cygprofile: increase timeouts to allow showing web contents
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / ui / webui / media_router / media_router_ui.h
1 // Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <set>
9 #include <string>
10 #include <vector>
12 #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
13 #include "base/macros.h"
14 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
15 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
16 #include "chrome/browser/media/router/issue.h"
17 #include "chrome/browser/media/router/media_source.h"
18 #include "chrome/browser/media/router/presentation_service_delegate_impl.h"
19 #include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/constrained_web_dialog_ui.h"
20 #include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/media_router/media_cast_mode.h"
21 #include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/media_router/media_sink_with_cast_modes.h"
22 #include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/media_router/query_result_manager.h"
23 #include "content/public/browser/web_ui_data_source.h"
25 namespace content {
26 class WebContents;
27 } // namespace content
29 namespace media_router {
31 class IssuesObserver;
32 class MediaRoute;
33 class MediaRouter;
34 class MediaRouterDialogCallbacks;
35 class MediaRouterMojoImpl;
36 class MediaRouterWebUIMessageHandler;
37 class MediaRoutesObserver;
38 class MediaSink;
39 class MediaSinksObserver;
40 class CreatePresentationSessionRequest;
42 // Implements the chrome://media-router user interface.
43 class MediaRouterUI
44 : public ConstrainedWebDialogUI,
45 public QueryResultManager::Observer,
46 public PresentationServiceDelegateImpl::DefaultMediaSourceObserver {
47 public:
48 // |web_ui| owns this object and is used to initialize the base class.
49 explicit MediaRouterUI(content::WebUI* web_ui);
50 ~MediaRouterUI() override;
52 // Initializes internal state (e.g. starts listening for MediaSinks) for
53 // targeting the default MediaSource (if any) of the initiator tab that owns
54 // |delegate|, as well as mirroring sources of that tab.
55 // The contents of the UI will change as the default MediaSource changes.
56 // If there is a default MediaSource, then DEFAULT MediaCastMode will be
57 // added to |cast_modes_|.
58 // Init* methods can only be called once.
59 // |delegate|: PresentationServiceDelegateImpl of the initiator tab.
60 // Must not be null.
61 // TODO(imcheng): Replace use of impl with an intermediate abstract
62 // interface.
63 void InitWithDefaultMediaSource(
64 const base::WeakPtr<PresentationServiceDelegateImpl>& delegate);
66 // Initializes internal state targeting the presentation specified in
67 // |request|. Also sets up mirroring sources based on |initiator|.
68 // This is different from |InitWithDefaultMediaSource| in that it does not
69 // listen for default media source changes, as the UI is fixed to the source
70 // in |request|.
71 // Init* methods can only be called once.
72 // |initiator|: Reference to the WebContents that initiated the dialog.
73 // Must not be null.
74 // |delegate|: PresentationServiceDelegateImpl of the initiator tab.
75 // Must not be null.
76 // |presentation_request|: The presentation request. This instance will take
77 // ownership of it. Must not be null.
78 void InitWithPresentationSessionRequest(
79 content::WebContents* initiator,
80 const base::WeakPtr<PresentationServiceDelegateImpl>& delegate,
81 scoped_ptr<CreatePresentationSessionRequest> presentation_request);
83 // Closes the media router UI.
84 void Close();
86 // Notifies this instance that the UI has been initialized.
87 void UIInitialized();
89 // Requests a route be created from the source determined by the preferred
90 // MediaCastMode, to the sink given by |sink_id|.
91 // The preferred cast mode is determined from the set of currently supported
92 // cast modes in |cast_modes_|.
93 // Returns false if unable to request the route.
94 // |OnRouteResponseReceived()| will be invoked when the route request
95 // completes.
96 bool CreateRoute(const MediaSink::Id& sink_id);
98 // Requests a route be created from the source mapped to
99 // |cast_mode_override|, to the sink given by |sink_id|.
100 // Returns true if a route request is successfully submitted.
101 bool CreateRouteWithCastModeOverride(const MediaSink::Id& sink_id,
102 MediaCastMode cast_mode_override);
104 // Calls MediaRouter to close the given route.
105 void CloseRoute(const MediaRoute::Id& route_id);
107 // Calls MediaRouter to clear the given issue.
108 void ClearIssue(const Issue::Id& issue_id);
110 // Returns the header text that should be displayed in the UI when it is
111 // initially loaded. The header text is determined by the preferred cast mode.
112 std::string GetInitialHeaderText() const;
114 // Returns the tooltip text for the header that should be displayed
115 // in the UI when it is initially loaded. At present, this text is
116 // just the full hostname of the current site.
117 std::string GetInitialHeaderTextTooltip() const;
119 // Returns the hostname of the default source's parent frame URL.
120 std::string GetFrameURLHost() const;
121 bool has_pending_route_request() const { return has_pending_route_request_; }
122 const GURL& frame_url() const { return frame_url_; }
123 const std::vector<MediaSinkWithCastModes>& sinks() const { return sinks_; }
124 const std::vector<MediaRoute>& routes() const { return routes_; }
125 const std::set<MediaCastMode>& cast_modes() const { return cast_modes_; }
126 const content::WebContents* initiator() const { return initiator_; }
128 // Marked virtual for tests.
129 virtual const std::string& GetRouteProviderExtensionId() const;
131 private:
133 UIMediaRoutesObserverFiltersNonDisplayRoutes);
135 class UIIssuesObserver;
136 class UIMediaRoutesObserver : public MediaRoutesObserver {
137 public:
138 using RoutesUpdatedCallback =
139 base::Callback<void(const std::vector<MediaRoute>&)>;
140 UIMediaRoutesObserver(MediaRouter* router,
141 const RoutesUpdatedCallback& callback);
142 ~UIMediaRoutesObserver() override;
144 // MediaRoutesObserver
145 void OnRoutesUpdated(const std::vector<MediaRoute>& routes) override;
147 private:
148 // Callback to the owning MediaRouterUI instance.
149 RoutesUpdatedCallback callback_;
151 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(UIMediaRoutesObserver);
154 // QueryResultManager::Observer
155 void OnResultsUpdated(
156 const std::vector<MediaSinkWithCastModes>& sinks) override;
158 // Called by |issues_observer_| when the top issue has changed.
159 // If the UI is already initialized, notifies |handler_| to update the UI.
160 // Ignored if the UI is not yet initialized.
161 void SetIssue(const Issue* issue);
163 // Called by |routes_observer_| when the set of active routes has changed.
164 void OnRoutesUpdated(const std::vector<MediaRoute>& routes);
166 // Callback passed to MediaRouter to receive response to route creation
167 // requests.
168 void OnRouteResponseReceived(const MediaSink::Id& sink_id,
169 const MediaRoute* route,
170 const std::string& presentation_id,
171 const std::string& error);
173 bool DoCreateRoute(const MediaSink::Id& sink_id, MediaCastMode cast_mode);
175 // Sets the source host name to be displayed in the UI.
176 // Gets cast modes from |query_result_manager_| and forwards it to UI.
177 // One of the Init* functions must have been called before.
178 void UpdateSourceHostAndCastModes(const GURL& frame_url);
180 // Initializes the dialog with mirroring sources derived from |initiator|,
181 // and optional |default_source| and |default_frame_url| if any.
182 void InitCommon(content::WebContents* initiator,
183 const MediaSource& default_source,
184 const GURL& default_frame_url);
186 // PresentationServiceDelegateImpl::DefaultMediaSourceObserver
187 void OnDefaultMediaSourceChanged(const MediaSource& source,
188 const GURL& frame_url) override;
190 // Owned by the |web_ui| passed in the ctor, and guaranteed to be deleted
191 // only after it has deleted |this|.
192 MediaRouterWebUIMessageHandler* handler_;
194 // These are non-null while this instance is registered to receive
195 // updates from them.
196 scoped_ptr<IssuesObserver> issues_observer_;
197 scoped_ptr<MediaRoutesObserver> routes_observer_;
199 // Set to true by |handler_| when the UI has been initialized.
200 bool ui_initialized_;
202 // Set to |true| if there is a pending route request for this UI.
203 bool has_pending_route_request_;
205 bool requesting_route_for_default_source_;
207 std::vector<MediaSinkWithCastModes> sinks_;
208 std::vector<MediaRoute> routes_;
209 CastModeSet cast_modes_;
210 GURL frame_url_;
212 scoped_ptr<QueryResultManager> query_result_manager_;
214 // If set, then the result of the next presentation route request will
215 // be handled by this object.
216 scoped_ptr<CreatePresentationSessionRequest> presentation_request_;
218 // It's possible for PresentationServiceDelegateImpl to be destroyed before
219 // this class.
220 // (e.g. if a tab with the UI open is closed, then the tab WebContents will
221 // be destroyed first momentarily before the UI WebContents).
222 // Holding a WeakPtr to PresentationServiceDelegateImpl is the cleanest way to
223 // handle this.
224 // TODO(imcheng): hold a weak ptr to an abstract type instead.
225 base::WeakPtr<PresentationServiceDelegateImpl> presentation_service_delegate_;
227 content::WebContents* initiator_;
229 // Pointer to the MediaRouter for this instance's BrowserContext.
230 MediaRouterMojoImpl* router_;
232 // NOTE: Weak pointers must be invalidated before all other member variables.
233 // Therefore |weak_factory_| must be placed at the end.
234 base::WeakPtrFactory<MediaRouterUI> weak_factory_;
239 } // namespace media_router