1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "content/renderer/render_view_impl.h"
10 #include "base/auto_reset.h"
11 #include "base/bind.h"
12 #include "base/bind_helpers.h"
13 #include "base/command_line.h"
14 #include "base/compiler_specific.h"
15 #include "base/debug/alias.h"
16 #include "base/files/file_path.h"
17 #include "base/i18n/rtl.h"
18 #include "base/json/json_writer.h"
19 #include "base/lazy_instance.h"
20 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
21 #include "base/metrics/field_trial.h"
22 #include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
23 #include "base/process/kill.h"
24 #include "base/process/process.h"
25 #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
26 #include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
27 #include "base/strings/string_split.h"
28 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
29 #include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
30 #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
31 #include "base/time/time.h"
32 #include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h"
33 #include "content/child/appcache/appcache_dispatcher.h"
34 #include "content/child/appcache/web_application_cache_host_impl.h"
35 #include "content/child/child_shared_bitmap_manager.h"
36 #include "content/child/npapi/webplugin_delegate_impl.h"
37 #include "content/child/request_extra_data.h"
38 #include "content/child/v8_value_converter_impl.h"
39 #include "content/child/webmessageportchannel_impl.h"
40 #include "content/common/content_constants_internal.h"
41 #include "content/common/database_messages.h"
42 #include "content/common/dom_storage/dom_storage_types.h"
43 #include "content/common/drag_messages.h"
44 #include "content/common/frame_messages.h"
45 #include "content/common/frame_replication_state.h"
46 #include "content/common/gpu/client/webgraphicscontext3d_command_buffer_impl.h"
47 #include "content/common/input_messages.h"
48 #include "content/common/pepper_messages.h"
49 #include "content/common/site_isolation_policy.h"
50 #include "content/common/ssl_status_serialization.h"
51 #include "content/common/view_messages.h"
52 #include "content/public/common/bindings_policy.h"
53 #include "content/public/common/content_client.h"
54 #include "content/public/common/content_constants.h"
55 #include "content/public/common/content_switches.h"
56 #include "content/public/common/drop_data.h"
57 #include "content/public/common/favicon_url.h"
58 #include "content/public/common/file_chooser_file_info.h"
59 #include "content/public/common/file_chooser_params.h"
60 #include "content/public/common/page_state.h"
61 #include "content/public/common/page_zoom.h"
62 #include "content/public/common/ssl_status.h"
63 #include "content/public/common/three_d_api_types.h"
64 #include "content/public/common/url_constants.h"
65 #include "content/public/common/url_utils.h"
66 #include "content/public/common/web_preferences.h"
67 #include "content/public/renderer/content_renderer_client.h"
68 #include "content/public/renderer/document_state.h"
69 #include "content/public/renderer/navigation_state.h"
70 #include "content/public/renderer/render_view_observer.h"
71 #include "content/public/renderer/render_view_visitor.h"
72 #include "content/renderer/browser_plugin/browser_plugin.h"
73 #include "content/renderer/browser_plugin/browser_plugin_manager.h"
74 #include "content/renderer/disambiguation_popup_helper.h"
75 #include "content/renderer/dom_storage/webstoragenamespace_impl.h"
76 #include "content/renderer/drop_data_builder.h"
77 #include "content/renderer/gpu/render_widget_compositor.h"
78 #include "content/renderer/history_controller.h"
79 #include "content/renderer/history_serialization.h"
80 #include "content/renderer/idle_user_detector.h"
81 #include "content/renderer/ime_event_guard.h"
82 #include "content/renderer/input/input_handler_manager.h"
83 #include "content/renderer/internal_document_state_data.h"
84 #include "content/renderer/media/audio_device_factory.h"
85 #include "content/renderer/media/video_capture_impl_manager.h"
86 #include "content/renderer/mhtml_generator.h"
87 #include "content/renderer/navigation_state_impl.h"
88 #include "content/renderer/net_info_helper.h"
89 #include "content/renderer/render_frame_impl.h"
90 #include "content/renderer/render_frame_proxy.h"
91 #include "content/renderer/render_process.h"
92 #include "content/renderer/render_thread_impl.h"
93 #include "content/renderer/render_view_mouse_lock_dispatcher.h"
94 #include "content/renderer/render_widget_fullscreen_pepper.h"
95 #include "content/renderer/renderer_webapplicationcachehost_impl.h"
96 #include "content/renderer/resizing_mode_selector.h"
97 #include "content/renderer/savable_resources.h"
98 #include "content/renderer/speech_recognition_dispatcher.h"
99 #include "content/renderer/text_input_client_observer.h"
100 #include "content/renderer/web_ui_extension_data.h"
101 #include "content/renderer/web_ui_mojo.h"
102 #include "content/renderer/websharedworker_proxy.h"
103 #include "media/audio/audio_output_device.h"
104 #include "media/base/media_switches.h"
105 #include "media/renderers/audio_renderer_impl.h"
106 #include "media/renderers/gpu_video_accelerator_factories.h"
107 #include "net/base/data_url.h"
108 #include "net/base/escape.h"
109 #include "net/base/net_errors.h"
110 #include "net/base/registry_controlled_domains/registry_controlled_domain.h"
111 #include "net/http/http_util.h"
112 #include "skia/ext/platform_canvas.h"
113 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebCString.h"
114 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebConnectionType.h"
115 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebDragData.h"
116 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebHTTPBody.h"
117 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebImage.h"
118 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebMessagePortChannel.h"
119 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebPoint.h"
120 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebRect.h"
121 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebSize.h"
122 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebStorageQuotaCallbacks.h"
123 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebString.h"
124 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebURL.h"
125 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebURLError.h"
126 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebURLRequest.h"
127 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebURLResponse.h"
128 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebVector.h"
129 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebAXObject.h"
130 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebColorName.h"
131 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebColorSuggestion.h"
132 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebDOMEvent.h"
133 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebDOMMessageEvent.h"
134 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebDataSource.h"
135 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebDateTimeChooserCompletion.h"
136 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebDateTimeChooserParams.h"
137 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebDocument.h"
138 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebElement.h"
139 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebFileChooserParams.h"
140 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebFindOptions.h"
141 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebFormControlElement.h"
142 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebFormElement.h"
143 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebFrame.h"
144 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebGlyphCache.h"
145 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebHistoryItem.h"
146 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebHitTestResult.h"
147 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebInputElement.h"
148 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebInputEvent.h"
149 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebLocalFrame.h"
150 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebMediaPlayerAction.h"
151 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebNavigationPolicy.h"
152 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebNetworkStateNotifier.h"
153 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebNodeList.h"
154 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebPageSerializer.h"
155 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebPlugin.h"
156 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebPluginAction.h"
157 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebPluginContainer.h"
158 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebPluginDocument.h"
159 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebRange.h"
160 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebRuntimeFeatures.h"
161 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebScriptSource.h"
162 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebSearchableFormData.h"
163 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebSecurityOrigin.h"
164 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebSecurityPolicy.h"
165 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebSettings.h"
166 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebUserGestureIndicator.h"
167 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebView.h"
168 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebWindowFeatures.h"
169 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/default/WebRenderTheme.h"
170 #include "third_party/icu/source/common/unicode/uchar.h"
171 #include "third_party/icu/source/common/unicode/uscript.h"
172 #include "ui/base/clipboard/clipboard.h"
173 #include "ui/base/ui_base_switches_util.h"
174 #include "ui/events/latency_info.h"
175 #include "ui/gfx/geometry/point.h"
176 #include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
177 #include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_conversions.h"
178 #include "ui/gfx/geometry/size_conversions.h"
179 #include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
180 #include "v8/include/v8.h"
182 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
183 #include <cpu-features.h>
185 #include "content/renderer/android/address_detector.h"
186 #include "content/renderer/android/content_detector.h"
187 #include "content/renderer/android/email_detector.h"
188 #include "content/renderer/android/phone_number_detector.h"
189 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebFloatPoint.h"
190 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebFloatRect.h"
191 #include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_f.h"
193 #elif defined(OS_WIN)
194 // TODO(port): these files are currently Windows only because they concern:
196 #include "ui/native_theme/native_theme_win.h"
197 #elif defined(USE_X11)
198 #include "ui/native_theme/native_theme.h"
199 #elif defined(OS_MACOSX)
200 #include "skia/ext/skia_utils_mac.h"
203 #if defined(ENABLE_PLUGINS)
204 #include "content/renderer/npapi/webplugin_delegate_proxy.h"
205 #include "content/renderer/pepper/pepper_plugin_instance_impl.h"
206 #include "content/renderer/pepper/pepper_plugin_registry.h"
209 #if defined(ENABLE_WEBRTC)
210 #include "content/renderer/media/rtc_peer_connection_handler.h"
211 #include "content/renderer/media/webrtc/peer_connection_dependency_factory.h"
214 using blink::WebAXObject
215 using blink::WebApplicationCacheHost
216 using blink::WebApplicationCacheHostClient
217 using blink::WebCString
218 using blink::WebColor
219 using blink::WebColorName
220 using blink::WebConsoleMessage
221 using blink::WebData
222 using blink::WebDataSource
223 using blink::WebDocument
224 using blink::WebDragData
225 using blink::WebDragOperation
226 using blink::WebDragOperationsMask
227 using blink::WebElement
228 using blink::WebFileChooserCompletion
229 using blink::WebFindOptions
230 using blink::WebFormControlElement
231 using blink::WebFormElement
232 using blink::WebFrame
233 using blink::WebGestureEvent
234 using blink::WebHistoryItem
235 using blink::WebHTTPBody
236 using blink::WebIconURL
237 using blink::WebImage
238 using blink::WebInputElement
239 using blink::WebInputEvent
240 using blink::WebLocalFrame
241 using blink::WebMediaPlayerAction
242 using blink::WebMouseEvent
243 using blink::WebNavigationPolicy
244 using blink::WebNavigationType
245 using blink::WebNode
246 using blink::WebPageSerializer
247 using blink::WebPageSerializerClient
248 using blink::WebPeerConnection00Handler
249 using blink::WebPeerConnection00HandlerClient
250 using blink::WebPeerConnectionHandler
251 using blink::WebPeerConnectionHandlerClient
252 using blink::WebPluginAction
253 using blink::WebPluginContainer
254 using blink::WebPluginDocument
255 using blink::WebPoint
256 using blink::WebRange
257 using blink::WebRect
258 using blink::WebReferrerPolicy
259 using blink::WebScriptSource
260 using blink::WebSearchableFormData
261 using blink::WebSecurityOrigin
262 using blink::WebSecurityPolicy
263 using blink::WebSettings
264 using blink::WebSize
265 using blink::WebStorageNamespace
266 using blink::WebStorageQuotaCallbacks
267 using blink::WebStorageQuotaError
268 using blink::WebStorageQuotaType
269 using blink::WebString
270 using blink::WebTextAffinity
271 using blink::WebTextDirection
272 using blink::WebTouchEvent
274 using blink::WebURLError
275 using blink::WebURLRequest
276 using blink::WebURLResponse
277 using blink::WebUserGestureIndicator
278 using blink::WebVector
279 using blink::WebView
280 using blink::WebWidget
281 using blink::WebWindowFeatures
282 using blink::WebNetworkStateNotifier
283 using blink::WebRuntimeFeatures
285 using base::TimeDelta
287 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
288 using blink::WebContentDetectionResult
289 using blink::WebFloatPoint
290 using blink::WebFloatRect
291 using blink::WebHitTestResult
296 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
298 typedef std::map
*, RenderViewImpl
*> ViewMap
299 static base::LazyInstance
> g_view_map
300 typedef std::map
, RenderViewImpl
*> RoutingIDViewMap
301 static base::LazyInstance
> g_routing_id_view_map
304 // Time, in seconds, we delay before sending content state changes (such as form
305 // state and scroll position) to the browser. We delay sending changes to avoid
306 // spamming the browser.
307 // To avoid having tab/session restore require sending a message to get the
308 // current content state during tab closing we use a shorter timeout for the
309 // foreground renderer. This means there is a small window of time from which
310 // content state is modified and not sent to session restore, but this is
311 // better than having to wake up all renderers during shutdown.
312 const int kDelaySecondsForContentStateSyncHidden
= 5;
313 const int kDelaySecondsForContentStateSync
= 1;
315 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
316 // Delay between tapping in content and launching the associated android intent.
317 // Used to allow users see what has been recognized as content.
318 const size_t kContentIntentDelayMilliseconds
= 700;
321 static RenderViewImpl
* (*g_create_render_view_impl
322 CompositorDependencies
* compositor_deps
323 const ViewMsg_New_Params
&) = nullptr;
326 Referrer
328 const WebURLRequest
& request
) {
329 return Referrer(GURL(request
330 request
334 WindowOpenDisposition
335 WebNavigationPolicy policy
) {
337 case blink::WebNavigationPolicyIgnore
338 return IGNORE_ACTION
339 case blink::WebNavigationPolicyDownload
341 case blink::WebNavigationPolicyCurrentTab
343 case blink::WebNavigationPolicyNewBackgroundTab
345 case blink::WebNavigationPolicyNewForegroundTab
347 case blink::WebNavigationPolicyNewWindow
349 case blink::WebNavigationPolicyNewPopup
352 NOTREACHED() << "Unexpected WebNavigationPolicy";
353 return IGNORE_ACTION
357 // Returns true if the device scale is high enough that losing subpixel
358 // antialiasing won't have a noticeable effect on text quality.
359 static bool DeviceScaleEnsuresTextQuality(float device_scale_factor
) {
360 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
361 // On Android, we never have subpixel antialiasing.
364 // 1.5 is a common touchscreen tablet device scale factor. For such
365 // devices main thread antialiasing is a heavy burden.
366 return device_scale_factor
>= 1.5f
371 static bool PreferCompositingToLCDText(CompositorDependencies
* compositor_deps
372 float device_scale_factor
) {
373 const base::CommandLine
& command_line
374 *base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
375 if (command_line
377 if (command_line
379 if (!compositor_deps
381 return DeviceScaleEnsuresTextQuality(device_scale_factor
384 static FaviconURL::IconType
ToFaviconType(blink::WebIconURL::Type type
) {
386 case blink::WebIconURL::TypeFavicon
387 return FaviconURL::FAVICON
388 case blink::WebIconURL::TypeTouch
389 return FaviconURL::TOUCH_ICON
390 case blink::WebIconURL::TypeTouchPrecomposed
392 case blink::WebIconURL::TypeInvalid
393 return FaviconURL::INVALID_ICON
395 return FaviconURL::INVALID_ICON
398 static void ConvertToFaviconSizes(
399 const blink::WebVector
>& web_sizes
400 std::vector
>* sizes
) {
401 DCHECK(sizes
402 sizes
403 for (size_t i
= 0; i
< web_sizes
.size(); ++i
404 sizes
407 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
409 struct RenderViewImpl::PendingFileChooser
410 PendingFileChooser(const FileChooserParams
& p
, WebFileChooserCompletion
* c
414 FileChooserParams params
415 WebFileChooserCompletion
* completion
; // MAY BE NULL to skip callback.
420 class WebWidgetLockTarget
: public MouseLockDispatcher::LockTarget
422 explicit WebWidgetLockTarget(blink::WebWidget
* webwidget
423 : webwidget_(webwidget
) {}
425 void OnLockMouseACK(bool succeeded
) override
427 webwidget_
429 webwidget_
432 void OnMouseLockLost() override
{ webwidget_
->didLosePointerLock(); }
434 bool HandleMouseLockedInputEvent(const blink::WebMouseEvent
& event
) override
435 // The WebWidget handles mouse lock in WebKit's handleInputEvent().
440 blink::WebWidget
* webwidget_
443 WebDragData
DropDataToWebDragData(const DropData
& drop_data
) {
444 std::vector
> item_list
446 // These fields are currently unused when dragging into WebKit.
447 DCHECK(drop_data
448 DCHECK(drop_data
449 DCHECK(drop_data
451 if (!drop_data
.is_null()) {
452 WebDragData::Item item
453 item
= WebDragData::Item::StorageTypeString
454 item
= WebString::fromUTF8(ui::Clipboard::kMimeTypeText
455 item
= drop_data
456 item_list
459 // TODO(dcheng): Do we need to distinguish between null and empty URLs? Is it
460 // meaningful to write an empty URL to the clipboard?
461 if (!drop_data
.is_empty()) {
462 WebDragData::Item item
463 item
= WebDragData::Item::StorageTypeString
464 item
= WebString::fromUTF8(ui::Clipboard::kMimeTypeURIList
465 item
= WebString::fromUTF8(drop_data
466 item
= drop_data
467 item_list
470 if (!drop_data
.is_null()) {
471 WebDragData::Item item
472 item
= WebDragData::Item::StorageTypeString
473 item
= WebString::fromUTF8(ui::Clipboard::kMimeTypeHTML
474 item
= drop_data
475 item
= drop_data
476 item_list
479 for (std::vector
>::const_iterator it
480 drop_data
481 it
!= drop_data
483 WebDragData::Item item
484 item
= WebDragData::Item::StorageTypeFilename
485 item
= it
486 item
= it
487 item_list
490 for (std::vector
>::const_iterator it
491 drop_data
492 it
!= drop_data
494 WebDragData::Item item
495 item
= WebDragData::Item::StorageTypeFileSystemFile
496 item
= it
497 item
= it
498 item_list
501 for (std::map
, base::string16
>::const_iterator it
502 drop_data
503 it
!= drop_data
505 WebDragData::Item item
506 item
= WebDragData::Item::StorageTypeString
507 item
= it
508 item
= it
509 item_list
514 result
515 result
519 typedef void (*SetFontFamilyWrapper
520 const base::string16
523 void SetStandardFontFamilyWrapper(WebSettings
* settings
524 const base::string16
& font
525 UScriptCode script
) {
526 settings
, script
529 void SetFixedFontFamilyWrapper(WebSettings
* settings
530 const base::string16
& font
531 UScriptCode script
) {
532 settings
, script
535 void SetSerifFontFamilyWrapper(WebSettings
* settings
536 const base::string16
& font
537 UScriptCode script
) {
538 settings
, script
541 void SetSansSerifFontFamilyWrapper(WebSettings
* settings
542 const base::string16
& font
543 UScriptCode script
) {
544 settings
, script
547 void SetCursiveFontFamilyWrapper(WebSettings
* settings
548 const base::string16
& font
549 UScriptCode script
) {
550 settings
, script
553 void SetFantasyFontFamilyWrapper(WebSettings
* settings
554 const base::string16
& font
555 UScriptCode script
) {
556 settings
, script
559 void SetPictographFontFamilyWrapper(WebSettings
* settings
560 const base::string16
& font
561 UScriptCode script
) {
562 settings
, script
565 // If |scriptCode| is a member of a family of "similar" script codes, returns
566 // the script code in that family that is used by WebKit for font selection
567 // purposes. For example, USCRIPT_KATAKANA_OR_HIRAGANA and USCRIPT_JAPANESE are
568 // considered equivalent for the purposes of font selection. WebKit uses the
569 // script code USCRIPT_KATAKANA_OR_HIRAGANA. So, if |scriptCode| is
571 // uses different scripts than the ones in Chrome pref names because the version
572 // of ICU included on certain ports does not have some of the newer scripts. If
573 // |scriptCode| is not a member of such a family, returns |scriptCode|.
574 UScriptCode
GetScriptForWebSettings(UScriptCode scriptCode
) {
575 switch (scriptCode
) {
587 void ApplyFontsFromMap(const ScriptFontFamilyMap
& map
588 SetFontFamilyWrapper setter
589 WebSettings
* settings
) {
590 for (ScriptFontFamilyMap::const_iterator it
= map
.begin(); it
!= map
592 int32 script
= u_getPropertyValueEnum(UCHAR_SCRIPT
, (it
593 if (script
>= 0 && script
) {
594 UScriptCode code
= static_cast<UScriptCode
595 (*setter
, it
, GetScriptForWebSettings(code
600 void ApplyBlinkSettings(const base::CommandLine
& command_line
601 WebSettings
* settings
) {
602 if (!command_line
605 std::vector
> blink_settings
= base::SplitString(
606 command_line
607 ",", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE
608 for (const std::string
& setting
: blink_settings
) {
609 size_t pos
= setting
610 settings
611 blink::WebString::fromLatin1(setting
.substr(0, pos
612 blink::WebString::fromLatin1(
613 pos
== std::string::npos
? "" : setting
+ 1)));
619 RenderViewImpl::RenderViewImpl(CompositorDependencies
* compositor_deps
620 const ViewMsg_New_Params
& params
621 : RenderWidget(compositor_deps
622 blink::WebPopupTypeNone
623 params
626 params
627 webkit_preferences_(params
628 send_content_state_immediately_(false),
629 enabled_bindings_(0),
630 send_preferred_size_changes_(false),
631 navigation_gesture_(NavigationGestureUnknown
632 opened_by_user_gesture_(true),
633 opener_suppressed_(false),
634 suppress_dialogs_until_swap_out_(false),
636 next_page_id_(params
637 history_list_offset_(-1),
638 history_list_length_(0),
639 frames_in_progress_(0),
640 target_url_status_(TARGET_NONE
641 uses_temporary_zoom_level_(false),
642 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
643 top_controls_constraints_(TOP_CONTROLS_STATE_BOTH
645 has_scrolled_focused_editable_node_into_rect_(false),
646 main_render_frame_(nullptr),
647 speech_recognition_dispatcher_(NULL
648 mouse_lock_dispatcher_(NULL
649 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
650 expected_content_intent_id_(0),
653 focused_plugin_id_(-1),
655 #if defined(ENABLE_PLUGINS)
656 plugin_find_handler_(NULL
657 focused_pepper_plugin_(NULL
658 pepper_last_mouse_event_target_(NULL
660 enumeration_completion_id_(0),
661 session_storage_namespace_id_(params
662 page_scale_factor_is_one_(true) {
665 void RenderViewImpl::Initialize(const ViewMsg_New_Params
& params
666 bool was_created_by_renderer
) {
667 routing_id_
= params
668 surface_id_
= params
670 int opener_view_routing_id
671 WebFrame
* opener_frame
= RenderFrameImpl::ResolveOpener(
672 params
, &opener_view_routing_id
673 if (opener_view_routing_id
&& was_created_by_renderer
674 opener_id_
= opener_view_routing_id
676 display_mode_
= params
678 // Ensure we start with a valid next_page_id_ from the browser.
679 DCHECK_GE(next_page_id_
, 0);
681 webwidget_
= WebView::create(this);
682 webwidget_mouse_lock_target_
.reset(new WebWidgetLockTarget(webwidget_
684 g_view_map
.Get().insert(std::make_pair(webview(), this));
685 g_routing_id_view_map
, this));
687 const base::CommandLine
& command_line
688 *base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
690 if (command_line
691 stats_collection_observer_
.reset(new StatsCollectionObserver(this));
693 if (params
) {
695 RenderFrameImpl::CreateMainFrame(this, params
698 if (params
) {
699 CHECK(params
700 if (main_render_frame_
) {
701 DCHECK(!SiteIsolationPolicy::IsSwappedOutStateForbidden());
702 RenderFrameProxy
* proxy
= RenderFrameProxy::CreateProxyToReplaceFrame(
703 main_render_frame_
, params
704 blink::WebTreeScopeType::Document
705 main_render_frame_
707 DCHECK(SiteIsolationPolicy::IsSwappedOutStateForbidden());
708 // Pass MSG_ROUTING_NONE for opener, since actual opener (if any) will be
709 // set separately below.
710 RenderFrameProxy::CreateFrameProxy(params
, routing_id_
712 params
716 if (main_render_frame_
717 main_render_frame_
719 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
720 content_detectors_
721 new AddressDetector()));
722 const std::string
& contry_iso
723 params
724 if (!contry_iso
.empty()) {
725 content_detectors_
726 new PhoneNumberDetector(contry_iso
728 content_detectors_
729 new EmailDetector()));
732 RenderThread::Get()->AddRoute(routing_id_
, this);
733 // Take a reference on behalf of the RenderThread. This will be balanced
734 // when we receive ViewMsg_Close in the RenderWidget (which RenderView
737 if (RenderThreadImpl::current()) {
738 RenderThreadImpl::current()->WidgetCreated();
740 RenderThreadImpl::current()->WidgetHidden();
743 // If this is a popup, we must wait for the CreatingNew_ACK message before
744 // completing initialization. Otherwise, we can finish it now.
745 if (opener_id_
) {
750 webview()->setDeviceScaleFactor(device_scale_factor_
751 webview()->setDisplayMode(display_mode_
752 webview()->settings()->setPreferCompositingToLCDTextEnabled(
753 PreferCompositingToLCDText(compositor_deps_
, device_scale_factor_
754 webview()->settings()->setThreadedScrollingEnabled(
755 !command_line
756 webview()->settings()->setRootLayerScrolls(
757 command_line
759 ApplyWebPreferencesInternal(webkit_preferences_
, webview(), compositor_deps_
761 if (switches::IsTouchDragDropEnabled())
762 webview()->settings()->setTouchDragDropEnabled(true);
764 if (switches::IsTouchEditingEnabled())
765 webview()->settings()->setTouchEditingEnabled(true);
767 WebSettings::SelectionStrategyType selection_strategy
768 WebSettings::SelectionStrategyType::Character
769 const std::string selection_strategy_str
770 base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->GetSwitchValueASCII(
771 switches::kTouchTextSelectionStrategy
772 if (selection_strategy_str
== "direction")
773 selection_strategy
= WebSettings::SelectionStrategyType::Direction
774 webview()->settings()->setSelectionStrategy(selection_strategy
776 // Set the main frame's name. Only needs to be done for WebLocalFrames,
777 // since the remote case was handled as part of SetReplicatedState on the
779 if (!params
.empty() &&
780 webview()->mainFrame()->isWebLocalFrame()) {
781 webview()->mainFrame()->setName(
782 blink::WebString::fromUTF8(params
785 // TODO(davidben): Move this state from Blink into content.
786 if (params
787 webview()->setOpenedByDOM();
789 OnSetRendererPrefs(params
791 ApplyBlinkSettings(command_line
, webview()->settings());
793 if (!params
) {
794 OnResize(params
796 OnEnableAutoResize(params
, params
799 new MHTMLGenerator(this);
800 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
801 new TextInputClientObserver(this);
802 #endif // defined(OS_MACOSX)
804 // The next group of objects all implement RenderViewObserver, so are deleted
805 // along with the RenderView automatically.
806 mouse_lock_dispatcher_
= new RenderViewMouseLockDispatcher(this);
808 history_controller_
.reset(new HistoryController(this));
810 new IdleUserDetector(this);
812 if (command_line
813 enabled_bindings_
814 if (command_line
815 enabled_bindings_
817 GetContentClient()->renderer()->RenderViewCreated(this);
819 // If we have an opener_frame but we weren't created by a renderer, then it's
820 // the browser asking us to set our opener to another frame.
821 if (opener_frame
&& !was_created_by_renderer
822 webview()->mainFrame()->setOpener(opener_frame
824 // If we are initially swapped out, navigate to kSwappedOutURL.
825 // This ensures we are in a unique origin that others cannot script.
826 if (is_swapped_out_
&& webview()->mainFrame()->isWebLocalFrame())
827 main_render_frame_
830 RenderViewImpl::~RenderViewImpl() {
831 for (BitmapMap::iterator it
= disambiguation_bitmaps_
832 it
!= disambiguation_bitmaps_
836 // If file chooser is still waiting for answer, dispatch empty answer.
837 while (!file_chooser_completions_
.empty()) {
838 if (file_chooser_completions_
) {
839 file_chooser_completions_
840 WebVector
842 file_chooser_completions_
845 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
846 // The date/time picker client is both a scoped_ptr member of this class and
847 // a RenderViewObserver. Reset it to prevent double deletion.
848 date_time_picker_client_
852 // Make sure we are no longer referenced by the ViewMap or RoutingIDViewMap.
853 ViewMap
* views
= g_view_map
854 for (ViewMap::iterator it
= views
->begin(); it
!= views
->end(); ++it
855 DCHECK_NE(this, it
) << "Failed to call Close?";
856 RoutingIDViewMap
* routing_id_views
= g_routing_id_view_map
857 for (RoutingIDViewMap::iterator it
= routing_id_views
858 it
!= routing_id_views
->end(); ++it
859 DCHECK_NE(this, it
) << "Failed to call Close?";
862 FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(RenderViewObserver
, observers_
, RenderViewGone());
863 FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(RenderViewObserver
, observers_
, OnDestruct());
867 RenderViewImpl
* RenderViewImpl::FromWebView(WebView
* webview
) {
868 ViewMap
* views
= g_view_map
869 ViewMap::iterator it
= views
870 return it
== views
->end() ? NULL
: it
874 RenderView
* RenderView::FromWebView(blink::WebView
* webview
) {
875 return RenderViewImpl::FromWebView(webview
879 RenderViewImpl
* RenderViewImpl::FromRoutingID(int32 routing_id
) {
880 RoutingIDViewMap
* views
= g_routing_id_view_map
881 RoutingIDViewMap::iterator it
= views
882 return it
== views
->end() ? NULL
: it
886 RenderView
* RenderView::FromRoutingID(int routing_id
) {
887 return RenderViewImpl::FromRoutingID(routing_id
891 size_t RenderView::GetRenderViewCount() {
892 return g_view_map
896 void RenderView::ForEach(RenderViewVisitor
* visitor
) {
897 ViewMap
* views
= g_view_map
898 for (ViewMap::iterator it
= views
->begin(); it
!= views
->end(); ++it
) {
899 if (!visitor
905 void RenderView::ApplyWebPreferences(const WebPreferences
& prefs
907 WebSettings
* settings
= web_view
908 ApplyFontsFromMap(prefs
909 SetStandardFontFamilyWrapper
, settings
910 ApplyFontsFromMap(prefs
911 SetFixedFontFamilyWrapper
, settings
912 ApplyFontsFromMap(prefs
913 SetSerifFontFamilyWrapper
, settings
914 ApplyFontsFromMap(prefs
915 SetSansSerifFontFamilyWrapper
, settings
916 ApplyFontsFromMap(prefs
917 SetCursiveFontFamilyWrapper
, settings
918 ApplyFontsFromMap(prefs
919 SetFantasyFontFamilyWrapper
, settings
920 ApplyFontsFromMap(prefs
921 SetPictographFontFamilyWrapper
, settings
922 settings
923 settings
924 settings
925 settings
926 settings
927 base::ASCIIToUTF16(prefs
928 settings
929 settings
930 settings
931 prefs
932 settings
933 settings
934 settings
935 settings
936 settings
937 settings
938 settings
939 settings
940 settings
941 prefs
942 WebRuntimeFeatures::enableXSLT(prefs
943 WebRuntimeFeatures::enableSlimmingPaint(prefs
944 WebRuntimeFeatures::enableSlimmingPaintV2(prefs
945 settings
946 settings
947 settings
948 settings
949 WebRuntimeFeatures::enableDatabase(prefs
950 settings
951 prefs
952 settings
953 settings
954 settings
955 settings
957 // By default, allow_universal_access_from_file_urls is set to false and thus
958 // we mitigate attacks from local HTML files by not granting file:// URLs
959 // universal access. Only test shell will enable this.
960 settings
961 prefs
962 settings
963 prefs
965 // Enable the web audio API if requested on the command line.
966 settings
968 // Enable experimental WebGL support if requested on command line
969 // and support is compiled in.
970 settings
972 // Disable GL multisampling if requested on command line.
973 settings
975 // Enable WebGL errors to the JS console if requested.
976 settings
977 prefs
979 // Uses the mock theme engine for scrollbars.
980 settings
982 // Enable gpu-accelerated 2d canvas if requested on the command line.
983 settings
985 settings
986 prefs
988 // Disable antialiasing for 2d canvas if requested on the command line.
989 settings
990 !prefs
992 // Enabled antialiasing of clips for 2d canvas if requested on the command
994 settings
995 prefs
997 // Set MSAA sample count for 2d canvas if requested on the command line (or
998 // default value if not).
999 settings
1000 prefs
1002 settings
1003 prefs
1004 settings
1006 // Tabs to link is not part of the settings. WebCore calls
1007 // ChromeClient::tabsToLinks which is part of the glue code.
1008 web_view
1010 settings
1011 prefs
1012 settings
1013 prefs
1014 settings
1015 settings
1017 settings
1018 prefs
1020 settings
1021 prefs
1023 settings
1024 prefs
1025 settings
1026 settings
1027 settings
1028 prefs
1029 settings
1031 WebRuntimeFeatures::enableTouch(prefs
1032 settings
1033 settings
1034 settings
1035 static_cast<WebSettings::PointerType
1036 settings
1037 settings
1038 static_cast<WebSettings::HoverType
1039 settings
1040 settings
1041 settings
1042 settings
1043 switches::IsLinkDisambiguationPopupEnabled());
1045 WebRuntimeFeatures::enableImageColorProfiles(
1046 prefs
1047 settings
1048 prefs
1050 settings
1051 settings
1052 static_cast<WebSettings::EditingBehavior
1054 settings
1056 settings
1057 settings
1058 settings
1059 settings
1060 settings
1061 prefs
1063 settings
1065 settings
1067 settings
1069 settings
1070 static_cast<WebSettings::V8CacheOptions
1072 settings
1073 static_cast<WebSettings::ImageAnimationPolicy
1075 // Needs to happen before setIgnoreVIewportTagScaleLimits below.
1076 web_view
1077 prefs
1078 prefs
1080 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
1081 settings
1082 settings
1083 settings
1084 settings
1085 settings
1086 web_view
1087 settings
1088 settings
1089 settings
1090 settings
1091 prefs
1092 settings
1093 base::ASCIIToUTF16(prefs
1094 settings
1095 prefs
1096 settings
1097 prefs
1098 settings
1099 settings
1100 settings
1101 settings
1102 prefs
1103 settings
1104 prefs
1105 settings
1106 prefs
1107 settings
1108 prefs
1109 settings
1110 prefs
1111 settings
1112 prefs
1113 settings
1114 prefs
1115 settings
1116 settings
1117 settings
1118 settings
1121 WebNetworkStateNotifier::setOnLine(prefs
1122 WebNetworkStateNotifier::setWebConnectionType(
1123 NetConnectionTypeToWebConnectionType(prefs
1125 settings
1126 prefs
1127 settings
1129 settings
1131 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
1132 settings
1133 web_view
1136 #if !defined(OS_ANDROID) && !defined(OS_MACOSX)
1137 // On platforms where the pinch viewport and the layout viewport can
1138 // both show scrollbars, hide pinch scrollbars when we are near minimum
1139 // page scale. (See http://crbug.com/446411 and http://crbug.com/515746.)
1140 settings
1145 RenderViewImpl
* RenderViewImpl::Create(CompositorDependencies
* compositor_deps
1146 const ViewMsg_New_Params
& params
1147 bool was_created_by_renderer
) {
1148 DCHECK(params
1149 RenderViewImpl
* render_view
1150 if (g_create_render_view_impl
1151 render_view
= g_create_render_view_impl(compositor_deps
, params
1153 render_view
= new RenderViewImpl(compositor_deps
, params
1155 render_view
, was_created_by_renderer
1160 void RenderViewImpl::InstallCreateHook(RenderViewImpl
* (
1161 *create_render_view_impl
* compositor_deps
1162 const ViewMsg_New_Params
&)) {
1163 CHECK(!g_create_render_view_impl
1164 g_create_render_view_impl
= create_render_view_impl
1167 void RenderViewImpl::AddObserver(RenderViewObserver
* observer
) {
1168 observers_
1171 void RenderViewImpl::RemoveObserver(RenderViewObserver
* observer
) {
1172 observer
1173 observers_
1176 blink::WebView
* RenderViewImpl::webview() const {
1177 return static_cast<blink::WebView
1180 #if defined(ENABLE_PLUGINS)
1181 void RenderViewImpl::PepperInstanceCreated(
1182 PepperPluginInstanceImpl
* instance
) {
1183 active_pepper_instances_
1185 RenderFrameImpl
* const render_frame
= instance
1187 new FrameHostMsg_PepperInstanceCreated(render_frame
1190 void RenderViewImpl::PepperInstanceDeleted(
1191 PepperPluginInstanceImpl
* instance
) {
1192 active_pepper_instances_
1194 if (pepper_last_mouse_event_target_
== instance
1195 pepper_last_mouse_event_target_
1196 if (focused_pepper_plugin_
== instance
1197 PepperFocusChanged(instance
, false);
1199 RenderFrameImpl
* const render_frame
= instance
1202 new FrameHostMsg_PepperInstanceDeleted(render_frame
1205 void RenderViewImpl::PepperFocusChanged(PepperPluginInstanceImpl
* instance
1208 focused_pepper_plugin_
= instance
1209 else if (focused_pepper_plugin_
== instance
1210 focused_pepper_plugin_
1212 UpdateTextInputState(NO_SHOW_IME
1213 UpdateSelectionBounds();
1216 void RenderViewImpl::RegisterPluginDelegate(WebPluginDelegateProxy
* delegate
) {
1217 plugin_delegates_
1218 // If the renderer is visible, set initial visibility and focus state.
1220 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
1221 delegate
1222 if (webview() && webview()->isActive())
1223 delegate
1226 // Plugins start assuming the content has focus (so that they work in
1227 // environments where RenderView isn't hosting them), so we always have to
1228 // set the initial state. See webplugin_delegate_impl.h for details.
1229 delegate
1232 void RenderViewImpl::UnregisterPluginDelegate(
1233 WebPluginDelegateProxy
* delegate
) {
1234 plugin_delegates_
1238 void RenderViewImpl::PluginFocusChanged(bool focused
, int plugin_id
) {
1240 focused_plugin_id_
= plugin_id
1242 focused_plugin_id_
= -1;
1246 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
1247 void RenderViewImpl::PluginFocusChanged(bool focused
, int plugin_id
) {
1248 Send(new ViewHostMsg_PluginFocusChanged(routing_id(), focused
, plugin_id
1251 void RenderViewImpl::OnGetRenderedText() {
1254 // Get rendered text from WebLocalFrame.
1255 // TODO: Currently IPC truncates any data that has a
1256 // size > kMaximumMessageSize. May be split the text into smaller chunks and
1257 // send back using multiple IPC. See http://crbug.com/393444.
1258 static const size_t kMaximumMessageSize
= 8 * 1024 * 1024;
1259 std::string text
= webview()->mainFrame()->contentAsText(
1260 kMaximumMessageSize
1262 Send(new ViewMsg_GetRenderedTextCompleted(routing_id(), text
1265 void RenderViewImpl::StartPluginIme() {
1266 IPC::Message
* msg
= new ViewHostMsg_StartPluginIme(routing_id());
1267 // This message can be sent during event-handling, and needs to be delivered
1268 // within that context.
1269 msg
1272 #endif // defined(OS_MACOSX)
1274 #endif // ENABLE_PLUGINS
1276 void RenderViewImpl::TransferActiveWheelFlingAnimation(
1277 const blink::WebActiveWheelFlingParameters
& params
) {
1279 webview()->transferActiveWheelFlingAnimation(params
1282 bool RenderViewImpl::HasIMETextFocus() {
1283 return GetTextInputType() != ui::TEXT_INPUT_TYPE_NONE
1286 bool RenderViewImpl::OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message
& message
) {
1287 WebFrame
* main_frame
= webview() ? webview()->mainFrame() : NULL
1288 if (main_frame
&& main_frame
1289 GetContentClient()->SetActiveURL(main_frame
1291 base::ObserverListBase
1292 RenderViewObserver
* observer
1293 while ((observer
= it
.GetNext()) != NULL
1294 if (observer
1297 bool handled
= true;
, message
1299 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(InputMsg_ExecuteEditCommand
, OnExecuteEditCommand
1300 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(InputMsg_MoveCaret
, OnMoveCaret
1301 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(InputMsg_ScrollFocusedEditableNodeIntoRect
1302 OnScrollFocusedEditableNodeIntoRect
1303 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(InputMsg_SetEditCommandsForNextKeyEvent
1304 OnSetEditCommandsForNextKeyEvent
1305 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_CopyImageAt
, OnCopyImageAt
1306 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_SaveImageAt
, OnSaveImageAt
, OnFind
1308 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_StopFinding
, OnStopFinding
1309 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_ResetPageScale
, OnResetPageScale
, OnZoom
1311 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_SetZoomLevelForLoadingURL
1312 OnSetZoomLevelForLoadingURL
1313 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_SetZoomLevelForView
1314 OnSetZoomLevelForView
1315 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_SetPageEncoding
, OnSetPageEncoding
1316 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_ResetPageEncodingToDefault
1317 OnResetPageEncodingToDefault
1318 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(DragMsg_TargetDragEnter
, OnDragTargetDragEnter
1319 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(DragMsg_TargetDragOver
, OnDragTargetDragOver
1320 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(DragMsg_TargetDragLeave
, OnDragTargetDragLeave
1321 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(DragMsg_TargetDrop
, OnDragTargetDrop
1322 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(DragMsg_SourceEnded
, OnDragSourceEnded
1323 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(DragMsg_SourceSystemDragEnded
1324 OnDragSourceSystemDragEnded
1325 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_AllowBindings
, OnAllowBindings
1326 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_SetInitialFocus
, OnSetInitialFocus
, OnUpdateTargetURLAck
1328 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_UpdateWebPreferences
, OnUpdateWebPreferences
1329 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_EnumerateDirectoryResponse
1330 OnEnumerateDirectoryResponse
1331 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_RunFileChooserResponse
, OnFileChooserResponse
1332 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_SuppressDialogsUntilSwapOut
1333 OnSuppressDialogsUntilSwapOut
1334 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_ClosePage
, OnClosePage
1335 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_ThemeChanged
, OnThemeChanged
1336 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_MoveOrResizeStarted
, OnMoveOrResizeStarted
1337 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_ClearFocusedElement
, OnClearFocusedElement
1338 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_SetBackgroundOpaque
, OnSetBackgroundOpaque
1339 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_EnablePreferredSizeChangedMode
1340 OnEnablePreferredSizeChangedMode
1341 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_EnableAutoResize
, OnEnableAutoResize
1342 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_DisableAutoResize
, OnDisableAutoResize
1343 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_DisableScrollbarsForSmallWindows
1344 OnDisableScrollbarsForSmallWindows
1345 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_SetRendererPrefs
, OnSetRendererPrefs
1346 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_MediaPlayerActionAt
, OnMediaPlayerActionAt
1347 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_PluginActionAt
, OnPluginActionAt
1348 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_SetActive
, OnSetActive
1349 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_GetAllSavableResourceLinksForCurrentPage
1350 OnGetAllSavableResourceLinksForCurrentPage
1352 ViewMsg_GetSerializedHtmlDataForCurrentPageWithLocalLinks
1353 OnGetSerializedHtmlDataForCurrentPageWithLocalLinks
1354 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_ShowContextMenu
, OnShowContextMenu
1355 // TODO(viettrungluu): Move to a separate message filter.
1356 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_SetHistoryOffsetAndLength
1357 OnSetHistoryOffsetAndLength
1358 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_EnableViewSourceMode
, OnEnableViewSourceMode
1359 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_ReleaseDisambiguationPopupBitmap
1360 OnReleaseDisambiguationPopupBitmap
1361 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_ForceRedraw
, OnForceRedraw
1362 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_SelectWordAroundCaret
, OnSelectWordAroundCaret
1363 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
1364 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(InputMsg_ActivateNearestFindResult
1365 OnActivateNearestFindResult
1366 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_FindMatchRects
, OnFindMatchRects
1367 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_UpdateTopControlsState
1368 OnUpdateTopControlsState
1369 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_ExtractSmartClipData
, OnExtractSmartClipData
1370 #elif defined(OS_MACOSX)
1371 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_GetRenderedText
1373 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_PluginImeCompositionCompleted
1374 OnPluginImeCompositionCompleted
, OnClose
1376 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_SetInLiveResize
, OnSetInLiveResize
1377 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_SetWindowVisibility
, OnSetWindowVisibility
1378 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_WindowFrameChanged
, OnWindowFrameChanged
1380 // Adding a new message? Add platform independent ones first, then put the
1381 // platform specific ones at the end.
1383 // Have the super handle all other messages.
= RenderWidget::OnMessageReceived(message
1390 void RenderViewImpl::OnSelectWordAroundCaret() {
1394 handling_input_event_
= true;
1395 webview()->focusedFrame()->selectWordAroundCaret();
1396 handling_input_event_
= false;
1399 void RenderViewImpl::OnCopyImageAt(int x
, int y
) {
1400 webview()->copyImageAt(WebPoint(x
, y
1403 void RenderViewImpl::OnSaveImageAt(int x
, int y
) {
1404 webview()->saveImageAt(WebPoint(x
, y
1407 void RenderViewImpl::OnUpdateTargetURLAck() {
1408 // Check if there is a targeturl waiting to be sent.
1409 if (target_url_status_
1410 Send(new ViewHostMsg_UpdateTargetURL(routing_id_
, pending_target_url_
1412 target_url_status_
1415 void RenderViewImpl::OnExecuteEditCommand(const std::string
& name
1416 const std::string
& value
) {
1417 if (!webview() || !webview()->focusedFrame())
1420 webview()->focusedFrame()->executeCommand(
1421 WebString::fromUTF8(name
), WebString::fromUTF8(value
1424 void RenderViewImpl::OnMoveCaret(const gfx::Point
& point
) {
1428 Send(new InputHostMsg_MoveCaret_ACK(routing_id_
1430 webview()->focusedFrame()->moveCaretSelection(point
1433 void RenderViewImpl::OnScrollFocusedEditableNodeIntoRect(
1434 const gfx::Rect
& rect
) {
1435 if (has_scrolled_focused_editable_node_into_rect_
1436 rect
== rect_for_scrolled_focused_editable_node_
) {
1437 FocusChangeComplete();
1441 blink::WebElement element
= GetFocusedElement();
1442 bool will_animate
= false;
1443 if (!element
.isNull() && IsEditableNode(element
)) {
1444 rect_for_scrolled_focused_editable_node_
= rect
1445 has_scrolled_focused_editable_node_into_rect_
= true;
1446 will_animate
= webview()->scrollFocusedNodeIntoRect(rect
1450 FocusChangeComplete();
1453 void RenderViewImpl::OnSetEditCommandsForNextKeyEvent(
1454 const EditCommands
& edit_commands
) {
1455 edit_commands_
= edit_commands
1458 void RenderViewImpl::OnSetHistoryOffsetAndLength(int history_offset
1459 int history_length
) {
1460 DCHECK_GE(history_offset
, -1);
1461 DCHECK_GE(history_length
, 0);
1463 history_list_offset_
= history_offset
1464 history_list_length_
= history_length
1467 void RenderViewImpl::OnSetInitialFocus(bool reverse
) {
1470 webview()->setInitialFocus(reverse
1473 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
1474 void RenderViewImpl::OnSetInLiveResize(bool in_live_resize
) {
1478 webview()->willStartLiveResize();
1480 webview()->willEndLiveResize();
1484 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1486 void RenderViewImpl::SendUpdateState() {
1487 HistoryEntry
* entry
= history_controller_
1491 // Don't send state updates for kSwappedOutURL.
1492 if (entry
->root().urlString() == WebString::fromUTF8(kSwappedOutURL
1495 Send(new ViewHostMsg_UpdateState(
1496 routing_id_
, page_id_
, HistoryEntryToPageState(entry
1499 void RenderViewImpl::ApplyWebPreferencesInternal(
1500 const WebPreferences
& prefs
1501 blink::WebView
* web_view
1502 CompositorDependencies
* compositor_deps
) {
1503 ApplyWebPreferences(prefs
, web_view
1504 #if defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS)
1505 DCHECK(compositor_deps
1506 bool is_elastic_overscroll_enabled
1507 compositor_deps
1508 web_view
1512 bool RenderViewImpl::SendAndRunNestedMessageLoop(IPC::SyncMessage
* message
) {
1513 // Before WebKit asks us to show an alert (etc.), it takes care of doing the
1514 // equivalent of WebView::willEnterModalLoop. In the case of showModalDialog
1515 // it is particularly important that we do not call willEnterModalLoop as
1516 // that would defer resource loads for the dialog itself.
1517 if (RenderThreadImpl::current()) // Will be NULL during unit tests.
1518 RenderThreadImpl::current()->DoNotNotifyWebKitOfModalLoop();
1520 message
->EnableMessagePumping(); // Runs a nested message loop.
1521 return Send(message
1524 void RenderViewImpl::OnForceRedraw(int id
) {
1525 ui::LatencyInfo latency_info
1527 latency_info
1531 scoped_ptr
> latency_info_swap_promise_monitor
1532 if (RenderWidgetCompositor
* rwc
= compositor()) {
1533 latency_info_swap_promise_monitor
1534 rwc
1536 ScheduleCompositeWithForcedRedraw();
1539 // blink::WebViewClient ------------------------------------------------------
1541 WebView
* RenderViewImpl::createView(WebLocalFrame
* creator
1542 const WebURLRequest
& request
1543 const WebWindowFeatures
& features
1544 const WebString
& frame_name
1545 WebNavigationPolicy policy
1546 bool suppress_opener
) {
1547 ViewHostMsg_CreateWindow_Params params
1548 params
= routing_id_
1549 params
= WebUserGestureIndicator::isProcessingUserGesture();
1550 if (GetContentClient()->renderer()->AllowPopup())
1551 params
= true;
1552 params
= WindowFeaturesToContainerType(features
1553 params
= session_storage_namespace_id_
1554 if (frame_name
!= "_blank")
1555 params
= base::UTF16ToUTF8(base::StringPiece16(frame_name
1556 params
1557 RenderFrameImpl::FromWebFrame(creator
1558 params
= creator
1560 // The browser process uses the top frame's URL for a content settings check
1561 // to determine whether the popup is allowed. If the top frame is remote,
1562 // its URL is not available, so use its replicated origin instead.
1564 // TODO(alexmos): This works fine for regular origins but may break path
1565 // matching for file URLs with OOP subframes that open popups. This should
1566 // be fixed by either moving this lookup to the browser process or removing
1567 // path-based matching for file URLs from content settings. See
1568 // https://crbug.com/466297.
1569 if (creator
->top()->isWebLocalFrame()) {
1570 params
= creator
1572 params
1573 GURL(creator
1576 GURL
1577 if (!security_url
1578 security_url
= GURL();
1579 params
= security_url
1580 params
= suppress_opener
1581 params
= NavigationPolicyToDisposition(policy
1582 if (!request
.isNull()) {
1583 params
= request
1584 params
= GetReferrerFromRequest(creator
, request
1586 params
= features
1588 for (size_t i
= 0; i
< features
.size(); ++i
1589 params
1591 int32 routing_id
1592 int32 main_frame_routing_id
1593 int32 surface_id
= 0;
1594 int64 cloned_session_storage_namespace_id
= 0;
1596 RenderThread::Get()->Send(new ViewHostMsg_CreateWindow(
1597 params
, &routing_id
, &main_frame_routing_id
, &surface_id
1598 &cloned_session_storage_namespace_id
1599 if (routing_id
1602 WebUserGestureIndicator::consumeUserGesture();
1604 // While this view may be a background extension page, it can spawn a visible
1605 // render view. So we just assume that the new one is not another background
1606 // page instead of passing on our own value.
1607 // TODO(vangelis): Can we tell if the new view will be a background page?
1608 bool never_visible
= false;
1610 ViewMsg_Resize_Params initial_size
= ViewMsg_Resize_Params();
1611 initial_size
= screen_info_
1613 // The initial hidden state for the RenderViewImpl here has to match what the
1614 // browser will eventually decide for the given disposition. Since we have to
1615 // return from this call synchronously, we just have to make our best guess
1616 // and rely on the browser sending a WasHidden / WasShown message if it
1618 ViewMsg_New_Params view_params
1620 RenderFrameImpl
* creator_frame
= RenderFrameImpl::FromWebFrame(creator
1621 view_params
= creator_frame
1622 DCHECK_EQ(routing_id_
, creator_frame
1624 view_params
= true;
1625 view_params
= renderer_preferences_
1626 view_params
= webkit_preferences_
1627 view_params
= routing_id
1628 view_params
= main_frame_routing_id
1629 view_params
= surface_id
1630 view_params
1631 cloned_session_storage_namespace_id
1632 view_params
= false;
1633 // WebCore will take care of setting the correct name.
1634 view_params
= FrameReplicationState();
1635 view_params
1636 view_params
= (params
1637 view_params
= never_visible
1638 view_params
= 1;
1639 view_params
= initial_size
1640 view_params
= false;
1641 view_params
= gfx::Size();
1642 view_params
= gfx::Size();
1644 RenderViewImpl
* view
1645 RenderViewImpl::Create(compositor_deps_
, view_params
, true);
1646 view
= params
1648 // Record whether the creator frame is trying to suppress the opener field.
1649 view
= params
1651 return view
1654 WebWidget
* RenderViewImpl::createPopupMenu(blink::WebPopupType popup_type
) {
1655 RenderWidget
* widget
= RenderWidget::Create(routing_id_
, compositor_deps_
1656 popup_type
, screen_info_
1659 if (screen_metrics_emulator_
) {
1660 widget
1661 screen_metrics_emulator_
1663 return widget
1666 WebStorageNamespace
* RenderViewImpl::createSessionStorageNamespace() {
1667 CHECK(session_storage_namespace_id_
!= kInvalidSessionStorageNamespaceId
1668 return new WebStorageNamespaceImpl(session_storage_namespace_id_
1671 void RenderViewImpl::printPage(WebLocalFrame
* frame
) {
1672 FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(RenderViewObserver
, observers_
1673 PrintPage(frame
, handling_input_event_
1676 void RenderViewImpl::saveImageFromDataURL(const blink::WebString
& data_url
) {
1677 // Note: We should basically send GURL but we use size-limited string instead
1678 // in order to send a larger data url to save a image for <canvas> or <img>.
1679 if (data_url
.length() < kMaxLengthOfDataURLString
1680 Send(new ViewHostMsg_SaveImageFromDataURL(
1681 routing_id_
, GetMainRenderFrame()->GetRoutingID(), data_url
1684 bool RenderViewImpl::enumerateChosenDirectory(
1685 const WebString
& path
1686 WebFileChooserCompletion
* chooser_completion
) {
1687 int id
= enumeration_completion_id_
1688 enumeration_completions_
] = chooser_completion
1689 return Send(new ViewHostMsg_EnumerateDirectory(
1692 base::FilePath::FromUTF16Unsafe(path
1695 void RenderViewImpl::FrameDidStartLoading(WebFrame
* frame
) {
1696 DCHECK_GE(frames_in_progress_
, 0);
1697 if (frames_in_progress_
== 0)
1698 FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(RenderViewObserver
, observers_
, DidStartLoading());
1699 frames_in_progress_
1702 void RenderViewImpl::FrameDidStopLoading(WebFrame
* frame
) {
1703 // TODO(japhet): This should be a DCHECK, but the pdf plugin sometimes
1704 // calls DidStopLoading() without a matching DidStartLoading().
1705 if (frames_in_progress_
== 0)
1707 frames_in_progress_
1708 if (frames_in_progress_
== 0) {
1709 DidStopLoadingIcons();
1710 FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(RenderViewObserver
, observers_
, DidStopLoading());
1714 void RenderViewImpl::SetZoomLevel(double zoom_level
) {
1715 webview()->setZoomLevel(zoom_level
1716 FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(RenderViewObserver
, observers_
, OnZoomLevelChanged());
1719 void RenderViewImpl::didCancelCompositionOnSelectionChange() {
1720 Send(new InputHostMsg_ImeCancelComposition(routing_id()));
1723 bool RenderViewImpl::handleCurrentKeyboardEvent() {
1724 if (edit_commands_
1727 WebFrame
* frame
= webview()->focusedFrame();
1731 EditCommands::iterator it
= edit_commands_
1732 EditCommands::iterator end
= edit_commands_
1734 bool did_execute_command
= false;
1735 for (; it
!= end
; ++it
) {
1736 // In gtk and cocoa, it's possible to bind multiple edit commands to one
1737 // key (but it's the exception). Once one edit command is not executed, it
1738 // seems safest to not execute the rest.
1739 if (!frame
1740 WebString::fromUTF8(it
1741 GetFocusedElement()))
1743 did_execute_command
= true;
1746 return did_execute_command
1749 bool RenderViewImpl::runFileChooser(
1750 const blink::WebFileChooserParams
& params
1751 WebFileChooserCompletion
* chooser_completion
) {
1752 // Do not open the file dialog in a hidden RenderView.
1755 FileChooserParams ipc_params
1756 if (params
1757 ipc_params
= FileChooserParams::UploadFolder
1758 else if (params
1759 ipc_params
= FileChooserParams::OpenMultiple
1760 else if (params
1761 ipc_params
= FileChooserParams::Save
1763 ipc_params
= FileChooserParams::Open
1764 ipc_params
= params
1765 ipc_params
1766 base::FilePath::FromUTF16Unsafe(params
1767 ipc_params
1768 for (size_t i
= 0; i
< params
.size(); ++i
1769 ipc_params
1770 ipc_params
= params
1771 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
1772 ipc_params
= params
1775 return ScheduleFileChooser(ipc_params
, chooser_completion
1778 void RenderViewImpl::SetValidationMessageDirection(
1779 base::string16
* wrapped_main_text
1780 blink::WebTextDirection main_text_hint
1781 base::string16
* wrapped_sub_text
1782 blink::WebTextDirection sub_text_hint
) {
1783 if (main_text_hint
== blink::WebTextDirectionLeftToRight
) {
1784 *wrapped_main_text
1785 base::i18n::GetDisplayStringInLTRDirectionality(*wrapped_main_text
1786 } else if (main_text_hint
== blink::WebTextDirectionRightToLeft
1787 !base::i18n::IsRTL()) {
1788 base::i18n::WrapStringWithRTLFormatting(wrapped_main_text
1791 if (!wrapped_sub_text
->empty()) {
1792 if (sub_text_hint
== blink::WebTextDirectionLeftToRight
) {
1794 base::i18n::GetDisplayStringInLTRDirectionality(*wrapped_sub_text
1795 } else if (sub_text_hint
== blink::WebTextDirectionRightToLeft
) {
1796 base::i18n::WrapStringWithRTLFormatting(wrapped_sub_text
1801 void RenderViewImpl::showValidationMessage(
1802 const blink::WebRect
& anchor_in_root_view
1803 const blink::WebString
& main_text
1804 blink::WebTextDirection main_text_hint
1805 const blink::WebString
& sub_text
1806 blink::WebTextDirection sub_text_hint
) {
1807 base::string16 wrapped_main_text
= main_text
1808 base::string16 wrapped_sub_text
= sub_text
1810 SetValidationMessageDirection(
1811 &wrapped_main_text
, main_text_hint
, &wrapped_sub_text
, sub_text_hint
1813 Send(new ViewHostMsg_ShowValidationMessage(
1814 routing_id(), AdjustValidationMessageAnchor(anchor_in_root_view
1815 wrapped_main_text
, wrapped_sub_text
1818 void RenderViewImpl::hideValidationMessage() {
1819 Send(new ViewHostMsg_HideValidationMessage(routing_id()));
1822 void RenderViewImpl::moveValidationMessage(
1823 const blink::WebRect
& anchor_in_root_view
) {
1824 Send(new ViewHostMsg_MoveValidationMessage(
1825 routing_id(), AdjustValidationMessageAnchor(anchor_in_root_view
1828 void RenderViewImpl::setStatusText(const WebString
& text
) {
1831 void RenderViewImpl::UpdateTargetURL(const GURL
& url
1832 const GURL
& fallback_url
) {
1833 GURL latest_url
= url
.is_empty() ? fallback_url
: url
1834 if (latest_url
== target_url_
1837 // Tell the browser to display a destination link.
1838 if (target_url_status_
1839 target_url_status_
) {
1840 // If we have a request in-flight, save the URL to be sent when we
1841 // receive an ACK to the in-flight request. We can happily overwrite
1842 // any existing pending sends.
1843 pending_target_url_
= latest_url
1844 target_url_status_
1846 // URLs larger than |MaxURLChars()| cannot be sent through IPC -
1847 // see |ParamTraits<GURL>|.
1848 if (latest_url
.possibly_invalid_spec().size() > GetMaxURLChars())
1849 latest_url
= GURL();
1850 Send(new ViewHostMsg_UpdateTargetURL(routing_id_
, latest_url
1851 target_url_
= latest_url
1852 target_url_status_
1856 gfx::RectF
1857 const gfx::RectF
& rect
) const {
1858 gfx::RectF window_rect
= rect
1859 window_rect
* webview()->pageScaleFactor());
1863 void RenderViewImpl::StartNavStateSyncTimerIfNecessary() {
1865 if (send_content_state_immediately_
1867 else if (is_hidden())
1868 delay
= kDelaySecondsForContentStateSyncHidden
1870 delay
= kDelaySecondsForContentStateSync
1872 if (nav_state_sync_timer_
.IsRunning()) {
1873 // The timer is already running. If the delay of the timer maches the amount
1874 // we want to delay by, then return. Otherwise stop the timer so that it
1875 // gets started with the right delay.
1876 if (nav_state_sync_timer_
.GetCurrentDelay().InSeconds() == delay
1878 nav_state_sync_timer_
1881 nav_state_sync_timer_
, TimeDelta::FromSeconds(delay
), this,
1882 &RenderViewImpl::SendUpdateState
1885 void RenderViewImpl::setMouseOverURL(const WebURL
& url
) {
1886 mouse_over_url_
= GURL(url
1887 UpdateTargetURL(mouse_over_url_
, focus_url_
1890 void RenderViewImpl::setKeyboardFocusURL(const WebURL
& url
) {
1891 focus_url_
= GURL(url
1892 UpdateTargetURL(focus_url_
, mouse_over_url_
1895 void RenderViewImpl::startDragging(WebLocalFrame
* frame
1896 const WebDragData
& data
1897 WebDragOperationsMask mask
1898 const WebImage
& image
1899 const WebPoint
& webImageOffset
) {
1900 DropData
1901 drop_data
= frame
1902 gfx::Vector2d
, webImageOffset
1903 Send(new DragHostMsg_StartDragging(routing_id_
1906 image
1908 possible_drag_event_info_
1911 bool RenderViewImpl::acceptsLoadDrops() {
1912 return renderer_preferences_
1915 void RenderViewImpl::focusNext() {
1916 Send(new ViewHostMsg_TakeFocus(routing_id_
, false));
1919 void RenderViewImpl::focusPrevious() {
1920 Send(new ViewHostMsg_TakeFocus(routing_id_
, true));
1923 void RenderViewImpl::focusedNodeChanged(const WebNode
& fromNode
1924 const WebNode
& toNode
) {
1925 has_scrolled_focused_editable_node_into_rect_
= false;
1927 gfx::Rect node_bounds
1928 if (!toNode
.isNull() && toNode
.isElementNode()) {
1929 WebNode web_node
= const_cast<WebNode
1930 node_bounds
= gfx::Rect(web_node
1932 Send(new ViewHostMsg_FocusedNodeChanged(routing_id_
, IsEditableNode(toNode
1935 // TODO(estade): remove.
1936 FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(RenderViewObserver
, observers_
, FocusedNodeChanged(toNode
1938 RenderFrameImpl
* previous_frame
= nullptr;
1939 if (!fromNode
1940 previous_frame
= RenderFrameImpl::FromWebFrame(fromNode
1941 RenderFrameImpl
* new_frame
= nullptr;
1942 if (!toNode
1943 new_frame
= RenderFrameImpl::FromWebFrame(toNode
1945 if (previous_frame
&& previous_frame
!= new_frame
1946 previous_frame
1948 new_frame
1950 // TODO(dmazzoni): remove once there's a separate a11y tree per frame.
1951 if (main_render_frame_
1952 main_render_frame_
1955 void RenderViewImpl::didUpdateLayout() {
1956 FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(RenderViewObserver
, observers_
, DidUpdateLayout());
1958 // We don't always want to set up a timer, only if we've been put in that
1959 // mode by getting a |ViewMsg_EnablePreferredSizeChangedMode|
1961 if (!send_preferred_size_changes_
|| !webview())
1964 if (check_preferred_size_timer_
1966 check_preferred_size_timer_
1967 TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(0), this,
1968 &RenderViewImpl::CheckPreferredSize
1971 void RenderViewImpl::navigateBackForwardSoon(int offset
) {
1972 Send(new ViewHostMsg_GoToEntryAtOffset(routing_id_
, offset
1975 int RenderViewImpl::historyBackListCount() {
1976 return history_list_offset_
< 0 ? 0 : history_list_offset_
1979 int RenderViewImpl::historyForwardListCount() {
1980 return history_list_length_
- historyBackListCount() - 1;
1983 // blink::WebWidgetClient ----------------------------------------------------
1985 void RenderViewImpl::didFocus() {
1986 // TODO(jcivelli): when https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33389 is fixed
1987 // we won't have to test for user gesture anymore and we can
1988 // move that code back to render_widget.cc
1989 if (WebUserGestureIndicator::isProcessingUserGesture() &&
1990 !RenderThreadImpl::current()->layout_test_mode()) {
1991 Send(new ViewHostMsg_Focus(routing_id_
1995 void RenderViewImpl::didBlur() {
1996 // TODO(jcivelli): see TODO above in didFocus().
1997 if (WebUserGestureIndicator::isProcessingUserGesture() &&
1998 !RenderThreadImpl::current()->layout_test_mode()) {
1999 Send(new ViewHostMsg_Blur(routing_id_
2003 // We are supposed to get a single call to Show for a newly created RenderView
2004 // that was created via RenderViewImpl::CreateWebView. So, we wait until this
2005 // point to dispatch the ShowView message.
2007 // This method provides us with the information about how to display the newly
2008 // created RenderView (i.e., as a blocked popup or as a new tab).
2010 void RenderViewImpl::show(WebNavigationPolicy policy
) {
2012 // When supports_multiple_windows is disabled, popups are reusing
2013 // the same view. In some scenarios, this makes WebKit to call show() twice.
2014 if (webkit_preferences_
2015 NOTREACHED() << "received extraneous Show call";
2020 DCHECK(opener_id_
2022 // NOTE: initial_rect_ may still have its default values at this point, but
2023 // that's okay. It'll be ignored if disposition is not NEW_POPUP, or the
2024 // browser process will impose a default position otherwise.
2025 Send(new ViewHostMsg_ShowView(opener_id_
, routing_id_
2026 NavigationPolicyToDisposition(policy
), initial_rect_
2027 opened_by_user_gesture_
2028 SetPendingWindowRect(initial_rect_
2031 bool RenderViewImpl::requestPointerLock() {
2032 return mouse_lock_dispatcher_
2035 void RenderViewImpl::requestPointerUnlock() {
2036 mouse_lock_dispatcher_
2039 bool RenderViewImpl::isPointerLocked() {
2040 return mouse_lock_dispatcher_
2041 webwidget_mouse_lock_target_
2044 void RenderViewImpl::onMouseDown(const WebNode
& mouse_down_node
) {
2046 RenderViewObserver
, observers_
, OnMouseDown(mouse_down_node
2049 void RenderViewImpl::didHandleGestureEvent(
2050 const WebGestureEvent
& event
2051 bool event_cancelled
) {
2052 RenderWidget::didHandleGestureEvent(event
, event_cancelled
2054 if (!event_cancelled
) {
2056 RenderViewObserver
, observers_
, DidHandleGestureEvent(event
2059 // TODO(ananta): Piggyback off existing IPCs to communicate this information,
2062 if (event
!= blink::WebGestureEvent::GestureTap
2065 // TODO(estade): hit test the event against focused node to make sure
2066 // the tap actually hit the focused node.
2067 blink::WebTextInputType text_input_type
2068 GetWebView()->textInputInfo().type
2070 Send(new ViewHostMsg_FocusedNodeTouched(
2071 routing_id(), text_input_type
!= blink::WebTextInputTypeNone
2075 void RenderViewImpl::initializeLayerTreeView() {
2076 RenderWidget::initializeLayerTreeView();
2077 RenderWidgetCompositor
* rwc
= compositor();
2081 bool use_threaded_event_handling
= true;
2082 #if defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS)
2083 // Disable threaded event handling if content is not handling the elastic
2084 // overscroll effect. This includes the cases where the elastic overscroll
2085 // effect is being handled by Blink (because of command line flags) and older
2086 // operating system versions which do not have an elastic overscroll effect
2087 // (SnowLeopard, which has Aqua scrollbars which need synchronous updates).
2088 use_threaded_event_handling
= compositor_deps_
2090 if (use_threaded_event_handling
) {
2091 RenderThreadImpl
* render_thread
= RenderThreadImpl::current();
2092 // render_thread may be NULL in tests.
2093 InputHandlerManager
* input_handler_manager
2094 render_thread
? render_thread
->input_handler_manager() : NULL
2095 if (input_handler_manager
) {
2096 input_handler_manager
2097 routing_id_
, rwc
->GetInputHandler(), AsWeakPtr());
2102 // blink::WebFrameClient -----------------------------------------------------
2104 void RenderViewImpl::Repaint(const gfx::Size
& size
) {
2108 void RenderViewImpl::SetEditCommandForNextKeyEvent(const std::string
& name
2109 const std::string
& value
) {
2110 EditCommands edit_commands
2111 edit_commands
, value
2112 OnSetEditCommandsForNextKeyEvent(edit_commands
2115 void RenderViewImpl::ClearEditCommands() {
2116 edit_commands_
2119 SSLStatus
* frame
) const {
2120 std::string security_info
2121 if (frame
&& frame
2122 security_info
= frame
2125 CHECK(DeserializeSecurityInfo(security_info
, &result
2129 const std::string
& RenderViewImpl::GetAcceptLanguages() const {
2130 return renderer_preferences_
2133 void RenderViewImpl::didChangeIcon(WebLocalFrame
* frame
2134 WebIconURL::Type icon_type
) {
2135 if (frame
2138 WebVector
> icon_urls
= frame
2139 std::vector
> urls
2140 for (size_t i
= 0; i
< icon_urls
.size(); i
++) {
2141 std::vector
> sizes
2142 ConvertToFaviconSizes(icon_urls
].sizes(), &sizes
2143 urls
2144 icon_urls
].iconURL(), ToFaviconType(icon_urls
].iconType()), sizes
2146 SendUpdateFaviconURL(urls
2149 void RenderViewImpl::didUpdateCurrentHistoryItem(WebLocalFrame
* frame
) {
2150 StartNavStateSyncTimerIfNecessary();
2153 void RenderViewImpl::CheckPreferredSize() {
2154 // We don't always want to send the change messages over IPC, only if we've
2155 // been put in that mode by getting a |ViewMsg_EnablePreferredSizeChangedMode|
2157 if (!send_preferred_size_changes_
|| !webview())
2160 gfx::Size size
= webview()->contentsPreferredMinimumSize();
2161 if (size
== preferred_size_
2164 preferred_size_
= size
2165 Send(new ViewHostMsg_DidContentsPreferredSizeChange(routing_id_
2169 void RenderViewImpl::didChangeScrollOffset(WebLocalFrame
* frame
) {
2170 StartNavStateSyncTimerIfNecessary();
2173 void RenderViewImpl::SendFindReply(int request_id
2176 const WebRect
& selection_rect
2177 bool final_status_update
) {
2178 Send(new ViewHostMsg_Find_Reply(routing_id_
2183 final_status_update
2186 blink::WebString
RenderViewImpl::acceptLanguages() {
2187 return WebString::fromUTF8(renderer_preferences_
2190 // blink::WebPageSerializerClient implementation ------------------------------
2192 void RenderViewImpl::didSerializeDataForFrame(
2193 const WebURL
& frame_url
2194 const WebCString
& data
2195 WebPageSerializerClient::PageSerializationStatus status
) {
2196 Send(new ViewHostMsg_SendSerializedHtmlData(
2200 static_cast<int32
2203 // RenderView implementation ---------------------------------------------------
2205 bool RenderViewImpl::Send(IPC::Message
* message
) {
2206 return RenderWidget::Send(message
2209 RenderFrameImpl
* RenderViewImpl::GetMainRenderFrame() {
2210 return main_render_frame_
2213 int RenderViewImpl::GetRoutingID() const {
2217 gfx::Size
RenderViewImpl::GetSize() const {
2221 WebPreferences
& RenderViewImpl::GetWebkitPreferences() {
2222 return webkit_preferences_
2225 void RenderViewImpl::SetWebkitPreferences(const WebPreferences
& preferences
) {
2226 OnUpdateWebPreferences(preferences
2229 blink::WebView
* RenderViewImpl::GetWebView() {
2233 bool RenderViewImpl::IsEditableNode(const WebNode
& node
) const {
2237 if (node
2240 if (node
.isElementNode()) {
2241 const WebElement
& element
= node
2242 if (element
.isTextFormControlElement()) {
2243 if (!(element
.hasAttribute("readonly") ||
2244 element
2248 return base::LowerCaseEqualsASCII(
2249 base::StringPiece16(element
.getAttribute("role")), "textbox");
2255 bool RenderViewImpl::ShouldDisplayScrollbars(int width
, int height
) const {
2256 return (!send_preferred_size_changes_
2257 (disable_scrollbars_size_limit_
.width() <= width
2258 disable_scrollbars_size_limit_
.height() <= height
2261 int RenderViewImpl::GetEnabledBindings() const {
2262 return enabled_bindings_
2265 bool RenderViewImpl::GetContentStateImmediately() const {
2266 return send_content_state_immediately_
2269 blink::WebPageVisibilityState
RenderViewImpl::GetVisibilityState() const {
2270 return visibilityState();
2273 void RenderViewImpl::DidStartLoading() {
2274 main_render_frame_
2277 void RenderViewImpl::DidStopLoading() {
2278 main_render_frame_
2281 blink::WebElement
RenderViewImpl::GetFocusedElement() const {
2283 return WebElement();
2284 WebFrame
* focused_frame
= webview()->focusedFrame();
2285 if (focused_frame
) {
2286 WebDocument doc
= focused_frame
2288 return doc
2291 return WebElement();
2294 blink::WebPlugin
* RenderViewImpl::GetWebPluginForFind() {
2298 WebFrame
* main_frame
= webview()->mainFrame();
2299 if (main_frame
->isWebLocalFrame() &&
2300 main_frame
2301 return webview()->mainFrame()->document().to
2303 #if defined(ENABLE_PLUGINS)
2304 if (plugin_find_handler_
2305 return plugin_find_handler_
2311 void RenderViewImpl::OnFind(int request_id
2312 const base::string16
& search_text
2313 const WebFindOptions
& options
) {
2314 WebFrame
* main_frame
= webview()->mainFrame();
2315 blink::WebPlugin
* plugin
= GetWebPluginForFind();
2316 // Check if the plugin still exists in the document.
2318 if (options
) {
2319 // Just navigate back/forward.
2320 plugin
2322 if (!plugin
2323 search_text
, options
, request_id
)) {
2324 // Send "no results".
2325 SendFindReply(request_id
, 0, 0, gfx::Rect(), true);
2331 WebFrame
* frame_after_main
= main_frame
2332 WebFrame
* focused_frame
= webview()->focusedFrame();
2333 WebFrame
* search_frame
= focused_frame
; // start searching focused frame.
2335 bool multi_frame
= (frame_after_main
!= main_frame
2337 // If we have multiple frames, we don't want to wrap the search within the
2338 // frame, so we check here if we only have main_frame in the chain.
2339 bool wrap_within_frame
= !multi_frame
2341 WebRect selection_rect
2342 bool result
= false;
2344 // If something is selected when we start searching it means we cannot just
2345 // increment the current match ordinal; we need to re-generate it.
2346 WebRange current_selection
= focused_frame
2349 result
= search_frame
2350 request_id
, search_text
, options
, wrap_within_frame
, &selection_rect
2353 // don't leave text selected as you move to the next frame.
2354 search_frame
2355 GetFocusedElement());
2357 // Find the next frame, but skip the invisible ones.
2359 // What is the next frame to search? (we might be going backwards). Note
2360 // that we specify wrap=true so that search_frame never becomes NULL.
2361 search_frame
= options
2362 search_frame
->traverseNext(true) :
2363 search_frame
2364 } while (!search_frame
->hasVisibleContent() &&
2365 search_frame
!= focused_frame
2367 // Make sure selection doesn't affect the search operation in new frame.
2368 search_frame
2369 GetFocusedElement());
2371 // If we have multiple frames and we have wrapped back around to the
2372 // focused frame, we need to search it once more allowing wrap within
2373 // the frame, otherwise it will report 'no match' if the focused frame has
2374 // reported matches, but no frames after the focused_frame contain a
2375 // match for the search word(s).
2376 if (multi_frame
&& search_frame
== focused_frame
) {
2377 result
= search_frame
2378 request_id
, search_text
, options
, true, // Force wrapping.
2383 webview()->setFocusedFrame(search_frame
2384 } while (!result
&& search_frame
!= focused_frame
2386 if (options
&& current_selection
.isNull()) {
2387 // Force the main_frame to report the actual count.
2388 main_frame
->increaseMatchCount(0, request_id
2390 // If nothing is found, set result to "0 of 0", otherwise, set it to
2391 // "-1 of 1" to indicate that we found at least one item, but we don't know
2392 // yet what is active.
2393 int ordinal
= result
? -1 : 0; // -1 here means, we might know more later.
2394 int match_count
= result
? 1 : 0; // 1 here means possibly more coming.
2396 // If we find no matches then this will be our last status update.
2397 // Otherwise the scoping effort will send more results.
2398 bool final_status_update
= !result
2400 SendFindReply(request_id
, match_count
, ordinal
, selection_rect
2401 final_status_update
2403 // Scoping effort begins, starting with the mainframe.
2404 search_frame
= main_frame
2406 main_frame
2409 // Cancel all old scoping requests before starting a new one.
2410 search_frame
2412 // We don't start another scoping effort unless at least one match has
2415 // Start new scoping request. If the scoping function determines that it
2416 // needs to scope, it will defer until later.
2417 search_frame
2420 true); // reset the tickmarks
2423 // Iterate to the next frame. The frame will not necessarily scope, for
2424 // example if it is not visible.
2425 search_frame
= search_frame
2426 } while (search_frame
!= main_frame
2430 void RenderViewImpl::OnStopFinding(StopFindAction action
) {
2431 WebView
* view
= webview();
2435 blink::WebPlugin
* plugin
= GetWebPluginForFind();
2441 bool clear_selection
= action
2442 if (clear_selection
) {
2443 view
2444 GetFocusedElement());
2447 WebFrame
* frame
= view
2449 frame
2450 frame
= frame
2453 if (action
) {
2454 WebFrame
* focused_frame
= view
2455 if (focused_frame
) {
2456 WebDocument doc
= focused_frame
2457 if (!doc
.isNull()) {
2458 WebElement element
= doc
2459 if (!element
2460 element
2466 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
2467 void RenderViewImpl::OnActivateNearestFindResult(int request_id
2472 WebFrame
* main_frame
= webview()->mainFrame();
2473 WebRect selection_rect
2474 int ordinal
= main_frame
, y
2476 if (ordinal
== -1) {
2477 // Something went wrong, so send a no-op reply (force the main_frame to
2478 // report the current match count) in case the host is waiting for a
2479 // response due to rate-limiting).
2480 main_frame
->increaseMatchCount(0, request_id
2484 SendFindReply(request_id
2485 -1 /* number_of_matches */,
2488 true /* final_update */);
2491 void RenderViewImpl::OnFindMatchRects(int current_version
) {
2495 WebFrame
* main_frame
= webview()->mainFrame();
2496 std::vector
> match_rects
2498 int rects_version
= main_frame
2499 if (current_version
!= rects_version
) {
2500 WebVector
> web_match_rects
2501 main_frame
2502 match_rects
2503 for (size_t i
= 0; i
< web_match_rects
.size(); ++i
2504 match_rects
2507 gfx::RectF active_rect
= main_frame
2508 Send(new ViewHostMsg_FindMatchRects_Reply(routing_id_
2515 void RenderViewImpl::OnResetPageScale() {
2518 webview()->setPageScaleFactor(1);
2521 void RenderViewImpl::OnZoom(PageZoom zoom
) {
2522 if (!webview()) // Not sure if this can happen, but no harm in being safe.
2525 webview()->hidePopups();
2527 double old_zoom_level
= webview()->zoomLevel();
2529 if (zoom
) {
2531 } else if (static_cast<int>(old_zoom_level
) == old_zoom_level
) {
2532 // Previous zoom level is a whole number, so just increment/decrement.
2533 zoom_level
= old_zoom_level
+ zoom
2535 // Either the user hit the zoom factor limit and thus the zoom level is now
2536 // not a whole number, or a plugin changed it to a custom value. We want
2537 // to go to the next whole number so that the user can always get back to
2538 // 100% with the keyboard/menu.
2539 if ((old_zoom_level
> 1 && zoom
> 0) ||
2540 (old_zoom_level
< 1 && zoom
< 0)) {
2541 zoom_level
= static_cast<int>(old_zoom_level
+ zoom
2543 // We're going towards 100%, so first go to the next whole number.
2544 zoom_level
= static_cast<int>(old_zoom_level
2547 SetZoomLevel(zoom_level
2551 void RenderViewImpl::OnSetZoomLevelForLoadingURL(const GURL
& url
2552 double zoom_level
) {
2553 #if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
2554 // On Android, page zoom isn't used, and in case of WebView, text zoom is used
2555 // for legacy WebView text scaling emulation. Thus, the code that resets
2556 // the zoom level from this map will be effectively resetting text zoom level.
2557 host_zoom_levels_
] = zoom_level
2561 void RenderViewImpl::OnSetZoomLevelForView(bool uses_temporary_zoom_level
2563 uses_temporary_zoom_level_
= uses_temporary_zoom_level
2565 webview()->hidePopups();
2566 SetZoomLevel(level
2569 void RenderViewImpl::OnSetPageEncoding(const std::string
& encoding_name
) {
2570 webview()->setPageEncoding(WebString::fromUTF8(encoding_name
2573 void RenderViewImpl::OnResetPageEncodingToDefault() {
2574 WebString no_encoding
2575 webview()->setPageEncoding(no_encoding
2578 void RenderViewImpl::OnAllowBindings(int enabled_bindings_flags
) {
2579 if ((enabled_bindings_flags
) &&
2580 !(enabled_bindings_
)) {
2581 // WebUIExtensionData deletes itself when we're destroyed.
2582 new WebUIExtensionData(this);
2583 // WebUIMojo deletes itself when we're destroyed.
2584 new WebUIMojo(this);
2587 enabled_bindings_
|= enabled_bindings_flags
2589 // Keep track of the total bindings accumulated in this process.
2590 RenderProcess::current()->AddBindings(enabled_bindings_flags
2593 void RenderViewImpl::OnDragTargetDragEnter(const DropData
& drop_data
2594 const gfx::Point
& client_point
2595 const gfx::Point
& screen_point
2596 WebDragOperationsMask ops
2597 int key_modifiers
) {
2598 WebDragOperation operation
= webview()->dragTargetDragEnter(
2599 DropDataToWebDragData(drop_data
2605 Send(new DragHostMsg_UpdateDragCursor(routing_id_
, operation
2608 void RenderViewImpl::OnDragTargetDragOver(const gfx::Point
& client_point
2609 const gfx::Point
& screen_point
2610 WebDragOperationsMask ops
2611 int key_modifiers
) {
2612 WebDragOperation operation
= webview()->dragTargetDragOver(
2618 Send(new DragHostMsg_UpdateDragCursor(routing_id_
, operation
2621 void RenderViewImpl::OnDragTargetDragLeave() {
2622 webview()->dragTargetDragLeave();
2625 void RenderViewImpl::OnDragTargetDrop(const gfx::Point
& client_point
2626 const gfx::Point
& screen_point
2627 int key_modifiers
) {
2628 webview()->dragTargetDrop(client_point
, screen_point
, key_modifiers
2631 void RenderViewImpl::OnDragSourceEnded(const gfx::Point
& client_point
2632 const gfx::Point
& screen_point
2633 WebDragOperation op
) {
2634 webview()->dragSourceEndedAt(client_point
, screen_point
, op
2637 void RenderViewImpl::OnDragSourceSystemDragEnded() {
2638 webview()->dragSourceSystemDragEnded();
2641 void RenderViewImpl::OnUpdateWebPreferences(const WebPreferences
& prefs
) {
2642 webkit_preferences_
= prefs
2643 ApplyWebPreferencesInternal(webkit_preferences_
, webview(), compositor_deps_
2646 void RenderViewImpl::OnEnumerateDirectoryResponse(
2648 const std::vector
>& paths
) {
2649 if (!enumeration_completions_
2652 WebVector
> ws_file_names(paths
2653 for (size_t i
= 0; i
< paths
.size(); ++i
2654 ws_file_names
] = paths
2656 enumeration_completions_
2657 enumeration_completions_
2660 void RenderViewImpl::OnFileChooserResponse(
2661 const std::vector
>& files
) {
2662 // This could happen if we navigated to a different page before the user
2663 // closed the chooser.
2664 if (file_chooser_completions_
2667 // Convert Chrome's SelectedFileInfo list to WebKit's.
2668 WebVector
> selected_files(
2670 for (size_t i
= 0; i
< files
.size(); ++i
) {
2671 WebFileChooserCompletion::SelectedFileInfo selected_file
2672 selected_file
= files
2673 selected_file
2674 base::FilePath(files
2675 if (files
.is_valid()) {
2676 selected_file
= files
2677 selected_file
= files
2678 selected_file
= files
2679 selected_file
= files
2681 selected_files
] = selected_file
2684 if (file_chooser_completions_
2685 file_chooser_completions_
2687 file_chooser_completions_
2689 // If there are more pending file chooser requests, schedule one now.
2690 if (!file_chooser_completions_
.empty()) {
2691 Send(new ViewHostMsg_RunFileChooser(routing_id_
2692 file_chooser_completions_
2696 void RenderViewImpl::OnEnableAutoResize(const gfx::Size
& min_size
2697 const gfx::Size
& max_size
) {
2698 DCHECK(disable_scrollbars_size_limit_
2701 auto_resize_mode_
= true;
2702 webview()->enableAutoResizeMode(min_size
, max_size
2705 void RenderViewImpl::OnDisableAutoResize(const gfx::Size
& new_size
) {
2706 DCHECK(disable_scrollbars_size_limit_
2709 auto_resize_mode_
= false;
2710 webview()->disableAutoResizeMode();
2712 if (!new_size
.IsEmpty()) {
2714 physical_backing_size_
2715 top_controls_shrink_blink_size_
2716 top_controls_height_
2717 visible_viewport_size_
2719 is_fullscreen_granted_
2725 void RenderViewImpl::OnEnablePreferredSizeChangedMode() {
2726 if (send_preferred_size_changes_
2728 send_preferred_size_changes_
= true;
2730 // Start off with an initial preferred size notification (in case
2731 // |didUpdateLayout| was already called).
2735 void RenderViewImpl::OnDisableScrollbarsForSmallWindows(
2736 const gfx::Size
& disable_scrollbar_size_limit
) {
2737 disable_scrollbars_size_limit_
= disable_scrollbar_size_limit
2740 void RenderViewImpl::OnSetRendererPrefs(
2741 const RendererPreferences
& renderer_prefs
) {
2742 double old_zoom_level
= renderer_preferences_
2743 std::string old_accept_languages
= renderer_preferences_
2745 renderer_preferences_
= renderer_prefs
2747 UpdateFontRenderingFromRendererPrefs();
2750 #if defined(USE_DEFAULT_RENDER_THEME)
2751 if (renderer_prefs
) {
2752 WebColorName name
= blink::WebColorWebkitFocusRingColor
2753 blink::setNamedColors(&name
, &renderer_prefs
, 1);
2754 blink::setCaretBlinkInterval(renderer_prefs
2757 webview()->setSelectionColors(
2758 renderer_prefs
2759 renderer_prefs
2760 renderer_prefs
2761 renderer_prefs
2762 webview()->themeChanged();
2765 #endif // defined(USE_DEFAULT_RENDER_THEME)
2767 // If the zoom level for this page matches the old zoom default, and this
2768 // is not a plugin, update the zoom level to match the new default.
2769 if (webview() && webview()->mainFrame()->isWebLocalFrame() &&
2770 !webview()->mainFrame()->document().isPluginDocument() &&
2771 !ZoomValuesEqual(old_zoom_level
2772 renderer_preferences_
) &&
2773 ZoomValuesEqual(webview()->zoomLevel(), old_zoom_level
)) {
2774 SetZoomLevel(renderer_preferences_
2779 old_accept_languages
!= renderer_preferences_
) {
2780 webview()->acceptLanguagesChanged();
2784 void RenderViewImpl::OnMediaPlayerActionAt(const gfx::Point
& location
2785 const WebMediaPlayerAction
& action
) {
2787 webview()->performMediaPlayerAction(action
, location
2790 void RenderViewImpl::OnOrientationChange() {
2791 if (webview() && webview()->mainFrame()->isWebLocalFrame())
2792 webview()->mainFrame()->toWebLocalFrame()->sendOrientationChangeEvent();
2795 void RenderViewImpl::OnPluginActionAt(const gfx::Point
& location
2796 const WebPluginAction
& action
) {
2798 webview()->performPluginAction(action
, location
2801 void RenderViewImpl::OnGetAllSavableResourceLinksForCurrentPage(
2802 const GURL
& page_url
) {
2803 // Prepare list to storage all savable resource links.
2804 std::vector
> resources_list
2805 std::vector
> referrer_urls_list
2806 std::vector
> referrer_policies_list
2807 std::vector
> frames_list
2808 SavableResourcesResult
2809 &referrer_urls_list
2810 &referrer_policies_list
2813 // webkit/ doesn't know about Referrer.
2814 if (!GetAllSavableResourceLinksForCurrentPage(
2818 const_cast<const char**>(GetSavableSchemes()))) {
2819 // If something is wrong when collecting all savable resource links,
2820 // send empty list to embedder(browser) to tell it failed.
2821 referrer_urls_list
2822 referrer_policies_list
2823 resources_list
2824 frames_list
2827 std::vector
> referrers_list
2828 CHECK_EQ(referrer_urls_list
.size(), referrer_policies_list
2829 for (unsigned i
= 0; i
< referrer_urls_list
.size(); ++i
) {
2830 referrers_list
2831 Referrer(referrer_urls_list
], referrer_policies_list
2834 // Send result of all savable resource links to embedder.
2835 Send(new ViewHostMsg_SendCurrentPageAllSavableResourceLinks(routing_id(),
2841 void RenderViewImpl::OnGetSerializedHtmlDataForCurrentPageWithLocalLinks(
2842 const std::vector
>& links
2843 const std::vector
>& local_paths
2844 const base::FilePath
& local_directory_name
) {
2846 // Convert std::vector of GURLs to WebVector<WebURL>
2847 WebVector
> weburl_links(links
2849 // Convert std::vector of base::FilePath to WebVector<WebString>
2850 WebVector
> webstring_paths(local_paths
2851 for (size_t i
= 0; i
< local_paths
.size(); i
2852 webstring_paths
] = local_paths
2854 WebPageSerializer::serialize(webview()->mainFrame()->toWebLocalFrame(),
2859 local_directory_name
2862 void RenderViewImpl::OnSuppressDialogsUntilSwapOut() {
2863 // Don't show any more dialogs until we finish OnSwapOut.
2864 suppress_dialogs_until_swap_out_
= true;
2867 void RenderViewImpl::OnClosePage() {
2868 FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(RenderViewObserver
, observers_
, ClosePage());
2869 // TODO(creis): We'd rather use webview()->Close() here, but that currently
2870 // sets the WebView's delegate_ to NULL, preventing any JavaScript dialogs
2871 // in the onunload handler from appearing. For now, we're bypassing that and
2872 // calling the FrameLoader's CloseURL method directly. This should be
2873 // revisited to avoid having two ways to close a page. Having a single way
2874 // to close that can run onunload is also useful for fixing
2875 // http://b/issue?id=753080.
2876 webview()->mainFrame()->dispatchUnloadEvent();
2878 Send(new ViewHostMsg_ClosePage_ACK(routing_id_
2881 void RenderViewImpl::OnClose() {
2883 RenderThread::Get()->Send(new ViewHostMsg_Close_ACK(routing_id_
2884 RenderWidget::OnClose();
2887 void RenderViewImpl::OnThemeChanged() {
2888 #if defined(USE_AURA)
2889 // Aura doesn't care if we switch themes.
2890 #elif defined(OS_WIN)
2891 ui::NativeThemeWin::instance()->CloseHandles();
2893 webview()->themeChanged();
2894 #else // defined(OS_WIN)
2895 // TODO(port): we don't support theming on non-Windows platforms yet
2900 void RenderViewImpl::OnMoveOrResizeStarted() {
2902 webview()->hidePopups();
2905 void RenderViewImpl::OnResize(const ViewMsg_Resize_Params
& params
) {
2906 TRACE_EVENT0("renderer", "RenderViewImpl::OnResize");
2908 webview()->hidePopups();
2909 if (send_preferred_size_changes_
) {
2910 webview()->mainFrame()->setCanHaveScrollbars(
2911 ShouldDisplayScrollbars(params
2912 params
2914 if (display_mode_
!= params
) {
2915 display_mode_
= params
2916 webview()->setDisplayMode(display_mode_
2920 gfx::Size old_visible_viewport_size
= visible_viewport_size_
2922 RenderWidget::OnResize(params
2924 if (old_visible_viewport_size
!= visible_viewport_size_
2925 has_scrolled_focused_editable_node_into_rect_
= false;
2928 void RenderViewImpl::DidInitiatePaint() {
2929 #if defined(ENABLE_PLUGINS)
2930 // Notify all instances that we painted. The same caveats apply as for
2931 // ViewFlushedPaint regarding instances closing themselves, so we take
2932 // similar precautions.
2933 PepperPluginSet plugins
= active_pepper_instances_
2934 for (PepperPluginSet::iterator i
= plugins
.begin(); i
!= plugins
.end(); ++i
) {
2935 if (active_pepper_instances_
) != active_pepper_instances_
2936 (*i
2941 void RenderViewImpl::DidFlushPaint() {
2942 // If the RenderWidget is closing down then early-exit, otherwise we'll crash.
2943 // See crbug.com/112921.
2947 WebFrame
* main_frame
= webview()->mainFrame();
2948 for (WebFrame
* frame
= main_frame
; frame
2949 frame
= frame
->traverseNext(false)) {
2950 // TODO(nasko): This is a hack for the case in which the top-level
2951 // frame is being rendered in another process. It will not
2952 // behave correctly for out of process iframes.
2953 if (frame
->isWebLocalFrame()) {
2959 // There's nothing to do if there are no local frames in this RenderView's
2960 // frame tree. This can happen if DidFlushPaint is called after the
2961 // RenderView's local main frame is swapped to a remote frame. See
2962 // http://crbug.com/513552.
2963 if (main_frame
2966 // If we have a provisional frame we are between the start and commit stages
2967 // of loading and we don't want to save stats.
2968 if (!main_frame
->provisionalDataSource()) {
2969 WebDataSource
* ds
= main_frame
2973 DocumentState
* document_state
= DocumentState::FromDataSource(ds
2975 // TODO(jar): The following code should all be inside a method, probably in
2977 Time now
= Time::Now();
2978 if (document_state
->first_paint_time().is_null()) {
2979 document_state
2981 if (document_state
->first_paint_after_load_time().is_null() &&
2982 !document_state
->finish_load_time().is_null()) {
2983 document_state
2988 gfx::Vector2d
RenderViewImpl::GetScrollOffset() {
2989 WebFrame
* main_frame
= webview()->mainFrame();
2990 for (WebFrame
* frame
= main_frame
; frame
2991 frame
= frame
->traverseNext(false)) {
2992 // TODO(nasko): This is a hack for the case in which the top-level
2993 // frame is being rendered in another process. It will not
2994 // behave correctly for out of process iframes.
2995 if (frame
->isWebLocalFrame()) {
3001 WebSize scroll_offset
= main_frame
3002 return gfx::Vector2d(scroll_offset
, scroll_offset
3005 void RenderViewImpl::OnClearFocusedElement() {
3007 webview()->clearFocusedElement();
3010 void RenderViewImpl::OnSetBackgroundOpaque(bool opaque
) {
3012 webview()->setIsTransparent(!opaque
3014 compositor_
3017 void RenderViewImpl::OnSetActive(bool active
) {
3019 webview()->setIsActive(active
3021 #if defined(ENABLE_PLUGINS) && defined(OS_MACOSX)
3022 std::set
*>::iterator plugin_it
3023 for (plugin_it
= plugin_delegates_
3024 plugin_it
!= plugin_delegates_
.end(); ++plugin_it
) {
3025 (*plugin_it
3030 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
3031 void RenderViewImpl::OnSetWindowVisibility(bool visible
) {
3032 #if defined(ENABLE_PLUGINS)
3033 // Inform plugins that their container has changed visibility.
3034 std::set
*>::iterator plugin_it
3035 for (plugin_it
= plugin_delegates_
3036 plugin_it
!= plugin_delegates_
.end(); ++plugin_it
) {
3037 (*plugin_it
3042 void RenderViewImpl::OnWindowFrameChanged(const gfx::Rect
& window_frame
3043 const gfx::Rect
& view_frame
) {
3044 #if defined(ENABLE_PLUGINS)
3045 // Inform plugins that their window's frame has changed.
3046 std::set
*>::iterator plugin_it
3047 for (plugin_it
= plugin_delegates_
3048 plugin_it
!= plugin_delegates_
.end(); ++plugin_it
) {
3049 (*plugin_it
, view_frame
3054 void RenderViewImpl::OnPluginImeCompositionCompleted(const base::string16
& text
3056 // WebPluginDelegateProxy is responsible for figuring out if this event
3057 // applies to it or not, so inform all the delegates.
3058 std::set
*>::iterator plugin_it
3059 for (plugin_it
= plugin_delegates_
3060 plugin_it
!= plugin_delegates_
.end(); ++plugin_it
) {
3061 (*plugin_it
, plugin_id
3066 void RenderViewImpl::Close() {
3067 // We need to grab a pointer to the doomed WebView before we destroy it.
3068 WebView
* doomed
= webview();
3069 RenderWidget::Close();
3070 g_view_map
3071 g_routing_id_view_map
3072 RenderThread::Get()->Send(new ViewHostMsg_Close_ACK(routing_id_
3075 void RenderViewImpl::DidHandleKeyEvent() {
3076 ClearEditCommands();
3079 bool RenderViewImpl::WillHandleMouseEvent(const blink::WebMouseEvent
& event
) {
3080 possible_drag_event_info_
3081 ui::DragDropTypes::DRAG_EVENT_SOURCE_MOUSE
3082 possible_drag_event_info_
3083 gfx::Point(event
, event
3085 #if defined(ENABLE_PLUGINS)
3086 // This method is called for every mouse event that the render view receives.
3087 // And then the mouse event is forwarded to WebKit, which dispatches it to the
3088 // event target. Potentially a Pepper plugin will receive the event.
3089 // In order to tell whether a plugin gets the last mouse event and which it
3090 // is, we set |pepper_last_mouse_event_target_| to NULL here. If a plugin gets
3091 // the event, it will notify us via DidReceiveMouseEvent() and set itself as
3092 // |pepper_last_mouse_event_target_|.
3093 pepper_last_mouse_event_target_
3096 // If the mouse is locked, only the current owner of the mouse lock can
3097 // process mouse events.
3098 return mouse_lock_dispatcher_
3101 bool RenderViewImpl::WillHandleGestureEvent(
3102 const blink::WebGestureEvent
& event
) {
3103 possible_drag_event_info_
3104 ui::DragDropTypes::DRAG_EVENT_SOURCE_TOUCH
3105 possible_drag_event_info_
3106 gfx::Point(event
, event
3110 bool RenderViewImpl::HasTouchEventHandlersAt(const gfx::Point
& point
) const {
3113 return webview()->hasTouchEventHandlersAt(point
3116 void RenderViewImpl::OnWasHidden() {
3117 RenderWidget::OnWasHidden();
3119 #if defined(OS_ANDROID) && defined(ENABLE_WEBRTC)
3120 RenderThreadImpl::current()->video_capture_impl_manager()->
3121 SuspendDevices(true);
3122 if (speech_recognition_dispatcher_
3123 speech_recognition_dispatcher_
3127 webview()->setVisibilityState(visibilityState(), false);
3129 #if defined(ENABLE_PLUGINS)
3130 for (PepperPluginSet::iterator i
= active_pepper_instances_
3131 i
!= active_pepper_instances_
.end(); ++i
3132 (*i
3134 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
3135 // Inform NPAPI plugins that their container is no longer visible.
3136 std::set
*>::iterator plugin_it
3137 for (plugin_it
= plugin_delegates_
3138 plugin_it
!= plugin_delegates_
.end(); ++plugin_it
) {
3139 (*plugin_it
3142 #endif // ENABLE_PLUGINS
3145 void RenderViewImpl::OnWasShown(bool needs_repainting
3146 const ui::LatencyInfo
& latency_info
) {
3147 RenderWidget::OnWasShown(needs_repainting
, latency_info
3149 #if defined(OS_ANDROID) && defined(ENABLE_WEBRTC)
3150 RenderThreadImpl::current()->video_capture_impl_manager()->
3151 SuspendDevices(false);
3155 webview()->setVisibilityState(visibilityState(), false);
3157 #if defined(ENABLE_PLUGINS)
3158 for (PepperPluginSet::iterator i
= active_pepper_instances_
3159 i
!= active_pepper_instances_
.end(); ++i
3160 (*i
3162 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
3163 // Inform NPAPI plugins that their container is now visible.
3164 std::set
*>::iterator plugin_it
3165 for (plugin_it
= plugin_delegates_
3166 plugin_it
!= plugin_delegates_
.end(); ++plugin_it
) {
3167 (*plugin_it
3170 #endif // ENABLE_PLUGINS
3173 GURL
RenderViewImpl::GetURLForGraphicsContext3D() {
3175 if (webview()->mainFrame()->isWebLocalFrame())
3176 return GURL(webview()->mainFrame()->document().url());
3178 return GURL("chrome://gpu/RenderViewImpl::CreateGraphicsContext3D");
3181 void RenderViewImpl::OnSetFocus(bool enable
) {
3182 RenderWidget::OnSetFocus(enable
3184 #if defined(ENABLE_PLUGINS)
3185 if (webview() && webview()->isActive()) {
3186 // Notify all NPAPI plugins.
3187 std::set
*>::iterator plugin_it
3188 for (plugin_it
= plugin_delegates_
3189 plugin_it
!= plugin_delegates_
.end(); ++plugin_it
) {
3190 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
3191 // RenderWidget's call to setFocus can cause the underlying webview's
3192 // activation state to change just like a call to setIsActive.
3194 (*plugin_it
3196 (*plugin_it
3199 // Notify all Pepper plugins.
3200 for (PepperPluginSet::iterator i
= active_pepper_instances_
3201 i
!= active_pepper_instances_
.end(); ++i
3202 (*i
3204 // Notify all BrowserPlugins of the RenderView's focus state.
3205 if (BrowserPluginManager::Get())
3206 BrowserPluginManager::Get()->UpdateFocusState();
3209 void RenderViewImpl::OnImeSetComposition(
3210 const base::string16
& text
3211 const std::vector
>& underlines
3212 int selection_start
3213 int selection_end
) {
3214 #if defined(ENABLE_PLUGINS)
3215 if (focused_pepper_plugin_
) {
3216 focused_pepper_plugin_
3217 text
, underlines
, selection_start
, selection_end
3222 // When a plugin has focus, we create platform-specific IME data used by
3223 // our IME emulator and send it directly to the focused plugin, i.e. we
3224 // bypass WebKit. (WebPluginDelegate dispatches this IME data only when its
3225 // instance ID is the same one as the specified ID.)
3226 if (focused_plugin_id_
>= 0) {
3227 std::vector
<int> clauses
3228 std::vector
<int> target
3229 for (size_t i
= 0; i
< underlines
.size(); ++i
) {
3230 clauses
3231 clauses
3232 if (underlines
) {
3234 target
3235 target
3238 std::set
*>::iterator it
3239 for (it
= plugin_delegates_
.begin(); it
!= plugin_delegates_
.end(); ++it
) {
3240 (*it
, clauses
, target
, selection_end
3241 focused_plugin_id_
3246 #endif // ENABLE_PLUGINS
3247 RenderWidget::OnImeSetComposition(text
3253 void RenderViewImpl::OnImeConfirmComposition(
3254 const base::string16
& text
3255 const gfx::Range
& replacement_range
3256 bool keep_selection
) {
3257 #if defined(ENABLE_PLUGINS)
3258 if (focused_pepper_plugin_
) {
3259 focused_pepper_plugin_
3260 text
, replacement_range
, keep_selection
3264 // Same as OnImeSetComposition(), we send the text from IMEs directly to
3265 // plugins. When we send IME text directly to plugins, we should not send
3266 // it to WebKit to prevent WebKit from controlling IMEs.
3267 // TODO(thakis): Honor |replacement_range| for plugins?
3268 if (focused_plugin_id_
>= 0) {
3269 std::set
*>::iterator it
3270 for (it
= plugin_delegates_
3271 it
!= plugin_delegates_
.end(); ++it
) {
3272 (*it
, focused_plugin_id_
3277 #endif // ENABLE_PLUGINS
3278 if (replacement_range
.IsValid() && webview()) {
3279 // Select the text in |replacement_range|, it will then be replaced by
3280 // text added by the call to RenderWidget::OnImeConfirmComposition().
3281 if (WebLocalFrame
* frame
= webview()->focusedFrame()->toWebLocalFrame()) {
3282 WebRange webrange
= WebRange::fromDocumentRange(
3283 frame
, replacement_range
.start(), replacement_range
3284 if (!webrange
3285 frame
3288 RenderWidget::OnImeConfirmComposition(text
3293 void RenderViewImpl::SetDeviceScaleFactor(float device_scale_factor
) {
3294 RenderWidget::SetDeviceScaleFactor(device_scale_factor
3296 webview()->setDeviceScaleFactor(device_scale_factor
3297 webview()->settings()->setPreferCompositingToLCDTextEnabled(
3298 PreferCompositingToLCDText(compositor_deps_
, device_scale_factor_
3300 if (auto_resize_mode_
3301 AutoResizeCompositor();
3304 bool RenderViewImpl::SetDeviceColorProfile(
3305 const std::vector
<char>& profile
) {
3306 bool changed
= RenderWidget::SetDeviceColorProfile(profile
3307 if (changed
&& webview()) {
3308 WebVector
<char> colorProfile
= profile
3309 webview()->setDeviceColorProfile(colorProfile
3314 void RenderViewImpl::ResetDeviceColorProfileForTesting() {
3315 RenderWidget::ResetDeviceColorProfileForTesting();
3317 webview()->resetDeviceColorProfile();
3320 ui::TextInputType
RenderViewImpl::GetTextInputType() {
3321 #if defined(ENABLE_PLUGINS)
3322 if (focused_pepper_plugin_
3323 return focused_pepper_plugin_
3325 return RenderWidget::GetTextInputType();
3328 void RenderViewImpl::GetSelectionBounds(gfx::Rect
* start
, gfx::Rect
* end
) {
3329 #if defined(ENABLE_PLUGINS)
3330 if (focused_pepper_plugin_
) {
3331 // TODO(kinaba) http://crbug.com/101101
3332 // Current Pepper IME API does not handle selection bounds. So we simply
3333 // use the caret position as an empty range for now. It will be updated
3334 // after Pepper API equips features related to surrounding text retrieval.
3335 gfx::Rect caret
= focused_pepper_plugin_
3341 RenderWidget::GetSelectionBounds(start
, end
3344 void RenderViewImpl::FocusChangeComplete() {
3345 RenderWidget::FocusChangeComplete();
3346 FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(RenderViewObserver
, observers_
, FocusChangeComplete());
3349 void RenderViewImpl::GetCompositionCharacterBounds(
3350 std::vector
>* bounds
) {
3354 #if defined(ENABLE_PLUGINS)
3355 if (focused_pepper_plugin_
) {
3362 size_t start_offset
= 0;
3363 size_t character_count
= 0;
3364 if (!webview()->compositionRange(&start_offset
, &character_count
3366 if (character_count
== 0)
3369 blink::WebFrame
* frame
= webview()->focusedFrame();
3373 bounds
3374 blink::WebRect webrect
3375 for (size_t i
= 0; i
< character_count
; ++i
) {
3376 if (!frame
+ i
, 1, webrect
)) {
) << "Could not retrieve character rectangle at " << i
3381 bounds
3385 void RenderViewImpl::GetCompositionRange(gfx::Range
* range
) {
3386 #if defined(ENABLE_PLUGINS)
3387 if (focused_pepper_plugin_
) {
3391 RenderWidget::GetCompositionRange(range
3394 bool RenderViewImpl::CanComposeInline() {
3395 #if defined(ENABLE_PLUGINS)
3396 if (focused_pepper_plugin_
3397 return focused_pepper_plugin_
3402 void RenderViewImpl::DidCompletePageScaleAnimation() {
3403 FocusChangeComplete();
3406 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
3407 bool RenderViewImpl::DoesRecordFullLayer() const {
3408 return webkit_preferences_
3412 void RenderViewImpl::SetScreenMetricsEmulationParameters(
3414 const blink::WebDeviceEmulationParams
& params
) {
3415 if (webview() && compositor()) {
3417 webview()->enableDeviceEmulation(params
3419 webview()->disableDeviceEmulation();
3423 bool RenderViewImpl::ScheduleFileChooser(
3424 const FileChooserParams
& params
3425 WebFileChooserCompletion
* completion
) {
3426 static const size_t kMaximumPendingFileChooseRequests
= 4;
3427 if (file_chooser_completions_
.size() > kMaximumPendingFileChooseRequests
) {
3428 // This sanity check prevents too many file choose requests from getting
3429 // queued which could DoS the user. Getting these is most likely a
3430 // programming error (there are many ways to DoS the user so it's not
3431 // considered a "real" security check), either in JS requesting many file
3432 // choosers to pop up, or in a plugin.
3434 // TODO(brettw) we might possibly want to require a user gesture to open
3435 // a file picker, which will address this issue in a better way.
3439 file_chooser_completions_
3440 new PendingFileChooser(params
, completion
3441 if (file_chooser_completions_
.size() == 1) {
3442 // Actually show the browse dialog when this is the first request.
3443 Send(new ViewHostMsg_RunFileChooser(routing_id_
, params
3448 blink::WebSpeechRecognizer
* RenderViewImpl::speechRecognizer() {
3449 if (!speech_recognition_dispatcher_
3450 speech_recognition_dispatcher_
= new SpeechRecognitionDispatcher(this);
3451 return speech_recognition_dispatcher_
3454 void RenderViewImpl::zoomLimitsChanged(double minimum_level
3455 double maximum_level
) {
3456 // Round the double to avoid returning incorrect minimum/maximum zoom
3458 int minimum_percent
= round(
3459 ZoomLevelToZoomFactor(minimum_level
) * 100);
3460 int maximum_percent
= round(
3461 ZoomLevelToZoomFactor(maximum_level
) * 100);
3463 Send(new ViewHostMsg_UpdateZoomLimits(
3464 routing_id_
, minimum_percent
, maximum_percent
3467 void RenderViewImpl::zoomLevelChanged() {
3468 double zoom_level
= webview()->zoomLevel();
3470 // Do not send empty URLs to the browser when we are just setting the default
3471 // zoom level (from RendererPreferences) before the first navigation.
3472 if (!webview()->mainFrame()->document().url().isEmpty()) {
3473 // Tell the browser which url got zoomed so it can update the menu and the
3474 // saved values if necessary
3475 Send(new ViewHostMsg_DidZoomURL(
3476 routing_id_
, zoom_level
3477 GURL(webview()->mainFrame()->document().url())));
3481 void RenderViewImpl::pageScaleFactorChanged() {
3484 bool page_scale_factor_is_one
= webview()->pageScaleFactor() == 1;
3485 if (page_scale_factor_is_one
== page_scale_factor_is_one_
3487 page_scale_factor_is_one_
= page_scale_factor_is_one
3488 Send(new ViewHostMsg_PageScaleFactorIsOneChanged(routing_id_
3489 page_scale_factor_is_one_
3492 double RenderViewImpl::zoomLevelToZoomFactor(double zoom_level
) const {
3493 return ZoomLevelToZoomFactor(zoom_level
3496 double RenderViewImpl::zoomFactorToZoomLevel(double factor
) const {
3497 return ZoomFactorToZoomLevel(factor
3500 blink::WebPageVisibilityState
RenderViewImpl::visibilityState() const {
3501 blink::WebPageVisibilityState current_state
= is_hidden() ?
3502 blink::WebPageVisibilityStateHidden
3503 blink::WebPageVisibilityStateVisible
3504 blink::WebPageVisibilityState override_state
= current_state
3505 // TODO(jam): move this method to WebFrameClient.
3506 if (GetContentClient()->renderer()->
3507 ShouldOverridePageVisibilityState(main_render_frame_
3509 return override_state
3510 return current_state
3513 void RenderViewImpl::draggableRegionsChanged() {
3517 DraggableRegionsChanged(webview()->mainFrame()));
3520 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
3521 WebContentDetectionResult
3522 const WebHitTestResult
& touch_hit
) {
3523 DCHECK(touch_hit
3525 // Process the position with all the registered content detectors until
3526 // a match is found. Priority is provided by their relative order.
3527 for (ContentDetectorList::const_iterator it
= content_detectors_
3528 it
!= content_detectors_
.end(); ++it
) {
3529 ContentDetector::Result content
= (*it
3530 if (content
) {
3531 return WebContentDetectionResult(content
3532 base::UTF8ToUTF16(content
), content
3535 return WebContentDetectionResult();
3538 void RenderViewImpl::scheduleContentIntent(const WebURL
& intent
) {
3539 // Introduce a short delay so that the user can notice the content.
3540 base::MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask(
3542 base::Bind(&RenderViewImpl::LaunchAndroidContentIntent
3545 expected_content_intent_id_
3546 base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kContentIntentDelayMilliseconds
3549 void RenderViewImpl::cancelScheduledContentIntents() {
3550 ++expected_content_intent_id_
3553 void RenderViewImpl::LaunchAndroidContentIntent(const GURL
& intent
3554 size_t request_id
) {
3555 if (request_id
!= expected_content_intent_id_
3558 // Remove the content highlighting if any.
3559 ScheduleComposite();
3561 if (!intent
3562 Send(new ViewHostMsg_StartContentIntent(routing_id_
, intent
3565 bool RenderViewImpl::openDateTimeChooser(
3566 const blink::WebDateTimeChooserParams
& params
3567 blink::WebDateTimeChooserCompletion
* completion
) {
3568 // JavaScript may try to open a date time chooser while one is already open.
3569 if (date_time_picker_client_
3571 date_time_picker_client_
3572 new RendererDateTimePicker(this, params
, completion
3573 return date_time_picker_client_
3576 void RenderViewImpl::DismissDateTimeDialog() {
3577 DCHECK(date_time_picker_client_
3578 date_time_picker_client_
3581 #endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
3583 void RenderViewImpl::OnShowContextMenu(
3584 ui::MenuSourceType source_type
, const gfx::Point
& location
) {
3585 context_menu_source_type_
= source_type
3586 has_host_context_menu_location_
= true;
3587 host_context_menu_location_
= location
3589 webview()->showContextMenu();
3590 has_host_context_menu_location_
= false;
3593 void RenderViewImpl::OnEnableViewSourceMode() {
3596 WebFrame
* main_frame
= webview()->mainFrame();
3599 main_frame
3602 #if defined(OS_ANDROID) || defined(USE_AURA)
3603 bool RenderViewImpl::didTapMultipleTargets(
3604 const WebSize
& inner_viewport_offset
3605 const WebRect
& touch_rect
3606 const WebVector
>& target_rects
) {
3607 DCHECK(switches::IsLinkDisambiguationPopupEnabled());
3609 // Never show a disambiguation popup when accessibility is enabled,
3610 // as this interferes with "touch exploration".
3611 AccessibilityMode accessibility_mode
3612 GetMainRenderFrame()->accessibility_mode();
3613 bool matches_accessibility_mode_complete
3614 (accessibility_mode
& AccessibilityModeComplete
) ==
3615 AccessibilityModeComplete
3616 if (matches_accessibility_mode_complete
3619 // The touch_rect, target_rects and zoom_rect are in the outer viewport
3621 gfx::Rect zoom_rect
3622 float new_total_scale
3623 DisambiguationPopupHelper::ComputeZoomAreaAndScaleFactor(
3624 touch_rect
, target_rects
, GetSize(),
3625 gfx::Rect(webview()->mainFrame()->visibleContentRect()).size(),
3626 device_scale_factor_
* webview()->pageScaleFactor(), &zoom_rect
3627 if (!new_total_scale
|| zoom_rect
3630 bool handled
= false;
3631 switch (renderer_preferences_
) {
3633 handled
= webview()->zoomToMultipleTargetsRect(zoom_rect
: {
3636 gfx::Size canvas_size
3637 gfx::ToCeiledSize(gfx::ScaleSize(zoom_rect
.size(), new_total_scale
3638 cc::SharedBitmapManager
* manager
3639 RenderThreadImpl::current()->shared_bitmap_manager();
3640 scoped_ptr
> shared_bitmap
3641 manager
3642 CHECK(!!shared_bitmap
3645 SkImageInfo info
= SkImageInfo::MakeN32Premul(canvas_size
3646 canvas_size
3647 bitmap
, shared_bitmap
->pixels(), info
3648 SkCanvas
3650 // TODO(trchen): Cleanup the device scale factor mess.
3651 // device scale will be applied in WebKit
3652 // --> zoom_rect doesn't include device scale,
3653 // but WebKit will still draw on zoom_rect * device_scale_factor_
3654 canvas
/ device_scale_factor_
3655 new_total_scale
/ device_scale_factor_
3656 canvas
.x() * device_scale_factor_
3657 -zoom_rect
.y() * device_scale_factor_
3659 DCHECK(webwidget_
3660 // TODO(aelias): The disambiguation popup should be composited so we
3661 // don't have to call this method.
3662 webwidget_
, zoom_rect
3665 gfx::Rect zoom_rect_in_screen
3666 zoom_rect
- gfx::Vector2d(inner_viewport_offset
3667 inner_viewport_offset
3669 gfx::Rect physical_window_zoom_rect
= gfx::ToEnclosingRect(
3670 ClientRectToPhysicalWindowRect(gfx::RectF(zoom_rect_in_screen
3672 Send(new ViewHostMsg_ShowDisambiguationPopup(routing_id_
3673 physical_window_zoom_rect
3675 shared_bitmap
3676 cc::SharedBitmapId id
= shared_bitmap
3677 disambiguation_bitmaps_
] = shared_bitmap
3688 #endif // defined(OS_ANDROID) || defined(USE_AURA)
3690 unsigned RenderViewImpl::GetLocalSessionHistoryLengthForTesting() const {
3691 return history_list_length_
3694 void RenderViewImpl::SetFocusAndActivateForTesting(bool enable
) {
3708 void RenderViewImpl::SetDeviceScaleFactorForTesting(float factor
) {
3709 ViewMsg_Resize_Params params
3710 params
= screen_info_
3711 params
= factor
3712 params
= size();
3713 params
= visible_viewport_size_
3714 params
3715 gfx::ToCeiledSize(gfx::ScaleSize(size(), factor
3716 params
= false;
3717 params
= 0.f
3718 params
= WebRect();
3719 params
= is_fullscreen_granted();
3720 params
= display_mode_
3724 void RenderViewImpl::SetDeviceColorProfileForTesting(
3725 const std::vector
<char>& color_profile
) {
3726 SetDeviceColorProfile(color_profile
3729 void RenderViewImpl::ForceResizeForTesting(const gfx::Size
& new_size
) {
3730 gfx::Rect
3734 SetWindowRectSynchronously(new_window_rect
3737 void RenderViewImpl::UseSynchronousResizeModeForTesting(bool enable
) {
3738 resizing_mode_selector_
3741 void RenderViewImpl::EnableAutoResizeForTesting(const gfx::Size
& min_size
3742 const gfx::Size
& max_size
) {
3743 OnEnableAutoResize(min_size
, max_size
3746 void RenderViewImpl::DisableAutoResizeForTesting(const gfx::Size
& new_size
) {
3747 OnDisableAutoResize(new_size
3750 void RenderViewImpl::OnReleaseDisambiguationPopupBitmap(
3751 const cc::SharedBitmapId
& id
) {
3752 BitmapMap::iterator it
= disambiguation_bitmaps_
3753 DCHECK(it
!= disambiguation_bitmaps_
3755 disambiguation_bitmaps_
3758 void RenderViewImpl::DidCommitCompositorFrame() {
3759 RenderWidget::DidCommitCompositorFrame();
3760 FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(RenderViewObserver
, observers_
, DidCommitCompositorFrame());
3763 void RenderViewImpl::SendUpdateFaviconURL(const std::vector
>& urls
) {
3765 Send(new ViewHostMsg_UpdateFaviconURL(routing_id_
, urls
3768 void RenderViewImpl::DidStopLoadingIcons() {
3769 int icon_types
= WebIconURL::TypeFavicon
| WebIconURL::TypeTouchPrecomposed
3770 WebIconURL::TypeTouch
3772 // Favicons matter only for the top-level frame. If it is a WebRemoteFrame,
3773 // just return early.
3774 if (webview()->mainFrame()->isWebRemoteFrame())
3777 WebVector
> icon_urls
3778 webview()->mainFrame()->iconURLs(icon_types
3780 std::vector
> urls
3781 for (size_t i
= 0; i
< icon_urls
.size(); i
++) {
3782 WebURL url
= icon_urls
3783 std::vector
> sizes
3784 ConvertToFaviconSizes(icon_urls
].sizes(), &sizes
3787 FaviconURL(url
, ToFaviconType(icon_urls
].iconType()), sizes
3789 SendUpdateFaviconURL(urls
3792 } // namespace content