1 Use these scripts to retrieve and summarize the latest /analyze warnings
2 from buildbot. Run retrieve_latest_warnings.bat.
4 For best results you should have a Chromium repo that can be synced to the
5 state of the tree that produced the latest set of warnings. If you set
6 ANALYZE_REPO to point at such a repo then after the warnings are retrieved,
7 summarized, and diffed the repo will be synced appropriately. Once this
8 process has completed you can investigate the individual warnings. Typical
11 > set ANALYZE_REPO=d:\src\analyze_chromium
12 > retrieve_latests_warnings.bat
14 For each version that is retrieved three files will be created. The _full.txt
15 file is the raw results and should usually not be looked at. The _summary.txt
16 file is a sorted, grouped, and uniqified copy of the results. The _new.txt
17 file is only created if previous results were found and it contains the diffs.
18 - analyze0067_full.txt
19 - analyze0067_summary.txt