mac: Let IPhotoDataProvider::GetAlbumNames() return albums in a deterministic order.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / device / bluetooth / test /
1 // Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "device/bluetooth/test/bluetooth_test_mac.h"
7 #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
8 #include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_adapter_mac.h"
9 #include "device/bluetooth/test/mock_bluetooth_central_manager_mac.h"
10 #include "third_party/ocmock/OCMock/OCMock.h"
12 #if defined(OS_IOS)
13 #import <CoreBluetooth/CoreBluetooth.h>
14 #else  // !defined(OS_IOS)
15 #import <IOBluetooth/IOBluetooth.h>
16 #endif  // defined(OS_IOS)
18 namespace device {
20 namespace {
22 CBPeripheral* CreateMockPeripheral(NSString* peripheral_identifier) {
23   Class peripheral_class = NSClassFromString(@"CBPeripheral");
24   id mock_peripheral = [OCMockObject mockForClass:[peripheral_class class]];
25   [[[mock_peripheral stub] andReturnValue:@(CBPeripheralStateDisconnected)]
26       performSelector:@selector(state)];
27   Class uuid_class = NSClassFromString(@"NSUUID");
28   [[[mock_peripheral stub]
29       andReturn:[[uuid_class performSelector:@selector(UUID)]
30                     performSelector:@selector(initWithUUIDString:)
31                          withObject:peripheral_identifier]]
32       performSelector:@selector(identifier)];
33   [[[mock_peripheral stub]
34       andReturn:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:BluetoothTest::kTestDeviceName
35                                                    .c_str()]] name];
36   return mock_peripheral;
39 NSDictionary* CreateAdvertisementData(NSString* name, NSArray* uuids) {
40   NSMutableDictionary* advertisement_data =
41       [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:@{
42         @"CBAdvertisementDataLocalNameKey" : name,
43         @"CBAdvertisementDataServiceDataKey" : [NSDictionary dictionary],
44         @"CBAdvertisementDataIsConnectable" : @(YES),
45       }];
46   if (uuids)
47     [advertisement_data setObject:uuids
48                            forKey:@"CBAdvertisementDataServiceUUIDsKey"];
49   return advertisement_data;
52 }  // namespace
54 // UUID1 hashes to kTestDeviceAddress1, and UUID2 to kTestDeviceAddress2.
55 const std::string BluetoothTestMac::kTestPeripheralUUID1 =
56     "34045B00-0000-0000-0000-000000000000";
57 const std::string BluetoothTestMac::kTestPeripheralUUID2 =
58     "EC1B8F00-0000-0000-0000-000000000000";
60 BluetoothTestMac::BluetoothTestMac() {}
62 BluetoothTestMac::~BluetoothTestMac() {}
64 void BluetoothTestMac::SetUp() {}
66 bool BluetoothTestMac::PlatformSupportsLowEnergy() {
67   return BluetoothAdapterMac::IsLowEnergyAvailable();
70 void BluetoothTestMac::InitWithDefaultAdapter() {
71   adapter_mac_ = BluetoothAdapterMac::CreateAdapter().get();
72   adapter_ = adapter_mac_;
75 void BluetoothTestMac::InitWithoutDefaultAdapter() {
76   adapter_mac_ = BluetoothAdapterMac::CreateAdapterForTest(
77                      "", "", message_loop_.task_runner())
78                      .get();
79   adapter_ = adapter_mac_;
81   if (BluetoothAdapterMac::IsLowEnergyAvailable()) {
82     id low_energy_central_manager = [[MockCentralManager alloc] init];
83     [low_energy_central_manager setState:CBCentralManagerStateUnsupported];
84     adapter_mac_->SetCentralManagerForTesting(low_energy_central_manager);
85   }
88 void BluetoothTestMac::InitWithFakeAdapter() {
89   adapter_mac_ =
90       BluetoothAdapterMac::CreateAdapterForTest(
91           kTestAdapterName, kTestAdapterAddress, message_loop_.task_runner())
92           .get();
93   adapter_ = adapter_mac_;
95   if (BluetoothAdapterMac::IsLowEnergyAvailable()) {
96     id low_energy_central_manager = [[MockCentralManager alloc] init];
97     [low_energy_central_manager setState:CBCentralManagerStatePoweredOn];
98     adapter_mac_->SetCentralManagerForTesting(low_energy_central_manager);
99   }
102 void BluetoothTestMac::DiscoverLowEnergyDevice(int device_ordinal) {
103   CBCentralManager* central_manager = adapter_mac_->low_energy_central_manager_;
104   BluetoothLowEnergyCentralManagerDelegate* central_manager_delegate =
105       adapter_mac_->low_energy_central_manager_delegate_;
106   Class cbuuid_class = NSClassFromString(@"CBUUID");
107   switch (device_ordinal) {
108     case 1: {
109       CBPeripheral* peripheral = CreateMockPeripheral(
110           [NSString stringWithUTF8String:kTestPeripheralUUID1.c_str()]);
111       NSString* name = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:kTestDeviceName.c_str()];
112       NSArray* uuids = @[
113         [cbuuid_class
114             UUIDWithString:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:kTestUUIDGenericAccess
115                                                               .c_str()]],
116         [cbuuid_class
117             UUIDWithString:[NSString
118                                stringWithUTF8String:kTestUUIDGenericAttribute
119                                                         .c_str()]]
120       ];
121       NSDictionary* advertisement_data = CreateAdvertisementData(name, uuids);
122       [central_manager_delegate centralManager:central_manager
123                          didDiscoverPeripheral:peripheral
124                              advertisementData:advertisement_data
125                                           RSSI:0];
126       break;
127     }
128     case 2: {
129       CBPeripheral* peripheral = CreateMockPeripheral(
130           [NSString stringWithUTF8String:kTestPeripheralUUID1.c_str()]);
131       NSString* name = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:kTestDeviceName.c_str()];
132       NSArray* uuids = @[
133         [cbuuid_class
134             UUIDWithString:[NSString
135                                stringWithUTF8String:kTestUUIDImmediateAlert
136                                                         .c_str()]],
137         [cbuuid_class
138             UUIDWithString:[NSString
139                                stringWithUTF8String:kTestUUIDLinkLoss.c_str()]]
140       ];
141       NSDictionary* advertisement_data = CreateAdvertisementData(name, uuids);
142       [central_manager_delegate centralManager:central_manager
143                          didDiscoverPeripheral:peripheral
144                              advertisementData:advertisement_data
145                                           RSSI:0];
146       break;
147     }
148     case 3: {
149       CBPeripheral* peripheral = CreateMockPeripheral(
150           [NSString stringWithUTF8String:kTestPeripheralUUID1.c_str()]);
151       NSString* name =
152           [NSString stringWithUTF8String:kTestDeviceNameEmpty.c_str()];
153       NSArray* uuids = nil;
154       NSDictionary* advertisement_data = CreateAdvertisementData(name, uuids);
155       [central_manager_delegate centralManager:central_manager
156                          didDiscoverPeripheral:peripheral
157                              advertisementData:advertisement_data
158                                           RSSI:0];
159       break;
160     }
161     case 4: {
162       CBPeripheral* peripheral = CreateMockPeripheral(
163           [NSString stringWithUTF8String:kTestPeripheralUUID2.c_str()]);
164       NSString* name =
165           [NSString stringWithUTF8String:kTestDeviceNameEmpty.c_str()];
166       NSArray* uuids = nil;
167       NSDictionary* advertisement_data = CreateAdvertisementData(name, uuids);
168       [central_manager_delegate centralManager:central_manager
169                          didDiscoverPeripheral:peripheral
170                              advertisementData:advertisement_data
171                                           RSSI:0];
172       break;
173     }
174   }
177 // Utility function for generating new (CBUUID, address) pairs where CBUUID
178 // hashes to address. For use when adding a new device address to the testing
179 // suite because CoreBluetooth peripherals have CBUUIDs in place of addresses,
180 // and we construct fake addresses for them by hashing the CBUUID. By changing
181 // |target| the user can generate sequentially numbered test addresses.
183 // std::string BluetoothTestMac::FindCBUUIDForHashTarget() {
184 //   // The desired first 6 digits of the hash.  For example 0100000, 020000,
185 //   // 030000, ...
186 //   const std::string target = "010000";
187 //   // 128 bit buffer to be encoded as a hex string.
188 //   int64_t input[2] = {0};
189 //   // There are 2^24 ~ 10^7 possible configurations for the first 6 digits,
190 //   // ie. each input has probability 10^-7 of succeeding, under the dubious
191 //   // assumption that traversing inputs sequentially is as good as traversing
192 //   // them randomly. After 10^8 iterations then the probability of never
193 //   // succeeding is ((10^7-1)/10^7)^(10^8) ~= 10^-5.
194 //   while (input[0] < LLONG_MAX) {
195 //     // Encode as a hexidecimal number.  Note that on x86 input[0] is stored
196 //     // as a little-endian number, and so read backwards by HexEncode.
197 //     std::string input_str = base::HexEncode(&input, sizeof(input));
198 //     input_str.insert(20, "-");
199 //     input_str.insert(16, "-");
200 //     input_str.insert(12, "-");
201 //     input_str.insert(8, "-");
202 //     char raw[3];
203 //     crypto::SHA256HashString(input_str, raw, sizeof(raw));
204 //     if (base::HexEncode(raw, sizeof(raw)) == target) {
205 //       return input_str;
206 //     }
207 //     ++input[0];
208 //   }
209 //   return "";
210 // }
212 }  // namespace device