[refactor] More post-NSS WebCrypto cleanups (utility functions).
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / tools / gn / bin / roll_gn.py
1 # Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 # found in the LICENSE file.
5 """An auto-roller for GN binaries into Chromium.
7 This script is used to update the GN binaries that a Chromium
8 checkout uses. In order to update the binaries, one must follow
9 four steps in order:
11 1. Trigger try jobs to build a new GN binary at tip-of-tree and upload
12 the newly-built binaries into the right Google CloudStorage bucket.
13 2. Wait for the try jobs to complete.
14 3. Update the buildtools repo with the .sha1 hashes of the newly built
15 binaries.
16 4. Update Chromium's DEPS file to the new version of the buildtools repo.
18 The script has four commands that correspond to the four steps above:
19 'build', 'wait', 'roll_buildtools', and 'roll_deps'.
21 The script has a fifth command, 'roll', that runs the four in order.
23 If given no arguments, the script will run the 'roll' command.
25 It can only be run on linux in a clean Chromium checkout; it should
26 error out in most cases if something bad happens, but the error checking
27 isn't yet foolproof.
29 """
31 from __future__ import print_function
33 import argparse
34 import json
35 import os
36 import re
37 import subprocess
38 import sys
39 import tempfile
40 import time
41 import urllib2
43 depot_tools_path = None
44 for p in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep):
45 if (p.rstrip(os.sep).endswith('depot_tools') and
46 os.path.isfile(os.path.join(p, 'gclient.py'))):
47 depot_tools_path = p
49 assert depot_tools_path
50 if not depot_tools_path in sys.path:
51 sys.path.insert(0, depot_tools_path)
53 third_party_path = os.path.join(depot_tools_path, 'third_party')
54 if not third_party_path in sys.path:
55 sys.path.insert(0, third_party_path)
57 import upload
60 CHROMIUM_REPO = 'https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git'
62 CODE_REVIEW_SERVER = 'https://codereview.chromium.org'
66 class GNRoller(object):
67 def __init__(self):
68 self.chromium_src_dir = None
69 self.buildtools_dir = None
70 self.old_gn_commitish = None
71 self.new_gn_commitish = None
72 self.old_gn_version = None
73 self.new_gn_version = None
74 self.reviewer = 'dpranke@chromium.org'
75 if os.getenv('USER') == 'dpranke':
76 self.reviewer = 'brettw@chromium.org'
78 def Roll(self):
79 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
80 parser.usage = __doc__
81 parser.add_argument('command', nargs='?', default='roll',
82 help='build|roll|roll_buildtools|roll_deps|wait'
83 ' (%(default)s is the default)')
85 args = parser.parse_args()
86 command = args.command
87 ret = self.SetUp()
88 if not ret and command in ('roll', 'build'):
89 ret = self.TriggerBuild()
90 if not ret and command in ('roll', 'wait'):
91 ret = self.WaitForBuildToFinish()
92 if not ret and command in ('roll', 'roll_buildtools'):
93 ret = self.RollBuildtools()
94 if not ret and command in ('roll', 'roll_deps'):
95 ret = self.RollDEPS()
97 return ret
99 def SetUp(self):
100 if sys.platform != 'linux2':
101 print('roll_gn is only tested and working on Linux for now.')
102 return 1
104 ret, out, _ = self.Call('git config --get remote.origin.url')
105 origin = out.strip()
106 if ret or origin != CHROMIUM_REPO:
107 print('Not in a Chromium repo? git config --get remote.origin.url '
108 'returned %d: %s' % (ret, origin))
109 return 1
111 ret, _, _ = self.Call('git diff -q')
112 if ret:
113 print("Checkout is dirty, exiting")
114 return 1
116 _, out, _ = self.Call('git rev-parse --show-toplevel', cwd=os.getcwd())
117 self.chromium_src_dir = out.strip()
118 self.buildtools_dir = os.path.join(self.chromium_src_dir, 'buildtools')
120 self.new_gn_commitish, self.new_gn_version = self.GetNewVersions()
122 _, out, _ = self.Call('gn --version')
123 self.old_gn_version = out.strip()
125 _, out, _ = self.Call('git crrev-parse %s' % self.old_gn_version)
126 self.old_gn_commitish = out.strip()
127 return 0
129 def GetNewVersions(self):
130 _, out, _ = self.Call('git log -1 --grep Cr-Commit-Position')
131 commit_msg = out.splitlines()
132 first_line = commit_msg[0]
133 new_gn_commitish = first_line.split()[1]
135 last_line = commit_msg[-1]
136 new_gn_version = re.sub('.*master@{#(\d+)}', '\\1', last_line)
138 return new_gn_commitish, new_gn_version
140 def TriggerBuild(self):
141 ret, _, _ = self.Call('git new-branch build_gn_%s' % self.new_gn_version)
142 if ret:
143 print('Failed to create a new branch for build_gn_%s' %
144 self.new_gn_version)
145 return 1
147 self.MakeDummyDepsChange()
149 ret, out, err = self.Call('git commit -a -m "Build gn at %s"' %
150 self.new_gn_version)
151 if ret:
152 print('git commit failed: %s' % out + err)
153 return 1
155 print('Uploading CL to build GN at {#%s} - %s' %
156 (self.new_gn_version, self.new_gn_commitish))
157 ret, out, err = self.Call('git cl upload -f')
158 if ret:
159 print('git-cl upload failed: %s' % out + err)
160 return 1
162 print('Starting try jobs')
163 self.Call('git-cl try -m tryserver.chromium.linux '
164 '-b linux_chromium_gn_upload -r %s' % self.new_gn_commitish)
165 self.Call('git-cl try -m tryserver.chromium.mac '
166 '-b mac_chromium_gn_upload -r %s' % self.new_gn_commitish)
167 self.Call('git-cl try -m tryserver.chromium.win '
168 '-b win8_chromium_gn_upload -r %s' % self.new_gn_commitish)
170 return 0
172 def MakeDummyDepsChange(self):
173 with open('DEPS') as fp:
174 deps_content = fp.read()
175 new_deps = deps_content.replace("'buildtools_revision':",
176 "'buildtools_revision': ")
178 with open('DEPS', 'w') as fp:
179 fp.write(new_deps)
181 def WaitForBuildToFinish(self):
182 print('Checking build')
183 results = self.CheckBuild()
184 while (len(results) or
185 any(r['state'] == 'pending' for r in results.values())):
186 print()
187 print('Sleeping for 30 seconds')
188 time.sleep(30)
189 print('Checking build')
190 results = self.CheckBuild()
191 return 0 if all(r['state'] == 'success' for r in results.values()) else 1
193 def CheckBuild(self):
194 _, out, _ = self.Call('git-cl issue')
196 issue = int(out.split()[2])
198 _, out, _ = self.Call('git config user.email')
199 email = ''
200 rpc_server = upload.GetRpcServer(CODE_REVIEW_SERVER, email)
201 try:
202 props = json.loads(rpc_server.Send('/api/%d' % issue))
203 except Exception as _e:
204 raise
206 patchset = int(props['patchsets'][-1])
208 try:
209 patchset_data = json.loads(rpc_server.Send('/api/%d/%d' %
210 (issue, patchset)))
211 except Exception as _e:
212 raise
214 try_job_results = patchset_data['try_job_results']
215 if not try_job_results:
216 print('No try jobs found on most recent patchset')
217 return {}
219 results = {}
220 for job in try_job_results:
221 builder = job['builder']
222 if builder == 'linux_chromium_gn_upload':
223 platform = 'linux64'
224 elif builder == 'mac_chromium_gn_upload':
225 platform = 'mac'
226 elif builder == 'win8_chromium_gn_upload':
227 platform = 'win'
228 else:
229 print('Unexpected builder: %s')
230 continue
232 TRY_JOB_RESULT_STATES = ('started', 'success', 'warnings', 'failure',
233 'skipped', 'exception', 'retry', 'pending')
234 state = TRY_JOB_RESULT_STATES[int(job['result']) + 1]
235 url_str = ' %s' % job['url']
236 build = url_str.split('/')[-1]
238 sha1 = '-'
239 results.setdefault(platform, {'build': -1, 'sha1': '', 'url': url_str})
241 if state == 'success':
242 jsurl = url_str.replace('/builders/', '/json/builders/')
243 fp = urllib2.urlopen(jsurl)
244 js = json.loads(fp.read())
245 fp.close()
246 for step in js['steps']:
247 if step['name'] == 'gn sha1':
248 sha1 = step['text'][1]
250 if results[platform]['build'] < build:
251 results[platform]['build'] = build
252 results[platform]['sha1'] = sha1
253 results[platform]['state'] = state
254 results[platform]['url'] = url_str
256 for platform, r in results.items():
257 print(platform)
258 print(' sha1: %s' % r['sha1'])
259 print(' state: %s' % r['state'])
260 print(' build: %s' % r['build'])
261 print(' url: %s' % r['url'])
262 print()
264 return results
266 def RollBuildtools(self):
267 results = self.CheckBuild()
268 if not all(r['state'] == 'success' for r in results.values()):
269 print("Roll isn't done or didn't succeed, exiting:")
270 return 1
272 desc = self.GetBuildtoolsDesc()
274 self.Call('git new-branch roll_buildtools_gn_%s' % self.new_gn_version,
275 cwd=self.buildtools_dir)
277 for platform in results:
278 fname = 'gn.exe.sha1' if platform == 'win' else 'gn.sha1'
279 path = os.path.join(self.buildtools_dir, platform, fname)
280 with open(path, 'w') as fp:
281 fp.write('%s\n' % results[platform]['sha1'])
283 desc_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
284 try:
285 desc_file.write(desc)
286 desc_file.close()
287 self.Call('git commit -a -F %s' % desc_file.name,
288 cwd=self.buildtools_dir)
289 self.Call('git-cl upload -f --send-mail',
290 cwd=self.buildtools_dir)
291 finally:
292 os.remove(desc_file.name)
294 ret, out, err = self.Call('git cl land', cwd=self.buildtools_dir)
295 if ret:
296 print("buildtools git cl land failed: %d" % ret)
297 if out:
298 print(out)
299 if err:
300 print(err)
301 return ret
303 # Fetch the revision we just committed so that RollDEPS will find it.
304 self.Call('git fetch', cwd=self.buildtools_dir)
306 # Reset buildtools to the new commit so that we're not still on the
307 # merged branch.
308 self.Call('git checkout origin/master', cwd=self.buildtools_dir)
310 return 0
312 def RollDEPS(self):
313 ret, _, _ = self.Call('git new-branch roll_gn_%s' % self.new_gn_version)
314 if ret:
315 print('Failed to create a new branch for roll_gn_%s' %
316 self.new_gn_version)
317 return 1
319 _, out, _ = self.Call('git rev-parse origin/master',
320 cwd=self.buildtools_dir)
321 new_buildtools_commitish = out.strip()
323 new_deps_lines = []
324 old_buildtools_commitish = ''
325 with open(os.path.join(self.chromium_src_dir, 'DEPS')) as fp:
326 for l in fp.readlines():
327 m = re.match(".*'buildtools_revision':.*'(.+)',", l)
328 if m:
329 old_buildtools_commitish = m.group(1)
330 new_deps_lines.append(" 'buildtools_revision': '%s',\n" %
331 new_buildtools_commitish)
332 else:
333 new_deps_lines.append(l)
335 if not old_buildtools_commitish:
336 print('Could not update DEPS properly, exiting')
337 return 1
339 with open('DEPS', 'w') as fp:
340 fp.write(''.join(new_deps_lines) + '\n')
342 desc = self.GetDEPSRollDesc(old_buildtools_commitish,
343 new_buildtools_commitish)
344 desc_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
345 try:
346 desc_file.write(desc)
347 desc_file.close()
348 self.Call('git commit -a -F %s' % desc_file.name)
349 self.Call('git-cl upload -f --send-mail --use-commit-queue')
350 finally:
351 os.remove(desc_file.name)
353 # Intentionally leave the src checkout on the new branch with the roll
354 # since we're not auto-committing it.
356 return 0
358 def GetBuildtoolsDesc(self):
359 gn_changes = self.GetGNChanges()
360 return (
361 'Roll gn %s..%s (r%s:r%s)\n'
362 '\n'
363 '%s'
364 '\n'
365 'TBR=%s\n' % (
366 self.old_gn_commitish[:COMMITISH_DIGITS],
367 self.new_gn_commitish[:COMMITISH_DIGITS],
368 self.old_gn_version,
369 self.new_gn_version,
370 gn_changes,
371 self.reviewer,
374 def GetDEPSRollDesc(self, old_buildtools_commitish, new_buildtools_commitish):
375 gn_changes = self.GetGNChanges()
377 return (
378 'Roll DEPS %s..%s\n'
379 '\n'
380 ' In order to roll GN %s..%s (r%s:r%s) and pick up\n'
381 ' the following changes:\n'
382 '\n'
383 '%s'
384 '\n'
385 'TBR=%s\n'
386 'CQ_EXTRA_TRYBOTS=tryserver.chromium.mac:mac_chromium_gn_rel,'
387 'mac_chromium_gn_dbg;'
388 'tryserver.chromium.win:win8_chromium_gn_dbg,'
389 'win_chromium_gn_x64_rel\n' % (
390 old_buildtools_commitish[:COMMITISH_DIGITS],
391 new_buildtools_commitish[:COMMITISH_DIGITS],
392 self.old_gn_commitish[:COMMITISH_DIGITS],
393 self.new_gn_commitish[:COMMITISH_DIGITS],
394 self.old_gn_version,
395 self.new_gn_version,
396 gn_changes,
397 self.reviewer,
400 def GetGNChanges(self):
401 _, out, _ = self.Call(
402 "git log --pretty=' %h %s' " +
403 "%s..%s tools/gn" % (self.old_gn_commitish, self.new_gn_commitish))
404 return out
406 def Call(self, cmd, cwd=None):
407 proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True,
408 cwd=(cwd or self.chromium_src_dir))
409 out, err = proc.communicate()
410 return proc.returncode, out, err
413 if __name__ == '__main__':
414 roller = GNRoller()
415 sys.exit(roller.Roll())