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[chromium-blink-merge.git] / win8 / metro_driver / chrome_app_view_ash.h
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <windows.applicationmodel.core.h>
9 #include <windows.ui.core.h>
10 #include <windows.ui.input.h>
11 #include <windows.ui.viewmanagement.h>
13 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
14 #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
15 #include "base/strings/string16.h"
16 #include "ui/events/event_constants.h"
17 #include "win8/metro_driver/direct3d_helper.h"
18 #include "win8/metro_driver/ime/ime_popup_observer.h"
19 #include "win8/metro_driver/ime/input_source_observer.h"
20 #include "win8/metro_driver/ime/text_service_delegate.h"
22 namespace base {
23 class FilePath;
26 namespace IPC {
27 class Listener;
28 class ChannelProxy;
31 namespace metro_driver {
32 class InputSource;
33 class TextService;
36 namespace metro_viewer {
37 struct CharacterBounds;
38 struct UnderlineInfo;
41 class OpenFilePickerSession;
42 class SaveFilePickerSession;
43 class FolderPickerSession;
44 class FilePickerSessionBase;
46 struct MetroViewerHostMsg_SaveAsDialogParams;
48 enum MetroTerminateMethod {
53 class ChromeAppViewAsh
54 : public mswr::RuntimeClass<winapp::Core::IFrameworkView>,
55 public metro_driver::ImePopupObserver,
56 public metro_driver::InputSourceObserver,
57 public metro_driver::TextServiceDelegate {
58 public:
59 ChromeAppViewAsh();
60 ~ChromeAppViewAsh();
62 // IViewProvider overrides.
63 IFACEMETHOD(Initialize)(winapp::Core::ICoreApplicationView* view);
64 IFACEMETHOD(SetWindow)(winui::Core::ICoreWindow* window);
65 IFACEMETHOD(Load)(HSTRING entryPoint);
67 IFACEMETHOD(Uninitialize)();
69 // Helper function to unsnap the chrome metro app if it is snapped.
70 // Returns S_OK on success.
71 static HRESULT Unsnap();
73 void OnActivateDesktop(const base::FilePath& file_path, bool ash_exit);
74 void OnOpenURLOnDesktop(const base::FilePath& shortcut,
75 const base::string16& url);
76 void OnSetCursor(HCURSOR cursor);
77 void OnDisplayFileOpenDialog(const base::string16& title,
78 const base::string16& filter,
79 const base::FilePath& default_path,
80 bool allow_multiple_files);
81 void OnDisplayFileSaveAsDialog(
82 const MetroViewerHostMsg_SaveAsDialogParams& params);
83 void OnDisplayFolderPicker(const base::string16& title);
84 void OnSetCursorPos(int x, int y);
86 // This function is invoked when the open file operation completes. The
87 // result of the operation is passed in along with the OpenFilePickerSession
88 // instance which is deleted after we read the required information from
89 // the OpenFilePickerSession class.
90 void OnOpenFileCompleted(OpenFilePickerSession* open_file_picker,
91 bool success);
93 // This function is invoked when the save file operation completes. The
94 // result of the operation is passed in along with the SaveFilePickerSession
95 // instance which is deleted after we read the required information from
96 // the SaveFilePickerSession class.
97 void OnSaveFileCompleted(SaveFilePickerSession* save_file_picker,
98 bool success);
100 // This function is invoked when the folder picker operation completes. The
101 // result of the operation is passed in along with the FolderPickerSession
102 // instance which is deleted after we read the required information from
103 // the FolderPickerSession class.
104 void OnFolderPickerCompleted(FolderPickerSession* folder_picker,
105 bool success);
107 void OnImeCancelComposition();
108 void OnImeUpdateTextInputClient(
109 const std::vector<int32>& input_scopes,
110 const std::vector<metro_viewer::CharacterBounds>& character_bounds);
112 void OnMetroExit(MetroTerminateMethod method);
114 HWND core_window_hwnd() const { return core_window_hwnd_; }
117 private:
118 class PointerInfoHandler;
120 // ImePopupObserver overrides.
121 virtual void OnImePopupChanged(ImePopupObserver::EventType event) OVERRIDE;
123 // InputSourceObserver overrides.
124 virtual void OnInputSourceChanged() OVERRIDE;
126 // TextServiceDelegate overrides.
127 virtual void OnCompositionChanged(
128 const base::string16& text,
129 int32 selection_start,
130 int32 selection_end,
131 const std::vector<metro_viewer::UnderlineInfo>& underlines) OVERRIDE;
132 virtual void OnTextCommitted(const base::string16& text) OVERRIDE;
134 // Convenience for sending a MetroViewerHostMsg_MouseButton with the specified
135 // parameters.
136 void SendMouseButton(int x,
137 int y,
138 int extra,
139 ui::EventType event_type,
140 uint32 flags,
141 ui::EventFlags changed_button,
142 bool is_horizontal_wheel);
144 // Win8 only generates a mouse press for the initial button that goes down and
145 // a release when the last button is released. Any intermediary presses (or
146 // releases) do not result in a new press/release event. Instead a move is
147 // generated with the winui::Input::PointerUpdateKind identifying what
148 // changed. This function generates the necessary intermediary events (as
149 // necessary).
150 void GenerateMouseEventFromMoveIfNecessary(const PointerInfoHandler& pointer);
152 HRESULT OnActivate(winapp::Core::ICoreApplicationView* view,
153 winapp::Activation::IActivatedEventArgs* args);
155 HRESULT OnPointerMoved(winui::Core::ICoreWindow* sender,
156 winui::Core::IPointerEventArgs* args);
158 HRESULT OnPointerPressed(winui::Core::ICoreWindow* sender,
159 winui::Core::IPointerEventArgs* args);
161 HRESULT OnPointerReleased(winui::Core::ICoreWindow* sender,
162 winui::Core::IPointerEventArgs* args);
164 HRESULT OnWheel(winui::Core::ICoreWindow* sender,
165 winui::Core::IPointerEventArgs* args);
167 HRESULT OnKeyDown(winui::Core::ICoreWindow* sender,
168 winui::Core::IKeyEventArgs* args);
170 HRESULT OnKeyUp(winui::Core::ICoreWindow* sender,
171 winui::Core::IKeyEventArgs* args);
173 // Invoked for system keys like Alt, etc.
174 HRESULT OnAcceleratorKeyDown(winui::Core::ICoreDispatcher* sender,
175 winui::Core::IAcceleratorKeyEventArgs* args);
177 HRESULT OnCharacterReceived(winui::Core::ICoreWindow* sender,
178 winui::Core::ICharacterReceivedEventArgs* args);
180 HRESULT OnWindowActivated(winui::Core::ICoreWindow* sender,
181 winui::Core::IWindowActivatedEventArgs* args);
183 // Helper to handle search requests received via the search charm in ASH.
184 HRESULT HandleSearchRequest(winapp::Activation::IActivatedEventArgs* args);
185 // Helper to handle http/https url requests in ASH.
186 HRESULT HandleProtocolRequest(winapp::Activation::IActivatedEventArgs* args);
188 HRESULT OnEdgeGestureCompleted(winui::Input::IEdgeGesture* gesture,
189 winui::Input::IEdgeGestureEventArgs* args);
191 // Tasks posted to the UI thread to initiate the search/url navigation
192 // requests.
193 void OnSearchRequest(const base::string16& search_string);
194 void OnNavigateToUrl(const base::string16& url);
196 HRESULT OnSizeChanged(winui::Core::ICoreWindow* sender,
197 winui::Core::IWindowSizeChangedEventArgs* args);
199 mswr::ComPtr<winui::Core::ICoreWindow> window_;
200 mswr::ComPtr<winapp::Core::ICoreApplicationView> view_;
201 EventRegistrationToken activated_token_;
202 EventRegistrationToken pointermoved_token_;
203 EventRegistrationToken pointerpressed_token_;
204 EventRegistrationToken pointerreleased_token_;
205 EventRegistrationToken wheel_token_;
206 EventRegistrationToken keydown_token_;
207 EventRegistrationToken keyup_token_;
208 EventRegistrationToken character_received_token_;
209 EventRegistrationToken accel_keydown_token_;
210 EventRegistrationToken accel_keyup_token_;
211 EventRegistrationToken window_activated_token_;
212 EventRegistrationToken sizechange_token_;
213 EventRegistrationToken edgeevent_token_;
215 // Keep state about which button is currently down, if any, as PointerMoved
216 // events do not contain that state, but Ash's MouseEvents need it. Value is
217 // as a bitmask of ui::EventFlags.
218 uint32 mouse_down_flags_;
220 // Set the D3D swap chain and nothing else.
221 metro_driver::Direct3DHelper direct3d_helper_;
223 // The channel to Chrome, in particular to the MetroViewerProcessHost.
224 IPC::ChannelProxy* ui_channel_;
226 // The actual window behind the view surface.
227 HWND core_window_hwnd_;
229 // UI message loop to allow message passing into this thread.
230 base::MessageLoopForUI ui_loop_;
232 // For IME support.
233 scoped_ptr<metro_driver::InputSource> input_source_;
234 scoped_ptr<metro_driver::TextService> text_service_;
236 // The metro device scale factor as reported by the winrt interfaces.
237 float metro_dpi_scale_;
238 // The win32 dpi scale which is queried via GetDeviceCaps. Please refer to
239 // ui/gfx/win/ for more information.
240 float win32_dpi_scale_;