 GL_SERVICE_LOG(" " << ii << ": ---\\n" << source << "\\n---");
584 GL_SERVICE_LOG(" " << ii << ": ---\\n" << str[ii] << "\\n---");
587 GL_SERVICE_LOG(" " << ii << ": NULL");
592 { 'return_type': 'void',
593 'names': ['glStencilFunc'],
594 'arguments': 'GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask', },
595 { 'return_type': 'void',
596 'names': ['glStencilFuncSeparate'],
597 'arguments': 'GLenum face, GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask', },
598 { 'return_type': 'void',
599 'names': ['glStencilMask'],
600 'arguments': 'GLuint mask', },
601 { 'return_type': 'void',
602 'names': ['glStencilMaskSeparate'],
603 'arguments': 'GLenum face, GLuint mask', },
604 { 'return_type': 'void',
605 'names': ['glStencilOp'],
606 'arguments': 'GLenum fail, GLenum zfail, GLenum zpass', },
607 { 'return_type': 'void',
608 'names': ['glStencilOpSeparate'],
609 'arguments': 'GLenum face, GLenum fail, GLenum zfail, GLenum zpass', },
610 { 'return_type': 'void',
611 'names': ['glTexImage2D'],
613 'GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, '
614 'GLsizei height, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, '
615 'const void* pixels', },
616 { 'return_type': 'void',
617 'names': ['glTexParameterf'],
618 'arguments': 'GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat param', },
619 { 'return_type': 'void',
620 'names': ['glTexParameterfv'],
621 'arguments': 'GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat* params', },
622 { 'return_type': 'void',
623 'names': ['glTexParameteri'],
624 'arguments': 'GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param', },
625 { 'return_type': 'void',
626 'names': ['glTexParameteriv'],
627 'arguments': 'GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint* params', },
628 { 'return_type': 'void',
629 'known_as': 'glTexStorage2DEXT',
630 'versions': [{ 'name': 'glTexStorage2D',
631 'gl_versions': ['es3'] },
632 { 'name': 'glTexStorage2D',
633 'extensions': ['GL_ARB_texture_storage'] },
634 { 'name': 'glTexStorage2DEXT',
635 'extensions': ['GL_EXT_texture_storage'] }],
636 'arguments': 'GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalformat, '
637 'GLsizei width, GLsizei height', },
638 { 'return_type': 'void',
639 'names': ['glTexSubImage2D'],
641 'GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, '
642 'GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, '
643 'const void* pixels', },
644 { 'return_type': 'void',
645 'names': ['glUniform1f'],
646 'arguments': 'GLint location, GLfloat x', },
647 { 'return_type': 'void',
648 'names': ['glUniform1fv'],
649 'arguments': 'GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat* v', },
650 { 'return_type': 'void',
651 'names': ['glUniform1i'],
652 'arguments': 'GLint location, GLint x', },
653 { 'return_type': 'void',
654 'names': ['glUniform1iv'],
655 'arguments': 'GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint* v', },
656 { 'return_type': 'void',
657 'names': ['glUniform2f'],
658 'arguments': 'GLint location, GLfloat x, GLfloat y', },
659 { 'return_type': 'void',
660 'names': ['glUniform2fv'],
661 'arguments': 'GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat* v', },
662 { 'return_type': 'void',
663 'names': ['glUniform2i'],
664 'arguments': 'GLint location, GLint x, GLint y', },
665 { 'return_type': 'void',
666 'names': ['glUniform2iv'],
667 'arguments': 'GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint* v', },
668 { 'return_type': 'void',
669 'names': ['glUniform3f'],
670 'arguments': 'GLint location, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z', },
671 { 'return_type': 'void',
672 'names': ['glUniform3fv'],
673 'arguments': 'GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat* v', },
674 { 'return_type': 'void',
675 'names': ['glUniform3i'],
676 'arguments': 'GLint location, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z', },
677 { 'return_type': 'void',
678 'names': ['glUniform3iv'],
679 'arguments': 'GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint* v', },
680 { 'return_type': 'void',
681 'names': ['glUniform4f'],
682 'arguments': 'GLint location, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w', },
683 { 'return_type': 'void',
684 'names': ['glUniform4fv'],
685 'arguments': 'GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat* v', },
686 { 'return_type': 'void',
687 'names': ['glUniform4i'],
688 'arguments': 'GLint location, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w', },
689 { 'return_type': 'void',
690 'names': ['glUniform4iv'],
691 'arguments': 'GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint* v', },
692 { 'return_type': 'void',
693 'names': ['glUniformMatrix2fv'],
694 'arguments': 'GLint location, GLsizei count, '
695 'GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat* value', },
696 { 'return_type': 'void',
697 'names': ['glUniformMatrix3fv'],
698 'arguments': 'GLint location, GLsizei count, '
699 'GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat* value', },
700 { 'return_type': 'void',
701 'names': ['glUniformMatrix4fv'],
702 'arguments': 'GLint location, GLsizei count, '
703 'GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat* value', },
704 { 'return_type': 'GLboolean',
705 'known_as': 'glUnmapBuffer',
706 'names': ['glUnmapBufferOES', 'glUnmapBuffer'],
707 'arguments': 'GLenum target', },
708 { 'return_type': 'void',
709 'names': ['glUseProgram'],
710 'arguments': 'GLuint program', },
711 { 'return_type': 'void',
712 'names': ['glValidateProgram'],
713 'arguments': 'GLuint program', },
714 { 'return_type': 'void',
715 'names': ['glVertexAttrib1f'],
716 'arguments': 'GLuint indx, GLfloat x', },
717 { 'return_type': 'void',
718 'names': ['glVertexAttrib1fv'],
719 'arguments': 'GLuint indx, const GLfloat* values', },
720 { 'return_type': 'void',
721 'names': ['glVertexAttrib2f'],
722 'arguments': 'GLuint indx, GLfloat x, GLfloat y', },
723 { 'return_type': 'void',
724 'names': ['glVertexAttrib2fv'],
725 'arguments': 'GLuint indx, const GLfloat* values', },
726 { 'return_type': 'void',
727 'names': ['glVertexAttrib3f'],
728 'arguments': 'GLuint indx, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z', },
729 { 'return_type': 'void',
730 'names': ['glVertexAttrib3fv'],
731 'arguments': 'GLuint indx, const GLfloat* values', },
732 { 'return_type': 'void',
733 'names': ['glVertexAttrib4f'],
734 'arguments': 'GLuint indx, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w', },
735 { 'return_type': 'void',
736 'names': ['glVertexAttrib4fv'],
737 'arguments': 'GLuint indx, const GLfloat* values', },
738 { 'return_type': 'void',
739 'names': ['glVertexAttribPointer'],
740 'arguments': 'GLuint indx, GLint size, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, '
741 'GLsizei stride, const void* ptr', },
742 { 'return_type': 'void',
743 'names': ['glViewport'],
744 'arguments': 'GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height', },
745 { 'return_type': 'void',
746 'names': ['glGenFencesNV'],
747 'arguments': 'GLsizei n, GLuint* fences', },
748 { 'return_type': 'void',
749 'names': ['glDeleteFencesNV'],
750 'arguments': 'GLsizei n, const GLuint* fences', },
751 { 'return_type': 'void',
752 'names': ['glSetFenceNV'],
753 'arguments': 'GLuint fence, GLenum condition', },
754 { 'return_type': 'GLboolean',
755 'names': ['glTestFenceNV'],
756 'arguments': 'GLuint fence', },
757 { 'return_type': 'void',
758 'names': ['glFinishFenceNV'],
759 'arguments': 'GLuint fence', },
760 { 'return_type': 'GLboolean',
761 'names': ['glIsFenceNV'],
762 'arguments': 'GLuint fence', },
763 { 'return_type': 'void',
764 'names': ['glGetFenceivNV'],
765 'arguments': 'GLuint fence, GLenum pname, GLint* params', },
766 { 'return_type': 'GLsync',
767 'names': ['glFenceSync'],
768 'arguments': 'GLenum condition, GLbitfield flags', },
769 { 'return_type': 'GLboolean',
770 'names': ['glIsSync'],
771 'arguments': 'GLsync sync', },
772 { 'return_type': 'void',
773 'names': ['glDeleteSync'],
774 'arguments': 'GLsync sync', },
775 { 'return_type': 'void',
776 'names': ['glGetSynciv'],
778 'GLsync sync, GLenum pname, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei* length,'
780 { 'return_type': 'GLenum',
781 'names': ['glClientWaitSync'],
783 'GLsync sync, GLbitfield flags, GLuint64 timeout', },
784 { 'return_type': 'GLenum',
785 'names': ['glWaitSync'],
787 'GLsync sync, GLbitfield flags, GLuint64 timeout', },
788 { 'return_type': 'void',
789 'known_as': 'glDrawArraysInstancedANGLE',
790 'names': ['glDrawArraysInstancedARB', 'glDrawArraysInstancedANGLE',
791 'glDrawArraysInstanced'],
792 'arguments': 'GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLsizei primcount', },
793 { 'return_type': 'void',
794 'known_as': 'glDrawElementsInstancedANGLE',
795 'names': ['glDrawElementsInstancedARB', 'glDrawElementsInstancedANGLE',
796 'glDrawElementsInstanced'],
798 'GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const void* indices, '
799 'GLsizei primcount', },
800 { 'return_type': 'void',
801 'known_as': 'glVertexAttribDivisorANGLE',
802 'names': ['glVertexAttribDivisorARB', 'glVertexAttribDivisorANGLE',
803 'glVertexAttribDivisor'],
805 'GLuint index, GLuint divisor', },
806 { 'return_type': 'void',
807 'known_as': 'glGenVertexArraysOES',
808 'versions': [{ 'name': 'glGenVertexArrays',
809 'gl_versions': ['gl3', 'gl4', 'es3'] },
810 { 'name': 'glGenVertexArrays',
811 'extensions': ['GL_ARB_vertex_array_object'] },
812 { 'name': 'glGenVertexArraysOES' },
813 { 'name': 'glGenVertexArraysAPPLE',
814 'extensions': ['GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object'] }],
815 'arguments': 'GLsizei n, GLuint* arrays', },
816 { 'return_type': 'void',
817 'known_as': 'glDeleteVertexArraysOES',
818 'versions': [{ 'name': 'glDeleteVertexArrays',
819 'gl_versions': ['gl3', 'gl4', 'es3'] },
820 { 'name': 'glDeleteVertexArrays',
821 'extensions': ['GL_ARB_vertex_array_object'] },
822 { 'name': 'glDeleteVertexArraysOES' },
823 { 'name': 'glDeleteVertexArraysAPPLE',
824 'extensions': ['GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object'] }],
825 'arguments': 'GLsizei n, const GLuint* arrays' },
826 { 'return_type': 'void',
827 'known_as': 'glBindVertexArrayOES',
828 'versions': [{ 'name': 'glBindVertexArray',
829 'gl_versions': ['gl3', 'gl4', 'es3'] },
830 { 'name': 'glBindVertexArray',
831 'extensions': ['GL_ARB_vertex_array_object'] },
832 { 'name': 'glBindVertexArrayOES' },
833 { 'name': 'glBindVertexArrayAPPLE',
834 'extensions': ['GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object'] }],
835 'arguments': 'GLuint array' },
836 { 'return_type': 'GLboolean',
837 'known_as': 'glIsVertexArrayOES',
838 'versions': [{ 'name': 'glIsVertexArray',
839 'gl_versions': ['gl3', 'gl4'] },
840 { 'name': 'glIsVertexArray',
841 'extensions': ['GL_ARB_vertex_array_object'] },
842 { 'name': 'glIsVertexArrayOES' },
843 { 'name': 'glIsVertexArrayAPPLE',
844 'extensions': ['GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object'] }],
845 'arguments': 'GLuint array' },
846 { 'return_type': 'void',
847 'known_as': 'glDiscardFramebufferEXT',
848 'versions': [{ 'name': 'glInvalidateFramebuffer',
849 'gl_versions': ['es3'],
851 { 'name': 'glDiscardFramebufferEXT',
852 'gl_versions': ['es1', 'es2'] }],
853 'arguments': 'GLenum target, GLsizei numAttachments, '
854 'const GLenum* attachments' },
855 { 'return_type': 'void',
856 'known_as': 'glMatrixLoadfEXT',
857 'versions': [{ 'name': 'glMatrixLoadfEXT',
858 'gl_versions': ['gl4'],
859 'extensions': ['GL_EXT_direct_state_access'] },
860 { 'name': 'glMatrixLoadfEXT',
861 'gl_versions': ['es3'],
862 'extensions': ['GL_NV_path_rendering'] }],
863 'arguments': 'GLenum matrixMode, const GLfloat* m' },
864 { 'return_type': 'void',
865 'known_as': 'glMatrixLoadIdentityEXT',
866 'versions': [{ 'name': 'glMatrixLoadIdentityEXT',
867 'gl_versions': ['gl4'],
868 'extensions': ['GL_EXT_direct_state_access'] },
869 { 'name': 'glMatrixLoadIdentityEXT',
870 'gl_versions': ['es3'],
871 'extensions': ['GL_NV_path_rendering'] }],
872 'arguments': 'GLenum matrixMode' },
873 { 'return_type': 'void',
874 'known_as': 'glBlendBarrierKHR',
875 'versions': [{ 'name': 'glBlendBarrierNV',
876 'extensions': ['GL_NV_blend_equation_advanced'] },
877 { 'name': 'glBlendBarrierKHR',
878 'extensions': ['GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced'] }],
879 'arguments': 'void' },
883 { 'return_type': 'OSMesaContext',
884 'names': ['OSMesaCreateContext'],
885 'arguments': 'GLenum format, OSMesaContext sharelist', },
886 { 'return_type': 'OSMesaContext',
887 'names': ['OSMesaCreateContextExt'],
889 'GLenum format, GLint depthBits, GLint stencilBits, GLint accumBits, '
890 'OSMesaContext sharelist', },
891 { 'return_type': 'void',
892 'names': ['OSMesaDestroyContext'],
893 'arguments': 'OSMesaContext ctx', },
894 { 'return_type': 'GLboolean',
895 'names': ['OSMesaMakeCurrent'],
896 'arguments': 'OSMesaContext ctx, void* buffer, GLenum type, GLsizei width, '
898 { 'return_type': 'OSMesaContext',
899 'names': ['OSMesaGetCurrentContext'],
900 'arguments': 'void', },
901 { 'return_type': 'void',
902 'names': ['OSMesaPixelStore'],
903 'arguments': 'GLint pname, GLint value', },
904 { 'return_type': 'void',
905 'names': ['OSMesaGetIntegerv'],
906 'arguments': 'GLint pname, GLint* value', },
907 { 'return_type': 'GLboolean',
908 'names': ['OSMesaGetDepthBuffer'],
910 'OSMesaContext c, GLint* width, GLint* height, GLint* bytesPerValue, '
912 { 'return_type': 'GLboolean',
913 'names': ['OSMesaGetColorBuffer'],
914 'arguments': 'OSMesaContext c, GLint* width, GLint* height, GLint* format, '
916 { 'return_type': 'OSMESAproc',
917 'names': ['OSMesaGetProcAddress'],
918 'arguments': 'const char* funcName', },
919 { 'return_type': 'void',
920 'names': ['OSMesaColorClamp'],
921 'arguments': 'GLboolean enable', },
925 { 'return_type': 'EGLint',
926 'names': ['eglGetError'],
927 'arguments': 'void', },
928 { 'return_type': 'EGLDisplay',
929 'names': ['eglGetDisplay'],
930 'arguments': 'EGLNativeDisplayType display_id', },
931 { 'return_type': 'EGLDisplay',
932 'known_as': 'eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT',
933 'versions': [{ 'name': 'eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT',
934 'extensions': ['EGL_ANGLE_platform_angle'] }],
935 'arguments': 'EGLenum platform, void* native_display, '
936 'const EGLint* attrib_list', },
937 { 'return_type': 'EGLBoolean',
938 'names': ['eglInitialize'],
939 'arguments': 'EGLDisplay dpy, EGLint* major, EGLint* minor', },
940 { 'return_type': 'EGLBoolean',
941 'names': ['eglTerminate'],
942 'arguments': 'EGLDisplay dpy', },
943 { 'return_type': 'const char*',
944 'names': ['eglQueryString'],
945 'arguments': 'EGLDisplay dpy, EGLint name', },
946 { 'return_type': 'EGLBoolean',
947 'names': ['eglGetConfigs'],
948 'arguments': 'EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig* configs, EGLint config_size, '
949 'EGLint* num_config', },
950 { 'return_type': 'EGLBoolean',
951 'names': ['eglChooseConfig'],
952 'arguments': 'EGLDisplay dpy, const EGLint* attrib_list, EGLConfig* configs, '
953 'EGLint config_size, EGLint* num_config', },
954 { 'return_type': 'EGLBoolean',
955 'names': ['eglGetConfigAttrib'],
957 'EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig config, EGLint attribute, EGLint* value', },
958 { 'return_type': 'EGLImageKHR',
959 'versions': [{ 'name': 'eglCreateImageKHR',
961 ['EGL_KHR_image_base', 'EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image'] }],
963 'EGLDisplay dpy, EGLContext ctx, EGLenum target, EGLClientBuffer buffer, '
964 'const EGLint* attrib_list' },
965 { 'return_type': 'EGLBoolean',
966 'versions': [{ 'name' : 'eglDestroyImageKHR',
967 'extensions': ['EGL_KHR_image_base'] }],
968 'arguments': 'EGLDisplay dpy, EGLImageKHR image' },
969 { 'return_type': 'EGLSurface',
970 'names': ['eglCreateWindowSurface'],
971 'arguments': 'EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig config, EGLNativeWindowType win, '
972 'const EGLint* attrib_list', },
973 { 'return_type': 'EGLSurface',
974 'names': ['eglCreatePbufferSurface'],
975 'arguments': 'EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig config, const EGLint* attrib_list', },
976 { 'return_type': 'EGLSurface',
977 'names': ['eglCreatePixmapSurface'],
978 'arguments': 'EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig config, EGLNativePixmapType pixmap, '
979 'const EGLint* attrib_list', },
980 { 'return_type': 'EGLBoolean',
981 'names': ['eglDestroySurface'],
982 'arguments': 'EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface', },
983 { 'return_type': 'EGLBoolean',
984 'names': ['eglQuerySurface'],
986 'EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface, EGLint attribute, EGLint* value', },
987 { 'return_type': 'EGLBoolean',
988 'names': ['eglBindAPI'],
989 'arguments': 'EGLenum api', },
990 { 'return_type': 'EGLenum',
991 'names': ['eglQueryAPI'],
992 'arguments': 'void', },
993 { 'return_type': 'EGLBoolean',
994 'names': ['eglWaitClient'],
995 'arguments': 'void', },
996 { 'return_type': 'EGLBoolean',
997 'names': ['eglReleaseThread'],
998 'arguments': 'void', },
999 { 'return_type': 'EGLSurface',
1000 'names': ['eglCreatePbufferFromClientBuffer'],
1002 'EGLDisplay dpy, EGLenum buftype, void* buffer, EGLConfig config, '
1003 'const EGLint* attrib_list', },
1004 { 'return_type': 'EGLBoolean',
1005 'names': ['eglSurfaceAttrib'],
1007 'EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface, EGLint attribute, EGLint value', },
1008 { 'return_type': 'EGLBoolean',
1009 'names': ['eglBindTexImage'],
1010 'arguments': 'EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface, EGLint buffer', },
1011 { 'return_type': 'EGLBoolean',
1012 'names': ['eglReleaseTexImage'],
1013 'arguments': 'EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface, EGLint buffer', },
1014 { 'return_type': 'EGLBoolean',
1015 'names': ['eglSwapInterval'],
1016 'arguments': 'EGLDisplay dpy, EGLint interval', },
1017 { 'return_type': 'EGLContext',
1018 'names': ['eglCreateContext'],
1019 'arguments': 'EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig config, EGLContext share_context, '
1020 'const EGLint* attrib_list', },
1021 { 'return_type': 'EGLBoolean',
1022 'names': ['eglDestroyContext'],
1023 'arguments': 'EGLDisplay dpy, EGLContext ctx', },
1024 { 'return_type': 'EGLBoolean',
1025 'names': ['eglMakeCurrent'],
1027 'EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface draw, EGLSurface read, EGLContext ctx', },
1028 { 'return_type': 'EGLContext',
1029 'names': ['eglGetCurrentContext'],
1030 'arguments': 'void', },
1031 { 'return_type': 'EGLSurface',
1032 'names': ['eglGetCurrentSurface'],
1033 'arguments': 'EGLint readdraw', },
1034 { 'return_type': 'EGLDisplay',
1035 'names': ['eglGetCurrentDisplay'],
1036 'arguments': 'void', },
1037 { 'return_type': 'EGLBoolean',
1038 'names': ['eglQueryContext'],
1040 'EGLDisplay dpy, EGLContext ctx, EGLint attribute, EGLint* value', },
1041 { 'return_type': 'EGLBoolean',
1042 'names': ['eglWaitGL'],
1043 'arguments': 'void', },
1044 { 'return_type': 'EGLBoolean',
1045 'names': ['eglWaitNative'],
1046 'arguments': 'EGLint engine', },
1047 { 'return_type': 'EGLBoolean',
1048 'names': ['eglSwapBuffers'],
1049 'arguments': 'EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface', },
1050 { 'return_type': 'EGLBoolean',
1051 'names': ['eglCopyBuffers'],
1053 'EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface, EGLNativePixmapType target', },
1054 { 'return_type': '__eglMustCastToProperFunctionPointerType',
1055 'names': ['eglGetProcAddress'],
1056 'arguments': 'const char* procname', },
1057 { 'return_type': 'EGLBoolean',
1058 'names': ['eglPostSubBufferNV'],
1059 'arguments': 'EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface, '
1060 'EGLint x, EGLint y, EGLint width, EGLint height', },
1061 { 'return_type': 'EGLBoolean',
1062 'names': ['eglQuerySurfacePointerANGLE'],
1064 'EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface, EGLint attribute, void** value', },
1065 { 'return_type': 'EGLSyncKHR',
1066 'versions': [{ 'name': 'eglCreateSyncKHR',
1067 'extensions': ['EGL_KHR_fence_sync'] }],
1068 'arguments': 'EGLDisplay dpy, EGLenum type, const EGLint* attrib_list' },
1069 { 'return_type': 'EGLint',
1070 'versions': [{ 'name': 'eglClientWaitSyncKHR',
1071 'extensions': ['EGL_KHR_fence_sync'] }],
1072 'arguments': 'EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSyncKHR sync, EGLint flags, '
1073 'EGLTimeKHR timeout' },
1074 { 'return_type': 'EGLBoolean',
1075 'versions': [{ 'name': 'eglGetSyncAttribKHR',
1076 'extensions': ['EGL_KHR_fence_sync'] }],
1077 'arguments': 'EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSyncKHR sync, EGLint attribute, '
1079 { 'return_type': 'EGLBoolean',
1080 'versions': [{ 'name': 'eglDestroySyncKHR',
1081 'extensions': ['EGL_KHR_fence_sync'] }],
1082 'arguments': 'EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSyncKHR sync' },
1083 { 'return_type': 'EGLBoolean',
1084 'names': ['eglGetSyncValuesCHROMIUM'],
1086 'EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface, '
1087 'EGLuint64CHROMIUM* ust, EGLuint64CHROMIUM* msc, '
1088 'EGLuint64CHROMIUM* sbc', },
1089 { 'return_type': 'EGLint',
1090 'versions': [{ 'name': 'eglWaitSyncKHR',
1091 'extensions': ['EGL_KHR_fence_sync', 'EGL_KHR_wait_sync'] }],
1092 'arguments': 'EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSyncKHR sync, EGLint flags' }
1096 { 'return_type': 'HGLRC',
1097 'names': ['wglCreateContext'],
1098 'arguments': 'HDC hdc', },
1099 { 'return_type': 'HGLRC',
1100 'names': ['wglCreateLayerContext'],
1101 'arguments': 'HDC hdc, int iLayerPlane', },
1102 { 'return_type': 'BOOL',
1103 'names': ['wglCopyContext'],
1104 'arguments': 'HGLRC hglrcSrc, HGLRC hglrcDst, UINT mask', },
1105 { 'return_type': 'BOOL',
1106 'names': ['wglDeleteContext'],
1107 'arguments': 'HGLRC hglrc', },
1108 { 'return_type': 'HGLRC',
1109 'names': ['wglGetCurrentContext'],
1111 { 'return_type': 'HDC',
1112 'names': ['wglGetCurrentDC'],
1114 { 'return_type': 'BOOL',
1115 'names': ['wglMakeCurrent'],
1116 'arguments': 'HDC hdc, HGLRC hglrc', },
1117 { 'return_type': 'BOOL',
1118 'names': ['wglShareLists'],
1119 'arguments': 'HGLRC hglrc1, HGLRC hglrc2', },
1120 { 'return_type': 'BOOL',
1121 'names': ['wglSwapIntervalEXT'],
1122 'arguments': 'int interval', },
1123 { 'return_type': 'BOOL',
1124 'names': ['wglSwapLayerBuffers'],
1125 'arguments': 'HDC hdc, UINT fuPlanes', },
1126 { 'return_type': 'const char*',
1127 'names': ['wglGetExtensionsStringARB'],
1128 'arguments': 'HDC hDC', },
1129 { 'return_type': 'const char*',
1130 'names': ['wglGetExtensionsStringEXT'],
1132 { 'return_type': 'BOOL',
1133 'names': ['wglChoosePixelFormatARB'],
1135 'HDC dc, const int* int_attrib_list, const float* float_attrib_list, '
1136 'UINT max_formats, int* formats, UINT* num_formats', },
1137 { 'return_type': 'HPBUFFERARB',
1138 'names': ['wglCreatePbufferARB'],
1139 'arguments': 'HDC hDC, int iPixelFormat, int iWidth, int iHeight, '
1140 'const int* piAttribList', },
1141 { 'return_type': 'HDC',
1142 'names': ['wglGetPbufferDCARB'],
1143 'arguments': 'HPBUFFERARB hPbuffer', },
1144 { 'return_type': 'int',
1145 'names': ['wglReleasePbufferDCARB'],
1146 'arguments': 'HPBUFFERARB hPbuffer, HDC hDC', },
1147 { 'return_type': 'BOOL',
1148 'names': ['wglDestroyPbufferARB'],
1149 'arguments': 'HPBUFFERARB hPbuffer', },
1150 { 'return_type': 'BOOL',
1151 'names': ['wglQueryPbufferARB'],
1152 'arguments': 'HPBUFFERARB hPbuffer, int iAttribute, int* piValue', },
1156 { 'return_type': 'int',
1157 'names': ['glXWaitVideoSyncSGI'],
1158 'arguments': 'int divisor, int remainder, unsigned int* count', },
1159 { 'return_type': 'XVisualInfo*',
1160 'names': ['glXChooseVisual'],
1161 'arguments': 'Display* dpy, int screen, int* attribList', },
1162 { 'return_type': 'void',
1163 'names': ['glXCopySubBufferMESA'],
1164 'arguments': 'Display* dpy, GLXDrawable drawable, '
1165 'int x, int y, int width, int height', },
1166 { 'return_type': 'GLXContext',
1167 'names': ['glXCreateContext'],
1169 'Display* dpy, XVisualInfo* vis, GLXContext shareList, int direct', },
1170 { 'return_type': 'void',
1171 'names': ['glXBindTexImageEXT'],
1173 'Display* dpy, GLXDrawable drawable, int buffer, int* attribList', },
1174 { 'return_type': 'void',
1175 'names': ['glXReleaseTexImageEXT'],
1176 'arguments': 'Display* dpy, GLXDrawable drawable, int buffer', },
1177 { 'return_type': 'void',
1178 'names': ['glXDestroyContext'],
1179 'arguments': 'Display* dpy, GLXContext ctx', },
1180 { 'return_type': 'int',
1181 'names': ['glXMakeCurrent'],
1182 'arguments': 'Display* dpy, GLXDrawable drawable, GLXContext ctx', },
1183 { 'return_type': 'void',
1184 'names': ['glXCopyContext'],
1186 'Display* dpy, GLXContext src, GLXContext dst, unsigned long mask', },
1187 { 'return_type': 'void',
1188 'names': ['glXSwapBuffers'],
1189 'arguments': 'Display* dpy, GLXDrawable drawable', },
1190 { 'return_type': 'GLXPixmap',
1191 'names': ['glXCreateGLXPixmap'],
1192 'arguments': 'Display* dpy, XVisualInfo* visual, Pixmap pixmap', },
1193 { 'return_type': 'void',
1194 'names': ['glXDestroyGLXPixmap'],
1195 'arguments': 'Display* dpy, GLXPixmap pixmap', },
1196 { 'return_type': 'int',
1197 'names': ['glXQueryExtension'],
1198 'arguments': 'Display* dpy, int* errorb, int* event', },
1199 { 'return_type': 'int',
1200 'names': ['glXQueryVersion'],
1201 'arguments': 'Display* dpy, int* maj, int* min', },
1202 { 'return_type': 'int',
1203 'names': ['glXIsDirect'],
1204 'arguments': 'Display* dpy, GLXContext ctx', },
1205 { 'return_type': 'int',
1206 'names': ['glXGetConfig'],
1207 'arguments': 'Display* dpy, XVisualInfo* visual, int attrib, int* value', },
1208 { 'return_type': 'GLXContext',
1209 'names': ['glXGetCurrentContext'],
1210 'arguments': 'void', },
1211 { 'return_type': 'GLXDrawable',
1212 'names': ['glXGetCurrentDrawable'],
1213 'arguments': 'void', },
1214 { 'return_type': 'void',
1215 'names': ['glXWaitGL'],
1216 'arguments': 'void', },
1217 { 'return_type': 'void',
1218 'names': ['glXWaitX'],
1219 'arguments': 'void', },
1220 { 'return_type': 'void',
1221 'names': ['glXUseXFont'],
1222 'arguments': 'Font font, int first, int count, int list', },
1223 { 'return_type': 'const char*',
1224 'names': ['glXQueryExtensionsString'],
1225 'arguments': 'Display* dpy, int screen', },
1226 { 'return_type': 'const char*',
1227 'names': ['glXQueryServerString'],
1228 'arguments': 'Display* dpy, int screen, int name', },
1229 { 'return_type': 'const char*',
1230 'names': ['glXGetClientString'],
1231 'arguments': 'Display* dpy, int name', },
1232 { 'return_type': 'Display*',
1233 'names': ['glXGetCurrentDisplay'],
1234 'arguments': 'void', },
1235 { 'return_type': 'GLXFBConfig*',
1236 'names': ['glXChooseFBConfig'],
1238 'Display* dpy, int screen, const int* attribList, int* nitems', },
1239 { 'return_type': 'int',
1240 'names': ['glXGetFBConfigAttrib'],
1241 'arguments': 'Display* dpy, GLXFBConfig config, int attribute, int* value', },
1242 { 'return_type': 'GLXFBConfig*',
1243 'names': ['glXGetFBConfigs'],
1244 'arguments': 'Display* dpy, int screen, int* nelements', },
1245 { 'return_type': 'XVisualInfo*',
1246 'names': ['glXGetVisualFromFBConfig'],
1247 'arguments': 'Display* dpy, GLXFBConfig config', },
1248 { 'return_type': 'GLXWindow',
1249 'names': ['glXCreateWindow'],
1251 'Display* dpy, GLXFBConfig config, Window win, const int* attribList', },
1252 { 'return_type': 'void',
1253 'names': ['glXDestroyWindow'],
1254 'arguments': 'Display* dpy, GLXWindow window', },
1255 { 'return_type': 'GLXPixmap',
1256 'names': ['glXCreatePixmap'],
1257 'arguments': 'Display* dpy, GLXFBConfig config, '
1258 'Pixmap pixmap, const int* attribList', },
1259 { 'return_type': 'void',
1260 'names': ['glXDestroyPixmap'],
1261 'arguments': 'Display* dpy, GLXPixmap pixmap', },
1262 { 'return_type': 'GLXPbuffer',
1263 'names': ['glXCreatePbuffer'],
1264 'arguments': 'Display* dpy, GLXFBConfig config, const int* attribList', },
1265 { 'return_type': 'void',
1266 'names': ['glXDestroyPbuffer'],
1267 'arguments': 'Display* dpy, GLXPbuffer pbuf', },
1268 { 'return_type': 'void',
1269 'names': ['glXQueryDrawable'],
1271 'Display* dpy, GLXDrawable draw, int attribute, unsigned int* value', },
1272 { 'return_type': 'GLXContext',
1273 'names': ['glXCreateNewContext'],
1274 'arguments': 'Display* dpy, GLXFBConfig config, int renderType, '
1275 'GLXContext shareList, int direct', },
1276 { 'return_type': 'int',
1277 'names': ['glXMakeContextCurrent'],
1279 'Display* dpy, GLXDrawable draw, GLXDrawable read, GLXContext ctx', },
1280 { 'return_type': 'GLXDrawable',
1281 'names': ['glXGetCurrentReadDrawable'],
1282 'arguments': 'void', },
1283 { 'return_type': 'int',
1284 'names': ['glXQueryContext'],
1285 'arguments': 'Display* dpy, GLXContext ctx, int attribute, int* value', },
1286 { 'return_type': 'void',
1287 'names': ['glXSelectEvent'],
1288 'arguments': 'Display* dpy, GLXDrawable drawable, unsigned long mask', },
1289 { 'return_type': 'void',
1290 'names': ['glXGetSelectedEvent'],
1291 'arguments': 'Display* dpy, GLXDrawable drawable, unsigned long* mask', },
1292 { 'return_type': 'void',
1293 'names': ['glXSwapIntervalMESA'],
1294 'arguments': 'unsigned int interval', },
1295 { 'return_type': 'void',
1296 'names': ['glXSwapIntervalEXT'],
1297 'arguments': 'Display* dpy, GLXDrawable drawable, int interval', },
1298 { 'return_type': 'GLXFBConfig',
1299 'names': ['glXGetFBConfigFromVisualSGIX'],
1300 'arguments': 'Display* dpy, XVisualInfo* visualInfo', },
1301 { 'return_type': 'GLXContext',
1302 'names': ['glXCreateContextAttribsARB'],
1304 'Display* dpy, GLXFBConfig config, GLXContext share_context, int direct, '
1305 'const int* attrib_list', },
1306 { 'return_type': 'bool',
1307 'names': ['glXGetSyncValuesOML'],
1309 'Display* dpy, GLXDrawable drawable, int64* ust, int64* msc, '
1311 { 'return_type': 'bool',
1312 'names': ['glXGetMscRateOML'],
1314 'Display* dpy, GLXDrawable drawable, int32* numerator, '
1315 'int32* denominator' },
, 'gl', [
1322 # Files below are Chromium-specific and shipped with Chromium sources.
1323 'GL/glextchromium.h',
1324 'GLES2/gl2chromium.h',
1325 'GLES2/gl2extchromium.h'
, 'osmesa', [], []],
, 'egl', [
1330 # Files below are Chromium-specific and shipped with Chromium sources.
1331 'EGL/eglextchromium.h',
1334 'EGL_ANGLE_d3d_share_handle_client_buffer',
1335 'EGL_ANGLE_surface_d3d_texture_2d_share_handle',
, 'wgl', ['GL/wglext.h'], []],
, 'glx', ['GL/glx.h', 'GL/glxext.h'], []],
1342 def GenerateHeader(file, functions
, set_name
, used_extensions
1343 """Generates gl_bindings_autogen_x.h"""
1345 # Write file header.
1347 """// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
1348 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
1349 // found in the LICENSE file.
1351 // This file is automatically generated.
1353 #ifndef UI_GFX_GL_GL_BINDINGS_AUTOGEN_%(name)s_H_
1354 #define UI_GFX_GL_GL_BINDINGS_AUTOGEN_%(name)s_H_
1360 """ % {'name': set_name
1362 # Write typedefs for function pointer types. Always use the GL name for the
1365 for func
in functions
1366 file.write('typedef %s (GL_BINDING_CALL *%sProc)(%s);\n' %
1367 (func
['return_type'], func
['known_as'], func
1369 # Write declarations for booleans indicating which extensions are available.
1371 file.write("struct Extensions%s {\n" % set_name
1372 for extension
in sorted(used_extensions
1373 file.write(' bool b_%s;\n' % extension
1377 # Write Procs struct.
1378 file.write("struct Procs%s {\n" % set_name
1379 for func
in functions
1380 file.write(' %sProc %sFn;\n' % (func
['known_as'], func
1386 """class GL_EXPORT %(name)sApi {
1389 virtual ~%(name)sApi();
1391 """ % {'name': set_name
1392 for func
in functions
1393 file.write(' virtual %s %sFn(%s) = 0;\n' %
1394 (func
['return_type'], func
['known_as'], func
1398 file.write( '} // namespace gfx\n')
1400 # Write macros to invoke function pointers. Always use the GL name for the
1403 for func
in functions
1404 file.write('#define %s ::gfx::g_current_%s_context->%sFn\n' %
1405 (func
['known_as'], set_name
.lower(), func
1408 file.write('#endif // UI_GFX_GL_GL_BINDINGS_AUTOGEN_%s_H_\n' %
1412 def GenerateAPIHeader(file, functions
, set_name
1413 """Generates gl_bindings_api_autogen_x.h"""
1415 # Write file header.
1417 """// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
1418 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
1419 // found in the LICENSE file.
1421 // This file is automatically generated.
1423 """ % {'name': set_name
1425 # Write API declaration.
1426 for func
in functions
1427 file.write(' virtual %s %sFn(%s) override;\n' %
1428 (func
['return_type'], func
['known_as'], func
1433 def GenerateMockHeader(file, functions
, set_name
1434 """Generates gl_mock_autogen_x.h"""
1436 # Write file header.
1438 """// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
1439 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
1440 // found in the LICENSE file.
1442 // This file is automatically generated.
1444 """ % {'name': set_name
1446 # Write API declaration.
1447 for func
in functions
1448 args
= func
1453 arg_count
= func
['arguments'].count(',') + 1
1454 file.write(' MOCK_METHOD%d(%s, %s(%s));\n' %
1455 (arg_count
, func
['known_as'][2:], func
['return_type'], args
1460 def GenerateSource(file, functions
, set_name
, used_extensions
1461 """Generates gl_bindings_autogen_x.cc"""
1463 # Write file header.
1465 """// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
1466 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
1467 // found in the LICENSE file.
1469 // This file is automatically generated.
1472 #include "base/debug/trace_event.h"
1473 #include "gpu/command_buffer/common/gles2_cmd_utils.h"
1474 #include "ui/gl/gl_bindings.h"
1475 #include "ui/gl/gl_context.h"
1476 #include "ui/gl/gl_implementation.h"
1477 #include "ui/gl/gl_version_info.h"
1478 #include "ui/gl/gl_%s_api_implementation.h"
1480 using gpu::gles2::GLES2Util;
1483 """ % set_name
1486 file.write('static bool g_debugBindingsInitialized;\n')
1487 file.write('Driver%s g_driver_%s;\n' % (set_name
.upper(), set_name
1490 # Write stub functions that take the place of some functions before a context
1491 # is initialized. This is done to provide clear asserts on debug build and to
1492 # avoid crashing in case of a bug on release build.
1494 for func
in functions
1495 unique_names
= set([version
['name'] for version
in func
1496 if len(unique_names
) > 1:
1497 file.write('%s %sNotBound(%s) {\n' %
1498 (func
['return_type'], func
['known_as'], func
1499 file.write(' NOTREACHED();\n')
1500 return_type
= func
1501 # Returning 0 works for booleans, integers and pointers.
1502 if return_type
!= 'void':
1503 file.write(' return 0;\n')
1506 # Write function to initialize the function pointers that are always the same
1507 # and to initialize bindings where choice of the function depends on the
1508 # extension string or the GL version to point to stub functions.
1510 file.write('void Driver%s::InitializeStaticBindings() {\n' %
1513 def WriteFuncBinding(file, known_as
, version_name
1515 ' fn.%sFn = reinterpret_cast<%sProc>(GetGLProcAddress("%s"));\n' %
1516 (known_as
, known_as
, version_name
1518 for func
in functions
1519 unique_names
= set([version
['name'] for version
in func
1520 if len(unique_names
) == 1:
1521 WriteFuncBinding(file, func
['known_as'], func
1523 file.write(' fn.%sFn = reinterpret_cast<%sProc>(%sNotBound);\n' %
1524 (func
['known_as'], func
['known_as'], func
1529 # Write function to initialize bindings where choice of the function depends
1530 # on the extension string or the GL version.
1531 file.write("""void Driver%s::InitializeDynamicBindings(GLContext* context) {
1532 DCHECK(context && context->IsCurrent(NULL));
1533 const GLVersionInfo* ver = context->GetVersionInfo();
1535 std::string extensions = context->GetExtensions() + " ";
1536 ALLOW_UNUSED_LOCAL(extensions);
1538 """ % set_name
1539 for extension
in sorted(used_extensions
1540 # Extra space at the end of the extension name is intentional, it is used
1542 file.write(' ext.b_%s = extensions.find("%s ") != std::string::npos;\n' %
1543 (extension
, extension
1547 return '(%s)' % cond
1552 return '(%s)' % cond
1555 def VersionCondition(version
1557 if 'gl_versions' in version
1558 gl_versions
= version
1559 version_cond
= ' || '.join(['ver->is_%s' % gl
for gl
in gl_versions
1560 conditions
1561 if 'extensions' in version
and version
1562 ext_cond
= ' || '.join(['ext.b_%s' % e
for e
in version
1563 conditions
1564 return ' && '.join(conditions
1566 def WriteConditionalFuncBinding(file, func
1567 # Functions with only one version are always bound unconditionally
1568 assert len(func
['versions']) > 1
1569 known_as
= func
1571 first_version
= True
1572 while i
< len(func
1573 version
= func
1574 cond
= VersionCondition(version
1575 combined_conditions
= [WrapAnd(cond
1576 last_version
= i
+ 1 == len(func
1577 while not last_version
and \
1578 func
+ 1]['name'] == version
1580 combinable_cond
= VersionCondition(func
1581 combined_conditions
1582 last_version
= i
+ 1 == len(func
1583 if len(combined_conditions
) > 1:
1584 if [1 for cond
in combined_conditions
if cond
== '']:
1587 cond
= ' || '.join(combined_conditions
1588 # Don't make the last possible binding conditional on anything else but
1589 # that the function isn't already bound to avoid verbose specification
1590 # of functions which have both ARB and core versions with the same name,
1591 # and to be able to bind to mock extension functions in unit tests which
1592 # call InitializeDynamicGLBindings with a stub context that doesn't have
1593 # extensions in its extension string.
1594 # TODO(oetuaho@nvidia.com): Get rid of the fallback.
1595 # http://crbug.com/325668
1596 if cond
!= '' and not last_version
1597 if not first_version
1598 file.write(' if (!fn.%sFn && (%s))\n ' % (known_as
, cond
1600 file.write(' if (%s)\n ' % cond
1601 elif not first_version
1602 file.write(' if (!fn.%sFn)\n ' % known_as
1603 WriteFuncBinding(file, known_as
, version
1605 first_version
= False
1607 for func
in functions
1608 unique_names
= set([version
['name'] for version
in func
1609 if len(unique_names
) > 1:
1611 file.write(' fn.%sFn = 0;\n' % func
1612 file.write(' debug_fn.%sFn = 0;\n' % func
1613 WriteConditionalFuncBinding(file, func
1615 # Some new function pointers have been added, so update them in debug bindings
1617 file.write(' if (g_debugBindingsInitialized)\n')
1618 file.write(' InitializeDebugBindings();\n')
1622 # Write logging wrappers for each function.
1623 file.write('extern "C" {\n')
1624 for func
in functions
1625 return_type
= func
1626 arguments
= func
1628 file.write('static %s GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_%s(%s) {\n' %
1629 (return_type
, func
['known_as'], arguments
1630 argument_names
= re
1631 r
'(const )?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\** ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)', r
'\2', arguments
1632 argument_names
= re
1633 r
'(const )?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\** ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)', r
'\2', argument_names
1634 log_argument_names
= re
1635 r
'const char\* ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)', r
'CONSTCHAR_\1', arguments
1636 log_argument_names
= re
1637 r
'(const )?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\* ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)',
1638 r
'CONSTVOID_\2', log_argument_names
1639 log_argument_names
= re
1640 r
'(?<!E)GLenum ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)', r
'GLenum_\1', log_argument_names
1641 log_argument_names
= re
1642 r
'(?<!E)GLboolean ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)', r
'GLboolean_\1', log_argument_names
1643 log_argument_names
= re
1644 r
'(const )?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\** ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)', r
1646 log_argument_names
= re
1647 r
'(const )?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\** ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)', r
1649 log_argument_names
= re
1650 r
1651 r
'static_cast<const void*>(\1)', log_argument_names
1652 log_argument_names
= re
1653 r
'CONSTCHAR_([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)', r
'\1', log_argument_names
1654 log_argument_names
= re
1655 r
'GLenum_([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)', r
1657 log_argument_names
= re
1658 r
'GLboolean_([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)', r
1660 log_argument_names
= log_argument_names
.replace(',', ' << ", " <<')
1661 if argument_names
== 'void' or argument_names
== '':
1663 log_argument_names
= ''
1665 log_argument_names
= " << " + log_argument_names
1666 function_name
= func
1667 if return_type
== 'void':
1668 file.write(' GL_SERVICE_LOG("%s" << "(" %s << ")");\n' %
1669 (function_name
, log_argument_names
1670 file.write(' g_driver_%s.debug_fn.%sFn(%s);\n' %
1671 (set_name
.lower(), function_name
, argument_names
1672 if 'logging_code' in func
1673 file.write("%s\n" % func
1675 file.write(' GL_SERVICE_LOG("%s" << "(" %s << ")");\n' %
1676 (function_name
, log_argument_names
1677 file.write(' %s result = g_driver_%s.debug_fn.%sFn(%s);\n' %
1678 (return_type
, set_name
.lower(), function_name
, argument_names
1679 if 'logging_code' in func
1680 file.write("%s\n" % func
1682 file.write(' GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << result);\n')
1683 file.write(' return result;\n')
1685 file.write('} // extern "C"\n')
1687 # Write function to initialize the debug function pointers.
1689 file.write('void Driver%s::InitializeDebugBindings() {\n' %
1691 for func
in functions
1692 first_name
= func
1693 file.write(' if (!debug_fn.%sFn) {\n' % first_name
1694 file.write(' debug_fn.%sFn = fn.%sFn;\n' % (first_name
, first_name
1695 file.write(' fn.%sFn = Debug_%s;\n' % (first_name
, first_name
1697 file.write(' g_debugBindingsInitialized = true;\n')
1700 # Write function to clear all function pointers.
1702 file.write("""void Driver%s::ClearBindings() {
1703 memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));
1705 """ % set_name
1707 def MakeArgNames(arguments
1708 argument_names
= re
1709 r
'(const )?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\** ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)', r
'\2', arguments
1710 argument_names
= re
1711 r
'(const )?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\** ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)', r
'\2', argument_names
1712 if argument_names
== 'void' or argument_names
== '':
1714 return argument_names
1716 # Write GLApiBase functions
1717 for func
in functions
1718 function_name
= func
1719 return_type
= func
1720 arguments
= func
1722 file.write('%s %sApiBase::%sFn(%s) {\n' %
1723 (return_type
, set_name
.upper(), function_name
, arguments
1724 argument_names
= MakeArgNames(arguments
1725 if return_type
== 'void':
1726 file.write(' driver_->fn.%sFn(%s);\n' %
1727 (function_name
, argument_names
1729 file.write(' return driver_->fn.%sFn(%s);\n' %
1730 (function_name
, argument_names
1733 # Write TraceGLApi functions
1734 for func
in functions
1735 function_name
= func
1736 return_type
= func
1737 arguments
= func
1739 file.write('%s Trace%sApi::%sFn(%s) {\n' %
1740 (return_type
, set_name
.upper(), function_name
, arguments
1741 argument_names
= MakeArgNames(arguments
1742 file.write(' TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::%s")\n' %
1744 if return_type
== 'void':
1745 file.write(' %s_api_->%sFn(%s);\n' %
1746 (set_name
.lower(), function_name
, argument_names
1748 file.write(' return %s_api_->%sFn(%s);\n' %
1749 (set_name
.lower(), function_name
, argument_names
1752 # Write NoContextGLApi functions
1753 if set_name
.upper() == "GL":
1754 for func
in functions
1755 function_name
= func
1756 return_type
= func
1757 arguments
= func
1759 file.write('%s NoContextGLApi::%sFn(%s) {\n' %
1760 (return_type
, function_name
, arguments
1761 argument_names
= MakeArgNames(arguments
1762 no_context_error
= "Trying to call %s() without current GL context" % function_name
1763 file.write(' NOTREACHED() << "%s";\n' % no_context_error
1764 file.write(' LOG(ERROR) << "%s";\n' % no_context_error
1765 default_value
= { 'GLenum': 'static_cast<GLenum>(0)',
1768 'GLboolean': 'GL_FALSE',
1777 if return_type
1778 file.write(' return NULL;\n')
1779 elif return_type
!= 'void':
1780 file.write(' return %s;\n' % default_value
1784 file.write('} // namespace gfx\n')
1787 def GetUniquelyNamedFunctions(functions
1788 uniquely_named_functions
= {}
1790 for func
in functions
1791 for version
in func
1792 uniquely_named_functions
['name']] = ({
1793 'name': version
1794 'return_type': func
1795 'arguments': func
1796 'known_as': func
1798 return uniquely_named_functions
1801 def GenerateMockBindingsHeader(file, functions
1802 """Headers for functions that invoke MockGLInterface members"""
1805 """// Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
1806 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
1807 // found in the LICENSE file.
1809 // This file is automatically generated.
1812 uniquely_named_functions
= GetUniquelyNamedFunctions(functions
1814 for key
in sorted(uniquely_named_functions
1815 func
= uniquely_named_functions
1816 file.write('static %s GL_BINDING_CALL Mock_%s(%s);\n' %
1817 (func
['return_type'], func
['name'], func
1820 def GenerateMockBindingsSource(file, functions
1821 """Generates functions that invoke MockGLInterface members and a
1822 GetGLProcAddress function that returns addresses to those functions."""
1825 """// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
1826 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
1827 // found in the LICENSE file.
1829 // This file is automatically generated.
1833 #include "ui/gl/gl_mock.h"
1837 // This is called mainly to prevent the compiler combining the code of mock
1838 // functions with identical contents, so that their function pointers will be
1840 void MakeFunctionUnique(const char *func_name) {
1841 VLOG(2) << "Calling mock " << func_name;
1845 # Write functions that trampoline into the set MockGLInterface instance.
1846 uniquely_named_functions
= GetUniquelyNamedFunctions(functions
1847 sorted_function_names
= sorted(uniquely_named_functions
1849 for key
in sorted_function_names
1850 func
= uniquely_named_functions
1852 file.write('%s GL_BINDING_CALL MockGLInterface::Mock_%s(%s) {\n' %
1853 (func
['return_type'], func
['name'], func
1854 file.write(' MakeFunctionUnique("%s");\n' % func
1855 arg_re
= r
'(const )?[a-zA-Z0-9]+((\s*const\s*)?\*)* ([a-zA-Z0-9]+)'
1856 argument_names
= re
, r
'\4', func
1857 if argument_names
== 'void':
1859 function_name
= func
1860 if func
['return_type'] == 'void':
1861 file.write(' interface_->%s(%s);\n' %
1862 (function_name
, argument_names
1864 file.write(' return interface_->%s(%s);\n' %
1865 (function_name
, argument_names
1868 # Write an 'invalid' function to catch code calling through uninitialized
1869 # function pointers or trying to interpret the return value of
1872 file.write('static void MockInvalidFunction() {\n')
1873 file.write(' NOTREACHED();\n')
1876 # Write a function to lookup a mock GL function based on its name.
1878 file.write('void* GL_BINDING_CALL ' +
1879 'MockGLInterface::GetGLProcAddress(const char* name) {\n')
1880 for key
in sorted_function_names
1881 name
= uniquely_named_functions
1882 file.write(' if (strcmp(name, "%s") == 0)\n' % name
1883 file.write(' return reinterpret_cast<void*>(Mock_%s);\n' % name
1884 # Always return a non-NULL pointer like some EGL implementations do.
1885 file.write(' return reinterpret_cast<void*>(&MockInvalidFunction);\n')
1889 file.write('} // namespace gfx\n')
1892 def ParseExtensionFunctionsFromHeader(header_file
1893 """Parse a C extension header file and return a map from extension names to
1894 a list of functions.
1897 header_file: Line-iterable C header file.
1899 Map of extension name => functions.
1901 extension_start
= re
1902 r
'#ifndef ((?:GL|EGL|WGL|GLX)_[A-Z]+_[a-zA-Z]\w+)')
1903 extension_function
= re
1904 typedef
= re
'typedef .*')
1905 macro_start
= re
1906 macro_end
= re
1908 current_extension
= None
1909 current_extension_depth
= 0
1910 extensions
= collections
.defaultdict(lambda: [])
1911 for line
in header_file
1912 if macro_start
1914 elif macro_end
1916 if macro_depth
< current_extension_depth
1917 current_extension
= None
1918 match
= extension_start
1920 current_extension
= match
1921 current_extension_depth
= macro_depth
1922 assert current_extension
not in extensions
, \
1923 "Duplicate extension: " + current_extension
1924 match
= extension_function
1925 if match
and current_extension
and not typedef
1926 extensions
1930 def GetExtensionFunctions(extension_headers
1931 """Parse extension functions from a list of header files.
1934 extension_headers: List of header file names.
1936 Map of extension name => list of functions.
1939 for header
in extension_headers
1940 extensions
1944 def GetFunctionToExtensionMap(extensions
1945 """Construct map from a function names to extensions which define the
1949 extensions: Map of extension name => functions.
1951 Map of function name => extension name.
1953 function_to_extensions
= {}
1954 for extension
, functions
in extensions
1955 for function
in functions
1956 if not function
in function_to_extensions
1957 function_to_extensions
] = []
1958 function_to_extensions
1959 return function_to_extensions
1962 def LooksLikeExtensionFunction(function
1963 """Heuristic to see if a function name is consistent with extension function
1965 vendor
= re
'\w+?([A-Z][A-Z]+)$', function
1966 return vendor
is not None and not vendor
.group(1) in ['GL', 'API', 'DC']
1969 def FillExtensionsFromHeaders(functions
, extension_headers
, extra_extensions
1970 """Determine which functions belong to extensions based on extension headers,
1971 and fill in this information to the functions table for functions that don't
1972 already have the information.
1975 functions: List of (return type, function versions, arguments).
1976 extension_headers: List of header file names.
1977 extra_extensions: Extensions to add to the list.
1979 Set of used extensions.
1981 # Parse known extensions.
1982 extensions
= GetExtensionFunctions(extension_headers
1983 functions_to_extensions
= GetFunctionToExtensionMap(extensions
1985 # Fill in the extension information.
1986 used_extensions
= set()
1987 for func
in functions
1988 for version
in func
1989 name
= version
1990 # Make sure we know about all extensions and extension functions.
1991 if 'extensions' in version
1992 used_extensions
1993 elif name
in functions_to_extensions
1994 # If there are multiple versions with the same name, assume that they
1995 # already have all the correct conditions, we can't just blindly add
1996 # the same extension conditions to all of them
1997 if len([v
for v
in func
['versions'] if v
['name'] == name
]) == 1:
1998 version
['extensions'] = functions_to_extensions
1999 used_extensions
2000 elif LooksLikeExtensionFunction(name
2001 raise RuntimeError('%s looks like an extension function but does not '
2002 'belong to any of the known extensions.' % name
2004 # Add extensions that do not have any functions.
2005 used_extensions
2007 return used_extensions
2010 def ResolveHeader(header
, header_paths
2011 paths
= header_paths
2014 result
= os
, header
2015 if not os
2016 result
= os
.getcwd(), result
), os
2017 if os
2018 # Always use forward slashes as path separators. Otherwise backslashes
2019 # may be incorrectly interpreted as escape characters.
2020 return result
, '/')
2022 raise Exception('Header %s not found.' % header
2026 """This is the main function."""
2028 parser
= optparse
2029 parser
.add_option('--inputs', action
2030 parser
2032 options
, args
= parser
2035 for [_
, _
, headers
, _
2036 for header
in headers
2037 print ResolveHeader(header
, options
2044 for [functions
, set_name
, extension_headers
, extensions
2045 # Function names can be specified in two ways (list of unique names or list
2046 # of versions with different binding conditions). Fill in the data to the
2047 # versions list in case it is missing, so that can be used from here on:
2048 for func
in functions
2049 assert 'versions' in func
or 'names' in func
, 'Function with no names'
2050 if 'versions' not in func
2051 func
['versions'] = [{'name': n
} for n
in func
2052 # Use the first version's name unless otherwise specified
2053 if 'known_as' not in func
2054 func
['known_as'] = func
2055 # Make sure that 'names' is not accidentally used instead of 'versions'
2059 extension_headers
= [ResolveHeader(h
, options
2060 for h
in extension_headers
2061 used_extensions
= FillExtensionsFromHeaders(
2062 functions
, extension_headers
, extensions
2065 os
, 'gl_bindings_autogen_%s.h' % set_name
), 'wb')
2066 GenerateHeader(header_file
, functions
, set_name
, used_extensions
2070 os
, 'gl_bindings_api_autogen_%s.h' % set_name
2072 GenerateAPIHeader(header_file
, functions
, set_name
2076 os
, 'gl_bindings_autogen_%s.cc' % set_name
), 'wb')
2077 GenerateSource(source_file
, functions
, set_name
, used_extensions
2081 os
, 'gl_mock_autogen_gl.h'), 'wb')
2082 GenerateMockHeader(header_file
, 'gl')
2085 header_file
= open(os
, 'gl_bindings_autogen_mock.h'),
2087 GenerateMockBindingsHeader(header_file
2090 source_file
= open(os
, 'gl_bindings_autogen_mock.cc'),
2092 GenerateMockBindingsSource(source_file
2097 if __name__
== '__main__':
2098 sys